Williams and English Families circa 1909 -1910 Navarro County, Texas
Baby Phillip Irvin English(#5 on back row) born 1908 appears to be 1 or 2 years
of age. This photo shows the Williams and English Families.
I think that many of the unidentified children belong to the adults in the
photo. I am open to corrections and additions. Please help and explain. This is
a mystery.
Robert Jackson Williams, died 1885, married Martha Jane Richardson, 75 years or
so in this photo. Their children are indicated by one *.
Leander Levalcus “Valkie” English married Mary Frances “Fannie” English. Their
children are indicated by two **.
Franklin Abdijah English and Alice Nevada Bell will have three *** to indicate
their children.
Sarah Elizabeth Williams Bell was widowed in 1910. Her daughters were: Bertha,
18; Otie, 16; Dessie, 11; and Gladys Olive, 7. They may be some of the
unaccounted girls?
Front Row:
1.Clarence O. English ( No, he would be 16. This person is not 16.)
7. Curtis English, about 8 yrs. Parents are Franklin Abidjah English and Alice
Nevada Bell.
8. Alvin Bryson English, 12 yrs or so. Parents Mary Frances Williams and LL
2nd Row:
1. Clarence O. English, 16
3. Eula English, 10 or so.
4. Ruby English, 7 or so.
6. Maybe Olive Grissom, abt. 9 yrs, mother Clementine is behind her?
3rd Row:
3. Eunice English Ellis, 18 yrs or so.
7. Sarah Elizabeth Williams Bell, 36 yrs.
8. Mary Frances “Fannie” Williams English, 38 yrs,
9. Nancy Leona Williams Burdine, 41 or so. Four sons: Wiley Burley, 6 yrs; Roy,
13; Clifford Sterling, 15; Floyd Elmer, 18. Possibly in photo.
10. Hectoria Clemantine Williams Grissom, 48 yrs.
11. Martha Jane Richardson Williams, 75 yrs;
Between rows: boy -
Back row:
1. Robert Newton Williams, 33 yrs.
3. Maybe William Lee Ellis, 18 yrs, married to Eunice Williams?
4. Franklin Abidjah Williams, 53 yrs or so, married to Alice Nevada Bell.
5. Phillip Irvin Williams, born 1908 is 1 or 2 years old. Dating this photo
around 1909-1910.
6. Alice Nevada Bell Williams, 37 yrs or so.
7. Leander Levalcus “Valkie” English, 53 yrs or so.
8. Marion Franklin Grissom, 51 yrs, behind his wife Clementine Williams ?
Note: Names are missing or are not in the location in which they are identified.
Lana Davis originally shared this on 12 May 2010
becheisk_ancestry Back row #1: I'm the great-granddaughter of Franklin Abidjah
Williams (middle of back row with mustache), and gg granddaughter of Robert
Jackson Williams. I have seen this picture, but am happy to see some names
attached! My grandfather (Curtis Williams, son of Abidjah) is on the front row
in the white shirt and looks to be about 9 or 10 years old. He was born in 1900
so this picture was probably taken around 1909 or 1910? (do you have a date for
it?). Also, the baby in the arms of my great grandmother, Alice Nevada Williams
(next to Abdijah) is most likely my grandfather's brother, Irvin who was born in
1908. So, the first man on the back row cannot be Robert Jackson Williams
because he died in 1885. It's most likely the brother of Abidjah, Robert Newton
Williams. Thank you for posting this!