Nov 21, 1892 - Jun 29, 1953
J. Grover Smith Expires Monday
FROST, June 30—(Spl.)—J. Grover Smith, 60, retired farmer, died in
the Navarro Clinic, Corsicana, Monday night following a several
months’ illness. He was a World War
I Veteran.
Funeral services will be held from the Frost Methodist church
Wednesday at 10 a.m. Burial will be in the Frost cemetery. The rites
will be conducted by Rev. F. T. Fisher, Perry, and Rev. T. B. Ellis,
Cleburne, both former pastors of the local Methodist church; Rev.
Sadler, pastor of the Assembly of God church, and Rev. C. C. Ellis,
pastor of the Frost Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife of Frost; three daughters, Miss Joyce Smith,
Frost; Mrs. L. V. Dunagan, Bryan, and Mrs. Sam Moore, Dallas; three
grandsons, three brothers, W. J. and Hardy C. Smith both of Frost,
and Arthur Smith, Dallas; four sisters, Mrs. G. W. Scott, Italy;
Mrs. Elmer Crabtree, Slaton; Mrs. Merrill Loveland and Miss Dora
Smith both of Spivak, Colo.
Nephews will be pallbearers.
A native of Arkansas, Smith resided in the Frost community since
McCormick Funeral Service will direct.
 Frost Cemetery, Frost, Navarro Co., TX
Marker Photo by Karen Rost
 Frost Cemetery, Frost, Navarro Co., TX
Marker Photo by Karen Rost
Pvt. John G.
Smith, of Frost, Texas, Company D. 359th Infantry, 90th Division, went overseas in June, 1918. Participated in the Meuse-Argonne.
Was gassed and wounded. In hospital a month. Received his discharge after returning home. History of Texas World War Heroes
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