Homer Mitchell Brewer
Feb 18, 1892 - Jan 4, 1919
Homer was born 18 Feb 1892 in Mabin, MS. His parents were William H
and Gussie Brewer. In 1910 he was living with his father and
siblings in Corsicana where he worked for the school system as a
janitor. He was working as a machinist for the Southern Pacific
Railroad at the time of the draft in 1917. He claimed as his
dependants his parents. He was medium height and slender with brown
eyes and black hair.
Killed in France; bur Oakwood
Military Honors Were Given Private Brewer at
Houston, Texas, January 9, 1918.
The body of Private Homer W. Brewer who died
at Garden City, Long Island, New York with pneumonia shortly after
his arrival from overseas duty with the aviation service will arrive
in Houston at 10:30 Thursday morning over the Southern Pacific. A
military funeral will be held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Alice
Mitcham, 3409 Harrisburg Road at 3:00 o’clock Thursday afternoon. A
detail of aviators from Ellington Field will carry out the military
details of the funeral. At 3:45 the body will be escorted to the
Grand Central depot and will later leave for Corsicana, where burial
will take place on Friday afternoon. Rev. T. J. Windham and Rev. I.
B. Manley will conduct funeral services.—Houston Post.
Private Brewer was the son or W. H. Brewer,
for many years a resident of Corsicana and has many friends here who
will regret to learn of his death. Young Brewer was connected with
the Southern Pacific railroad under E. L. Barker, before joining the
colors. He joined the 48th Aero Squadron, Ellington
Field, April 12th and went across in August. He returned
from overseas duty and landed in New York December 24th
where he was stricken with pneumonia and died January 4th.
His father received a message January 1st that he was
seriously ill and his sister, Mrs. Alice Mitcham started for New
York immediately, but received a message on arrival at St. Louis
that he had died, and returned to Houston without completing her
After funeral services in Houston, the
remains will be shipped to Corsicana over the H. & T. C. Railroad
which should reach there about 5:40 Friday morning. Funeral services
will be conducted from the home of Mrs. Jeff Sheehan, sister-in-law
of Mr. W. H. Brewer. Interment will be made besides his mother.
Private Brewer is survived by his father,
William H. Brewer, and three brothers, Oscar Brewer, of Beaumont,
Emmitt Brewer of Houston, and Mabry Brewer, who is in the air
service at Kelly Field, San Antonio, and three sisters, Mrs. Alice
Mitcham, 3409 Harrisburg Road, Mrs. Lera Day and Mrs. R. R. Reid, of
220 York Street, Houston, Texas.
The body will be a companied to Corsicana by
the family and the two daughters of Mrs. Mitcham, Ethel and Lorene,
Mr. E. L. Barker and Miss Lillian Odea of Bryan.
(NOTE—The funeral of Private Brewer took place here Saturday instead
of Friday, owing to delayed trains. The above account of the death
of Private Brewer and other facts connected with his life was
written in Houston and would have appeared in an earlier issue but
for a delay in transmission.
Will Reach Here Friday
The remains of Homer Brewer, a nephew of T.J. Sheehan,
who died in an army hospital in New York on January 4th,
will reach here next Friday and the funeral will take
place from the residence of Mr. Sheehan, 617 South
Eighteenth Street, but the hour has not yet been decided
- Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light - Jan 10, 1919
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Remains Came This Morning.
The remains of Homer Brewer, Nephew of T. J. Sheehan, who died in
New York some days ago, reached here at 5:30 this morning and the
funeral took place from the Sheehan home 671 South Eighteenth Street
at 3 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. C. H. Booth officiating.

Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX