William O. Rankin |Enlisted from Corsicana, TX, April 22, 1862. In J. L. Halbert's Co E, 15 TX Inf Regt. Discharged May 27, 1865. He enlisted with his father, John Sale Rankin, age 49 years. Received Medical Discharge, Feb 10, 1863 Born 3/5/1845 in Monticello, MO Died in Austin, TX 12/1/1920 Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, TX Married Mary Frances Gooch, Dec 27, 1871 in Los Angeles, CA. Mary (Gooch) Rankin Born in Durham, NC 1/1/1850
Died in Corsicana, TX, 1/14/1887 Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, TX.
William Ogden “Uncle
Billie” Rankin
Mar. 5, 1845 - Dec. 1, 1920
Here for the Funeral.
Mrs. Rankin, wife of the late “Uncle Billie” Rankin, of Austin, and
her two sons, Will Rankin of Dallas and Alvia Rankin of Houston,
Mrs. W. H. Hord of Hillsboro and her three sons, W. E. Rankin and C.
D. Rankin of Dallas, and Ned Rankin of Hubbard, and Mr. and Mrs.
James Jackson of Stamford, are here to attend the funeral of Uncle
Funeral Tomorrow Morning.
The remains of the late “Uncle Billie” Rankin did not reach here
from Austin this morning, but will be here at 5:30 this
afternoon, and the funeral will take place from the Sutherland
undertaking parlors tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock, and will be
under the direction of the Odd Fellows.
Funeral Took Place This Morning
The funeral for the remains of the late “Uncle Billie”
Rankin took place from the Southland undertaking parlors at
10 o’clock this morning with interment in Oakwood. The
Funeral services were conducted at the parlors by Rev. L. C.
Howell and were concluded at the grave by the Odd Fellows.
There was a large attendance and there were many beautiful
A Tribute.
There was recently laid to rest in
cemetery a man who loved Corsicana, and who was
loved by all who knew him, Uncle Billy Rankin. The best
days of his life were spent here, and for many years he
was a familiar figure upon our streets. He served as a
peace officer in Corsicana and Navarro county, in
various capacities, for nearly a quarter of a century,
but the last years of his life he lived in Austin, where
he was one of the Capital Guards.
His long tenure of office was distinguished by his
honesty, fidelity and courage. I have never known one
who possessed more bravery than he. He served in the
army of the Confederacy, and it is likely there that
this trait was developed. His loyalty to the Old South
did not diminish with the passing of years. The last
time I was in his home, I observed that the walls were
decorated with the portraits of a number of those
military chieftains who fought so gloriously under the
Stars and Bars. He prized the Cross of Honor which he
wore more highly than any decoration which could have
been bestowed upon him by any government on earth.
He was modest and unassuming, but his loyalty and
partisanship for his friends was marked. He was kind and
generous to a fault. His heart best in sympathy at all
times with the poor and oppressed, and no one ever
appealed to him in vain for help. He loved mankind, and
was always glad to render some service to suffering
Though he formed many new friends in Austin, he never
ceased to long for the comradeship of his old time
friends in Corsicana, and frequently expressed the
desire that when his work on earth was done, that he
could sleep his last sleep in the cemetery at Corsicana.
The world was made better and brighter by his having
lived and a host of friends mourn his death.