Location: Dawson - Liberty Hill Cemetery, 2.5 miles southwest of Dawson, State Highway 31
& Farm to Market 709
Copyright © 2001 by Mark A. Murphy
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Site of Liberty Hill Settlement
A mile west of 1838
Battle Creek Massacre Site, this cemetery marks the location of Liberty
Hill, an Anglo-American community begun during the following decade.
Samuel and Prudence (Matthews) Wright, from Maury County, Tenn., settled
here in 1849. They were relatives of Dr. George W.
Hill, Indian agent
and trading post operator at Spring Hill, half a day's wagon ride from
here. The Wrights acquired land and attracted pioneer neighbors. In
1860, Liberty Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized by
members of the Fullerton, Garner, McCandless, Moore, Richey, Slaughter,
Wright, and Younger families. Wright donated a church site.
After the Civil
War (1861-65), in which men of this community served, a new influx of
settlers including the M. A. Wilkes family, relatives of the Wrights.
Prosperity prevailed in the settlement. Continuing his interest in the
public good, Wright gave land (1876) for this cemetery and (1884) for
public school uses. The rise of Dawson and Hubbard, cotton belt railroad
shipping points, drew population from the Liberty Hill area. The school
was removed in 1917; the church dissolved in 1929. Land which once was
intensively farmed has now reverted to grazing.