Mr. J. R. (“Uncle Jim”) Scoggins of Barry celebrated
another annual birthday and invited many of his intimate friends to dine with
him on his 86th birthday, Sunday, Nov. 14th,. The
following relatives were present: W. J. Scoggins, John H. Scoggins of Pecan
Gap; J. M. Scoggins of Claude; T. F. Scoggins of Dorchester, Texas, and Mrs.
B. F. Clark, and Frank Gay and family of Roane, Texas, Mrs. B. F. Clark (sister
to Uncle Jim) is 89 years old but as spry as a cat and the above sons together
with their wives (except W. J. S.) and a gala day, for they entered into their
boyhood experiences and told the many funny as well as ridiculous things that
had come into the home life of nearly all boys and such another time they had.
Uncle Jim Scoggins moved to Texas from Louisiana in Dec.
1879, and has lived here since. He came here when Corsicana looked like 30
cents with the figure 3 rubbed off. Very little farming and no roads as all
here then and people went from place to place by direction of following some cow
trail. Land here was then considered worthless except for grazing and although
it was rich black soil, they had no tools to work this black land and hence it
was cheap then. Uncle Jim saw through that if the land could be broke and
cultivated that it would produce and be bought a good portion of it when it was
cheap and still owns one of the best farms in Navarro county. He does not set
the prairie afire by raising all cotton, but he has always believed in and
practiced having “hog and hominy” at home and very few years has he ever had to
buy bread and meat. He raised a big family of children and all of them
respected and honor him for what he has done for them.
Uncle Jim’s children make it a point to have a “home
coming” on the 14th of November each year and honor their father with
many gifts and many delicacies and he enjoys it to the fullest extent. He can
hardly wait from one birthday till the next and often speaks of his children and
many friends who remember him so kindly from year to year.
Among others present were the following: Mrs. Ollie
rogers and Prof. Hodge and wife and many others too numerous to mention.
A thirty pound turkey was among the many other good
things on the table and it is said that Jesse and Prof. Hodge ate so much that
they had to take them to the tank and stand them in water for a while.
We trust that Uncle Jim may live many more years and
that each year may bring health, wealth and happiness.
A sincere friend,
Barry, Texas, March 31,--On March 20, 1927, at 12:10 o’clock, the
death angel took “Uncle Jim” Scoggins from the walks of man to a
better world. “Uncle Jim” had been at death’s door for a number of
days, therefore death came as a sweet relief and answer to his
prayers. All that relatives and friends could do was of no avail.
Deceased was 86 years of age and had resided in Barry community 51
years. He had been a consistent church member for 72 years. Besides
a host of friends and other relatives, “Uncle Jim” is survived by a
wife and five sons, namely, W. J. Scoggins, of Barry; J. H. Scoggins
of Pecan Gap; J. M. Scoggins of Dorchester and L. I. Scoggins of
Tolbert; also a daughter-in-law, Mrs. G. B. Scoggins of Dorchester;
a step son, Frank Gay of Roane, and one sister, Miriam Clark, who
resides with her daughter, Ms. Ed Spain, near Barry.
To know “Uncle Jim” was to love him. There isn’t a person in Barry
who will be missed more than he. He was never too busy nor too tired
to greet his friends and neighbors with a kind word and a smile. The
Odd Fellows and Masonic Lodges have lost one of their most ardent
workers by his death.
The entire community extends his heartfelt sympathy to this bereaved
family. Put your trust in Him who knows and does all things best.
Could “Uncle Jim” speak, we believe that he would comfort his loved
ones by Tennyson’s beautiful poem:
“Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me;
And may there be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea,
For such a tide as moving seems asleep
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep,
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark;
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark.
For though from out my bourne of time and place,
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to meet my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church at 2 o’clock,
Friday, April 1 by Rev. Bell, assisted by former pastor, Rev.
Darwood and Rev. J. H. McAfee. Interment was at
White Church Cemetery.
Special to the Sun.
Barry, Texas, April 7.—The funeral of the late J. R. Scoggins, which was held in
Methodist church Friday, April 1st at 2 o’clock was attended by a large crowd.
There were many beautiful flowers. Rev. Darwood of Purdon and McAfee of Waco,
former pastors of the deceased, also Rev. Bell present pastor, all dwelling
along on the patient virtues, the love and esteem of their subject.
The Masons took charge after church services and laid the body to rest in the
White Church Cemetery near Blooming Grove.
Special to the Sun.
Barry, Texas, March 31.—Jim Scoggins, aged 86 years died at his
home here Wednesday at noon and funeral services will be held
Friday afternoon in
White Church
cemetery. Rev. Mr. Bell assisted by Rev. I. R. Darwood and
Rev. J. U. McAfee, will conduct the service.
Uncle Jim as he was known is survived by his wife and five sons,
W. J. Scoggins, Barry; J. H. Scoggins, Pecan Gap; J. M.
Scoggins, Claud; I. I. Scoggins, Tolbert and T. F. Dorchester.
He is also survived by a daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. B. Scoggins of
Dorchester and Step-son, Frank Gay of Roane and one sister, Mrs.
Miriam Clark of Barry.
The deceased had resided in Barry 51 years and was one of the
leading citizens of the community. He was a member of the I. O.
O. F. and Masonic lodges.