Laura Gibson
abt 1852 - Jan 23, 1917
Afflicted Lady Dead.
Miss Laura Gibson, aged 65 years, who had been afflicted for
many years, died at her home just west of town about 10 o'clock
last night. The deceased was a sister of the late Edgar L.
Gibson, agent here for many years of the Houston & Texas Central
railroad, and is the last of her family. She had been cared for
since the death of her mother and brother by Mrs. Philbert, for
many years a friend of the family, and who was with her when the
end came.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from
the Catholic church, Rev. Father Gaffeo officiating. Interment
will be in Oakwood and E. O. Vaughan, S. J. Helm, J. M.
Blanding, Mike Hunt and H. E. Traylor will act as pall bearers.
Charles Harrall
Aug 4, 1895 - Nov 5, 1917
Remains Interred in Oakwood.
Yesterday afternoon C. B. Sutherland received a telegram
from Ringling Bros. telling him to give the body of Chas.
Harroll, their employee who died here Sunday night at the P.
and S. Hospital, a decent burial and they would defray the
expenses. Accordingly the remains were interred in
Oakwood cemetery today.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Nov 6, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Listed Harrell - Harrall per death certificate
- Single born in Colorado employed for Ringling
Bros. Circus s/o William Harrall and Fannie (Russell)
Harrall born in England all per death certificate
Huldah (Church) LeMasters
Dec 23, 1869 - May 3, 1917
Died In Ennis.
Mrs. LeMasters, a sister-in-law of Sam Clopton, died in
Ennis today and the remains will be shipped to this city
tomorrow, arriving on the 12:25 H. &. T. C. The funeral
will take place from the train with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. Rev. J. W. Fort will officiate.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, May 4, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Elias Ellery LeMasters married Dec. 11,
1900 (son, Timothy Church LeMasters born 1902 in
Navarro county d/o Roswell Church and Martha Ann
(Epps) Church buried in Rice cemetery, Rice, Tx.
(Epps per Hulda�s death certificate�brother Charles
death certificate says McConnico)
Remains Interred Here Today.
Mrs. Hulda LeMasters, who in her young womanhood
here, was Miss Hulda Church, died in Ennis yesterday
and her remains were brought here today and interred
beside those of her husband who was in life an
engineer on the Houston and Texas Central railroad.
The deceased was a sister of Mrs. S. W. Clopton of
Ennis, and the Clopton family accompanied the
remains to Corsicana.
She is survived by a son fourteen years of age, and
a brother, Charles Church of Beaumont.
Rev. J. W. Fort conducted the services at the grave
and a number of friends attended the last sad rites.
Elizabeth Savana (Burns) Harbour
Nov 10, 1874 - Sep 2, 1917
Remains Were Interred Here This
Mrs. Elizabeth Harbour, wife of L. R.
Harbour, a former resident here, died at
St. Paul�s sanitarium in Dallas at 1:15
Sunday afternoon, and the remains were
interred in
Oakwood here today from the
home of Claud Carson, 205 South Twelfth
street, at 3 p.m., Rev. Chas.
Oberschmidt officiating and Hall
Castellaw, Lawson, Coulson, Claude
Allen, Nath Garrett, Will White and J.
H. Berry acting as pall bearers.
Surviving the deceased is her husband
and two children, Mrs. Claud Carson and
Staton Harbour.
Mamie B. (Harris) Sorsby
Mar 1, 1894 - Jun 6, 1917
Remains Interred This Afternoon.
Mrs. Mamie Sorsby, wife of T. R.
Sorsby, died at the family home,
1008 West Eleventh Avenue at 10
o'clock last night. The remains
were interred in
Oakwood at 4
o'clock this afternoon.
The deceased was twenty-three
years of age and leaves her
husband and one child.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, June 7, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Thomas Raleigh
Sorsby d/o John Henry Harris
& Theodocia Ella �Dosha�
(Farmer) Harris (Son John
Paul Sorsby is buried in
Rose Hill Cemetery, Ft.
Worth, Texas
Thomas Raleigh Sorsby
Jul 17, 1891 - Nov 17, 1959
T. R. Sorsby Of Waco Expires
Thomas Raleigh Sorsby, 68,
of Waco, died in a Waco
hospital Tuesday night.
Graveside services will be
held at
here Thursday at 2 p.m. Rev.
John Logan will officiate
Sorsby was a retired textile
worker and had resided in
Waco most of his life.
Surviving are a son, J. P.
Sorsby, Fort Worth; two
sisters, Mrs. Birdie Heath,
Waco and Mrs. L. m. Bostick,
Lewisville, Texas and a
Griffin will direct.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Nov 17, 1959
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Mamie B.
(Harris) Sorsby s/o John
Wesley Sorsby and Hattie
Jefferson (Lawrence)
Sorsby (son John Paul
Sorsby is buried in Rose
Hill cemetery, Ft.
Worth, Tx.
Thursday Rites For T. R.
Graveside services for
Thomas Raleigh Sorsby,
68, Waco, were held at
Thursday at 2 p.m. Sorsby died in a Waco
hospital Tuesday night.
Rev. John Logan
Sorsby had resided in
Waco most of his life.
He was a retired textile
Surviving are a son, J.
P. Sorsby, Fort Worth;
two sisters, Mrs. Birdie
Heath, Waco, and Mrs. L.
M. Bostick, Lewisville,
TEx., and a
Griffin directed.
(Brock) Crump
Mar 13, 1847 - Aug
3, 1917
Died Last Night.
Mrs. Caroline Crump,
aged 70 years, and
who had been a
resident of
Corsicana only a
short time, died
last night at the
family home on
Mineral Hill and the
remains were
interred in
Oakwood this afternoon at 5
o'clock. The
deceased is survived
by her husband who
is a one-armed
Confederate veteran.
Ollie B.
(Fortner) Turns
Oct 24, 1887 -
Aug 3, 1917
Remains Interred
This Morning.
The remains of
the late Mrs.
Ollie B., wife
of L. W. Turns,
who died at the
P. and S.
yesterday, were
interred in
Oakwood this
morning at 11
o'clock. Many
witnessed the
last sad rites
and there were
numerous floral
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday,
August 4,
Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o
Married Nov.
6, 1904 d/o
J. P.
Fortner and
Tommie (McCowan)
Fortner per
( death
says born
Nov. 12,
says born
Oct. 14,
May 26, 1840
- May 7,
Lady Dead.
Mrs. Augusta
aged 77
years, the
mother of
Fred and Joe
after a
illness, and
the remains
interred in
Oakwood this
services by
Rev. B. W. vining at
the home of
H. C. Gross,
1504 South
There were
flowers and
many friends
followed the
remains to
their last
Apr 18,
1837 -
Jan 12,
J. W.
who came
ago from
and who
years of
age in
died at
night at
the home
of his
to be
and his
at 4
Rev. B.
W. Vining
are four
Mrs. F.
M. King
and Mrs.
H. C.
Oakwood at
W. Vining
Ewing Eric Dunn, Sheriff, Capt.
Apr 15, 1835 - Nov 9, 1917
Remains of Late Capt. E. E. Dunn Rest in Oakwood.
The funeral of the late Capt. E. E. Dunn took place this morning from the First Methodist church and was largely attended, and there was an immense collection of beautiful floral offerings. The funeral services conducted by Rev. J. W. Fort were most impressive, after which the Masons took charge and conducted the last sad rites at the grave.
As a mark of respect to the deceased both the district and county courts adjourned from 10 o'clock to 11:30 and practically all of the occupants of the court house attended the funeral.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, November 10, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- CSA 1st wife Margaret Sarah (Thompson) Dunn married Mar. 25, 1855 2nd wife Rachel Caroline (Doolen) Dunn buried in Modrall cemetery, Corsicana, Tx. 3rd wife Mary E. (Hill) Dunn s/o James Henry Dunn and Lucinda Freeman (Bigham) Dunn
Oakwood cemetery
Littleberry Baker
Mar 14, 1839 - Nov 9, 1917
Remains Will Be Interred in Oakwood Cemetery Cemetery Tomorrow.
L. B. Baker, aged 79 years, and for many years a resident here, died in Beaumont last night and the remains will be interred here tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. from the home of George F. Leonard on West Second Avenue.
Surviving the deceased are two children, Mrs. W. W. White of Beaumont and Chas. A. Baker of Corsicana, Mrs. J. M. Thomas of Drane and Mrs. Will White of Lampasas.
Remains Interred Here Today.
The remains of the late L. B. Baker, who died in Beaumont Thursday night arrived here this morning and the funeral took place at 2:30 this afternoon from the home of Geo. F. Leonard on West Second Avenue and was largely attended. Rev. B. W. Vining officiated and there were many beautiful floral offerings.
John Taylor �JT� Gaines
Oct 1875 - Nov 10, 1917
J. T. Gaines, aged 45 years died at 306 East Eleventh avenue last night and the remains were interred in Oakwood today at 1:30 p.m.
Sarah C. (Dillard?) Odell
1842 - Oct. 23, 1917
Passed Away at P. &. S. Hospital After Long illness of diabetis, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 5 o'clock, the funeral taking place from the Sutherland undertaking parlors. The deceased had lived here for more than twenty years and for several years kept a boarding house here. She is survived by two sons, one living at Alief and the other at Slayton, Texas and two daughters living in South Carolina.
Remains Interred In Oakwood.
The remains of the late Mrs. S. E. O�Dell were interred in Oakwood yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The services at the undertaking parlors of C. B. Southerland were conducted by Rev. B. W. Vining, and were concluded by Mr. Vining at the grave. A number of old friends of the deceased attended the last sad rites and there were pretty floral offerings. The only relative of the deceased living in Corsicana is a niece, Mrs. J. P. Claghorn, living on North Tenth street.
Mary (Roark) Castellaw
Jun 27, 1889 - Oct 10, 1917
Remains Interred This Afternoon.
The remains of the late Mrs. Hall Castellaw were interred in Oakwood this afternoon, the funeral taking place from the home of E. M. Cornell on West Second Avenue. Rev. Chas. Oberschmidt officiated and J. G. Comfort, A. B. Johnson, W. S. McMackin and W. J. Seelig acted as pallbearers.
There were many beautiful floral offerings, and a large concourse of people followed the remains to their last resting place.
The husband of the deceased is an employee of the C. B. Sutherland furniture store, and that place of business was closed from three to five o'clock.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, October 11, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Hall Hunt Castellaw buried in Springfield, Ill. assumed d/o Calvin M. Roark and Luella Elizabeth (Kelly) Roark buried in Cherokee county, Tex.
Hall Hunt Castellaw
May 7, 1880 - May 22, 1949
H. H. Castellaw Dies On Sunday; Funeral Monday
Hall H. Castellaw, aged 69 years, of Springfield, Ill., died at the P. and S. Hospital Sunday afternoon at 4:45 o'clock following a short illness, Castellaw arrived several days ago to visit his daughters.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rites were conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist church. The body is being returned to Springfield, Ill., for interment.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alta Castallaw, Springfield, Ill., three daughters, Mrs. Herb Jacobs, Mrs. Scott Lowry and Mrs. Claiborne Simpson, all of Corsicana; three grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. E. M. Cornell, Corsicana; a brother, T. J. Castellaw, Barry, and a number of nieces and nephews.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, May 23, 1949
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Monument only in Oakwood�He is buried in Springfield, Ill.
- 1st wife Mary (Roark) Castellaw 2nd wife Hannah Alta (Thomas) Bridges-Stockton-Abke-Castellaw s/o James Monroe �Jim� Castellaw and Sarah Ann �Sallie� (Stough) Castellaw buried in Dresden Cemetery
Hugh Martin
Died Sep 1917
Remains Interred This Morning.
The remains of the late Hugh Martin, who died yesterday from the effects of a horse kick on the head last Monday, were interred in Oakwood this morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Chas. Oberschmidt officiating.
Kicked By a Horse.
Hugh Martin, of the firm of Martin Bros., was kicked on the head by a horse at his home in the eastern part of town this morning, and apparently very severely hurt. The accident occurred about 9 o'clock and later the ambulance was summoned and the injured man taken to the P. & S. Hospital where he was still unconscious at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Man Kicked on Head Monday Died Today at Noon.
Hugh Martin, aged 53 years, who was kicked on the head by a horse at his home in East Corsicana, died at the P. & S. Hospital today about noon as a result of his injuries. The deceased was 53 years of age and a native of Scotland. His only relative in this country is his brother, L. Martin, who was engaged with him in the horse business. The remains will be interred in Oakwood cemetery tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
James A. Jenkins
Apr 28, 1870 - Dec 26, 1917
Remains Interred This Afternoon.
The remains of the late J. A. Jenkins were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. B. W. Vining at the family home on West Ninth Avenue, and Messrs. C. F. Borg, J. C. Hughes, Dr. Lindley, J. E. Skinner, T. C. Lee and D. T. Neal acted as pall bearers. There were many pretty flowers and a large number of friends followed the body to Oakwood.
Jacob Woolf
Jun 11, 1917 - Aug 11, 1917
The 2-months-old son of S. D. Woolf died at the P. and S. Saturday and the remains were interred in Oakwood yesterday morning at 10 o'clock.
Sarah M. (Alexander) Johnston
Apr 10, 1865 - Nov 1, 1917
Lady Died Last Night.
Mrs. Sarah M. Johnson, wife of L. M. Johnson, living on North Thirteenth Street, died last night at the home of her sister, Mrs. Luella Bruechner, on South Twelfth street, after a long illness from consumption, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. Chas Oberschmidt officiating. Besides the sister named the deceased is survived by her mother, Mrs. Callie Alexander, another sister, Mrs. Pearl Creasey and a brother Lee Alexander, all of San Angelo.
The deceased was a most excellent woman and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. A large number attended the funeral and there were many beautiful floral offerings.
Peter Spyker Decherd, Jr.
Apr 26, 1900 - Nov 1, 1917
Funeral Will Be Tomorrow.
The remains of the late Spyker Decherd will be interred tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, the funeral taking place from the United Presbyterian church. The funeral is being delayed pending the arrival of James Douglas, and uncle of the deceased from St. Louis.
The pallbearers will be Chas Miller Whytte, Arthur Caldwell, Randall Cooksey, Garrett Walker, Eugene Alford, Cowan Robinson, Leon Carroll, Lloyd Thomas.
Remains of Spyker Decherd Were Interred This Afternoon.
The remains of the late Spyker Decherd were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 4 o'clock after impressive services at the United Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Dr. W. R. Gray. A large concourse of sorrowing friends attended the last sad rites over the remains of this bright and promising boy whose accidental death cast a pall of gloom over the town, and loving hands sent many beautiful floral offerings to be placed about his bier.
John Edgar �Ed� Decherd
May 27, 1871 - Sep 9, 1961
J. E. Decherd Dies Saturday
J. Ed Decherd, 90, native of Arkansas, but long-time Corsicana resident and retired merchant, died in Little Rock, Ark., Saturday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Monday at 2 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Floyd A. Boulware, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Decherd was a member of the Garitty Rifles at the turn of the century, was active in YMCA circles, was a long time member of the First Methodist church and the Brotherhood Sunday School Class.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Cyril Deese, Little Rock, and Mrs. L. C. Heaton, Edinburg; seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and other relatives.
J. E. Decherd Services Held
Funeral services for J. Ed Decherd, 90, former merchant of Corsicana, who died in Little Rock, Ark., Saturday morning, were held from the McCammon Chapel Monday at 2 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Floyd A. Boulware, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
Decherd was a member of the famous Garitty Rifles at the turn of the century and was active in the YMCA, First Methodist church and the Brother-hood Bible Class.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Cyril Deese, Little Rock, Ark., and Mrs. L. C. Heaton, Edinburg; seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. R. Bryson, L. R. Carroll, C. P. Bolton, J. D. Ferguson, W. H. Norwood and J. W. McCammon.
Douglas Hawkins Decherd
Feb 25, 1902 - Jul 17, 1967
Corsicanan Shot Recently In Lebanon
Douglas Decherd, long-time teacher in a boys school at Tripoli, Lebanon, is recuperating from a mysterious wound received while sitting in his yard two weeks ago.
A bullet entered above the collarbone, ranged downward through a lung, narrowly missed the heart, and lodged in the lining of the stomach, according to information received by Corsicana relatives.
Decherd is believed out of danger but will be unable to teach this Fall. He has been with the boys� school at Tripoli for about 30 years.
Police according to information received here, theorize three possibilities for the wound:
1. A man�s son was killed in disturbances and the school was blamed, with the attack on Decherd resulting.
2. Wild shot fired during a religious celebration.
3. A youngster with a gun just shooting. The bullet appeared to have been fired from a building near the Decherd home.
Mrs. Decherd had left her husband to walk into the house and moments later he staggered into the house wounded.
Aunts and uncles of Decherd residing in Corsicana included Miss Emma Douglas, H. B. Decherd, Mrs. Rufus Widdon and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas.
Anna Leoda (Helgenstein) Decherd
Apr 28, 1873 - Jun 12, 1961
Mrs. Decherd Rites Tuesday
Mrs. W. H. Decherd, 88, died in Somerset, Monday morning.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery. She formerly resided in Corsicana.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Sam Bedinger, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Surviving are a son, Walter H. Decherd, Houston; a daughter, Mrs. Sarah Kate McClure, Jourdanton; four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, a niece, Mrs. C. A. Tatum, Corsicana; three nephews, Baldwin and Claude Montgrey, both of Wichita Falls, and Douglas Decherd, Corsicana.
Pallbearers were L. K. Carraway, Billy Tatum, Maurice Pollock, Roy Thompson, George Harvin and David Ralston.
Walter Hawkins �Hawk� Decherd
Aug 12, 1870 - Nov 7, 1934
W. H. Decherd, aged 63 years, 823 West Fourteenth avenue, long-time resident of Corsicana, janitor at the old junior high school building for the past four years, died with a heart attack Wednesday morning, according to attending physicians, about 2 hours before his body was found at noon.
He was not on the campus at noon when his daughter came for him and boys were sent to look for him and found his lifeless body in the basement of the building, O. F. Allen, principal of the school, stated Wednesday afternoon. Physicians said he apparently had been dead two hours.
Prior to becoming an employee of the schools, he was connected with the N. F. Garrett and Brothers grocery company and for many years was employed at the Woods and Bright grocery established. He had resided in Corsicana for 50 years.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Miss Sarah Kate Decherd, and a son, Walter Decherd, student in high school, all of Corsicana.
The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the Cumberland Presbyterian church with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. S. R. Standifer, pastor.
Funeral arrangements will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Funeral services for W. H. Decherd, 63, native of Arkansas, but resident of Corsicana for the past 50 years, who was found dead in the basement of the Corsicana junior high school building at noon Wednesday, were held Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the Cumberland Presbyterian church with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. S. R. Standifer, pastor of the church.
It was reported that attending physicians who were called said Mr. Decherd apparently had been dead about two hours when he was found. A heart attack was ascribed as the cause of death. Boys discovered the body after his daughter had called for him at noon hour and he was not on the campus as was his custom.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Walter Decherd, student in high school, and a daughter, Sarah Kate Decherd, all of Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers were T. J. Walton, J. M. Kerr, W. S. Curtis, Roy Thompson, C. K. Murphy and T. P. Kerr.
A male quartette composed of James Foster, Calvin Pike, Ernest Mathews and James Beard furnished music at the church while special songs were rendered at the grave by a quartette composed of Mrs. N. G. Hardin, Mrs. Lloyd Carraway, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Lila Petris.
Prior to becoming an employe of the school system four years ago, Mr. Decherd was connected with grocery concerns here for many years.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland � McCammon Funeral Home.
P. M. Moralez, Mrs.
Died Mar. 1, 1917
Young Mexican Woman Dead.
The wife of P. M. Moralez died in the old Cotton Belt restaurant building this morning. The deceased was twenty-three years old, and is survived by her husband and three little children.
The remains will be interred in Oakwood tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Andrew M. �Andy� Holcomb
Feb 8, 1853 - Mar 1, 1917
Member of Kaufman Lodge Passes Away.
Andy Holcomb, aged 64 years, and a ward of the Kaufman lodge, died at the I. O. O. F. old folks� home last night at 12:55, and the remains were interred in the I. O. O. F. lot in Oakwood this afternoon, after services at the home conducted by Rev. J. W. Fort.
Martha W. (Jackson) Webb
Jan 28, 1840 - May 27, 1917
Venerable Lady Passes Away.
Mrs. Martha W. Webb, whose home was in Dallas, but who has been here on a visit to her son, J. R. Webb, for two months past, died at his home on West Fourth avenue yesterday, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 5 o'clock, with services conducted by Rev. V. W. Wallace and W. B. Vining and Dr. Suttle, Dr. Miller, F. A. Elliott, A. L. Hampton, J. D. Ambrose and J. C. Calhoun acted as pall bearers.
The deceased was 78 years of age and is survived by five children, J. r. Webb, Corsicana; Mrs. Stewart, Dallas; Jack Webb, Dallas, and a daughter in Des Moines, Iowa.
The funeral was largely attended and many beautiful flowers were in evidence.
Apollos Harris, Capt.
Jun 27, 1837 - Aug 3, 1917
Funeral Tomorrow Morning.
The remains of the late Capt. A. Harris will be interred in Oakwood tomorrow morning. The funeral rites will take place at the home at 10 o'clock, with Rev. J. W. Fort officiating, after which the Masons will take charge and conclude the services at the grave.
Venerable Man Lain to Rest With Impressive Ceremonies.
The remains of the late Capt. A. Harris, who died at his home on West Seventh Avenue last Friday morning after a long illness, were laid to rest in Oakwood yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. The funeral services of the Methodist church, of which the deceased was a member, were read by Rev. J. W. Fort at the family home, and immediately thereafter the Masons took charge and performed the last sad rites at the grave. There was a big procession and many beautiful flowers. The pall bearers were: Honorary, Judge H. B. Daviss, J. S. Callicutt, M. M. Lonsford, Walter Roberts, Scott Bagby and M. H. Booth; active, Henry Iversen, P. H. Loggins, P. Mayer, J. S. Murchison, J. H. Rice and Dr. T. W. Watson.
Sep 5, 1917 - Sep 12, 1917
Death of Infant.
The one-week-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rainey, living on Thirteenth street, north of Post Oak creek, died last night and the remains were interred in Oakwood cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Matthew Smith
1841 - Dec 12, 1917
Venerable Man Passes Away.
Matthew Smith, aged 76 years, died this morning at 6:30 o'clock at the home of his son, W. W. Smith, 304 East Eleventh avenue, and the remains will be interred at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Oakwood cemetery.
The deceased is survived by the following children; W. W. Smith, Corsicana; Mrs. Jerre M. Smith, Dallas; Mrs. Sallie Anderson, Sherman, and John R. Smith, Hobart, Okla.
L. E. Herring
Jun. 21, 1917 - Oct. 7, 1917
Died at Hospital.
The ten-days old son of T. E. Herring, who lives in the Cotton Factory neighborhood, died at the P. & S. hospital yesterday afternoon and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon.
Alice Elizabeth (Brock) Hanks-Covington
Jul 21, 1874 - Dec 21, 1955
Mrs. Covington Dies Wednesday
Mrs. Alice Hanks Covington, 81, long-time Corsicana resident, died at her home, 810 West Tenth avenue.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 4 p.m. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist Church.
A native of Cottonplant, Miss., Mrs. Covington had resided in Corsicana to years.
Surviving are two sons, Hayes Hanks, Houston, and Joe Hanks; a daughter, Mrs. Maggie Roberts, Corsicana; five grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Muns and Mrs. Ollie Craig both of Corsicana and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Dec 22, 1955
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Elbert N. Hanks 2nd husband Elias Hershel Covington buried in Younger cemetery d/o William Jefferson Brock and Mary Elizabeth (Crump) Brock assumed buried in Birdston cemetery
Mrs. Covington Rites Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Hanks Covington, 81, who died at her home, 810 West Tenth avenue, Wednesday, were held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 4 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Covington was a native of Cottonplant, Miss., but had resided in Corsicana 50 years.
Surviving are two sons, Hayes Hanks, Houston, and Joe Hanks, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Maggie Roberts, Corsicana; five grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Muns and Mrs. Ollie Craig, both of Corsicana and other relatives.
John Lemuel �Lennie� Roberts
Jan 19, 1892 - Apr 1, 1973
J. L. Roberts
Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Galloway and Sons Funeral Home in Beeville, Tex. For John L. Roberts, 81, Beeville, who died Sunday in Beeville.
Graveside services are set for 2 p.m. Wednesday at Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana. Rev. Eugene Wood will officiate, and Corley Funeral Home will direct the local service.
He was a retired school teacher and had lived in Beeville since 1956. Survivors include his widow of Beeville, two daughters, Mrs. Jeff Curbo of Beeville and Miss Fifi Roberts of Miami Beach, Fla., and three grandchildren.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, April 3, 1973
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Born in England; 1st wife Suzette (unk) Roberts 2nd wife Martha Alice (Melyzn) Roberts s/o Cornelius Roberts and Cecelia (Prichard) Roberts
Josephine Alabama �Josie� (Deveny) Heifner
Aug 9, 1882 - Jun 27, 1953
Mrs. Josie Heifner Services Sunday
Mrs. Josie Heifner, 70, died in Memorial Hospital Saturday at 2 p.m.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 4 p.m. from the West Side Church of Christ. The rites were conducted by Luther G. Roberts and Claude B. Holcomb, Church of Christ ministers. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving are three sons, Clarence, Lee, and Clyde Heifner, all of Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Hays Hanks, Cleveland, Texas; Mrs. C. A. Sherrer, Kerens; Mrs. Richard Young and Mrs. Clifton McLin, both of Corsicana; 12 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren, three brothers, R. L. Deveny, Dallas; Roy Deveny, Waco, and C. A. Deveny, Corsicana; a sister Mrs. Mattie Fentress, Tipton, Okla., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Jimmy Mash, Delma McLin, Kenneth Basson, Leslie White, C. L. Norris and C. L. Jenkins.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, June 29, 1953
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o David Edgar �Edd� Heifner married Nov. 26, 1899; d/o Joseph Grayson Deveny and Mary Ann (Parrish) Deveny
Lee Brady Heifner
Mar 24, 1904 - Dec 9, 1971
Lee Heifner
Lee Heifner, 67, retired mechanic, was found dead of an apparent heart attack in his backyard at 2923 W. 2nd ave. Thursday about 6 p.m. Peace Justice W. H. Tipton returned an inquest verdict of natural causes after an examining physician said death was probably caused by a heart attack.
Investigating police said it appeared Heifner was stricken while cleaning debris out of a small culvert in his yard. He was found by a neighbor laying face down in the culvert water with a broken garden hoe beside him.
A resident of Corsicana for 60 years, he had operated Heifner�s Garage for many years and was a Studebaker dealer in Corsicana. He was a native of Axel, Texas, and a member of the Westside Church of Christ.
Funeral services will be Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the College Hill Church of Christ with Claude Parrish and Cato Sheerer officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Survivors include his widow of Corsicana; a son, Jack Heifner of New York; two daughters, Miss DeLene Heifner of Corsicana and Mrs. Jimmy Mash of Electra; three grandchildren; one brother, Clarence Heifner of Corsicana; four sisters, Mrs. Hays Hanks of Cleveland, Mrs. Cato Sheerer of Kerens, and Mrs. Richard Young and Mrs. Clifton McLin of Corsicana.
Lee Heifner
Funeral services were at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the College Hill Church of Christ for Lee Heifner, 67, retired mechanic. Claude Parrish and Cato Sherer officiated.
Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
An inquest verdict of death from natural causes was returned after the 60-year resident of Corsicana was found dead of an apparent heart attack in his back yard Thursday evening. Investigators said he had been cleaning debris out of a ditch when stricken.
Pallbearers were Harold Borg, C. F. Dominy, E. A. Campbell, Willie Winters, Leslie White, O. A. Vaughan, F. C. Stewart and J. Harold Green.
Surviving are his widow, one son, two daughters, three grandchildren, one brother and four sisters.
Clyde Allyn Heifner
Dec. 27, 1930 - Sep. 9, 1954
Allyn Heifner Services Friday
Funeral services for Allyn Heifner, 23, who died in Memorial Hospital Wednesday about midnight after a short illness, will be held from the West Side Church of Christ Friday at 4 p.m. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Earl L. Craig, minister of the church, and Cato Sherrer, Kerens Church of Christ minister.
He was a life-long resident of Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, Davy and Tim; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Heifner, and grandmother, Mrs. G. C. Rogers, all of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be A. L. O�Neal, M. J. Norwood, J. C. Garner, G. D. Garner, W. W. Dosser and C. L. Norris.
Corley will direct.
Clifton Herbert McLin
Aug 26, 1915 - Jun 7, 1975
C. H. McLin
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Clifton H. McLin, 59, resident of Corsicana, who died Saturday in Memorial Hospital.
Claude Parrish, Westside Church of Christ pastor, will officiate and burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery.
He was a native of Tarkington Prairie, had lived in Corsicana 35 years and was a telegraph operator for a railroad, and a member of the Westside Church of Christ.
Survivors include his widow, of Corsicana, a daughter, Mrs. Jo Ann Carlson of Malibu, Calif., three brothers, Raymond McLin and Oree McLin, both of Cleveland and Delmar McLin of Lemarque; a sister, Mrs. Clora Dabney of Cleveland and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers include Wayne Norris, C. L. Norris, Willie Winters, Jimmy Mash, Billy Tallant and John Ross.
Delmaree �Mac� McLin
Aug 4, 1920 - Oct 22, 2008
Delmaree (Mac) McLin
Delmaree (Mac) McLin was born to Charles Monroe and Maddie Buckner McLin on September 4, 1920, in Trinidad, Texas. The youngest of nine children, Mac was the last survivor of his immediate family. He passed away on October 22, 2008.
The McLin family moved to Cleveland, Texas working long hours on their farm. While in high school, Mac met Marie Elizabeth Hanks and they married in 1940 after graduation.
Moving to Hermosa Beach, California, Mac and Marie worked in aircraft manufacturing during W.W.II. A couple of years later they moved to Ft. Worth, Texas and both continued aircraft work at Consolidated. Their daughter Kathleen Marie was born in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Mac was Chief Ground Inspector at Consolidated and with his permission and signature, the first flight of SAC�s B-36 bomber was allowed.
In 1951, Mac and his family moved to Texas City where he worked at Monsanto. In 1956 Mac and Marie had their son Paul Hayes.
Mac�s hobbies were hunting and fishing. He always put his family first and was proud of his Sioux, Cherokee, and Scot-Irish heritage. He instilled this pride into his children.
Mac was a devoted member of the Church of Christ.
He is preceded in death by his wife, Marie. He is survived by his daughter Kathleen; his son Paul; grandchildren Marcus McLin, Michele Dennis, Amanda McLin; great-grandchildren Isabela Johnston, Taylor McLin, Devon Nicholson and Elizabeth Darby-Lynn Dennis. Mac is also survived by numerous, cousins, nieces, and nephews.
Visitation for family and friends will be at 3:30 p.m., October 24, 2008, and Funeral Service at 5 p.m. at the Mainland Church of Christ followed immediately by the funeral with Charles Goodnight officiating. Burial will be at the Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas, next to his beloved wife of sixty-eight years.
In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to Mainland Church of Christ Scholarship Fund at Mainland Church of Christ 4801 Emmett Lowry Expressway, Texas City, TX 77591.
James Crowder Funeral Home-La Marque
- Galveston Daily News - Oct 24, 2008
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Marie Elizabeth (Hanks) McLin; s/o Charles Monroe McLin & Mattie Ann (Buckner) McLin
Marie Elizabeth (Hanks) McLin
Jan. 23, 1923 - Apr. 23, 2008
Marie Elizabeth McLin
Marie Elizabeth McLin, 85, a resident of La Marque and Texas City for over 50 years, passed away Wednesday, April 23, 2008, at her home. Marie was born January 4, 1923, to Hayes and Katie Hanks in Corsicana, Texas. The family also resided in Truscott, Texas before moving to Cleveland, Texas where Marie and Delmar met and married in 1940. During W.W.II, Marie worked in aircraft manufacturing in Ft. Worth, Texas. Marie and her husband moved to Texas City in 1951.
She was an accountant for 30 years at Marathan and a cashier at College of the Mainland. Marie was a devoted member of the 7th Street Church of Christ, Westhaven and Mainland Church of Christ.
She is survived by daughter; Kathy Weidner; son Paul McLin; sister Tommie Lee Bazzoon; grandchildren Marcus McLin, Michel Dennis, and Amanda McLin; great -grandchildren Isabela Johnston, Taylor McLin, and Devon Nicholson. She is also survived by numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.
Marie�s greatest joy on earth was giving her love and attention to her family.
Visitation for family and friends will be Saturday, April 26. 2008, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the James Crowder Funeral Home in La Marque. Funeral services will be Sunday, April 27, 2008, at 2 p.m. at the Funeral Home with Pastor Charles Goodnight officiating. Burial will be Monday, April 28, 2008, at 1 p.m., at the Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Mainland Church of Christ, 4801 Emmett Lowry Expressway, Texas City, TX 77591.
James Crowder Funeral Home-La Marque
- Galveston Daily News - April 26, 2008
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Delmaree �Mac� McLin; d/o Roy Hayes Hanks & Katie (Heifner) Hanks
Eula Era "Polly" (Hedrick) Miller
May 22, 1920 - Aug 13, 2015
Eula Era �Polly� Miller, passed away in her home peacefully Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015. Funeral service will be 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16, 2015 with Paul Slaughter officiating. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Eula Era "Polly" Miller of Corsicana passed away in her home peacefully on Thursday evening August 13, 2015 at the age of 95. She was born May 22, 1920 in Corsicana to Walter Wright Hedrick and Captola Hedrick. She was raised in Navarro County.
She is preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Buddy Hedrick and Jack Hedrick; husband Roy Miller Sr.; son Roy Miller, Jr.; grandson Ricky Pate.
She is survived by daughter, Marjorie Holton; 4 grandchildren, Debra and Matt Stroder of Emmett, Cheree and Tom Bill Wright of Eureka, Doug and Kristi Miller of Frisco, David Miller of Carrollton. 17 great grandchildren, 17 great great grandchildren. Sister, Betty and Jim Bob Ivey of Kerens. Brother Billy Bob Hedrick of Deer Park. Numerous nieces and nephews and a host of friends.
Visitation 6-8 pm Saturday, August 15, 2015 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service will be 3 pm Sunday, August 16, 2015 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel with Paul Slaughter officiating. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Grandson's and Great Grandson's.
Feliciana Martinez
Jun 9, 1927 - Aug 12, 2015
Feliciana Martinez, 88, of Corsicana passed away Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2015 at Navarro Regional Hospital. Visitation will be Thursday 2 to 9 p.m. and Friday 12 to 9 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Prayer service will be 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, 2015 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Graveside service will be 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015 at Oakwood Cemetery with Santos Medrano officiating. Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Feliciana Martinez of Corsicana passed away at Navarro Regional Hospital on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at the age of 88. She was born June 9, 1927 in Flatonia, Texas. She is survived by children, Martina Ledesma, Domitila Trevino, Elvia Medrano, Juan Martinez, Francisco Martinez, Jesus Martinez, Alvara Martinez Teran. Grandchildren, Brittany Medrano, Christy Medrano, Nora Paciana, Sylvia Segura, Norma Trevino, Christina Trevino, Noe Ledesma, Santos K. Medrano, Great grandchildren, Jose Angel Pimentel, Braden Roedler, Courtney Nunez, Anahi Pecina, Elizabeth Ledesma, Jesus D. Zepeda, Christina Ledesma, Felicia Segura, June Segura. Numerous other grandchildren and great grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by husband Jesus Martinez Sr.; son Ismael Martinez; son Hector Martinez; son Fedel Martinez; grandchildren Elijio Ledesma, Jaime Teran, Guadalupe Teran.
Visitation will be Thursday 2-9 pm and Friday 12-9 pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Prayer service will be 7 pm Friday, August 14, 2015 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Graveside service will be 11 am Saturday, August 15, 2015 at Oakwood Cemetery with Santos Medrano officiating. Pallbearers will be Santos Kristian Medrano, Jesus Martinez, Noe Ledesma, Jose Ledesma, Aroldo Trevino, Jaime Garcia, Joseph Segura, Andy Garcia.
Guss Southworth
Nov 23, 1867 - Apr 28, 1917
Remains Interred Here.
Gus Southworth, who was reared in Navarro county, and who for years was a well known oil operator, died at Terrell Saturday after many months of illness and the remains were brought here at 12:25 yesterday and at 3 p.m. the funeral took place from the home of Judge J. J. McClellan, Rev. J. W. Hornbeak officiating.
R. E. Prines, R. S. Neblett, J. H. Rice, J. A. Thompson, R. B. Johnston, S. M. Kerr, J. C. Beck of Frost and Art McKinney of Kerens acted as pallbearers.
The funeral was largely attended and there were many beautiful flowers. The deceased was 49 years of age, and was never married, and his only surviving relative in this county is a half-sister, Mrs. Theo Daniels of Kerens. He was a man of intelligence and had many friends who are pained by his death.
Mary D. (Pitts) Biggs
Oct 22, 1835 - Aug 1, 1917
Venerable Lady Dies.
Mrs. Mary D. Biggs, aged 82 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Stout, 1731 West Seventh Avenue, after a long illness, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 6 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Fort officiating. Besides the daughter named the deceased had one son, Edgar Biggs, of Bronson, Texas. A good procession followed the remains to Oakwood and there were numerous floral offerings.
Laura Neal (Biggs) Stout
Dec 18, 1855 - Sep 21, 1921
Mrs. L. N. Stout Had Been Resident of Corsicana Many Years.
Mrs. L. N. Stout, aged 56 years, died at her home on West Seventh avenue at 12:30 o'clock today after a long illness. The deceased was born at Bouna Vista, Georgia, December 2, 1855, and came to Texas when only one year old. She had made her home in Corsicana for the past twenty-five years and during this time had made a host of friends who will mourn her loss.
Mrs. Stout is survived by three children, Mrs. Henry Molloy and Mrs. Earl Robinson of Corsicana and a son, J. S. Stout of Waco. She also leaves a brother, Edgar Briggs.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 5 o'clock from the family home on West Seventh avenue, with Rev. Cullom H. Booth, pastor of the First Methodist church, of which deceased was a member officiating.
The pallbearers will be sonny Molloy, Dick Molloy, Dade Ransom, Lyman Reeves, Joe Wilson and C. B. Haley.
Funeral Was Largely Attended.
The funeral of the late Mrs. L. N. Stout took place at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the family home, 1731 West Seventh Avenue, and was largely attended, and there were many beautiful floral offerings.
Emily Jane (Cotton) Montgomery
Jul 4, 1831 - Jul 13, 1917
Venerable Lady Dead.
Mrs. C. J. Montgomery, aged 85 years, three months and nine days, died at her home, 1004 East Seventh Avenue, yesterday afternoon, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 5 o'clock, Rev. B. W. Vining officiating. The deceased had been a resident here for many years and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral this afternoon was largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings. Surviving the deceased are three children, Mrs. Tom Redden, Emmett Montgomery and W. B. Montgomery all of Corsicana.
Mattie Florence (Montgomery) Redden
Dec 18, 1869 - Jan 5, 1924
Mrs. Redden Laid to Rest.
Mrs. Mattie Florence Redden, wife of Mr. D. C. Redden, who died Friday evening at 7:20 following a long illness, was laid to rest Sunday afternoon in Oakwood following a beautiful and impressive funeral service at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. Alonzo Monk Jr., pastor of the church, and Rev. Bion T. Jones, pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church.
The beautiful and numerous floral offerings attested the love and esteem in which this good woman was held by her host of friends.
The music under the direction of Mrs. Conger Brooks, with Mrs. Story at the organ, was very beautiful and touching. Those assisting were Messrs. Jack Haslam, Roy Leeds, Robert Layton and Edgar Metcalf; Miss Dorothy Drane, Mrs. Agnes Lee Champion and Mrs. C. A. Montgomery.
The following out-of-town people were present: Mrs. Kate Newton, Mrs. Wyatt Fuller of Dallas, Mrs. A. D. Redden of Terrell, Mrs. Herbert Brewster of Denton and Mrs. Frank Quaite of Waxahachie.
The following little poem may be a source of comfort to her sorrowing ones, and to others who have been bereft of their loved ones so recently:
Call Her Not Dead.
Call her not dead! She has but swiftly passed
Within the veil that screens the outer hall,
The vestibule of silence she must cross
To reach the presence chamber of her Lord.
When dear ones pass, sometimes we catch
The moonlight radiance from that inner room,
At times all�s dark, unfaith has sealed our eyes
Unto the vision
Give us, Lord, the faith
To pierce the darkness that enfolds us here
In this our time of mourning,
Touch our eyes
That we behold her now, awake and robed
In Thine own likeness, glad and satisfied.
Mrs. D. C. Redden Died Here Last Evening
Mrs. Mattie Florence Redden, aged 55 years, wife of D. C. Redden,
died Friday evening at 7:20 o'clock at the family home and the
funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the First Methodist
Church with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr., pastor of the First
Methodist Church and the Rev. Ilion T. Jones, pastor of the Third
Avenue Presbyterian Church will conduct the services.
Mrs. Redden was born at Water Valley, Miss., December 18, 1869, and
has been a resident of Corsicana for many years. She has a host of
friends here who will be genuinely grieved to learn of her death and
who will join in extending sincere sympathy to the husband and
She is survived by her husband; two children, Hubert Redden of
Corsicana and Mrs. R. G. Newton of Dallas; two brothers, Emmett and
W. B. Montgomery of Corsicana and one sister Mrs. Mollie McKey of
The following will be the active pallbearers: T. C. Livingood, J. R.
Pevehouse, R. E. Beard, E. E. Smith, Robert Teas and E. H. Powell.
Honorary pallbearers will be as follows: Lowry Martin, H. D.
Johnson, H. Iversen, O. E. Hyndman, W. C. Hilliard, A. E. Haslam, G.
F. Haslam, J. S. Haslam, Geo. White, Fred Allison, J. H. Woods, Jack
Castel, R. F. Brigs, F. M. Whitehill, Norborne Champion, Robert
Bates, Luther Larrison, Tom Hickey, Mit Sowell, J. A. Sowell, Walter
Bates, Clem Weaver, W. J. Selig, J. E. Skinner, H. J. Robbins, J. A.
Roe, F. L. Houser, A. H. Piper, James R. Petty, Walter Hayes, D. L.
Goodman, W. F. Dunn, W. H. Dunn, F. A. Elliott, R. N. Jones, J. H.
Albreath, W. M. Boltz, B. M. Clopton, Chas. Steeley, Edgar Metcalf,
Dr. L. E. Kelton, Sydney Marks, Mendal Marks, B. Marks, N. L.
Benson, R. Costa, I. Jaffee, A. J. McCullough, W. W. Clopton, J. P.
Redden, A. P. Simpson, E. V. Caldwell, J. F. Rittersbacher, Ed
Rittersbascher, Herbert Gribbles, F. M. Holmes, J. R. Redden, John
Redden, Wess Redden, E. R.Kemp, T. J. Bonnan, Suttle Roberts, Jester
Pittman, Oscar Redden, Tap Redden, J. F. Taylor, E. A. Johnson.
David Christian "Tom" Redden
Jan 16, 1864 - Sep 24, 1933
Funeral services for David C. (Tom) Redden age 69, resident of Corsicana practically all of his life who died Sunday morning at 6:30 o'clock, were held from his home, 514 West Second avenue, Monday morning at 10 o'clock with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. P. Martin Baker, pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Newton, Dallas, a son, Hubert Redden Corsicana; and other relatives.
Singers were Loyd Kerr. Robert E. Layton, Mrs. Harry Williams and Mrs. H. O. Blanding.
Pallbearers were C. W. Redden, John Redden, T. J. Brennan, C. L. Terry, Franklin Scale, Lowell Estes, Harvey Redden and Annis Redden.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
William Burton Montgomery
Dec 28, 1866 - Aug 14, 1936
William Burton Montgomery, aged 69 years, well-known carpenter, died at 106 Avenue F. Friday night at 7 o'clock. The funeral services were held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Baptist church, Mr. Montgomery was a native of Navarro county and had resided in Corsicana practically all of his life.
Surviving are his wife, three sons, O. D. Montgomery, Eddie Montgomery and Emmett Montgomery, all of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. Jim Robinson, Corsicana; Mrs. L. T. Nicholson, Corsicana; and Mrs. J. A. Stell, Houston, and six grandchildren.
Rachel Matilda (Rascoe) Montgomery
Feb 15, 1870 - Mar 6, 1955
Rites Held For Mrs. Montgomery
Mrs. Rachel M. Montgomery, 85, native of Chatfield, died at her home, 420 West Ninth avenue, Sunday night. She had resided at her home here for 70 years.
Funeral services were held Monday at 2:30 p.m. from the Missionary Baptist church with burial in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Riley E. Dale and Rev. Kenneth Bazar, pastor and assistant pastor, respectively, of the Missionary Baptist church.
Mrs. Montgomery was a life-long member of the Baptist church.
Surviving are three sons Eddie Montgomery, Monahans; O. D. Montgomery, Corsicana, and Emmett Montgomery, Dallas; three daughters, Mrs. Alta Stell, Houston; Mrs. Uala Robinson, Waco, and Mrs. Ethel Nicholson, San Benito; eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
She is the last survivor of a family of 13 children.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Corley Directed.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Mar 7, 1955
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o William Burton Montgomery;
d/o Gabriel Hardaman Rascoe & Mary Frances (Halbert) Rascoe buried Petty�s Chapel cemetery
Elizabeth Jeanette �Nettie� (Campbell) Rascoe
May 15, 1878 - Jul 14, 1961
Hold Services For Mrs. Rascoe
Funeral services for Mrs. J. P. Rascoe, SR. 83, were held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the Missionary Baptist church with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Bruce Hibbitt, pastor.
Mrs. Rascoe, a native of Atlanta, Ga., long-time Corsicana resident, died at the Twilight Home Friday night.
Surviving are two sons, W. T. and J. P. Rascoe, Jr., both of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Archie E. Gaddy, McAllen, and Mrs. N. R. Wright, Houston; seven grandchildren, three great grandchildren, two brothers, Romie Campbell, Corsicana, and P. H. Campbell, Pomona, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Kathryn Thurmon, Nesbo, Mo. And other relatives.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Corley directed.
Romiales �Romia Lee/Romie� Rascoe
Oct 2, 1918 - Mar 31, 1945
PROMOTED�Romie L. Rascoe, 26, has been promoted from private to grade of sergeant, according to information received by his wife, Mrs. Jimmie Lou Rascoe and three children, 510 West First avenue. Entering the service June 21, 1944, Sgt. Rascoe received his basic training at Ft. McClelland, Ala., and went overseas in December 1944. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rascoe, 420 West Ninth avenue.
Posthumous Award Of Purple Heart To Sgt. Romia Rascoe
S-Sgt. Romia L. Rascoe, U. S. Army infantry, has been awarded the Purple Heart posthumously. Sgt. Rascoe was wounded in action in Germany March 30, 1945, and died the following day as a result of his injuries.
The Purple Heart has been received by his wife from the war department.
Sgt. Rascoe entered the armed services June 21, 1944, and went overseas in December, 1944. He was with Gen. George Patton�s Third Army. His wife and three children, Robert Lee, Janne Lynn and Pattye Jim Rascoe reside here.
 Sgt. R. L. Rascoe Killed In Action German Invasion
Sgt. Romie L. Rascoe, 26, with General Patton�s Third Army in Germany, died of wounds received in action March 20, according to information from the war department received Thursday by his wife, Mrs. Jimmie Lou Rascoe, 510 West First avenue. He had previously been reported wounded in action.
Entering the service in June 1944, Sgt. Rascoe had been overseas since December of the same year.
In addition to his wife, survivors include three children, Bob aged 4; Janne Lynn, 2 and Patty Jim aged 1 year; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rascoe, 420 West Ninth Avenue; a brother, Willie Rascoe, Petty�s Chapel.
Sgt Rascoe was in the employ of the Magnolia Petroleum Company here prior to entering the service.
Betty Jo (Travis) Wendt
Jan 6, 1928 - Aug 9, 2015
Jo Wendt of Corsicana passed away on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2015.
Betty was born in Corsicana on Jan. 6, 1928. She grew up in
Zions Rest Community and was a graduate of Corsicana High
School. In 1945 she married Ralph Wendt after he returned
from WW II. They built a house of Navarro Drive, just one
block from where she was born on Navarro Drive and raised
two boys.
She went to work at Texas Miller Products (the hat factory)
and worked there until they closed. She also did seasonal
work at Collin Street Bakery. She attended Northside
Baptist, then Memorial Baptist for 54 years, where she
taught Sunday School and sang in the choir. She loved her
church family and enjoyed doing things at the church.
Her greatest joy came from singing. She began many of the
services at Memorial singing with their pianist as she
played while everyone came in. When her illness first put
her in the hospital she was known by all as the singing
lady. Everyone at the hospital talked about her singing and
even began to make request. While laying in the ER she sang
Blessed Redeemer for the pastor.
Other hobbies included bowling on the Corsicana Women's
League and reading books, which she shared with her friends
as they swapped out as they read them, moving between them
until all finished then donated the books or sold them.
Since her illness worsened she spent her last days at
Heritage Oaks Retirement Village.
Betty is preceded in death by her husband, Ralph Wendt;
father, Harve Travis; mother, Minnie Griffin Travis;
brother, Hurbert Travis; sister, Nona Fay Beamon; sister,
Minnie Lee Travis; and brother, Clarence Travis.
She is survived by son, Wayne Wendt and wife Zina Gail Wendt
of Mesquite; son, Michael Wendt and wife Sherrie Davis Wendt
of Corsicana; grandchildren, Jeff Wendt, Sherry Hill, Amy
Magee, Jason Wendt, Beau Vermillion, Briana Satterwhite,
Brooks Vermillion, Bridget Luna Vermillion, Janette Wendt,
Caleb Wendt and Gabriel Wendt; 14 great grandchildren;
niece, Cheryl Qualls; and numerous other nieces and nephews.
Funeral service will be 10 a.m. Friday, Aug. 14, 2015. at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow
at Oakwood cemetery.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Ada Wigley
Mar 10, 1897 - Mar 28, 1917
Death of Afflicted Young Lady.
Miss Ada Wigley, aged 20 years and 18 days, died at the family home on South Twelfth street yesterday evening and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon.
The young lady was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wigley and had been afflicted all her life, but death came as the result of pellagra.
Martha Louise (Pettigrew) Suttle
Jan 25, 1832 - Apr 11, 1917
Had Been Resident of Navarro County More Than Fifty Years.
Mrs. Mattie L. Suttle, aged 85 years, two months and seventeen days, and a resident of Navarro county for more than fifty years, died last night of disease incident to old age, and the remains were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 5 o'clock, by the side of those of her late husband, Dr. J. T. Suttle, who was a practicing physician in Navarro county for many years. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. B. W. Vining and the following were pallbearers:
Active�Jarvis Whiteselle, Pierce Colquitt, W. W. Gage, Dr. Dubart Miller, Suttle Roberts and Geo. F. Miller.
Honorary�E. A. Johnson, E. W. Johnson, Dr. T. A. Miller, Isaac Levy, J. H. Woods, Tom McElwee, J. F. Taylor and R. G. Thompson of McKinney.
The deceased was a lady of the old Southern type, refined in mind, polished in manners and dignified in bearnig. In the prime of her life she yielded a wide influence for good and was highly esteemed by all who knew her.
Surviving are three children, Dr. I. N. Suttle, Mrs. J. R. Webb, and Will Suttle of Texas city, and a number of grand children.
The funeral was held this afternoon at five o'clock from the home of Dr. I. N. Suttle and was largely attended, many floral offerings being placed above her last resting place.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, April 12, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o John Thomas Suttle, Dr. d/o John Thomas Suttle d/o John McLean Pettigrew and Rosannah H. (Pettigrew) Pettigrew
Isaac Newton Suttle, Jr.
Jan 23, 1902 - Feb 9, 1920
Seriously Sick at Austin
The many friends of Newton Suttle and his family will be sorry to learn that he is reported to be very low at the sanitarium in Austin with pneumonia. This sad news reached the city today when Dr. I. N. Suttle who has been at the bed side of his son in Austin for several days, phoned for Mrs. Suttle to come to Austin at once owing to serious condition of their boy. Newton was attending the State University and several days ago took influenza and on yesterday he contracted pneumonia. From the last report from his bedside Newton is very seriously sick. There are many friends in the city who are very anxious over the condition of Newton and it is hoped that a change for the better will come in time.
Promising and Popular Boy Passes Away
For some days past the illness of Newton Suttle, son of Dr. and Mrs. I. N. Suttle, who was taken sick in Austin where he was a Student in the State University, has been a source of constant anxiety by this entire community, and when the news reached here soon after 12 o'clock last night that he had passed away, despite the lateness of the hour, the sad news soon flashed over town, and on all hands since the unspeakably sad news reached here, nothing but words of deep regret and profound and sincere sorrow have been heard from all lips. The deceased was eighteen years of age on the 3rd of last month. He graduated from the Corsicana High School last Summer and entered the State University last fall. Newton was a bright-student, and was unusually popular with all who knew him, and his untimely death is unspeakably sad and has cast a gloom over the entire community. The remains, accompanied by his parents, will reach here this afternoon at 5 o'clock, over the Houston and Texas Central railroad.
Mr. C. B. Sutherland received a telegram at noon today from William Lawrence McGill saying the body would reach here this afternoon, and that interment would take place tomorrow, but the hour was not learned.
Remains of Newton Suttle, Jr., to Arrive Here This Afternoon
Special Staff Correspondence to Sun.
Hearne, Texas, Feb. 10�Newton Suttle, Jr., passed away at 11:45 last night at the Seaton Infirmary, at Austin, with pneumonia.
The remains, accompanied by the family and friends, will arrive at 5 p.m. via the H. & T. C. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 4 p.m. from the home.
Last Sad Rites For Newton Suttle
A large concourse of friends attended the last sad rites for the late Newton Suttle, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. I. N. Suttle, which were held at the family residence yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. B. W. Vining, pastor of the First Baptist church of which deceased was a member, with Rev. Jeff D. Day of Fort Worth assisting.
Newton Suttle, Jr., was eighteen years old on January 23, 1920. He was born and reared in Corsicana and graduated from the Corsicana High School last May. He entered the University of Texas last Fall taking a premedical course of study. His end came at 11:45 o'clock Monday night at Seton infirmary, Austin, Texas, his parents, sister and many friends being at his bed-side at the time.
The Rev. Mr. Ray was formerly pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city and is an old friend of the family. He spoke briefly of life and its purposes�that everything is done by God for the best.
Prof. C. W. Morris, principal of the Corsicana High School, spoke of his association with Newton Suttle, who graduated under his direction last May. �Newton was a boy who loved his friends,� said Mr. Morris, �a boy who likes intimate with those around him. He was one of the three boys who were closest to me�the other two being Randle Cooksey and Robert Neblett. He was a gentleman always, a manly man, a kind Christian. His association has helped everyone with whom he came in contact.�
The latter part of the ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Vining who spoke of the brief, span of life, of the purpose of life which at times is gained only by dying, that death is not sad for those who are ready and prepared.
Some of the old familiar songs, which were best loved by the deceased, were sung by a quartette composed of Sidney Brietz, Miss Frankie Haslam, Mrs. Grace Binford, and Will Cheney.
Trimble�s band attended the funeral in uniform and formed lines through which the casket was carried from the house to the hearse.
There were many beautiful floral offerings from sympathizing friends. Offerings were sent by the University of Texas band, of which the deceased was a member. Trimble�s band, which he also belonged to, the Navarro County Medical Association, a large number of University of Texas students and friends, who were associated with him at the University and many other friends of the family both in and out of the city.
The active pallbearers were classmates of the deceased; Ed. M. Polk, Leon Carroll, Walter Blackmon, John Murray McGee, Thos. Drummond and Sam Kerr.
The honorary pallbearers were Joel C. Trimble, Prof, C. W. Morris, Tom McElwee, W. W. Gage, Robert Neblett, Guy Dacis, J. W. McGill and the following University of Texas students; Wayne R. Howell, Sam Harwell, Stanley L. Eddins, Harvey Young, Wm. Harry Jack, Wm. Lawrence McGill, Heyman Jarett, Warren Hichk, Beauford Jester, T. G. Glass, W. L. Kemper, Roscoe Holton, Stewart Harriker, Leslie Townsend, Emil H. Klatt, Walter Williams, S. M. Brown, George Martin, and J. H. Babb. The University of Texas students were represented at the Funeral by Stanley Eddins, Wm. Lawrence McGill, Harvey Young, Wm. Harry Jack and Heyman Jarett.
Out of town friends who were present include, Sam Reed of Athens, D. A. Bromley, W. P. Suttle, brother of Dr. Suttle, and son, John of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Burgess of Dallas, and Rev. Jeff D. Ray of Fort Worth.
After the services at the home interment was had in Oakwood Cemetery.
The deepest sympathy from their many friends and the entire community has gone out to Dr. I. N. Suttle and family in the great sorrow, the loss of their bright and amnly young son, Newton Suttle, Jr. If it were possible to soften the blow, to lighten the grief in this sad bereavement, it would be through the many loving kindnesses from friends who have sought to express their sympathy in thoughtful attentions since the first news of the impending sorrow.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, February 14, 1920 - Submitted by Diane Richards
The following note from a dear friend to Miss Martha Suttle, in the hour of grief, expresses so much of comfort, sweet thought and sentiment to the stricken hearts of herself and all the family that it is printed below:
Dearest of Friends:
I�ve thought of you all day today and wish that there was something that I could do to help you thru these long, dark hours or something that I could say to make it just a wee bit easier.
I know you have at some time read that dear little poem, �He is Just Away,� by J. Witcomb Riley, and because I hope, dear, that you will think of Newton in that way I�m going to tell it to you again:
�I can not say and I will not say
That he is dead�he�s just away.
With a cheery smile and a wave of his hand
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you, O you, who the wildest yearn
For the old-time spend the glad return�
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There as the love of Here:
Think of him still the same I say�
He is not dead�he is just away.�
Students of University Pay Tribute to Their Dead Comrad
The following clippings from the Daily Texan, published by the students of the State University, give further evidence than that already noted of the high esteem in which Newton Suttle, who died at Austin last week, was held by his fellow-students:
�Tribute was paid Wednesday afternoon to the memory of Isaac Newton Suttle, who died of pneumonia at a local surgical institution Tuesday morning by the University Band, of which he was a former member. The band assembled in the auditorium of the Main Building and played �The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You.� The hymn of the University. Short speeches of tribute to the sterling character and loveable nature of the decedent were made by members of the band who were his intimate friends, and the ceremony was completed by the play of retreat.
�Isaac Newton Suttle was a member of the freshman class of the University from Corsicana, Texas, and the son of a prominent physician of that city.�
Band Honors Suttle.
�At 6 p.m. today the band will play Retreat and the flag will be lowered at half-mast as a tribute to Newton Suttle of Corsicana who died at the infirmary Monday. Suttle was a member of the band and a Freshman in the University.
Isaac Newton Suttle, Sr., Dr.
Apr 5, 1858 - Jul 19, 1931
Dr. Isaac Newton Suttle, aged about 70, practicing physician here for nearly a half century and resident of Corsicana since early childhood, died at his home, 421 West Sixth avenue, Sunday night at 9 o'clock following an illness of several months. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the family residence.
Dr. Suttle was the son of Dr. John T. Suttle and Mrs. Martha Pettigrew Suttle, who came to Corsicana in the early days of this county. Dr. Suttle received his early education in Baylor university, and is a competitive examination with eighteen applicants from Navarro, Limestone and Freestone counties won a scholarship at Sam Houston Normal at Huntsville and was a member of the first graduating class at that institution. In 1885, Dr. Suttle graduated from the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville and returned to Corsicana where he began the practice of medicine as the partner of his father.
In 1896, Dr. Suttle and Miss Marion Lloyd, of Corsicana, were married. To this union, three daughters and one son were born. The son, Newton Suttle, Jr., died several years ago. He is survived by his wife, and three daughters, Miss Martha Suttle, Corsicana; Mrs. Guy I. Warren, Muskegon, Mich.; and Miss Bettie Lloyd Suttle, Corsicana; a grandson; a sister, Mrs. Bobbie L. Webb, San Francisco, California.
Dr. Suttle was a progressive physician, and attended numerous post-graduate schools always keeping abreast with the profession he loved. Cities in which he attended post-graduate courses included New Orleans, Chicago, New York and others. He was offered the clinical surgery chair in Baylor college of Medicine in Dallas, but he declined choosing to remain in Corsicana.
Dr. Suttle was made a fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1920, and was a member of the Navarro county, Texas, Southern and American Medical Societies. He held many important posts in the county and state associations. He was orator of the Texas Medical Society, and recently was elected to life memberships in the Navarro County and Texas Medical societies.
Always striving for the better things in life and ever alert to improve his knowledge concerning his chosen profession, Dr. Suttle, a student by nature, never ceased his efforts of self education from the time, when a young man, he took up the profession in which he was so successful, until the time his fatal illness caused him to relinquish his practice. Late advancements and scientific discoveries of the medical profession were closely followed by Dr. Suttle and at his death he was probably one of the best known and best informed surgeons in the state.
A man of the highest ethical standards his reputation for fair dealings in all matters is known and respected by the hundreds of friends he made during his useful lifetime. He always took an active and interested part in the matters of his profession and was a popular and valued member of numerous medical societies.
Dr. Suttle was local surgeon for the Southern Pacific Lines and the Trinity and Brazos Valley railroad for more than twenty years and at the time of his death was divisional surgeon for the St. Louis-Southwestern Railroad company which place he had held for many years.
Hospital Meeting postponed.
On account of the death of Dr. I. N. Suttle, the meeting of the medical staff of the P. and S. hospital, which was scheduled for Monday night, July 20, has been postponed, and will be held on the third Monday night in August, it was announced today.
Funeral services for Dr. I. N. Suttle, about 70, long-time and well-known physician and surgeon here, who died at his home here Sunday night at 9 o'clock following a lingering illness, were to be held from the family home, 421 West Sixth avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, with interment in Oakwood Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. Howard Williams, pastor of the First Baptist church here, and Rev. Jeff D. Ray, Fort Worth, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Suttle was a prominent surgeon here for almost a half century, among well known men of his profession in Central Texas. He was a native of Mississippi, but had resided in Corsicana since early childhood. He was prominent in the Navarro county and Texas Medical societies and was also a member of the Southern and American Medical societies. He was made a fellow of the American College of Surgeons in 1920.
Surviving are his wife, three daughters, Miss Martha Suttle, Corsicana; Mrs. Guy I. Warren, Muskegon, Mich., and Miss Bettie Lloyd Suttle, Corsicana; a grandson, and sister, Mrs. Bobbie L. Webb. San Francisco.
Active pallbearers will be Luther A. Johnson, Dr. Dubart Miller, Dr. William Shell, Jr., Felix Irwin, Dr. J. D. Hathorn, Dr. J. A. Jones and N. Suttle Roberts.
Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. T. A. Miller and all members of the Navarro County Medical society: George F. Miller, E. O. Vaughn, W. W. Gage, D. N. Rice, S. Daniels, K. Wolens, H. S. Melear, W. T. McElwee, R. L. Houston, Dr. John S. Turner, Dallas; Dr. C. M. Grigsby, Dallas; Dr. A. B. Small, Dallas; Dean T. C. Taylor, Austin; Dr. H. F. Estill, Huntsville; Earnest Johnson, Dallas; Fred W. Freeman, Denver; L. R. Estes, E. K. Moores, A. P. Young, Kerr Cowan, Wade Smith, J. F. Taylor, W. M. Taylor, James Woods, Jr., and all friends of the family.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland Funeral Home.
Mrs. I. N. Suttle had with her for a day last week her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lloyd of Los Angeles, California, who were en route to New York City in their car.
Mr. Guy I. Warren of Muskegon, Mich., arrived Tuesday night to join his wife and little son who have been here for some time with her sick father, the late Dr. I. N. Suttle. Mr. Warren made every effort to get here for the funeral but was not able to do so.
Following is a copy of a letter written to Dr. I. N. Suttle by the Navarro County Medical Society informing him of his election to life membership in that organization as well as in the state association.
Corsicana, Texas
May 12, 1931
Dr. I. N. Suttle,
Dear Dr. I. N. Suttle:
It is our honor and pleasure to inform you that in recognition of your long and faithful service as a member of the Navarro County Medical Society and as a token of the esteem in which you are held by all its members you were unanimously made an honorary life member of the society at its regular meeting May r, 1931, and were recommended for honorary life membership in the Texas State Medical association. It is, therefore, with much gratification that we learn of your election to honorary life membership in the state association.
With every assurance of our kindest, regards and sincere friendship, we are
Fraternally yours,
Navarro County Medical Society,
By Wm. T. Shell, Jr., Sec�y.
Marian Louise (Lloyd) Suttle
Nov 15, 1875 - Oct 11, 1955
Friday Services For Mrs. Suttle
Funeral services for Mrs. I. N. Suttle, who died suddenly at her home, 421 West Sixth avenue Tuesday night, will be held from the First Baptist church Friday at 10:30 a.m.
The rites will be conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist church of which Mrs. Suttle was a member. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.
The widow of the late Dr. I. N. Suttle, prominent physician and surgeon, Mrs. Suttle was the daughter of the late William Francis Lloyd and Agnes Byrnes Lloyd, and was born in Galveston. She was reared in the Northwest Pacific area and came to Corsicana as a bride. She was superintendent of her husband�s private hospital in Corsicana many years ago and was a charter member of the Twentieth Century Club, was president of the district and city federated clubs, served as the first president of the Sam Houston PTA, and was active for years in the medical society auxiliary, WMU of the First Baptist church and other circles.
One son, I. N. Suttle, Jr., died while a pre-medical student in the University of Texas.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Guy Warren and Mrs. Felix Irwin, both of Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Don Ross, Midland; a grandson, Guy Suttle Warren, U. S. Army, Fort Dix, and granddaughter, Mary Ann Ross, Midland; three brothers, Hubert A. and Leonard Lloyd, both of Sacramento, Calif., and John Lloyd, Havre, Montana; a sister, Mrs. Emily Seargant, San Jose, Calif., and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be N. Suttle Roberts, J. H. Woods, Jr., Dallas; Dr. A. B. Horn, Dr. W. K. Logsdon, L. A. Johnson, Jr., George Daniels, Louis Wolens, W. l. McGill, Will Taylor, Dr. Will Miller, Scott Lowry and Kerr Cowan.
McCammon will direct.
Mrs. I. N. Suttle Services Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. I. N. Suttle, who died at her home, 421 West Sixth avenue, Tuesday night, were held Friday at 10:30 a. m. from the First Baptist church. The rites were conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.
A native of Galveston, Mrs. Suttle, the daughter of the late William Francis Lloyd and Agnes Byrnes Lloyd was reared in the Pacific Northwest, and came to Corsicana as a bride. She was the widow of the late Dr. I. N. Suttle, prominent physician and surgeon.
Mrs. Suttle was superintendent of the Suttle private hospital for years and was prominent in PTA, civic clubs, and the WMU of the First Baptist church. She was a charter member of the Twentieth Century Club, was president of district and city federated clubs, served as the first president of the Sam Houston PTA, and was active in the medical society auxillary.
A son, I. N. Suttle, Jr., died while a pre-medical student in the University of Texas.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Guy Warren and Mrs. Felix Erwin, both of Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Don Ross, Midland; a grandson, Guy Suttle Warren, U. S. Army, Fort Dix; a granddaughter, Mary Ann Ross, Midland; three brothers, Hubert A. and Leonard Lloyd, both of Sacramento, Calif., and John Lloyd, Havare, Montana; a sister, Mrs. Emily Seargant, San Jose, Calif.
Pallbearers were N. Suttle Roberts, J. H. Woods, Jr., Dallas; Dr. A. B. Horn, Dr. W. K. Logsdon, L. A. Johnson, Jr.; George Daniels, Louis Wolens, Dr. Will Miller, Scott Lowry and Kerr Cowan.
McCammon directed.
Mary Lou (Knight) Tilton
Sep 9, 1896 - Feb 1, 1949
Mrs. L. P. Tilton Funeral Services Held On Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Lawrence P. Tilton, aged 52 years, who died at the family residence, 1414 West Park avenue Tuesday night were held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in the Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist church.
Mrs. Tilton was the former Miss Mary Lou Knight of Angus. She was a member of the Third Avenue Presbyterian church.
Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Mrs. W. W. Dosser; a grandson, Ronald Dosser; two uncles, Jim and Lee Pugh, all of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Eugene Highnote, J. K. Brim, Seth L. Story, B. F. Thomas, Emmett Dosser and Clyde Gutsahall.
Honorary pallbearers were friends of the family.
Friends, Relatives Of Mrs. Tilton Attend Rites.
Out-of-town relatives and friends who attended funeral services
Thursday for Mrs. L. P. Tilton were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Soap,
Corpus Christi; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hindman, Mrs. Elton Dosser,
Mrs. Ervin Dosser, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Olin Boese, Fort Worth;
Mrs. And Mrs. S. B. Hindman, Seguin; Miss Mary McElgunn, Miss
Janie Morrison, Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews, Kilgore;
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brim, Bobby Brim, Waco; John J. Tilton,
Lockhart; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruth, Crossroads; Mrs. S. V. McGage,
Frank McCage, Lynn McGage, Travis McCage, Harry Puckett, Waco.
H. Puckett
May 28, 1898 - Jun 7, 1917
Died Near Here Today.
O. H. Puckett, aged 19 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Puckett, died at the family home one mile south of the State
Orphanage this afternoon of tuberculosis and the remains
will be interred in
cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 3:30.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, June 7, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- s/o Leonard Lemuel Puckett & Mary Ruth �Mollie�
(Bell) Puckett buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana,
In Memory.
On the morning of the 7th day of June the Death Angel visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Puckett and took from them their loving
son, Bill. He was ill sixteen long months and his sufferings at
times was great but he bore it without a murmur, always ready to
smile and tried to be cheerful until the last.
Everything that loving hands and faithful doctors could do was done
but all was in vain.
Bill was an intelligent young man of nineteen years, just entering
the happiest years of his life and was loved by all who knew him.
Even the little children were very much attached to him and he loved
them dearly and their little hearts were made sad when they learned
he had departed this life.
The writer can sympathize with the bereaved family in these sad
hours as I have had the same sad experience and no one knows how to
feel for them like those who have lost their loved ones.
The remains were laid to rest in the
cemetery after services were held at the family home by
Bro. Gunter. He has left a broken hearted mother, father and several
sisters and brothers and a number of relatives and friends to mourn
his loss.
�He has gone from earth to Heaven above,
To bask in the light of a Savior�s love.�
W. Nichols
1844 - May 6, 1917
Died Near Corbet.
J. W. Nichols, aged 73 years, and for many years a
resident of the Corbet community, died at his home
yesterday and the remains were interred at the
cemetery this afternoon. The widow and several grown
children survive.
Retreat News.
Mr. W. J. Nichols of Corbet died Sunday night. Mr. Nichols was a
good man and loved by all who knew him. He was laid to rest at
Hamilton cemetery. Brother Howell and Brother Jones conducted the
Rufus Newton Wilson
Apr 15, 1867 - Nov 7, 1917
Died Here Last Night.
Rufus N. Wilson, son of Mrs. W. W. Wilson died last
night at 8:30 at the boarding house on West Third
Avenue adjoining the Odd Fellows building and the
remains were interred in the
Hamilton cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock,
Rev. J. T. McKeown of Dawson, officiating. The
deceased was 38 years old, and besides his mother he
is survived by these brothers and sisters; Mrs. T.
F. Crowley, and Miss Ninnon Wilson, of Corsicana;
Mrs. R. F. Comer, Mrs. R. H. Comer and H. N. Wilson
of Dawson; Tom Wilson of Hubbard and W. B. Wilson of
Nettie Ruth (Smith)
Oct 19, 1896 - Apr 10, 1978
Mrs. Richardson
Services were 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Griffin Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Nettie R. Richardson, 80, resident of
Corsicana, who died this morning at Memorial Hospital.
Survivors include a son, T. T. Richardson of Mabank; two
daughters, Mrs. Kathryn Brittain of Corsicana and Mrs. Ruth
Graham of Farmers Branch; 12 grandchildren, a number of gret-grandchildren,
a brother, Wilsie Smith of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Artie
McGraw of Houston and Mrs. Blanch Lewis of Grosbeck