John P. Coxsey, son of George Abner & Martha (Cromwell) Coxsey,
was born on May 20th, 1850 in Georgia. John married Sophronia A. Hammond.
They had two children. John died on February 19, 1933 in
Frost, TX. Sophronia was born on March 21, 1845 in Polk Co.,
TX and died on Nov 27,
1928 in Austin, TX. John and Sophronia are buried in the Prairie
Grove Cemetery at Emmett, Navarro County, Texas.
J. P. Coxsey
Age 82 years 9 months, a Baptist 61 years. In Texas 43
years. Our near dear and beloved neighbor 35 years.
Born in Georgia May 20, 1850, Moved to Tenn at the age of 20,
was converted and joined the Baptist Church at the age of 21
years. In the same year was married to Miss Josphine Hammond,
to which union was born two children, a boy who died at the age of
12 and a girl, Josephine, who married W. S. Dunagan.
He died in February 1933 after a short illness and was laid to
rest in the Prairie Grove Cemetery.
This brother in Christ, brother J. P. Coxsey, was firm in his
ideas and beliefs of all social, moral, and religious issues, as our
opinion he was one of our strongest standbys against this approaching
Octopus of of Modernism and against the combination of the hydra
headed whisky rings. His values in Conference and at the
polls showed his heart was right in setting precepts and example
against the gates of hell which threatens but never can destroy a
Baptist Church.
As a friend and husband, he was gentle, kind and loving.
As a neighbor, he was thoughtful and abliging, as a Baptist he was a
Conference member of never flinching Courage and had an abiding
faith. He had no compromises with error, and was a watchman on
the wall.
His pure life and Clean Christian living are examples to be
followed by all younger generations and kinsmen. He leaves one
daughter, Josephine Dunnagan, nine grand children and eight gret
grandchildren to mourn his death.
Where as the relatives, neighbors, brethren and sisters in the
church all bow humbly to the will of God and
Where as we all know our loss is his gain and that
"Sorrow Endureth for the night but joy commeth in the
Therefore be it resolved that a copy of this obituary be
placed on our church record, that a copy be sent to the Baptist
Progress and a copy sent to the bereaved family.
Navarro County Pioneer Died in Austin Thursday
EMMETT, Dec. 4.—(Spl.)—Mrs. John Coxsey, aged 74 years, pioneer
resident of this community, who moved to Austin a few months ago,
died in Austin, Thursday and the remains were brought here and
funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon with interment in
the Emmett Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Shelby Dunagan of
Austin, of this community until a few months ago, several
grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.
In Memory of Sister Coxsey
Sister J. P. Coxsey was born in Polk Co. Tenn March 21,
1855 [1852 per marker]. Was converted and joined the Baptist Church at the age
of 14 years. She moved to Texas with her husband Feb 1889
joined the Prairie Grove Baptist Church at Emmett soon after
settling here. She was one of our old fashioned mothers tried
and true. Never tired of helping anyone else. She was
always glad when she could be able to go to church and said after
she was unable to go to church that her thoughts and prayers were
for the church and community.
She died Nov 29, 1928. The Church has lost a faithful
member, the community a good friend and neighbors. She is
survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. W. S. Dunagan, of
Austin, Texas.
Gone to the place that our Savior prepared.
Where ultimate peace and joy are all shared. To await
the day and the trumpets call when her loved ones meet our dear
friends and all just such a Christian and Character two God give us
more like her faithful and true. She was gently laid to rest
in the Prairie Grove Cemetery. Eld A. D. Henle of Lockhart
Resolved that a copy be placed on our church record and a cop
sent to the Baptist Progress. .... committee (Mr. &
Mrs. J. T Stroder & Mrs. W. H. Bowen)

Prairie Gove Cemetery, Emmett, Navarro Co., Texas
Marker Photo by
Karen Rost
1900 Census - SD 9; ED 106; sheet 27
John Posey Coxsey's Death Certificate
on file
Sophronia Coxsey's Death Certificate
on file