Corsicana, Texas, Garrett and Hart Store, Mailed from
Corsicana to Mrs W. J. Garrett, Loganville, GA in 1908. Writing on back says:
Dear Grandma, Here is a picture of Daddy and his delivery team in front of the
eMail received from Michael Hart:
I am Michael Hart. My Mother and Father both grew up in Corsicana and
left after high school graduation in the 1930's. My dad was Robert Ernest
Hart who passed away at age 88 in 2000. His sisters , Helen Hart Walton,
age 94 and Lela Hart Douglas age 99 are still living. My Mother is Frances
Kelly Hart , daughter of Frank Kelly and Lucile Cheney ( in the original
picture. )
The Garrett - Hart store photo recently posted on your website is my
grandfather , Ira Hart . He passed away when my dad , Ernest Hart was 3
years old in 1914 of tuberculosis , leaving his wife Mamie Horn Hart a
widow with 3 children. She was helped by her sister Nan Horn Garrett and
her father Lycurgus Columbus Horn , all of Corsicana . Mamie and her
father lived in Corsicana until the 1930's when they both passed away in
the same year. ....
Thanks ,
Michael Hart