James Martin Scales &
Julius A. Scales & Scales Family
Spring Hill, Navarro County, Texas


Biography Index || Civil War Index


James Martin Scales  and Julius A. Scales and Edmund M. Scales were sons of Alfred Moore Scales(1800-1878) and Martha Ann Martin (1811-1896).  The Scales family was an old one in Rockingham Co, N.C.    A.M. Scales' parents were Nathaniel Scales (1756-1824) and Nancy Ann Allen (1751-1840). James Martin Scales and his wife Ruth Searcy Scales moved to Spring Hill area, Navarro Co. in 1856. They brought with them brother Julius A. Scales (14 y.o.) and 3 children. (1860 Census). Edmund M. Scales, the 3rd brother, probably came with them as he was 16 yo in 1856.

J.M and Ruth had 9 children, 3 of which died young and are buried in Raleigh cemetery with their uncle Edmund M. Scales.

All 3 of these brothers served in the C.S.A.  James M. Scales, Sergeant Age 31, Dresdens Tex. Cavalry,Co. I, 19th Tex Cav.."6'1" blue eyes/light hair , Julius A. Scales in Ellis Grays, Parsons' regt. and Edmund M. Scales was a private in 15th Texas Infantry, C.S.A., Company E. Enlisted April 16, 1862. Edmund must have died as a result of the war, as he was 22 yo when he entered the war and 24 yo when he died 04 Oct 1865.

James Martin Scales
Sgt. CSA  Co I 19 Texas Cavalry
buried Oakwood Cemetery; Served Co E  - Ellis Co Grays

b. July 5, 1830 NC   d. July 1893  Buried Oakwood Cemetery.

NavCo 1856

Lived Navarro Mills

NavCo Cattle Brand 1858

m. Ruth Searcy Slater  1832-1905

dau Charles & Sarah Searcy Slater

1870 Navarro Co TX Census

J M Scales                 1830  NC

R S                              1833  TN

Sallie                           1853

Alfred                          1855

Elijah                           1858

Mattie                         1861

Eldred                         1862

Al                                1866

Laura                          1869

M A                            1801








In the 1870 Census  Julius A. was single and a merchant in Navarro Mills . He married Sarah Elizabeth in 1874, and became the  Worshipful Master Spring Hill Masonic Lodge in 1878 . By 1900 they had 4 children, 3 of whom lived.  He later had a grocery store in Corsicana, Tx.


Julius A. Scales was a private for 8 days. "Texas Muster Roll Index Cards 1838-1900", view 1181 of 1521- Ancestry.com. Julius A. Scales was mustered in under Capt. John C. Brown- Ellis Grays on 20 Oct 1861 and mustered out on 28 Oct. 1861.


Lived at Navarro Mills
Springhill Postmaster 1874
m. Elizabeth ??
J L Scales CSA Halbert's Co E Calvin Scales  CSA Dresden's Texas Cavalry

J A Scales was listed in the Spring Hill 1870 Census as a merchant.  He lived alone and was born 1843




Julius Alfred "Jules" Scales, Col.
Jan 13, 1843 - May 22, 1926



Word was received here at an early hour Saturday morning that Mr. Julias A. Scales, former citizen of Corsicana, now of Houston, had passed away during the night.

Cap. Scales had been in declining health for the past year. His last visit here was just a year ago when returning from the Old Confederates Reunion at Dallas.

Mr. Scales enjoyed a long life being 83 years old, and was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Eliza Scales, five years ago.

His remains will be brought to Corsicana on the 5 o’clock train Sunday morning and taken to the home of his nephew, Wade Smith 1529 West Fourth avenue. The funeral is to be at 3:30 from the First Presbyterian church, of which he has for sixty years been a much loved and valued member.

He is survived by his three daughters and one grandson; Mrs. Geo. Hutcherson of Houston, Mrs. Sam Findley of Taylor, Mrs. Frank Moore of Ennis and Jules Hutcherson of Houston, now a student of Austin College.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, May 22, 1926
  • h/o Sarah Eliza (Caldwell) Scales s/o Alfred Moore Scales and Martha Ann (Martin) Scales
  • Oakwood cemetery
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • I am curious as to how he ascribed his title as "colonel".  Julius A. Scales was a private for 8 days. "Texas Muster Roll Index Cards 1838-1900", view 1181 of 1521- Ancestry.com. Julius A. Scales was mustered in under Capt. John C. Brown- Ellis Grays on 20 Oct 1861 and mustered out on 28 Oct. 1861.  (Barbara Kipgen_


(An Appreciation.)

After eighty-three years of splendid citizenship Julius A. Scales died at his home in Houston, Texas, on May 21, 1926, and was buried in Corsicana, his former home, May 23.

Mr. Scales was born in Rockingham county, North Carolina, in 1845 and came to the state of Texas in 1859. He first settled at Raleigh, Texas, but later moved to Milford, where he was married to Miss Eliza Caldwell in 1873. He is survived by his three daughters and one grandson, his wife having preceded him in death five years ago.

Mr. Scales was a gallant and faithful Confederate soldier and answered the call of duty at all times. He joined the Confederate army in the very beginning of the war of 1861 and served the four years faithfully, showing great courage and fortitude. He belonged to Parsons Brigade and fought under Captain John Brown.

Mr. Scales moved to Corsicana in 1884 and was a resident of this city until about eight years ago when he moved to Houston. He was a member of Camp Winkler, U. C. V., Navarro county and remained a member of this camp until his death.

Much could be said of the admirable characteristics of this beloved comrade. He was a friend of all classes and loved by all who knew him; kindly and charitable in speech, as well as deed; always genial and of good cheer, always courteous and forbearing with others. Although he kept his membership in Camp Winkler, Navarro county, U. C. V., he was greatly loved and a favorite with Dick Dowling Camp at Houston. With that camp he attended the Confederate reunion at Dallas, May 1925 and died at the time of the reunion at Birmingham, Ala., May 1926.

The reunions of the Confederate veterans meant much to Mr. Scales. He looked forward to these occasions with much pleasure. His services to his state and the Confederacy was a great one. His exemplary life, his contribution to the events which make history in this country, and the impress which he made upon those with whom he came in contact form the greatest eulogy that could be pronounced upon his long and useful life.

This beloved man was an uncle of our own esteemed citizen, Mr. Wade Smith, who is a kind friend of the Confederate soldiers at all times and on all occasions.





Sarah Eliza (Caldwell) Scales
Feb 19, 1847 - Dec 5, 1921


Funeral Here Today Was Largely Attended.

Mrs. Eliza Scales, wife of Jules A. Scales, who would have been seventy five years of age next month, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam Findley in Taylor, Texas, yesterday morning at 5 o’clock, and the remains reached her this morning at 9:30. The deceased was for many years a resident of Corsicana and the high esteem in which she was held was attested this morning by the large number of friends composed of our best people, who met her remains at the union station. The 19th of next month would have been the 48th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Scales and her death has come as a severe blow to her husband and their three daughters, and a host of old friends here sympathize with them in their great sorrow. The deceased is survived by her husband and three daughters, Mrs. George Hucherson of Houston; Mrs. Sam Findley of Taylor, and Mrs. Frank Moore of Ennis.

The remains were taken to the home of Robert McMillan on arrival here and the funeral took place from the First Presbyterian church, Rev. C. H. Storey, the pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev. C. T. Caldwell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Waco, who is a cousin of the deceased. The following official members of the First Presbyterian Church acted as pallbearers; J. G. Comfort, J. M. Blanding, J. M. Dyer, Walter Burgess, Murphy Williams, Capt. E. L. Bell, W. G. Baker, J. C. Hughes and E. T. Wareing. The last sad rites were largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings.

The deceased is survived by three sisters and one brother, Mrs. W. E. Ellison, Dallas; Mrs. Amy Ewing, Miss Alice Caldwell and L. B. Caldwell of Bonham.

Several out of town people attended the funeral. Among them, Miss Edith Wilson of Milford and Rev. Herbert Springall of Ennis.



Navarro County TXGenWeb
© Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams