This is a group of men, photo undated and unidentified. The
man, third from the left, leaning against the car,
is James DeGraffenreid Miles Jr. He and his family lived on the Miles Farm, in
Navarro county, near Powell/Kerens.

James DeGraffenreid Miles Jr. is on the right in this
photo. The young man on the left is unidentified.
On the photo frame, it says: Harper and Corsicana

The woman on the left is my grandmother, Emma Arnett Miles,
holding the baby. The woman on the right is the woman I need to identify. I
believe she was a friend of my grandmother. The older child is my grandmother's
oldest daughter, Emma Dee Miles. The baby is my mother, Ellen Carolyn Miles who
was born in 1920. That should help to date the picture as about 1920. Emma and
her husband, James DeGraffenreid Miles Jr., lived on the Miles farm, near
- Submitted by: Cecelia Heinrich Bryan - Oct 2004