Geo. W. Voss Accidentally killed at Thornton.
Geo. W. Voss, aged 45 years and for twenty five years a brakeman on the Houston
& Texas Central road, met with a tragic death yesterday.
He was breaking on local freight train No. 23 between here and Hearne and at 2
o-clock yesterday afternoon at Thornton, No. 23 was side-tracking a couple of flat cars
and the deceased thought he had uncoupled them from the main train, and was to ride on the
two cars to apply breaks to stop them at their proper place on the side-track. They had
failed to become uncoupled however, and after he had given the signal to move up,
attempted to get on the flat cars just as the engine started up. The sudden jerk threw him
off the steps and he fell between the cars across the track and the wheels passed over his
prostrate body before the the engine could be checked. One of his legs and the lower part
of his body were fearfully mangled.
Medical aid was summoned and the unfortunate man was made as comfortable as
possible. When the north bound passenger, due here at 5:35 pm arrived at Thornton he was
put aboard to be brought to his home here, but died when the train reached Richland. When
the body arrived here it was taken to Sutherland's undertaking parlors where it was
prepared for interment, after which it was conveyed to his home near the refinery, from
which place the funeral took place this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Deceased had spent most of his life here and had many friends who were pained at his
sudden and tragic end.
A wife, two children and an aged father survive him, for whom the community has
great sympathy in their sore bereavement.
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