Researched and Compiled by
William Nelson Pittman was born
24 May 1822 (according to Winnie Pittman’s Bible) in Alabama (according to
census) in South and North Carolina. He was one of 10 known children born to
Matthew and Mary Y. (Harkey) Pittman both originally of North Carolina.
William married 12 August 1847
in Mississippi to Winnie Christina Pryor the daughter of Samuel Odle and Unity
(Fox) Pryor. Winnie was born 20 Nov 1830 in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.
At the out brake of the 1860’s
war the family was living in Choctaw County Mississippi. William enlisted into
the Confederate Army on November 2, 1861 at Greensboro, Mississippi. At the
organization of the Choctaw Rough and Readies, October 25, 1861, he was elected
captain and served in what became Co D, 3 MS Inf. CSA. He fulfilled his tour of
duty through the four years of conflict without much injury but came out worn,
dirty and tired. It was told by one of William and Winnie’s sons that his mother
ran the plantation during the war with the aid of the slaves and her children.
As this son was reminiscing of his mother he said he could almost hear the noise
the spinning wheel made as she spun fabric for their clothing late at
family moved by wagon train to Texas and is first found in 1868 on the Anderson
County tax list with a total value of $3,100 and taxed in the amount of $5.15.
The next year, 1869, he is listed on the Navarro County tax list. Here William
had obtained four parcels of land amounting to over five hundred acres.
Navarro County was also where Isaac
Pittman, William’s brother, had died and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery in
Corsicana in 1859.
1870 Navarro County Texas US
Pitman, age 48, Farmer, born South Carolina; W. C., age 39, born Alabama; M. E.,
age 21f, born Mississippi; J. N., age 18m, born Mississippi; T. H., age 16m,
born Mississippi; J. M., age 14m, born Mississippi; S. U., age 10f, born
Mississippi; F. B., age 12f, born Mississippi; M. E., age 8f, born Mississippi;
R. L., age 4m, born Mississippi; J. W., age 2m, born Texas; B. F., age 2m, born
Texas; G. W. Price, Farmer, age 21, born Mississippi
Corsicana Observer, November 26,
To the
Voters of Navarro County—I am a candidate for Justice of the Peace of Beat No.
1. I have served fifteen years as a Justice, and feel competent to discharge the
duties of the same. W. N. Pittman
Corsicana Observer, May 6,
Pittman says that his cabbage
head alluded to in the Dresden locals was not bitten by the late frost but was
bitten many years ago while in his youth & has taken the big
men think they know but little and fools think they know it all.
Several letters by William can
be found in the Corsicana newspapers.
Corsicana Observer, June 3,
farmers selfish in Texas? Or do they know all? Seldom do I see an agricultural
article communicated in your columns. I recollect well when I was about 25 years
of age, I flattered myself that I was a scientific farmer, and I have lived 27
years since and I now see and know that I did not know the first rudiments of
agricultural science. It is a deep and profound science that is continually
progressing. There is a commendable spirit of enterprise growing up in this
country. Many Granges have already been organized in this county, and I
understand there will be an agricultural store opened in Corsicana this year. If
farmer’s clubs were also organized for the discussion of questions of practical
value, and for the interchanges of opinions founded on individual observation
and experience-as I hold experience to be the best taught wisdom-many good ideas
might be imparted in this way. One might give his experience on the proper
distance to cut out cotton, how many stalks of corn should be left to the acre,
If our
farmers could be induced to abandon only universal prejudices of daddy’s custom
of carrying the pumpkin in one end of the bag and a rock in the other, it would
be much better for them. The prevailing custom should be onward. Cotton is
called King, and it must be related in some way to a Kingdom, for it always
keeps its subjects pressed down, as a cart loaded with many thieves. We have not
been troubled a great deal with the King’s evil since the revolutionary war
until recently with King cotton.
It is
ruinous for our country to purchase all their supplies with cotton. We shall
never be prosperous while we do it. A few more panics will cause our people to
raise their own meat, horses and mules cheaper than we can raise cotton to buy
them with; but as I remarked before, it takes time to get out of daddy’s old
groove in which daddy has run so many years.
cotton question reminds me of an old corn song I used to hear the negroes sing
at corn shuckings: “Negro make de cotton and de white man get de money.” So the
farmers toil and labor, exposed to the beating storms and burning sun, deprived
of time even to worship his Creator, for the speculator to get the money; for he
bets more of it than any man in proportion to the amount invested and labor done
in raising it. The people often and emphatically declared that they will cease
raising so much cotton. They remind me of the sinner’s return to his Savior,
after hearing the devil’s dark dungeon depicted in all its benighted black
forms. He resolves to abandon his evil ways and seek life. Just so with the
cotton raiser. After all the evil is portrayed and laid before him, when
planting time comes around he steps over and loses all sight of his former
It is
true the agricultural prospect in this section is quite gloomy. The farmers are
the most independent people on earth, if they will only unite, and I think this
work is rapidly progressing and will soon be completed, when they will not need
a drummer to run around and hunt up business, or like the candidate when he
meets you-“Howdy, howdy, howdy. How do you do? Tolable. How do you do? Tolable.
How is all your folks? Tolable. How is yours? Tolable. How is your neighbors?
Tolable. How is yours? Tolable. All going for me this time? Sorter tolable.” And
after the election, no go.
Notwithstanding that farming is
an honorable pursuit, a great many boys and young men desert the labor of the
farm and turn their attention to other pursuits less useful and much more
cannot be raised on the range in this country, and corn is too costly a crop to
feed them on entirely; therefore, we should endeavor to raise more grain. Rye
and barley are excellent food for hogs. Until our farmers stop following the
flowing tide to financial ruin, in planting nothing but cotton, times will get
no better but still grow worse. If the people would raise only half the amount
of cotton it would only require one-half the labor, and they would realize the
same amount of money for it.
I will
not intrude any further on your space. The Legislature has adjourned and the
Legislators returned home. After a session of four months they passed a yearling
and fish law, and received $800,00 to each one.
Respectfully, W. N.

Record of Marks and
Navarro County Texas
29, 1874 William filed his cattle brand at the Navarro County Courthouse in
Corsicana, Texas.
Corsicana Observer, July 8,
attention has been called to the notice of Wm. Croft, Chairman of Precinct No.
1, calling the Democrats to meet at the Court House of Navarro county on the
4th day of July next.
It has
been ninety-eight years since the signing of the declaration of independence,
and my mind never reverts to the 4th of July but what my heart glows
with gratitude and adoration, and is inspired with patriotism. My mind then
enters the channel of reflection and travels back to the days of Washington’s
administration, and even to the days of the great struggle for independence.
After the dreadful struggle was over,-the tramp of the warrior, the clangor of
arms no longer echoed through our valleys, and the survivors lived to enjoy the
rich boon of freedom which was purchased by the blood of our forefathers. This
epoch extended from 1787. The adoption of the constitution to 1861 to the
breaking out of the civil war, and during this period the States increased from
thirteen to thirty-two, and grew in population and wealth until the United
States became the most prosperous nation in the world; though the seceding
States has been restored to their rights in the Union; that is the object of
calling the party together in order that they may nominate a candidate for the
3rd district.
agree with “Citizen”-the people cannot be too careful in the selection of
delegates to this Convention. He states that the party is too much disposed to
cavil one with another over vital interests in selecting delegates. The work of
caution should commence at home in Beat No. 1, and running up to the county and
then to the State-select men who have the interest of their country, their
character, civil and political, and almost their birth right for money. We want
men who will render justice to all, laying aside the sin that doth so easily
beset them.
I will
suggest one proposition for the mediation of the Convention, that is, to do away
with the two-thirds rule and adopt the majority rule in nominating delegates and
candidates. It will add prosperity and give more general satisfaction to the
party. This old parliamentary usage has been kept up a long time and said to
have originated from Jefferson, the chief apostle of liberty. I am not certain
that it was invented by Jefferson. From a close examination of the history of
Jefferson’s political career, you will find that he advocated a majority rule.
And we have another example on record where a majority ruled, in the case of Mr.
Cobb. He was declared Speaker of the House, though he did not received a
majority of the whole House, as the law required, but a majority of the members
present. The will of any assemble, party or people can only be known by a
majority, and a majority much declare its will. I therefore contend that a
majority is the very essence of Democracy, and should ever rule.
should like to know very much who “Citizen” is. I am well pleased with his
remarks on the subject of Conventions, and I am perfectly astonished at men of
talent and influence hiding their light under a bushel. We are commanded to let
our light so shine that others seeing our good works will be constrained to
glorify God. He that violates one of my commandments is guilty of all.
“Citizen,” come out’ you are condemned.
I hope
the day will roll up when the lamb and the lion will lay down together, and put
the political ship afloat in a smooth sea, and our financial condition greatly
Respectfully, W. N.
communication came too late for our last issue.)
Corsicana Observer, July 15,
Jno. J. Walker deserves three loud and vociferous cheers for his railroad
article published in your last issue. He is a man after my own heart. He comes
out and lets his light shine so that others may see his good works and act
likewise. I well recollect the time he makes mention of when he was in Corsicana
last fall, when a remonstrance against the unjust discrimination addressed to
the authorities of the Central Railroad.
this contemplated tap road is built, it will bring some men to the knowledge of
the truth as it is in the rates of freight; as you have already seen from the
figures made by Mr. Walker, which is wholly unnecessary for me to repeat. I will
venture the assertion that if this tap road is built from Corsicana to
Palestine, Anderson county, and connect this place with the Mississippi river
trade, our rates of freight will be reduced from 50 to 150 per cent., and the
road will lead right through the most elegant pineries in the East. Are Navarro
and Anderson counties the only parties to be benefited by this road? By no
means; the entire United States to some extent may profit thereby, and more
especially the great West that is destitute of timber.
Texas is only in her infancy; but
behold her rapid and gigantic march within the last ten years in internal
improvements beyond opening ordinary roads. However young Texas may be, she has
begun to turn her attention in that direction. This State has facilities for
both internal and foreign commerce. According to the census of1850, Texas only
had two colleges with 165 students; 349 common schools with 7,946 pupils, and 97
academies, schools and churches. Man’s course is onward, whether he will or not.
Texas is destined to stand at the head of the list of the United States. Texas
is a new State; has but few manufactories, nor until her rich and beautiful
prairies and fertile lands are streaked with railroads, which are marching on
with gigantic strides as buffalo and Indians give way white folks and railroads
follow. What a career of prosperity and glory must be the destiny of Texas! The
period of ten years has almost been to her an e_ to some countries in building
up railroads, and she has been rescued from poverty and danger and placed on a
footing as high and firm as any Sate in the Union. She came not alone, but was
the happy precursor of our national advance to the shores of the Pacific to a
land richer than the Opher of the ancients, and to a position that we can
stretch forth our hands and seize the commerce of the East, now ten fold greater
than it was when it built up Tyre, Sidon and Babylon, and made those nations
which controlled the masters of the world. If application had been made to the
last Legislature for a charter to build this contemplated tap road from
Corsicana to Palestine, it would have been granted, and the work would now be
going on. It is true that any proposition to tax generally alarms. So far as the
freight is concerned, we, the farmers, have it to pay. It is always added to the
profits and charged up, and if by building the road it will get up competition
and reduce freights, we will be the class profited. I have often said that the
President and Congress rule all, and the preacher prays for all and the farmer
pays all. We have a superabundance of evidence to this fact. Nearly all classes
outside of the farmer are growing rich, and nine-tenths of the farmers in this
country are growing poor; and I will make witnesses of them to prove my
assertion. Outside of what cattle and mustang ponies that they raise, they just
about make a support for themselves and families, and a great many are not doing
it. You can all do as you please, and I will do as I can and say what I please.
I am in favor of the road. No road will ever profit a people more than this tap
road. It will build up our town, increase our population and enhance the value
of our lands.
Respectfully, W. N.
Corsicana Observer, August 19,
Corsicana, Navarro Co., August
5th, 1874}
Mr. C.
C. Cohron,
Sir:-I have just read your letter of the 5th ult., in the Observer,
stating that there is now brewing the greatest war of immigration from Kentucky
to Texas ever known. I am pleased to heart this and heartily concur with the
Observer in welcoming them with outstretched arms.
speak of having heard a Dutchman say not long since that if he was sentenced to
the lower regions with the privilege of ten minutes protection in Texas that he
would tell them to shust carry him to where he belonged.
I say
that he was a peddler passing through the country, and lodged with one of our
citizens who, having supreme contempt for his sort, demanded money instead of
goods for his bill; and for this reason he gave our county and people a bad
country under the wide spread canopy of heaven has ever been blessed with better
society than Texas in proportion to population. Churches of every denomination
are represented. A ten days protracted meeting has been going on in our
settlement, held by the Baptists. About 35 were added to the church. This is an
evidence that society is good.
Dutch stories hunted me for twenty years before I immigrated to Texas. It is all
bosh and too thin to hold water.
on; you will never find a more hospitable, honorable and intelligent people on
earth. There is every description of soil to suit the varied tastes of men and
it is unsurpassed in the world.
Corsicana, the county site of Navarro
county, is a prosperous city, growing up like a green bay tree planted by the
water’s side. It is also a railroad town.
we have been visited by a severe drought, and crops are short, especially
cotton, which is almost a failure, but corn in some places is good.
say that you are forced to the conclusion that emigration to some new country is
the only safe remedy to get rid of the monopolizing cliques that are ready on
every hand to crush the honest laboring man beneath the iron heel of an almost
tyrannical monopoly.
need not be too sure of this; they are everywhere. The Government is faithfully
performing her duty in arresting the Indian depredations. This region of our
country will fill up with unprecedented rapidity.
ease and cheap rates at which plantations can be opened and families subsisted,
give our country advantages for settlement with which few is any sections in any
State can pretend to compete.
the purpose of sugar and cotton growing the most striking inducements are
presented; both are more certain crops than in any other part of the United
planters immigrated from Louisiana with all their slaves before the war, to this
country, and they found the land far cheaper and preferable to that which they
most serious inconvenience is a scarcity of timber; but this can be easily
supplied. A few years will exhibit a surprising increase in the population.
There will be a net work of railroads, and lumber will be, and is already
shipped by the millions.
It is
altogether likely that in a few years measures will be taken to divide Texas
into at least two States. Probably the Trinity river with be the line of
public debt is said to be paid, and the Federal Government will be in future
protect our frontier counties from Indian depredations.
With a
public domain unparalleled in extent, fertility and variety of productions, and
a climate genial and attractive as any on earth, what a career of prosperity and
glory must be the destiny of Texas!
space is too limited to give you even the outlines of our county. In short, a
Texas prairie in spring is the very paradise of a botanist, or indeed of
any lover of the beauties of nature.
forest trees are live oak and other varieties. No room to mention. Will in my
Respectfully, W. N.
Corsicana Observer, October 21,
I am
glad that you called the attention of the people to the building of water tanks,
one of the most necessary improvements that can be made in our county. It is
said that bought wisdom if the best, if not too dearly paid for, but I am of the
impression that the people are paying dear, and very dear for their whistle, in
the neglect of duty in this matter in many particulars. As you stated in your
editorial, the buzzard tax that is now paid by stock raisers would be more than
sufficient to build a tank on every five miles square of land, still the people
will go on blindfolded to their better interests. We are wonderfully well
blessed with water facilities in our neighborhood. We have a large public tank
near the old Jones tank, large enough to float a ship, and I do not think that
it would be exaggerating to say that it has furnished water for ten thousand
head of stock during the past summer, and drinking water for a large number of
people. This tank was built by parson Grantham, and the worst feature I see in
the whole matter is, that after he had furnished them with much water and
preached the un-searchable riches of Christ to us, we have failed to pay him by
some $14.00. Mr. editor, this really leads me to the conclusion that your
suggestion to tax the people to build tanks is a good one, and the only one on
which they will be built, although, I am as much opposed to taxation as any man
living. If I was in the legislature I would introduce and advocate a bill to
this effect, for reasons too numerous to mention in a newspaper article. Water
is one of the greatest blessings of God’s creation, and with a small effort on
the part of the people, a superabundance of water can be produced in this
county. God has furnished the means of the people will put them in operation. He
has made the earth to hold water. In all other countries the water would sink?
After God has furnished the means to supply the poor dumb brute with water, and
we fail to do it, we will be held responsible. If a tax was levied of this
character, the people would see and know exactly what went with their money, it
would be directly spent for their interest. Take off about four thousand dollars
of the jail tax and apply it for the purpose of building tanks, it would have
met the approval of the citizens, and been much better for our county. It would
have built forty splendid tanks which would have supplied the county with an
abundance of water, and the poor weary traveler would not have to ride half
across the county to water his horse. And this is not all the advantages to be
derived from tanks. They would supply the people with an abundance of fine fish,
and would draw more immigration to this county than any other improvement that
can be made, and still this is not all. I concur with your opinion in regard to
super inducing rain, and I believe you are correct. Although, this is a sublime
question of the human mind, it will require a gigantic mind and untiring genius
to lecture on this subject. We can only give circumstances connected with the
idea at this time, we see directly under our knowledge during the summer rain,
rising in almost any place and seems to drift around with Richland or Chambers
creeks, and I know of many other striking circumstances that I will not have
space to mention. If this idea be correct as stated, what a tremendous effect it
would produce in the agricultural world. It would pay them five fold in one
year. Instated of their land producing one bale of cotton to five acres, it
would produce a bale to one acre, and instead of producing fifteen bushels of
corn it would produce thirty. Now you see this would be five fold in an extreme
dry year and at least three fold in a common or average year. By the increase of
the agricultural interest and the great saving to the stock raiser, the tax
would be a small item, not only to the farmer, but the merchant. The stock
raisers, mechanics, and all classes will be greatly profited by this
I hope
the people will not pass this by as a matter of conversation and give it no
reflection or action. It is a matter of great importance, not only to this
county, but to all western counties. There is nothing to prevent this from being
an extensive watered country, only laziness and for want of an effort on the
part of the people. Good and substantial tanks can be built for one hundred
dollars, and kept up with a trifle for a life time by making a good strong dam
and a proper waste way, and by planting the common willow on the dam.
Respectfully, W. N.
Corsicana Observer, Nov. 11,
Letter from W. N.
I am
like the little boy that went to mill. On being asked by the miller what his
name was, he did not know. What is your daddy’s name? Don’t know. Where do you
live? Don’t know. You don’t know anything? Some things I know, and some things I
don’t know. I know a miller has fat hogs; don’t know whose corn he feeds them
on. Some officials get rich, but I know whose money they get rich on. Our county
is prospering and growing like a green bay tree planted by the water’s side, and
if we could only have the proper financiering, we would soon get out of debt,
and our county scrip would soon be at par with the currency of the country. Then
our poor farmers and Grangers would not be forced from their plow, handles to
sit on the jury, take fifty cents on the dollar for their scrip, pay two dollars
per day for board and horse feed, perhaps never getting anything unless their
scrip fits one-fourth of their tax, the balance goes to feed the miller’s hogs,
and paying fourteen thousand dollars for building a county jail, when the said
can be duplicated for seven thousand. This kind of financiering will ever keep
the citizens pressed down, as a cart loaded with many sheaves, with heavy
burdens of taxation.
used to be the custom to let out bridges and public buildings to the lowest
bidder, but I am somewhat inclined to think that our officials turned it off to
the highest bidder for cash; for certainly no true Democrat or lover of his
country could have the conscience to ask more for building a house of this
character. There is a lame place somewhere. The jail was let out and operations
commenced without the knowledge of but few. If there was any publication or
notice made, I, with many others, never saw it. All agreed with one unanimous
sentiment that we were bound to have a jail, but we were not bound to pay one
hundred per cent to get it built. Two and a half per cent would break any party,
much less one hundred. It is the people’s money, and they must and will bring
their representatives to a correct knowledge of the truth as it is in
country is bound to be renovated, and the only glimmering hope that I have in
the salvation of our country is in a Constitutional Convention, to change the
constitution so as to enable the Legislature to pass laws to protect the general
good of our country; to cut down our Courts to two terms in each year, and limit
the term to two instead of four weeks, which will curtail the gas of the heavy
charged lawyers at the expense of the poor peasant. Also limit the Legislature
to a short session, and reduce the salary of members to a per diem that the poor
farmer will be able to pay, without taking the bread out of children’s mouths to
pay dignified characters to sit on cushion chairs and smoke fine cigars. There
are many other amendments too tedious to mention in this
may think this is very plain talk, but nevertheless true. We are compelled to
wake up to a sense of our interest. We are sinking yearly, and must finally go
down unless a rapid and speedy change takes place. If you will suffer your mind
to run out, you will see at once where we are going to. Think for yourself, act
for yourself with judgment, and look around and see who are growing rich and who
are growing poor. Why is it that it requires so much more money to run this
government not that when we had more property?
Respectfully, W. N.
Corsicana Observer, Sep. 29,
Observer—My attention was called to a letter written from Springfield partly in
answer to Hon. R. Q. Mills, on the “Situation and its Causes.” The writer, J. C.
W., says that the Colonel “has aired himself quite thoroughly on his subject of
Free Trade.” His communication reminds me of the great and mighty bull that was
once feeding on a pond, when an amphibious animal called a frog crawled out of
the water and concluded he would attack the bull and commenced swelling up.
After enlarging to an enormous size in his imagination, he asked his brother if
he was as large as the bull. Answer—No. He commenced swelling again, and swelled
till he bursted. He says he recollects there is a “species of gold known as
fools’ gold, which is quite liable to deceive.” I suppose the writer is well
supplied. He also says that he has been informed that Col. Mills was a “ranting
‘Know Nothings.’ Is it true?” Evidently not. He has ever been knowing something
since my acquaintance with him; his intelligence has been felt and appreciated
throughout the United State of America. When the great question came up for
consideration, to provide for and regulate the counting of the votes for
President and vice President, where did he stand? When he was almost alone, his
enemies oppressing him and his friends deserting him, the ponderous weight of
the violation of the constitution of the United States pressing him as a cart
loaded with many sheaves, and his oath to support the same-he stood up in the
face of Congress, with that patriotic nerve that characterizes a brave and
Christian statesman, and declared that he felt like one alone and all but him
departed-departed from that great and glorious constitution that has borne us
along through storms as well as calms, that has carried us victoriously through
wars and through the most gigantic civil insurrection ever known on earth. It is
the nerve and brain combined that constitute a man, and Col. Mills has both
thoroughly developed. However, J. C. W. has the same right to his opinion that
Col. Mills has to his; but he has no right to accuse the Colonel of
“pretension,” for he is not a man of pretentious. He comes square up to the
trough, and will tell it to the face of the world through he is beheaded for the
fully understand his position in regard to free trade and sailors’ rights. The
very class that J. C. W. is advocating is evidently the one that pays the tariff
on all commerce, as they pay the occupation tax imposed on the energies and
industries of the country by our late Legislature. If “the already starved labor
of the United States” that J. C. W. speaks of will go to work there is no
necessity of starvation in this rich land. There are to many hunting around for
easy places. J. C. W. says that labor is today “just as much the slave of
capital as the negro was to his master before the war.” This is not the case,
for the price of all commodities is governed by the demand and supply. Today I
cannot get a hand for less than one dollar per day and his board, and in two
months I can hire good hands for $12.50 to $15. per month, and each party will
take the advantage of the other. I am forced to pay his price when I can’t help
myself, and he is forced to taken mine when he can’t help himself,
Respectfully, W. N.
Corsican Observer, October 27,
Mr. W.
N. Pittman is selling boots and shoes for Mr. J. T. Sullivan and is happy in
consciousness, that he can fit and please everyone.
Corsicana Observer, November 3,
is on the streets, talking boots and shoes all the time. He represents the boot
and shoe house of J. T. Sullivan, and swears by the name of General Jackson
nobody shall go barefooted if he can help it.
Captain William Nelson
Pittman died
21 May 1879 in Navarro Co TX and was buried at the Hamilton Cemetery now known
as the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery in Navarro Co.
Will, 1879
Navarro County Courthouse,
Corsicana, Texas
In the
name of God Amen, I Wm N. Pittman of Choctaw County in the State of Mississippi
do make and ordain this my last will and testament after my funeral and
testamentary expenses first properly then my Just Debts.
I will
and bequeath to my wife Winnie C. Pittman for and during her natural life my
entire Estate both real and Personal.
It is
my will if she can keep the property together and pay off my debts if not to
sell off such property as she can spare best I leave it all to her for the
purpose of raising and educating my children and at her death I desire all my
Estate to be sold and equally divided between my children. I nominate and
appoint my wife W C Executrix of this my last will In Testament whereof I
hereinto set my hand and affix my Seal this January 10th A.D.
William N. Pittman
sealed and Published by the testator as and for his last will and testament in
our presence at his request and the presence of each other and so by is
witnessed the day of the date hereof, A. G. Young (Seal), M. E. Pittman (Seal),
Benj. Savage (Seal)
Proof of Will
of W. N. Pittman, Deced. On Probate of Will} In County Court of Navarro Sept.
Term 1879
Now at
this Term of the Court in open Court came Bryan T. Barry and Ely. H. Forman two
credible witnesses, who being first duly sworn each testify in open court as
follows, to wit We known that testator William N. Pittman he is dead he died on
or about the 22nd day of May A.D. 1879 that at the time of his death
the said was a resident citizen of said County of Navarro and died in said
County. That the said William N. Pittman was at the date of his death and also
on the 18th day of January A.D. 1862 more than twenty one years of
age. Those witnesses are acquainted with the handwriting of the said William N.
Pittman and the signature thereto is the signature of the said William N.
Pittman. Signed Ely. H. Forman, Bryan T. Barry
to and subscribed before me in open Court this the 23rd day of Sept.
1879, signed J. L. Harle Co. Judge, Navarro County Tex
of W. N. Pittman, Deced.} This cause coming onto be heard upon the application
of Mrs. Winnie C. Pittman to Probate the last will and testament of W. N.
Pittman, Deced. and it appearing to the Court that said application was regular
that legal notice thereof had been given and the court having heard the evidence
of witnesses offered in proof of said will it is considered by the court that
said W. N. Pittman died in said County on the 22nd day of May A.D.
1879 that the will offered for probate in the last will and testament of the
Deced. that it is in the handwriting of the Deced. and signed by him. It is
therefore ordered by the Court that said will be and the same is hereby
recognized and admitted to probate as the last will and testament of the said
William N. Pittman Deced. and that the same be recorded by the Clerk of this
Court together with the Evidence taken in Court in proof thereof. It is also
further ordered that letters of Executorships issue to said Winnie C. Pittman
upon her filing a Bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars Conditioned as the law
directs and that Sam Hamilton, M. T. Clary and W. B. Taylor be and they are
hereby appointed appraisers of said Estate.
Petition to
C. Pittman, Extrx. Of Wm. N. Pittman} Winnie C. Pittman field her Petition to
Probate the Last Willa and Testament of W. N. Pittman, Deceased, which was
Examined by the Court granted and Ordered to be recorded.
State of Texas County of Navarro} In County Court, July Term A.D. 1879. To the
Hon. County Court of Navarro County Your Petitioner Winny C. Pittman
respectfully represents to your Honor that she resides in Said County of
Navarro. That heretofore To wit on the 22nd of May A.D. 1879 William
Nelson Pittman then a resident Citizen of Said county departed this life in Said
County leaving an Estate Situated in Said County.
the said Deceased left a written will which disposes of his said Estate and in
which your petitioner is named as Executor.
said Will can be proven as requited by law, Premises Considered your petitioner
prays that after notice of this application shall have been given that said will
may be admitted to probate as the last will and testament of said Deced. that
letter testamentary issue to your petitioner and for general relief, sign Frost
and Barry Atty’s for Petitioner
State of Texas} To the Sheriff or and Constable of Navarro County Greeting. You
are hereby commanded to cause to be posted in three of the most public places in
your county one of which shall be at the Court House door copies of the
following notice. The State of Texas To all persons interested in the Estate of
William N. Pittman Deced. Winny C. Pittman has filed in the County Court of
Navarro County an application to Probate the last will and testament of Wm N.
Pittman Decd. and for letters testamentary on the Estate of William N. Pittman
Decd. which will be heard at the July Term To wit on the third Monday in July
A.D. 1879 at the court house thereof in the city of Corsicana at which time all
persons interested in said Estate may appear and contest said application if
they see proper. Herein fail not under penalty of the law and of this unit make
due return Issued the 30th day of June 1879
Witness L. H. Kerr, Clerk of
said Court and the seal thereof at office in the City of Corsicana the
30th day of June 1879 L. H. Kerr, Clerk County Court, Navarro County
to hand on the 30th day of June A.D. 1879 and executed on the
30th day of June A.D. 1879 by posting written notice of the within in
three public places in said County—one of which was at the court house door, E.
E. Dunn, Sheriff N.C.
Appraisement of
W. C.
Pittman Extrx Of W. N. Pittman Decd.} W. C. Pittman Executrix of the Estate
aforesaid filed her appraisement of the property of said estate which was
examined by the Court Approved and ordered to be recorded.
Acres land on McNeal League
Promissory Notes given by M. M. Dixon
and T.
W. Carpenter for Eighteen Hundred
Dollars Interest at the rate of
per cent after Dec. 25th 1878 until
on above Note are the following
Credits One Seven Hundred
9, 79 Six hundred Dollars Dec. 13,
79 $18.00
Note Executed by Lewis Penny and
M. M.
Dixon for twenty three Dollars and
three cents
1 Note
Executed by J. N. Martin & G. W.
for $250.00
Jany 1st 1880 1 Note Excu. By J. N.
& G. W. Martin for
Jan. 1st 1881
1 Note
on B. E. Knolts for $21.00 Dollars
1 Note
on Thos. Richardson for sixt-four Dollars <valueless
1 Note
on P.J.L. Davenport & W. N. Crew 3.40
on J. L. Stock horses
Head of Stock horses
Match horses 40 per head 1 work horse $20.00
head of Stock Cattle
8 head
of Beef Steers
1 Set
Black Smith Tools
4 Log
Reaper and Rake
1, 2
Horse Wagon
1, 2
Horse Wagon
We the
undersigned appraisers do solemnly Swear that the foregoing is a true and
correct appraisement of the property belonging to the Estate of W. N. Pittman
Decd. to the best our knowledge and belief, Signed, Sam Hamilton, Wm. B. Taylor,
M. P. Clary
to and Subscribed before me this 15 day of Dec. A.D. 1879 signed S. H. Kerr,
cccnc, by _ Kerr, Deputy
Winnie (Pryor)
Pittman was
left a widow at the age of forty-nine years with six children under sixteen, the
youngest age two years. She managed the estate of her husband and ran the farm
while raising the rest of her children alone. She had moved to Ellis County to
be close to a son by the 1880 census and the 1900 census she was in Hamilton
County Texas where she was living with a son, Robert Lee Pittman. Robert Lee
Pittman and his mother eventually moved to Estancia, New Mexico where they died
and were buried at the Estancia Memorial Cemetery in Torrance County; Winnie
died August 8, 1910.
Monument Sought For
Corsicana newspaper clipping,
June 22, 1940
Monument Sought For
A few
miles south of Corsicana in the old Hamilton Cemetery is a grave almost lost by
age. It is the grave of a gallant officer of the Civil War, the late Capt.
William N. Pittman. Upon organization of Company D, thirty-sixth Regiment of
Mississippi Infantry, he was elected Captain, a position he held during the four
year struggle between the states. Following the close of the Civil War the young
Captain came to Texas and was prominently connected with the early development
of Corsicana.
photograph in possession of a grand-daughter shows him as he stopped his wagon
loaded with lumber and drawn by six oxen as it arrived in Corsicana with a load
of lumber from Jefferson. Captain Pittman died here in 1879 and was buried in
the old Hamilton Cemetery in that part of the cemetery where rests the first
settlers to die here.
Descendants of his two sons,
John and James Pittman, who died in Hill and Ellis Counties, with the assistance
of R. E. Sparkman, Italy, have arranged with the War Department for a
Confederate monument which will soon mark the grave of the gallant Capt. William
N. Pittman.
Saturday September 18, 1993 the
family of Captain William Nelson Pittman and the Sons of Confederate Veterans
met at the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery to co-host the dedication services of a
Confederate grave marker for the Captain.
William Nelson Pittman was born
on May 25, 1822. He was born in Alabama [sic]. He married on the 12th day of
August 1847 to Winnie Pryor. She was born on the 30th day of November 1830 in
Alabama [sic]. After they married they moved to Mississippi. Nine of their
children were born in Mississippi, five were born in Texas. William Nelson moved
the family to Texas after the War and into Navarro County in the early 1870's.
Here he farmed and ranched the land until his death on May 21, 1879. Sometime
after 1900 Winnie moved to New Mexico where she died on August 8th
Children of Captain and Winnie
Pittman were; Mary, William, James, Thomas, John, Fannie, Sallie, Martha,
Robert, George, Frank, Nora, Cora, and Nannie.
William Nelson enlisted in the
Confederate States Army on November 2, 1861 from Greensboro, Mississippi. He
served as Captain of Co. D, Third Battalion Mississippi Infantry Volunteers,
whose nickname was The Choctaw Rough and Ready's.
As the
some 75 guest arrived, part in period dress, the 9th Texas Infantry, from the
Dallas area, marched in under the command of Paul Castles. The services were
well attended by the Sons of Confederate Veterans as the event was part of the
Brigade wide meeting which was held at the First Baptist Church in Richland,
Texas afterwards. The local SCV, J. L. Halbert Camp, was host under the command
of David Franklin, with a Barbecue dinner catered by Tom James and the Sam's
Restaurant from Fairfield, Texas.
in attendance at the cemetery dedication were the DAR, DRT, and the UDC. The
salute and flag pledges were lead by Penny Jones, UDC and Ines Waggoner, DRT
with America the Beautiful, Texas Our Texas and Dixie lead by Bill
Special guest there of the SCV
were, Texas Division 1st Lt. Commander, Greg Hector of Austin; the Central Texas
Brigade Commander, John Perry of Temple, Texas, 1st Lt. Commander David Franklin
of Richland, Texas, and 2nd Lt. Commander Charles Oliver of Waco, Texas, with
representatives for the Hillsboro, Temple, Waco, and Corsicana Camps. From the
Daughters of the Republic of Texas were Irene Davenport, president of the Jose
Antonio Navarro Chapter with other members, Ines Waggoner, Dana Stubbs, and
Eddie Truitt all of Corsicana.
ceremony was very beautiful and moving. The History of Captain Pittman was read
by Bobby Dan Bell of Corbet, Texas, a great-great-grandson. The Vacant Chair was
performed by Sherry Franklin and Bill Owen and the Rebel Soldier by Bill Owen.
There was not a dry eye there after the music had ended. Charles Oliver, SCV, of
Waco and Greg Hector, SCV, of Austin held the dedication of the monument for
Captain Pittman, While Dana Stubbs, great-great-great-granddaughter and Megan
Hutt, great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Captain Pittman laid the wreath
and unveiled the monument. All there that wished, honored the Captain by laying
a red rose on the marker. The 9th Texas Infantry saluted the grave with a very
exciting Infantry Salute. Amazing Grace was sung by all and Benediction was
given by David Franklin, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Richland. To end
the occasion Greg Hector played an impressive Taps.
Honored family members that were present; Frances Malcolm of Bedford, Texas,
Peggy (Pittman) Webb of Lewisville, Justin and Lucas Pittman of the Dallas area,
Harold and Johnnie Bell of Blooming Grove, Bobby and Jettie Bell of Corbet,
Norman and Dana (Bell) Stubbs of Corsicana and Sherri (Bell) Hutt and children
Megan and Zachary all of Corsicana, Katie (Wimberley) Blankenship of Houston,
Jim and LaDonna Pittman of Waxahachie, Marcia (Pittman) McFarland and Robert,
Anita, Michael and Samantha Armstrong of Stephenville, and Linda (Higgins)
Schardein of Burleson.
fourteen known children of William Nelson and Winnie (Pryor) Pittman
Mary Ellen Pittman

Ellen Pittman was born 14 Feb 1849 in Mississippi, married 1) 4 Oct 1874 in
Navarro County Texas to John R. Weaver. John was born 16 Mar 1841 and died 22
Sep 1878 in Navarro County Texas and is buried at the Hamilton-Beeman
married 2) to John A. Holmes.
three known children of John and Mary Ellen Weaver:
- Dick Weaver born 7 Aug 1875 and died 3 Aug
1878 in Navarro County and is buried at the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery, Navarro
County Texas
- Ada Weaver born 13 Nov 1876 and died 29 Jun
1877 in Navarro County Texas and is buried at the Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery,
Navarro County Texas
- Tom Weaver
four known children of John and Mary Ellen Homes
- Edgar Holmes
- Pryor Holmes
- Ruth Holmes
- James Holmes
William Joseph Pittman

William Joseph Pittman was born
26 Sep 1850 in Mississippi died 22 Mar 1921 in Sweetwater, Nolan County Texas.
He married 30 May 1872 in Bell County Texas to Hannah Norcisus Dixon. Hannah was
born 30 Apr 1851 in Bell County Texas and died 16 Mar 1935 in Sweetwater Nolan
County Texas. They are both buried at the Sweetwater Cemetery in Nolan County
eight known children of William and Hannah Pittman:
- William H. Pittman
- Nannie Ellen Pittman
- John Henry Pittman
- Fannie Pittman
- Mary Pittman
- Alice Pittman
- Virginia Norcisus Pittman
- Gertie Pittman
James Nelson Pittman
James Nelson Pittman was born
23 May 1852 in Mississippi and died 21 Nov 1917 in Italy, Ellis County Texas. He
married 1) 15 Jan 1873 in Navarro County Texas to Emily Virginia Little. Emily
was born 9 Aug 1854 in Alabama and died 24 Aug 1888.
Nelson married 2) 25 Aug 1891 in Ellis County Texas to Cinderella Phoebe
Chambliss. She was born 13 Dec 1858 in Louisiana.
and Cinderella Pittman are buried at the Italy Cemetery in Ellis County
six known children of James and Emily Pittman
- Robert Asa Pittman is buried at Oakwood
Cemetery, Navarro County Texas
- May Ellen Pittman married Mr. Brewer
- William Nelson Pittman
- Claudius Preston Pittman
- James Ollen Pittman
- Samuel DeWitt Pittman
six know children of James and Cinderella Pittman
- Jim Cary Pittman
- Alma Jewell Pittman
- Winnie Lee Pittman married Jesse David
- Walter Kenneth Pittman
- Whitt George Pittman
- Joe Pittman
Thomas Henry Pittman

Henry Pittman was born 24 Feb 1854 in Mississippi and died 8 Nov 1919 in Bell
County Texas married Nattie Brock. Nattie was born 17 May 1860 in Texas and died
30 Sep 1946 in Hamilton County Texas.
are buried at Hico Cemetery, Hico, Hamilton County Texas.
seven known children of Thomas Henry and Nattie Pittman:
- Hattie Pittman married Mr. Davis
- Ralph King Pittman married Lillie
- Joe Pittman
- Tom Pittman
- Porter Pittman
- Pitt L. Pittman
- Samuel Herbert Pittman
John Manley Pittman

Manley Pittman was born 11 May 1856 in Mississippi and died 13 Jan 1922 in
Irene, Hill County Texas and is buried at the Richland Cemetery near Martins,
Hill County Texas. He married 23 Dec 1877 in Navarro County Texas to Laura
Elizabeth Bishop. Lizzie was born 11 Jul 1858 in Navarro County Texas the
daughter of John Green and Mahala (Crocker) Bishop and she died 1 Sep 1893 in
Bosque County Texas and is buried at the Iredell Cemetery, Bosque County Texas.
seven known children of John Manley and Laura Elizabeth (Bishop)
- Annah Winnifred Pittman married Robert Lee
- Katie Lee Pittman married Frank
- Fannie Belle Pittman married Oscar Perry
- Edwin Bishop Pittman married Parrie
- Laura Glenndora Pittman married James
Cicero Dale
- Mary Angieline Pittman married Herman
Claude Bell
- Nellie Grace Pittman married Walter Samuel
Fannie Belle Pittman

Belle Pittman was born 24 Dec 1858 in Mississippi and died in Torrance County
New Mexico, married 10 Oct 1877 in Navarro County Texas to Isaac William Meador.
Isaac was born 1855 in Navarro County Texas the son of Obediah James and
Bathsheba (Lindsey) Meador. They both are buried at Hamilton County Texas.
The 11
known children of Isaac James and Fannie Meador:
- Orue Meador
- Vines Nelson Meador
- John Meador
- Myrl Meador
- Virgie Meador
- W. Rex Meador
- Ettie Meador
- Frank C. Meador
- Winnie Meador
- Erma Meador
- Bruce Meador
Sallie U Pittman
U. Pittman was born 30 Oct 1860 in Mississippi and died in El Paso County Texas
married Daniel Monroe Hamilton. Daniel was born 7 Sep 1855 in Texas the son of
Samuel and Nancy T. (Daniel) Hamilton. He died 16 Jan 1812.
The 10
known children of Daniel Monroe and Sallie Hamilton:
- Nannie Belle Hamilton married Mr.
- Willie Elizabeth Hamilton married Charles
- Samuel Daniel Hamilton
- Winnie Mae Hamilton married Harry
- Ora Orthar Hamilton
- Maury Hamilton
- Bobbie Ruth Hamilton married Mr.
- Lillian Bertha Hamilton married Mr.
- Jim Hamilton
- Raymond H. Hamilton
Martha Eugenia Pittman

Eugenia Pittman was born 17 Aug 1863 in Mississippi and died 20 Dec 1930 in
Mangum, Greer County Oklahoma. She married 1) 9 Feb 1881 in Ellis County Texas
to Rusk Blasingame. Rusk was born 28 Jul 1857 in Texas the son of Benjamin F.
and Sarah Jane (Treadwell) Blasingame. Rusk died 27 Apr 1898.
Eugenia married 2) Solomon Rushing.
seven known children of Rusk and Martha Eugenia Blasingame:
- Arthur Lee Blasingame married Lucy
- Ernest Blasingame married Clara Mae
- Winton Wood Blasingame married Donnie
- Sam Houston Blasingame married Clara
- Roger Mills Blasingame married Mabel
- Franklin Rush Blasingame married Helen
- Winnie Jane Blasingame married Hugh Monte
one known child of Solomon and Martha Eugenia Rushing:
- William Joseph Rushing
Robert Lee Pittman

Lee Pittman was born 4 Nov 1866 in Mississippi and died 10 Mar 1911 in Estancia,
Torrance County New Mexico and is buried at Estancia Memorial Cemetery in
Torrance County New Mexico.
George P. Pittman
P. Pittman was one of a set of twins born 30 Sep 1869 in Navarro County Texas
and died 11 Nov 1893 in Bosque County Texas and is buried at the Iredell
Cemetery in Bosque County Texas.
Frank P. Pittman

P. Pittman was one of a set of twins born 30 Sep 1869 in Navarro County Texas
and died in Sweetwater, Nolan County Texas, married Laura McCarty.
four known children of Frank and Laura Pittman:
- Raphael Pittman
- Joe Pittman
- Floy Pittman
- Roy Pittman
Nora Dozen Pittman
Nora Dozen Pittman was born 9
Feb 1873 in Navarro County Texas and died 6 Mar 1873 in Navarro County
Cora Elizabeth Pittman
Elizabeth Pittman was born 28 Feb 1875 in Navarro County Texas and died in
Sweetwater, Nolan County Texas married 1891 in Texas to Robert Henry Scales.
Robert was born 16 Aug 1866 in Washington County Texas and died 9 Feb 1950 in
Sweetwater, Nolan County Texas.
ten known children of Robert and Cora Scales:
- Clarence Scales
- Beuna Scales
- Forrest Scales
- Ernest Scales
- Mary Scales
- Eula Scales
- Emmet Scales
- Claude Scales
- Walter Scales
- Louie Scales
Nancy Virginia Pittman

Virginia Pittman was born 17 Sep 1878 in Navarro County Texas, died in Bell
County Texas, married William L. Sims.
three known children of William and Nacy Sims:
- Bryan Sims
- Aubrey Sims
- Kermit Sims