Photo donated by LaDoris Webber
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Burdine Farmer Page at Find-A-Grave Website

Burdine Farmer, 28 Nov 1821 - 15 Aug 1911
Burdine Farmer, 80, Was with Gen. Zachary Taylor.
Special to the News.
Corsicana, Tex., Aug. 16. - Burdine Farmer, aged 89, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Martha Ann Patterson, this morning. Mr. Farmer was a veteran
of the war of 1845 with Mexico and was with Gen. Zachary Taylor at the fall
of the City of Mexico. He was a native of Tennessee and had been a resident
of this county since 1867.

Aged Citizen Dead.
Burdine Farmer, who would have been ninety years old on the 28th of next
November, and who had been a citizen of Navarro county since 1867, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Martha Ann Patterson, north of Corsicana, at
7 o’clock this morning, and the remains were interred at Zion’s Rest this
afternoon at 5 o’clock Rev. G. W. Sanders officiating.
The deceased was known to and greatly esteemed by the older citizens of
Navarro county.
His wife died many years ago, but he is survived by the following children:
I. M. Farmer, J. E. Farmer, A. F. Farmer, Mrs. Emma Tadlock and Mrs. Martha
Ann Patterson. Besides these there are many grandchildren and a number of
The deceased had been very feeble for some time, and was nearly blind, but
his general health was good for one of his years. About a week ago while
trying to find his way through a door he fell down the steps of the house
and received a very severe hurt on one of his hips, and it is supposed that
this accident hastened his death.
Burdine Farmer was a native of Tennessee and a veteran of the war of 1845,
with Mexico. He was in many of the engagements of that strife and was with
Gen Zachary Taylor at the City of Mexico when that city fell.
He was a good man in all the walks of life and has left to his children and
other descendents the precious heritage of a good and honored name.
Finley Cameron to Berdine Farmer
$450.00 2 Tracts of Land on Richland Creek
Navarro County, Texas 23 October, 1871
Page 630
The State of Texas }
County of Navarro } Know all men by these presents that I, Finley Cameron, of said state and county, for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby
duly acknowledged, have this day bargained, sold and by these presents do bargain, grant and sell and convey to Berdine Farmer his heirs and assigns forever, the two following tracts of land lying on Richland Creek, Navarro County, Texas, being a part of the J. T. Bell League sold by Ward to Wm.
Hunt bounded as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of the One Hundred and Eighty Seven [187] acre tract set apart to Julia A. Donahoo and running E. 30o North three hundred and eleven [311] varas Thence S. 30o East Eight Hundred and forty eight [848] varas Thence West 30o South Three Hundred and eleven [311] varas Thence North 30o West Eight Hundred and forty eight [848] varas to the beginning, containing Forty Six and three fourths [46
3/4] acres. The second tract beginning at a stake on the north line of the Eighty three [83] acres tract sold by Ward to Wm. Hunt at a distance of seven hundred and thirty six and one half [736 1/2] varas from the N.E.
corner and running thence West 30o South Two Hundred and forty five and one half [245 1/2] varas thence South 30o East Two hundred and sixty three [263] varas to the beginning, containing Eleven and three fourth [11 3/4] acres with all the rights, privileges, tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Berdine Farmer, his heirs and assigns forever and I, the said Fenley Cameron, for
myself, my heirs, Executors and administrators, do hereby covenant with the said Berdine Farmer, his heirs and further representatives that I am sured in fee of said tract of land and will warrant and defend the same to the said Berdine Farmer, his heirs and assigns forever against any and all
persons claiming any part thereof. In testimony whereof, I hereto set my hand and seal using scroll for seal this the 23rd of Oct 1871.
Cameron {seal}
State of Texas }
Navarro County} This day before me Sam R. Frost, Notary Public, in and for the County of Navarro, personally [page 631] appeared Finley Cameron to me well known who acknowledged that he hath signed and delivered the foregoing deed for all the purposes and considerations. To certify which I hereunto
sit my hand and notorial seal this 23 day of October A.D. 1872.
R. Frost,
Notary Public
The State of Texas, County of Navarro} I, H. V. Hurlock, clerk of the District Court of Navarro County, do hereby certify that the above and
foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original Deed and Certificate of Acknowledgement filed in my office at 3 o'clock P.M. on the 24th day of
June A.D. 1872 and recorded.
Given under my hand this day and date both above written.
V. Hurlock.
Comment: Please note that Burdine Farmer's name was BUrdine, not Berdine.
160 Acres, Dresden, Navarro County, Texas
$1000.00 5 January, 1873
[Page 297]
COUNTY OF NAVARRO } Know all men by these presents that I, Berdine
Farmer, of the aforesaid state and county, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Dollars coin to me in hand paid by T. P. Sparks of same state and county the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have this day sold, alienated, and conveyed and by these presents do sell, alien and
convey unto the said T. P. Sparks a certain tract or parcel of land containing One Hundred [page 298] and sixty acres & more particularly designated towit. Being the North West Corner of an Eight Hundred acre tract set apart by will of Alex Younger to the heirs of M. J. Shackleford,
deceased, running down the Southwest line of said tract to what is known as the Price One hundred and fifty acre Survey. Thence East for quantity being a part of Meridith League To Have and to hold the Said land with all the rights and privileges thereunto or in any wise belonging to the same. I Berdine Farmer bind myself, heirs & Executors to warrant and defend the title of said land against all
parties claiming the same or any part thereof unto the said T. P. Sparks, his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my Seal in this the way of a Scroll in the Town of Dresden this the twenty fifth day of January A.D. 1873
FARMER {seal}
J. C. Sparks}
T. C. Sparks}
COUNTY OF NAVARRO} This day before me the undersigned authority personally appeared B. Farmer to me well known & being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he made, executed, signed, sealed & delivered the foregoing deed bearing date 25th January, 1873 for all the purposes &
considerations therein Stated to Certify which I hereunto set my hand and affix my official seal this 25th day of January, 1873.
C. Key, J.P. and
Officio Notary
Public N.C.
COUNTY OF NAVARRO} I, J. M. Doolen, Clerk of the District Court of Navarro County do hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original
Deed filed for Record in my office at 3 o clock P.M. February 19th 1873 and Recorded Same day. Given under my hand the day and date last above
Doolen, C.D.C.N.C.
S.H. Kerr, Deputy