Postmarked 1910
Picture Postcard
from the collection of Edward L. Williams
Another version of the above post card

Oil Field Scene near Corsicana, Texas in
early 1920's
On Back: There are 700 producing wells in Navarro county.
They are mostly shallow wells, many of them have been producing
for 40 years. The county produces 600,000 barrels annually.
The first
Commercial oil well west of the Mississippi was drilled in
Texas in 1894.
Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams

Oil Field Near Corsicana, Tex.

Oil Well, Corsicana, Texas
Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams
 Oil Wells, Corsicana, Texas
Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams
Field, Corsicana, Texas
Picture Postcard from the collection of Edward L. Williams