Located: Fordyce at the corner of South Main and Fordyce Streets Blooming Grove
Photo by
Dana Stubbs
City of Blooming Grove
The history of Blooming Grove can be traced to the small village of Gradyville, established in the 1860s and named for two brothers, R.J. and W. D. Grady, who operated the general store. When the area was granted a postal station in 1871, the name blooming grove was chosen. Grady's store served as the location for the post office, with W. H. Glass as postmaster. When a branch of the cotton belt railroad
opened in this area in 1888, the village of Gradyville shifted one mile northeast toward the rail line and became known as Blooming Grove. Its residents voted for incorporation in 1890, and T. J. Scarborough was elected first mayor, with T. H. Butcher as first city marshal. Always a rural community, Blooming Grove has depended heavily on its cotton production and cattle raising for its economic base. Several institutions have provided the city with strength and continuity throughout its history. Churches founded in the Gradyville area that were maintained in this town-site include Blooming Grove Methodist, Olive Grove Baptist, Blooming Grove Christian, and First Baptist. Public schools began in
1869, and the Blooming Grove Masonic lodge was chartered in 1888. The newspaper, "Blooming Grove Times", was founded in 1890. (1984)