Sutton Elbert Griggs
(1872 - 1993) |

Born in
Chatfield, Texas, on June 19,
1872, Sutton E. Griggs was an orator, a minister, a write, and a publisher. He
was educated in the Dallas public schools and at Bishop College in Mars Hall,
Texas. Upon completing his studies at Richmond Theological Seminary (Virginia
Union University) in l893, he was ordained and spent the next two years as
pastor of the First Baptist Church at Berkeley, Virginia. During this period, he
married Emma Williams, a public school teacher.
In 1899, Griggs moved to Nashville to become the corresponding secretary
of the National Baptist Convention and the pastor of First Baptist Church, East
Nashville. He left several years later to become pastor of Tabernacle Baptist
Church of Memphis; he spent one year as the pastor of the Hopewell Baptist
Church in Denison, Texas. Later, he returned to serve as Tabernacle pastor.
In Memphis, Griggs organized in 1914 the National Public Welfare League,
which promoted social efficiency among Afro-Americans and interracial
cooperation. He was a disciple of W. E. B. DuBois and a supporter of the Niagara
Movement and the newly founded National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People. In 1930, Griggs left Memphis to return to Hopewell Baptist
Church in Denison. He later resigned this position to go to Houston, Texas, to
establish the National Religious and Civic Institute.
Although Griggs is known and respected as a leader in the Baptist
church, it is as a writer--more specifically, a novelist--that he has received
most attention. During his lifetime, Griggs wrote more than thirty-three books,
five of them novels. In 1901, while in Nashville, he established and operated
the Orion Publishing Company; here he published, promoted, and sold his own
works to the Afro-American community. The works published by Orion were
predominantly novels, which combined facts and fiction to present the plight of
an oppressed people and a solution. These novels focused on the political
issues, the definition or image, and the dignity and survival of black
Americans. It is not for his literary style or technique that Griggs is studied,
but for his response to the racial injustices of his day, for his defense and
portrayal of the humanity and dignity of his people, and his suggestion of what
could happen if racial persecution continued. He has been called a "militant" by
some and an "accommodationist" by others, while another portion of his audience
views Griggs as vacillating between the two philosophies. Whatever label is
applied to Griggs, he used ridicule, reason, sympathy, and fear in his novels to
address racism in America; he, like Martin Delany in his novel, Black,
extols the black-skinned hero.
His early novels, Imperium in Imperior (1899) and He Hindered
Hand; or, The Reign of the Repressionist (1905), are responsible for most of
the attention Griggs has received. Imperium in Imperior focuses upon the
classic responses to American life by Afro" Americans: assimilationism and
nationalism. The issue of participation in the American democratic idea is
presented through the account of a national Negro political organization, which
is designed to unite all Negroes in an active body, and the actions of two main
characters. One of them is a nationalist and one an assimilationist; one is
black-skinned and one a mulatto. In the novel's development, Griggs reflects the
tenor of the day: miscegenation, oppression, Jim Crowism, political exploitation
of the black man, and the Negro's lack of protection. The Hindered Hand
depicts the cruel and tragic results of miscegenation, racial injustices, and
the question of emigration to Africa. It also is an attack upon the plantation
literature of Griggs's day by such white writers as Thomas Nelson Page and
Thomas Dixon, Jr.; specifically, it is an attack against the propaganda in
Dixon's The Leopard's Spots. A Romance of the White Man's Burden, 1865-l900.
Some sources list his death in 1930, but it is believed that Sutton Griggs
died January 5, 1933.
GRIGGS, SUTTON ELBERT (1872-1933). Sutton Elbert
Griggs, novelist and minister, was born at Chatfield, Texas, to
Allen R. Griggs in 1872. His father was a former Georgia
slave who had become a prominent Baptist minister in Texas.
After graduating from Dallas public schools and Bishop College
in Marshall (1890), Griggs attended Richmond Theological
Seminary at Richmond, Virginia, between 1890 and 1893. On May
10, 1897, he married Emma J. Williams of Portsmouth, Virginia.
Upon graduating from seminary Griggs took a pastorate in
Berkley, Virginia. It was here that he wrote his first novel,
Imperium In Imperio (1899), which may be the first black
nationalist novel. Over the course of his career Griggs wrote
more than a dozen books, including five novels, five social
tracts, his autobiography, a short biography of John L. Webb,
and The Kingdom Builder's Manual (1924), a booklet of
biblical quotations. At his expense he published and distributed
these works, which were generally written for "the aspiring
classes of the black south." Although virtually unknown among
whites, his writings were generally read by
African Americans. Griggs wrote in a very direct style that
was somewhat stiff and formal. He was one of the few Southern
members of the Niagra movement, a civil rights group which had
an outspoken platform based on the issue of racial and social
justice and which eventually evolved into the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Although he has often been characterized as a black nationalist
based on the plot of his first novel, this may be an
overgeneralization since his subsequent novels do not contain
this theme. In Imperium in Imperio Griggs chronicles the
social and political injustice to which blacks are subjected. He
describes the meeting of the Imperium in Imperio, a secret
political organization in Waco, Texas, composed of blacks who
are frustrated with the social and political status of blacks in
America. In the novel the leader of the organization argues for
the violent takeover of the state of Texas. Neither this work
nor any subsequent novel by Griggs received widespread
distribution. Although succeeding Griggs novels, Overshadowed
(1901), Unfettered (1902), The Hindered Hand
(1905), and Pointing the Way (1908), are deemed "less
militant" by some scholars, they received poor circulation. One
reason may be that many of Griggs's philosophies on race
relations were in direct conflict with the philosophies espoused
by Booker T. Washington and other popular black leaders of the
day. Griggs's views on improving the status of blacks were
influenced by several contemporary social theorists, including
Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and Benjamin Kidd. Griggs felt
that society evolved from lower to higher forms by adopting
"Christian virtues." In his later view blacks needed only to
practice Christian virtues (love, honesty, patience, etc.) in
order to improve their socioeconomic status. Members and
organizations of the black community would have to work together
in order to instill these traits in the race. Griggs outlined
these views in the social tracts that he wrote and in lectures
he made in Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas.
Beginning in 1895 Griggs spent twelve years as pastor of the
First Baptist Church in East Nashville, Tennessee. He then moved
to Memphis, where for nineteen years he was the pastor of the
Tabernacle Baptist Church. There he undertook an ambitious plan
to expand the services of the church. In his words: "Religion
ought do more than help a man reach heaven when he dies. It
ought to help him to live in this world. It ought to help people
meet every problem of life." Griggs was active in the National
Baptist Convention, where he encouraged the educational
development of young ministers. He was also president of the
American Baptist Theological Seminary from 1925 to 1926. In
1930, after making various additions, including a swimming pool
and an employment bureau, the church ran into financial problems
and was foreclosed. Griggs returned to Texas to serve as pastor
of the Hopewell Baptist Church in Denison, where his father had
previously been the minister. He later resigned the pastorate to
start a Baptist institute for religious and civic affairs in
Houston but died on January 2, 1933, before realizing this
"Five Early Afro-American Novels," Southwest Review 57
(Summer 1972). Dallas Morning News, December 2, 1990.
Robert E. Fleming, "Sutton E. Griggs: Militant Black Novelist,"
Phylon 34 (March 1973). Hugh M. Gloster, "Sutton E.
Griggs: Novelist of the New Negro," Phylon 4 (Fourth
Quarter 1943). Sutton E. Griggs, The Story of My Struggles
(Memphis: National Public Welfare League, 1914). Lester C. Lamon,
Black Tennesseans, 1900-1930 (Knoxville: University of
Tennessee Press, 1977). Rayford W. Logan and Michael R. Winston,
eds., Dictionary of American Negro Biography (New York:
Norton, 1982). David M. Tucker, Black Pastors and Leaders:
Memphis, 1819-1972 (Memphis State University Press, 1975).
James W. Byrd and David M. Tucker
Handbook of Texas; Texas State Historical Society |
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