Williams Gin & Grain
Frost, Navarro County, Texas


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4/21/2004 COUNTY BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Williams Gin a fixture for more than 50 years

Williams Gin and Grain is located in Frost, employs 14 full-time people and up to to 40 seasonally. Daily Sun photo/SCOTT HONEA


Williams Gin & Grain, Inc. has operated in Western Navarro County for over 50 years serving farmers and ranchers. There are three grain-handling facilities and a cotton gin along State Highway 22 West of Frost. The main office and retail location is at 300 Pace Street in Frost.

Todd McGraw, manager, has 14 full-time employees, and up to 40 seasonal employees.

"The downtown location carries a complete line of Purina feeds along with bulk corn and liquid feed," McGraw said. "In recent years, the feed lines have expanded to include monkey chow and llama feed."

Along with feed, Williams Gin & Grain carries a full line of both liquid and dry fertilizers for your yard, farm and ranch -- as well as agricultural chemicals for all types of pests including weeds, mesquite trees and fire ants.

"We have knowledgeable people to assist customers with these products," McGraw said.

Fencing supplies, such as barbed wire and T post have been a growing part of the business, too.
Stop by and get to know the friendly folks at Williams Gin & Grain, located at 300 Pace St. in Frost, or call (903) 682-2611 for more information.


Deanna Pawlowski may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected]


4/28/2004 INSIDE NAVARRO COUNTY: Williams ... from monkey chow to barbed wire

The staff at Williams Gin & Grain stands ready to serve its customers. Daily Sun photo/DEANNA PAWLOWSKI


Williams Gin & Grain, Inc. has operated in Western Navarro County for over 50 years serving farmers and ranchers. There are three grain-handling facilities and a cotton gin along State Highway 22 West of Frost. The main office and retail location is at 300 Pace Street in Frost.

Todd McGraw, manager, has 14 full-time employees, and up to 40 seasonal employees.

"The downtown location carries a complete line of Purina feeds along with bulk corn and liquid feed," McGraw said. "In recent years, the feed lines have expanded to include monkey chow and llama feed."

Along with feed, Williams Gin & Grain carries a full line of both liquid and dry fertilizers for your yard, farm and ranch -- as well as agricultural chemicals for all types of pests including weeds, mesquite trees and fire ants.

"We have knowledgeable people to assist customers with these products," McGraw said.

Fencing supplies, such as barbed wire and T post have been a growing part of the business, too.
Stop by and get to know the friendly folks at Williams Gin & Grain, located at 300 Pace St. in Frost, or call (903) 682-2611 for more information.

Deanna Pawlowski may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected]


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See Also:

Navarro County TXGenWeb
© Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams