Margaret Joy Paul
Sep 27, 1914 - Dec 5, 1917
Died At Frost.
Margaret Joy, the 4-year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paul, died at
Frost Wednesday and the remains
were interred there yesterday.
William Wiley Hunter
Dec 25, 1860 - Jul 30, 1917
Old Merchant Passes Away.
Wiley Hunter, aged 60 years, who
had been in the grocery business at
Frost for many years, and was highly
esteemed, died suddenly at his home in
Frost last night. The deceased was
at his place of business all day Saturday
and was in apparent good health
until a few hours before his death. The
remains were interred at Frost this
afternoon. The widow and two daughters
Robert N. Armstrong
Jan 24, 1880 - Jun 15, 1940
FROST, June 17.—Funeral services
for R. N. (Bob) Armstrong.
60, local carpenter, who died here
earlv Saturday morning, were held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Methodist church. The rites
were conducted by Rev. W. V.
Surviving are son, mother,
Mrs. Tom Brumley, Frost; a sister,
Mrs. Price, Emhouse, and several
other relatives.
McCormick Funeral Service directed
the arrangements.
Sam Armstrong
Jul 23, 1893 - Mar 14, 1972
Sam Armstrong
FROST-Funeral services for
Sam Armstrong, 78, of Frost will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at McCormick Funeral Chapel in
Frost. Rev. James Lang will
officiate. Interment will be in
Frost cemetery.
Born July 23,1893, in Miss., he
was a resident of Frost for 50
years and a member of the
Methodist Church.
He is survived by his widow, a
son, Billy Louis Armstrong of
Lubbock; three daughters, Mrs.
N. H. Lindop of Rockwell, Mrs. H.
D. Pevehouse of Lubbock and
Mrs. Bill Price of Waxahachie.
Two sisters, Mrs. Gelena Wiygul
of Mobile, Ala., and Mrs. Essie
Bourland of Nelton, Miss.; ten
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Mary Jane (Gilley) Aston
Jan 22, 1860 - Feb 15, 1930
Frost News.
Funeral services of Mrs. T. A.
Aston was held here Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at the Methodist
church, with interment in
Frost cemetery. Mrs. Aston died
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Albert Ashton, near Waxahachie.
Mrs. Aston was a citizen of Frost for a
number of years and leaves a host of
friends to mourn her death.
The Corsicana Daily Sun – Friday, February 21, 1930
Mrs. T. A. Aston departed this life
on the 15th day of February, 1930,
at the ripe old age of 70 years and
24 days.
Mary Jane Gilley was born in
Bosque county, Texas, on the 22nd
day of January. 1860.
She professed religion and united
with the Methodist church at
the age of 14 years and ever after
lived a devoted Christian life until
her Maker called her to her reward,
always being an humble and consecrated
follower of the Saviour whom she professed—a living, walking example of the mother in Israel
that she was.
She was married to T. A. Aston
on December 25th, 1877 near the
town of Kerens, Navarro county,
To this union were, born nine
children, four of whom are still
living, Mrs. Letha Britton of Corsicana,
Texas, Rice K. Aston of Chatfield,
Texas, Mrs. Albert Ashton of
Waxahachie, Texas with whom she
spent her last days, and Mrs. Floyd
Herrin of Italy, Texas.
Mrs. Aston was confined to her
bed for several months before her
passing on, and during this time
her suffering was intense, but
through it all she was watched
over and ministered to by the loving
hands of her devoted children.
Through this trying ordeal they did
everything within human power to
comfort and soothe the declining
body, prompted by the love they
had for that one whose love and
anxiety for her own, knew no
bounds. And that soul mate who
had walked down the pathway of
life, side by side, hand in hand with
her for more than fifty years, was
ever at her side, showing in every
word and act that the love of his young manhood had grown in intensity until she was his only
thought and her presence was his
greatest consolation.
She was conscious to the last and
at all times declared her preparedness
to meet her Savior on the
shore of sweet deliverance where
peace is eternal and suffering is unknown.
The body was accompanied to
Frost, Texas, where it was tenderly
laid to rest in the presence of a
host of neighbors among whom she
had lived for 46 years. The floral
tribute was very beautiful, showing
the love and respect they had
for their departed neighbor, whose
memory they will ever cherish.
James Wiley Bailey

Dec 14, 1869 - July 20, 1944
Funeral Services
Friday Afternoon
For J. W. Bailey
Funeral services for J. W.
Bailey, age 75 years, who died at
his home in Frost Thursday
morning were held Friday afternoon
at 5 o'clock from the Frost
Methodist church. Rev. E. D.
Ellis conducted the rites. Burial
was in the
Frost cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, five sons,
three daughters, a brother, 25
grandchildren, and other relatives.
Corley's Funeral Home directed
the arrangements.
James Wiley Bailey, age 75 years, died at his home in Frost early
Thursday morning. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at
5 o'clock from the Methodist church at Frost with Rev. T. D. Ellis
and Rev. Mr. Stack conducting the rites. Burial will be in
Frost cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Frost; five sons, Roy Bailey, Corsicana;
Hubert Bailey, Frost; Porter Bailey, Frost; Joe Bailey, Frost;
Ernest Bailey, Edna; three daughters, Mrs. G. W. Watts, Frost; Mrs.
Carol Thrailkill, Avalon; Mrs. C. M. Lansford, Houston; a brother,
C. M. Bailey, 25 grandchildren, one great grandchild and other
Corley's Funeral Home will have charge of the arrangements.
Kenneth Darrell Bailey

Sep 25, 1935 - Nov 12, 1973
Darrell Bailey
FROST — Funeral services
are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at
the Frost Methodist Church for
Darrell Bailey, 38, who was
killed Monday night in a truck
fire accident in Fort Worth.
He was a resident of Arlington
and native of Frost.
Rev. Buddy Stegman, pastor,
will officiate, and burial will be
Frost cemetery.
Arrangements are with
McCormick Funeral Home in
Survivors include his widow,
Mrs. Mary Jane Bailey of
Arlington; two sons, Tommy
Bailey and Robert Bailey, both
of Arlington; a brother, Donald
Bailey of Aubrey, Tex.; a sister,
Mrs. Jack Carpenter of
Arlington; his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Bailey of Arlington.
Pallbearers include Kenneth
Reed, Kenneth McDonald,
Gerald Robertson, Roy Sanders
and Robert Shutters.
Robert Dunlap "Bob" Baird
Jan 29, 1888 - Nov 28, 1963
Robert D. Baird
Rites Friday
Robert D. Baird, 75, a native
of Tennessee and long time Frost
resident, died Thursday in Memorial
Hospital following a long
Services were held Friday at
2:30 p. m. in the Frost Methodist
church with Rev. C. C. Ellis,
pastor of Frost Baptist
church, conducting the services,
assisted by Rev. Frank Williams,
pastor Frost Methodist church.
He is survived by his wife of
Frost two sons, Ralph, Bynum;
and Raymond, Mertens; one
daughter, Mrs. Mattie Dell Short,
Frost; two brothers, Charlie
Baird, Whitney, and A. W.
Baird, Cordell, Okla., and two
Pallbearers were Will Hollingsworth, Guy Tullos, Joe
Brown, Charles Ray Green, J
C. Young, W. B. Benn, Bert
Howell and Noble Downey.
Burial was in
Frost cemetery.
McCormick Funeral Service
Charles Anderson Ballew
Mar 29, 1888 - Jan 21, 1952
C. A. Ballew Dies
Of Heart Attack
FROST, Jan. 22—(Spl.)—Charles
Anderson Ballew, 63, farmer, died
with a heart attack at the home
of Walter Honea, a neighbor, Monday
Ballew, a former resident of Emmett
and Corsicana, was operating
a tractor on his farm north of
Frost when a hard shower started
as he was near the Honea home.
He sought shelter during the shower
at the Honea residence and
slumped as he and his neighbor
were talking, dying instantly.
Funeral services will be held
from the Frost Baptist church at
10 a. m. Wednesday. The rites
will be conducted by Rev. C. C.
Ellis, pastor.
Burial will be in the
Frost cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Frost;
10 living children, Aubrey Ballew
and Mrs. Velma McCandless, both
of Fort Worth; Darrell Ballew, Dallas;
Edwin Ballew, Oregon; Noel
Ballew, Los Angeles; Newburn Ballew,
Dallas; Douglas Ballew, Huntsvllle;
Mrs. Doris Krupa, Grand
Prairie; Mrs. Mary Carraway, Dallas,
and George David Ballew,
Frost; three brothers, Will Ballew,
Eldorado; John Ballew. Graham,
and Frank Ballew, Fort Worth,
and other relatives.
Nephews will be pallbearers.
McCormick's will direct.
Albert Sewell Handley

Aug 16, 1886 - Mar 2, 1949
Funeral Services
For A. S. Handley
Friday Afternoon
A. S. Handley, an active member
of the Odd Fellows Lodge here for
several years, died at his home,
818 West Collin, about 10:30 p. m.
Wednesday. He was 62.
Handley, a member of the First
Methodist Church, formerly was
noble grand of the IOOF lodge No.
63 in Corsicana. He was employed
by the Oil City Iron Works.
The funeral will be conducted
at the Griffin Funeral Home chapel
at 3 p. m. Friday with Dr. Erwin
F. Bohmfalk. First Methodist
Church pastor, officiating. Burial
will be in the
Frost cemetery under
arrangement of Griffin Funeral
Handley was a veteran of
World War I and is survived by the widow,
a sister, Mrs. Will Arnold of
Ft. Summers, N. M.; two brothers.
Hal and Wallace Handley, both
of Waxahachie; an aunt, Mrs. Ed
Myers of Dallas, and several nieces
and nephews.
Pall bearers at the funeral will
be Max Tatum, Joe Coggins, Jr.,
Fred Kessinger. Bill Redding, Elmer
Newman, and Tom Spikes. Honorary
pall bearers will be members of the
local IOOF Lodge, who will have
charge of the graveside rites.
Friday Afternoon Funeral Services For A. S. Handley
Funeral services for A. S. Handley, 62, prominent Odd Fellow, who
died at his home, 813 West Collin street, Wednesday night, were held
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Griffin Funeral chapel.
Burial was in the
Frost cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Dr. Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First
Methodist church. Handley was a member of the First Methodist
Employed for many years by the Oil City Iron Works, Handley joined
the IOOF fraternity at Frost prior to moving to Corsicana. He was a
past grand and served years as a trustee of Corsicana Lodge No. 63,
IOOF. He was a veteran of
World War I.
Surviving are his wife; a sister, Mrs. Will Arnold, Fort Summers, N.
M.; two brothers, Hal and Wallace Handley. both of Waxahachie; an
aunt, Mrs. Ed Myers, Dallas, and several nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Max Tatum, Joe Coggins, Jr., Fred Kessinger, Bill
Redden, Elmer Newman and Tom Spikes.
Honorary pallbearers were Odd Fellows who had charge of the
Miles Green Blankenship Jr.

Apr 20, 1868 - Mar 11, 1949
M. G. Blankenship
Dies With Heart
Attack On Friday
FROST, March 14— (Spl)— M. G.
Blankenship, aged 83 years, longtime
resident of this community,
died with a heart attack here Friday
afternoon while working in
his garden.
Funeral services were held Saturday
afternoon at 3 from the
Baptist church here with burial in
Frost cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. C. C, Ellis,
Survivng are a brother, Eseau
Blankenship, Purdon; a sister, Mrs.
John Balentine, Dallas, formerly
of Purdon, and a number of nieces and nephews.
McCormick Funeral Service directed.
Bobby Don Morgan
Nov 5, 1949 - Nov 7, 1949
Rites For Infant
Held On Tuesday
Funeral services for Bobby Don
Morgan, two-day-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mason Morgan of Emhouse.
who died Monday at the P.
and S. Hospital, were held Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock at the
Frost cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. L. B. Jenkins,
pastor of the Emhouse Baptist
Surviving are the parents, three
sisters, Shirley Ann, Mary Janice
and Linda Morgan, and a brother,
Gean Porter Morgan, all of Emhouse;
and grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. T. M. Morgan, Frost; and
Mrs. Margaret Parker, New York
City, N.Y.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Mable Clair (Nash) Ballew
Aug 7, 1891 - May 31, 1973
Mrs. Ballew
Funeral services are pending
at McCorrnick Funeral Home in
Frost for Mrs. Charlie (Mabel)
Ballew of Frost and long-time
resident of Navarro County who
died early Thursday morning
after a long illness.
Survivors include two
daughters, Mrs. Mary
Carraway of Kemp and Mrs.
Doris Kruppa of Fort Worth;
and three sons, Aubrey Ballew
of Portland, Ore., Newburn
Ballew of Van Horn, Tex., and
George Ballew of Dallas.
Burial will be at
Frost cemetery.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday May 31, 1973
Mrs. Ballew
FROST - Funeral services
were to be at 2:30 p.m. Friday
at the Frost Baptist Church for
Mrs. Charlie (Mabel) Ballew of
Frost who died early Thursday
morning after a long illness.
Rev. James Aldridge was to
officiate, with burial to follow at
Frost cemetery.
Survivors include two
daughters and three sons.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Charles Littleton Barker,
Nov 27, 1897 - Jun 18, 1973
C. Barker, Sr.
FROST-Charles Barker, Sr.,
about 73, long-time Frost
resident, died early Monday in
the Grant-Buie Hospital in
Hillsboro after a lengthy illness.
He was a retired electrician and
Funeral services will be at 3
p.m. Tuesday at the Frost
Methodist Church with the Rev.
Wesley Howard of Bartlett
officiating. Burial will be in the
Frost City Cemetery under
direction of McCormick
Funeral Home here.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs.
Barker of Frost; one son,
Charles (Buddy) Barker, Jr., of
Dallas; and two sisters, Mrs.
Lee Miller and Miss Clementina Barker, both of Hemitt, Calif.
Claude Fletcher Barnes
Apr 19, 1895 - Jun. 1, 1964
Expires Monday
Claude F. Barnes, 69, retired
Frost farmer, died in Memorial
hospital Monday morning.
Native of West, he had spent
most of his life in the Frost
Funeral services will be held
from the Frost Baptist church
Tuesday at 2 p.m. with burial
in the
Frost cemetery.
The rites will be conducted
by Leon Frederick, Church of
Christ minister, Italy, assisted
by Rev. C. C. Ellis, pastor.
Surviving are his wife of
Frost; a son, Charles Fletcher
Barnes, Frost; two daughters.
Mrs. Claudia Mae Vandygriff.
Houston, and Mrs. Helen Lucille
Floyd, Seguin; three brothers,
Max Barnes, Corsicana;
Lee and Bob Barnes, both of
Fort Worth; two sisters, Mrs.
Vivian Stevens, Fort Worth,
and Mrs. Bessie Graves, Italy;
four grandchildren and four
Pallbearers will be Fletcher
Bonnett, Fenton Young, W. B.
Denn, Bud York, Truman Raley, Jim Denn, Wes Holmes
and Rid Hinkle.
McCormick Funeral Service
will direct.
James Jackson “Jack” Massie
Mar 8, 1900 - Mar 11, 1949
Sunday Rites For
James J. Massey
Funeral services for James
Massey, who died at Frisco, Friday,
were held at the
Frost cemetery
Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock
where interment was made.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs.
Maude Massey, Frisco; two sisters,
Mrs. Katherine Bushnell, Frost,
and Mrs. Merle Ales, Frisco; and
a brother, Ben Massey, Frisco.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.
Emory Floyd Melton
Oct 2, 1878 - Dec 19, 1949
Frost Resident
Buried Wednesday
FROST, Dec. 24.—Funeral services
for E. F. Melton, 71, who
died Monday, were held Wednesday
afternoon from the First Baptist
church. Burial was in the
Frost cemetery with the Masons
in charge. Rev. C. C. Ellis conducted
the rites.
Surviving are his wife, Frost; a
son, Bobby Melton; a daughter,
Mrs. Murray Beene, New Mexico;
three grandchildren; a brother,
Bill Melton, Frost, and other relatives.
William Edward Davis
Sep 23, 1881 - Dec 6, 1949
Frost Resident
Dies In Hospital
Here Thursday
FROST, Dec. 9— (Spl) — Funeral services for William Edward Davis who
died at the P. & S. Hospital in Corsicana Thursday afternoon will be
held at the Frost Baptist Church at 4 p. m. Saturday. Rev. C. C.
Ellis, pastor, will officiate and burial will be at the
Frost cemetery. McCormick's Funeral
Service will direct.
A native of Tennessee, Davis had
lived 40 years in this community.
He was 68.
Survivors include the widow, two
daughters. Mary Helen Davis, of
Frost and Mrs. A. B. Anderson
Odessa; a son, Lloyd Preston Davis
of Richland; two brothers and
six sisters.
Luther Miller Dortch

Jun 27, 1923 - May 22, 1945
Pfc. L. M. Dortch
Services Sunday
At Frost Church
FROST, April 1.—(Spl.)—Funeral
services for Pfc. Luther M.
Dortch, World War II casualty, will
be held from the Methodist church
here Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Burial will be in the
Frost cemetery. The rites will be conducted
by Rev. A. W. Gordon, pastor.
Surviving are his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Buell Dortch; Frost, four
brothers and seven sisters.
McCormick Funeral Service will

Clarence Corley Denton
Aug 9, 1890 - Dec 22, 1949
Patrolman Dies
Thursday; Rites
Slated Friday
Clarence Corley Denton, aged 58
years, patrolman, of Trinidad died
in the Memorial Hospital at Athens
Thursday morning.
Funeral services are planned Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
First Methodist church in Trinidad. The rites will be conducted
by Rev. Mr. Whitley of Palestine
Burial will be in the
Frost cemetery.
A native of Alabama, Denton resided
in Frost and Mertens prior
to moving to Trinidad in 1924.
Surviving are his wife of Trinidad;
a son, H. W. Denton, Bremerton,
Wash.; a brother, G. A. Denton,
Mineral Wells, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Ed Mitchell

Aug 31, 1929 - Sept 6, 2011
E. Mitchell, 82, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011.
Funeral: 9:30 a.m. Thursday in Mount Olivet Chapel.
Interment: Rose Hill Cemetery in Blooming Grove. Bobbie
was born Aug. 31, 1929, in Dallas to Mary and John
Mitchell. Survivors: Wife, Hazel Jean Mitchell of
Crowley; daughters, Gail Johnson and husband, Roy, of Azle, Mary Mitchell, and Jo Wright and husband, Rick
McNeill, all of Crowley; four grandchildren; 10
great-grandchildren; brother, Wendell Mitchell of
California; sister, Wanda Gilley of Springtown; and
numerous nieces and nephews. |
- Published in Star-Telegram on Sep 8, 2011
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Fay (Hardcastle) Sanders
Jun 15, 1943 - Sep 29, 2008
Glenda F. Sanders, 65, of Springtown passed away Monday, Sept
29, 2008, at Harris Methodist Hospital in Fort Worth. Visitation
will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Paschal Funeral Home.
Graveside service will be 2 pm. Friday at
Oakwood Cemetery in
Corsicana with the Rev. Dennis Mott officiating. Arrangements by
Paschal Funeral Home, Kerens.
Arnold Herbert Sorenson
July 24, 1941 - Sept 13, 2008
Arnold Herbert Sorenson, 67, of Hamilton, passed away from
complications due to leukemia on Sept. 13, 2008, in the Scott
and White Hospital in Temple.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. today in the
Oakwood Cemetery in
Mr. Sorenson was born July 24, 1941, in Council Bluffs, Iowa to
the late Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and Ellen Katzenstein Sorenson. He
married Carol Kemp in Corsicana on Dec. 1, 1973. He was a 1963
Texas A&M Graduate where he was a member of the Band and the
Corp. He worked as an industrial engineer for many years.
He was preceded in death by his brother Douglas A. Sorenson.
Survivors include his wife, Carol of Hamilton, one son, William
Paul Serur of Hamilton; daughters, Teresa Anne Taylor of
Lewisville, and Lisa Eileen Stanfield of Austin; four
grandchildren, Chad Serur, Kayla Serur, Gracie Skye Serur and
Rachel Taylor; one great-grandchild, Madison Serur.
Arrangements are with Riley Funeral Home of Hamilton.
Richard "Dick" H. Freeman
Dec 24, 1938 - Aug 23, 2008
Dick “H” Freeman, 69, of Hubbard went home to be with
our Heavenly Father on Saturday, Aug. 23, 2008, with his
family by his side after a lengthy illness.
Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 27,
at Wade Funeral Chapel in Hubbard with Mr. Delbert Goins
officiating. Interment will follow at the Freeman Family
Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8
p.m. today at the funeral home.
Dick was born in Allentown, Pa., on Dec. 24, 1938, to
Harry and Hilda Freeman. He served in the Army from 1954
to 1959. Dick married Nancy Gildner on June 18, 1960, in
Allentown and they moved to Texas in September of that
same year. He was a member of Hubbard Church of Christ.
He was a man of great character, very kindhearted and a
loving husband, daddy and pappy. He will be missed so
much by his family and friends.
Dick was a man with many talents. He farmed, was a truck
driver for many years, worked in the oil field, built
his own work over rig and dearly loved his woodshop.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of 48 1/2
years, Nancy Freeman of Hubbard; his son, Richard
Freeman Jr. and wife Julie of Dawson; his daughter,
Wanda Garrett and husband Russ of Dawson; two brothers,
Joe Freeman and wife Barbara of Allentown, Pa., and Jim
Freeman of Waco; and one sister, Sandy Freeman of
Allentown, Pa. He has five very special grandchildren
that he was so proud of, Gale Van Pelt-Ratcliff and
husband Shaun of Irving, Rhonda Van Pelt and fiancé
Winston Kinser of College Station, Brandon Freeman of
Corsicana and Benjamin and Josh Freeman of Dawson. Dick
is also survived by his father-in-law and mother-in-law,
Harold and Evelyn Gildner of Hico and several nieces and
Daddy wrote a poem for us many years ago that hangs in
our kitchen still today, it reads:
“Without My Wife All This Could Not Be Done
Without My Daughter It Really Wouldn’t Be Much Fun
Without My Son, This Place Would Hardly Run
Without These Three-Us Four Could Not Be ‘One’”
Daddy will always be with us, as he will be laid to rest
behind his home, so he can watch over his family.
Pallbearers will be his son, Richard Freeman Jr., who
will be there with and for Daddy as his right hand man
one more time; his two grandsons Benjamin and Josh
Freeman, Sidney Chapman, Doug Lennox, Curtis Draper,
Shaun Ratcliff and Winston Kinser. Honorary pallbearers
will be Kenneth Haggard and Mike Bartosh.
Arrangements by Wade Funeral Home, Hubbard. |
Jimmy Wayne Balentine
Mar 24, 1934 - May 21, 2008
Jim Balentine, 74, of Purdon passed away Wednesday, May 21,
2008, at his residence. Graveside services will be 2 p.m.
Saturday at Younger
Cemetery near Purdon. Arrangements by Wade Funeral Home,
Minnie Ella (Stokes) Turns

Apr 24, 1893 - Oct 31, 1971
Mrs. Minnie Stokes Turns, 78, died Sunday at Memorial Hospital.
A native of Lamesa, she had lived most of her life in Corsicana
and was a member of the Eleventh Avenue United Methodist Church.
Funeral services will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Eleventh Avenue
United Methodist Church with the Rev. J.L. Glaze officiating.
Burial will be in
Cemetery under the direction of Corley Funeral Service.
Mrs. Turns is survived by one son, Earl. W. Turns of Fort Worth;
one daughter, Mrs. Richard C. (Ima Jean) Kattner of Fort Worth;
four grandchildren; one brother, Earl Stokes of Corsicana; and
one sister, Mrs. Grace Williams of Pasadena.
Jay Dee
July 5, 1884 - Dec 12, 1936
J. D. Teague, aged 52 years, died at his residence, 739 West
Park avenue, Saturday morning at 5 o'clock after a short illness
with pneumonia. The funeral services will be held from the
chapel of the Corley Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock with interment in the
The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, Charles Teague, Trinity;
Merlan, J. D., Jr., Johnnie and Billy Teague , all of Corsicana;
two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Haddock and Miss Geneva Teague, both
of Corsicana; and two sisters, Mrs. Zona Renfro, Wichita Falls,
and Mrs. C. C. Ketchum, Handley.
Funeral services for J. D. Teague, aged 52 years, who died at his
residence, 739 West Park avenue, Saturday morning at 5 o’clock, were
held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at
2:30 o’clock with burial in the
Cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue
Methodist church.
He had been ill with pneumonia for two weeks.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, Charles Teague, Trinity; Merlan,
J. D., Jr., Johnnie and Billy Teague, all of Corsicana; two
daughters, Mrs. J. A. Haddock and Miss Geneva Teague, both of
Corsicana, and two sisters, Mrs. Zona Renfro, Wichita Falls, and
Mrs. C. C. Ketchum, Handley.
Ruth Jamerson
Sept 11, 1910 - May 16, 2008
Lola Ruth Jamerson, 97, of Corsicana passed away Friday, May 16,
2008, at Homestead of Denison. Visitation is 6 to 8 p.m. today
at Corley Funeral Home.
Graveside services are 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, 2008, at
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.
(Washburn) Prince
Apr 13, 1922 - Dec 20, 2008
Louise Prince, 86, passed away Dec. 20, 2008 in Corsicana. She
was born April 13, 1922 in Corsicana to F.H. and Abbie Washburn.
She worked as a laboratory technician for 25 years starting at
Navarro Clinic and retiring in 1985 from Navarro County Regional
Hospital. She was a faithful and active member of First United
Methodist Church and United Methodist Women. Louise and husband
Elbert volunteered for many years for Food for Fitness and Road
to Recovery for Cancer Victims.
She is survived by husband of 67 years, Elbert Prince; daughter
Sharon Prince of Pasadena; son Richey and wife Patricia Prince
of Trinidad; granddaughter Christie Johnson and husband Jed of
Del Rio; grandson Kevin Prince of Trinidad; great-grandchildren
Lauren and Parker Johnson, Holden Prince; brothers Charles
Washburn and wife Martha of Corsicana, and Felix Washburn and
wife Sue of St. Louis, Mo.; sister in law Rosemary Washburn of
Ennis, and Charlene Signor of Robstown; brother-in-law Alvin
Prince of Houston and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents, brothers Donald
Washburn and Billy Wayne Washburn.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. today at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at First United Methodist Church
with Rev. Mike Alexander and Steve Moss officiating. Burial will
follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Jake Allen, Gene McLain, Robert Parrish,
Michael Prim, Sid Schutte, Lyle Scholten, Zane Stites and Gerald
York. Honorary pallbearers will be Rex Carpenter, Vernon Crook,
Tom McClendon, Jack Meredith and Charles Worsham.
The family wishes to thank Dr. Kent Rogers and the second floor
nursing staff of Navarro Regional Hospital for the professional
and tender care of our wife and mother during the past few
weeks. You were all a constant source of strength and comfort to
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to First United
Methodist Church, 320 N. 15th St. Corsicana, TX 75110.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Viola Irby (George) Sample

Feb 11, 1916 - Jan 7, 2010
Viola Sample, 91, passed away Thursday, Jan. 7, 2010, in New
Braunfels. Visitation will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, Jan. 16, at Griffin-roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside service will be noon Saturday, Jan 16, at
Rose Hill Cemetery
in Blooming Grove. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton
Funeral home.
Ingram Willard
Jan 10, 1926 - Sept 27, 2011
Ingram Willard, 85, died Sept. 27, 2011 in Dallas.
Visitation will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30,
2011, at Sparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home, 7405 W.
Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas 75225. Requiem Mass
will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 1 at Church of
the Incarnation in Dallas, Texas. Interment will follow
at Sparkman/Hillcrest Cemetery.
As he lived, so he died, with quiet strength, dignity
and grace. Born Jan. 10, 1926 in Corsicana, Texas, Nevin
was the fourth child of J.G. and Clara Fuller Willard of
Corsicana. He graduated from Corsicana High School in
1943, received Honorable Discharge from the United
States Navy in 1946, after serving as Pharmacist's Mate
Third Class in the Pacific Theatre during World War II.
Nevin graduated from the University of Texas at Austin
in 1950, and in 1955 received his B.S. Pharmacy, also
from UT. In 2005, he was awarded a Citation of
Achievement by the Texas Board of Pharmacy for
completing 50 years of service.
As a trusted friend and respected pharmacist, Nevin
spent his professional career in Dallas and built a
loyal customer following.
Nevin was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers
Gordon Willard and Gradon Willard, his sister Margaret
Hensley, and his wife of 33 years, Wennonah Marie Simms
Willard. He is survived by his son Brett Willard and
wife, Polly Todd Willard of Dallas, his daughters Gaylin
Willard Pouzar and husband Frank Pouzar of Dallas, and
Janford Willard Hochenedel and husband Edward “Pete”
Hochenedel of Slidell, Louisiana; grandchildren Brandon
Willard and his wife Jackie Willard, Katherine Willard
Fauss and her husband Jacob Fauss, Arianna Pouzar, Alexa
Pouzar, Eric Hochenedel, and Rachel Hochenedel; a sister
Ellen Jeanne Adair, of Corsicana; and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made
to the American Cancer Society. The family would like to
express its thanks and grateful appreciation to the care
and support provided by the staff of Walnut Place and
the entire support team of Faith Presbyterian Hospice.
Arrangements by Sparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home. |
Randall Joe
Sept 29, 1948 - Sept 23, 2011
Joe Blair left this earth on Sept. 23, 2011, after a
battle with cancer. He died at home with his family by
his side.
Survivors include his sister and brother-in-law, Linda
and David Jones; his niece, Bailey; and the love of his
life, Nona Wright; along with many friends and family.
Memorial services will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct.
1, 2011, at the Magnolia House Mansion in Corsicana.
He will be missed and loved forever by all who knew him.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Geraldine Alma (Millsap)
Jan 27, 1940 - Sept 26, 2011
Alma ThompsonGeraldine Alma Thompson, 71, of
Corsicana passed away Monday, Sept. 26, 2011. She was
born Jan. 27, 1940 in Charleston, South Carolina to
James Millsap and Marie Wragg Millsap.
She is survived by her husband Alvis Thompson of
Corsicana; children, Cindy St. Pierre of Corsicana and
Margie Brown of Templeton California, Monte Thompson of
San Martin California, T.J. Thompson of Corsicana and
Billy Joe Thompson of Carson City, Nevada; two sisters
and two brothers; eleven grandchildren and four great
A memorial service will be held at a later date.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Yvonne Ann (Abel) Scott
Dec 23, 1933 - Sept 26, 2011
Ann Abel Scott was born Dec. 23, 1933 in Waco to W.G.
Abel and Alma Wendt. She passed away Monday, Sept. 26,
2011 in Corsicana. She was the youngest of four
children, one brother, William Abel and two sisters,
Beatrice Gropple and Alma Stolz, all preceded her.
She attended grade school and high school in Crawford,
Texas. She continued her education at the Scott and
White School of Nursing in Temple until her marriage to
Leo P. Scott in Belton on June 1, 1953. They travelled
extensively until they divorced in 1975.
She is survived by her two children, Leo Keith Scott of
Peoria, Ariz. and Donna Lee Eads of Mesquite, Nev. She
had two wonderful grandchildren, Chris and Amanda Scott
of Peoria, Ariz.
She moved to Corsicana in 1970 and attended Navarro
College to receive an associates degree. She was well
known in Corsicana where she worked for many years as a
lab/X-ray technician at the Family Clinic until her
retirement. As a loyal Dallas Cowboy fan, she looked
forward to football season and even attended pre-season
camps. Her other hobbies were dancing, singing at her
church, reading, and always caring for lost animals. She
was a resident at the Sterling House of Corsicana where
she enjoyed the wonderful staff and many activities.
Yvonne's family wishes to thank the Sterling House staff
for their care and devotion during the past several
At Yvonne's request, there will be no services at this
time. In lieu of flowers or cards, donations may be sent
to the Alzheimer's Association.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Martha Eva (Johnston) Long
May 17, 1917 - Sept 22, 2011
Martha Eva Long was called home to her Lord Sept. 22,
She was born in Eureka on May 17, 1917, to Selia Ann
Johnston and Samuel Albert Johnston. She was 94 years
She was preceded in death by her husband Elvin Carson
Long; and two sons, Carlton Albert Long and Gerald
(Jerry) Dan Long; six brothers, Vernon Samuel Johnston,
Albert Weldon Johnston, Samuel Albert Johnston, Henry
Wesley Johnston, Willie Gene Johnston, and Robert Sidney
Johnston; one step-daughter Billy Rash Long.
She is remembered as “sister” to her brothers, “Aunt Dit”
to her nieces and nephews, “Memaw” to grandchildren and
friends, and “Mother” to her children. She was truly
loved by all.
Survivors include two sons, Carson Eugene Long Jr. of
Corsicana, and Chester Wayne Long of Balch Springs; two
daughters, Martha Long Tally of Flower Mound, and Betty
DeMoss McCrory of Arlington; 13 grandchildren, Carson
Eugene Long Jr., Charles Timothy Long, Stephen Brooks
Long, Angela June Hines, Paula Ray McPeters, Jeffrey
Wayne Long, Amy Lyn Long, Jerry Scott Long, Chasity
Camille Long, Tracey Ann Steen, Michael Lee Tally, Eric
Matthew DeMoss, and Devin Allen DeMoss; 18 great
grandchildren, and four step-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25,
2011, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26, 2011, at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Major John Edward
Tolan officiating. Interment will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers are Carson Eugene Long Jr., Stephen Brooks
Long, Jeffery Wayne Long, Michael Lee Tally, Jerry Scott
Long, Eric Matthew DeMoss, Devin Allen DeMoss, Bobby
Colt Steen. Honorary pallbearer is Charles Timothy Long.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the
Alzheimer's Association of North Central Texas 2630 West
Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76102, phone 817-336-4949 or
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Corsicana. |
Dean Hohenberger

Sept 26, 1947 - Sept 24, 2011
Jimmy Dean Hohenberger, 63, of Frost passed away on Sept. 24, 2011.
Jimmy was born on Sept. 26, 1947, in Corsicana, the son of the late
Willard and Josephine (Denn) Hohenberger. On Sept. 1, 1967, he
married Angela Ballew in Hubbard. He owned and operated Jim's
Flowers and Plants for 23 years, raising all types of greenhouse
plants. He always grew a huge garden every year. Recently Jimmy
started raising all types of birds. Socializing with his many
friends was one his favorite things to do. He was of the Baptist
Survivors include his wife, Angie; son, Benjy Hohenberger, both of
Frost; sister, Nedra Cutler and husband Mark of Fort Worth;
mother-in-law, Dorothy Ballew of Mertens; sister-in-law and
brother-in-law, Pam and Ken St. Ama; niece, Amy Ward and husband
Wayne; great nieces, Macy and Paige Ward, all of Diboll.
Visitation with the family will be Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, at
Marshall and Marshall Funeral Home in Hillsboro.
Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011, at
Marshall and Marshall Funeral Directors in Hillsboro with the Rev.
Gordon Lockett officiating. Interment will follow at
Frost Cemetery in Frost.
Memorials may be made to Frost Ex-Student Scholarship Fund, PO
Drawer K, Frost, TX 76641
Arrangements by Marshall and Marshall Funeral Directors, Hillsboro.
Sterling Eldon Shearer
Nov 27, 1921 - Sept 23, 2011
Mr. Sterling Eldon Shearer, 89, of Barry, passed away on Friday,
Sept. 23, 2011 at Kerens Care Center in Kerens.
He was born on Nov. 27, 1921 in Bryan, Ohio, to parents, Jacob and
Stella Shearer.
He was employed as a carpenter for over 40 years, and later went to
work for Publix Supermarket where he learned to be a pastry baker
for seven years. He later bought a bakery of his own to run along
with his son-in-law and others in the family. He moved to Florida in
the 1950's to make a good life his family. In 1988 he moved to Barry
with the whole family so they all could be close together. He worked
two years for Corsicana High School during dishes in the cafeteria.
He would raise a big garden every year, and planted flowers to keep
it to where the love of his life, Phyllis, would always have
flowers. He also had a side hobby of can hunting to make a little
extra money, and was well known along West Highway 22 as “The Can
He was preceded in death by his loving wife of 49 years, Phyllis Ann
Shearer; daughter, Cecelia Kay Hayward; parents, Jacob and Stella
Shearer; and a son-in-law, Charles M. Johnson.
Survivors include his daughters, Maxine E. Blades, Debra S. Blades,
and Cynthia L. Johnson, all of Barry. He was grandpa to 15
grandchildren, 48 great grandchildren, and six great-great
grandchildren; and a brother, Clarence Shearer of Bryan, Ohio.
Mr. Shearer was cremated, and a memorial service will be scheduled
for a later date.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Carl D.
Aug 13, 1946 - Sept 19, 2011
Mr. Carl D. Summerfield, age 65, of Corsicana passed away Monday,
Sept. 19, 2011 in Tyler. He was born Aug. 13, 1946 in Dunlap, Iowa
to parents, Orville K. & Doyne Summerfield.
He was raised in Dunlap and two years in Missouri as a child. He
attended Dunlap High School and Nebraska Business School and
numerous management and business courses. He married Diane Koster on
Aug. 26, 1967, and together they have celebrated 44 years of
marriage. He worked for 40 years for Union Pacific Railroad in
Omaha, Nebraska, Los Angeles, CA, and Palestine, TX; retiring as
Director of Damage Prevention Claims Service in 2005. He then
started his own Consulting Business and worked with that until his
He was a beloved husband & father, and was known for his sense of
humor. He enjoyed golfing, fishing, and hunting.
He is survived by his wife, Diane Summerfield; daughter, Kerrie
Summerfield and partner Jennifer Summerfield of Austin; sister, Fern
Hansen and husband Robert of Onawa, Iowa; brother, Ray Summerfield
of Onawa, Iowa; brother-in-law, Gary Koster and wife Jayne of Lake
Okoboji, Iowa; special friends, Bob & Ginny Laurence of San Antonio,
Robert Laurence of Dallas, and Blake and Kelly Hill of Houston, and
numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation with the family will be held from 6:30 until 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011 at Corley Funeral Home.
A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011 at
the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Mike Alexander
officiating. Burial services will be held in Iowa at a later date.
Memorial contributions may be made to The Hospice of East Texas at
4111 University Blvd, Tyler, TX 75701, or to the Texas Highway
Patrol Association at 812 S. Alamo St., San Antonio, TX 78205 or to
a favorite charity of choice.
Elbert Franklin Jones Jr.
Oct 1, 1942 - Sept 17, 2011
Elbert Franklin Jones Jr., 68 of Purdon, passed
away Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011 in Corsicana.
He was born Oct. 1, 1942 in Dallas to Elbert F. Jones
Sr. and Dorothy Reed Jones.
He was preceded in death by parents; daughter, Dorothy
Hull; and grandson, Hayden.
He is survived by wife, Barbara Jones of Purdon;
children, Tammie Hoffart and husband Denny of
Waxahachie, Lisa Skinner and husband Josh of Corsicana,
James Jones and wife Charla of Corsicana, Elton Jones of
Arkansas, Frankie Jones of Beaumont, Kelly Mackey and
husband Roger of Arkansas; son-in-law James Hull of
Palestine; sister Sherrie Young of Bardwell; 14
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011
at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Mark Lyle
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Corsicana. |
James Eddie McDonald
Oct 2, 1925 - Sept 19, 2011
Eddie McDonald went to be with his Lord and Savior
Monday, Sept. 19, 2011. He was born Oct. 2, 1925 in
Barry, Texas to Edward Lee and Myrtle Beatrice McDonald.
James worked for Lone Star Gas Company for 44 years. He
retired as transmission supervisor in Richland. He was
an avid deer hunter and loved to just sit and watch the
deer from his deer stand. He married the love of his
life, Martha, and made their home in Richland for more
than 64 years. James’ love for his family was a priority
in his life.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward Lee and
Myrtle Beatrice McDonald; sister, Dorothy Baley; and
brothers, Sam, Arlee, Lloyd, J.T. and Aubrey McDonald.
James is survived by his loving wife, Martha Fultz
McDonald; daughters, Barbara Nelson and husband Joe of
Streetman, Brenda Combs and husband David of Corsicana;
grandsons, James Todd Nelson and wife Susan of
Lexington, Ky., Mark Nelson and wife Calli of
Weatherford, Texas, Chad Combs and wife Catherine of
Brooklyn, N.Y., and Josh Combs and wife Wendy of
Brooklyn, N.Y.; seven great-grandchildren, Madelyn,
James Marshall, and Melisa Nelson of Lexington, Bud,
Brady, and Katelyn Nelson of Weatherford, and Lennon
Nicole Combs of Brooklyn; and nephew, Lynn McDonald of
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011
at Corley Funeral Home.
Services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 22,
2011 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. B.F.
Risinger, Jr. officiating. Burial will follow at
Richland Cemetery. Pallbearers are his hunting buddies
and dear friends, Lynn McDonald, Tommy Oliphant, Keith
Weaver, Allen Shelton, Ed Brown and Danny Brown.
Honorary Pallbearers are Tracy Donoho, Larry Sexton,
Charles Fincher, Dennis Bryant, Neal Lippoid and
Marshall McCluney.
The family was privileged to have loving caregivers Lois
Ballard and Lisa Bradley, as well as the staff at
Heritage Oaks West, and extends special thanks to Dr.
Kent Rogers and Dr. John Updegrove.
Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society at 1000
W. 2nd Ave., Corsicana, TX 75110. |
Grace McNally
Apr 15, 1926 - Sept 15, 2011
glowing light of our family, Barbara Grace McNally, was
extinguished Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011. She died at home
surrounded by her loving family, leaving an unfillable
void in our hearts, but boundless legacy of love — good
works, warm friendships, and an extensive family raised
by her loving hands.
Barbara was a vivacious redhead who first met her
handsome husband Joe at age 17 in Rhode Island. Through
their 64 years of marriage, they traveled extensively,
starting their journey in Rhode Island. Soon after the
birth of their first three children, they moved from
Rhode Island to Texas as part of the Air Force, then
traveling to Tachikawa, Japan and back to Texas, moving
to Corsicana in 1963.
She embraced her chosen profession of homemaker, mother
and wife with an unparalleled grace and ease,
encouraging each of her eight children to rise to their
full potential. Nothing in life gave her more joy than
the news of a new baby on the way, and when that baby
arrived, she would always be seen holding that new life
and quietly crooning her favorite phrase to them, “God
is Love, and Jesus is His name.”
Among our fondest memories of Barbara are remembering
her at the beach, surrounded by her family, basking in
the sun and bouncing in the waves. She was a marvelous
cook, an impeccable housekeeper, and a wonderful
hostess. She had a flair for fashion and decorating, and
found great pleasure in transforming her 1912 country
ranch home into an oasis of beauty and comfort. She
named her home Sweetbriar, after a wild English rose.
Although she was very busy with her eight children, she
also made time to serve both Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church and the community of Corsicana. She
served as a room mother and PTC president at James L.
Collins Catholic School. She was a Den Mother for the
cub scouts, a volunteer in the newborn nursery at the
hospital, and enjoyed many volunteer hours working for
Our Lady's Altar Society, the Navarro County Medical
Society Auxiliary and the Food for Fitness Programs.
Those of us left mourning her loss include her husband
Dr. Joseph McNally Sr.; children Dr. Joseph McNally Jr.
and wife Sandra, Maureen Barto and husband Bernard, Dr.
Rosemary McCoy and husband Dr. Medford McCoy, Jayne
McNally, Elizabeth Scirto and husband, Mark, Mark
McNally and wife Nancy, John McNally and wife Marlene,
and Robin Colvin and husband Joseph.
Her grandchildren include Michelle McNally Bertelsen and
husband Mattias, Erin McNally Ashmore and husband Grant,
Jason Barto and wife Kristy, Brendan Barto and spouse
Corrie, Shayne Aytes and wife Susan, Dr. Liam McCoy Fry
and husband Chad, Joe McCoy, Dr. Kate McCoy Massey and
husband Dr. Clayton Massey, Rose McCoy, Katherine Scirto
Mooney and husband Josiah, Mark Scirto Jr. and wife
Leah, Anthony Scirto and wife Lindsey, Hannah Scirto,
Sean McNally, Kevin McNally, Michael McNally, Matthew
McNally, Timothy McNally, Kaitlyn McNally, Joseph
McNally, Joseph Colvin and wife Mary, Patrick Colvin and
Colleen Colvin.
Great-grandchildren include Evan, Keira, Fiona, Ella,
Luke Isabelle, Connor, Adrianne, Charlie, Emily, Elianah,
Caleb, Maria, Lilly, Hunter, Julia and baby Joey.
Extended family includes cousins in Massachusetts and
Rhode Island.
The Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23,
2011 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with
visitation to follow from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Holy
Family Annex.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated by Father Danilo Ramos
and Father Eli Monondo at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24,
2011 at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with
burial to follow at
Calvary Cemetery. Pallbearers will
be her grandsons.
Memorial donations may be made to Mary Peterson Day Care
Center, Hope Center, Child Advocates of Navarro County
or James L. Collins Catholic School.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things.
Love Never Fails. I Cor. 13:7-8
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Corsicana. |
Ruby Mae
(Henderson) Blood
Jun 10, 1920 - Sep 17, 2011
Ruby Mae Blood, 91, passed away Saturday, September 17, 2011, after
a lengthy illness.
She was born in Corsicana on June 10, 1920.
She met and married her childhood sweetheart, George W. Blood, Jr in
Corsicana in 1936. They were married 52 years.
Ruby will always be remembered as a woman of God, a loving wife,
mother and Granny.
She is preceded in death by her husband, George, daughter, Mary A.
Thomas, and granddaughter Susan R. Mauldin.
Survivors: Son and daughter in law, Bill and Kathy Jo Blood of Fort
Worth, daughter, Molly Lou Gibbons of
Killeen, daughter, Anna Harvey of Red Oak and daughter and son in
law Sarah Jane and Gene Willis of Fort Worth, 11 grandchildren, 14
grandchildren, 13 great-great grandchildren and numerous nieces and
nephews that loved their Aunt Wiencie.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, September 19, 2011
Service will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at
Emerald Hills Funeral Home, Kennedale, TX.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, Sep 17, 2011
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- w/o George William Blood, Jr. buried in Emerald Hills
cemetery, Kennedale, Tx; d/o Clyde J. Henderson & Emma Mae
(Mayo) Flood-Henderson buried in Hamilton Beeman cemetery.
"Dick" Jennings
Abt 1929 - Sept 17, 2011
Richard "Dick" Jennings, 82 of Coriscana, passed away Saturday,
September 17, 2011 at his residence.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Paschal Funeral Home.
Graveside service will be 10 a.m. Monday at the
Kerens Cemetery with Rev.
Charles A. Reese officiating.
Mr. Jennings is survived by his wife, Naomi "Tootsie" Jennings of
Corsicana; son and daughter-in-law, Ted and Sharon Jennings of
Corsicana; grand daughter Shay Masterson and husband Craig of
Malakoff; grand daughter Gale Jennings of Corsicana; great grand
daughter, Kenzie Masterson of Malakoff; brother, Keith Jennings and
wife Rose of Ft. Worth; numerous nieces and nephews.
James C. Ray
Dec 30, 1941 - Sept 15, 2011
C. Ray, resident of McKinney and formerly of Frost,
passed away on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at the age
of 69 in McKinney. He was born on December 30, 1941 in
St. Louis, Missouri to James A. Ray and Goldie White
Ray. James was self employed as a auctioneer and
operated the auction in Frost.
James was preceded in death by his parents and a son
Eric Ray. Survivors include his wife of 41 years Cheryl
Ray of McKinney. Children: Mike Ray of St. Louis, Holly
Ray of Climax Springs, Missouri, Jeff Ray and wife Donna
of DeSota, Missouri, Robin Ray Harris and husband Barry
of Independence, Missouri, Kittie Ray Bliss and husband
Frank of McKinney, and Mickie Ray Jackson and husband
Doug of Frost. Nineteen grandchildren and eleven great
Visitation will be held on Monday evening from 6 - 8pm
at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral services
will be held on Tuesday morning, September 20, 2011 at
11am in the Chapel at Griffin - Roughton Funeral Home
with Bro. Bruce Zimmerman of Waxahachie Bible Church
officiating. Burial will follow at the
Frost Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Mark Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Austin
Ray, John Ray, Jerod Welch, Chad Page and Jason Leggett.
Honorary pallbearers will be Ron Franks, Lester Taylor,
Hunter Bliss and Doug Fortenberry.
Funeral arrangements under the direction of
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home - Corsicana. |
Howard Beckett Hayward
May 5, 1918 - Sept 15, 2011
Howard Beckett Hayward, age 93, died Sept. 15, 2011 in
Tyler, Texas, of natural causes.
He was born in Salisbury, Missouri on May 5, 1918, the
son of Thomas R. and Lura B. Hayward, one of four
children. After growing up on the family farm and
graduating from Brookfield High School, Howard joined
the Army Air Corp during World War II, and proudly
served as a Technical Sergeant on the San Antonio, Texas
Army Base. In December 1942, Howard married Rosellen
Johnson (deceased) of Independence, Mo. At the end of
World War II, he returned to F. W. Woolworth Company,
with whom he worked for 35 years in increasing levels of
management responsibility, including District Manager.
Assignments took Howard and his family to Kansas City,
Missouri; Corsicana, Texas; Greenwood, Mississippi;
Beaumont, Texas; Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma; Evansville, Indiana; and back to Corsicana to
start up one of the first Woolco Supercenters. In
November 1969, Howard married Pauline Cynthia Lockhart
in Texas, followed by more Woolworth moves to Shawnee
Mission, Kansas and McAllen, Texas.
Howard was a Rotary Club member in most cities where he
worked. He also was a deacon in the North Greenwood
Mississippi Baptist Church and the Westminster
Presbyterian Church of Corsicana. In his retirement,
Howard was an expert antique furniture restorer and
master landscape gardener. On their property in Tyler,
Howard and his wife Cindy raised specialty animals such
as miniature horses, a pot-bellied pig, turtles and
cats. Howard always had a smile on his face, a great
sense of humor, and a gentleness and kindness towards
all people and animals.
Howard was preceded in death by his parents; brother,
Rucker; and sister, Katheryn.
In addition to Cindy, his wife, Howard is survived by
three children, Patrick B. Hayward and wife Marta of
Hilton Head, SC, Cynda H. Douglas and husband Ray of
Alpharetta, GA, and Bryan B. Hayward and wife Cathie of
Tyler, TX; three grandchildren, Justin Douglas, Leigh
Hayward, and Fraser Douglas; three great-grandchildren,
Savannah, Jacob, and Hudson; sister, Lillian H. Fordham
and husband Ray of Allen, TX; and one niece and two
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19,
2011 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Darla
Blatnik officiating. Burial will follow at
Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the Humane Society of East
Texas at P.O. Box 6151, Tyler, TX 75711. |
Maxine (Bates) Everett

Feb 3, 1921 - Sept 16, 2011
left this earth Sept. 16, 2011 and stepped into heaven
to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and her
beloved husband of 54 years, Richard (Dick) Everett.
She was born Feb. 3, 1921, and she came to live in
Corsicana at three weeks of age. All of her education
was completed in Corsicana. Maxine worked after
graduation in the superintendent's office where she met
and later married Dick. She has lived in Corsicana all
but five years of her life which was spent at Randolph
Air Force Base in San Antonio with her husband, Dick,
during and for a few months after WWII. While at
Randolph AFB, both of their daughters, Donna and Sandy
were born. At the conclusion of WWII, the family moved
back to Corsicana.
Maxine was employed by Whiteselle Brick and Lumber
Company before opening Everett's Antique Shop on West
2nd Avenue. She owned and operated the antique shop for
approximately 45 years. She enjoyed reading and learning
about antique furniture; however, her real interest and
speciality was glassware. More than anything, she loved
her family and friends beyond words. She has so much
enjoyment in seeing and talking to the many people who
came to the antique shop and her fellow "antiquers." The
shop was kept in the family when purchased by Donna and
son-in-law Jon Ed Ingham when Maxine retired.
Maxine was preceded in death by her parents, R.P. Bates
and Nannie Trammell Bates and her dearly loved husband,
Dick Everett.
She is survived by daughters, Donna and son-in-law, Jon
Ed Ingham and Sandra Lewis; grandchildren Aimee Kasprzyk
and husband David, Jon Ingham and wife Candice, Lee
Lewis and wife Ellen. Maxine has six
great-grandchildren, Sarah Kasprzyk, Anna Kasprzyk,
Carter Wells, Issac Ingham, Luke Lewis and Reid Lewis.
She is also survived by nieces Judy Binion, and Janice
Sayers and nephew Gary Kutilek and their families.
Maxine was a member of First United Methodist Church
since 1952. She loved people, and people loved her. The
last few years of her life were spent as a resident of
Heritage Oaks Retirement Village. The family wishes to
express sincere and heartfelt appreciation to all of her
caretakers and employees of HORV for the healthcare and
genuine concern shown to Maxine. Also many thanks go to
Hand In Hand Hospice for their wonderful care and love
given to our mother.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Services will be 11 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 19, 2011 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
Chapel with Bro. Danny Reeves, Bro. B.F. Risinger Jr.,
and Rev. Mike Alexander officiating. Burial will follow
at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Jon Ingham, David Kasprzyk, Lee
Lewis, Wesley White, Ronny Willis, Oliver Albritton,
Dwayne Nutt, Carroll Hambirck
In lieu of flowers donations may be made to First United
Methodist Church, 320 N. 15th St. Corsicana, TX 75110 or
First Baptist Church, 510 W. Collin Corsicana, TX 75110.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Lloyd Harold Baldwin

June 9, 1923 - Sept 14, 2011
Harold Baldwin, 88, of Corsicana passed away Sept, 14,
He was born June 9, 1923 to Jesse and Ollie Baldwin.
He served in the United States Army and was stationed in
Okinawa, Japan, where he served during
World War II.
He was employed with Oil City Iron Works for 45 years.
Survivors include his wife of 63 years, Sybil Baldwin of
Corsicana, married on Feb. 4, 1948; children, Connie
Baldwin Martinez and husband Rene of Plano, Cathy
Baldwin McCaslin and husband Ardie of Clifton and Cheri
Baldwin Moore and husband Eddie of Corsicana; siblings,
Bill Baldwin of Corsicana, Earl Baldwin of College
Station, Jo Brown of Corsicana and Irene Robinson of
Corsicana; seven grandchildren, Monte, Halli, Hannah,
Shane, Chaunta, Jarrod and Alison; eleven great
grandchildren, Owen, Duncan, Ellis, Clara, Noah, Cosette,
Halee, Katelyn, Kyndall, Alli and Jude.
He is preceded in death by sister, Juanita Griffin; and
brothers, Jim Baldwin and Jesse Ray Baldwin.
The family would like to give a special thanks to Angels
at Home, Guardian and Bethany Healthcare Services.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16, 2011.
Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17,
2011, at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Corsicana. |
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, Sep 15, 2011
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- h/o Sybil Murline (Michael) Baldwin; s/o James Edward
"Dock" "Jessie" Baldwin, Sr. & Mary Ollie (Lane) Baldwin
Hettie Mae (Leonard) Loggins
Oct 7, 1881 - Jun 23, 1960
Mrs. Loggins Rites Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Pat H. Loggins who died in Navarro
Clinic early Thursday morning, were held from Westminister
Presbyterian church at 10:30 a.m. Friday.
Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, Cleburne, retired pastor, conducted the
service, assisted by Rev. Eugene E. Wood, current pastor of
Westminister. Mrs. Loggins was a long time member of the church.
Burial will be in Oakwood
Mrs. Loggins was prominent in church and cultural programs and
projects. She was a former school teacher and was a charter of the
James Blair Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
Survivors are her husband of Corsicana; two cousins, Miss Kathleen
Bullock, Dallas and Mrs. C. B. Sessions, Rockdale; a nephew, Homer
Carroll Jr., Kerens and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Ralph B (Skell?); Homer Carroll Jr., T. R. Red,
John F. Adams, W. H. Balcom Jr and E. M. Polk.
McCammon directed
- Corsicana Daily Sun - Jun 24, 1960
- View Obituary
- Daughter of
William Jasper Leonard and Hettie Elizabeth Kercheval. She had
one sister, Laila Leonard Carroll who was married to Homer
Carroll Jr. of Kerens. Laila and Hettie were born in Lewisburg
Tennessee and came to Corsicana as orphans. Hettie lived with
William and Emma Kercheval Bullock of Corsicana and Laila lived
with her mother's other sister Susan Kercheval Hale in Rockdale

Hettie Mae (Leonard) Loggins
Mrs. Loggins Dies Thursday; Rites Friday
Mrs. Pat H. Loggins, prominent in church, civic and other circles
here most of her life, died in the Navarro Clinic early Thursday
Funeral services will be held from the Westminister Presbyterian
church, of which she was a member, Friday at 10:30 a.m. Burial will
be in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, Cleburne,
retired pastor of the local church, assisted by Rev. E. E. Wood,
Mrs. Loggins resided with an aunt, the late Mrs. W. L. Bullock here
for years. She formerly taught school here and was active in the
19th Century club, charter member of the local DAR Chapter, long
member of the Corsicana Library board, active in the Red Cross
during World War 1, and had served as president of the women's
council of Westminister Presbyterian church and taught Sunday School
for many years.
Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; two cousins, Miss Kathleen
Bullock, Dallas, and Mrs. C. R. Sessions, Rockdale; a nephew, Homer
Carroll, Jr. Kerens, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Homer Carroll, Jr.; Ralph Stell, Ed M. Polk, T.
R. Red, Sr., W. H. Balcom, Sr., and John F. Adams.
McCammon will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Jun 23, 1960
- w/o Patrick Henry “Pat” Loggins; d/o William Jasper
Leonard and Hettie Elizabeth (Kerceval) Leonard buried in Head
Springs cem., Marshall Co., Tenn.
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Luther Palos
Feb 20, 1936 - Oct 13, 2011
began his fight with cancer on June 17, 2011, and it ended
on Oct. 13, 2011, when a merciful God called him home to
He was born on Feb. 20, 1936, in Chatfield to John and
Juanita Palos. He graduated from Emhouse High School in
1955 and served in the Texas National Guard. He was a
member of the American Paint Horse Association and took
great pride in his horses. He was a long time member of
Calvary Worship Center and managed Palos Enterprises.
He is survived by his wife of 20 years, Carol Palos of
Corsicana; daughter, Crystal Palos of Dallas; son, John and
Rachel Palos of Groesbeck; daughter, Carmen and Manilo
Peirez of Corsicana; son, Paul and Jana Palos of Corsicana;
step children, Nathan Earle and Kelley Harrison, both of
Groesbeck; Matthew Sargent and Ellen of Frisco; and
Christopher Sargent and Amanda of San Antonio; 17
grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He is also
survived by his brothers, Harry and Barbara Palos, John
Palos Jr., Joe Palos and Lorena, and Lewis Palos; and by
sister Isabelle Guillen.
He is preceded in death by his parents, John Sr. and Juanita
Palos of Corsicana.
Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral service to celebrate his life will be 10 a.m.
Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011, at Calvary Worship Center with Bro.
Gary Johnson officiating. Interment will follow at
Calvary Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be John Palos, Johnathan Palos, Paul Palos,
Chris Sargent, Matthew Sargent and Cameron Pezez.
Honorary pallbearers will be Ron Stokes, Glenn Prater,
Lamoin Lawhon, James Raley, Lee Guillen, Thomas Dockery and
Frank Alonzo.
In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to American
Diabetes Association or American Cancer Society.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
L. B. "Billy" Bradley
Nov 1, 1949 - Oct 8, 2011
B. “Billy” Bradley, 61, of Corsicana passed away Saturday,
Oct. 8, 2011, at the Medical City Hospital in Dallas.
He was born Nov. 1, 1949, in Streetman to the late Lozell
Bradley and Ernetha McMullen Bradley and received his formal
education at the G.W.Jackson School. He was a veteran of the
United States Army where he completed 29 years, five months,
and two days of active duty and reserve. His highest rank
was Sgt. E-5. He was in the 3rd and 163rd Cal.Co.C.8th
Patallion 112 Army Division and retired from the Waco Unit.
Billy was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Kenneth
Bradley; and two sisters, Mary Jo Newsome and Salle Bradley
Survivors include his wife, Virginia Lusk Bradley,
Corsicana; one son, Sidney “Spanky” Lusk (Tanya); and one
daughter, Shunda Renee Bradley, all of Corsicana; one
step-daughter, LaKeitha Lusk of Corsicana; grandchildren,
Charli Lusk, Timothy Bradley, Lateika Bradley, Megan
Bradley, Andrea Mitchell, and Davius Brown, all of
Corsicana; four step-grandchildren, Daylon, DaKayla, Jaylon
and Braylon; three great-grandchildren, sisters Patsy
Bradley Marcellus and Diane Sample (Kirby) all of Dallas,
and Gloria Bradley of Corsicana; one brother, Lonzell
Bradley of Corsicana; aunts, Helen Owen of West, and Nerlene
Bradley of Dallas,; cousin, Norma English of Dallas; a host
of nieces and nephews; other relatives and friends,
including best friends, Tommie Hall, Elmer Kelly and Vernell
Funeral services are 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011 at
Lifeline Fellowship Family Church, 5301 West State Highway
31 with Pastor Clyde Chambers as Eulogist and Pastor Alvin
E. Smith officiating. Interment will follow at
Woodland Memorial
Arrangements by Ross and Johnson Mortuary, Corsicana. |
Henry Strawn Barton

Sept 2, 1859 - Dec 14, 1936
Funeral services for Henry Barton, aged 77 years, pioneer resident
of Navarro county, who died in the P. and S. Hospital here Monday at
noon, were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Lone Oak
church near Blooming Grove, with interment in the
Lone Oak cemetery. Mr.
Barton resided in the Blooming Grove area practically all of his
life until he moved to Corsicana several months ago.
Mr. Barton was struck by an automobile on Highway 75 while walking
along the highway in East Corsicana, Sept. 12, and received injuries
which were ascribed as the cause of death. He was the twenty-third
traffic fatality on the highways in Navarro county for this year.
Surviving are a son, Walter Barton, Blooming Grove; two daughters,
Mrs. Willingham, Grand Praire and Mrs. Hollifield, Blooming Grove: a
brother, Sam Barton, Blooming Grove: a sister, Mrs. J. H. Frederick,
Blooming Grove, and other relatives.
Henry Barton, about 77 years, North Thirteenth street, is in the P.
and S. hospital in a serious condition with left hip and leg
injuries sustained on Highway 75 between First and Third avenues
Saturday morning at 9:30 o’clock when he was struck by an automobile
driven by A. L. Thompson of Groesbeck.
Barton was reported walking across the highway at the time of the
accident and officers said eye-witnesses to the accident declared
the driver of the car was blameless and termed the affair
Thompson, en route to Dallas with his wife who is undergoing
treatment there, was released on his own recognition until Monday,
Judge W. T. McFadden stated. No charges were filed as a result of
the accident.
Attaches of the hospital reported the extent of the injuries to the
aged man had not been definitely determined.
He was taken to the hospital in a Corley ambulance.
Aged Man Dead Result Injuries In Auto Accident
Henry Barton, aged 77 years, long-time resident of Navarro county,
North Thirteenth street, died in the P. and S. Hospital at noon
Monday. His death was attributed to injuries sustained Sep. 12, this
year, when he was struck on highway 75, in Corsicana, while walking
along the highway. The car figuring in the accident was driven by A.
L. Thompson of Groesbeck.
Barton's death is the twenty-third auto fatality in Navarro county
this year.
No funeral arrangements had been made early Monday afternoon.
The body was taken to Blooming Grove, his former home, by the
McCormick Funeral Home.
A brother, Sam Barton, a half-sister, Mrs. J. H. Frederick, both of
Blooming Grove, and other relatives survive.
Nancy Clarosa (Barton)

Oct 28, 1857 - Dec 12, 1936
McSWEEN, - Corsicana, Texas. Dec. 14 - Mrs. F.D. McSween, 79,
pioneer resident of the Blooming Grove community, died Saturday.
Funeral services were held at Blooming Grove Sunday. Surviving are
two daughters, Mrs. Margaret McClure of Blooming Grove and Mrs.
Roderick Williams of Corsicana; one son, Angus McSween of Blooming
Grove and one brother.
Mrs. F. D. McSween, aged 79 years, pioneer resident of the Blooming
Grove community, died
Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock after a short illness. The funeral
services were held at Blooming
Grove Sunday afternoon. Mrs. McSween was stricken Thursday.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Margaret McClure, Blooming Grove,
and Mrs. Roderick
Williams, Corsicana; a son, Angus McSween, Blooming Grove; a
brother, Sam Barton, Blooming Grove; and a half-sister, Mrs. J. H,
Frederick, Blooming Grove, and other relatives.
Mrs. Nancy McSween, aged 79 years, pioneer resident of this
community, died at her home here at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon
after a short illness.
The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Rev. J. W. Whitefield, pastor of the
Blooming Grove Methodist church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Paul
Vercher, pastor of the Central Baptist church, and Rev. J. M.
McDaniel, a Presbyterian minister of Corsicana.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Margaret McClure, of Blooming
Grove, and Mrs. Roderick Williams, of Corsicana; a son, Angus
McSween, Blooming Grove; a half brother, Sam Barton, Blooming Grove,
and a half sister, Mrs. J. H. Frederick, of Blooming Grove.
Pallbearers were J. W. Harris, J. W. Robinson, G. D. Gillen, J. D.
George, J. P. Johnson and J. N. Barham.
Interment took place in the Lone Oak cemetery with the McCormick
Funeral Service in charge.
- The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, Dec 18, 1936
- Submitted by
Karen Rost