Henry S.
Powell, son of Mrs. W. D. Powell, of Barry,
Navarro County, Texas.
History of Texas World War Heroes - World War 1
Henry Segrist
“Sig” Powell
Feb 18, 1891 - Dec 31, 1932
Funeral services for H. Sig Powell, age 31 years, who died at his home
in Dawson Saturday morning, were held Sunday afternoon and were
conducted by Rev. F. O. Waddill, pastor of the Methodist church of which
the deceased was an active member.
Mr. Powell was a pioneer resident of the Barry community, having moved
there with his parents when a small boy. He was well known in the entire
western section of the county, having taken an active part in church and
civic affairs. He was in business at Dawson at the time of his death.
He was a world war veteran.
Surviving are his wife, two small children, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Powell, Barry; two brothers, J. W. Powell, Sherman; L. L. Powell,
Blooming Grove; five sisters, Mrs. J. W. Varnell, Corsicana; Mrs. Henry
Arp, Mexia; Mrs. J. A. Reed, Frisco; Mrs. Ruth Bolin, Corsicana; Miss
Pearl Powell, Barry, and a number of other relatives.