Family Picture, Fall 1906
row: L to R
David Spence, b. 19 Nov 1840, d. 28 Apr 1907
Elizabeth (Bettie) Dawson Spence, b. 27 Nov 1846, d. 13 Jan 1929
Sallie Spence, b. 20 Dec 1867, d. 4 Apr 1945
row: L to R
Ione Spence Whitener, b. 27 Aug 1886, d. 27 Apr 1965
Maggie Spence Boyd, b. 3 Feb 1889, d. 23 Jun 1969, illegitimate
daughter of Annie Spence
Annie Spence, b. 14 Nov 1870, d. 18 Mar 1936
Addie (Billy) Spence, b. 8 Mar 1897, d. 20 Mar 1938, illegitimate
daughter of Mary Zeanon
Alvin (Bud) Spence, b. 20 Jan 1880, d. 9 Feb 1944
Mary Spence Zeanon, b. 18 Jul 1877, d. 14 Mar 1942
baby Lucille Zeanon, b. 17 Jun 1906, d. 13 Jun 1932
Amanda Spence Frazier Hubbard, b. 2 Feb 1874, d. 14 Mar 1951
pictured, David Almer Spence, b. 30 Oct 1882, d. 20 Sep 1888
of David W. Spence
The Dawson Herald
April 1907
W. Spence was born in Cask County, Ill., November 19, 1840, moved to
Texas in 1850, was married to Miss Bettie Dawson June 28, 1866, and
departed this life at his home two miles north of Dawson, April 28,
Dave, as he was often called, did not unite with any church, but
lived a harmless life and was known as an honest and truthful man
and was never known to say a harmful word unjustly about anyone.
Uncle Dave was poor and did not have a home here we believe that he
is rich now, as Christ has gone on before to prepare a home for him.
two weeks ago before his death he said that he was not afraid to die
and asked several of his friends to meet him some sweet day.
funeral services were conducted by Rev. Henry Francis, pastor of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, at the grave where a large number
had gathered to pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of a
true and honest citizen of the community.
After which he was laid to rest beneath the soil to await the
resurrection morning.
leaves a wife and six children to mourn the loss of a true husband
and father. The entire
community extends sympathy to the bereaved family.
Bettie (Dawson) Spence

Bettie Spence
The Dawson Herald
January 18, 1929
Vol. 21, No. 27, page 4, Col 2
the Spring Hill community, at 5 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 13, 1929, Mrs.
Bettie Spence passed into the great beyond.
For something like five years she has practically been an
invalid, but has borne her afflictions with great fortitude, and
ever had a hopeful way of looking for better times.
Dawson was born in Robertson County, Texas, Nov. 27, 1846.
While a tiny baby, her father, Brit Dawson, moved to this
county, while yet this country was full of Indians.
Here at the old Dawson home, just east of town, Bettie grew
to young womanhood. At
the age of twenty years she was married to David W. Spence.
To this union seven children, five girls and two boys were
born. Save one son, the
entire family of six remain to mourn her death.
Mrs. Spence’s husband died about twenty years ago, but with
a marvelous filial love, the children have loved and cared for their
mother. Her entire life
has been spent in and around the Dawson community, and it is well
said that those who knew her best love her most.
following children survive: Bud
Spence, Sallie Spence, Annie Spence, Mrs. Mary Zeanon, Mrs. Lee
Hubbard and Mrs. Ione Whitner.
funeral service was held at the Cumberland Presbyterian church
Monday morning at 10 o’clock, conducted by Pastor F.A. Brown,
after which burial took place in the
Dawson cemetery.
Bettie Spence was the youngest of three children of Britton
and Elizabeth Walker Dawson. It’s
believed that Bettie’s mother, Elizabeth, died during or shortly
after her birth. Her
sister Sarah Dawson Rogers and brother William H. Dawson (the first
white child born in Dawson) were also long time residents of the
Dawson community.
Worth Lady Buried Here Thursday
The Dawson Herald
March 1936
body of Annie Spence who died at the home of her daughter in Fort
Worth at 3 o’clock p.m., March 18, was brought here for burial
Thursday of last week, the funeral service being held at the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. A.A.
Collins. Interment was
made in the
Dawson cemetery.
had lived in this vicinity practically all her life up to the last
year or two, since which time she has resided with her daughter in
Fort Worth. In early
life she was converted and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, and when she realized her life was nearing the end,
expressed her readiness to go.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Maggie Boyd of Forth
Worth, four sisters, and one brother of Dawson.
Second child of David and Bettie Spence, Annie Spence was
born 14 Nov 1870, died 18 March 1936.
She never married.
Spence Died Suddenly Early Wednesday Morning
The Dawson Herald
February 1944
Spence died suddenly at about six o’clock Wednesday morning at his
home at the Joseph Hagle place just north of town.
Tuesday he was a well as usual, but became sick about twelve
o’clock and steadily grew worse until death.
Spence is an old resident of this vicinity, having spent practically
all of his life here. He
is survived by three sisters, two of whom made their home with him.
funeral service will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30
o’clock at the residence, conducted by Rev. E.A. Kessler.
Burial in
Dawson cemetery.
Fifth child of David and Bettie Spence, Alvin Henry (Bud)
Spence was born 20 Jan 1880, died 09 Feb 1944.
He never married.
Sallie Spence Died Early Wednesday

The Dawson Herald
April 1945
Sallie Spence died in the P. & S. Hospital in Corsicana Tuesday
morning about three o’clock, after having been carried there for
treatment recently. The
body was returned to Dawson early Tuesday by local undertakers Wolfe
& Dobson, and the funeral service will be held this Thursday
morning at 11 o’clock, at the Cumberland Presbyterian church,
conducted by Rev. Joe P. Smith, with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
Spence had reached the age of seventy-seven years and had spent most
of her life in the vicinity of Dawson.
She is survived by two sisters.
First child of David and Bettie Spence, Sallie Spence was
born 20 Dec 1867, died 04 April 1945.
She never married.
Lucile Zeanon Passed Away Monday
Dawson Herald
June 1932
Lucile Zeanon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Zeanon, died Monday
morning at 3 o’clock at her home here, after an illness of several
months duration, the last weeks of which time she was very sick.
Lucile had reached the age of twenty five years, eleven months, and
twenty eight days. Up
to some two years ago she had been a resident of Hubbard, but during
her residence here, she had made a host of friends. She was
converted and joined the Presbyterian church at Hubbard when eight
years of age and held membership in that church at the time of her
death. She possessed a
happy disposition and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew
her. Her passing away
will not only be keenly felt by her family but by many friends as
funeral service was conducted at the Cumberland Presbyterian church
Monday afternoon at four o’clock, conducted by Revs. B. T. Tyree,
F. O. Waddill, H. D. Jeffcoat, Robert Evans, W. H. McCulloch, Tom
Allmon, and D. M. Fullerton, after which the body was laid to rest
in the Dawson cemetery. The
high esteem in which Miss Lucile was held was attested by the
beautiful floral offering and the large number, many from a
distance, who were present at the funeral to pay a last sad tribute.
Child of E. Oscar and Mary Spence Zeanon, born 17 June 1906,
died 13 June 1932. At
the time of her death Lucile Zeanon was either divorced or separated
from William C. Eversole, whom she married 6 March 1923.