Prairie Point Cemetery
2/17/1837 - 6/3/1912
Co C 44th Regt Alabama Volunteers
See Navarro Co. History, Vol. 2 pg 93

Photo Submitted by
Melba Love
Matthew Ford Albritton
Feb 17, 1837 - June 3, 1912
Matthew Ford Albritton Dead
Matthew Ford Albritton died at his home in this city at theage of 74
years, Monday night. He had lived in Navarro county for many years.
His remains were taken to
Prairie Point Cemetery for interment
Tuesday afternoon. He was the father of Profs. O.L. and C.C.
Albritton of this city.
- Corsicana Democrat and Truth - Thurs, June 6, 1912
- Submitted by Karen Rost
- Husband of Mary Pauline (Gray) Albritton (her
were in the 44th Ala. Army of Northern Virginia, All But my Greatx3 Grand
father, James Roundtree Albritton, who according to his pension record,
started with the L.A.
Creassant Batt. and latter transferred to the L.A. Heavy artillery under Gen
G. W. Logan. And also helped to guard Federal prisoners at Monroe LA. This
according to his pension records. But his pension records are the only
document that I can find that link him the Confederate service.
(submitted by William Edward Albritton 12/2004)