5/19/2004 Mayor sworn
in: City Council prepares for busy agenda
Recently elected city council members Chuck McClanahan, far right,
and Rusty Hitt, next right, as well as incumbent council members
Emmaline Gonzalez and George Walker are sworn in at the Corsicana
Government Center Tuesday. Daily Sun photo/SCOTT HONEA
By LOYD COOK/Daily Sun Staff
The first steps are underway.
In the wake of Saturday's voter approval of the sale of beer and
wine for off-premises consumption, members of the Corsicana City
Council rolled up their sleeves and began the process covering how
to best regulate where and when those sales could be made.
Chief among the talks: The distance businesses selling beer and wine
will be required away from churches and schools.
Local attorney Terry Jacobsen -- who is representing the City in
civil matters following the resignation of former city attorney
Paige Glicksman -- said the distance is set, at its most
restrictive, at 300 feet in the case of churches.
In the case of schools, conflicting legislation may be in play, he
Jacobsen said that a 300-feet distance is set for public school
districts except when they are located in cities with 990,000
population or more. In that case, cities can be more restrictive and
set the distance at 1,000 feet, he said.
On the surface, the 1,000-feet restriction wouldn't seem to apply to
Corsicana's public schools, he said, until examination of state
legislation covering private schools. Those regulations allow the
1,000-feet restriction without setting any population figures.
And the conflict there, treating the two kinds of schools
differently, could give the City grounds to adopt the more
restrictive distance "if the City is willing to be aggressive" with
its regulation, Jacobsen said, if anyone challenged the larger
"It makes no sense to me that (legislators) would make that
difference between public and private schools ... but the
legislature doesn't always think things all the way through," he
said. "And from a political standpoint, I don't think many people
will criticize you ... for attempting to protect kids."
Interim City Manager Connie Standridge also suggested establishing
two different zoning classifications of "General Retail" in place of
the one that exists today -- one allowing beer and wine sales, and
another that allows retail sales minus beer and wine.
"Right now, there's not a (general retail) designation prohibiting
alcohol sales," Standridge said, noting a business selling rugs
today, for example, could in six months change hands and be
converted to beer and wine sales under new ownership as long as it
complied with regulations.
By adding the second General Retail zoning classification, the City
could in effect control which area of the city where alcohol sales
would exist.
Standridge also said the alcohol ordinance under consideration will
address issues such as licensing, permit, and permit renewal fees,
as well as setting hours of operation that Council would wish to
She said further consideration of the alcohol ordinance will be
placed on a special meeting of the Council set for Monday.
Loyd Cook may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected]

11/20/2004 FIRST JOB: Flowers, oil wells base for this man
Mayor C. L. 'Buster' Brown, said the foundation for his success in
business was laid while he was still in high school. He spent two
summers working in the south-Texas oilfields where he learned the
value of hard work, and developed an abiding respect for the people
who do it. Daily Sun photo/JOAN SHERROUSE
By age 14, this Corsicana resident had a driver's license and
gainful employment -- he delivered flowers for Cason's.
By the time he graduated from high school, however, he had traded
the scent of roses for the stench of a drilling operation.
An only child, he was expected to carry on the family business, but
letting him spend two summers working 250 miles from home was hardly
a unanimous decision.
"My mother damn sure wasn't happy about it, but when I was 16, my
father sent me to Orange, Texas, to work in the oilfields," he said.
"He wanted me to learn the business, and I did, but I was like the
rest of them pretty soon -- I was waiting for quittin' time and
Yet, rubbing elbows with roughnecks made an indelible impression
that left a residue of contempt for "systems that denigrate" the
working class.
"I saw the things they had to deal with," he said. "They lived from
paycheck to paycheck, having to work in a job that really had no
future other than where they were, and I developed a real empathy
for working people."
In the fall of 1961, he had every intention of spending the next
four years at Texas A&M University studying petroleum engineering,
"But, I found out that my mapping skills were a little short, so I
changed my major to geology," said C.L. "Buster" Brown,
oil-production business owner and Mayor of Corsicana.
Despite the glitch in his plans, however, he said the thought of
changing course never entered his mind.
And it turned out to be the right course for this man who has
managed a successful business for nearly 30 years, as much by
instinct as design.
Other than a single economics class and two semesters of accounting,
Brown admits he has had no formal training in management or
leadership strategy.
"I have always had the thought, and still do, that leadership in
business is being able to do it yourself first of all," he said.
"There are very few things in my business operation I can't do -- my
employees won't let me get up and run the rigs anymore, but by golly
I could if I wanted to."
It could be the military aspect at Texas A&M as well, he admitted, a
mandatory activity at the time he was in school.
"The military teaches that, before you can lead, you must learn to
follow," he said. "Even if you're going to be an officer, you start
off getting treated like dirt and you have to blindly do what you're
told to do."
Although he claims he has never learned to motivate people who don't
want to be motivated, he advises youngsters ready to embark on a
career path to choose carefully.
"The ideal is to find something that you're excited about getting
out of bed every morning to go do," he said, adding that serving as
mayor has added an entirely different aspect to an already
satisfying life.