L. D. Walker Family of Navarro County, Texas |


April, 29, (probably 1939 or 1940) Five generations of the L. D.
Walker family are shown in the above picture, taken recently at the
family home in Blooming Grove community. Standing left to right, are
Mrs. Betty Wooten, Dresden; Dave Hall, Blooming Grove; Mrs. Raymond
Ingram and children of Black Hills. Seated is Mr. Walker, who was born
in New Albany, Mississippi, September 25, 1847.
Notes: Another newspaper clipping with a different picture [other
family members] says:
BLOOMING GROVE, April 29, Pictured above is five generations of the
L. D. Walker family taken recently at the family home in this
community. Seated is Mr. Walker, who was born in New Albany, Miss.,
Sept. 25, 1847. Standing, Mrs. I. W. Moody, Mrs. H. M. Staggs, and Mrs.
Frances Fuller and little daughter, Hazel Carolyn Fuller. (The picture
is somewhat battered but I do have it if someone is interested)
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
February, 2020
Edward L. Williams