Capt. Charles Henry Adams
Mayor of Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas


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Union Army, Civil War. h/o Angela Latham (Aldrich) Allyn; s/o Joseph Benjamin Allyn; Buried at the Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX

Capt. Charles Henry Allyn, Mayor
Sep. 15, 1842 - Mar. 6, 1918


Citizenship of Corsicana Appropriately Remember Life and Deeds of Its Best Citizen

In a very solemn and impressive service held yesterday afternoon at Carnegie Library Auditorium, the citizenship of Corsicana paid tribute to the undying memory of the late Charles Henry Allyn. The auditorium was filled with those who remember one of Corsicana’s best citizens and there were only a few tearless eyes in the audience as different citizens of Corsicana who had been closely associated with the deceased, told of and praised his many virtues.

The exercises were prepared and held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of which Captain Allyn was a late president. A committee composed of R. E. Prince, chairman, Geo. E. Jester, A. A. Wortham, L. A. Johnson, Jas. Garitty, and Mayor J. L. Halbert prepared the program and submitted resolutions bearing on the life and influence of Captain Allyn.

Hon R. E. Prince presided and after a selection by the orchestra and a most solemn and beautiful invocation by Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, the chairman, in an unsteady voice, not unmixed with tears, introduced the resolutions and paid a tribute to his deceased friend, Mr. Prince said:

“Ladies and Gentlemen; The Chamber of Commerce of the City of Corsicana, composed of a large percentage of our business men, in order to evidence their esteem and abiding affection for Captain Allyn, planned these exercises and appointed a committee, of which I am the chairman, to prepare resolutions on the death of Capt. Chas. Henry Allyn, which I now submit.”

Mr. Prince then read the following resolutions:

To the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Corsicana:

Gentlemen: Your committee appointed to present suitable resolutions in memory of our deceased member, Charles H. Allyn, beg leave to submit the following report for adoption:

Charles Henry Allyn was born in Oswego, in the State of New York, on the 15th day of September, A. D. 1842, and died in Corsicana in the State of Texas, on the 6th day of March, 1918.

He was of English ancestry. One of the first settlers in Barnstable, Massachusetts, and probably the most wealthy, was Thomas Allyn, a direct lineal ancestor in the seventh degree of the subject of this sketch. It does not appear when Thomas Allyn came to this country, but prior to 1643. It appears by an affidavit made by him March 1654, entered on the Plymouth Colony records, that his ancestors resided not far from Taunton, in England, and that he had visited there from America the last time in 1649, thereby indicating he had returned to England more than once after he came over.

Genealogical records of the Allyn family trace the generations from Colonial days to the present as follows:

Thomas Allyn, already mentioned.

Samuel Allyn, son of Thomas, born in Barnstable, Mass., in 1643; married in 1664, Hannah, daughter of Rev. Thomas Walley. Held many responsible civic offices, and for many years clerk of the town.

Thomas Allyn, eldest son of Lieutenant Samuel Allyn.
James Allyn, son of Thomas Allyn, who married Susannah Lewis in 1722.

James Allyn, born 1729, second son of a family of two boys and ten girls.

Benjamin Allyn, son of James Allyn, and a brother of John who graduated at Harvard College and was afterwards pastor of the Church at Duxbury, Mass.
Benjamin Allyn, son of Benjamin Allyn, and was living in Barnstable as late as 1888.
Joseph Benjamin Allyn, son of Benjamin Allyn, and father of Charles Henry Allyn.

The history of his family lineage shows that clear-cut, self-respecting, right-thinking and helpful mode of living upon which Charles H. Allyn, our deceased member, founded his long, useful and successful career in this life.

Charles H. Allyn enlisted in the Civil War on the 26th day of April, 1961, as a member of the 4th Wisconsin Regiment of Volunteers, to serve three years for the United States. On January 75h, 1863, he was temporarily detailed as Clerk at Headquarters, Department of the Gulf, then at New Orleans, Louisiana, and on March 6th, 1863, his appointment was made permanent, and he continued to serve in that capacity during the time he was in the war.

On July 6th, 1864, by order No. 98, issued at New Orleans by James Keefe, captain in command of Company 6 of the 4th Wisconsin Regiment of Volunteers, he was honorably discharged from the service in consequence of the expiration of the term for which he enlisted, and on the bottom of the said order, J. Bailey, Colonel of said Regiment, made this notation:

“Charles H. Allyn has served his Country long and well, and has a reputation and character untarnished,” and Major General E. R. S. Canby executed the formal order, carrying into the imperishable records of that was this tribute to him as a soldier and a man.

After the war Charles H. Allyn married Angela Aldrich, a daughter of the South at New Orleans, who survives him, and he also self surviving him of his immediate family, a daughter, Josephine Allyn Johnson, wife of H. D. Johnson, and a daughter, Buena Allyn Hamilton, wife of R. L. Hamilton, all of whom now live in Corsicana, and adorn our citizenship. He also left surviving him a niece, Adeline Stuart Watt, wife of Robert Watt; a grandson, Charles Allyn Lang, and a grandson, Robert L. Hamilton, Jr., who also reside here and enjoy our love, respect and regard.

After the war Mr. Allyn cast his lot with the people of the South and came to Texas, where he lived during reconstruction days, following the H. & T. C. R. R. in its construction north from Bryan to Corsicana, which he reached in 1871, where he finally settled and has continuously lived since that date. Upon coming to Texas he faced the trials of reconstruction, but he immediately set to work as a citizen of the South to build Texas up again to its pristine strength and glory to take its proper place as one of the post powerful States of the Union, and his latter days, brought to him the knowledge that it had reached this commanding position, and that his work had contributed in part to this triumph, and when for the last time his eyes viewed its condition he realized a united people, prosperous and happy, and that he occupied an unchallenged place of love, devotion and respect in their hearts.

Charles H. Allyn was essentially a public man in that he at all times dedicated much of his time to benefit all the people surrounding him.

He never sought office but was untiring in his efforts along public civic lines.

While he never sought office he nevertheless has always held positions of public trust because he never refused to accept a position to which his fellow citizens called him.

He has been the Mayor of the City of Corsicana, and its Alderman.

He has been President of the Public School Board, and a member thereof since its foundation.

He has been president of the Library School Board, and a member thereof since its establishment, and it was through his efforts the Library was founded here by Mr. Carnegie.

He has been a President of the Chamber of Commerce which this day in these services is testifying the high regard in which he was held by this public spirited organization and its members.

He was an unfailing advocate of Education. He believed a diffusion of knowledge was necessary to equip a people for the highest blessings of liberty, and he was always at the forefront in advancing the cause of the public schools, and of the children of our community.

He has been President of the Board of Trustees of the State Orphan Home and no one has ever done more effective work in its behalf.

He was a Mason and Knight Templar and held the highest offices in this order, and believed the pure and stainless life taught by its precepts.

He was an Elk and wrote upon the shifting sands the faults of his fellows, but upon the enduring tablets of memory their virtues, and his ear was attuned to the call of charity and his heart quick to reply. He has held the position of Exalted Ruler in this order.

He was a member of the Episcopal Church and went through this life clothed in the grace of religion, and guided by the teachings of the lowly Nazarine, and the incalculable good he has done will go on with time as an enduring monument to his memory.

At the time of his death he was President of the Elk Building Association, which owns the beautiful Elks’ Home. He was also President of the Corsicana Country Club and President of the Corsicana Cotton Mills; First Vice President of the First National Bank, and held similar responsible offices in various other substantial enterprises and institutions of the city.

He most profound gift was his ability to enable other people to help themselves. He believed to be truly helpful in this world is to enable others to exert their own force, talents and efforts to their own upbuilding, and, if every man to whom he gave the opportunity to succeed or to whom he showed the way, were to bring here a flower, we would be buried underneath a wilderness of flowers.

It is useless to try to frame in words any idea of the depth, breadth, and width of his noble life because it passeth description.

His life showed forth this principle to guide him; “I shall pass this way but once, so let me do all the good I can possible do on the journey,” and if ever a man lived up to the lofty sentiment of that guiding principle Charles H. Allyn did.

God, in the magnitude of His wisdom, and the plentitude of His mercy, has now taken him to Himself, and while we mourn his loss deeply, we know it is well with his soul. Therefore be it,

Resolved by the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Corsicana, that in the death of Charles Henry Allyn this State, County and City have lost one of the most useful and highly esteemed citizens; the community an upright and steadfast friend; all men a worthy exemplar, whose stainless integrity, exalted honor, life-long industry and far-reaching civic efforts, were object lessons to incite us all to higher deeds and nobler endeavors, and that in all the relations of life, his aims and virtues were moving influences towards a better life for all. Be it further,

Resolved, that a copy of all proceedings be forwarded to his family, with whom all our members deeply sympathize in their personal and deep bereavement, and that a copy be filed in the archives of this Association in testimony of our regard for our departed member.

R. E. PRINCE, Chairman.

In presenting these resolutions it is fitting and proper that we should look at his business characteristics. I will not talk about them but I will read a paper in the own hand writing of Capt. Allyn. It was not written for human eyes, but is only the conviction of this man as to business principles. Here is a paper yellowed with age. It was found among his papers, and has life lived up to every word contained therein. Here it is.

Mr. Prince then read from an aged sheet paper these words:

“The chief moral demand of the age, upon the Christian church and the Christian believer is for the integration of the moral conscience.

“There has come to the Modern world a vast expansion of commercial and political development.

“The voice of conscience is often clean, clear and imperative in certain phases of our life and actions, but muffled, confused and almost silent in other realms.

“Long on theological orthodoxy, short on commercial integrity and political morality.

“We need the evolution of our moral standard without a division of conscience.

“We stand aghast at the recent exposures of business and political iniquities and civic uprighteousness.

“Vast business enterprises and combinations have climbed to dizzy heights, and unprecedented proportions by means as unscrupulous, as unholy, as dishonest, as a bandit thief was ever guilty, destroying individual effort, paralyzing individual ambition.

“The might highway of commerce is strewn with the wrecks of individual effort, crushed to death by the trust. And who are they who do these things? Often gentlemen who are scrupulously correct in their personal behavior. They are good husbands and kind parents. Their home life is above reproach. Why this eternal inconsistency.

“a divided and disintegrated conscience.

“Personally clean and honest, but in business life no standard of morality.

“The meaningless tautology business is business.

“Do as Jesus did. He found political and business conditions worse than ours. He did not plunge into politics or organize parties. He did not address Ceasar on the throne of Pilate in the Governor’s chair. He addressed himself to the fishermen and the peasant. The common people, and preached civic righteousness. He made common honesty, justice and truthfulness, and integrity as much a part of his service of God as prayer, and even more than creeds or ceremonies.

Preach fearlessly against the evil of commercial dishonest, and political corruption.”

That is his message to us. And though his voice is silent and his body may be crumbling into dust, his spirit lives.

I cannot conclude these remarks without some personal allusion to Captain Allyn. I knew Captain Allyn as well as I knew any man. He lived across the street from me, and his office was next to mine and I saw him every day. To me his loss cannot be estimated in words. I lived in the shadow of his life. I never heard him give expression to a thought that tended to bring down high ideals.

Corsicana has sent out men in her time who have challenged the attention of the world. She has given Roger Q. Mills, Col. E. J. Simpson, two Lieutenant Governors, and numberless citizens who are prominent in public life. But never has there been a man in Corsicana who dedicated his life to the people of his town as has Chas. H. Allyn. He faced the true facts and then he believed it was the duty of every sane man to do his best to bring about right conditions. He had the respect and love of every man and woman that he knew, and his acquaintance was wide.

Only this morning I spoke to William Clarkson about him and said that I wished he were on the program. Mr. Clarkson told me that he was not a public speaker and besides he would break down under a flood of heartfelt memories of the man.

He has gone from us but his memory still remains, and you who gather here today can get one comfort and that is if you live up to the standards of this man whom we commemorate, it will be well with your souls.”

Following Mr. Prince, Mrs. Warren Ambrose rendered a highly enjoyed vocal selection.

The next speaker was Capt. James Garitty who was a life long friend of Capt. Allyn. Capt. Garitty spoke of his friend in these words:

A good man has fallen; a good citizen, a good husband, a good father, and a good friend. Of this man it can be said that none knew him except they loved him.

“We were friends for more than forty years. Not companions for our ways were different, but just friends. I wore the Grey and he wore the Blue but that did not come between us.

“During his last sickness, he called me to his bedside. He took me by the hand and said, ‘I have called you to tell you goodbye. I know that I will never leave her alive’ and that is a true index to the man. He never forgot his friends, even when death was near. It was a solemn moment for me that I shall never forget.

“My friends, I know nothing of the future. But it shall be sometime when we shall meet, and I know that Chas. Allyn and I will be friends over there.”

Mr. Prince stated that he was in receipt of two letters concerning the life of Capt. Allyn, and he read them. The first was from Major Charles H. Mills, and follows:

Corsicana, Texas, April 20, 1918.
Hon. R. E. Prince,
Chairman Memorial Committee.

Dear Sir: As previous engagements render it impossible for me to attend the services held in honor of our deceased friend, Captain Charles H. Allyn, I desire to take this method of paying my last tribute to his memory.

Captain Allyn was my father’s friend, and for many years he continued in the son the cordial relations which he had maintained with the father. Col. Mills entertained the strongest feelings of friendship for him whom he called affectionately, “Charlie” Allyn, and I know that the regard was mutual. I have heard my father relate many interesting incidents of his association with Captain Allyn in the early days of Corsicana, when it was yet the terminus of the Houston & Texas Central Railroad.

Captain Allyn has honored me with his friendship, it seems to me, all the years of my life, and I have been at all times deeply sensible of his sincerity, and of the great value of this relation to me in every possible way. I have often consulted him in business matters, as well as in things of more personal nature, and he always advised me wisely, and in that generous way that was one of his most marked characteristics.

His was one of the sunniest dispositions that I have ever known, and this was a trait which endeared him to all his fellows:

It will not be possible to replace him, and Corsicana will long mourn his loss.

We have not so many friends that we can afford to lose any, and the distinct personal loss to me, in the passing on of Captain Allyn, is one that I well know can never be made good.

He has gone to his reward, and a loving and generous God will make him welcome in the Elysian Fields beyond the skies.

Yours very truly,

The other letter which was from Hon. J. H. Woods, was as follows:

3537 Brooklyn Ave., Kansas City, Mo., April 19, 1918, Messrs. R. E. Prince, A. A. Wortham, James Garitty, G. E. Jester, L. A. Johnson and J. L. Halbert, Committee, Corsicana, Texas.

Gentlemen: It is a source of genuine regret to me that I shall be unable to be present and participate in the services to be held next Sunday afternoon in honor of our deceased fellow-citizen, Capt. C. H. Allyn. I have known him and his life in Corsicana for a number of years, and I think it may be truly said of him that for a period of forty years or more, he has helped forward every public enterprise looking to the development and improvement of his home town and county and has liberally given of his means, time and labor.

During the period of time from 1903 to 1909, the City of Corsicana was served by a commission composed of the mayor and three commissioners. For two of those years Mr. E. O. Call was mayor and for four years Mr. E. A. Johnson. The three commissioners were Capt. C. H. Allyn, Mr. S. A. Pace and your humble servant. It was during that period of time that Capt. Allyn worked out his plan of sidewalk improvement that had much to do with the comfort of the citizens and was the beginning of other improvements.

It was also during this period that the public library was established, the postoffice building secured ant the T. & B. V. Railroad built through Corsicana.

Mr. S. A. Pace has been associated with captain Allyn for many years in various ways, and I am sure will be glad to speak feelingly of the years that have gone and the man whom he has known so well.

We will miss Capt. Allyn in Corsicana and his memory will be with us through the years to come. I gladly add my own humble tribute of respect and regard.

Yours very Truly,

Mayor Halbert paid his tribute to Capt. Allyn by saying:

My friends, I regret that my time has been so taken up with the Liberty Loan campaign that I have not been able to prepare any remarks for this occasion, but yet feel that I must say something about the man whom I so admired.

All of us have mistakes. We break in our home life, our business life or our religious life, but Capt. Allyn broke nowhere.

There is no need to speak of the charity of Capt. Allyn. They were synonymous. There was hardly a day surely not a week, that passed that Capt. Allyn did not in some way render an unselfish service to his fellow man.

One remarkable characteristic of his was that he always had that cheery optimism that always kept him young.

And another characteristic of his was his utter unselfishness. He was always willing to give of his time to his fellowman. Capt. Allyn did this all through his life. He was never called on that he did not respond. I have often wondered what caused that and I came to the conclusion that it was the spirit of the soldier in Capt. Allyn. Others, when called on to serve, weight the advantages and disadvantages and often decide on what will be best for them.

At this point Mayor Halbert read a short poem which he said he believed fitted Capt. Allyn more than any other man. We usually consider that man who dies for his country the hero, but it is much harder to live for the nation.

This community owes him much. It can repay him but little, but as so expression of the gratitude we owe him. It is my pleasure, as the official representative of the City, to dedicate to his memory the little park at the foot of Beaton street.

This plot of ground has recently been beautified by the City. It lies in the center of the town he loves so well, close to its pulsing heart. It is ever astir with human activity, it ever echoes to the treat of hurrying feet. Always active himself. I think he would rather have his name connected with a place of activity, than a place of repose. And so with the consent of the City Commission. I dedicate this plot of ground, “Allyn Park,” sacred to the memory of Capt. Chas H. Allyn.

Judge Jester spoke as follows:

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: Captain Allyn has been referred to as our foremost citizen. He was that beyond any question, but he was more than that.

The life he lived the character he built, the example he set, and the influence he wrought, entitles it to be said of him that he was also our ideal citizen; for a man may be foremost in a community and yet not be ideal in the exemplification of the highest quality of citizenship.

His attitude toward the community in which he lived furnishes one of the finest examples of citizenship of the right sort of which I have any knowledge. A Union soldier, he took unto himself a Southern bride, and cast his lot among a people and at a time when a heart less stout and a character less sturdy would have been hesitant about the venture. But he conducted himself with such fine poise and courage, with such an excellent quality of common sense and with such perfect integrity, that no man, however partisan, could find an excuse to entertain towards him any of the bitterness of the times.

His love for his town and county, and his devotion for his country were splendid examples of loyalty, and patriotism, which men everywhere, in these times especially, would do well to ponder and to emulate.

He possessed a positive passion for an educated citizenship, and busy as he was, he always found time and gladly gave to it, to every enterprise looking to the uplift and culture of his community.

He fostered the social graces in an exquisite fashion, and dispensed a hospitality which should be the pride of every home; and be it said to his credit , he neither countenanced nor Indulged in any of the social vices.

He followed the Nazarene in faith and practice, and took not the name of his Lord God in vain. His love for his church is evidenced by his handsome bequest to St. John’s Parish, which he supported and where he worshipped for so many years.

His charity was as broad and as deep and high as his sympathy was tender and responsive and sincere. I doubt if there were many men anywhere, whose means were no larger, who have done as much to encourage and assist the homeless man to acquire an abiding place for himself and family as Captain Allyn. And if those whom he has thus assisted could in their own way, but speak aloud what they think and know of him, and it be printed and bound, his family would have no other possession comparable to it in value to them.

I shall remember this good man for many virtues, and I shall remember him for no wrongs, but I shall remember him best and with the greatest admiration for the sterling quality of his integrity and for his unblemished character, which in all the years that I have known him, and in all the activities I have observed him, I have never heard brought into question by a single man at any time. Could a better tribute be paid a man than that? I would rather have that said of me to mine, when I am gone, that that I ruled over many peoples or died reveling in great riches.

An so, I believe we may agree, ladies and gentlemen, that this occasion fittingly records the sorrow and the love, the pride and the admiration, the loyalty and the respect of those who mourn the loss, untimely and irreparable, of one whose heart was the abode of every feeling of affection and whose life, though he attained the three score years and ten, with an added five, was, alas, too short, but was yet long enough to be a bright example of integrity, generosity, charity, patriotism, Christianity and virtue. Then, surely he was more than our foremost citizen, he was indeed our ideal citizen.

One of the best moments to the farsightedness and public spirit of Capt. Allyn is the present system of city public schools, Supt. J. E. Blair paid a glowing tribute to the man in these words:

As we walk through a forest we observe many trees that possess attractive and beautiful features; yet these pleasing features are often overshadowed by some grave and serious defects. Rarely do we find a splendid, well-rounded, symmetrical giant of the forest that stands four-square to every wind that blows, and manifests strength and beauty on every side.

And so, as we pass along the highway of life, we discover many men and women who possess attractive characteristics; but along with these valuable traits are found many features that mar the beauty and symmetry of the whole. Only now and then do we meet a man whose character is harmonious, well-rounded, strong and beautiful.

Such a character was the man whose memory we are met to do honor this afternoon. I do not mean to say that Captain Allyn had no weaknesses or imperfections; but I do mean to say that too few men have been given so many noble virtues and so few faults. Almost every man, woman and child had a kind word to speak of Captain Charles H. Allyn. He numbered his friends practically by his acquaintances.

From his widespread popularity it must not be supposed that he was negative in his character. He was robust and vigorous in his convictions, frank and outspoken in his opinions, and yet with that unfailing courtesy and regard for the views of others that seldom gave offense.

He was never haughty or imperious. He never sought prominence of notoriety. He was as modest and retiring as the most sensitive woman. He was not a man of loud speech or many words. Quiet, gentle, unassuming, his influence among men was exerted through his deeds rather than words. He never shirked a duty; yet honors came to him unsought.

He was remarkably far-seeing and accurate in his judgments. And this leads me to speak of his work as a friend and champion of the cause of public education in his adopted city.

It would not be too much to proclaim him the father of the Public School System of Corsicana. At a time when the great majority of men in this section of the country doubted the wisdom of the principle of public education, and opposed its establishment in this city, Capt. Allyn’s farseeing eye recognized the justice and the wisdom of the plan and, at the risk of his personal popularity, he threw himself into the campaign for the adoption of the public school system for the city with that characteristic energy and perseverance that always triumphed over all difficulties.

Not only was he the first and foremost friend of the public school from the beginning, but loyalty and devotion to the cause of public education never waned. He was one of the most valuable members of the Board of School Trustees during most of the 37 years since the schools were first established in Corsicana, of which board he was a most useful member at the time of his death.

Moreover he was not a mere formal official of the schools. Not only did he give generously of his time and thought and money to the upbuilding of the schools, but every teacher and other employee of the system felt that Capt. Allyn was to him a valuable counsellor, a warm personal friend. He had the confidence and esteem not only of the teachers but of the pupils and patrons of the schools as well. His services to the cause of public education can not be adequately estimated. Whatever other monuments of public service stand to honor his memory, none are greater or more far-reaching than his work in and for the public schools of the city. In his estimate of the importance of education he ranks with that other American, Thomas Jefferson, who requested that coupled with the statement in his epitaph that he was the author of the Declaration of Independence, it should also be stated that he was the founder of the University of Virginia.

Capt. Allyn has left us the priceless legacy of a noble example and an untarnished name, which should stimulate all of us to greater endeavor for lofty, patriotic , unselfish service.

I feel that I can not more fittingly close this tribute to the memory of my person friend than to recall the words of Mark Anthony spoken at the death of Brutus:

“His life was gentle, and the elements
So mix’d in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world: ‘This was a man!’”

Judge J. J. McClellan spoke as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen: It is imminently proper when a great and good man passes away, that those who survive should meet and have a memorial services commemorative of the life and character of the deceased.

If the deceased was not a good man, a great man and a good citizen, there would be no need of this and no occasion for it. No one would suggest such a thing, and the most charitable thing to do would be to let the mantle of forgetfulness be draped over the remains.

But when a man like Capt. Allyn passes away, not only his immediate family mourn for him, but the whole citizenship of the community in which he lived feels his loss and rises en mass and demands an occasion to express in some enduring form their memory and remembrance of him and his virtues.

We know that as far as the immediate family is concerned, those most near and dear to him, that they would much prefer that no public manifestation such as this be had. But we would say to those loved ones that Capt. Allyn had lived such a life that he belonged and his memory belongs, not only to his family, but it belongs as well to the whole people among whom he lived and whom he served so faithfully and so long.

I knew Capt. Allyn intimately and well for more than thirty-six years, and, at the very inception of our acquaintance he called me into his office to do me a favor. I had met him casually before this but only had a speaking acquaintance with him. All that he knew about me at the time was that I was a young lawyer who had recently came to Corsicana from Tennessee, and of course knew that I was not overburdened with business, for I had only been her a few short months. He asked me whether or not I wrote a good hand. I replied to him that I wrote a fairly good hand. He said “Show me a sample of it, and furnished me with a pen, ink and paper and I furnished him with a sample of my hand-writing. He said that my hand writing would do. He then asked me if I would like to be City Secretary of the City of Corsicana at a salary I think of $30.00 per month. Of course I was glad to get this position, as I was very much in need of about that much ex checquer each month to defray necessary expenses and up to this time I had never had a law suit offered me. I have never forgotten that kindness and never will as long as I live. It kept me going until enough law business came in to make me a living.

Capt. Allyn at this time was a member of the board of aldermen of the City of Corsicana, and was by force of his personality and acquirements the head of the City government, and all I needed to secure the position was his endorsement, and the assisted me in every way to learn the duties of the office. He was universally kind and helpful. He was a man of fine ability and was one of the best and most correct business men it was ever my good fortune to meet. And while Capt. Allyn amassed quite a princely fortune, he was never a hard or close man and I expect his books showed enough charged off to profit and loss to make another comfortable little fortune, and I am sure that no one ever saw him turn a deaf ear to the call of the needy or unfortunate.

As illustrating the generous and liberal nature and disposition of Capt. Allyn, I will relate a circumstance that took place when I was City Secretary and he was a member of the board that came directly under my observation. Among the bills that were allowed by the City Council one night was one for $500 or $600 in favor of a gentleman that was indebted to Captain Allyn about $250 more than this amount, and the Captain told me to let him know what time I was going to draw these warrants to pay up these allowed bills with, as he wanted to meet this man when he came to get his warrant. I notified the Captain and when the matter of drawing up this warrant Captain told this man of the bill that he had against him and had a copy of it with him and handed it to him. He said “All right Captain, I owe you every cent of this bill and that it was for groceries and necessaries that you furnished me and my family when I could not get them anywhere else, and while it is considerably more than my warrant, you can take it and apply it to the debt and if I am ever able, I will pay you the balance of it.” Capt. Allyn told him the debt was barred by the Statute of Limitations and that he could not make him pay one cent of it, and the man said “That is all right, I want to pay you this $500 on the account anyhow.” Capt. Allyn told him to go and get the warrant cashed and bring me the money, which the man did and handed it to him. Now what do you suppose that Captain Allyn did? What would you or anybody else have done under the circumstances? I know what I thought he was going to do and what he was thoroughly justified in doing. I thought he was going to take all of this money and credit it on the account and take the man’s note for the balance. But this is not what he did. He counted the money out, took half of it and put it in his pocket and gave the man the other half and also gave him a receipt in full for his indebtedness. How many men do you know that would have done this, when he had gotten all of the money in his hands? There may be others who would have done this generous deed, but I dare say there were very few.

Capt. Allyn was in every sense of the word a gentleman. He was a man of peace and peace loving, but he was a manly man and would resent an insult as quickly as any man I ever saw. I was present on one occasion and saw and heard a man in a heated argument dispute the Captain’s work, and the Captain very promptly knocked him down. He was a much larger man than Capt. Allyn was, and a man that was known as a fighting man, and a man that had been known to have had several shooting scrapes, but this did not deter Capt. Allyn when he felt that his honor was questioned. Everybody present thought there would be further trouble, but there wasn’t and the man that he struck had a most wholesome respect for the Captain ever afterwards. As soon as he was helped up he apologized to the Captain and said that Capt. Allyn was right in striking him, but that he had no idea that as small a man as the Captain was, could hit as hard a lick as he did. That man that he had to strike was the Mayor of the City of Corsicana, and at this time the Captain was an alderman. I expect that there are some men here this evening that have heard of the circumstances and doubtless knew the other man.

Capt. Allyn was a man who was always deeply interested in everything that was for the up-lift and up-building of the community in which he lived. He believed in public improvement and believed in investing his money in such, and thought that money thus invested paid good returns because it was good for the community at large.

He was a great believer in public education, and may truly be said to have been the father of the public school system of the City of Corsicana and did more to inauguration of the splendid system of public schools that we have here than all the balance of the community put together. He was also a great believer in the efficiency of the United Charities and did a great deal for the furtherance of its objects, and he was directly responsible for the inauguration of the City Commission for Corsicana than any man that ever lived here and he will be remembered for his many charitable acts and public benefactions.

Verily I feel like exclaiming with the Psalmist David in his death son over Saul and Jonathan, “The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places! How are the mighty fallen !” It will be a long time if ever, before his like is seen again.

These ceremonies can do him no good. His race is run. His course is over. His life is passed. But let him still be our model. Like him let us cheerfully perform every public and private duty. He was mild and gentle. In him there was no offense, no guile. His generous hand and heart were open to all.

You know how well he performed the duties of a citizen. You know he never courted your favor by flattery and adultation, nor by the sacrifice of his own judgement. And he never, no never, “crooked the pregnant binges of the knee that thrift might follow fawning.”

Texas had and has many deserving sons, and Corsicana has some also, but Capt. Allyn was the peer of the noblest of these sons. We must bear this testimony to his memory. And when others came along and solicit your favors, led his character and his acts, be a test by which you measure them and their fitness. Disregard their professions and promises, but study their acts, and if in doubt, ask yourself the question, Would Captain Allyn have done this thing, have advised it?

And if your better judgment warns you that Captain Allyn would not have advised it, and would not have acted in this way, then do not yield to the blandishments of the flatterer, but spurn and deny him.

Hon. W. J. McKie spoke of the fittingness of the Chamber of Commerce holding the exercises, because of the attachment that Capt. Allyn had for the organizations and business life of the city and again that the exercises should be conducted in the Carnegie Library because that was one of the things that the Captain loved best in the city.

Judge McKie said that when Capt. Allyn passed away the very atmosphere seemed to be filled grief, and no one could be met without their giving some testimony of the life and usefulness of the deceased citizen. He was truly a great man, said Mr. McKie. He dedicated his life to the welfare of his fellow citizens and was always ready to give his neighbors aid. The speaker described Capt. Allyn as the only real philosopher that he ever knew. That he had a better understanding of life. I don’t mean a philosopher in the sense of a scientist, said the speaker, but the one that is progressed with an insight into life.

Mr. McKie closed by relating an incident that came to his notice only a short while back. He said that a man came to his office and told him that a certain farmer had a fine farm, and that he owed some money on it that would soon be due. And the man told Judge McKie that he wanted to see if there wouldn’t be a foreclosure and a chance for him to get the farm. Judge McKie said that he asked that man who held the notes, and received the reply that Capt. Allyn held the obligations. Mr. McKie then told the man that he had better look somewhere else for a farm, because if that farmer was a good citizen and Capt. Allyn held the notes there would be no foreclosure this year. And, said, Judge McKie, I watched that and learned that when the notes came due Capt. Allyn carried them over, and besides voluntarily reduced the interest. That is only an insight into this man, the speaker added as he closed.

The last speaker was Judge Rice, who said among other things:

“I realize that these services should not be unduly prolonged, but at the same time I cannot forego my privilege of honoring this man,

I knew Capt. Allyn as close as any man. To my mind he was always a young man. There has been much said about his activities in Corsicana, and to writhe the history of the development and growth of Corsicana would be to write the life Chas. H. Allyn. His life was interwoven with every enterprise in this city. There is many a substantial farmer in this county that will say had it not been for Capt. Allyn he would not have owned his farm today.

I cannot put into words my admiration for this man. He was an all-around man. He had in a most remarkable degree that characteristic known as common sense. This was the secret of his success. It made him so useful and firm in his friendship. He was absolutely patriotic and intensely American.

Much has been said, much more could be said, but with bowed heads and grieved hearts, we may wonder if we will ever see his like again.

Music was furnished by the Corsicana Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of I. Ihlefeldt. The personel of the orchestra follows: Piano, Miss Susan Dale Campbell, Violins: Henry Nash, Miss Kathryn Harper, Mrs. William Thompson, Miss Mabel Bush, Matthew Blair, Dr. F. R. Lindley and I. Ihlefeldt, director; Flute, J. M. Backburn; Clairnet, Joe Simkins, Cornet, J. C. Trimble; Trombone, Harry Layton.

The exercises were closed by a benediction in solemn and eloquent words by the Rev. H. J. Ellis.


Charles Henry Allyn

Resolutions of Respect.

To the Officers and Members of Corsicana Lodge No. 172, B. P. O. Elks:

Your committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of Bro. Charles H. Allyn beg leave to report as follows:

Capt. Charles Henry Allyn, a foremost member of this lodge, and a leading citizen of Corsicana, has been claimed by death, and has gone to his final reward. In him the highest attributes of our order were personified, and his heart was the abiding place of the noblest emotions that move the spirit of man. His character was built upon the eternal principles of justice and of truth, and tempered with divine mercy, and in keeping with the teachings of our order he wrote the faults of his brothers upon the shifting sands, but cherished, supported and encouraged their virtues. Truly it may be said that as a man he challenged the admiration and friendship of all his fellows, and “We shall not looked upon his like again.”

As a public spirited citizen he was identified with every movement looking to the upbuilding of Corsicana. Through his efforts and guidance the Elks Home was built, and the Carnegie Library was established here. He was the originator of the plan and the active citizen manager thereof, that resulted in the construction of sidewalks in our City and the paving of our streets, and the laying of good roads in this district.

He served the City as alderman, mayor and commissioner at different periods of its history, and it may be truly said that he was identified with every public good the City has accomplished.

He was the very soul of our City school system and has for a long number of years been a member of the School Board and directing its affairs. He believed, like the fathers of the Republic, that a dissemination of knowledge was necessary to preserve our liberties and be zealously labored in furthering the cause of education.

As a business man he was highly successful himself, and a powerful aid to numerous others in achieving their business success. His wise judgment was the controlling factor in the success of many financial institutions that invoked his aid and relied on his counsel, and countless numbers of our citizens have accomplished success through his timely aid, and gracious advice. He has been a powerful factor in County and City in advancing the material public and private welcome.

As a God-fearing man he followed the teachings of the lowly Nazarene and his life may be epitomized in the saying, “He went about doing good to all his fellows,” and we his brothers, regret his departure but we are consoled in the knowledge that he went to his death “like the warrior who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams” and that eternally he is at a rest that surpasses understanding.

Therefore be it Resolved, that in his death this lodge has suffered an irreparable loss and that we mourn his death, and that this resolution be written on the pages of our minutes as a memorial to him, and a copy of same be transmitted to his family as an evidence that we share their grief in their great bereavement.

Respectifully submitted,



Capt. C. H. Allyn, Universally Popular, Has Been Called to His Reward.

No death has ever occurred in Corsicana and probably never will occur, here, that calls for more universal regret and sorrow than that of the prominent citizen whose name heads this item. For, from the day he reached Corsicana forty-six years ago, he was foremost in heart and soul for all that would benefit the town and people. Possessed of a fine mind, a noble spirit and indomitable energy, he had all those elements and characteristics that made him a man among men. Chas. H. Allyn was born in Oswego, New York, and had he lived to that day, would have been seventy-six years old on Sept. 15 of this year, although up to the day he was taken ill a few weeks ago, he would have readily passed, both in appearance and action, for a man of fifty-five or sixty. The family of the deceased moved from New York in 1857 to Rochester, Minnesota, and there in the spring of 1861 he enlisted in the Union Army as a drummer boy. At the close of the memorable struggle he was in the quartermaster’s department in New Orleans, and when peace came he remained in New Orleans, and there in 1868 married a New Orleans girl, and soon afterward came to Texas, living at towns along the Houston and Texas Central railroad until 1872 when he located in Corsicana to spend the remainder of an eventful, useful and noble life, one that was a blessing to his family and his community. It would be useless to follow his career as a citizen here, for all know that he was always first and foremost in every good work, and in enterprise, whether for business, social or moral, ever went without his aid and substantial endorsement. He was prominent as a Mason, a vestryman and treasure of St. John’s Episcopal Church for years, vice president in the First National Bank and a leader in all the big business concerns with which he was connected, and for years a member of the school board, a former City Commissioner, at one time mayor of the town, and prominent in the Elk’s lodge, having recently been at the head of the lodge here.

Surviving the deceased is his widow and two daughters, Mrs. R. L. Hamilton and Mrs. Harry D. Johnson, and two grandsons, Allyn Lang and Robert Hamilton. Besides these he leaves two sisters, Mrs. S. W. Morgan, of Winona, Minnesota; Mrs. William O. Benitz of the Argentine Republic, a niece, Miss Harriet Patrick of Winona, Minn., and another niece, Mrs. Robert Watt of Corsicana. All of these except the sister in South America were with him when the end came. Death came at 5:30 this morning and the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 from St. John’s Episcopal Church.

The funeral services will be conducted by Bishop Harry T. Moore of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, and the following will act as pall bearers: R. E. Prince, William Clarkson, Sr., J. L. Halbert, W. C. Proctor, Chas H. Mills, E. A. Johnson, F. N. Drane, C. L. Jester and J. E. Butler.

The Corsicana Cotton Mills of which he was president and credit for much of the great success it has attained is attributed to him, will be closed during the funeral hour. So also will the First National Bank. The schools will close at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon as a mark of respect.

The Carnegie Library, in which Capt. Allyn always took a lively interest, will be closed. Capt. Allyn has been chairman of the building board all the years of the existence of the Library and no one man has been more devoted to that enterprise of more watchful as to its welfare. In this connection an expression by Mrs. Houston today told the story of his gentleness. “No cold wave ever came,” said Mrs. Houston, “but that Capt. Allyn came to the library in person to see if the furnace was working properly and that the Library was comfortable. He looked after the Library with the same care that he gave his home.

Mayor Halbert, talking to the reporter sais:

“The community has been shocked by the death of Capt. C. H. Allyn, whose loss is irreparable. I do not feel that I am saying too much when I say that by common consent he was the first citizen of Corsicana and of Navarro county, and I hope the community will pay him the merited tribute of closing all places of business tomorrow from 3 to 5 o’clock out of respect to his memory, and that every body may be given an opportunity to attend his funeral.”

The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce has issued a request that all members of that body “assemble at the Main Hotel at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon to attend in a body the funeral of one of our most valuable and loyal citizens, Capt. C. H. Allyn.” The request also contains the following: “No better tribute from this organization and the business men of the city could be paid so good a citizen than in attending his funeral. All merchants and business men are asked to close their places of business from 3 until 5 o’clock as a mark of respect to this citizen who has done so much for the general development of our city.”

In this connection it is recalled that in 1916 the Business League urged him to become its president. He heard the solicitation of the committee, felt impressed with its earnestness and quietly consented to accept. Not a meeting night when he was in the city but that he was present. A remarkable showing of fidelity to his town and his people.

On one occasion when he was urged to accept a city office he remarked after listening to his friends: “I never sought an office and have never refused to serve the people when called upon.” And that is the story of his life and the secret of his success and popularity. Always ready to serve in any capacity where he could do good, gentle and kind, possessed with remarkable foresight and free to give advice when it was asked: always cheerful and seeing the bright side, he went about doing good. Everybody was his friend and he was a friend to everybody. Mayor Halbert uttered a great truth when he said that “by common consent Corsicana and Navarro county had parted with their foremost citizen.”

Attention Elks.

All Elks are requested to meet at the Elks Club rooms Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock and march in a body to the funeral of our late brother, Captain C. H. Allyn.

J. E. EDENS, E. R.



Chamber of Commerce to Attend Allyn Funeral in a a Body

The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce met this morning and voted to ask that all members of the organization, together with as many business men who are not members to attend the funeral of Capt. C. H. Allyn tomorrow in a body. It was also voted to ask every business house in the city to close their places of business between the hours of 3 and 5 o’clock in honor of such a loyal and patriotic home loving citizen.

No better tribute could be paid such a faithful and valued citizen than for every member of the Chamber of Commerce, together with every business man to attend the funeral in a body. All members of the Chamber of Commerce and those who are not members are requested to meet at the Main Hotel tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock, so that all may attend the funeral in a body. The funeral is to be at eh Episcopal church at 3:30 o’clock and for this reason it is very urgent that everyone meet at the hotel promptly at the hour already stated.



The death of Capt. C. H. Allyn is deeply deplored. Indeed it has brought universal sorrow. A man of wealth and yet of notable modesty and withal a citizen in whom all had confidence and delighted in sounding his praise has been called from the walks of life. Although he retired from active business several years ago he did not lose or fail to take a lively and substantial interest in the progress of his town. No enterprise of merit whether of large or small proportions, but that enlisted his aid. Corsicana’s every forward step received his attention and was aided by his personal efforts and financial support. He was a pioneer in school work and is in fact the father of the city’s splendid school system. It was through his efforts that the first steps were taken towards bringing this blessing upon our city, and no one thing could be used to better show how far he could penetrate the future. He gave of his time freely in building up the schools and for many years was chairman of the school board and was a member at the time of his death. He was mayor of the city and when the city first launched out on the road to a commission form of government he was one of the commission and one of his crowning acts then was the planning and working out of a system that resulted in Corsicana soon being heralded as the “best side-walked town in the State.” In this enterprise he devoted his time and his endorsement made it possible for even the poorest to place walks about their property. His personal influence softened the recalcitrant and the result was a victory that has borne good fruit. But he knew no failures. His plans were all well laid and worked out along perfectly just lines. He was prominent in the building of the Elks home, contributed largely of his money to the Y. M. C. A. and was active in the building of the Country Club of which he was the first president. The Cotton Mills and the Library know the value of his judgment as do practically all of Corsicana’s enterprises. AS a member of the Episcopal church he has frequently said, in his modest quiet way when the question of the liquidation of a debt was broached, “Never mind, I’ll take care of that.” His heart was tender, his mind broad, and his purse-string was always loose. He will be missed. The rich and the poor, the young and the old knew and honored him. And he knew and respected them. No one ever went to Capt. Allyn but came away comforted. His monument is in the hearts of the people. His memory will never die. The good he has done will live for all time.



Mr. Blair expressed deepest regrets at the death of Captain C. H. Allyn. He told of the number of things done by Captain Allyn for Corsicana and how his death will greatly felt.

Meeting of Debating Club.
The Debating Club of the Corsicana High School expressed deepest regret at the death of Captain C. H. Allyn. Captain Allyn has done a great deal to encourage the club and he will always be remembered by the members of the club.


Vaudeville Program Was Well Received

Before the opening of the performance last night the following tribute to the late Capt. C. H. Allyn from the Ideal management was read after the audience rose and stood while the orchestra played a verse of “Auld Lang Syne.” The tribute as read was as follows:

“Capt. Charles H. Allyn the foremost citizen of this city died yesterday morning at 5:30 o’clock. In his death Corsicana has suffered a grievous loss. He was identified with every movement looking to the upbuilding of the city. Through his efforts the Carnegie Library was established here. He was the originator of the plan which set in motion the building of sidewalks, and the paving of our streets. He was a liberal contributor to the Y. M. C. A. building and an earnest support of the Episcopal church. He was the head and front of our school system, and the children have profited in a great measure by his steadfast efforts and wise counsel in their behalf. He gave freely of his efforts and money to establish our cotton mills and in the management of the numerous financial institutions in which he was interested. The good roads in this county had their beginning in his support and wise management.

“Truly it may be said that nothing good in this city has been unless he was in touch with it and gave his support thereto. The management of this theatre is glad to publicly acknowledge his generous support and aid in establishing it as an institution of our City, and in grateful remembrance of him and his many good deeds we pause now to pay him this tribute of affectionate regard.

“Peace be unto him.”


A great gloom has fallen upon our little city this week, with the passing on of a beloved citizen and friend. Captain Charles H. Allyn. The deep sympathy that has gone out to the family in their sad bereavement can not be expressed in words. Every citizen of Corsicana feels that grief is theirs to share with the loved ones left behind, for everyone could call Captain Allyn friend, because he was a friend to every man, woman and child in Corsicana. Surrounded by his devoted family, including his sister, Mrs. Frank Morgan, and nice, Miss Hattie Packard, of Winona, Minnesota, and life-long friend, Mrs. Rebekah Gee, who recently came from Marion, South Carolina, the end came quietly and peacefully. Among those who came from out of town to attend the funeral were Col. Tom Kingsley and Mr. Joseph Swope of Dallas and Lieutenant Campbell Allen, stationed at Waco.



By Prof. J. E. Blair.

Capt. Chas. H. Allyn

Of all the various institutions with which Capt. Allyn was intimately connected, none will suffer more serious loss or more poignant grief that the city public schools. In a very real and important sense, he may be regarded as the real father of Corsicana’s public school system. He surpassed all of his fellow-townsmen perhaps, in clear vision of the value of a public school system in a community; and he went about securing its establishment with that unusual faith perserverance, and tact which characterized all his public services. To him to believe that a thing was right and necessary was to believe in its feasibility; and he put aside all question of its effect upon his personal fortunes, and devoted himself assiduously to the doing of the thing.

The earliest printed report of the city schools in my office bears the date, 1887-88. In this report Capt. Allyn’s name appears as Mayor and Ex-Officio president of the Board of Education. Almost continuously from that time till the day of his death he was connected with the School Board, as a member and for a number of years as President. Certainly no citizen of the city has rendered longer and more useful service in this capacity than has Capt. Allyn.

As a school board member he possessed rare and superior qualifications. He was always deeply interested in the welfare and progress of all departments of the schools, and was ready to sacrifice his time and his energies to promote their advancement. He had a broad and liberal view of the proper maintenance of the schools, and of the work they were designed to do. He allowed no personal or selfish considerations to influence his action in any matter pertaining to the management of the schools. He looked upon the work of a school trustee as a sacred trust to be held and performed for the good of the children to be taught, rather than as a private resource to be exploited for his own personal profit.

He frequently visited the schools and spoke the words of encouragement that is so stimulating and inspiring to the hard worked teacher. If financial help was needed, the first man the teachers thought of approaching was Capt. Allyn, who not only contributed liberally, but so cheerfully as to make it a pleasure instead of a task to solicit aid. For several years past, he gave a handsome gold medal, set with precious stone, as a prize for the best individual debater at the annual contest at the high school.

More than we realize now, the schools will suffer a heavy and irreparable loss. Not only so, but every teacher will feel a keen sense of individual loss, the loss of a cordial and sympathetic friend, one who knew and appreciated the exhausting task of the teacher, and who never lost and opportunity to speak a kind word or do a beneficient deed to help forward the great work of the education of our boys and girls. If all school boards everywhere were composed of such men as Capt. Allyn, the pleasure of teaching would be very greatly enhanced. He leaves many monuments of patriotic public service, but none more enduring than that enshrined in the hearts of the public school teachers of Corsicana.


United Charities Annual Meeting

As she closed Miss Augusta Helm spoke briefly but with womanly feeling and earnest eloquence of Capt. Allyn and the deep interest he always took in the United Charities—through it he gave evidence of his sympathy for the unfortunate and distressed. He was, Miss Augusta said with feeling, one of the best friends and wisest counselors the United Charities had. Here is another evidence of the great heart of the man whose death all of Corsicana mourns.



Colored School Principal Recalls Acts of Kindness and Support

Editor Daily Sun:

Dear Sir—I have been a citizen of Corsicana for almost 35 years, and I have seen the public school system grow from its beginning to its present proportions. That there has been a steady upward growth of the schools has been in the hands of progressive and educated gentlemen who have delighted in giving their time and their talents to the public schools.

As I recall at this time the following public spirited men have been selected and served as chairmen of the the school board during the last 35 years of our service: “Capt. J. A. Townsend, Judge R. S. Neblett, Hon. R. E. Prince, Hon. J. H. Woods, Capt. C.H. Allyn, Mr. F. N. Drane and Mr. S. M. Kerr. Each of these gentlemen brought to the schools a wealth of wisdom and experience which has been the mainspring in the development of our present boasted system of schools.

The purpose of this article at this time is to give expression to our feelings at the sudden demise of our friend and benefactor, Captain C. H. Allyn, who has served this city on the school board almost continuously since the organization of the city system of schools, and who was one of the best friends the schools ever had. The poor man, white or black, needs the friendship of the rich and influential. He needs some one to whom he can go for help in time of trouble, for ignorance and poverty have no friends. Captain Allyn was a friend to both. In fact with due regard for the work of all others who have been called upon to give assistance, Captain C. H. Allyn was the best friend the Colored School ever had in this city. He proved his friendship by responding to the calls of the school always without a word to the contrary. He proved his friendship, too, by visiting the school, for he has been an attendant at the Commencements of the school for 30 years. The colored children in Corsicana will never forget the aid Capt. Allyn gave to their efforts to establish Domestic Science and Manual Training Departments in the school. His gift for that purpose was large enough to encourage everybody else who desired to assist and made the project possible at once. He never refused to assist the colored people in this city in any undertaking. He never said “No” to any calls made upon him, but he always said “Yes.”

The Colored School and its faculty have annually endeavored to make him feel that they appreciated his interest in them and now that he has gone they will feel very keenly this loss.

The Colored Churches, which always received help from him, and the public schools have lost their best friend in Corsicana. Words are inadequate to express our sincere regrets at so keen a blow to the interest of education and the race in this city.

There are few men who have reached the position in life that Captain Allyn had attained, who , from this lofty plane, could stoop down and assist the lowly. Such men will receive their reward from Him who shall say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

Principal Fred Douglass School.


Memorial Meeting for Prominent Citizen Is Recommended

Chairman R. E. Prince of the committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, to draft resolutions in behalf of our beloved and patriotic deceased citizen, Capt. Chas. H. Allyn, has suggested that the Chamber of Commerce and City of Corsicana hold a memorial meeting to do honor and pass resolutions in behalf of the deceased. Mr. Prince has taken this matter up with his committee asking for their recommendations in the matter, and at a later date will announce definitely the program decided upon and the date of the memorial meeting.

This is a good move by Chairman Prince s the city could in no better manner demonstrate its admiration for such a good citizen as Capt. Allyn and when the date is set for the memorial meeting Corsicana will do itself proud in making the memorial an eventful occasion in the history of the city. Full particulars will be announced later.



Corsicana Citizens Will Pay Honor to Its Beloved Citizen

Chairman R. E. Prince of the C. H. Allyn Memorial Committee announced today that the Chamber of Commerce will hold the memorial exercises in behalf of the late Capt. C.H. Allyn on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, April 21st at the Carnegie Library. Mr. Prince and his committee will arrange for an excellent program for this occasion in commemoration of our deceased valued citizen, and from arrangements now under way for the exercises will be very impressive.

In addition to appropriate speeches there will also be a musical program as well as other features that will make this day one long to be remembered by our citizens. The full program for the exercises will be announced later.



Memorial Exercises Will Be Held Next Sunday Afternoon

The Chamber of Commerce is actively working on plans for the memorial exercises in honor of Capt. C. h. Allyn to be given next Sunday at the Carnegie Library. Hon. R. E. Prince, chairman of the memorial committee together with his committee composed of Geo. E. Jester, A. A. Wortham, L. A. Johnson, Jas. Garitty, Mayor J. L. Halbert have arranged the following program for the occasion.

Memorial exercises in honor of Charles Henry Allyn, deceased, held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, of the City of Corsicana, Sunday afternoon 4 p.m. April 21st A.D. 1918, at Carnegie Library Auditorium.

Presentation of Resolutions by the Chamber of Commerce with accompanying Remarks—R. E. Prince.
Song—Mrs. E. M. Polk.
Remarks—Capt. Jas. Garitty.
Remarks—C. H. Mills.
Remarks—J. L. Halbert.
Remarks—C. L. Jester.
Remarks—L. A. Johnson.
Song—Mrs. Harry Williams.
Remarks—J. E. Blair.
Remarks—J. J. McClellan.
Remarks—W. J. McKie.
Remarks—J. H. Rice.
These exercises will be most impressive and many good talks will be made and the entire city should turn out to do honor to the deceased who loved the city and who did so much to help in its rapid development. No better demonstration of our appreciation could be shown the deceased than by attending these exercises.



Public Will Be Given Opportunity to Pay Respects to Good Man

All arrangements have been completed for the Allyn memorial service that will be held at the Carnegie Library Sunday afternoon at four o’clock Chairman R. E. Prince and his committee representing the Chamber of Commerce in preparing the program have completed their work and are sure that it will be a worthy one for a cause of this kind.

There has been a strong demand from people in all walks of life to pay tribute to the late Capt. and order to bring the matter to a definite point the Chamber of Commerce appointed a committee for this purpose.

Capt. Allyn was popular from every standpoint and was loved and esteemed by all who knew him and it is safe to say that the public is pleased with this opportunity given them by the Chamber of Commerce to pay their respects in a memorial service.


Resolutions of Respect.

At the regular meeting of the board of directors of the First National Bank, Corsicana, held on the 4th day of May 1918, the following resolutions were adopted:

Inasmuch as Captain Charles H. Allyn, vice president of this bank, passed away at his home in this city on the 6th day of March 1918: and,

Inasmuch as he was a charter member of this bank, and for many years one of its most valued customers, as well as one of its officers and directors, therefore be it,

Resolved, that the board of directors of the bank desire to make known in permanent form their esteem of Captain Allyn as a useful and public spirited citizen; their respect and confidence in him as a director and officer of this bank; and their great love and affection for him as a personal friend.

In no other places which knew and honored him, will he be missed more than in the First National Bank of Corsicana.

The Board of Directors desires, therefore, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this bank, that a copy be sent to the family, and that a copy be furnished the press for publication.

L. H. LEE.


Library Gift.

There hangs on the walls of the Carnegie Library a magnificent portrait of the lamented Captain C. H. Allyn, the gift of his wife and daughters, Mrs. C. H. Allyn, Mrs. Harry D. Johnson and Mrs. R. L. Hamilton. The request came from the Library board of trustees for a picture of Captain Allyn to hang on the Library walls to perpetuate his memory, and the family asked for the privilege of making the bequest. The portrait is a speaking likeness, which friends and library visitors have constantly expressed in words of admiration since it was hung a few days ago. The frame is mounted with a gold plate from the board of trustees, which was designed by Tiffany in New York, and bears the inscription: “Captain Charles Henry Allyn, 1842 - 1918. A Benevolent Friend and Trustee of this Library.” This seems to tell in a few words what Captain Allyn meant to the Library; a “friend.” Which he was in deed and in word. As chairman of the buildings and grounds committee, the same interest was shown as if it were his own home, giving his personal supervision to the work. The portrait is a suitable and appropriate tribute to one who made it possible for Corsicana to have a splendid library, the pride of the city now for several years.



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