Henry Franklin "Frank" Williams of Navarro County, Texas |
Honolulu T H Sunday Aug. the 24th
Hello Fern Raymond and children
Well I am OK but lazy have been just putting you off from day to day, making some good promises that I'd Write tomorrow and of course I break most of my good intentions reguraly. I dont really think I intend too but it so happens that I do. as I tell my Sisters I am just another Williams boy and dodge a fountain pen pretty often. I dont think they will bite But I just do, and I notice that most men do. I don't think women are so lazy. Well I havent been no where of interest lately. I go to town (Honolulu) about once a week to get my "Groceries" Scoch, Hunter Grand Dad, or Sunny Brook, or some good,
Kind with plenty of Vitamins . you know I have got to keep healthy.
Well they tell me it has been hot in Texas. Ida Bell said 113 down there and Charley said 107 in Illinois and about 80 to 86 here, so I like this better.
I am setting in my room looking out the back window and I wish you could see this sight the Banana trees are in bloom. the bloom comes out the top of the stalk and leans toward the ground and the bloom is a dark crimson red as it grows the outside pedal will roll back and expose a hand of young bananas, they are green trimed with red and yellow with a real delicate little blossom on the lower end of each banana. (the Banana is about like your
little fingers in size and length but grow very fast the little Blossom are full of honey and this one is on top off the lower roof of the house. and the Honey is dripping on the roof and the honey bees are thick gathering it the bees here are very small and gentle I have never seen a humming bird here as they don't come here, their is no bird here like any in the states except the Dove and they are just the same. the Cardinal or Red bird is
shaped the same only he is only red headed his body dove color say I forgot the sparrow he is the same as there. and trees are all different, they have one here that they call cauuy is a Mesquite it differs some but the leaves are the same.
Well No news so I wring off. for this time. and when you get lonesome write
a letter to me and if I don't, you can
Love to all
Henry J+ Williams 147 Melick Ave Honolulu 58 T H.
The above letter was found in the belongings of Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Fern (Hall) Ingram. The envelope shows date of mailing as: Aug 25, 1947. Raymond Ingram and Frank Williams were cousins.
Descendants of Joseph Ingram
1 Joseph Ingram 1830 - 1915 d in Navarro County, TX- Barry
.. +Sara Ascenith Owen 1845 - 1921 d in Purdon, Texas Navarro County
..... 2 Etheldred Harris Ingram 1879 - 1954 d in Barry, TX. Navarro County -
Cryer Creek Cemetery
......... +Francis Ida Watkins 1885 - 1974 d in Corsicana, Navarro County,
Texas- Cryer Creek Cemetery
............ 3 Raymond William Ingram 1913 - 1983 d in Burleson, Johnson
County, Texas - Burleson Cemetery
................ +Fern Hall 1913 - 1997 d in Burleson, Johnson County, Texas
- Burleson Cemetery
............ 3 Bertha May Ingram 1904 - 1904 d in Cryer Creek Cemetery
............ 3 Joseph William Ingram 1905 - 1972 d in Barry, Texas
............ 3 Laura A. Ingram 1908 - 1980 d in Cryer Creek Cemetery
................ +Rollen O. Hobbs 1906 - 1965 d in Cryer Creek Cemetery
............ 3 Alva Lee Ingram 1909 -
............ 3 Living 1922 -
................ +Lacy Baker
............ 3 Bessie Nerean Ingram 1929 - 1975
................ +Tommy Beck
..... 2 Ascenith Jerusha Ingram 1868 - 1942 d in Younger Cemetery
......... +James Monroe Williams 1861 - 1936 d in Younger Cemetery
............ 3 Frank Williams d in Hawaii
............ 3 Charlie Williams
............ 3 Ida Bella Williams
..... 2 Dewitt Davis Ingram 1882 - 1964 d in Navarro County,
......... +Cora Lewis
............ 3 Ruby Ingram
............ 3 Auther Ingram
..... 2 S. A. Ingram 1886 -
..... 2 Rufus Hardy Ingram 1887 - 1965 d in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, TX
......... +Louada Victoria Owen 1882 - 1965 d in Oakwood Cemetery,
Corsicana, TX
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
March, 2009
Edward L. Williams & Barbara