Mills At Home
Sept 29, 1888
[ Roger Q. Mills
Biography ]

Corsicana's Barbecue Honoring Col. R. Q. Mills
Sept 28, 1888
Roger Q. Mills Biography ]

Corsicana Local News
July 19, 1886

Marion Martin offered a $20 premium for the finest yearling colt in the
county - Oct 17, 1886
From The Dallas Morning News
dated 10/17/1886 "Corsicana Local News- Corsicana, Oct.16- Hon. Marion
Martin having offered a premium of $20 for the finest yearling colt in the
county, the exhibition took place to day and the premium was awarded to Mr.
D. L. Lindsey. Yesterday was a bad day for thumbs at Chatfield, in this
county. Mr. J. S. Barnes who runs a gin near that place had one of his
thumbs taken off while monkeying with the buzz saw, and Mr. H.T. Farrer,
living one mile east of that village had thumb bitten of by a hog while
spaying the animal. In Judge Walton's court today in the case of Goodman Vs.
Melton a judgement was rendered for $190 in favor of the plaintiff. Justice
R. G. Leech of Precinct No. 6 this county is in the city and reports that a
man in his jurisdiction hadn his wife arrested on the 14th for whipping him.
The Justice refused to allow their names to be given, but says she was
master of the situation and came off with first honors."