Obituaries from
Navarro County, Texas



Mary Cathony (Marbut) Lee
 Apr 8, 1858 - Jun 12, 1938

Mrs. Mary C. Lee, 80, a native of Tennessee but resident of Texas the past 40 years, died at 7:30 Sunday morning in Ensign, Ellis county, and funeral services were held at 11 o'clock Monday morning at the Dresden cemetery where interment was made. Rev Roy A. Langston, pastor of the First Methodist church, conducted the rites. Surviving are three sons, W. E Lee. Knnis; C. G. Lee, Corsicana and P. S. Lee, Eustace; four daughters, Mrs. Lucy Holloway Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and Mrs. Florence Holloway of Crest View Tenn., and Mrs. Myrtle Gray of Corsicana; two brothers, D. W. Morbut, Eustace, and Booker Morbut, Minor Hill, Tenn., and a number of grandchildren and gerat-grandchildren. Corley Funeral Home had charge of the arrangements.


Leonard Melton Elkins
Oct 6, 1878 - Oct 11, 1938

FUNERAL SERVICES LEONARD ELKINS BE HELD THURSDAY Funeral services for Leonard Elkins, aged 60 years, who died Monday night, will be held at the Dresden cemetery Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Dresden cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Leslie Thomas, minister of the Church of Christ. Mr. Elkins was reared in the Barry community, but had resided in Corsicana for many years. Surviving are three sons, Ed Elkins, Wichita, Kan.; Wynelle Elkins, Oklahoma; Bunyan Elkins, Oklahoma; a daughter, Mrs. Alice Vernon, Dallas; a brother, L. H. Elk ins, New Mexico; a sister, Mrs. J. W. Key, San Antonio; and a number of other relatives. Nephews will be pallbearers. Corley Funeral Home is directing arrangements.



ELKINS - Corsicana, Texas. Oct 12 - Funeral services for Leonard Elkins, 60, who died Monday night, will be held at the Dresden cemetery Thursday. Mr. Elkins was reared in the Barry community, but had resided in Corsicana many years. Surviving are three sons, Ed Elkins, Wichita, Kans, Wynelle Elkins, Oklahoma; bunyan Elkins, Oklahoma; a daughter, Mrs. Alice Vernon, Dallas; a brother, L. H. Elkins, New Mexico, and a sister, Mrs. J. W> Key, San Antonio.


Harvey Lawrence Campbell
Aug 15, 1904 - Apr 19, 1938

H. L. Campbell Died Near Bardwell And Buried at Dresden BLOOMING GROVE, April 22. —Funeral services for Harvey L. Campbell, who died at his home near Bardwell Tuesday, were held at the Dresden cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Fannie. Campbell, Bardwell; a daughter, Margaret Ruth, Fort Worth; two sisters, Mrs. Troy Brown and Mrs. Ruth Hunter, both of Rawls. and two brothers, Robert Campbell, Longview, and Collins Campbell, Bardwell.


Lula "Lulu" (Adkeson) Jayroe
Oct 19, 1896 - Apr 12, 1938

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Dresden cemetery for Mrs. Lee Jayroe, with the Rev. Lester Roloff conducting the services. Mrs. Jayroe had been ill several days and had been carried to the Navarro Clinic in Corsicana. She died Tuesday afternoon at 5:20 o'clock. Funeral arrangements were directed by the McCormick Funeral Home. Pallbearers were H. L. Merrell, T. H. Morgan, W. A. Brownfield, J. C. Henderson, Ellis Owens and David Kennemore. Surviving are her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Ervin Gee, Jasper, and other relatives.


William Silas Lynch
Nov 24, 1874 - Jun 15, 1938

Long-Time Resident Of Barry Is Buried BLOOMING GROVE, June 17. —(Spl.)—Funeral services for W. S. Lynch, 73, native of Mt. Pleasant but resident of Barry 66 years, were held at the First Baptist church Thursday afternoon with interment in Dresden cemetery. He is survived by his wife, one son C. P. Lynch, and a daughter, Mrs. Reuben Carroll, and eight children.




Funeral services for W. S. Lynch, age 73 years were held at First Baptist church at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The funeral rites were conducted by Rev. W. O. Patterson.

Mr. Lynch was born at Mr. Pleasant, Texas moved to the Barry community with his parents at the age of 7 and has lived in and near this community since that time.

Mr. Lynch had been a member of the First Baptist church for the past 40 years, was a christian gentleman, a kind husband and father, a good neighbor and citizen.

He is survived by his wife, one son, C. P. Lynch, one daughter, Mrs. Reuben Carroll, and eight grandchildren.

Burial was made in the Dresden cemetery.

The McCormick Funeral Service had charge of arrangements.


  • The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, June 17, 1938
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Joe C. Sisson
Feb 11, 1881 - Nov 18, 1941

JOE C. SISSON OF BLOOMING GROVE IS BURIED AT DRESDEN BLOOMING GROVE, Nov. 20.— (Spl.)—Funeral services for Joe C. Sisson, aged 61 years, who died at his farm near here, were held Thursday at the Dresden church with burial in the Dresden cemetery. The rites were conducted by Ben Turpin, minister of the Christian church. A native of Mississippi, Sisson came to Texas in 1895 and moved to this community in 1905. He was married to Miss Effie E. Garrett in 1909. Surviving are a son, Garrett Sisson, Blooming Grove; three brothers, R. M. and Frank Sisson, both of Blooming Grove, and W. W. Sisson, Plattsburg, Miss.; five sisters, Mrs. Ida Frederick, Mrs. Agnes Ashford and Mrs. Hattie Gordon, all of Blooming Grove; Mrs. Rosa Crouch, Dallas, and Mrs. Cora Davis, Harlingen. Pallbearers were W. A. Sloan, Robert Carroll, A. R. Lassiter, G. D. Gillen, Reuben Carroll and George Ward. McCormick Funeral Service directed arrangements.


Roxie Lee (Sharp) White
Aug 4, 1877 - Oct 20, 1941

Mrs. W. H. White, aged 64 years, died at 404 South Sixteenth street early Friday morning. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Dresden church with burial in the Dresden cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. S. Fisher pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist church, and Rev. Mr. Fisher of Purdon. Surviving are her husband, W. H. White, Corsicana; two sons, Kirby White, Corsicana, and O. L. White, Taylor; three daughters, Misses Ruby and Allene White, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Pauline Blake, Barry; two brothers, Bill Sharp, Teague and Walter Sharp, Sinton; and two sisters, Mrs. Ella Weaver, Teague, and Mrs. Octavia Sparks, Davidson, Okla. Corley Funeral Home is directing arrangements.


Florence (McClintock) Cunningham
Nov 1, 1871 - Aug 12, 1941

Florence (McClintock) Cunningham Nov 1, 1871 - Aug 12, 1941 BLOOMING GROVE WOMAN BURIED IN DRESDEN CEMETERY Mrs. A. J. Cunningham, aged 69 years, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Kittie French, at Blooming Grove late Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were held from the Central Baptist church in Blooming Grove Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in the Dresden cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. W. O. Patterson, Baptist minister. Surviving are a son, W. W. Cunningham, McGregor; three daughters, Mrs. Sam Hardman, Frost; Mrs. Leon Carroll, Richland and Mrs. French, Blooming Grove; seven grandchildren, three brothers, S. A. McClintock, Purdon; W F. McClintock, Lamesa, and J. W. McClintock, Emhouse. Pallbearers were Roy McClintock, Earl McClintock, Jewel McClintock, Haskell McClintock, William McClintock, and R. D. Brewster, nephews. Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.


Linda Sue Harper
Nov 21, 1940 - Aug 25, 1941

LITTLE MONAHANS GIRL WAS BURIED AT DRESDEN ON TUESDAY Funeral services for Linda Sue Harper, nine-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harper, Monahans, who died in a Dallas hospital Monday afternoon, were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in the Dresden cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. A. A. Peacock, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church. Surviving are the parents, a sister. Cecil Ann Harper, Monahans, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Cagle, Corsicana, and Mrs. Harper, Houston.


John Wiley Curry
Oct 31, 1868 - June 21, 1941

FUNERAL SERVICES FOR J. W. CURRY WERE HELD SUNDAY Funeral services for J. W. Curry, age 72 years, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Baptist Church in Raleigh. Burial was in the Dresden cemetery. The rites were conducted by Revs. G. O. Vaughn, Tom Allmon and Will Minifee. Mr. Curry dropped dead early Saturday morning while returning from milking the cows. He had been dead only a short time when found. Mr. Curry had been in the grocery business at Raleigh twenty years. He was a native Texan, moving to the Raleigh community in 1902. Surviving are his wife, a son S. T. Curry, Raleigh; two daughters, Mrs. Will Warren, Waco; Mrs. Fred Warren, Raleigh; two brothers, Nick Curry, Fort Scott. Kans.; Tom Curry, Pilot Rock. Ore.; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Manley, Shino; eleven grandchildren, two great grandchildren and other relatives.



Funeral Services Held Sunday For J. W. Curry

Funeral services were held Sunday for J. w. Curry, aged 72 years, who died suddenly early Saturday morning at his home at Raleigh, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Raleigh Baptist church with Rev. G. O. Vaughn, Tom Almon and Will Minifee conducting the rites. Burial was in the Dresden Cemetery.

Mr. Curry moved to the Raleigh community forty years ago, and was in the grocery business there for 20 years.

He is survived by his wife, a son, S. T. Curry, Raleigh; two daughters, Mrs. Will Warren, Waco; Mrs. Fred Warren, Raleigh; two brothers, Nick Curry, Fort Scott, Kansas; Tom Curry, Pilot Rock, Ore.; a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Manley, Shino, and other relatives.


  • The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, June 27, 1941
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Susie Frances (Loving) Pierce
Jul 23, 1873 - Sep 22, 1941

Mrs. R. A. Pierce Died on Monday At Blooming Grove
Mrs. R. A. Pierce, about 60, died at her home in Blooming Grove Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock. She suffered a stroke Sunday noon as she left service at the Central Baptist church. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Central Baptist church in Blooming Grove with burial in the Dresden cemetery. Surviving are her husband of Blooming Grove, a sister, Mrs. George Wells. Teague; a brother, W. A. Loving, Waco, and other relatives.


Johnnie Varnell
Jul 31, 1918 - Jun 15, 1941

Funeral services for Miss Johnnie Varnell, aged 22 years, who died Saturday morning following an illness of several days, were held Sunday afternoon from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel . Interment was in the Dresden cemetery. Rev. H. B. Prather, Baptist minister of Dallas, conducted the rites. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Varnell, Corsicana, and a number of other relatives. The family resided in the Barry community prior to moving to Corsicana eighteen years ago.


Richard Lon Hodges
Mar 10, 1885 - Oct 7, 1941

Funeral services for Richard Lon Hodges, 56, who died at his home in the Alliance Hall community, Tuesday, Oct. 7, were held at Dresden where burial was made. The rites were conducted by Revs. Gaddy and Fisher. Surviving are his wife, four daughters, Mrs. Lonnie Miles, Frost; Mrs. Lillian Michaels, Purdon Mrs. Vera Hunsucker, Athens, and Mrs. Evalyn McCullouch, Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Tadlock, Purdon, Mrs. McWrath, Arlington, and Mrs. A. Hicks, Oklahoma a brother, Luther Hodges, Purdon, and five grandchildren.


Metta (White) Hargrove
Mar 31, 1875 - Apr 6, 1951

Mrs. J. J. Hargrove Services Sunday
BLOOMING GROVE, April 12 (Spl.)--Funeral services were held Sunday from the First Baptist church for Mrs. Jeff J. Hargrove, 76, who died at her home Friday afternoon., Mrs. Hargrove spent the last 15 years in a wheel chair. She had been a member of the Baptist church 35 years. . The services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. C. Townes, assisted by Rev. Joe Poe of Calvary Baptist church in Corsicana. Surviving are her husband, to whom she had been married 53 years; six children. Mrs. Ola Frederick and Mrs. Brown Spurlock, both of Corsicana: Mrs. Earl Martin, Fort Worth; Troy Hargrove, Beaumont; Lofton Hargrove and Mrs. Tom Bailey, both of Blooming Grove; two sisters, Mrs. Tom Castellow, Barry, and Mrs. Susie Wright, Mildred; 18 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Burial was in the Dresden cemetery. McCormick directed.


William Harold Smith
Feb 7, 1909 - Mar 18, 1951

Harold Smith Services Monday BLOOMING GROVE, March 19. —(UP)—Harold Smith, about 45, died Sunday at his home here following a several years illness. Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Methodist church here. The rites were conducted by Rev. Roy Felder, pastor. Burial was in the Dresden cemetery. Survivors are a daughter, mother, Mrs. W. W. Smith, Blooming Grove; two sisters, Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth, Dresden, and Mrs. Ralph Balentine, Corsicana; a brother, R. B. Smith, Dallas, and other relatives. Pallbcarrs were Doc Bolin. Curtis McGehee, Dick Howard, Leamon Phillips and C. C. Lusk. McCormick Funeral service directed.


Ellen (unk) McDonald
Sept 13, 1852 - Nov 30, 1917

Died Near Drane. Mrs. Ellen McDonald, wife of William McDonald, and who was a former resident of Corsicana, died last night at the home of her nephew, Buck Colson, in the Drane community, and the remains were interred at Dresden today.



In Memoriam.

November the 30th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Coulson, the Death Angel came and took from them their beloved aunt, Mrs. Ellen McDonald, after a long illness. She was a good and loving Christian, loved by all who knew her. Every one's heart was made sad when they heard of her death, but some day we will all meet her never to part again.

A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can be filled.

God in His wisdom has recalled
The boon his love has given;
And though the body slumbers here,
The soul is safe in Heaven.

I seek for the loved ones,
Where thou dost answer prayer;
There humbly fall before thy feet,
For none can perish there.

Thy promise is the plea;
With this I venture nigh,
Thou callest burdened souls,
To thee, and such a Lord am I.

Bowed down beneath the sin,
By Satan sorely pressed,
By wars without and fears within,
She went to thee for rest.

Written by one who loved her,


Bertha Frances (Bell) McAdams
Nov 16, 1903 - Jun 27, 1989

Bertha F. McAdams
Mrs. Bertha F. McAdams, 85, of Corsicana, died June 27, 1989, at Navarro Regional Hospital. Services will be 3:30 p.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Chapel with the Rev. A. L. Cronk, minister of St. Luke United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Pattison Cemetery in Emhouse. She was born Bertha Frances Bell Nov. 16, 1903, in Frost, and was a livelong resident of Navarro County. She married Eugene McAdams on Oct. 27, 1927. He preceded her in death Jan. 10, 1977. She was a member of St. Luke United Methodist Church. Survivors include a brother, Claude Bell of Corsicana; a number of nieces and nephews, including, Judy and Curtis Bell of Corsicana; five sister-in-laws, Ethel B. Coley and Vera Dixon, both of Corsicana, Fannie Harris of Blooming Grove, Toni Abbell of San Antonio, and Rose McAdams of Abilene; three brothers-in-law, Horace McAdams of Corsicana, Harvey McAdams of Abilene, and Herman Bell of Blooming Grove. Pallbearers will be Richard Curtis McGahan, Jimmy Harris, Freddy McKinley, William Jerry Bell, Billy Ray Bell, and John McAdams.


Ida Mae (Ryan) Dozier
Jun 4, 1918 - Nov 3, 1981

Mrs. Ida Mae Dozier
Mrs. Ida Mae Dozier, 63, of Blooming Grove died today at Navarro Memorial Hospital. Funeral service will be Wednesday, 2 p.m., at the Blooming Grove Funeral Home. Rev. David Fortner will officiate. Burial will be at Rose Hill Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Ivan Dozier, of Blooming Grove; two step-daughters, Mrs. Helen Varnell, of Tyler, and Pat Lane of Richmond; one sister, Mrs. Dale Dozier, of Blooming Grove; and one brother, James Thomas Ryan, of Great Falls, Mt. Pallbearers will be Dale Lane, C. L. Gillen, Don McGraw, Walter Biggars, Kenny Varnell and Benny Hinkle.


Ouida Inez (Roberts) Smith
Oct 13, 1927 - Jan 26, 2012

Ouida Inez Smith, of Corsicana, passed away Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 in Corsicana at the age of 84 with her family at her side.

She was born Oct. 13, 1927, in Childress to William R. Roberts and Martha Elizabeth Hartley Roberts. She attended and graduated from the Rice School District and married B.J. "Snuffy" Smith.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband of 50 years, B.J. "Snuffy" Smith; three sisters; and three brothers.

Survivors include her daughter Toni Ross and her husband Eddie of Corsicana; son Bill Smith and his wife Sue of Corsicana; grandchildren, Stacey Glass and her husband Daniel of Corsicana, Michael Ross of Houston and Trey Smith of Madison, Wisc.; and great grandchildren, Mackenzie Hill, Camryn Glass, and Jessica Glass of Corsicana. She is also survived by her brother, J.C. Roberts of Canyon, and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. The family also wants to include a special friend and caregiver, Tina Smith of Corsicana, who took care of Ouida so well.

Visitation was held 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in the Chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Pastor Dan Layne officiating. Interment will follow at Oakwood Cemetery with Eddie Ross, Michael Ross, Daniel Glass, Skip Hamill, Dr. Kent Rogers and Jay Roberts serving as pallbearers.

If so desired memorials can be made in Ouida's name to a charity or organization of your choice.

Funeral arrangements under the direction of Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.


Margie Alice (Slate) Neese
Dec 18, 1925 - Jan 24, 2012

Margie Alice Slate Neese, 86. The sweet gentle spirit of Margie Neese is free. She passed away bravely on Jan. 24, 2012.

Her passion was golf and her golf buddies. Then came her "Little-one" grandson Wesley. She was always there for him and she put her clubs away.

She joins her husband Clyde “Sonny” Neese whom she was wed to for 57 years. He passed away in 2003.

She is preceded in death by brothers, Franklin Slate, John Slate; sister, Faye Graves; mother Nellie Slate and father Henry Slate.

She is survived by her sisters, Doris McMillian, Francis Joyner; son, David; daughter, Ginny and grandson Wesley.

She will forever be remembered.

Visitation will be Friday, Jan. 27, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, 2012 at Oakwood Cemetery with Bro. Bill Honea officiating.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home


JoAnn (Walker) Loggins
May 25, 1940 - Jan 20, 2012

JoAnn Loggins, a loving mother, sister, grandmother and dedicated friend, passed away peacefully Jan. 20, 2012 from complications of lung cancer.

Born May 25, 1940 in Pittsburg, TX, she enjoyed baking, gardening and spending time with family and friends.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Lacy and Leona Walker.

Survivors include her daughter, Donna Chambers; and two grandchildren, Chelsea and Joshua; sisters, Jan Lovern, and Davalene Capps and husband Audrey; brother, Johnny Walker and wife Linda; and a host of friends.

A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012 at Mildred Baptist Church, 5502 South Highway 287 in Corsicana.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the St. Jude Foundation or the American Cancer Society.


Gladys E. (Stratton) Dietel
Feb 5, 1914 - Jan 28, 2012

Gladys E. (Stratton) Dietel, 97, of Dawson, passed away Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, at Heritage Oaks Retirement Center in Corsicana from natural causes.

She was born Feb. 5, 1914, in Cooper, to the late James Robnett and Gracy (Skeen) Stratton. On Aug. 19, 1939, she was married to B. H. Dietel. They lived and raised their family in Dallas most of their married life until retiring to the farm in the Dawson area. She was a dedicated and faithful wife, mother, and homemaker. She was a member of Lakeside Baptist Church in Dallas for many years until the move to Dawson where she became a member of First United Methodist Church there.

During her lifetime, she touched the lives of countless individuals through her kindness and generosity. She was a past member of the Lake Highlands Garden Club, the Dawson Study Club, and various PTA's while her children were growing up.

She is preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Edd Stratton and J. R. Stratton; three sisters, Vera Sherrill, Margaret George, and Georgia Wills; two brothers-in-law, Homer Sherrill and Bill Wills; and one sister-in-law, Faye Stratton.

Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Edwin and Betty Dietel of Bethesda, Md.; a daughter and son-in-law, Margaret and Leon McLain of Dawson; two grandchildren, Lindsay Spector and husband Dan of Bethesda, Md., and John McLain of Dawson; two great-grandchildren, Will and Amelia Spector of Bethesda, Md.; one brother-in-law, Blaine George of Como; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be John McLain, Gene McLain, Gary Sherrill, James Shelton, Dan Wills, Bill Stratton and Ben Gallagher.

Funeral services for Gladys Dietel will be held at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2012, at Wildwood Chapel, Restland Cemetery, Greenville Ave., Dallas, with the Rev. B.F. Risinger officiating.


Jim Elrod Tyson
Oct 24, 1887 - Jan 23, 1958

J. E. Steele Dies Thursday Morning
J. E. Steele, 70, died at his home in the Streetman community Thursday morning. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Griffin Chapel. Burial will be in the Birdston cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Tommy Sandlin of Wortham. He was a member of the Winkler Masonic Lodge and the Masons will have charge of the graveside rites. Surviving are six sons, J. S. Steele, Grand Prairie; Fred, Storey, and Harry Lee Steele all of Phoenix, Ariz.; Thomas Steele, Austin and Joel Steele, Dallas; a brother Gregg Steele, Dallas; two sisters Mrs. Ethel Chandler, Dallas, and Mrs. Jack Glass, Old Ocean; five grandchildren, one great-grandchild and other relatives. Pallbearers will be Robert James Steele, Richard Steele, Tom Chandler, Jack Glass, Jr.; T. C. Steele and Kenneth Steele.


William Vardaman Keel
abt 1887 - Oct. 20, 1918

A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and is believed to be correct:

WILLIAM VARDAMAN KEEL—Died of bronchial pneumonia. Died at Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Florida. Sick 7 days. Trained at Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Florida. Entered the service December 11th, 1917 Was 31 years and 10 months old. Was a corporal. Body buried in the Birdston cemetery, Navarro county. Was single, leaving a father and three brothers Belonged to Motor Transport Co. No. 397. Address of deceased when he entered the service, Streetman, Texas. Parents, John Vardaman Keel and Mattie Keel (deceased), Streetman, Texas.


Robert Henry Wasson
Sep 9, 1898 - Jun 28, 1917

A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and is believed to be correct:

ROBERT HENRY WASSON—Died of spinal meningitis. Died at Great Lakes, Illinois. Was sick 19 days. Trained at Great Lakes, Illinois. Entered the service May 5th, 1917. Was 19 years of age. Was an apprentice seaman. Body buried in the cemetery at Chatfield, Texas. Was single. Belonged to the United States Navy. Address of deceased at time of entering service Rice, Texas. Parents, Mrs. Violet Clark Gallemore, mother; James A. Gallemore, stepfather, Corsicana, Texas.




Enlisted From Near Rice and Died of Meningitis.

Robert Wasson, aged 22 years, son of Mrs. James Gallimore, living between Rice and Chatfield, and who enlisted in the navy some weeks ago and went in training at Great Lakes near Chicago, died there last Thursday of meningitis, and the remains reached Rice last night and were interred in the Chatfield cemetery today. The deceased was a nephew of Mrs. John Finch of Chatfield. The funeral was well attended and many flowers were sent from Corsicana.




Item of Interest Culled From Columns of Exchanges.

Robert Henry Wasson, aged 19 years, died at the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill., Thursday morning, being the first Rice boy to give his life for his country since the present war with Germany. Robert joined the U. S. navy about two months ago and since then has been at the Naval Training Station. On June 16 he was placed in the hospital on account of an attack of meningitis, and since then has been in a critical condition. His mother, Mrs. J. A. Gallemore, has been notified daily of his condition, and for a while hope was held out for his recovery, but Thursday morning Mrs. Gallemore received a telegram that he had died and asking what disposition to make of the body. Instructions were given to send the body here for interment, and at the time of going to press it was not known what time the body would arrive and funeral arrangements had not been made. The whole town is grieving because of his death, for Robert was loved by every one. The regret that his career was cut short, for he would have distinguished himself in the service of his country, and brought honor to himself and to the town.—Rice Rustler.


Oscar Edmond Wilson
died Oct. 14, 1918

A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys
Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice

Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and is believed to be correct:

OSCAR EDMOND WILSON—Died of pneumonia, October 14th, 1918. Died at sea. Trained at Camp Hancock, Ga. Entered the service July 23d, 1918. Age, 25 years. Was a sergeant. Body buried in Hopewell cemetery, Navarro County, Texas. Was single. Belonged to 27th P. O. D. Co., 2nd Reg. Address of deceased when he entered the service, Corsicana, Texas, R. R. No. 4. Parents dead.




Oscar C. Wilson of Emhouse Died En Route to France

Mrs. Wilbur Allen of Emhouse received word yesterday that her brother, Sergeant Oscar C. Wilson, died at sea, and that the body had been returned to Hoboken, New Jersey.

Sergeant Wilson was Mrs. Allen's only brother and had been in the service only three months. He trained at Camp Travis, and was then sent to Camp Hancock, Ga., where he completed his training for service overseas.

The body will be brought to Corsicana for burial, but at just what time it will arrive is not yet known.

Sergeant Wilson was twenty-five years of age, and his death was caused by influenza.

His mother, Mrs. S. O. Wilson lives at Waxahachie and he is survived by his mother and two sisters.


Walter Dunn Phillips
Jul 15, 1889 - Apr 20, 1918

A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and is believed to be correct:

WALTER DUNN PHILLIPS—Died of pneumonia. Was sick fifteen days at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Trained at Camp Travis, Texas. Entered the service on September 7th, 1917. Age at time of death, 28 years. Died April 20, 1918. Rank not given. Was single. Belonged to Co. G. 359th Infantry. His home was at Blooming Grove, Texas. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Blooming Grove, Texas.


David Hubbard Steely
Mar 9, 1887 - Dec 6, 1918

A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and is believed to be correct:

DAVID HUBBARD STEELY—Died of disease. Died at sea, December 6th, 1918. Trained at Camp Travis, Texas and Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Entered the service July 23d, 1918. Aged 31 years. Was a private. Body buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Texas. Was married. Left a wife. Belonged to Battery A, 127th Field Artillery. Address of deceased, Corsicana, Texas. Mother, Mrs. Matilda Steely, Corsicana, Texas.


Lewis C. Morris
Aug 20, 1894 - Jan 14, 1919

A Few Brief Facts Concerning The Navarro County Boys Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice Following is a list of the boys from Navarro county who made the supreme sacrifice during the world war, whether being killed on the battlefield or dying of disease in France or at the various army camps throughout the country. After untiring work this list has been compiled and is believed to be correct:

LOUIS C. MORRIS—Died of influenza and pneumonia in the Base Hospital at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Texas. Was sick six days. Trained at Camps Travis and McArthur, Texas. Entered the service June 24th, 1918. Was 24 years, 4 months and 14 days old. Was private in Provost Guard Co., Military Police. Body buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Texas. Was single, leaving a father, mother, five brothers and two sisters. Belonged to the Military Police. Address of deceased when he entered the service, Corsicana, Texas. Parents, Wm. F. Morris, Mrs. Jennie Morris, 410 East Tenth Avenue, Corsicana, Texas.



In Memoriam.

On January 14th, 1919, at 6 o’clock Death Angel came between Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Morris and their oldest son, Louis, and took him to a brighter and dearer home, up yonder. Louis was in the service for Uncle Sam in the camp of MacArthur; had been there for about 6 months. He was loved by all who knew him, was of a nice honorable quiet disposition when you met him it was with a smile and a hearty handshake. He was blooming into manhood and nearing his twenty-fifth year. Louis was shipped to Corsicana Friday, January 17th, and was laid to rest in the Oakwood Cemetery January 18th at 3:30 o’clock, the funeral services being held at the East Side Baptist Mission and conducted by Rev. Howell. Louis has gone to meet his little sister who has gone on before, and leaves a heartbroken mother, father, two sisters, five brothers and a lonely sweetheart, besides a host of other friends and relatives. There were many beautiful flowers put upon the last resting place. Weep not, loved ones, for our dear comrade is at rest, and waiting to beckon our hands some sweet day up yonder. He is gone but not forgotten. His casket was draped with a beautiful gift from Uncle Sam, a large American flag, and his uniform upon his body, which makes not only us on this earth proud of him, but God, our Master, proud to know he has another angel who has done his duty both on earth and in heaven. His remains were accompanied by several of his favorite comrades from Corsicana and Camp McArthur, where death came to him.

A loving one from us is gone,
The voice we loved is till;
A place is vacant in church, camp and home,
Which never can be filled.

The one we loved is far away,
The hands we clasp are cold;
But now he's safe in heaven,
Walking the streets of gold.

It fills our hearts with sadness
To know he's gone away;
But still we long for a coming,
When we’ll meet him some sweet day.




In Memoriam.

Louis Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Morris, was called to his reward Wednesday evening, January fourteenth, 1919, at Camp McArthur, Waco, and was laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery, January 18. He had been in service since June 24.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones, but weep not as those who have no hope, for we have a hope of meeting him in a sweet bye and bye, where parting comes no more and where God will wipe all tears from our eyes.

He will be missed by all who knew him for to know him was to love him. He was a true Christian, and we are glad to say that his life proved it as well as his profession of faith. But ah! How much we will miss him, but God doeth all things well, but for him to live is Christ and to die is gain, for he has anchored in the sweet heaven of rest and the beautiful Isle of Somewhere.

We are glad to know he was a true soldier for his country as well as a soldier of the cross. He was a devoted son to his mother and father and never gave them any trouble. He was reared here and grew to be a good and unusually kind son and brother. We cannot see why the Heavenly Father took him away, but His will must be done, not ours. All was done for him that loving hands and physical aid could do but all in vain. Rev. L. C. Howell conducted the funeral services and spoke tender words to console the bereaved ones.

Lewis lived only a few short years in this sinful world. He was 24 years, four months and fourteen days old when he was called to dwell with the heavenly father, but weep not dear loved ones but look to God for help for he alone can comfort and strengthen you, so put your trust in him.

A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in that home,
Which never can be filled.

God in his wisdom has recalled,
The balm his love has given;
But thought the body slumbers here.
His soul is safe in Heaven.



Narben Henry Sheets
Feb 6, 1909 - Mar 18, 1971


Narben H. Sheeets, 62, owner-operator of Sheets TV Service, died Thursday in Memorial Hospital. A native of Tupelo-Chatfield area, he had been a lifelong resident of Roane until moving to Corsicana in 1960. He was a veteran of World War II and a member and deacon of North Beaton Church of Christ.

Funeral services will be Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at the North Beaton Church of Christ with J. Leathal Roberts officiating. Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Park. Corley Funeral Home will conduct.

He is survived by his widow; one son, John; two daughters, Miss Joyce Sheets and Mrs. Glenn Beaird; one brother, E.F. Sheets, all of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. David Fluker, Corsicana, and Mrs. Melvin Gorman, Roane.

Pallbearers will be A.B. Dickey, Eugene Robinson, Jack Pillans, Bobby Durr, Dan Steele, Jack Duke, Billy Don Atkeisson and Joe Atkeisson.


Johnnie Leslie Patterson
Oct 23, 1901 - Jan 4, 1974

Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Johnnie L. Patterson, 72, of Emhouse, who died Friday at Memorial Hospital.
Rev. Leroy Reaves will officiate, and burial will be at Resthaven Memorial Park.

He was a native of Powell and had lived in Emhouse for 20 years. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Methodist Church.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Edith Patterson of Emhouse; a daughter, Mrs. Leon Stough of Corsicana; two grandchildren, Carl and Kim Stough of Corsicana; two brothers, Furman Patterson of Robert Lee, Tex. and Frank Patterson of Marshall; three sisters, Mrs. Theo Meissner of White Oak; Mrs. Robert Smith of Corsicana, and Mrs. Edward Miles of West; and a number of nieces and nephews.


Bertha Lela (Davis) Warren
Mar 6, 1908 - Jan 3, 1974

Mrs. Warren

Funeral services are set for 1 p.m. Saturday aththe Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Bertha Warren, 65, of Corsicana, who died Thursday at Memorial Hospital. Rev. G. H. Gregory will officiate, with Jerry Sheffield assisting. Burial will be at Board Creek Cemetery. (Boardtree)

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Billie Dyer of Lancaster; five grandsons; seven great-grandchildren, and her step-mother, Mrs. I. A. Davis of Corsicana.
Pallbearers include Burl Prestidge, Earl Alexander, Authur Murray, W. A. Dyer, Talmadge Almond and Roy Almond.


Willie B. Griggs
Mar 3, 1932 - Oct 24, 1950

Mrs. J.E. Griggs Dies Tuesday At Local Hospital

Mrs. Willie B. Griggs, 18, died at an early hour Tuesday morning at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic, Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. from the Fellowship Baptist church. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the church.

Surviving are her husband, J.E. Griggs, Corsicana; parents, Mr. and Mr. Willie Shivers, Corsicana; four brothers, Burnett and Billy Dan Shivers, both of Dallas; Tommy Gene and Homer Edwin Shivers, both of Corsicana; grandmother, Mrs. Virginia Shivers, Corsicana and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Curtis Odom, E. E. Williams, Duane Rash, Danny Anderson, Fred Nutt and Fred Gray.

Corley Funeral Home will direct.


Norval Green
Feb 18, 1878 - July 3, 1970

Green Service

Funeral services for Narval Green, 92, were held Sunday afternoon at Griffin Funeral Home. He died Friday in Memorial Hospital. He was a retired grocer.
Graveside services were held at Walnut Springs. The Rev. Eugene Wood officiated.
Surviving are his wife, five daughters, eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


Ella (Borglund) Green
July 8, 1880 - Dec 22, 1974

Mrs. Green
Funeral will be Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Ella B. Green, 94, who died Sunday morning at Mel-Haven Convalescent
Home. Graveside services will be held at 1:30 p.m. at Walnut Springs. The Rev. Eugene Wood will officiate.
She was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church.
She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Mildred Phillips of Corsicana, Mrs. Russell P. Smith of Dallas, Mrs. G. O. Brown of Poison, Montana, Mrs. R. L. Landtroop of Irving, and Mrs. Bonnie Collins of Wichita Falls; eight grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be H. C. Allen, Byron Young, Albert Galloway, H. C. Thome, R. V. Burns, and M. R. Morris, The family has asked that donations be made to favorite charities.


John Fred Smith
July 9, 1856 - Sept 29, 1932

Former Navarro County Resident Died at Hedley
J. Fred Smith, age 76 years, former resident of Navarro county died September 29 at his home in Hedley. Burial was Saturday, Oct. 1.
Mr. Smith came to Texas from Georgia and lived in Navarro county several years before moving to Hedley.
Surviving are seven children, Mrs. J. E. King, San Angelo; (illegible.) O. Smith, Louisiana; Mrs. H.L. Lewis, Wichita Falls; Mrs. S.A. Sheppard, Corsicana; Charles Smith, Groom; T.J. Smith, Marana, Arizona, and Ben Smith Lubbock.


  • Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Oct 11, 1932
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Violet Sanders
Aug 19, 1924 - July 10, 1937

Violet Sanders, aged 13 years, student of the State Home here, died at the Home Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The body was forwarded to Cushing, Texas, for burial by Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon.
Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Bailey Clifton of Cushing.\


William Wade Crecelius
Sept 24, 1854 - July 19, 1940


Funeral services for William Wade Crecelius, aged 85 years, who died at Rice late Friday night, were held Sunday afternoon at at Rio Vista, Johnson county, at 2 o'clock. Interment was in the Grange Hall cemetery near Rio Vista. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Crecelius had resided in Johnson county for many years prior to moving to Rice a year ago.

Surviving are four sons, L. D. and O. A. Crecelius, both of Purdon; H. H. Crecelius, Dallas, and J. A. Crecelius, Rio Vista; four daughters, Mrs. C. M. Eppler,
Rice; Mrs. J. K. Bishop, Olney, and Mrs. W. M. Reed and Mrs. J. D. Reed, both of Shallow Water, Texas; 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements.


Gladys Harvey White
About 1949 - Dec 21, 2011

Corsicana — Gladys Harvey White, 62, of Arlington passed away Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011 at the Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital. Funeral services are 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 31, 2011, at the Eastside Church Of Christ, 906 East 13th Avenue, Corsicana. Interment will follow at Woodland Memorial Park. Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary.


Mary Katherine Cagle
Aug 5, 1952 - Aug 5, 1952

Infant Rites At Dresden Cemetery

Mary Katherine Cagle, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. R. Cagle of Monahans, died at the P. and S. Hospital Tuesday morning.

Funeral services will be held at the Dresden cemetery at 4:30 p. m. Tuesday. The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. Don Hazelwood, pastor of the Barry and Emhouse Methodist churches.

Surviving are the parents, a brother, Richard David Cagle, Monahans; and grandmothers, Mrs. R. H. Stokes, Emhouse, and Mrs. D. D. Cagle, Corsicana, and other relatives.

Corley will direct.


Addie James (Gardner) Raley
Jan 5, 1860 - Mar 9, 1935

Mrs. Addle Jane Raley, aged 74 years, pioneer resident of Navarro county and resident of Corsicana for the past six years, died at 1017 West Fifth avenue Saturday night at 11:30 o'clock after a lingering illness and the funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Brushy Prairie. Mrs. Raley was the widow of the late W. A. Raley.
Surviving are two sons, J. L. Raley of Corsicana and Floyd Raley of Hubbard; a daughter, Mrs. K. A. Blakney of Corsicana and several grandchildren.
Mrs. Raley was one of the eight or nine World War Gold Star Mothers in Navarro county. Her son, Walter F. Raley, was killed in an accident at camp in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He was a member of Troop I. 312th Cavalry, U. S. A.
A. T. Sheppard blew taps and J. B. Ingle, chaplain of Johnston-Wiggins Post No. 22. American Legion, made several remarks at the service.
The following American Legion members were pallbearers:
Ray Morgan, Doc Sheets. E. L. Finley, Luther Haynes, T. J. Blissett and J. B. Ingle.
The funeral was directed by the Corley Funeral Home.


William Alonzo Raley
July 20, 1869 - Oct 5, 1946

William Alonzo Raley, age 77, passed away in his Fort Worth home Oct. 5, after an illness of four years, during which time he uttered no complaint. He was patient until the end and gladly welcomed his calling.
He was a member of the Methodist church and had lived at Irene until eight years ago when he moved to Fort Worth.
He is survived by two daughters, Della Raley, who has kept him a home and so tenderly cared for him through many years of loneliness, heartache and sickness, and Mrs. Cora Toten of Fort Worth; one sister, and one brother, Mrs. C. R. Slater and Abe Raley of Brushie Prairie community; five grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. He was placed to rest in the Brushie Prairie cemetery Oct. 6, beneath many beautiful flowers, and now in passing by we say:

"Here lies an uncle
Whose heart was good,
Loved his fellowman
And understood;
His was a voice
That spoke to cheer
those words of kindness
We loved to hear.
His was a smile
Men loved to see;
His was a hand
That asked no fee,
For friendliness
Or kindness done;
And now that he
Has journeyed on
His is a fame
That never ends.
He leaves behind
Uncounted friends"
His niece, Mrs. Cecil Putman.


Alice Laverta (Priddy) Raley
Oct 1, 1880 - Jan 14, 1959

Mrs. Raley Is Buried Monday
DAWSON, June 15—(Spl.)—Mrs. Alice Raley, 78, native of Alabama, died in Fort Worth Sunday.
Funeral services were held at the Brushie Prairie Methodist church Monday afternoon with burial in the Brushie Prairie cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. G. W. French, Jr., Rev. Bryan Fuque and Rev. W. L. Milner, Methodist ministers, and Rev. W. L. Bryant, Baptist minister.
A native of Alabama, Mrs. Raley spent most of her life in the Brushie Prairie community, residing in Fort Worth for the past 10 years.
Surviving are four sons, Truman Raley, Frost; Benedict Raley, Barry; Jack and Elbert Raley, both of Fort Worth; 16 grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Susie Wharton, Austin; a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed


Rebecca May (McCarter) Sullivan
Jan 2, 1903 - Mar 16, 1971

Sullivan Rites

Funeral services were Friday at 2 p.m. at Corley Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Clyde Sullivan, 68, Navarro, who died Tuesday. The Rev. Jack Wright, Rev. Charles Pringle and Rev. B.W. Johnson officiated. Burial was in the Hopewell Cemetery.

Surviving are her husband, one daughter, four grandchildren, four brothers and two sisters.



Sullivan Rites

Funeral services will be Friday at 2 p.m. at the Corley Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Clyde Sullivan, 68, Navarro, who died Tuesday in a Pasadena hospital. Officiating ministers will be the Revs. Jack Wright, Charles Pringle and B. W. Johnson. Burial will be in the Hopewell Cemetery.

She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Janice Keele, Deerpark, Texas; four grandchildren; four brothers, Alvin and Victor McCarter of Corsicana, Charlie McCarter, Navarro, and Harold McCarter, Houston; and two sisters, Mrs. John N. Hunt, Corsicana and Mrs. Leroy Poteet, Navarro.

Pallbearers will be Jackie Teague, Gene Berry, Hugh Fouty, Clint Foluty, Monty Bottoms and Allen Middlebrook.


Matthew Clark "Matt" Blair
Aug 7, 1902 - Jan 1, 1972

Matt Blair

ATHENS - Funeral services for Matt Blair, 69, retired musician who died Saturday in a Dallas hospital after a lengthy illness, will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Carroll and Lehr Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Faulk Landrus will officiate. Burial will follow in Corsicana at Oakwood Cemetery.

A native of Middletown, Ohio, he moved to Corsicana in 1907 where he was graduated from high school, having played in the high school band. He had played with several big name bands including Tommy Dorsey and Carmen Cavalerro and formerly was a musician with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

A former Athens resident, he had moved back here about a year ago.

He is survived by one son, Matthew C. Blair of Irving; one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Stietz of Carrollton; one brother, Roy M. Blair of Athens; two sisters, Mrs. Gene Tindel and Miss Esther Ruth Blair, both of Athens; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.


Susie (Rankin) Hazel
July 29, 1899 - Apr 18, 1974

Mrs. Hazel

Funeral services were to be at 3 p.m. today at the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Suzie Hazel, 75, resident of Corsicana, who died Thursday morning at Twilight Nursing Home.

The Rev. Peyton Goodman will officiate, and burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery. She was a member of First United Methodist Church.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Hallie Whittaker of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Anderson, resident of Abilene; three grandchildren, Mrs. Rita Kdwell and Ken Whittaker, both of Dallas, and Danny Whittaker of Corsicana; one great-granddaughter, Jennifer Whittaker of Corsicana; two nieces and a nephew.

Pallbearers include Ray Whittaker, Ken Whittaker, Danny Whittaker, Bill Roughton, Cecil Bates, and Billy Elam.


John Hugh McGlasson
Mar 25, 1931 - Dec 23, 1977


J. H. McGlasson

Services are at 11 a.m. Monday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for John H. McGlasson, 46, native of Corsicana, and resident of Mabank, who died last night at the Dallas Veterans Administration Hospital.

Burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery.

He was a salesman and a veteran of the Korean War. He was also a Baptist.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Carolyn McGlasson of Mabank; two sons, John Paul McGlasson of Mabank and Marc McGlasson of Los Angeles, Calif.; two daughters Miss Susan McGlasson and Miss Kerri McGlasson both of Los Angeles and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Sparks of Dallas.


Mary Lena (Hart) Holt
Sept 28, 1884 - Sept 1, 1976

Dr. J.W. Ousley and the Rev. Van Houser officiated at the 2 p.m. Friday services at First Baptist Church for longtime resident, Mrs. Lena Holt.

Burial followed at Kerens City Cemetery. Arrangements were with Paschal Funeral Home.

Pallbearers were John Beck, Woodrow Massey, Stafford Cunningham, R.H. Hilliard, Johnny Scott, Western Wallace, Johnny Mills and Herbert McCown.


  • Kerens Tribune - Thursday, Sep 9, 1976
  • Submitted by Karen Rost


Mrs. Holt

KERENS—Dr. J. W. Ousley and the Rev. Van Houser were to officiate at the 2 p.m. Friday services at First Baptist Church for longtime resident, Mrs. Lena Holt.

Burial was to follow at Kerens City Cemetery. Arrangements were with Paschal Funeral Home.

Pallbearers were to be John Beck, Woodrow Massey, Stafford Cunningham, R. H. Hilliard, Johnny Scott, Western Wallace, Johnny Mills, and Herbert McCown.

Honorary pallbearers will be R. R. Shelton, Joe Sheppard, Dr. G. H. Sanders, Harlon McQuary, G. M. Chapman, Jack Anderson, H. H. Trent, Bill Fletcher, A. L. Arnett, Bob Ford, Pat Murphy, Allen Paul, Lloyd Quinn, Pate Thompson, and Dr. Henry Hoffer.



Mrs. Holt

KERENS—Services will be 2 p.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church in Kerens for Mrs. Lena Holt, 91, longtime resident of Kerens, who died Wednesday.

Burial will be atKerens City Cemetery.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Dortha Scarborough of Kerens.

Arrangements are with Paschal Funeral Home in Kerens.


Ella (Scroggs) Noble
Dec 25, 1872 - June 30, 1957

Kerens Pioneer Rites Wednesday

KERENS, July 1 - (Spl.) - Mrs. Ella Noble, 86, resident of Kerens practically all her life, died in an Austin hospital Monday morning.

Funeral services will be held at the Inmon Funeral Chapel Wednesday at 10 a.m. with burial in the Kerens Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. D.R. McCauley, pastor of the First Methodist church of which she was a member.

Mrs. Noble was the widow of the late A. Noble, long-time owner and publisher of the Kerens Tribune.

Surviving are eight grandchildren and a number of nieces nephews and other relatives.


  • Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Tuesday, July 2, 1957
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • w/o Alonzo Noble; d/o Calvin S. Scroggs and Margaret "Maggie" (Cherry) Scroggs

Susan Amanda (McCullough) Gray
May 19, 1856 - Oct 28, 1936


KERENS, Oct. 30. - (Spl.) - Funeral services for Mrs. Leonard Gray, 80, who passed away at her home Wednesday morning, were held at the family residence Thursday afternoon with Rev. M.O. Cheek, pastor of the First Baptist church, assisted by Rev. Joe Everheart and Rev. C.E. Wilkins, officiating.

Mrs. Gray was born in Mississippi but moved to Texas in 1869 and as a girl taught school in Van Zandt and Navarro counties. Surviving Mrs. Gray are her husband and five children, W.M. Gray of Corsicana, Dr. C.E. Gray of Ennis, Mrs. Rufus Shaw of Frost, Mrs. Will Finley, Abilene, and E.H. Gray of Kerens.


Leonard Gray
May 7, 1851 - Nov 30, 1941

Aged Kerens Man Died on Saturday; Burial on Sunday
KERENS, Dec. 2.—Leonard Gray, aged 92 years, died at his home here Saturday morning.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon with burial in the Kerens Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Hugh R. Bumpas, pastor of the Ennis Tabernacle Baptist Church.
Surviving are three sons. Dr. C.E. Gray, Ennis, and Mitchell and Elvy Gray both of Kerens; and a daughter, Mrs. Will Finley, Coleman .


Timothy Mark Kirkwood
May 28, 1962 - Aug 6, 2010

Timothy Mark Kirkwood, 48, of Corsicana, went to be with the Lord Friday, Aug. 6, 2010. Memorial services will be 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14, at Grace Community Church, 227 North Beaton, Corsicana, with the Rev. Ted Currington officiating.


Fabris Adine (Sykes) Bryant
Nov 16, 1923 - Jan, 27, 2012

On Jan. 27, 2012, Fabris Adine Bryant, 88 years young, departed this life and began her eternal life with her Savior Jesus Christ.
Fabris was born Nov. 16, 1923, the first child and only daughter of Ermit Jefferson Sykes and Modenia Moody Sykes in Blooming Grove, Texas.
She was raised on a sharecropper farm in Blooming Grove and attended school at Hog Eye School and at the Blooming Grove Schools. Both of her grandfathers, J.J. Sykes and I.W. Moody, were ministers and Fabris accepted Christ as a child. She lived her entire life in the faith and knowledge of the Savior.
Fabris met the love of her life, Kenneth Justin Bryant, when she was only five years old. She and Kenneth were boyfriend-girlfriend through high school and planned to marry after finishing their educations. Kenneth, two years senior to Fabris, finished his high school studies and had attended business college when World War II was declared in 1941. He and Fabris were married on Valentines Day, 1942. In just 18 days after her death, she and Kenneth would have celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.
Fabris worked several different jobs during the war and during her lifetime but the one she took most to her heart was being a housewife and being mother to their children, William Jefferson Bryant and Deborah Dean Bryant Foster. One of their true loves in life was following the active lives of their children; Jeff in football and later law enforcement, and Deborah, a Waxahachie High Cherokee Charmer and professionally as assistant to a Dallas County Judge.
The Bryants loved their churches and for their first 28 years living in Waxahachie (1966-1994) they served as members of Farley Street Baptist, then for the next 14 as member of Heritage Baptist, and then due to their health and location, they returned as member of Farley Street Church in 2008.
Fabris Bryant also loved serving in the Baylor Hospital Auxiliary and recently received her 25-year pin for her service.
She is survived by her husband, Kenneth Bryant; and her children: William Jefferson “Jeff” Bryant, and Deborah Dean Bryant Foster, all of Waxahachie. She has a loving daughter-in-law, Karen Bryant, and son-in-law, Stephen Foster. Mrs. Bryant is also survived by nine grandchildren: Jeffry Russell, Lowell Glenn Bryant, Tammi Bates, Stephen Foster Jr., Stephanie Eitrheim, Phillip Justin Foster, Kelly Cravens, Julie Forgason and Bryan Cravens. She has 18 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. She is also survived by several cousins, nieces and nephews; including special niece, Becky Sykes and nephew, Billy Sykes.
Services to celebrate her life are scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 30, 2012, at the Farley Street Baptist Church. Her son-in-law, Stephen Foster, will deliver the eulogy and grandson and major league baseball coach Stephen Foster Jr. will deliver the sermon. Interment will follow at the Rose Hill Cemetery in Blooming Grove, Texas.
Visitation with the family will be held from 4-6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, at Wayne Boze Funeral Home.
Arrangements are under the direction of Wayne Boze Funeral Home.


  • Waxahachie Daily Light - Saturday, Jan 28, 2012

Overton "Ovie" (Searcy) Heflin-Barnett
Dec 2, 1874 - Aug 12, 1960

Mrs. Barnett Dies Recently In California

Mrs. R. F. Barnett, formerly Mrs. G. J. Heflin of Corsicana, recently died in Hollywood Calif. according to information received by friends here.
Surviving are a son, Gilbert Searcy Heflin; two granddaughters Betty and Sally, and eight great-grandchildren.

The ashes will be interred in the family plot of Oakwood Cemetery following memorial services here, but the time has not been determined.


John R. Valentine
Feb 1856 – May 30, 1933


Funeral services for J.R. Volentine, former resident of Corsicana, who died at Marion, Va., Tuesday, will be held from the residence of Mrs. J.E. Whiteselle on West Seventh avenue, Friday morning at 10 o'clock with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. H.J. Ellis, rector of St. John's Episcopal church.

Mr. Volintine was a brother-in-law of J. L. Whiteselle and the late J. E. Whiteselle. He was connected with the Whiteselle Brick and Lumber company a number of years.

Pallbearers will be Max D. Almond, S.K. Brietz, W. E. Slaughter, J.N. Edens, J. E. Butler and J.N. Garitty.

The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.



Additional obit


J. R. Volentine, former resident of Corsicana, died in Marian, Va., Tuesday, according to information received here by relatives, and the body will be brought to Corsicana for interment.

Mr. Volentine was connected with the Whitselle Brick and Lumber company for many years and is a brother-in-law of J. E. Whiteselle and the late J. E. Whiteselle.

The arrangements here will be conducted by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.

Definite funeral announcement was not available Wednesday but it is expected the body will reach Corsicana sometime Friday.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, May 31, 1933
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • (his family monument says Valentine – 1900 Navarro county census says John R Valintyne his daughter Katie is living with his sister Charity Whiteselle and her name is spelled Vallintyne in the census) ( the name is spelled Vollentine, Volintine in other places)
  • Oakwood Cemetery



Funeral services for J. R. Volintine, aged about 75 years, former resident of Corsicana, who died in Marian, Va. Tuesday, were held from the residence of Mrs. J. E. Whiteselle, West Seventh avenue, Friday morning at 10 o’clock with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of St. John's Episcopal church.

Mr. Volintine was a brother-in-law of J. L. Whiteselle and the late J. E. Whiteselle and formerly was connected with the Whiteselle Brick and Lumber company. He moved from Corsicana 25 or 30 years ago.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. E. K. Coyner and Katie Lee Volintine, both of Marian, Va., and a son, Clarence Volintine.

Pallbearers were Max D. Almond, S. K. Brietz, W. E. Slaughter, J. N. Edens, J. E. Butler and J. N. Garitty.

The funeral was directed by the Sutherland – McCammon Funeral Home.


Helen Eugenia (Musselman) Barnabee
June 20, 1918 - Oct 9, 1968

Barnabee Rites

Funeral services were held Thursday at 10 a.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church for Mrs. J.H. Barnabee Jr., who died early Wednesday. The Rev. Dennis Smart, rector, officiated. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.

She is survived by her husband, one daughter, four sons, two grandchildren and her mother.


  • Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Oct 10, 1968
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Carlton H. Wells
Dec 25, 1894 - Oct 7, 1968

Funeral services were held Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the Corley Funeral Chapel for Carl H. Wells, 79, retired grocer who died Monday. The Rev. Robert Potts officiated, assisted by the Rev. Dennis Smart. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Earl Bush Jr., who came from Maracaibo, Venezuela for the services; a brother, Jess Wells, Lubbock; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hamilton, Plainview, and Mrs. Sallie Speed, La Puenta, Calif., and a number of nieces and nephews.


  • Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Oct 10, 1968
  • Submitted by Karen Rost

Darwin Lee Young - Aug 27, 1938 - July 4, 1970 - h/o Emma Ruth (Sonnenberg) Young - s/o Charlie R. Young

Emma Ruth Young - June 26, 1940 - July 4, 1970 - w/o Darwin Lee Young - d/o Walter Martin Sonnenberg and Lenora Elvira (Kelm) Sonnenberg Johnston

Lacy Scott Young - Jan 25, 1963 - July 4, 1970 - s/o Darwin Lee Young and Emma Ruth (Sonnenberg) Young

Triple Services Set Tuesday

Triple funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Corley Funeral Chapel for three members of a Corsicana family fatally injured Saturday on Hwy
287; Darwin Lee Young, 31, his wife, Emma Ruth, 29, and their son, Lacy Scott, 7.
Officiating ministers will be the Rev. James E. McKee, the Rev. Johnny Williams and the Rev. David Williams. Burial will be in the Providence Cemetery near Eureka. Young, a native Corsicanan, was manager of the Republic Finance Co. He and his family were members of the Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Surviving the couple are one other son. Richard Wayne, 8, and a daughter, Sheila Renea, age one, both of whom remain hospitalized with injuries from the wreck.
Young is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Young of Eureka; five brothers, Marvin R., William E. and O.C. Young, all of Eureka, and Charles H. and J.D. Young, both of Corsicana; and several nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Young is survived by her father, Walter Sonnenberg of Corsicana; her mother, Mrs. Lenora Johnston of Dallas; one brother, Walter Ray Sonnenberg; and three sisters, Mrs. Betty Jean Carver of Eldorado, Ark.; Mrs. Mildred Driggers of Orlando, Fla., and Mrs. Donna Williams of Alameda, Calif..
Surviving Lacy Scott Young are his brother and sister, his parents, six uncles and three aunts.
Named as pallbearers for the accident victims were Reynold Kelm Jr., Keith Kelm, Billy Wayne Kelm, Joe Coker, Clyde Jock, Walter Boyd, A. H. Asby, Richard Rash, Bill C. Fitch, Johnnie Brown, Chuck Mathis, Barney Thomas, Clark Sanford, Nathan L. Cook, Robert Young and Franklin N. Boyte.


John Kestler Bradley
Aug 1, 1902 - Aug 31, 1976

Services for John Kestler Bradley, 74, resident of Rice were held Sept. 2nd at the Keever Mortuary Chapel in Ennis. He died Tuesday night at the Twilight Nursing Home in Corsicana.
The Revs. Glen Jones and Roy Davis will officiate, with burial following at Rice Cemetery.
He was also a former Rice mayor, a member of the Rice Masonic Lodge, a 50 year Master Mason of the Corsicana Masonic Lodge, a member of the Haynie Memorial Methodist Church in Rice, of which he was chairman of the board, adult advisor of the Boy Scouts, and senior vice president of the First State Bank in Rice and served on its board of directors.
Survivors include his widow, two sons, John K. Bradley Jr. of Gainesville and Robert I Bradley of Fort Worth; a daughter, Mrs. Henry C. Jackson of Laredo, 13 grandchildren and a great-grandchild.


  • Kerens Tribune - Sept 9, 1976
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • s/o John Moore Bradley and Minnie (Boardman) Bradley

Dave Robertson
May 30, 1894 - Aug 28, 1948

Texas Pvt QM Corps World War I
Dawson Rites For Dave Robertson
Funeral services for Dave Robertson, 66, who died in the Waco veterans hospital Sunday, were held Monday at 3 p. m. at Dawson with burial in the Dawson cemetery.
The services were conducted from the Dawson Church of Christ by the Rev. Mr. Hellums, minister.
Pall bearers were members of the Dawson American Legion Post No. 8781.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lillie Robertson, Corsicana, and several brothers and sisters.


Myrtle Jane (Dawson) Robertson
Mar 20, 1904 - July 30, 1954

Mrs. J. Robertson Dies At Dawson
DAWSON, July 31—(Spl.)— Mrs. Jeff Robertson, 50, died at her home here Friday following several years' illness.
Funeral services were held from the Church of Christ here Saturday at 3 p. m. Burial was in the Dawson cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Tom W. Pickard and O. S. Hellums.
Surviving are her husband, Dawson; father, C. M. Dawson, Dawson; three brothers, Jim Dawson, Hillsboro; Frank Dawson, Corsicana, and Fred Dawson, Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. Rose Crum, Waco; Mrs. Winnie Maud Howard, Houston, and Mrs. Esther Moseley, Wichita Falls, and other relatives.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, July 31, 1954
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • w/o Thomas Jefferson Robertson - d/o C.M. Dawson and Maud (Daugherty) Dawson (From death certificate)

Thomas Jefferson Robertson
Jan 3, 1895 - July 31, 1975

T. J. Robertson
Funeral for Thomas Jefferson Robertson, a lifelong resident of Dawson, will be at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Dawson Church of Christ. Robertson, 80, died yesterday at his home. A retired employee of the Cotton Belt Railroad, Robertson is survived by several nieces and nephews. Minister B.C. Ballard will officiate.


Washington P. Johnson
Dec 22, 1860 - Apr 13, 1961

Hold Services Former Dawson Mayor Friday
DAWSON, April 14 (Spl.) - Funeral services for W.P. Johnson, 100 year-old former mayor of this municipality, who died Thursday, were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the First Methodist church with burial in the Dawson cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Sanders, pastor.
Born in Arkansas, Dec 22, 1860, he came to Bowie with his parents in 1875, resided in Penelope, Hill county, until moving to Dawson in 1899. He was a retired farmer and carpenter.
During his tenure of mayor in the 1930's, he was insstrumental in securing the construction of Lake Johnson, the Dawson water supply, southwest of town.
Johnson was a life long member of the Methodist church.
Surviving are a daughter Mrs. W.M. Nelson, Dawson; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Winfred Barry, Edgar Davis, John Freeland, Clay Turner, Carlos Berry and Lee McCulloch.
Eubanks Funeral Home directed.


  • Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Tuesday, Apr 18, 1961
  • Submitted by Karen Rost


Hold Services Former Dawson Mayor Friday

DAWSON, April 14 (Spl) - Funeral services for W. P. Johnson, 100-year-old former mayor of this municipality, who died Thursday, were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the First Methodist church with burial in the Dawson cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Sanders, pastor.

Born in Arkansas, Dec. 22, 1860, he came to Bowie with his parents in 1875, resided in Penelope, Hill county until moving to Dawson in 1899. He was a retired farmer and carpenter.

During his tenure of mayor in the 1930s he was instrumental in securing the construction of Lake Johnson, the Dawson water supply, southwest of town.

Johnson was a life long member of the Methodist church.

Surviving are a daughter Mrs. W. M. Nelson, Dawson; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Winfred Barry, Edgar Davis, John Freeland, Clay Turner, Carlos Berry and Lee McCulloch.

Eubanks Funeral Home directed.



Washington P. Johnson, Mayor
Dec 22, 1860 - Apr 13, 1961


J. M. Smith
Mar 3, 1904 - Oct 14, 1917

Died at State Home.
“J. M. “ Smith, aged thirteen years, eight months and eleven days, was seized with an attack of acute indigestion at the Home Saturday night and died Sunday morning at 5 o’clock. The deceased came to the Home from Montgomery county. The remains were interred in the State Home cemetery yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock, Rev. B. W. Vining officiating.


Jessie Alexander Ribble
Sep 01, 1871 - Aug 25, 1938

J. A. Ribble, aged 66 years, died at his home in Rice Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock after a several weeks' illness.
Funeral services are planned for Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Rice Baptist church. Interment will be made in the Rice cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. H. B. Henry, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. W. H. Day, superintendent of the Baptist orphanage of Waxahachie.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, Rufus Ribble, Hillsboro; Willie Ribble, Rice; Cecil Ribble, Mercedes; Roy Ribble, Corsicana, and Harvey Ribble, Rice; three daughters, Mrs. Minnie Bell, Hillsboro; Mrs. Bessie Witherspoon, Dallas; and Mrs. Lillie Gage, Corpus Christi, and other relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home will direct the arrangements.


Annie Lee (Jordan) Fitzgerald
Apr 23, 1886 - Nov 16, 1917

Died in Weatherford. Mrs. Annie Fitzgerald, wife of Rev. E. S. Fitzgerald of Weatherford, died at her home in that place Thursday night and the remains were interred at Rice today, that being the former home of the family. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. S. P. Dillard of Phillips Chapel and a sister-in-law of Will Fitzgerald of Rice.




(From the Rustler)
Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald, age 31 years, and wife of Rev. Ed Fitzgerald, died at the family home at Weatherford last Friday morning. Mrs. Fitzgerald was the eldest daughter of W. T. Jordan, and is survived by her father, husband, two children, a girl 13 and a boy nine years of age. The body was shipped here for interment in the Rice cemetery. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Saturday morning conducted by Rev. Colley of Dallas.


Walter Clifton “Cliff” Gibson
May 02, 1882 - Sep 02, 1917

The remains of Cliff Gibson, who died at the St. Paul Sanitarium in Dallas Sunday night, were brought here Monday afternoon and interred in Rice cemetery. Mr. Gibson was well known to the most of our people having been reared in and near Rice. He left here several years ago and since lived in Corsicana, Wichita and was making his home at Mineral Wells at the time of his death. Mr. Gibson was taken suddenly ill while at the Adolphus hotel in Dallas Sunday, and was carried to the sanitarium where he died Sunday night. He was a brother to Mrs. Thad Barrington of Ennis, and a brother-in-law to W. D. Bartlett of this place. He was about 39 years of age and unmarried.—Rice Rustler



Died In Dallas.
W. C. (Cliff) Gibson, for a number of years a resident of Corsicana, died in St. Paul's Sanitarium in Dallas on Sunday night and the remains were interred in Rice, the first Texas home of the family, yesterday and the funeral was largely attended. The deceased was a brother of Guy M. Gibson of Corsicana, and besides this brother, another brother, Captain Eugene Gibson, is in the United States army, and two sisters reside in Ennis.
The deceased had many friends in Corsicana who are pained to learn of his death.


Tommy Lee Simmons
May 15, 1926 - Jun 04, 1992

Tommy Lee Simmons Tommy Lee Simmons, 66, of Corsicana, died June 4, 1992, in Corsicana. Graveside service will be 6 p.m. Friday in the Rice cemetery, with the Rev. B. F. Risinger Jr. officiating. Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. He was a veteran of World War II. Survivors include two sons, Willard Lee Simmons of Kaufman and Billy Talkington of Corsicana; one daughter, Tommie Jean Adair of Benicia, Calif.; and one sister, Molly Ragan of Trinidad.


Joe Wilson Parum, Sr.
Apr 29, 1923 - Feb 2, 2012

Joe Wilson Parum, resident of Keller, formerly of Frost, passed away Feb. 1, 2012 in Keller. He was born April 29, 1923 in Corsicana to Lewis and Dolly Parum.

Mr. Parum was a member of First Baptist Church in Frost where he served a deacon. He was a 50 year Master Mason of Hillsboro Lodge and was a lifetime member of IOOF. Also a member of Frost Lions Club. He was an inspiration and christian leader to his family and youth at Frost Ag department.

Mr. Parum retired from the Postal Service in 1990 where he was a rural mail carrier.

He is preceded in death by wife Audrey Parum, and son Joe Wilson Parum Jr., brother Lewis Burns Parum.

He is survived by his children, Carolyn Griffin Fleet of Keller, John Parum and wife Shannon of Vernon; grandchildren, Heather Renee Lauden and husband Mark of Keller, Brady Renee Parum of Vernon; great grandchildren, Caroline Lauden and Griffin Lauden; sister Imogene Northworthy of Nashville, Ark.; three nieces and two nephews.

Visitation will be 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012 at Frost Baptist Church.

Funeral service will be 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 3, 2012 at Frost Baptist Church with Bro. Dale Rose. Burial will follow at Frost Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Ronald Elmore, Ronnie Brown, Leon Crawford, Jerry English, Jimmy Hooser, Harold Elmore, Wallis Wilbanks, Wilson Tatum. Honorary pallbearer Ronnie Guthrie.

Memorial book available

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.


Willa Jean Lasell
April 8, 1934 - Jan 30, 2012

Willa Jean Lasell, age 77, of Corsicana passed away on Monday, Jan. 30, 2012 at the East Texas Medical Center in Tyler. Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012 at the Plainview cemetery close to Normangee, Texas with Bro. Glenn Connor officiating. An online guest book is available at by selecting the Willa J. Lasell obituary.


Pauline Elizabeth "Polly" (Layton) Forgey
Apr 1, 1920 - Apr 10, 2010

BRIDGE CITY — Long time area resident and hairdresser, Pauline Forgey went to meet our Lord April 10, 2010, at the age of 90 and 10 days.

Born April 1, 1920 in Corsicana, Texas, Pauline moved to the Orange area in 1944 with her husband, Ira T. Forgey, and to Bridge City in 1951.

Pauline graduated from Athens High School in 1936, and from the Marinello School of Beauty of Dallas in 1940. She has worked in salons in Dallas, Houston, Orange, and Bridge City over a span of 45 years.

A member of the First Christian Church in Orange, Texas and in Bridge City, Texas, Pauline moved to Bellevue, WA, near her daughter, eleven years ago, where she lived until her death.

She is pre-deceased by her parents, GH and Annie (Welborn) Layton; two sisters, one brother, and her husband, Ira T. Forgey.

Pauline is survived by her daughter, Sharon Forgey Landry and son-in-law, Dwight Landry, of Bellevue, WA; four granddaughters and their spouses; Kimberly Russell (Randy) of Austin. TX; Melissa Flolo (Mark) of Camas, WA; Alison Davis (Steven) of Everett, WA and Carrie Moore (Eric) of Auburn, WA and 10 great grandchildren, Taelor Russell, Alex Russell, Zachary Russell, Delaney Johnson, Riley Davis, Caden Davis, Quincy Davis, Connor Flolo, Katelyn Flolo, and yet to be named Moore.

Services will be at the Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City, April 24, with visitation at 1:00 and services at 2:00 performed by Dr. Andrew Pate of the First Christian Church in Orange. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens near Bridge City.


  • The Port Arthur News Wed Apr 21, 2010

Victor Boyd
Nov 3, 1911 - July 30, 1969

Victor, 220 Acher. Survived by wife, Mrs. Maicel Boyd; daughters, Mrs. Joyce Bowman, Dallas, Mrs. Loyce Beaty, Dallas, Mrs. Jane Webb, Maryland; sons Robert Derward Boyd, Dallas, Victor Ray Boyd, Dallas; mother, Mrs. Will Boyd, Blooming Grove; sisters, Mrs. Lila Morse, Blooming Grove, Mrs. Julia Bibby, El Paso, Mrs. Sadie Jones, Dallas; brothers, Wiley Boyd, William E. Boyd, Charley Boyd, E. L. Boyd. Services 2 p.m. Friday, Cockrell Hill Baptist Church, Rev. R. B. Cooper officiating. Interment Rose Hill, Blooming Grove. Graveside services 4:30 p.m. Friday. Pallbearers: W. J. Warren, Elgie Randolph, Jessie J. Border, Dillard King, Mr. Smotherman, Mr. Weldon. Graveside services will be conducted by the George B. Dealey Masonic Lodge No. 1312.

800 W. Jefferson


Mary Emma Curry, Miss
Sep 26, 1854 - Oct 19, 1945


Miss Mary Curry , aged 91 years and 23 days, native Texan died at the Curry estate two mile east of Purdon Friday afternoon.
Funeral services were held at the family cemetery Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Rev. Blocker of Blooming Grove.
Miss Curry had resided at the same farm since one year of age.
Surviving are a brother, J.B. Curry, Sr., Carlton; a sister, Mrs. Dora Anderson, Cleburne, and a number of nieces and Nephews and other relatives.


Doris (Halley) Harris-McNabb
May 10, 1925 - Jan 30, 2012

Our precious mother, wife, sister, Nanny, and friend, Doris Halley Harris McNabb, left our presence and is in the presence of our Heavenly Father and others of her family and friends. Although Alzheimer's disease took her mind, her sweet spirit remained. Even until just a few days before the end of her life here, she still had that sweet smile that would light up the room.

In 1941, at the young age of 16 she married our sweet Dad, Raymond Lofton Harris. After WW II and through his long career with Mobil Pipeline Company they lived in many parts of the country including Oklahoma and Kansas, but lived mostly in Texas. Dad was a devoted husband and father who loved and provided tirelessly for his family. Mom too provided for the family working in banking helping make way for their children's college educations, and their entry into adulthood, including caring for the grandchildren as needed.

After retiring from Mobil Pipeline Company, Northside Baptist Church was their second home. Their beloved pastor David Hale, Sunday School, and church activities gave them many happy memories. Dad passed from us too soon in 1986, leaving Mother to care for her own mother in her final years. During that time Mother began dating another long time Northside Baptist Church member, Billy James McNabb, whom she later married and have enjoyed many years together. Billy misses her today, as do we all.

Dad preceded Mom in death, as well as her parents, Meata and Mack Halley; and sisters, Leona, Maxie, and Bea, all originally of Longview.

Billy McNabb survives Mom, and her legacy will be carried on by her son, Ron Harris and wife Lynn of McKinney; daughter Carole and husband H. M. Davenport Jr. of Corsicana; grandchildren, Shana and husband Dan Owen of Corsicana, Sara and husband Brent Lasater of Keller, and Chris Harris and wife Beth of Florence, Ky. Her great-grandchildren include Lexie and McKenna Owen of Corsicana; Corley, Sutton, and Emy Lasater of Keller; and Cooper and Parker Harris of Florence, Ky. She is also survived by her sister, Peggy Szafir of Beaumont; special devoted niece, Martha Dooley of Del City, Okla.; and a number of other nieces and nephews.

We want to thank special care takers for being there for Mother through her illness: Volanda Parks, Ana Moreno, Itzel Moreno and Rosa Solis, and also the folks at Heritage Oaks Village and Twilight Home for their concern and wonderful care.

Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012, at Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana.

Funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012, at Corley Funeral Home with Dr. Rick Lamb officiating.

Donations and memorials can be made to Northside Baptist Church in her honor.


Tommie (Trussell) Gilliam
Jan 5, 1936 – Jan 29, 2012

Tommie Trussell Gilliam, 76, of Corsicana, passed away Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012, in Corsicana.

She was born Jan. 5, 1936 in Brownsboro to James Luther and Lyda Barton Trussell.

Mrs. Gilliam was a member of First Baptist Church, the Senior Circle and American Legion. She enjoyed traveling, crocheting and playing 42 and the dances at the VFW.

She was a nurse for 30 years and had a special talent in caring for the elderly. She touched many lives in the many years of nursing.

She is preceded in death by her husband, Ellis Loyd Gilliam; parents;, sister, Jean Rowe; brother, J.W. Trussel; and sister, Curtis Charlene Trussell.

Survivors include her daughter, Kay Gilliam; sisters, Virginia Armstrong and Glenda Southard; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.

Funeral service will be 1p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Danny Reeves and the Rev. B.F. Risinger officiating. Interment will follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.


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Edward L. Williams