Wesley Hardin
Obituary |

Jan 23, 1896, Cuero Daily Record
El Paso, Texas, August 19 - John
Wesley Hardin, the noted Texas desperado, is no more. He was shot and
instantly killed about 11:30 o'clock in the Acme Saloon by Constable John
Sellman. Hardin threatened Sellman's life several times during the evening
but on meeting, Sellman was too quick for him. Sellman, who is very
cool and deliberate, but at the same time very quick, has killed a number
of bad men and Hardin reckoned without his host when he ran up against
him. Hardin fell dead with his boots on before he could get a shot at
Wes Hardin, as he was familiarly
known over Southwest Texas, was easily the most noted of the living Texas
desperadoes. Hardin's early career was spent in DeWitt County, and he was
a terror in that section in the '70's, or until he was sent to the
penitentiary. He was sentenced to fifteen years but got a time allowance
for good conduct, which enabled him to secure his discharge eighteen
months earlier than would have been the case had he been compelled to
serve out his full time.
After spending some time in Cuero
and afterwards at Gonzales, where he nearly got into trouble in the
excitement of the county election last year, he came to El Paso about
three months ago. On his way out here he stopped in San Antonio and
renewed many old acquaintances of former days. Hardin, however, could not
restrain his old propensity to drink and gamble and when in his cups was
very quarrelsome and threatening.
One night shortly after his
arrival he made a losing of $75 against a crap game in one of the gambling
houses. Being exasperated at his loss he pulled his pistol and compelled
the dealer to hand him the money back. He then walked out to the middle of
the room, flourished his pistol and declared if any --- didn't like his
style, let him say so and "get out in the road."
On another occasion, in a poker
game with four men, he lost a big pot and compelled the winner to give it
back to him.
Hardin was the son of a Methodist
preacher, and was born in Trinity county, being 45 years of age at the
time of his death. He was sent to the penitentiary from Lampasas county in
1876 for the killing of the sheriff of Comanche county, who was attempting
to arrest him. He was released in 1894, and stood his last trial for
murder in Cuero in the same year. The jury failed to agree at the trial,
and as it was an old case in which it was difficult to secure testimony
the case was subsequently dismissed.
Hardin was as typical a Texas
desperado of the earliest type as was ever portrayed in the dime novel. He
was of medium weight, nearly six feet tall, straight as an arrow and light
complexioned, with an eye as keen as a hawk. As an expert shot he was the
peer of either King Fischer or Ben Thompson in their palmiest days... He
could shoot as quickly and aim as straight as either of them. It was
almost sure death for anyone who was in front of his gun when Hardin drew
the bead.
Seventeen scalps are said to have
dangled from his belt and it is likely that the number of human lives that
he has taken will exceed that number. Louis Dreyfous, formerly a San
Antonio gambler was dealing monte once at Cuero in the early days of
Hardin's career. Hardin walked up to the table where Dreyfous sat. He wore
two pistols and a very boyish look. Dreyfous had heard of Hardin's
exploits but did not recognize Hardin when the latter walked up to where
the game was being dealt. Hardin asked for a "lay-out" but
Dreyfous remarked that he was too fresh and did not need so many
Hardin laughed his peculiar laugh
and the men about the table began to fall back. Dreyfous asked what was
the matter, when one of the players whispered in his left ear, "Why,
you blessed idiot, that is Wes Hardin." Dreyfous ran out of the room
as fast as his legs could carry him and has never been seen since in that
Fortunately for him Hardin
considered Dreyfous' ignorance as a good joke, calling for a fresh dealer
and the game proceeded until Hardin "busted" the game.
Hardin has recently been engaged
in writing a history of his life. He expected to make a fortune by its
sale after publication and soon expected to complete this autobiography.
The book will have to be finished by another pen than his, but will not
prove the less thrilling.
Hardin has a national reputation
as a desperado and the news of his tragic taking off is being sent all
over the world by the enterprising newspaper correspondents.
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