Barth Brothers, proprietors of the "2 Brothers Saloon" that
once existed in Corsicana, Texas (around the turn of the century). On the left
is George Barth and on the right is Charley Barth. I believe one of them may
later have owned a meat market. I also believe that the old Barth home stood
until recent years at the corner of 9th Avenue and 14th Street in Corsicana. The
photo has some soil marks on it but is in very good condition otherwise. Writing
on the back identifies the brothers. The photo originally belonged to the
Levermann family, another of the prominent German settlers that arrived in
Corsicana in the late 1800's. It was taken at the studio of Emil Frey in
Hello . . . Greetings from San Antonio! I was doing some research on the
Barth Brothers and discovered the Business Directory on your website. I own the
original 1890 photograph of the Barth Brothers, owners of the Two Brothers
Saloon in Corsicana, that appears there.
I've done some research on the Barth Brothers and can report that the
brothers names appear in the Texas Gazette as owners of the saloon in 1882, 1884
and 1889 and that C. R. "Charley" Barth is shown as the sole owner in 1897. The
saloon was located at 104 S. Beaton, just a short walk across Main Street to the
photography studio of Emil Frey at 102 N. Beaton, where this photograph was
It is also interesting to note that both of the Barth Brothers, George and
Charley, were also in the stock raising and poultry business along with Thomas
J. Hester. The name of that business was Barth and Hester and the ranch was
located 7 miles north of Corsicana on the Chatfield Road, while business was
conducted from the saloon at 104 S. Beaton.
Another Barth, William H., was proprieter of the City Meat Market, 109 N.
11th Street, Corsicana.
Thanks and Regards, Milo Mims, San Antonio. June 2003