This Is
a Picture of my GreatGrand Father on the left C.R Steely,
middle Lonnie Steely, right George Steely Taken around 1900
by Kevin & Tammy Steely

C. R Steely & Son
Charles R. Steely Jr. About 1929...
The house
to the right of the picture is where the Steely's
lived 1418 West
Park Ave Looking West.
Picture by Kevin Steely
[email protected]

Buried at Oakwood
He was born 1883 and died 1931

Receipt made ot to C. R. Steely in Corsicana on Sept 9, 1905
 This is
the Wedding dress my Great Grand Mother wore on the day of December 25th 1902 Corsicana, TX . Her name was Alice
Burrow She married C. R Steely. Alice (Burrow) Steely died 1911.
HEART ATTACK FATAL TO CORSICANA BUSINESS MAN JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT C. R. Steely, 48, native and life long native of Corsicana, well
known plumber, died at his home 1418 West Park avenue, Wednesday morning at 12:30 o'clock after only a few minutes illness with a
heart attack, and the funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the first Methodist church with interment in
Oakwood Cemetery. Mr. Steely was well-known here and had operated the Steely plumbing
company for a number of years. He was an active of the First Methodist church, being a member of the board of stewards, and
formally was a member of the Corsicana Rotary club. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge here, and took part in all civic
affairs. Mr. Steely was a candidate for the city commissionership in the recent municipal election. The service at the church will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Bergin,
pastor and the Knights of Pythias lodge will be in charge at the grave. Surviving are his wife, seven sons, C. R. Steely Jr., Willie Steely,
Earnest Steely, Orus Steely, Henry Thomas Steely, Beauford Steely and Walter Bingham Steely, three daughters, Margaret Steely, Mary
Francis Steely and Edna Earl Steely, all of Corsicana; mother, Mrs. H. C. Steely, Corsicana, three brothers, J. H. Steely, Stamford; G.
W. Steely, Paris; L. D. Steely, Corsicana; and one sister Mrs. G. J. Powell, Beaumont. R. J. Jackson, chairman of the board of stewards of the church said
all members of the board were asked to meet at the church at 2:50 Thursday afternoon. Pall bearers will be A. R. Lewis, Vivian Mowlam, John T. Fortson,
Will Walton, H. G. Brown, Cecil Foster, Estill Cunningham, and Beauford Jester. The funeral will be directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home. His friends are honorary pallbearers.
---- K. P. Notice All Members of Corsicana Lodge No. 435, Knights of Pythias, are
requested to meet at First Methodist Church at 2:50 o'clock Thursday afternoon to attend the funeral of Knight C. R. Steely, Sr. W. V. Mowlam, C.C. C. B. Haley, K. R. & S.
--- RELATIVES ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES OF C. R. STEELY One of the largest concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives
seldom seen, attended the funeral services Thursday afternoon of the universally beloved Charles R. Steely, held at the First Methodist
church. Every available seat in the large auditorium was filled and the chancel was a mass of beautiful floral offerings which bespoke
the love and esteem in which this good man was held by the entire community from the lowest to the highest degree.
Among the out-of-town relatives Were Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bingham of Eldorado, Ark; Mrs. G. J. Powell, Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Steely and daughter, Vera of Stamford, Miss Steely coming over from C. I. A. Denton where she is in school; Mr. and Mrs. Clay Steely and
daughter, Bertha, Fort Worth; Mr. G. W. Steely, Paris, Texas; and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Riddle of Ennis.
Bur at
Oakwood Cemetery, Section H, Row 2: 15
Oct 1883 - 15 Apr 1931
wife Alice (Burrow) Steely married Dec. 25, 1902 2nd wife
Mary Tom (Bingham) Steely married Feb. 10, 1915 buried in
Grove Hill Memorial Park, Dallas, Texas;
s/o Henry Clay Steely & Matilda (Haire) Steely