Willie Greer
Navarro County, Texas |

Willie Greer
Dec. 23, 1893 - Nov. 2, 1918
Willie was the son of William Henry and Martha “Mattie” Dodson (Ingram)
Greer. He was born 23 Dec 1894 in Eureka, Texas. He was single, medium
height and slender with gray eyes, farming in Eureka when he signed the
Draft Registration card. He entered service on October 20, 1917 and was
attached as a Corporal to Co D, 359th Infantry, 90th Division.
He trained at Camp Travis, Texas. In Apr 1918 he succeeded Corporal John W.
Pittman as Laundry Orderly for the Company while at Camp Travis before going
to the front in France.
He was fighting with the 1st Army, III Corps, 90th Division during the last
47 days of the battle of the Meuse Argonne when he was killed in action on
03 Nov 1918, just 9 days before armistice was declared. He was buried at
Meuse, in the Verdun Sector.
His remains came to Corsicana over the Cotton Belt, from Hoboken, New Jersey
on September 23, 1921 and were taken to Eureka on the 23rd. The funeral was
held at his mother’s resident and burial was in the
Eureka cemetery on Sep 25,
Willie Greer
The remains of the late Willie Greer, who was killed overseas during the
world war, reached here last night over the Cotton Belt from Hoboken, New
Jersey, and were taken to Eureka today.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the home of his widowed
Willie Greer was killed in action November 2, 1918. He was 2g [sic] years of
age at his death. His body was first buried at Meuse, in the Verdun sector.
He was a corporal in Co. D, 359th Infantry, 90th Division. He entered the
service October 20, 1917, and was trained at Camp Travis, Texas. His mother,
Mrs. Mattie Greer, resides in the Eureka community.
Two Soldiers To Be Buried.
The remains of Willie Greer of Eureka, and of Robt. Jones of
Corsicana, both of whom were killed overseas, will arrive here
The remains of Robert Jones will be buried tomorrow morning at 10
o’clock from the Sutherland undertaking parlors, and that of Greer
will be buried at Eureka tomorrow afternoon at 5 o’clock.
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams