Mary (Polly) Warren Burleson
20 Aug 1799-10 Oct 1869
Wife of Joseph BurlesonChildren of Joseph and Polly Burleson listed on
their grave marker.
Infant born and died 1822
James born Mar. 19, 1823
Elizabeth born May 18, 1823
David W. born Jan. 14, 1826
Edward born Dec. 3, 1827
Joseph born Jul. 15, 1829
Robert born May 17, 1831
Margaret J. born Dec. 10, 1832
Augustus L. born Jul. 8, 1836
John born Jan. 15, 1838
Thomas J. born Sep. 19, 1839
Jonathan born Apr. 27, 1841
Mary A. born Mar. 21, 1843
Sarah L. born Nov. 7, 1844
Submitted by Dana Stubbs
