Henry Gilmer Jefferson

Dec 30, 1866 - Jul 21, 1908
Corsicana Democrat and Truth,
Blooming Grove, Tex., July
22.-While H. G. Jefferson, a prominent farmer, who resided about three miles
north of Blooming Grove, was here Tuesday he was met by Sam Barton, a well known
farmer and cattleman, and shot and instantly killed. A double barreled shot gun
as the weapon used.
Four shots were fired, the first
taking effect in the right wrist, the second in the body, which knocked Mr.
Jefferson from his horse. The other two were fired into his body.
Mr. Barton immediately gave
himself up to officers.
BARTON MAKES BOND The grand jury presented an indictment Monday against A. S. Barton, a farmer and a stockman of Blooming Grove, charging him with the killing of H. G. Jefferson, in the town of Blooming Grove, on June 20th last. By agreement between District Attorney Johnson and Callicutt & Call, defendant's attorney's bond was fixed at $25,000, which was given with the following sureties - Dr. T. W. Sewell, John T. Ervin; T. S. hill., Ben E. Hartzell Judge Jas. T. Carroll, L. E. McCormick, Joe L. Cox, Hon. A. S. Gill, J. A. Smith, B. L. Finch, J. O. Langord, J. D. Stokes, J P. Spires, N. A. Smith, R. J. Page, R. C. Loyd, W. A. Tigh, T. P. Turk, Hon. O. E. Call, Chas. A. Aayden, Capt. S. A. Roberts, J. W. Williams, R. S. Loyd, J. T. Whorton, T. M. George, B. F. Kay, J. L. Dorsey, Jas. A. Wallace, J. A. Sears, M. T. Barton and H. S. Barton. The aggregate wealth and personal responsibility of the bondsmen amounted to nearly three hundred thousand dollars. Democrat and Truth - Oct 15, 1908 View Clipping DISTRICT COURT In the district court the case of E. G. Davis vs. the Cotton Belt railroad, the jury awarded the plaintiff judgment in the sum of $3,000. The amount sued for was $10,500 The case of Sam Barton for the killing of H. G. Jefferson was called Tuesday morning and a jury soon secured, and by noon the case was advancing rapidly in trial. Upward of two hundred and fifty witnesses have been summoned in the case, and it will probably require the rest of the week in its trial. Democrat and Truth - Nov 26, 1908 View Clipping DISTRICT COURT The murder trial of Sam Barton came to an end Saturday morning by the jury returning a verdict of not guilty. Hon. E. O. Call, W. W. Ballew and John Callicutt represented the defense and Luther A. Johnson, W. M. Taylor and H. S. Melear, the state. Democrat and Truth - Dec 3, 1908 View Clipping Notes: