Walter Griffith
Jun 2, 1861 - Mar 22, 1932
Rev. Griffith, Barry Minister Accidentally Killed by Automobile
Rev. Walter Griffith, aged 70 years, died Tuesday night at the
Navarro Clinic in Corsicana as the result of an automobile accident
in North Corsicana on highway 75 late Tuesday afternoon.
The minister had parked his car and was crossing the highway when
struck by a passing car. His wife was walking closely behind him at
the time of the accident. It is thought by observers that the victim
was watching another car and did not see the approaching car that
struck him.
Rev. Griffith was an superannuated Methodist minister of Barry, and
a native Texan. He had resided in the Barry community for several
years and leaves hundreds of friends in Barry and Blooming Grove. A
number of Blooming Grove people attended the funeral Wednesday at
Chatfield Methodist church at 3 p.m. Interment was in
- The Blooming Grove Times - Friday, Mar 25, 1932
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- w/o Willie (Edwards) Griffith; s/o LaRoy Alonzo Griffith
& Nancy Rebecca (Hogan) Griffith
Funeral services for Rev. Walter Griffith, aged 70 years, superanuated Methodist minister of Barry, native Texan, and
well-known leader in Methodist and Masonic circles of this section, who died at the Navarro clinic Tuesday night about 7 o'clock were
held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Chatfield Methodist church with interment in the
Rev. Mr. Griffith sustained fatal injuries in an automobile accident near the North Corsicana Methodist church two miles north of
Corsicana Tuesday afternoon shortly before 5 o'clock. He was rushed to the clinic for treatment. According to several witnesses, it was
stated the Rev. Mr. Griffith apparently stepped into the side of a passing automobile occupied by Ted Reed and J. D. Geeslin, Hempstead
merchants, who were en route to Dallas to purchase merchandise. It is thought the victim was watching another automobile and did not
see the approaching car. His wife was only a few feet from him at the time of the accident.
Mr. Reed was driving the automobile. Mr. Geeslin received a slight cut on the nose from flying glass. Messrs. Reed and Geeslin were
interviewed by Deputy Sheriff J. M. Westbrook and Criminal District Attorney Cleo G. Miller and later proceeded to Dallas. Witnesses
stated that the accident was unavoidable.
Native Texan
Rev. Mr. Griffith was a native of Montgomery county, Texas. He held pastorates of several churches in Navarro County and had resided in
this section for a greater portion of his life. He was active in Masonic circles, and had held a number of of important offices in
that organization, belonging to a number of branches including the Shrine.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. Caspar Wright, presiding elder of the Corsicana Methodist district, assisted by Rev. B. M. Cox, pastor
of the Chatfield Methodist church, formerly pastor of the Barry church.
Mr. Griffith formerly resided here, but had lived at Barry for the past several years.
He was a candidate for the nomination as county treasurer of Navarro County in the approaching democratic primaries at the time of his death.
The Masonic lodge had charge of the services at the grave.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Willie Griffith, Barry; a daughter Mrs. Everett White, Corsicana; and several step-children.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral home.
Willie (Edwards) Griffith
Feb 1, 1866 - Nov 23, 1940
Mrs. Walter Griffith, 74, resident of Navarro county for 68 years,
died about 3 o'clock Saturday morning at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Clara Bell, at Wortham, after an extended illness. Funeral
services will be held at the Chatfield Methodist Church at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon after brief rites at Wortham. The services will be
conducted by the Rev. R. W. Nation of Corsicana and the Rev. R. T.
Wallace of Chatfield.
She is survived by five children; Jules J. Kelt of Chatfield, Herman
Kelt, postmaster at Carrizozo, N.M., Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Bert McElreath
of Cisco, and Mrs. Ben R. Burgett of Denison; nineteen grandchildren
and eight great grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. F. B. LeSueur of
Corsicana, Mrs. S. C. LeSueur of Mabank, Mrs. J. E. Matthews of
Austin, and Mrs. W. A. Mizell of Chatfield.
The deceased was a native of Butler, Georgia, but came to Texas with
her parents in 1872. She was married at Chatfield in 1885. For many
years she was active in religious and Eastern Star circles.
Arrangements are being directed by the Burleson Funeral Service of
Minnie Bradford Coy
Oct 22, 1897 - Jan 25, 1993
Minnie Bradford Coy, 95, of Chatfield, died Jan. 25, 1993, in
Topeka, Kansas.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at the Chatfield Baptist Church.
Burial will be in the Chatfield
cemetery. Ross and Johnson Mortuary
is in charge of arrangements.
Survivors include one daughter and son-in-law, Mary L. C. and
Sherman Wilson of Topeka, Kansas; five grandchildren; ten
great-grandchildren; and one brother-in-law, Lucian Coy of
Mary Lou Allen
Feb 8, 1890 - Feb 25, 1993
Mary Lou Allen, 103, of Dallas, died Feb. 25, 1993, at Parkland
Hospital in Dallas.
Services will be 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Chatfield Baptist Church
with the Rev. J. W. Brown officiating. Burial will be in the
cemetery under the direction of Ross and Johnson Mortuary.
Survivors include one daughter, Annie Mae Kelly of Timothy; two
step-sons, Rev. M. Allen of Marietta, Okla. and Joe L. Allen of Palo
Alto, Calif.; 12 grandchildren; 43 great-grandchildren; 31
great-great-grandchildren; and nine great-great-great grandchildren.
James Matthew Scarborough
Jan 30, 1846 - Feb 27, 1927
Funeral services for J. M. Scarborough, aged 80 years, who died at
his residence, 1006 West Sixth avenue Sunday morning at 8:45
o'clock, were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence
with interment in Oakwood
cemetery. Mr. Scarborough was apparently in the best of health
Saturday morning, but took suddenly ill. Sunday morning he was
thought to have improved considerably and wanted to get out of bed.
Later, he passed quietly out.
He was born in Alabama January 30, 1847. He was a Confederate
veteran and served under General Wade Hampton through the war.
Mr. Scarborough came to Texas in 1872, settling in Brazos county,
later living in Robertson and Limestone counties. In 1879 he moved
to Navarro county and resided in the old Raleigh community until
1895 when the family moved to the old Scarborough farm three and
one-half miles north of Corsicana. Several years ago, he moved to
Surviving are one son, Hawkins Scarborough, district judge,
Corsicana; three daughters, Miss Katie Scarborough, Mrs. Pearl
Hightower and Mrs. Willie Briggs, all of Corsicana.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. S. Taylor, Baptist
minister of Mexia, formerly of Corsicana, and Rev. J. Howard
Williams, pastor of First Baptist church, Corsicana.
The active pallbearers were Ed M. Polk, Sr., John R. Curington, W.
A. Tarver, R. D. Fleming, J. W. Wright, N. F. Garrett, Tom
Worthington and W. A. Hammett.
All of the Confederate veterans were honorary pallbearers.
Mr. Scarborough always attended the sessions of Camp Winkler United
Confederate Veterans, and took an active part in the affairs of that
organization. He was well known in this section of the country and
numbered his friends by his acquaintances.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Feb 28, 1927
- h/o Mary Catherine (Hawkins) Scarborough married Apr. 20,
1870 s/o Abner Rasberry Scarborough and Ruth Greer (Talbot)
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Mary Catherine (Hawkins) Scarborough
Jun 18, 1849 - Nov 15, 1923
Lady Severely Burned.
Mrs. J. M. Scarborough was severely burned this morning when her
skirts caught fire from a gas stove. She was in the room alone, and
Mr. Scarborough from another room heard her screams, ran to her and
tore her burning clothing from her body, but not before she was
dreadfully burned on her limbs, hips and back.
Court House News.
The jury in district court was dismissed for the week Tuesday
afternoon because of the critical condition of Mrs. J. M.
Scarborough, mother of Judge Scarborough. Mrs. Scarborough was
burned Tuesday afternoon when her clothing became ignited and her
condition is very grave.
The Sick and Convalescent.
Mrs. J. M. Scarborough is reported still very low as the result of
her burns.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Thursday, November 15, 1923
Submitted by Diane Richards
Mrs. Mary C. Scarborough, wife of J. M. Scarborough, who was
severely burned at her home, 816 East Tenth avenue last Tuesday
morning when her skirt caught fire from a gas stove, died yesterday
afternoon as the result of her injuries, and the funeral took place
from the family home at 3 o'clock this afternoon, with interment in
Oakwood. Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the Eleventh Methodist
Church officiated and Messrs. R. D. Fleming, H. L. Graves, J. S.
Murchison, E. M. Polk, J. W. Wright and Rod Kenner acted as
pallbearers. There was a large attendance and many beautiful floral
offerings. The deceased was 75 years of age and came to Navarro
county from her native home, Sumpter County, Alabama in 1879, and
had resided in this county continuously till her death. Her husband
and five children, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, Miss Kate Scarborough
and Mrs. E. B. Hightower of Corsicana, Mrs. Eli Briggs of Teague and
Mrs. F. G. Morgan of Caddo Mills are left to mourn her loss, and
hundreds of friends who knew and loved her in life sympathize with
them in the tragic death of a noble wife and true and loving mother.
The deceased was a lady of intelligence and rare refinement, and was
a noble Christian character who shed sunshine wherever she went, and
the influence of her womanly life will remain to benefit humanity in
the years to come.
Mrs. Scarborough Buried Friday.
The funeral of Mrs. J. M. Scarborough, who died Thursday afternoon
from burns received on Tuesday morning, was held Friday at 3 p.m. at
the home of the deceased, 1006 West Sixth Avenue. A large concourse
of loving friends and relatives were present and the many beautiful
flowers gave evidence of the love and esteem with which she was held
in this her home town. Rev. A. E. Carraway, pastor of the Eleventh
Avenue Methodist church made a hurried trip from Temple where he was
attending the general conference to conduct the funeral services.
A quartette composed of Mrs. R. P. McEntire, Mrs. Leonard Gorman,
Miss Euba Bird and Mrs. H. H. Flemming rendered beautiful songs in
keeping with the sad occasion.
Our hearts go out in sympathy to the bereft husband, daughters and
Annie (Scarborough) Morgan
Feb 22, 1871 - Feb 5, 1927
Mrs. Annie Morgan of Caddo Mills, aged 56 years, died at the
residence of her father, J. M. Scarborough 1006 West Sixth avenue,
Saturday morning at 8:45 o'clock, following a lingering illness.
She is survived by her husband. F. G. Morgan, Caddo Mills; father,
J. M. Scarborough, Corsicana; one brother, District Judge Hawkins
Scarborough, Corsicana; three sisters, Miss Katie Scarborough, Mrs.
Pearl Hightower, and Mrs. Willie Briggs, all of Corsicana.
Mrs. Morgan was brought to the home of her father several months
Funeral services for Mrs. Morgan will be held from the home of her
father, Capt. J. M. Scarborough, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with
burial in Oakwood cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Morgan, aged 56 years of Caddo Mills, wife of F. G. Morgan, who died at the residence of her father, J. M. Scarborough, 1006 West Sixth avenue Saturday morning at 8:45 o'clock, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of her father with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. A. E. Carraway, Methodist minister of Rice, formerly pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church here.
She is survived by her husband, father, one brother, Hawkins Scarborough, district judge, Corsicana; three sisters, Miss Katie Scarborough, Mrs. Pearl Hightower and Mrs. Willie Briggs, all of Corsicana.
Mrs. Morgan had been ill for a number of months and had been here for several months.
F. G. Morgan
Mar 9, 1869 - Dec 6, 1929
The body of F. G. Morgan, aged 60, who died at his home in Slaton, Texas, Thursday evening at 6 o'clock with a heart attack arrived
here shortly before noon Saturday and the funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. E. W. Hightower, 945 West Sixth avenue, with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams,
pastor of the First Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, one sister, Mrs. Wooten, Pittsburg, Texas;
one sister-in-law, Mrs. Hightower, Corsicana; one brother-in-law,
Hawkins Scarborough, district judge, Corsicana; two nephews, Ben
Hill and Tom Hill, both of Caddo Mills.
Pallbearers were J. S. Murchison, Ed M. Polk, Sr., R. D. Fleming, J.
M. Tullow, George W. Boyd, John R. Curington, and Jack K. Tingle.
The funeral was directed by the Corley-Mahon Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Dec 7, 1929
- 1st wife Annie (Scarborough) Morgan married Sep. 6, 1904
2nd wife Kate (Scarborough) Morgan married Jun 14, 1928
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
F. G. Morgan, aged 60 years, died at his home in Slaton, Texas,
Thursday night and the body will be forwarded to Corsicana Saturday
morning, according to information received here late Thursday night.
The body is scheduled to arrive here Saturday morning at 11:20 o'clock on the Southern Pacific passenger train and the funeral will
be held from the residence of his sister-in-law, Mrs. E. W.
Hightower, 947 West Sixth avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, one sister-in-law, one brother-in-law, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, Corsicana, and a number of relatives.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley- McMahon Funeral home.
Ruth Amanda (UNKNOWN) Scarbrough
Mar 3, 1900 - Apr 12, 1961
Mrs. Ruth A. Scarbrough, 61, of 1001 N. Bishop, a practical nurse,
died Wednesday in a Dallas nursing home after a long illness.
A former resident of Corsicana, Mrs. Scarbrough had lived in Grand
Prairie for seven years prior to moving to Dallas.
She was a member of the First Baptist church in Grand Prairie and
the Elmira Rebekah Lodge in Oak Cliff.
Funeral services were held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the First Baptist
church in Grand Prairie with burial in
Oakwood cemetery here. No
close relatives survive.
McCammon directed.
Oran Edward Scarbrough, Sr.
Aug 15, 1905 - Oct 18, 1972
O. E. Scarbrough
Funeral services are scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Thursday at Griffin
Chapel for O. E. Scarbrough Sr., 67, of Corsicana, who died
Wednesday morning at Memorial Hospital.
Rev. Robert Potts will officiate.
Scarbrough was a member of First Baptist Church.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. O. E. Scarborough Sr.; a son, O.
E. Scarbrough Jr. of Corsicana; two grandchildren; two brothers, A.
G. Scarbrough of Cedar Creek Lake and E. A. Scarbrough of Fort
Worth; two sisters, Mrs. H. E. Cambell of Kaufman and Miss Eddie
Scarbrough of Orange; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Jessie Thomas Griffis
Oct 8, 1855 - Apr 26, 1937
Thomas J. Griffis, age 81 years died at the Navarro Clinic at 1
o'clock Monday morning and funeral services were held Monday
afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Joe
Jefferson, 1401 West Collin street. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
The services were conducted by Leslie G. Thomas, minister of the
Fifth Avenue Church of Christ. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mr. Griffis had been a resident of Corsicana for 28 years.
Surviving are a son, Jess Griffis, Kerens: two daughters, Mrs. J. E.
Scarbrough, Corsicana; Mrs. Joe Jefferson, Corsicana; eight
grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Elmer Norris, Mack Warren, Frank Larrison, Hood
Cheney, George Wilson, W. T. McKee, Roy Harrison and A. G. Smith.
Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
Sutherland-McCammon directed the funeral arrangements.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Monday, Apr 26, 1937
- h/o Alice (Mann) Griffis s/o J. C. Griffis & Sallie
(Crowley) Griffis
- (I am confused by his name, on daughter Ethel Estell Scarbrough's
death certificate it says J. T. Griffis and also on Jessie Andrew Scarbrough and in his wife's obit, but on his death certificate and
this obit it is Thomas J.)
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Virginia (Mann) Griffis
Aug 8, 1862 - Jul 14, 1931
Mrs. Alice Griffis, aged 68, resident of Corsicana died Tuesday
evening about 7 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe
Jefferson at 1401 West Collin street.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
First Baptist Church with Rev. J. Howard Williams conducting the
last rites. Interment was in Oakwood.
The deceased us survived by her husband J. T. Griffis, one son J. S.
Griffis of Kerens, and two daughters, Mrs. Jefferson and Mrs. J. E. Scarbrough, both of Corsicana, and nine grandchildren.
Active pall-bearers were Hood Cheney, A. G. Smith, Will Taylor, Dr.
J. A. Jones, J. J. Newton and John Davis. The honorary pallbearers
were friends of the family.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Mrs. Alice Griffis, aged 68, resident of Corsicana for more than
twenty years, died Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock at the home of
her daughter Mrs. Joe Jefferson at 1401 West Collin street.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
First Baptist Church with Rev. J. Howard Williams conducting the
last rites. Interment was in Oakwood.
The deceased is survived by her husband, J. T. Griffis, one son, J.
S. Griffis of Kerens, and two daughters, Mrs. Jefferson and Mrs. J.
E. Scarborough, both of Corsicana, and nine grandchildren,.
Active pall-bearers were Hood Cheney, A. C. Smith, Will Taylor, Dr.
J. A. Jones, J. J. Newton and John Davis. The honorary pallbearers
were friends of the family.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Thomas Hawkins Scarborough, Sr.
Nov 11, 1885 - Jan 5, 1935
Hawkins Scarborough, aged 49 years, judge of the Thirteenth judicial
district court for the past 14 years died at the family home, 516
South Fifteenth street, Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock after a
short illness. He was stricken at an early hour Friday morning and
never regained consciousness.
Judge Scarborough was born at Raleigh, and was reared on a farm in
the Zion's Rest community later attending Corsicana High school from
which he graduated and then attended the University of Texas from
where he received his law degree. During the time he was procuring
his college education, he taught school at Chatfield. After
returning to Corsicana from the University, Judge Scarborough was in
the office of Callicutt & Call and Callicutt & Johnson, and served
as city attorney of Corsicana prior to his election as judge of the
Thirteenth judicial district court to succeed the late Judge H. B.
Daviss. Scarborough would have started his fifteenth year on the
bench Monday morning when the January term of court is scheduled to
be started.
Judge Scarborough was recognized all over Texas as one of the ablest
judges of the entire state and during the Corsicana-Powell oil boom,
his rulings on the newly enacted compensation laws were attacked but
were affirmed by the higher courts and he has been termed as the
clarifier of that legislation.
Perhaps the most famous case in which Scarborough was the presiding
judge was the celebrated election contest case tried here in 1922
attacking the placing of the name of Senator Earl B. Mayfield on the
democratic ticket in 1922.
During the entire time of the local oil boom, Scarborough did not
have any help or a new district court created to handle the boom
days litigation and court procedure.
Funeral services will be conducted at Oakwood cemetery Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock where interment will be made.
The funeral rites will be conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of
the First Baptist Church and Wayne R. Howell, attorney and close
personal friend of Judge Scarborough.
Surviving are his widow, a son, Hawkins, Jr., a daughter, Ann, all
of Corsicana, and other relatives.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral
Funeral services for Hawkins Scarborough, 49 years of age, judge of the Thirteenth judicial district court here for the past 14 years,
who died Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock after a brief illness were held at Oakwood cemetery Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock where
interment was made. Hundreds of friends from all walks of life were present, giving silent tribute to their friend; a man regarded
highly in legal circles and recognized as one of the outstanding and able district judges in Texas.
He was stricken at an early hour Friday morning.
Judge Scarborough was born near Raleigh, in the western part of Navarro county, and spent his boyhood on a farm in the Zion's Rest
community, later graduating from Corsicana high school and working his way through the University of Texas where he received his law
Returning to his native county he started the practice of law in the office of Callicutt and Call and latter was connected with the firm
of Callicutt and Johnson.
City attorney in 1916.
He was elected city attorney for Corsicana in 1916 and was the legal advisor and one of the officials primarily responsible for the
procuring of a large amount of the pavement in Corsicana and the construction of a modern sanitary system and Lake Halbert, city
Judge Scarborough had been elected to the high office of district judge four times by the citizens of Navarro county. His decisions in
important cases have on numerous occasions been upheld by the higher courts in questions that had not been previously determined. He is
generally credited with the determining of the law in the compensation cases placed on the statute books of Texas. A short
time after the law was passed, many cases were sustained by employees in the Corsicana-Powell oil field.
Was A Fair Judge.
His decisions and ruling were fearless, concise, quick, and fair, and his conduct of criminal trials was such that when a case had
been concluded, it was the general rule and not the exception that the defendant thanked the judge and told him that he had received a
fair trial.
A number of persons who had been sentenced to the penitentiary of Texas by Judge Scarborough were present at his funeral rites Sunday
afternoon and from their demeanor, showed they regarded they had lost a real friend.
Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the First Baptist church, opened the rites with a prayer and the reading of a number of selected verses
from the scriptures.
Wayne R. Howell, local attorney and close personal friend of the deceased, delivered an eulogy to his departed friend.
A Personal Loss.
In the beginning of his eulogy to the departed jurist, Mr. Howell spoke of his sense of personal loss of a true friend, which made it
difficult to speak, but pointed out that Judge Scarborough's life had been lived here among his friends and acquaintances, and the
silent tribute to his memory by the large number of friends at the bier showed more enduring tribute than mere words.
"Judge Scarborough was a self-made man, working his way through school," Mr. Howell said, and then recalled his rise from a humble
boy born and reared in the country, his determination to make a success in life and his efforts and achievements in working his way
through school. He referred to the fact that the deceased judge was a native of Navarro county and had lived his entire life in Navarro county.
After referring to the native ability of Judge Scarborough, Mr. Howell spoke of the high esteem, regard and confidence held toward
him by lawyers of the entire country. “He was a brilliant lawyer, a natural judge,” the speaker said, “and his rugged integrity and
strength of conviction were never questioned.”
Had Many Fiends.
The speaker pointed out that the secret of Judge Scarborough's success was his capacity of making and holding friendships, his
common background—his ability to understand and meet the common man or rub elbows with the highest in any circle.
In his concluding remarks, Mr. Howell said that his "departed friend's last hours were blanketed with the mercy of unconsciousness
and his bier is blanketed with flowers of friendship."
Surviving are his widow, a son, Hawkins Scarborough, Jr., a daughter, Ann Scarborough, three sisters, Mrs. E. W. Hightower, Mrs.
Eli Briggs and Mrs. F. Morgan, all of Corsicana; and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. M. Tullos, John S. Murchison, Edward M. Polk, Sr., R. D. Fleming, J. N. Edens, Sr., Doyle Pevehouse, B. W. George,
Beauford H. Jester, Paul Moore, John Sharp, supreme court justice, Austin; and J. N. Edens, Jr.
Honorary Pallbearers were members of the Navarro County Bar Association of friends.
Despite the inclement weather, large numbers of friends from all sections of Navarro and surrounding counties were noted.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
The funeral procession from the home to the cemetery was given escort of State Highway patrolmen.
Among the out-of-town visitors here for the rites were judge Adam Cone, Palestine; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Miller, Miss Nancy Miller and
Mrs. J. B. Johnson, all of Dallas; Will Faulk, Athens; J. Wesley Harris, county commissioner, Blooming Grove; John Kyser, Kerens; R.
L. Jones, Powell; H. P. Abney, Hillsboro attorney; Misses Mabel and Eva Grizzard, Mrs. A. C. Miller and daughters, Martha and Louise
Miller, all of Waxahachie; Will Murphy and Ed Murphy, both of Crandall, and Dr. and Mrs. Tate Miller of Dallas.
With Hon. Rufus Hardy, only living former district Judge of the Thirteenth judicial district court, and J. S. present judge as the
main speakers, memorial services for the late District Judge Hawkins Scarborough will be held in the district courtroom Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock by the Navarro county bar association.
Judge Scarborough died Jan. 5, this year, as he prepared to begin
his fifteenth year on the bench, and Judge Callicutt was appointed
to fill the unexpired term by Governor Miriam A. Ferguson.
Beauford H. Jester, president of the bar association said the
memorial exercises will be short in accordance with the wishes of
the family. Resolutions will be presented by Wayne R. Howell,
chairman of the resolutions committee.
Friends of the late judge over Navarro county are invited to be present.
Applications of Seaton Holsey and J. C. Roe were passed and approved for the study of law in local attorney's offices toward taking the
bar examination at the meeting of the Navarro County Bar Association held in the courtroom of the city hall Wednesday night at 8 o'clock.
Arrangements were completed for the memorial exercises for the late District Judge Hawkins Scarborough to be held in the district
courtroom of the Navarro county courthouse Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Officers for the ensuing year were elected.
A certificate of good character and morals was issued for Donald Marr who has been studing law preparatory to taking the examinations to be admitted to the bar.
Beauford H. Jester, president, stated Thursday morning that friends of the late Judge Scarborough over the entire county were invited to
be present at the memorial services Sunday afternoon.
Judge Rufus Hardy, former congressman, the only living former judge of the Thirteenth judicial district court, and J. S. Callicutt,
present judge serving out the unexpired term of Judge Scarbrough, will be the principal speakers Sunday afternoon. Judge J. M.
Blanding of Italy an attorney here for many years, has been invited to be present.
Charles T. Banister and Claude L. Milburn are in charge of the decorations of the judge's rostrum in the courthouse.
There will not be any music and the memorial services will be short and simple in accordance with the wishes of the family, it was stated Thursday morning.
Resolutions will be presented by Wayne R. Howell, chairman of the committee. Other members of the committee are R. B. Molloy, T. W. Lovett and C. L. Jester.
Officers were elected as follows: A. P. Mays, vice president; W. W. Harris, secretary; C. E. McWilliams, treasurer. This is the ninth time President Jester has been elected.
Friends from all walks of life honored the memory and accomplishments of the late Hawkins Scarborough, district judge, at
a memorial service conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the district courtroom under the auspices of the Navarro County Bar
Association. Beauford H. Jester, presided. Speakers included the president of the bar, Wayne R. Howell, chairman of the resolutions
committee; J. S. Callicutt, district judge; and J. M. Blanding, Italy, president emeritus of the bar.
The resolutions unanimously adopted outlined the early life, background, education accomplishments, characteristics, etc., of the
illustrious judge who presided with distinction in many important and "landmark" cases in this section.
Judge Callicutt Speaks.
J. S. Callicutt, a former law partner of Judge Scarborough who was appointed to fill out the unexpired term by Governor M. A. Ferguson,
seconded the resolutions and spoke of the accomplishments of the late judge after outlining the former distinguished judges of the
Thirteenth judicial district court. He said Hon. John H. Reagan presided over the Thirteenth judicial district at one time. Records
were burned in 1857 and since that time, the following thirteen judges have presided:
1. Jewett
2. Gray
3. Walker
4. Perry
5. Frank P. Wood
6. Pendergast
7. L. B. Bradley
8. Sam R. Frost
9. Rufus Hardy
10. Cobb
11. H. B. Daviss
12. Hawkins Scarbrough
13. J. S. Callicutt (present judge)
The district was composed of Navarro, Limestone and Freestone counties until during the term of Judge Daviss when oil development
caused Navarro county to be made into one district and the other counties were transferred into other districts.
Served Fourteen Years.
Judge Callicutt said Judge Scarborough served 14 years and 25 days as district judge, the longest period any judge has held office. He
outlined much of the “landmark” litigation tried by the local bar and reviewed the writing of the ordinances of the city of Corsicana
on paving, etc., which later were upheld by the higher courts. He spoke of the late judge trying oil royalty suits, contracts, etc.,
with signal success, including compensation law.
The speaker stated that martial law was declared in other places during oil booms and Texas Rangers or outside help was asked for to
handle the situations, but Judge Scarborough stated on many occasions that Navarro county could handle her own affairs and did.
Additional judges were not asked to help in the great oil boom days. Levee district litigation also was tried by Judge Scarborough.
Judge Rufus Hardy, only living former district judge of the Thirteenth judicial district and only former congressman of the
sixth congressional district was unable to be present at the memorial exercises.
Recalls Old Timers.
President Emeritus J. M. Blanding spoke briefly and said he was the oldest lawyer in this section and had been a citizen of Navarro
county for 62 years. He recalled many oldtime lawyers—Captain Halbert, Colonel Mills, Colonel Winkler, Colonel Bullock, Colonel
Simkins, Beall, Judge Wood, Pendergast, Frost, Barry and others.
Corsicana, Texas,
April 7, 1935.
To Honorable Beauford H. Jester, president of the Navarro County Bar Association:
Your committee appointed to prepare and present resolutions to this association commemorating the life, character, and career of our
deceased member, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, respectfully submits the following:
Thomas Hawkins Scarborough was born on the twenty-fourth day of November, 1886, near Raleigh in Navarro county. He was the son of
John Matthews Scarborough and Mary Catherine Hawkins, and was one of a family of six children to reach maturity, consisting of two boys
and four girls, namely, John Scarborough, deceased, Mrs. Annie Morgan, deceased, and Mrs. Willie Briggs, Mrs. Pearl Hightower, Mrs.
Kate Morgan, all of Corsicana, Judge Scarborough's forebears were fine old pioneer Southern stock. Both of his parents were natives of
Alabama, and come to Texas shortly after their marriage.
Lived On Farm.
When still a boy some nine years of age, the family purchased and removed to a farm near Zion's Rest, where Judge Scarborough spent
his boy hood days and grew to young manhood amid the scenes and with the tasks and pleasures of a farm boy. He attended the common school
at Zion's Rest until he reached the high school age at which time he entered the Corsicana high school from which he graduated on June
fourth, 1903, at the age of seventeen. Before graduating from high school he had already resolved to become a lawyer. Realizing that it
would be necessary for him to procure his college education through his own efforts he took the required examinations and obtained a
teacher's certificate, and alternated his attendance at the University of Texas with school teaching, thus providing means for
his legal education. His teaching was done in the common schools of Navarro county, consisting of two years at Chatfield and one year at
Oak Valley. He began his attendance in 1906, and was graduated from the School of Law of the University of Texas with the degree of
Bachelor of Laws in 1911.
Returned To Corsicana.
After his graduation from the University of Texas he returned to Corsicana to enter into the practice of his chosen profession. He
became associated with Callicutt and Call, a firm composed of Judge J. S. Callicutt and the lamented E. O. Call. Upon the retirement of
Mr. Call from the active practice the partnership of Callicutt and Johnson was formed, the latter being our distinguished congressman,
Luther A. Johnson and Judge Scarborough continued his association with that firm.
At about this time the city of Corsicana had resolved upon a program of expansion consisting in the main of the construction of a fresh
water supply, the establishment of a modern sanitary system and the rehabilitation of the public schools. Judge Scarborough was induced
to offer himself for the office of city attorney to assist in carrying out the far-reaching municipal program then in progress. He
was elected and occupied the office of city attorney for four years, serving from 1915 to 1919. The splendid legal service rendered by
him as city attorney during the important period of his encumbency has been widely recognized and commended, and the citizens of
Corsicana will long remain indebted to him for his lasting contributions to their welfare.
Made Separate District.
In the meantime, Navarro county, which had thertofore been grouped with Limestone and Freestone counties, was made a separate judicial
district, and designated as the Thirteenth Judicial District, and the court was given general civil and criminal jurisdiction
co-extensive with the limits of Navarro county.
In 1920 Judge Scarborough offered himself as a candidate for the office of district judge of Navarro county. The people looked with
favor upon his candidacy and he was elected. He took office on the eleventh day of December, 1919. He was three times re-elected. His
service upon the bench extended over a period of fourteen years, and he was buried on the day immediately preceding the opening of what
would have been his fifteenth year as district judge.
Married in 1922.
On the twenty-second day of August, 1922, Judge Scarborough was married to Bessie Miller, also a native of Navarro county, and a
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Miller. To their marriage were born two children, Thomas Hawkins Scarborough, Jr. aged ten years, and
Ann Scarborough, aged seven years.
Judge Scarborough's parents, his only brother, and one sister pre-deceased him. His brother, John Scarborough, was a graduate of
the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. He was a distinguished young mining engineer, and lost his life in a mine
fire in Unsankinko, Chosen, Japan.
Judge Scarborough died after a brief illness on the fifth day of January, 1935, at his home in Corsicana, and was buried on Sunday,
the sixth day of January, 1935, in Oakwood cemetery. By request his funeral services were simple, consisting only of scripture reading,
prayer, and a brief eulogy at the grave. His interment was largely attended by a great concourse of persons from near and distant
points, and from all walks of life. The floral offerings were profuse and gave mute but beautiful testimony of the general
affection in which he was held. Messages of condolence came from every section of Texas, and from beyond the confines of the state,
and included messages from many members of the judiciary and from prominent lawyers, among whom Judge Scarborough was best known and
Brillant Judge.
In connection with Judge Scarborough's professional career, it can be stated without exaggeration that he was an astute lawyer as a
private practitioner, and a brilliant judge upon the bench. During the few years he was engaged in the private practice he made
splendid progress, and had he chosen to remain in private practice, there is no doubt among his colleagues that he would have attained
signal success. However, he ascended the bench at the early age of thirty-three years, at that time one of the youngest district judges
in Texas, and the remainder of his life was devote exclusively to judicial work.
His long service upon the bench was interspersed with many notable law suits. At this point it is well to remember that Navarro county
contains the oldest oil field in the mid-continent area, and much of the law of oil and gas in Texas has been pioneered in law suits
arising in Navarro county. Shortly after Judge Scarborough became district judge deep oil was discovered in Navarro county and
occasioned much important litigation involving particularly the law of oil and gas and of workmen's compensation. It was his duty and
privilege to do much pioneer work in these two fields of law, and no lawyer can become versed in the law of either of these two subjects
in particular, without familiarizing himself with the cases which came before Judge Scarborough for adjudication. The court over which
he presided being one of criminal as well as civil jurisdiction, he had to divide his time between civil and criminal dockets. He was no
less astute as a criminal trial judge that as a civil trial judge, and his record in the trial of criminal cases was of the highest
order. It might here be noted as interesting historical fact testifying to the splendid citizen ship of Navarro county, that
during his long tenure it was his unpleasant duty to pronounce the death sentence only once.
“Natural Judge.”
Judge Scarborough had what lawyers some time term "native ability."
He was what trial lawyers of-times refer to as a "natural judge."
However, his native ability did not deter him from study and
research. He was quick to grasp the essentials of a law suit, was
thorough in his study of it, and fearless in his judgment. He held
the unqualified respect of laymen because of his integrity and
fairness, and he commended the admiration of the profession because
of his recognized ability and fearlessness. In his work, though
terminated in his prime, he has left an enduring monument to his
qualities as a judge, and in the hearts of the great host of loyal
friends he gathered about him from all walks of life, he has left an
enduring tribute to his qualities as a man.
Judge Scarborough was fundamentally democratic in his ideals. One of
his most valued and remarkable traits was his ability to make and
hold friends. Men, high and low, great and humble, admired and
respected him and accepted him as a man of unquestioned integrity
and honor. Because he was a friend, his own friends were legion.
He was born in humble circumstances among the common people. His
roots were deep in the soil, and he was never transplanted, nor did
he desire to be. He was indigenous to his background and
surroundings. Between him and his constituency existed a mutual
understanding that added confidence to his work and gave vigor to
his influence. The people understood and believed in him and he
understood and believed in them. They honored him and served them.
Will Be Greatly Missed.
The tall Lincolnesque figure of Judge Scarborough his quaint
mannerisms, his homely and pungent expressions and his friendly mein
will be greatly missed. We cannot expect to fill the place left
vacant by the untimely loss of such men. We can only hope to become
accustomed to doing without them.
As members of the Navarro County Bar Association, we desire to offer
as a permanent record this testimonial to Judge Hawkins Scarborough,
and we, therefore recommend the adoption of the following
Lost Distinguished Member.
RESOLVED: First, that in the death of Judge Hawkins Scarborough the
bench of Texas has lost one of its most able and distinguished
members, the state and county and honored native son and worth
citizen, this association a valued member, and his family a faithful
and loving husband and father.
Second: That as a man, a lawyer, a judge, and a citizen, he was
capable, honest, fearless, and fair, and as such we respect his life
and work, venerate his virtues, and mourn his passing.
Third: That a copy of these resolutions be presented to his bereaved
family, with whom we deeply sympathize, and with whom we share an
irreparable loss.
Fourth: That a copy of these resolutions be tendered to the press
for publication.
Fifth: That the foregoing resolutions be spread upon the minutes of
the district court of Navarro county, in the volume provided for
such purposes, where they may remain a permanent record and tribute
to the life and career of our departed member.
Respectfully submitted.
Signed: Wayne R. Howell, chairman; R. B. Molloy, T. W. Howell,
chairman; R. B. Molloy, T. W. Lovett, C. L. Jester, committee on
Willie Alice (Scarborough) Briggs
Jan 26, 1873 - Mar 2, 1953
Services Tuesday For Mrs. Briggs
Funeral services for Mrs. Willie Briggs native of Navarro county,
who died at her home in Teague early Monday, were held at Teague
Tuesday at 10 a.m.
Burial was in Oakwood cemetery here at noon Tuesday.
Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews.
She was a sister of the late District Judge Hawkins Scarborough of
MaCammon directed arrangements.
Ruth Pearl (Scarborough) Hightower
Sep 5, 1875 - Aug 5, 1951
Mrs. Hightower Funeral Tuesday
Mrs. Pearl Hightower, 75, long-time Corsicana resident, died at the
Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Sunday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday from the McCammon
Chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist
Mrs. Hightower was the widow of the late E. W. Hightower, and a
sister of the late District Judge Hawkins Scarborough.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. M. D. Albritton and Mrs. J. T.
Eggleston, both of Houston; a grandson, Donald Wells Albritton,
Houston; a granddaughter, Margaret Long, Long Beach, Calif.; a
sister, Mrs. Willie Briggs, Teague, and a number of nieces, nephews
and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be A. H. Webb, O. L. Watkins, Willie Cook, L. M.
Buffalo, J. L. Curtis and A. H. McNeel.
Mittie Ella (Wooten) Farmer
Apr 21, 1882 - Nov 6, 1973
Mrs. Farmer
Funeral services are set for 10:30 a. m. Thursday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. I. H. (Mittie) Ella Farmer, 91, of
Corsicana, who died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital.
Rev. E. H. Egge will officiate, and burial will be at
Oakwood Cemetery.
She was a native of Corsicana and had lived here all of her life.
She was a member of the Trinity Baptist Church.
Survivors include three sons, James Farmer and Marvin Farmer, both
of Corsicana, and Preston Farmer of Dallas; three daughters, Mrs.
Middie James of Houston, Mrs. Doyle Britton of Grand Prairie and
Mrs. John Slate of Corsicana; 15 grandchildren; 27
great-grandchildren; and seven great-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers include Douglas Farmer, Don Farmer, Robert Gaylon
Britton, Henry Slate, Dr. G. T. Denson and W. A. Morris.
Mary Lou Vicy (Price) Washburn

Jan 1, 1867 - Oct 26, 1951
Former Resident Is Honored On 83 Birthday
In observance of the eighty-third birthday, which fell on January
1st, 1951, the children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and
friends of Mrs. Vicy Washburn of Athens met in family reunion
Sunday, December 31, at the home of her eldest son, A. I. Washburn,
in Opelika.
Sharing in the event were Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Washburn and son, Billy
Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Burkholder,
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tallmon and sons,
Harold and Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Prince and children, Sharon
and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. James
Thomason, Donald Washburn and Miss La Marylis Graves of Corsicana.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonner and children, Larry and Bonnie , of
Angus; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shelton and children, Veda and Dennis;
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Tullos and sons, Dennis Coleman and Ronnie; Mrs.
Ida Barnes of Opelika; Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Washburn and children, W.
K. Dolores, Marie and Diane of Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heflin
and children, Ike, Kathlene, Marcellene, Marliene and Judy, of
The honoree of the reunion was a former resident of Corsicana.
Mrs. Washburn Dies At Athens
Mrs. E. W. Washburn, 84, formerly of Corsicana died in Athens early
Friday morning.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the Corley
Chapel here with burial in Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Marvin C. Bledsoe, pastor of the Central Methodist
church, assisted by Rev. Homer Ritchie, Athens Baptist minister.
Native of Alabama, Mrs. Washburn had resided in Texas 38 years.
Surviving are six sons, R. I. Washburn, Brownsboro; C. A. and F. H.
Washburn, both of Corsicana; D. W. Washburn, Dallas; Julius
Washburn, Texarkana, Miles Washburn, Houston; four daughters, Mrs.
H. B. Bentley and Mrs. J. D. Burkholder, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Ed
Loftland, Brownsboro, and Mrs. J. V. Heflin, Athens; 38
grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, one brother, Hosey Price,
Cullman, Ala.; a sister Mrs. Conn Hays, Warrior, Ala., other
Pallbearers will be J. E. Taylor, W. L. Stewart, M. O. Patterson, D.
Y. Myers, Ed Aston and James Kline.
Robert E. Lee Wilson, Sr.
Nov 22, 1880 - Oct 26, 1958
Robert Wilson Rites Monday
Robert E. L. Wilson, Sr., 78, formerly of Corsicana, retired
restaurant owner-operator, died at his home in Gladewater Saturday
night following a long illness .
Funeral services were held from the Gladewater First Methodist
church, of which he was a member, Monday morning, with graveside
rites in Oakwood Cemetery here at 2:30 p.m. Monday. The rites were
conducted by his pastor, Rev. Joe Strother.
Wilson was a Spanish-American War veteran, fought in the Boxer
Rebellion and served as an Army Captain in World War 1.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Luna Wilson, Gladewater; two sons, R.
E. L. (Robert) Wilson, Jr., Beaumont, former Corsicana High and SMU
famous football player, now an oil company executive, and Henry J.
Wilson, Odessa; two daughters, Mrs. T. C. Sheppard, Gladewater, and
Mrs. Howard Fory, Big Sandy; a sister, Mrs. Richards Newsome,
Houston; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren and other
McCammon directed here.
Leona (Cavender) Wilson
Aug 17, 1913 - Dec 15, 1962
Hold Services For Mrs. Wilson
Final rites for Mrs. Joe Wilson, Jr., of San Antonio, who was killed
in an automobile accident near Amarillo Saturday, were held at
Corley Chapel Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. with burial in the
Oakwood Cemetery. Conducting the service was C. B. Holcomb, minister of the
Fifth Avenue Church of Christ, Mrs. Wilson was the former Miss Leona Cavender of Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Dr. Ray Reed, G. C. Pittman, H. L. Roberts, S. L.
Dublin, L. C. Cook, Lester Adkins, Alton Justiss and Ray Brown.
Surviving are the husband, Joe Wilson, Jr., and daughter, Joann
Wilson, both of San Antonio and both of whom were injured in the
accident; mother, Mrs. W. A. Cavender, Corsicana; a brother, J. T.
Cavender, Corsicana; two sisters, Miss Anna Belle Cavender,
Corsicana, and Mrs. Fred V. Lafayette, Conroe, and other relatives.
Guy Mathis Wood
Mar 23, 1898 - Aug 22, 1957
Guy Wood Rites Are Held Friday
Final rites were held Friday afternoon for Guy Wood, 59, route 5,
Corsicana, who died in Memorial Hospital Thursday after an illness
of several weeks.
Services were held from the Griffin funeral home chapel, with Rev.
S. E. Hopkins of Athens officiating. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Wood was a longtime resident of Corsicana, though he was born in
Georgia. He was an oil field driller and machinist.
Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Jane DeLand of Havana,
Cuba; and two granddaughters, Michelle and Lisa DeLand, also of
Pallbearers were Reuben Tucker, B. Shipp, L. S. Keen, Ed Howell, Lee
Holsey and Johnny Towns.
Pearl Josephine (Green) Wood
Sep 12, 1903 - Jun 14, 1977
Mrs. Wood
Services are to be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Griffin Funeral Chapel
for Mrs. Pearl Wood, 72, resident of Hester, who died Tuesday at
Leisure Lodge Nursing Home. Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Survivors include a brother, Clyde Green of Ennis; two
granddaughters, Miss Lisa DeLand of Washington, D. C., and Miss
Michelle DeLand of Edmonton Canada; and a niece, Mrs. Jimmy Williams
of Richardson.
Mrs. Wood
Services are to be held today at 2 p.m. at the Griffin Funeral
Chapel for Mrs. Pearl Wood, 72, resident of Hester, who died Tuesday
at Leisure Lodge Nursing Home. Burial will be at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Rev. Harold Burns and Rev. S. E. Hopkins will officiate.
Pallbearers will be Fred Rasmussen, David Ralston, Tom Wheeler, Rob
Dunn, Vernon Morris, Lee Holsey Jr., L. S. Keen and Joe Payne.
William Bartlett Smith

Nov 14, 1903 - Mar 26, 1973
W. B. Smith
Funeral services are set for 10:30 Wednesday at Settegast-Kopf
Chapel, Houston, for William Bartlett Smith, 69, a native of Rice,
who died Monday at his home in Houston, Dr. Kenneth Chafin will
Graveside services and burial will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday at
Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana with Rev. R. J. Potts, officiated.
Smith was a resident of Rice from his birth to 1930, when he moved
to Houston. He was a member of South Main Baptist Church, Masonic
Temple Lodge No. 4 AF and AM, and Arabia Temple Shrine. He was a
past president of the Petroleum Account Society.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Velma Smith of Houston; two sons,
Bill J. Smith of Kansas City, Kan. and Charles R. Smith of Houston;
two sisters, Mrs. B. F. Easterling, Corsicana, and Mrs. Alfred
Shelton of Rice; one brother, Hugh Smith of Cleburne; and four
Local arrangements are with Corley Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Tuesday, Mar 27, 1973
- h/o Velma Euleta (Holloway) Smith married Oct 19, 1924; s/o
Walter Raleigh Smith & Adelaide Laura "Addie" (Bartlett) Smith
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Emory Houston Tekell

Oct 17, 1873 - Dec 19, 1957
E. H. Tekell, 84, Dies Thursday; Rites Saturday
E. H. Tekell, 84, retired farmer, 1100 North Beaton street, died in the Navarro Clinic Thursday night four hours after suffering a stroke at his home.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Saturday at 10 a.m. with burial in Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites will be conducted
by Rev. J. F. Adams, Methodist minister, assisted by Rev. M. Howard Know, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church of which Tekell
had been a long time member.
A native of Alabama, he resided in the Mertens area until 29 years ago when he moved to Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, to whom he was married more than 63 years, Corsicana; three sons, M. A. Tekell and J. S. Tekell, both of
Corsicana, and Rufus R. Tekell, Cleburne; two daughters, Mrs. M. M. Miller, Albany, and Mrs. Lois Kemp, Corsicana; two brothers, Z. C.
Tekell, Dallas, and L. B. Tekell, Wichita Falls; two sisters, Mrs. Henda Taylor and Mrs. Jim Stewart, both of Corsicana; 13
grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Friday, Dec 20, 1957
- h/o Rena Icie "Rennie" (Langston) Tekell married Jun. 05, 1894 in
Blooming Grove; s/o Joshua Starr Tekell & Carolina (Nolan) Tekell
- Submitted By
Diane Richards
Mattie Sue (Lowe) Vandiver
Jan 25, 1885 - Apr 02, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. A. S. Vandiver, aged 60 years, who was
found dead Monday morning at her home, 1400 West Sixth avenue will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Home
chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood
Cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. J. I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist
Surviving are a son, Talmadge Vandiver, Burleson; a grandson, Joel
Haden Vandiver, Burleson; a brother, D. R. Lowe, Sour Lake; and two
sisters, Mrs. J. M. Chambliss and Mrs. J. W. Little, both of
Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Hubert Wooley, Earl Smith, D. Poindexter, P. B.
Davis, Hugh Stewart, R. H. Lee, A. J. Hargraves and W. C. Ralston.
Mrs. A. S. Vandiver, long-time Corsicana resident, was found dead in
bed at her home, 1400 West Sixth Avenue, early Monday morning.
Natural causes were ascribed as the cause of death.
Funeral arrangements had not been perfected early Monday afternoon
pending the arrival of relatives.
Surviving are a son, Talmadge Vandiver, Joshua; a grandson, Joel
Haden Vandiver, Joshua; a brother and two sisters.
Corley Funeral Home is in charge.
Funeral services for Mrs. A. S. Vandiver, aged 60 years, who was
found dead Monday morning at her home, 1400 West Sixth avenue
will be held Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Corley
Funeral Home chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. J. I. Cartlidge, pastor of the
First Baptist church.
Surviving are a son, Talmadge Vandiver, Burleson; a grandson,
Joel Haden Vandiver, Burleson; a brother, D. R. Lowe, Sour Lake
and two sisters, Mrs. J. M. Chambliss and Mrs. J. W. Little,
both of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Hubert Wooley, Earl Smith, D. Poindexter, P.
B. Davis, Hugh Stewart, R. H. Lee, A. J. Hargraves and W. C.
Ashford Stark Vandiver
Jan 1, 1877 - Jun 27, 1944
Funeral Services Thursday Afternoon For A. S. Vandiver
Funeral services for A. S. Vandiver, age 67 years, who died suddenly
Tuesday afternoon, were held Thursday afternoon at 4:30 from the
Corley Chapel. Revs. A. A. Peacock and J. I. Cartlidge conducted the
rites. Burial was in Oakwood
Surviving are his wife, a son, a brother, a sister, a grandson, and
other relatives.
A. S. Vandiver, age
67 years, died
suddenly here
Tuesday afternoon.
Funeral services
will be held on
Thursday afternoon
at 4:30 from the
Corley Chapel with
Rev. A. A. Peacock,
assisted by Rev. J.
I. Cartlidge
conducting the
rites. Burial will
be in Oakwood
A resident of
Corsicana for 42
years he was active
in business and
civic circles. He
had been engaged in
the barber business
at the present
location on North
Beaton Street for
the past 55 years.
He was a member of
the Odd Fellows and
Woodmen of the
Surviving are his
wife, Corsicana; a
son, Talmadge
Vandiver, Burleson;
a brother, O. H.
Vandiver, Venus; a
sister, Mrs. Betty
Tye, Mt. Calm; a
grandson, Joel Haden
Vandiver; Burleson
and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be
J. E. Metcalf, Sr.,
W. C. Ralston, John
H. Brown, Hugh
Stewart, Kelly
McKeown, Bob Mills,
E. C. Bowen and Jack
Funeral Services
Thursday Afternoon
For A. S. Vandiver
Funeral services for
A. S. Vandiver, age
67 years, who died
suddenly Tuesday
afternoon, were held
Thursday afternoon
at 4:30 from the
Corley Chapel. Revs.
A. A. Peacock and J.
I. Cartlidge
conducted the rites.
Burial was in
Surviving are his
wife, a son, a
brother, a sister, a
grandson, and other
Annie Lee (Langston) Vandiver
Apr 8, 1873 - Jun 2, 1960
Mrs. Vandiver Dies Wednesday
BLOOMING GROVE, June 2 - (Spl) - Mrs. Annie Vandiver, 85, native of
Blooming Grove, died in Abilene Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held from the Central Baptist church Friday
at 3:30 p.m. with burial in Oakwood
Cemetery in Corsicana.
Surviving are two sons, John and Roy Vandiver; two daughters, Mrs.
Kate Whittenken and Mrs. Harvey Ashton, all of Abilene; two sisters,
Mrs. Houston Tekell, Corsicana, and Mrs. G. C. Ramsey, Terrell; and
a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other relatives.
McCormick Funeral Service will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Thursday, Jun 2, 1960
- d/o Robert Alexander Langston & Mary Catherine (Williams) Langston
buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Blooming Grove, TX
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Ransom Samuel Vandiver

May 02, 1873 - Jul 14, 1929
Funeral services for Ransom Samuel Vandiver, 56, former resident of
Corsicana and well-known salesman, who died suddenly in Dallas
Sunday morning at 4 o'clock will be held from the residence of J. S.
Roderick, 1037 West Second avenue, Monday afternoon at five o'clock
with interment in Oakwood Cemetery. Mr. Vandiver had been in ill
health for some time but his condition was not considered serious.
Surviving are his wife, one son, Rufus Vandiver, both of Dallas; and other relatives.
The funeral will be conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the First Christian church.
Mr. Vandiver was a native of Navarro county and was born May 2, 1873 at Blooming Grove.
Pallbearers will be Chester Rowe, Kerens; Dr. Kit Rowe, Kerens; Mr. Coates, Kerens; Roland Puryear, Jester Pittman and Harrison Fendley,
all of Corsicana; E. L. Smith, Mexia, and Bruce McCormick, Blooming Grove.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral home.
Funeral services for R. S. Vandiver, 56, of Dallas, native of
Navarro county and former resident of Corsicana, who died suddenly
Sunday morning in Dallas, were held from the residence of J. S.
Roderick, 1037 West Second avenue Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock with
burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the First
Christian church.
Surviving are his wife and one son, Rufus Vandiver, Dallas, and
other relatives.
The funeral was directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Sudie (Kelly) Sears
Mar 28, 1891 - Aug 18, 1959
Mrs. E. C. Sears Services Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Sudie Kelly Sears, 68, who died at the
family home, 716 South Fifteenth street, Tuesday, were held at 2
p.m. Wednesday from the McCammon Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by C. W. Rich, education director, First
Baptist church, of which she was a long-time member, and Rev. Donald
Pike, Methodist minister.
A native Texan, Mrs. Sears had resided in Corsicana many years.
Mrs. Sears apparently died of a heart attack Tuesday morning. Her
body was discovered by her husband, E. C. Sears, when he returned
home for lunch from his office at the Corsicana Cotton Mills.
Surviving are her husband, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. J. A. King
and Mrs. Robert W. Beddow, both of Dallas; a brother, H. W. Kelly,
Denton, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Otto Smith, Bill Turner, Pete Hook, Morris Pike,
Don Todd, Merle Williamson, Louis Todd, Wayne Kelly and Bruce Hook.
Bicknell/Beckwell Sherrill
Nov 2, 1912 - Jun 03, 1953
Friday Rites For Ted B. Sherrill
Funeral services will be held here Friday at 10 a. m. for Ted B.
Sherrill, 40, who died Wednesday at Memorial Hospital following an
illness of 18 days.
Rites will be held from St. John's Episcopal church, with the
rector, James Joseph, officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Sherrill was a native of Teague and was educated at the University
of Texas. He had been a salesman here for the past eight years.
He was a member of the Corsicana Dads Club and was active in boys
work and in connection with athletic programs at the Corsicana
He is survived by his wife; two sons, Ted B. Sherrill 111, and
Michael; a daughter, Sandra Lee, all of Corsicana; and grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stegall, Austin.
Pallbearer will be Silas Fry, Ed Polk, Bill Hay, Stuart Beebe, Willy
Watson, Clint Paschall, J. F. Adams, Bobby Butler, Elliott Middleton
and A. J. Dooley.
Corley will direct.
Eula Lousia (Calvin) Sloan
Aug 15, 1863 - Jan 16, 1946
Funeral services for Mrs. Eula L. Sloan, aged 81 years, long-time
resident, of Corsicana, who died at the Corsicana Hospital and
Clinic Wednesday afternoon, were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of the First
Christian church.
Surviving are four sons, Carl and Clint Sloan, both of Corsicana; W.
V. Sloan, Three Rivers, and A. N. Sloan, Waelder; two daughters,
Mrs. Harry Quaid, Houston, and Mrs. Lela Hurley, Dallas; a number of
grandchildren and great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Wheeler,
Kennydale and Mrs. Mollie Sloan, Pilot Point, and other relatives.
Mrs. Eula Sloan, aged 81 years, long-time resident of Corsicana, 711
West Tenth avenue, died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic
Wednesday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of the First
Christian church.
Surviving are four sons, Carl and Clint Sloan, both of Corsicana; W.
V. Sloan, Three Rivers, and A. N. Sloan, Waelder; two daughters,
Mrs. Harry Quaid, Houston, and Mrs. Lela Hurley, Dallas; a number of
grandchildren and great-grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Laura
Wheeler, Kennydale and Mrs. Mollie Sloan, Pilot Point, and other
Thomas Larkin Sloan
Jan 9, 1856 - Jan 1, 1935
The lifeless body of Thomas L. Sloan, 78, was discovered at his
residence in the northeastern section of Corsicana about 7 o'clock
Tuesday night. The funeral will be held from the chapel of the
Corley Funeral Home sometime Thursday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
Jack Floyd, deputy sheriff, who answered the call, reported that
Sloan had been ill for some time with a heart ailment. The officer
said the victim apparently was stricken with a heart attack and fell
across the hot stove, sustaining severe burns to the face, arm and
body. Sloan was alone at the time of his death, relatives having
left shortly after noon. It was stated that his death apparently
occurred early in the afternoon s the stove was cool when he was
Mr. Sloan had resided in Corsicana for about 20 years.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, A. E. Sloan, Port Neches; A. N.
Sloan, Weldon, Texas; Carl L. and Clint R. Sloan, somewhere in
Texas; and W. V. Sloan, Callahan; two daughters, Sue Sloan,
Corsicana, and Mrs. Lila Hurley, Dallas; and several grandchildren.
The funeral rites will be conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of
the First Methodist church.
Funeral services for Thomas L. Sloan, 78, resident of
Corsicana for 20 years who died with a heart attack
Tuesday afternoon at his residence in the
northeastern section of Corsicana, were held on
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the chapel of
the Corley Funeral Home with
burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams, pastor of
the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Sloan apparently died with a heart attack early in the
afternoon and fell on a hot stove. His lifeless body was
discovered badly burned, early Tuesday night and
officers said he apparently had been dead for some time
when found. He was alone at the time.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, A. E. Sloan, Port
Neches; A. N. Sloan, Weldon; Carl L. Sloan and Clint R.
Sloan, somewhere in Texas; and W. V. Sloan, Callahan;
two daughters, Sue Sloan, Corsicana and Mrs. Lila Hurley, Dallas; and several
Hugh Grady Sloan
Jan 29, 1896 - Jan 28, 1962
Hugh G. Sloan Dies Sunday Rites Monday
Funeral services for Hugh G. Sloan, who died Sunday in the Navarro
Clinic, were held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Griffin chapel.
Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Officiating were Rev. Sam Hulsey, rector, St. John's Episcopal
church, and Rev. Floyd A. Boulware, pastor, First Methodist church.
A native of Navarro county, Mr. Sloan was a long-time Corsicana
Surviving are his widow of Corsicana; one brother, Ben Sloan,
Corsicana; one sister, Mrs. T. L. Everett, Corsicana; three nieces,
Mrs. W. G. Albers, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Roy Neese, Chanute, Ill.,
and Miss Jan Sloan, Dallas, and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers were Paul Sloan, H. T. Sparks, Frank Caldwell, Dick
Wylie, Jack Cunningham, John Sly, Allen Jamison, Alton Thomason,
Bryan Sloan and Robert Jones.
Henry Elmer Redden
Mar 13, 1902 - Sep 23, 1974
Henry Redden
Funeral services are pending at Griffin Funeral Home for Henry
Redden, 72, resident of 1614 N. 25th St., who died Monday morning at
Memorial Hospital. He was a retired postman and member of the
Westside Church of Christ.
Claud Parrish, Church of Christ minister, will officiate and burial
will be at Oakwood Cemetery.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Hazel Redden of Corsicana; four
daughters, Mrs. Julia Tipton of Corsicana, Mrs. Jerry Ross of
Corsicana, Mrs. Eileen Stone of Singapore, and Rita Currington of
Corsicana; eight grandchildren, three great grandchildren, three
sisters, Mrs. R. L. Arnold and Mrs. John Slater both of Dallas, and
Mrs. Troy Wilson of Louisiana.
Henry Redden
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Griffin Funeral Home Chapel for Henry Redden, 72, resident of 1614 N. 25th
St., who died Monday at Memorial Hospital.
Claud Parrish, Church of Christ minister, was to officiate with
burial in the Oakwood Cemetery.
He was a member of the IOOF Lodge in Corsicana.
Survivors include a widow, four daughters, eight grandchildren,
three great-grandchildren, and three sisters.
Pallbearers include Noah Wright, Howard Borg, C. O. Floyd, Dr. Jim
Curington, E. A. Campbell and O. L. Slaughter.
Gulick Robinson, Sr.

Oct 1, 1892 - Oct 10, 1940
Gulick Robinson, Sr., aged 48 years, native of Navarro county, 304
West Second avenue, died at the P. and S. Hospital Thursday
afternoon following a nine-days illness. He became ill while at work
at the Miles Furniture Company Store No. 2. Mr. Robinson had been
connected with Miles for the past 11 years.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
First Baptist church with the rites conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller,
pastor. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ermel Charles, Bill Starnes, Horace Hays, Ray
Moore, Jim Woodard, A. C. Cox, S. J. Miles, Sr., and Basil Coe.
Both Miles stores closed at 1 p.m. Friday for the remainder of the
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nettle Robinson, of Corsicana; three sons, Charlie Robinson, Midland; Murray Robinson, Palestine, and
Gulick Robinson, Jr., Hillsboro Junior College student and football player; a grandson, and a brother, J. P. Robinson, Corsicana, and
other relatives.
Capt. Gulick Robinson,

Sep 6, 1920 - Oct 28, 1944
Capt. G. Robinson Killed In Action His Wife Informed
Capt. Gulick Robinson, 23, has been killed in action over enemy territory, according to information received by his wife in
Hillsboro Friday from the was department. He had been missing over France since Aug. 2. Pilot of a P-47 Thunderbolt fighter plane in
England, the former Corsicana High School and Hillsboro Junior College football star had completed 75 missions. Surviving are his
wife, Nancy Dennis Robinson, Hillsboro; mother, Mrs. Nettie Sutton, Paris; two brothers, Fireman 2-C Murray Robinson, U. S. Navy,
Pacific area, and Charles Robinson, government employee at Midland; an aunt, Mrs. Virgil Williamson, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Capt. Robinson spent a year in Panama area before going overseas in January, 1944. He had been a member of the Baptist church here since

Funeral services for Capt. Gulick Robinson, Jr., 23, killed in
action over France in 1944, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First
Baptist church. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. E. T. Miller, assisted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the church.
The body arrived in Corsicana Wednesday morning and was taken to the home of an aunt, Mrs. Virgil Williamson,
2112 West Fifth avenue,
where it will remain
until the funeral hour.
Capt. Robinson
volunteered in the U. S.
Army Air Forces Nov. 10,
1941, and following a
tour of duty in the
Panama Canal Zone, was
transferred to the
European Theatre, March
1, 1944.
He was a pilot of a P-37
Thunderbolt fighter
plane and had 75
missions to his credit
when he was reported
missing in action over
France, August 2, 1944.
Capt. Robinson was a
star football player in
Corsicana High School
and Hillsboro Junior
College. The
Distinguished Flying
Cross, the Purple Heart
and Victory Medal awards
were presented his
mother posthumously for
achievement in aerial
flight at a ceremony in
Dallas last April.
Surviving are his
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Sutton, Mexia;
two brothers, Murray
Robinson, Mexia, and
Charlie Robinson,
Midland and other
The American Legion and
Texas National Guard
will conduct the
graveside military
Griffin Funeral Home
will direct.
Susan Elizabeth “Susie” (Clayton) Robinson
Dec 30, 1890 - Oct 06, 1940
Funeral services for Mrs. Wiley D. Robinson, aged 50 years, who died
early Monday morning at the family home, 1426 West Collin St., were
held from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel Tuesday morning at 10:30
o'clock. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites were conducted by
Rev. C. Duke Payne, pastor of the First Christian church.
A native of Chatfield, Mrs. Robinson had resided here since early
Surviving are her husband, a son, Wiley D. Robinson, Jr., a
daughter, Mrs. W. S. Guthrie; a grandson, mother, Mrs. H. H.
Clayton; three brothers, W. F. Clayton and N. H. Clayton, all of
Corsicana, and Joe A. Clayton, Oklahoma and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. N. Garitty, Jimmie Lorimer, A. B. Douglass, Dude
Ransom, Thomas Curtis, J. D. Redden and Tom Pinkston.
Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
Mrs. Wiley D. Robinson, aged 50 years, died shortly after midnight
Monday morning at the family home, 1426 West Collin Street.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock from
the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. C. Duke Payne, pastor of the First Christian
A native of Chatfield, Mrs. Robinson had resided in Corsicana since
early childhood.
Surviving are her husband, a son, Wiley D. Robinson, Jr., a
daughter, Mrs. W. S. Guthrie, a grandson, Mother, Mrs. J. H.
Clayton, all of Corsicana, and three brothers, W. F. Clayton and N.
H. Clayton, both of Corsicana and Joe A. Clayton, Oklahoma, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be J. N. Garitty, Jimmie Lormier, A. B. Douglass,
Dude Ransom, Thomas Curtis and J. D. Redden.
Honorary pallbearers will be friends of the family.
William “Will” Robinson
Apr 21, 1870 - May 28, 1930
William Robinson, aged 60, native of England, but resident of the
Tupelo community for practically all of his life, died at his home
Wednesday morning at 1:30 o'clock and the funeral will be held from
St. John's Episcopal church Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with
interment in Oakwood Cemetery. The funeral will be conducted by Rev.
H. J. Ellis, rector of St. John's church.
Surviving are his wife, seven sons Richard Robinson, Waco; John
George, William, Jr., Ruben, Joe and Alexander Robinson, all of the
Tupelo community; and four daughters, Mrs. C. F. Mirus, Corsicana;
and Miss Hallie, Mona and Lisle Robinson, all of Tupelo.
Active pallbearers will be E. M. Palmer, C. S. Woods, Col. C. A.
Davis, E. C. Lee, N. F. Garrett, Herbert Hervey, P. D. Williams,
Clark Butler, Westbrook Jones and Henry Levi.
Honorary pallbearers will be friends of Mr. Robinson.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Funeral services for William Robinson, aged 60 years, native of
England, but resident of the Tupelo community for about 40 years,
who died at his home Wednesday morning at 1:30 o'clock, were held
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from St. John's Episcopal church
with interment in Oakwood
cemetery. The services were
conducted by Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of the church. Mr. Robinson
was a wealthy land owner in the Tupelo community.
Surviving are his wife, seven sons, Richard Robinson, Waco; John,
George, William, Jr., Ruben, Joe and Alexander Robinson, all of the
Tupelo community and four daughters, Mrs. C. F. Mirus, Corsicana,
and Misses Hallie, Mona and Lisle Robinson, all of Tupelo.
Pallbearers were E. M. Palmer, C. S. Woods, Col. C. A. Davis, E. C.
Lee, N. F. Garrett, Herbert Hervey, P. D. Williams, Clark Butler,
Westbrook Jones and Henry Levy.
Friends were honorary pallbearers.
The funeral was directed by the Corley-McMahon Funeral Home.
Jane (Garrison) Robinson
Jul 9, 1880 - Mar 11, 1947
Funeral services for Mrs. Jane Robinson, aged 66 years, who died at
the Navarro Clinic Tuesday night, were held Thursday afternoon from
St. John's Episcopal church with interment in Oakwood Cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Q. Kernaugh, rector of the
church. Mrs. Robinson was a member of St. John's church. She had
lived in The Tupelo community since childhood. Sons were
Mrs. Robinson was the wife of the late William Robinson, who died
April 23, 1930. The couple was married Dec. 30, 1900.
Surviving are seven sons, Richard Robinson, Quanah; John George,
William Ruben, Joe R., and Alex Sloan Robinson, all of Corsicana;
four daughters, Mrs. Carl F. Mirus, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. G. C.
Summitt, Mrs. A. S. Mitchell and Mrs. A. F. Lockhart, all of
Corsicana a brother James W. Garrison, Corsicana; 14 grandchildren,
and a number of nieces and nephews and other relatives.
Griffin Funeral Home directed.
Mrs. Jane Robinson, aged 64 years died at the Navarro Clinic Tuesday
night at 8:35 o'clock. She was the widow of the late William
Robinson, who died April 23, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were
married Dec. 30, 1900.
Survivors are seven sons, Richard Robinson, Quanah; John Robinson,
Corsicana; George Robinson, Corsicana; William Robinson, Corsicana;
Ruben Robinson, Corsicana; Joe B. Robinson, Corsicana, and Alex
Sloan Robinson, Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Carl F. Mirus, New
Orleans, La.; Mrs. G. C. Summitt, Mrs. A. S. Mitchell and Mrs. A. F.
Lockhart, all of Corsicana; a brother James W. Garrison, Corsicana;
14 grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews and other
A member of St. John's Episcopal church, Mrs. Robinson had lived in
the Tupelo community since childhood.
Funeral services will be held from St. John's Episcopal church
Thursday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Robert Q. Kennaugh, rector, in charge.
Sons will be pallbearers. Interment will be in Oakwood
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
William Hugh Brazilia Orrell
Nov 29, 1866 - Dec 09, 1930
Wm. B. Orrell, aged 64, years, died at his home, 1048 North Beaton
street, Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock after an illness of two
months with typhoid fever, and the funeral was held Friday afternoon
at 4 o'clock from the family home with interment in Oakwood Cemetery. He had been in the transfer business for several years.
Mr. Orrell was a native of Lee county, Texas, and had been in
Corsicana 13 years. He was well-known in political circles, and
served as precinct chairman of the Zion's Rest box for the
democratic party seven or eight years.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. T. S. Patrick,
Corsicana, and Mrs. S. G. Ward, Houston; one son, Weldon Orrell,
Corsicana; five grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. L. V. Carney,
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the
First Christian church.
He was a member of the Corsicana lodge No. 63, I. O. O. F., and
active pallbearers were members of the order. The local Odd Fellows
had charge of the services at the grave.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Hattie Virginia (Edwards) Orrell
Jul 01, 1870 - Oct 23, 1931
Funeral services for Mrs. Hattie Orrell, aged 61 years, who died at
the family residence, 1032 North Beaton street, Friday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock following a short illness, were held from the family
home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in Oakwood Cemetery. She was the widow of the late W. B. Orrell. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the First
Christian church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. T. S. Patrick, Corsicana, and Mrs.
S. G. Ward, Tyler; a son, Weldon Orrell, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs.
Nettie McMahon, Georgewest, Texas; and a sister-in-law, Mrs. L. V.
Carney, Jacksonville.
Active pallbearers were Spencer Elliott, H. E. Redden, W. T. Parker,
J. I. Ellett, B. J. Acock, H. S. Ellis, Gus Young and C. T. Gray.
Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Mrs. Hattie Orrell, aged 81 years, died at the family residence on
North Beaton street, Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock following an
illness of several days, and the funeral services will be held from
the family home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
She was the widow of the late W. B. Orrell.. the services will be
conducted by Rev. Tom Lenox, pastor of the First Christian church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. T. S. Patrick, Corsicana, and Mrs.
S. G. Ward, Tyler; a son, Weldon Orrell, Corsicana; and a sister,
Mrs. Nettie McMahon, Georgewest, Texas.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Gertrude Orrell
Dec 09, 1891 - Jan 12, 1919
Death of Miss Gertrude Orrell Is Deeply Regretted
The board of school trustees of the city of Corsicana desires to
express its profound sorrow and its deep sense of loss in the death
of Miss Gertrude Orrell, and to extend its sincerest sympathy and
condolence to her family and friends.
Miss Orrell was one of our most efficient and highly esteemed
teachers, and one whose loss can not be easily replaced.
She was thoroughly competent, faithful, earnest, and devoted to her
work. She possessed the esteem and good will of her fellow teachers,
of the principal, and the superintendent in an unusual degree, as
well as the cordial loyalty and affection of her pupils, to whose
welfare she had concrecrated her time and talents.
She has won and will hold a place in our memory and regard and with
her other friends and with her relatives we mourn her loss, and
pause to drop this flower, with a tear, upon her untimely grave.
J. D. Jackson, President.
J. M. Hoskins, Secretary.
In Memory of Miss Orrell
Our dearest teacher is dead,
And yet her sun-shiny head
Is over now before our eyes;
In fancy we can see her still
Standing by the window sill,
And yet, in the grave she lies.
We look into the room,
Thinking we may see her form;
It is not there for she is gone,
The rosy cheeks, her glisting hair;
They are not there—
Our Teacher is gone.
We listen for her lips
The sweetest words to lisp
But we listen all in vain;
The kind words so sweet,
She never will repeat,
No, she will never speak again.
We Turn to see her face—
An empty chair in place;
No more is she there.
The loved ones so fair
How can we bear
It all alone?
Our beloved one is now in her grave
Angels watch over her,
God will take care of what he gave.
We will not despair,
For we will see her,
When we meet her over there.
Oh, when we meet her,
Oh, when we greet her,
In the land that knows no pain;
When we see her holy face,
Uplift to us in sweetest grace
Never more we’ll part again.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun -
Saturday, Jan 18, 1919
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Young Lady Teacher Dead
Miss Gertrude Orrell, for the past four years a teacher in the
Collin Street school, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Orrell, died at
the family home, 417 West Collin Street at 11 o'clock yesterday
morning of influenza and pneumonia, and the funeral took place at
3:30 this afternoon from the First Christian church, Rev. J. W.
Stephens officiating. The pall-bearers were: Honorary, T. J.
Worthingson, J. D. Ambrose, J. D. Jackson, E. M. Polk, J. M.
Hoskins, Orville Inabsit, and J. E. Blair; active, P. E. Allen, H.
K. Rutherford, Roy Thompson, M. L. Hayes, Lloyd Kerr and Harvey
Walker. The funeral was largely attended and there were many
beautiful flowers, and the Collin Street School was closed all day
in respect to the memory of the deceased. The deceased had endeared
herself to a large circle of friends here and her death is a source
of much bereavement in the community.
Pupils Speak Words of Praise for Their Departed Teacher
The following “In Memory of Miss Gertrude Orrell,” prepared by those
calling themselves “Her Girls,” is so deeply sincere and speaks so
plainly of deep affection that it can not fail to touch the hearts
of all who read it:
It has been our privilege for the past four years to be closely
associated with Miss Gertrude Orrell, our beloved school teacher,
whom death claimed Sunday morning, January 12, 1919.
She held the position as a school teacher at the Robert E. Lee
school, Corsicana, Texas, for four years.
During all this time she was ever loyal to her friends, loyal to
those with whom she came in contact, loyal to the duties incumbent
upon her as a teacher. At all times she thought of the welfare and
comfort of those about her rather than self.
By her unselfish interest in us, by her conduct as a gentlewoman
that she was, by her labors of love, by her sweet companionship she
drew us each and all to her and bound our hearts to hers with cords
of love that death itself cannot sever.
By her going away we feel that we have lost a true friend. In the
old accustomed places we miss her more than we knew we could. There
is a vacant place in our school that can never be filled.
But while to us her death was a great loss, to her it was eternal
gain. Hers was a steadfast faith that trusted ever in and relied
upon her Heavenly Father even amidst her darkest trials and
hardships. Such a faith can but receive its reward.
Her labors are ended, her cares and toils are over. No longer is she
harassed by the sorrows and trials that confronted her here. When we
think of this we can be thankful and rejoice that her journey is
over and she has safely embarked in the haven of rest. But still in
our human weakness we do sorrow for her and feel an unspeakable
loneliness without her.
We are glad that we were permitted to be her pupils, and to love her
for her real worth and merits, and feel that her life has been a
blessing to us—and our regret is that we never did half as much for
her as we should.
To her mother and father and her loved ones we extend our sincerest
Of the High Seventh Grade.
Virginia Louisa “Virgie” (Orrell) Patrick
Oct 16, 1894 - Oct 24, 1969
Mrs. Patrick Dies Friday
Mrs. Virgie Orrell Patrick, a native of Giddings, died here in
Mel-Haven Rest Home Friday. Funeral services will be held at Griffin
Funeral Home Chapel Sunday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Robert J. Potts
officiating. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, Tim. S. Patrick; three sons, Orell of
Houston, T. W. of Midland and Tim Jr. of Schulenburg; two daughters,
Mrs. Gertrude Boyd of San Antonio and Mrs. Betty Nichols of Corpus
Christi; a sister, Billie Ward of Mexia; and 10 grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Lee Patrick, Tommy Patrick, Mike Patrick, Tim
Patrick III, Paul Moore, Dr. Dan Hamil, John Wheelock and Maurice
John Sanford “Sam” Millerman
Apr 1, 1878 - Mar 30, 1961
Sam Millerman, 81, retired estate operator, active member of First
Baptist church here for years, died in Lubbock Thursday.
Funeral services were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the new chapel of
the First Baptist church with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Wooddy, pastor.
Millerman was a trustee of this church for many years before moving
to West Texas a number of years ago, and served as a deacon.
Surviving are a brother, J. A. Millerman, Abilene; two nephews, Bob
Hodges, Lubbock, and Morey Millerman, Lubbock, and other relatives.
Pallbearer were M. Blair Autry, Currie Butler, J. R. Howell, Aaron
Buie, Clark Butler and Harry Auld.
McCammon directed.
John Harlan Millerman
Jan 26, 1851 - May 04, 1935
John H. Millerman, aged 84
died at
at 2
and the
will be
from the
Oakwood Cemetery.
will be
by Rev.
E. T.
of the
sons, J.
J. A.
and Ed
Mrs. D.
and four
Mrs. J.
Mrs. R.
L. Cobb
and Mrs.
J. W.
both of
will be
John C.
C. A.
O. L.
C. C.
and Wade
of the
will be
Funeral services for John H. Millerman, aged 84 years, native of
Montgomery county, Texas, and long-time resident of Corsicana, who
died at his home, 1536 West Fourth avenue Saturday morning at 2
o'clock, were held from the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon at
3 o'clock with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites were conducted
by Rev. E. T. Miller, pastor of the church.
Surviving are three sons, J. S. Millerman, Corsicana; J. A.
Millerman, Abilene, and Ed Millerman, Lubbock; a daughter, Mrs. D.
W. Hodges, Corsicana; two grandsons, Morey Millerman, Abilene, and
Willie Hodges, Corsicana, and four sisters, Mrs. J. H. Jackson,
Fresno, Calif.; Mrs. Fannie Owen, Reagan; Mrs. R. L. Cobb and Mrs.
J. W. Williams, both of Marlin.
Pallbearers were Hood Cheney, John C. Calhoun, C. A. Middleton, O.
L. Albritton, C. C. Sands and Wade Smith.
Friends of the family were honorary pallbearers.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Monday, May 6, 1935
- h/o Sarah Elizabeth (Higgins) Millerman married Dec. 25, 1873 s/o J.
Sanford Millerman and Mary (Harlan) Millerman
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
for John
aged 84
who died
at his
at 2
from the
at 3
Oakwood Cemetery.
by Rev.
E. T.
of the
sons, J.
J. A.
and Ed
Mrs. D.
and four
Mrs. J.
Mrs. R.
L. Cobb
and Mrs.
J. W.
both of
John C.
C. A.
O. L.
C. C.
and Wade
of the
Sarah Elizabeth (Higgins) Millerman
Feb 16, 1855 - Mar 10, 1939
Funeral services for Mrs. J. H. Millerman, aged 84 years, who died
at her home on West Fourth avenue Friday afternoon, were held
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the chapel of the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. E. T. Miller, Pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Mrs. Millerman had resided in Corsicana for 40 years.
Surviving are four children, J. A. Miller, Abilene; J. S. Millerman,
Corsicana; Mrs. D. W. Hodges, Corsicana, and C. E. Millerman,
Lubbock; two grandsons and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. A. Middleton, W. Ray Coffey, Hood Chaney, J. W.
Jefferson, Will Taylor and C. C. Roberts.
Lillie Beth Murphy
Oct 01, 1952 - Dec 08, 1952
Murphy Infant
Lillie Beth Murphy, two months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Murphy of Corsicana, died in the Bradford Hospital, Dallas, Monday.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Tuesday at 3:30
p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites were conducted by
Rev. Bracey Bledsoe, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist church.
Surviving are parents, a sister, Helen Ann Murphy, and grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Murphy, all of Corsicana, and Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Moore, Waxahachie.
Robert Dudley Norvell,
Feb 13, 1923 - Sep 19, 1956
Two Die Instantly In Highway Crash
Two men were instantly killed, one body being burned almost beyond
recognition, on Highway 14 Wednesday night 11:30 p.m. when their
vehicles collided head-on 2.2 miles north of Wortham 300 yards
inside the Navarro county line, Marshall Couch, highway patrolman,
These two deaths are the twelfth and thirteenth traffic fatalities
in Navarro county this year and four within the past four days. Both
bodies were taken to the Burleson Chapel in Wortham.
Victims Identified.
Dead are Robert Norvell, 33 of Ennis, a native of Pursley, Navarro
county, and U. S. Air Force Pilot, and Fred Mollenhauer, 53, Dallas.
A Ford automobile driven by Norvell was traveling north while the
Dallas resident was driving southbound Safety Convoy Transport
hauling four new 1957 Ford model cars en route to a South Texas
The highway patrolman said that Mollenhauer's body was burned almost
beyond recognition, the flames bursting out soon after the
collision, it was indicated, destroying the transport and the four
new automobiles. The Norvell car was badly damaged, but was not
burned and stopped a short distance from the other vehicle.
Only Occupants.
Only the drivers were in the vehicles involved, it was stated.
Surviving Norvell are his wife, three sons, Robert Norvell, Jr.,
Ralph Talmadge Norvell and Bruce Dudley Norvell, all of Ennis;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Novell, Pursley; a brother, Ralph
Norvell, Jr., Baylor University official, Waco, and a sister, Miss
Margaret Jane Norvell, Pursley.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Friday at 4
p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The body of Mollenhauer was transferred from the Burleson Funeral
Home in Wortham to the Sparkman-Brand Chapel in Dallas early
Thursday morning. Norvell's body was brought to Corley's from
Burleson's Thursday morning.
Surviving Mollenhauer are his wife, Dallas; a son, a daughter and
other relatives.
Funeral arrangements for Mollenhauer were unknown here Thursday at
Friday Services For Two Victims Of Highway Crash
Funeral services for the two men killed in a car collision on
Highway14, near Wortham Wednesday night are being held Friday.
Fred C. Mollenhauer, 51, Dallas and Robert Norvell, 33, of Ennis,
native of Pursley, were the 12th and 13th traffic fatalities in
Navarro County for 1956.
Services for Norvell will be held from the Corley Chapel Friday at 4
p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Lamoin Champ, Educational Director,
First Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife and three sons, Robert, Jr., Ralph Talmadge
and Bruce Dudley Norvell, all of Ennis; parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
Norvell, Pursley; a brother R. N. Norvell, Jr., law professor,
Baylor University, Waco, and a sister, Margaret Jane Norvell,
Pallbearers will be Wm. R. Radford, Billy Coker, C. S. McClanahan,
Phil Sisney, Joe Johnston and Bill Coke.
Norvell was a U.S. Air Force pilot.
The transport driver's body was burned when the vehicle burst into
flames following the crash. Four 1957 Ford automobiles being
transported to a South Texas destination were badly damaged.
Norvell's car did not burn.
Funeral rites for Mollenhauer, deacon of the Ferguson Road Baptist
Church, were held from the Sparkman-Brand chapel Friday at 2:30 p.m.
with burial in the Restland Memorial Park in Dallas.
A native of Guadalupe, Victoria County, he had resided in Dallas
about 25 years.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Fred E. Mollenhauer; a daughter, Miss
Pamela Ann Mollenhauer, all of Dallas; mother, Mrs. Anna
Mollenhauer, Seguin; and three brothers, Louis, Charles and Henry
Mollenhauer, all of Houston.
Wallace Stewart Guthrie
Aug 24, 1893 - Jan 15, 1964
W. S. Guthrie Rites Thursday
Funeral rites were held Thursday at 3 p.m. for W. S. Guthrie, 70,
former oil operator and rancher who died in Navarro Clinic Wednesday
morning after a long illness.
Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery, following services from the McCammon
Chapel. Rev. Steve Massie, pastor of the First Christian Church,
Guthrie, a longtime Corsicana resident was a native of Elgin, Tenn.
He founded the Coffield-Guthrie Oil Company and managed the business
until it was sold several years ago to the Southwestern Hydocarbon
Company. Since that time he looked after his extensive ranching
interests and investments.
Guthrie was a pioneer in shallow oil field water flooding
operations, a method of secondary recovery of oil, in Navarro
county. He was a Mason and a director of the Independent Petroleum
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nelle May Robinson Guthrie, Corsicana;
two sons, Joe Guthrie, Corsicana, and Bert Guthrie, Corpus Christi;
three daughters, Mrs. John Luby, Dallas; Mrs. Sid Wilson, Tyler, and
Mrs. William Melrose, Ossining, N. Y.; 10 grandchildren; four
brothers, Bennett Guthrie, Forbus, Tenn., Willard Johnson, Houston;
Kirby Johnson, Jamestown, Tenn., and Fred Johnson, Forbus, Tenn.;
three sisters, Mrs. Edna G. Moody, Somerset, Ky.; Mrs. Pearl Sloan
and Mrs. Joe Cates both of Jamestown, Tenn., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were L. C. Cook, J. C. Roe, James Lorimer, L. E. Lewis,
W. G. Harlan, Jack Young, W. D. Wyatt, Phillip DeFranco and Rufus
Joseph William Hoffman Jr.

Mar 21, 1872 - Sep 23, 1947
Joseph William Hoffman, aged 74 years, 706 South Twentieth street,
died Tuesday evening at 11:45 o'clock. He was a retired employee of
the Magnolia Petroleum Company.
A native of Williamsport, Tenn., Hoffman came to Texas early in life
and resided at Midlothian prior to moving to Corsicana. He worked in
the construction of the first refinery here before the turn of the
century that later became the Magnolia refinery, and remained with
this company until his retirement about 10 years ago. Hoffman
suffered a stroke several weeks ago.
Surviving are his wife, six sons, John William Hoffman, Corsicana;
Christian Hoffman, Corsicana; Jodie Hoffman, Smithfield; Samuel
Hoffman, Corsicana; Robert Hoffman, Mulberry, Ark.; and Jack
Hoffman, Abilene; four daughters, Mrs. F. M. Gentry, Mulberry, Ark.;
Mrs. E. Z. Krizan, Amarillo; Mrs. W. A. Plunkett, Amarillo, and Mrs.
Carrie Brown, Waco; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Gross, Athens, and Mrs.
Kat King, Corsicana; twenty-four grandchildren, three
great-grandchildren and other relatives including several
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel
Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The rites will be conducted by Rev.
Maggart B. Howell, Methodist minister of Groesbeck, formerly of
Corsicana. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Funeral services for Joseph William Hoffman, aged 78 years, 706
South Twentieth street, who died Wednesday morning, will be held
from the Corley Funeral Chapel Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by
the Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church.
Native of Williamsport, Tenn., Hoffman resided at Midlothian before
moving to Corsicana. He worked on the construction of the Magnolia
Refinery here before the turn of the century and retired from
Magnolia Petroleum Company about 10 years ago.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; six sons, John William,
Christian and Samuel Hoffman, all of Corsicana; Jodie Hoffman, of
Smithville; Robert Hoffman, Mulberry, Ark., Mrs. E. Z. Krizan and
Mrs. W. A. Plunkett, both of Amarillo; and Mrs. Carrie Brown, Waco;
two sisters; 24 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and other
relatives including several step children.
Pallbearers will be Powell Willard, Dalton Thedford, Johnnie King,
Joe T. Bunch, H. O. Valentine, Whit King, Clarence Plunkett and Bob
Samella Jane “Sammie” (Dycus) Hoffman

Apr 8, 1881 - Mar 4, 1929
Mrs. Samella Hoffman, age 50, wife of Joseph H. Hoffman employee of
the Magnolia refinery, died at the family home, 706 South Twentieth
street, Monday afternoon at five o'clock following a lingering
illness and the funeral was held from the Methodist Protestant
church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. M. J. Parnell, pastor
of the Methodist Protestant church. The funeral was under the
direction of the Sutherland Funeral home.
Mrs. Hoffman was born in Tennessee but had resided in Corsicana most
of her life.
Surviving are her husband, seven sons, Billy Hoffman, Amarillo;
Jodie, Christian, Herbert, Samuel, Robert and Jack Hoffman, all of
Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Flora Sentry, Amarillo; Millie
Catherine and Carrie Hoffman, all of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Nelle Talmadge (Gentry) Hoffman
Mar 18, 1894 - Jun 16, 1956
Sunday Services For Mrs. Hoffman
Funeral services for Mrs. John W. Hoffman, 62, of 2109 West
Fourteenth avenue, who died in Memorial Hospital Friday night, were
held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the Central Methodist church.
The rites were conducted by Rev. B. Thomas Tribble, pastor of the
church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Hoffman was a native of Athens but had resided in Corsicana for
many years.
Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; two sons, Billy Clarence
Hoffman, Rosenberg, and Robert Hoffman, Bloomington, Texas; a
daughter, Mrs. Josephine Michael, Amarillo; five grandchildren; two
brothers, Clarence Gentry, Columbus, Ohio, and Frank Gentry, Fort
Smith, Ark.; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Seth Montgomery, W. H. Brown, Arthur Boldin, F. H.
Washburn, Dr. R. L. Campbell and Dr. W. Rex Davis.
Corley directed.
Barbara Sue Hoffman

Mar 13, 1926 - Sep 27, 1927
Funeral services of little Barbara Sue Hoffman were held in Oakwood Cemetery at 5 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 27.
Through several days illness of diphtheria, the dear little child died at its home at 600 South 31st street at 8 o’clock Tuesday
morning, leaving a broken hearted father and mother, and many relatives neighbors and friends.
John Milam Barnes
Jul 6, 1878 - Oct 14, 1953
Friday Services For J. M. Barnes
Funeral services for J. M. Barnes, 75, retired farmer, 907 West
Eleventh avenue, were held from the Corley Chapel Friday at 10:30
a.m. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Barnes died in the Navarro Clinic late Wednesday.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Riley E. Dale, pastor of the
Missionary Baptist Church of which Barnes had been a member 15
years. He had been a Baptist 45 years.
Native of Louisiana, he had resided in Navarro county since 1918.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two sons, E. M. Barnes,
Gladewater, and J. A. Barnes, Longview; three daughters, Mrs. Lena
Quinn, Mrs. Avice Summerlin, and Mrs. Dorothy Reeves, all of
Corsicana; two brothers, H. C. Barnes, Jonesboro, La., and C. A.
Barnes, Longview; six grandchildren, one great-grandchild and a
number of other relatives.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Norris Witherspoon Lovett
Apr 18, 1904 - Jan 20, 1955
Norris W. Lovett Expires Thursday, Services Friday
Norris W. Lovett, 50, attorney, native of Corsicana, graduate of
Cumberland Law School, Lebanon, Tenn., died in Memorial Hospital
Thursday morning following a several hours illness.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Friday at 2
p.m with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by
Rev. James Joseph, rector of St. John's Episcopal church.
Lovett was admitted to the bar shortly after attaining his majority
and was a member of the firm of Lovett and Miller (the late Cleo G.
Miller), and became known as one of the most successful criminal
attorneys in this section after joining the firm of Gibson, Lovett
and Lovett, and later Lovett and Lovett. His partners included the
Late El. J. Gibson and his late father, T. W. Lovett.
The family requests no flowers.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. John Vernon Johnson, Carlsbad, N. M.;
two grandchildren; mother, Mrs. T. W. Lovett, Corsicana, and Miss
Jean Lovett, Dallas, and other relatives.
Thomas Webb Lovett
May 18, 1875 - Dec 17, 1944
Funeral services for T. W. Lovett, 69, who died at his home here
early Sunday morning following a brief illness, were held Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon chapel. Rev.
Robert Q. Kennaugh conducted the rites and interment was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Lovett was a native of Freestone county but moved to Corsicana with
his parents, when one year old and had resided here since that time.
For the past several years he has been in partnership with his son,
Norris Lovett. He served as assistant county attorney and as city
attorney a number of years ago.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; a son, Norris Lovett, Corsicana;
two daughters, Misses Lois and Jeanne Lovett, Corsicana; a sister,
Miss Laura Lovett, Corsicana; two brothers, Sid Crews, Freer; Bert
Crews, Corsicana; three nieces, Mrs. Roy Love, Corsicana; Mrs.
Howard Prater, Carlsbad, N. M., a granddaughter, and other
Pallbearers were Judge Fountain Kirby, Grosebeck; Judge John Sharp,
Austin; Joe Simpkins, Robert Irvine, Louis Daniels, David Ralston,
and J. N. Edens, Jr. Honorary pallbearers were members of the
Navarro County Bar Association.
Jennie (Witherspoon) Lovett
May 13, 1875 - Sep 6, 1956
Mrs. T. W. Lovett Services Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. T. W. Lovett, 705 West Seventh avenue, who
died in Memorial Hospital early Thursday morning, were held from the
St. John's Episcopal Church Friday at 3 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Fred C. Wolf, Jr., rector of the
church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Lovett had been a
long-time member of this church.
The daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Witherspoon of Chatfield
and Corsicana all of her life. She was the widow of the late T. W.
Lovett, prominent attorney here for many years.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Lois Lovett, Corsicana, and Miss
Jean Lovett, Dallas; a granddaughter, Mrs. John Vernon Johnson,
Carlsbad, N. M.; a brother, Claude Witherspoon, Dilley; a sister,
Mrs. Agnes Stephens, Gainesville; and other relatives.
Pallbearers were J. C. Payne, Tom Farmer, Joe Carroll, Paul Lazarus,
Judge James C. Sewell, Allen Edens, Jr.; J. C. Jacobs, Dr. Carter
Pannill, Roy Love, Dr. L. E. Kelton, W. P. McCammon, J. A. Sowell,
Liston Tatum, R. A. Beaton, Walter Beaton, J. S. Murchison, A. G.
McCammon directed.
Edgar Britton Cranford
Mar 9, 1909- Jun 6, 1970
Edgar Cranford Dies Friday
Edgar Cranford, a resident of Corsicana for two years, died here
Friday at the age of 61.
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Corley Funeral
Home Chapel. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. Lynn Hitt will officiate.
Cranford is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Bell Cranford of
Corsicana; a son, Edgar Jr. of Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Judy Boyce
of Dallas; a grandson of Dallas; a brother, Charlie Cranford of
Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Maudie Williams of Mesquite; nieces and
Pallbearers will be friends of the family.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
Sunday, Jun 28, 1970
- h/o Dorothy Dell (Franks)
Cranford married Aug. 16, 1937; s/o Robert Jessie Cranford &
Anna Bell (Scanlan) Cranford buried at Zions Rest cemetery
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
Robert Stokes Daniel
Oct 23, 1888 - Sep 14, 1955
R. S. Daniel, 66, County Official, Dies Suddenly
Robert S. Daniel, 66, assessor and collector of taxes of Navarro
county, died of a heart attack at the family home, 1227 West Third
Avenue early Wednesday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the Westminister Presbyterian
church Thursday at 3 p.m. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. the
rites will be conducted by Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, minister of the
The office of assessor-collector of taxes at the courthouse was
closed Wednesday.
Daniel was a native of Kerens and was connected with a Kerens bank
for years before becoming a county deputy assessor and collector of
taxes. He was serving his second term as the county tax officer.
While in ill health in recent months, Daniel was at his office at
the courthouse Tuesday.
He was an elder in the Westminister church.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; three daughters, Miss Martha
Daniel, Dallas; Mrs. A. J. Gibson, McGregor; and Mrs. C. E. Newsom,
League City; three sons, Robert S. Daniel, Jr. Gladewater; Dr. Ralph
Daniel, Bloomington, Ind., and Capt. W. J. Daniel Fort Worth; three
sisters, Misses Carrie and Erin Daniel both of Kerens, and Mrs. I.
B. Williams of Corsicana and 11 grandchildren.
McCammon will direct.
George Lee Denbow

Oct 23, 1880 - May 27, 1943
Funeral services for George Denbow, age 62 years, who died at his
home, 1004 Elm Avenue, early Thursday morning, were planned for 5
o'clock Thursday afternoon from the chapel of the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home. Revs. W. S. Fisher and A. A.
Peacock will officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
Born and reared in Chatfield Mr. Denbow had been a resident of
Navarro county and Corsicana all of his life.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; three sons, Pvt. Lee Denbow,
Abilene; Vernon Denbow, with the U. S. Army in Africa; Allen Denbow,
Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. M. O. Southerland, Eustace; Mrs. R.
L. Keele, Tyler; Mrs. C. M. Bowden, Dallas, Mrs. W. D. Herdick,
Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Fluker, Hester; Mrs. G. Galloway,
Chatfield; a brother, T. D. Denbow, Drane, 11 grandchildren and
other relatives.
Palllbearers will be J. H. Slate, W. M. Bowden, E. J. Lane, N. J.
Garrett, C. W. Taylor and N. L. Levens. Honorary pallbearers will be
friends of the family.
Allan Sue (Shipp) Edrington
Apr 11, 1884 - Oct 1, 1963
Mrs. Edrington Dies In Austin
Mrs. Allie Sue Edrington, 75, widow of the late A. J. Edrington,
State Home, former nurse at the State Home died in Austin Tuesday
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. from the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Edrington was a member of the University Avenue Church of
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. O. G. Miller, Austin, and Mrs.
Bill Garner, Hutchins; two sons, Milton K. Edrington, Dallas, and
Roland L. Edrington, Los Angeles; 10 grandchildren and five
McCammon will direct.
Mrs. Edrington Dies In Austin
Mrs. Allie Sue Edrington, 75, widow of the late A. J. Edrington,
State Home, former nurse at the State Home died in Austin Tuesday
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. from the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Edrington was a member of the University Avenue Church of
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. O. G. Miller, Austin, and Mrs.
Bill Garner, Hutchins; two sons, Milton K. Edrington, Dallas, and
Roland L. Edrington, Los Angeles; 10 grandchildren and five
McCammon will direct.
Adolphus James
"Eugine" Edrington
Jan 20, 1884 - Mar 14, 1962
A. J. Edrington Dies In Austin
Adolphus J. Edrington, 78, retired building engineer, State of Texas
died at his home 2003 South Lamar, Austin, Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held in Austin Friday morning with
graveside service at Oakwood Cemetery Friday at 3 p.m. The rites
here will be conducted by Bert Mercer, minister of the West Side
Church of Christ.
A former Corsicana resident, he was with the state engineering
department 42 years and had resided in Austin the past 12 years. He
was at the State Home here many years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Allan Sue Edrington, Austin; two
daughters, Mrs. Orville Miller, Austin, and Mrs. William Garner,
Hutchins; two sons, Roland L. Edrington, Waco, and Mickey Edrington,
Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. John Saunders, Washington, D. C.; Mrs.
Wallace Shropshire, Austin, and Mrs. Malcom Ennis, Mexia; 10
grandchildren and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.
McCammon directs local arrangements.
A. J. Edrington Dies In Austin
Adolphus J. Edrington, 78, retired building engineer, State of
Texas, died at his home, 2003 South Lamar, Austin, Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held in Austin, Friday morning with a
graveside service at Oakwood Cemetery
Friday at 3 p.m. The rites here will be conducted by Bert Mercer,
minister of the West Side Church of Christ.
A former Corsicana resident, he was with the state engineering
department 42 years and had resided in Austin the past 12 years. He
was at the State Home here many years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Allan Sue Edrington, Austin; two
daughters, Mrs. Orville Miller, Austin, and Mrs. William Garner,
Hutchins; two sons, Roland L. Edrington, Waco, and Mickey Edrington,
Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. John Saunders, Washington, D. C.; Mrs.
Wallace Shropshire, Austin; 10 grandchildren and a number of nieces,
nephews and other relatives.
McCammon directs local arrangements.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thurs., Mar 15, 1962
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Allan Sue “Allie”
(Shipp) Edrington s/o Virgil S. Edrington and Mollie Melchora (Tweedle)
Edrington per death certificate