Frost Cemetery, Frost, Navarro Co., TX
Marker Photo by
Karen Rost
Tabitha Elizabeth Smith Berryman, aka as Grandma
Berryman, who died in the
1930 Frost Texas tornado.
Family lore says that she died of fright from the tornado.
Family Information:
Tabitha Elizabeth Smith, d/o John and Hannah Smith. Tabitha was born before1850
in Franklin Co. Arkansas; married James W. Berryman abt 1866 (possibly Walker
Co. Texas- Not for sure about this) and was living with her son Oscar Berryman
in Frost Texas when she died.
Other children for James W. Berryman and Tabitha Elizabeth Smith were:
1. Emma Margaret Berryman -b- 5 Dec 1867 in Walker Co. TX; married David Levi
Richardson 02 Feb 1889 in Limestone Co. Tx; she died 24 Dec 1954 at the home of
Jess William Richardson in Mexia.
2. Tabitha Elizabeth Berryman born abt 1870 in Limestone Co. I believe her to be
buried in Glenwood Cemetery in Groesbeck Texas. Not for sure who her husband
3. Ardena D. Berryman born 1873 in Limestone Co. Possibly married to a David
Davidson. Do not know when she died or where she is buried.
4. Sanoma F. Berryman born 1876 Limestone Co. H. H. Taylor Marriage: 20 Jul 1890
Limestone, Texas. No more information on her.
5. Minnie Berryman born abt 1877 Limestone Co. and married W. H. Hudson abt 1895
6. Oscar Berryman born abt. 1887 in Limestone Co; died April 1975 in Merten
Hill, Tx and was married to Elizabeth ????. Notes:
submitted by
Zelma Tyree Richardson
According to David Malone, she is buried in an unmarked grave
at the Frost Cemetery. As of
March 2011, they are working on placing a marker there for her. ... Karen
Death Certificate: Tabitha Elizabeth Berryman; Female, b. Dec
5, 1850 in Ark.; d. May 8, 1930, Frost, Navarro Co., TX; burial: May 6, 1930 at
Frost. Race: White; Gender: Female; age: 79; d/o Elizabeth Smith b in Ark.