Raleigh Cemetery
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 Photo by Jeanna Chowning
Location: -
Raleigh, Navarro County, Texas
Old Raleigh Cem and Raleigh are the same cemetery. Someone listed Old Raleigh
on Find a Grave and listed two people who are both in Raleigh Cem. I listed
Raleigh from the cemetery book. Raleigh is past Dresden Cem on 744. You will
see the sign and take a left. The sign for the cemetery will be on the left
down that road. You have to look closely for it. Open the gate (it is not
locked but looks like it). Drive in and lock it back before driving to the
cemetery in case there are cows in there. Follow the ruts in the road to the
cemetery. Just make sure you go on a dry day because the road does not have
gravel on it. ... Karen Rost
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Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
March, 2009
Edward L. Williams & Barbara