Elizabeth (Traylor) Stocks-Justice-Neal
Jan 6, 1830 - Mar 5, 1917
Remains Were Interred in Oakwood This Afternoon.
Mrs. Elizabeth Neal, aged 87 years, passed away yesterday afternoon
at 5:30 at the home of her son-in-law R. D. Caton, and the remains
were interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. W. J. Hearon officiating. The deceased is survived by two children, Dave
Neal and Mrs. R. D. Caton. She had been a resident of Corsicana for
many years and had a large circle of friends who esteemed her very
much. A large number attended the funeral and there were many floral
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, March 6, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Thomas Heard Stocks, Sr. married Feb. 24, 1848
2nd husband Daniel W. Justice married Dec. 7, 1852 3rd husband
Columbus Madison Neal married Feb. 2, 1865 d/o Tillman Traylor
& Lucy (Walker) Traylor
Nancy �Nannie� (Hamilton) Blackmon
Apr 12, 1845 - Nov 3, 1917
Wife of Old Citizen Died of Paralysis of the Brain.
Mrs. Nannie Blackmon, wife of S. A. Blackmon, aged seventy-two
years, died at the family home on South Seventeenth street, last
night from paralysis of the brain, after a brief illness. The
deceased had been a resident here for twenty-five years, and was
highly esteemed by all who knew her. The remains were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. L. C. Howell officiating.
Besides her husband the deceased is survived by the following grown
children; Mrs. J. H. Cardwell, Corbet; Mrs. B. B. Thorp, Corsicana;
Mrs. J. W. Vaughn, Navarro, and James, Charles, Will Blackmon of
Death Claimed Mrs. S. A. Blackmon on Oct. 3rd, 1917.
The Death Angel visited the home of Brother S. A. Blackmon and
claimed for its own his true and loving companion and took from her
children a kind and affectionate mother, and from the second Baptist
Church a faithful member. We miss her, yes we miss her. The home
looks so lonely to us. To know her was to love her.
Sister Nancy Hamilton was born April 12, 1845. In early girlhood she
came to Texas with her parents. On June 22nd 1866, she was married
to S. A. Blackmon. To this union was born six children, all of whom
are now grown men and women and with their father are left to mourn
her death. The church is in deep sympathy with you and will say to
you weep not, for she has gone to live with Jesus, and by the grace
of God you will meet her in heaven where there are no sad hearts but
all is peace and joy. Sister Blackmon was a devoted Christian lady
and had been a member of the Baptist church for forty-one years and
two years of this time a member of the Second Baptist Church of
Corsicana and was always ready to do work for the Lord.
Asleep in Jesus, Oh, how sweet,
Where none ever wake to Weep
Be it resolved that this be placed on the church book, and a copy be
give to the family and one sent to the Baptist Progress for
Death Claims Mrs. S. A. Blackmon.
Mrs. Nancy Hamilton Blackmon was born April 12, 1845, and died Oct.
3, 1917. In early girlhood she came to Texas with her parents. Her
father being the owner of a large plantation she experienced all the
horrors and hardships of the Civil War. She received her education
at a boarding school in Palestine, Texas. She was ever awake to all
the opportunities of an education.
On June 22, 1866, she was married to S. A. Blackmon. They had lived
happily together for more than a half century, spending most of
their lives in Ellis County, until 1898 when they moved to
Corsicana, where they resided until God saw fit to call her home.
She was a devoted Christian, having been a member of the Baptist
church forty one years, and has gone to reap her reward. Her
unselfish devotion to her family and friends won for her the love
and esteem of all who knew her.
She was ill only a few hours, when she fell asleep in Jesus.
�Asleep in Jesus, Oh! How sweet,
From which none ever wake to weep.�
As the death dew gathered over her marble brow, around her bedside
gathered her boys and girls�always boys and girls to her though now
grown to mature years, with boys and girls around their own
firesides. The life so long interwoven with theirs, with tearful
eyes, they watched as it slowly but surely passed away. The boys and
girls that gathered around the bed of their mother and so bravely
fought the Death Angel, long ago passed out from the little home
circle business cares and their own home circles may have robbed
mother of their companionship but she was ever just the same
rejoicing at their success and grieving at their misfortunes. We
know the memory of such a devoted life will draw the loved ones
closer to Him who doeth all things well.
�My dear mother, she was true
To her children and her home
She was patient, tender, kind and loved us all.
I praise God for her sweet name,
She was ever just the same.
I can ne�er forget my mother and my home.�
Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock, conducted by her pastor,
Rev. Howell. She was then laid to rest amid beautiful floral
offerings which expressed the sympathy of friends.
How sad, indeed, is death. Weep not loved ones; she cannot come to
you, but you can go to her, when your earthly pilgrimage is ended
here. May the Lord lead the heart broken husband and children to
that home where they may meet the Angel wife, sainted mother and be
an unbroken family around the throne of God. Mrs. Blackmon is
survived by her husband and six children.
Rosa A. (Beasley) Pope-Denney
Jul 21, 1872 - Nov 22, 1952
Services Sunday For Mrs. Denny
Funeral services for Mrs. Rosa A. Denny, 80, who died at the family
home, 108 East Woodlawn early Saturday morning were held from the
Corley Chapel Sunday at 2 p.m.
The rites were conducted by Rev. T. R. Vaughn, Baptist minister of
Henderson county, Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are a son, S. A. Pope, Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. Bettie
Tucker, Dallas; seven grandchildren, Truman Pope, Houston; Veney
Pope, Corsicana; Billy Pope, Fort Worth; Mrs. Sue Starks, Houston;
Mrs. Faye Worthy, Hillister; Mrs. Frankie Johnson, Corsicana, and
Miss Jessie Lee Pope, DeQueen, Ark.; 13 great-grandchildren and
other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Nov 24, 1952
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband William Henry Pope married Nov. 1890 2nd husband
Frank Denney (I think he is Francis Marion �Frank� Denney)
married Dec. 23, 1902 (he is buried in Conner Family Cemetery;
d/o Samuel Benton Beasley and Mary Elizabeth (Conner) Beasley
buried in Conner Family Cemetery
Leon Gray
Dec 30, 1916 - Jan 30, 1017
Lost Infant Son.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Gray will sympathize with
them in the loss of their infant son, Leon, who died last night at
the age of one month and ten days. The remains were interred in
Oakwood at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Elizabeth �Lizzie� (Fullerton) Akers-Smith
Jul 2, 1870 - Nov 2, 1917
Esteemed Lady Passes Away After Long Illness.
Mrs. Lizzie Fullerton Smith, wife of Wiley R. Smith, died at the
family home on West Collin Street yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock
after a long and painful illness, and the remains were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. W. J. Hearon of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church officiated, and J. A. Megarity, J.
B. Lonsford, R. B. Mitchell, W. W. Gage, H. J. Robbins and Ben
Zimmerman acted as pallbearers. The deceased was forty-seven year
old, and was born and reared near Dawson in this county. She leaves
a husband and numerous relatives in this county, but of her
immediate family only two brothers survive, D. M. Fullerton of
Marlow, Okla., and John T. Fullerton of Dawson.
The deceased was highly esteemed by a large number of friends who
sympathize with those who are left to mourn her loss. The funeral
was largely attended and many floral offerings were in evidence.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Nov 3, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Zebulon B. �Zeb� Akers married Feb. 7, 1884
Buried in Dawson cemetery, Dawson, Tx. 2nd husband Wiley R.
Smith; d/o John F. Fullerton and Mary Elizabeth (Boyles)
Clifton T. Murphey
Jan 19, 1917 - Jul 8, 1917
Baby Boy Died.
Clifton T. Murphy, aged five months and nineteen days, son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Murphy, of 205 West Twelfth Avenue, died Saturday
night and the remains were interred in
Oakwood yesterday afternoon.
Mattie Beatrice (Warren) Murphey
Aug 3, 1889 - May 11, 1964
Mrs. Murphey Services Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Lonnie Murphey, 74, 2220 North Beaton
street, who died in Memorial hospital Monday afternoon following a
brief illness, were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the McCammon
Chapel with burial in Oakwood
The rites were conducted by C. B. Holcomb minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Native of Dallas county, she had resided here 49 years.
Surviving are her husband, five sons, Leland Murphey, Dallas;
Warren, Homer and Tom Murphey, all of Corsicana, and J. W. Bowden,
Palestine; two daughters, Mrs. Audrey Kirner, Los Angeles, and Mrs.
Jean Whistler, Corsicana; 14 grandchildren, one great-grandchild, a
brother, Cleve Warren and a sister, Mrs. Whit Boyd, both of Ft.
Worth and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Lewis Foster, C. F. Dominy, Ruby Owen, Sam Skinner,
Paul Miller and Bull Fulton.
Homer Shirley Murphey
Jan 18, 1926 - Jul 17, 1970
Collision Kills One, Injures 2
A Corsicana man was killed and two others were injured, one
critically, in a headon collision between a pickup truck and car on
Hwy 31 near Silver City late Friday.
Dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital was a passenger in the pickup,
Homer Murphy, 45.
In critical condition at Memorial Hospital with multiple injuries is
Mrs. Frances Ward Collins, 34, 208 Mamie Ave., driver of the 1969
Hospitalized with less serious injuries is the driver of the second
vehicle, Kelton K. French, 1503 Cherry Ave. He is being treated for
pain of the right arm, both legs and the right rib cage.
Highway Patrolman Albert Fisher reported Mrs. Collins was traveling
west 8.8 miles west of Corsicana near Silver City, when she pulled
out to pass another vehicle and met French almost headon with the
brunt of the collision impact on Murphy�s passenger side.
The vehicles had to be pried apart so that Murphy could be removed.
He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital by Peace Justice
W. H. Tipton.
Both the truck and French�s 1965 auto were demolished.
Services for Murphy, a cement contractor, will be held today at 4
p.m. at Corley Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery, J. Lethal Roberts will officiate.
Surviving are his wife of the home at Navarro Mills; a daughter,
Mrs. Larry Blankenship of Abilene; a granddaughter; his father,
Lonnie Murphy of Corsicana; four brothers, J. W. Bowden of
Palestine; Leland Murphy of Dallas, Warren and Tom Murphy of
Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Joe Kirner of Los Angeles, Calif.; and
Mrs. Jean Whistler of Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be C. A. Watson, Dan Dominy, Henry Jackson, Thomas
Honea, A. J. York and J. W. York.
Murphy Funeral
Funeral services were held Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Corley Funeral
Home for Homer Murphy, 45, who was killed Friday in a car accident.
J. Lethal Roberts, Church of Christ minister, officiated. Burial was
in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, his father,
four brothers and two sisters.
Anna Elizabeth
"Bessie" Clark/Wareing
Jan 13, 1916 - May 29, 1917
A great deal of sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wareing in
the loss of their pretty little daughter, Anna Elizabeth, who was
laid to rest in Oakwood
cemetery on Tuesday after a brief illness.
All that loving hands and hearts could do failed to bind the dear
little baby girl to earth and to the home of her devoted parents who
had lavished all the love and attention possible to the little
sunbeam who was known as an unusually bright child. Mr. and Mrs. Wareing received a great deal of thoughtful attention from friends
during their sorrow, and a profusion of beautiful floral offerings
were received from friends both in and out of the city.
Willa E. (Coleman) Rogers
Nov 8, 1883 - May 26, 1917
Died Here Last Night.
Mrs. J. A. Rogers died at the P. and S. hospital last night after
two weeks of illness and the remains were interred in
Oakwood this
afternoon at 5 o'clock, with Rev. W. J. Heron officiating, and Brown
Sine, Mac Wright, Will Peters, R. J. Wiley, E. A. Fitzgerald and Pacli Blair acting as pall-bearers. The funeral services were at
Sutherland�s Undertaking parlors and there was a good attendance and
many beautiful floral decorations.
The deceased and her husband came to Corsicana from Fort Worth about
a year ago and made their home with Mrs. Tom Blair on West Sixth
avenue. Besides her husband the deceased is survived by her mother,
Mrs. Tom House, of Van Alstyne, and the following sisters, Mrs.
Rhodes and Miss Coleman of Humble; Mrs. Grace Whitaker and Mrs.
Morton of Van Alstyne.
The husband of the deceased is in the employ of the Texas company
and he and his wife had made many friends here who sympathize with
him in the great loss that he has sustained.
Elizabeth Symanthie
"Bettie" (Echols) Story
abt 1855 - Jul 2, 1917
Passed Away Yesterday.
Mrs. Bettie Story, aged 62 years and 5 months, died at the home of
her son, Tom Story, 918 North Thirteenth Street, yesterday afternoon
after a long illness and the remains were interred in
Oakwood this
morning at 10 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.
Charles Oberschmidt and the last sad rites were witnessed by many
friends. The deceased was a native of Georgia, but had lived in
Corsicana for many years, and was highly esteemed by all who knew
Berry Coleman
Jul 2, 1857 - Jul 25, 1917
Funeral Was Largely Attended.
The remains of the late Berry Coleman were laid to rest in
Oakwood cemetery this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The funeral took place from
the family home, 1835 West Seventh avenue, and was largely attended,
and there were numerous floral offerings. Rev. R. B. Hooper
officiated, and Messrs. Mit Sowell, W. H. Warren, J. L. Marshall,
Henry Harrison, C. T. Lounce and Robt. Arnett acted as pall bearers.
Leslie Dee Alford
Feb 1, 1890 - Oct 17, 1918
Body of Brother is Still Being Held Here.
Sergeant E. H. Campbell, Mechanical Training Detachment, A. and M.
College who accompanied the remains of Leslie D. Alford to this
place received a message yesterday W. G. Alford, a brother of the
deceased will arrive here Monday afternoon.
The remains arrived Thursday night accompanied by Sergeant Campbell
and the mother and widow of the deceased, and were being held until
the brother who is in the Navy at San Diego, Cal., can arrive.
The funeral will possibly take place Tuesday morning.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Oct 19, 1918
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- WWI Veteran
- h/o Minnie (Lee) Alford married Mar. 25, 1917 in Muskogee,
Ok. s/o Noel D. Smith Alford and Jennie C (Crunk/Norris)
Alford-Teague-Love (2nd husband Winfield S. Teague married Mar. 13,
1902 3rd husband Willis Love married Dec. 25, 1909)
- Oakwood cemetery
Soldier Buried This Afternoon
The remains of Sergeant L. D. Alford, who died at the A. and M.
College some days ago, and which have been here for some days
awaiting the arrival of relatives, were buried here this afternoon
with military honors, Capt. N. F. Payne being in charge. Rev. B. W.
Vining had charge of the religious rites and Sergeant Ben McKie, F.
E. Baily of the Navy, Corporals Brannon and Stubbs and Privates
Thomas and Kirk acted as pallbearers.
The young soldier, lived at Oakmulgee, Okla., at the time of his
enlistment, but had lived here in early days of his childhood. A
brother, W. G. Alford, of the Naval Training School at San Diego,
and his mother, Mrs. Jennie Love, of Okmulgee, Okla., were here to
attend the funeral.
Former Corsicanan Succumbed To Pneumonia
Leslie D. Alford, formerly of this city, died at
the A. and M. College on the 16th and the
remains are being held here pending the arrival
of his brother, W. G. Alford, who is in the Navy
at San Diego, California.
The deceased was a member of the Mechanical
Training Detachment at College Station. The
remains arrived here last night accompanied by
the mother of the deceased, Mrs. Jennie C. Love
and the wife, Mrs. L. D. Alford, both of
Okmulgee, Oklahoma, and Sergeant Campbell,
Mechanical Training Detachment, A. and M.
The deceased moved away from here some ten years
ago, and was a step son of W. S. Teague, who
formerly worked for the Courier-Light, here.
It is not known yet at what time the funeral
will be held as no word has been received as to
when the brother will arrive from San Diego.
Arrangements will be announced later. The
funeral will be military.
Walter William Smith
Mar 30, 1869 - Apr 13, 1918
Walter Smith Died Last Saturday Morning.
The remains of Walter W. Smith, who ran a shoe repair shop on East
Collin street, were buried yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock with
Rev. Mr. Estes officiating. The deceased had been ill for some time
with pneumonia and complications, at his home near the hospital, and
he died Saturday morning at 7 o'clock. He is survived by his widow
and three small children.
Siddie Frances (Smith) Smith-Sullivan
Jun 11, 1880 - Oct 11, 1937
Mrs. Siddie F. Sullivan, aged 47 years, 718 South Main street, died
at the P. and S. Hospital Monday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the
chapel of the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home, 420 West Sixth
avenue, with interment in Oakwood
Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Second Baptist church, will conduct
the rites.
Surviving are nine children, Weldon B. Smith, Texarkana; Mrs.
Orville Blevines, Houston; B. B. Sullivan, A. R. Sullivan and A. D.
Sullivan, all of Dallas; Mrs. A. C. Joyce, Iago, Texas; Mrs. J. B.
Dodson, Corsicana; Mrs. N. Reid, Corsicana and Mrs. Margaret Groves,
Palestine; a sister, Mrs. Susie Stanton, Dallas and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, Oct 12, 1937
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Walter William Smith 2nd husband Benjamin Franklin
Sullivan, Jr. d/o J. F. Smith & Lovely A. (Mason) Smith
Funeral services for Mrs. Siddie F. Sullivan, aged 57 years, 718
South Main street, who died Monday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the
P. and S. Hospital after an illness of only a few hours, were held
Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral
Home, with interment in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted
by Rev. Joe E. Glenn, pastor of the Second Baptist church.
Surviving are nine children, Weldon B. Smith, Texarkana; Mrs.
Orville Blevines, Houston; B. B. Sullivan, A. R. Sullivan and A. D.
Sullivan, all of Dallas; Mrs. A. C. Joyce, Iago, Texas; Mrs. J. B.
Dodson, Corsicana; Mrs. N. Reid, Corsicana and Mrs. Margaret Groves,
Palestine; a sister, Mrs. Susie Stanton, Dallas and other relatives.
Pallbearers were F. L. McCleary, L. O. Blakney, J. S. Crabb, Clyde
Horn, E. W. Pruett and Lawrence Harris.
Benjamin Franklin Sullivan, Jr.
Aug 10, 1865 - Feb 15, 1937
D. F. Sullivan, aged 71 years, resident of Corsicana for the past 25
years, died at his home, 616 South Main street, Monday morning at
10:15 o'clock. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
He was born Aug. 10, 1865.
The body will remain at the family residence until Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Surviving are his wife, seven children, Mrs. J. B. Dodson,
Corsicana; Mrs. N. Reid, Corsicana; Mrs. Marguerite Groves,
Palestine; Mrs. A. C. Joyce, Ioga; B. B. Sullivan, A. R. Sullivan
and A. D. Sullivan, all of Dallas; a step-son, W. B. Smith,
Texarkana, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Annie Blevins, Houston, and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be L. P. Blakney, Odie Blakney, Melvin Doss, Fate
McClary, Sam Crabb and Eldin Cox.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Feb 15, 1937
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Nellie Louella (Murray) Sullivan married Aug. 18, 1887 2nd
wife Siddie Frances (Smith) Smith-Sullivan s/o Benjamin Franklin
Sullivan, Sr. and Mary (Duncan) Sullivan
Funeral services for D. F. Sullivan, aged 71 years, who died at his
home, 616 South Main Street, Monday morning at 10:15 o'clock, were
held from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at
3 o'clock with interment in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Rev. W. m. Burgess.
Surviving are his wife, seven children, Mrs. J. B. Dodson,
Corsicana; Mrs. N. Reid, Corsicana; Mrs. Marguerite Groves,
Palestine; Mrs. A. C. Joyce, Ioga; B. B. Sullivan, A. R. Sullivan
and A. D. Sullivan, all of Dallas; a step-son, W. B. Smith,
Texarkana, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Annie Blevins, Houston.
Pallbearers were L. P. Blakney, Odie Blakney, Melvin Doss, Fate
McClary, Sam Crabb and Eldin Cox.
Effie Lula (Mann) Smith
Jul 7, 1889 - Oct 18, 1918
Died at P. & S. Hospital.
Mrs. B. L. Smith, aged 25 years, whose home was on the Highnote farm
south of town, died at the P. and S. Hospital last night, and the
remains were buried in Oakwood today. The husband and three children
survive. The deceased was the sister-in-law of P. R. Smith of
Pursley. The deceased had been sick for one week, and an infant,
prematurely born, was buried yesterday.
B&D Oct 16, 1918
Died at P. & S. Hospital.
Mrs. B. L. Smith, aged 25 years, whose home was on the Highnote farm
south of town, died at the P. and S. Hospital last night, and the
remains were buried in Oakwood today. The husband and three children
survive. The deceased was the sister-in-law of P. R. Smith of
Pursley. The deceased had been sick for one week, and an infant,
prematurely born, was buried yesterday.
Della (Buckner) Briggs
Oct 1871 - Mar 18, 1917
Funeral Held Today Was Largely Attended.
Mrs. Helen Buckner Briggs, wife of Rufus F. Briggs, aged 46 years,
died at the family residence, 516 South Fifteenth street, at 7:30
yesterday morning after a long and painful illness and the remains
were interred in Oakwood this morning. The funeral taking place from
the First Baptist church at 10 o'clock. Rev. W. B. Vining officiated
and the pallbearers were : Active�W. N. Markham, W. P. McCammon,
Geo. Whytte, S. J. Helm, Will Cheney, Byron Cheney and J. S.
Millerman; Honorary�Dr. T. A. Miller, B. H. Woods, Dr. Geo. F.
Miller, E. W. Johnson, B. K. Duncan and C. E. Lee. The church was
filled to overflowing and there were many beautiful floral
The deceased had been a resident here for many years and was highly
esteemed by all who knew her and tenderly loved by a large circle of
personal friends.
Surviving is her husband, her venerable mother, Mrs. E. F. Buckner,
three sisters, Mrs. Ada Woodard of Dallas; Mrs. Cliff Harwell of
Waco and Mrs. Wade Smith of Corsicana; and by two brothers, E. H.
Buckner of Houston and Frank Buckner of Beaumont.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, March 19, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Rufus F. Briggs d/o Eli Franklin Buckner and Edmonia (Roquemore)
Buckner (Obit says Helen but all I could find says Della)
Rufus F. Briggs
1866 - Oct 10, 1943
Arrangements Not Yet Completed for R. F. Briggs Rites
Funeral arrangements for Rufus F. Briggs, who died at the Corsicana
Hospital and Clinic Saturday night, have not been completed awaiting
arrival of relatives.
Sutherland-McCammon will direct the arrangements.
Funeral services for Rufus F. Briggs, who died in the Corsicana
Hospital and Clinic Saturday night, will be held Thursday morning at
10 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery and Masons will have charge of the services at the
A pioneer oil man of this section he came to Corsicana when only 10
years of age from his native state of Maine. He made his home with
relatives and entered the oil business when only a young man as an
employee of the Barnsdall Oil Company. He was later superintendent
of the Houston Oil Company, a position which he held until that
company sold their holding here. He then became an independent
He took an active part in Masonic circles and held high offices in
every branch of the order here.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Maria Sidaway, Marion, Mass.; Mrs.
Alice Frith, South Weare, N. H.; Mrs. Will Sherman, Seranston, R.
I., and other relatives.
Attention Masons.
You are requested to attende the funeral of R. F. Briggs at the
Sutherland � McCammon Chapel Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
W. P. ROPER, Master.
Rufus F. Briggs, pioneer Corsicana oil man, died at the
Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Saturday night following a short
illness. Funeral arrangements are not complete awaiting word
from relatives.
He had been a resident of Corsicana for many years and has been
connected with the oil industry most of that time. He was at one
time connected with the Barnsdal Oil Company, was superintendent
of Houston Oil Company here for a number of years, and during
the past few years has been an independent operator.
He was a member of all branches of the Masonic order and was one
of the leaders in Masonic circles. He was past Master, Past High
Priest, Past Thrice Illustrous Master and Past Commander.
Three sisters, Mrs. Maria Sidaway, Marion, Mass.; Mrs. Alice
Frith, South Weare, N. H.; Mrs. Will Sherman, Seranston, R. I.,
and other relatives survive.
Sutherland � McCammon will direct the arrangements.
Oct 22, 1917 - Oct 25, 1917
Infant Died Yesterday.
The three days old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Will Price, who live at
the Corner of South Sixteenth street and West Tenth Avenue, died
last night and the remains were interred in
Oakwood this morning at
10 o'clock.
Thomas Jefferson Walling
Apr 1853 - Mar 19, 1917
Died Here Suddenly.
T. J. Walling, of Dallas, aged 64 years, who came here Sunday to
visit his sister, Mrs. M. J. Jackson, living at 501 East Tenth
avenue, died very suddenly yesterday afternoon and the remains were
interred in Oakwood this afternoon at 3:30. The deceased was also a
brother of John N. Walling of Corsicana, and formerly lived here.
Besides the brother and sister he is survived by several grown
children living in Dallas.
Bertha B. Wilkerson
Oct 30, 1890 - Dec 6, 1917
Funeral of Young Lady Was Largely Attended.
The remains of the late Miss Bertha B. Wilkerson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Wilkerson, who died on Thursday night, took place at
10 o'clock this morning from the family home at the corner of North
Thirteenth street and West First avenue, and was largely attended,
the funeral procession, owing to the extreme cold way, being an
entirely automobile one. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.
Chas. Oberschmidt and Rev. B. W. Vining, and a song service was
rendered by C. L. Knox, R. D. Johnson, Mrs. Henry Robbins, Mrs.
Harry Williams and Mrs. Harry Blanding. The floral offerings were
numerous and beautiful, fitting emblems of the pure and beautiful
life that had gone out, and whose memory will live long with those
who knew her.
Among friends who were here from out of town were J. T. Coulson of
Dallas and B. F. Billingslea and R. F. Ray of Waco.
Enoch L. Wood
Jul 3, 1841 - May 20, 1917
Passed Away After Several Weeks of Illness.
Enoch Wood, aged 76 years, and a citizen of Corsicana for forty-one
years died at the home of his son-in-law, W. C. Hardison, 1312
Sycamore avenue, Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, and the remains were
interred in Oakwood Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Fort
officiating and W. W. Gage, G. F. Miller, Sam Mitchell, W. M.
Huggins, F. A. Haslam and O. E. Hyndman acting as pall bearers.
A large concourse of friends followed the remains to
Oakwood and
there were many beautiful floral offerings.
The deceased, who was a native of Alabama, came to Texas and located
in Corsicana in 1876 and made this place his home from that time
till his death. He was a man of fine sense, full of good humor and
of indomintable energy.
For some years before he was taken suddenly ill in March last, he
engaged in the produce business alone and despite his 76 years, he
was as active and as full of energy and ambition as a young man one
third of his age. All who knew him esteemed and admired him and will
long remember him as a high-minded and honorable man, a true friend
and a general companion.
The wife of the deceased passed away many years ago, but he is
survived by five grown children, Mrs. W. C. Hardison, Dave Wood and
Pick Wood of Corsicana, John c. Wood of Dallas, and James Wood of
Bastrop, all of whom have the sympathy of a large circle of friends
in the death of their venerable father.
Annie Ruth (Franks) Layton
Apr 24, 1895 - Oct 18, 1918
Young Wife and Mother Is Called Away.
Mrs. Ruth Franks Layton, wife of Roy Layton, aged twenty-three
years, died at the family home on West First Avenue at 8:30 this
morning from a complication of troubles that confined her to her bed
for several days. The deceased is survived by her husband and two
children, a little girl of five, and a baby boy four days old.
Besides these, are her mother, Ms. J. D. Franks, five sisters and
two brothers. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock with interment in Oakwood.
Rev. G. M. Pullias will officiate and the pall bearers will be A. J.
Sowell, Dr. Trim Houston, J. C. Morgan, E. E. Shoulders, W. H.
Warren, H. R. Harrison.
The family have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.
David Kennemore

Feb 28, 1918 - Oct 14, 1918
Infant Boy Dead.
David, the seven-month�s old son of David Kennemore, died soon after
noon today, and the remains will be buried some time tomorrow beside
those of his mother, who passed away soon after its birth.
Zema (May) Kennemore

Aug 17, 1901 - Aug 23, 1932
Mrs. Zema May Kennemore, aged 31 years, wife of David E. Kennemore,
1308 Hackberry, died at the family residence Tuesday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock following a heart attack and burial will be made at
Oakwood Cemetery.
Mrs. Kennemore was a native of Navarro county.
Surviving are her husband, two sons, Tom and Jerry Kennemore; four
daughters, Claudine, Pauline, Doris and Annie Kennemore; two
step-sons, Abb Kennemore and Robert Kennemore, and two
step-daughters, Mrs. W. C. Pillans and Mrs. Robert Laverty, all of
Corsicana; parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. May, Athens; and several
brothers and sisters and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Judge Clay Nash, Walter Hayes, D. C. Kelley,
Judge Hawkins Scarborough, Doyle Pevehouse and L. C. Morgan.
The funeral will be held from the family residence at 5:30 Wednesday
The services will either be held late Wednesday afternoon or
Thursday morning. Definite time for the funeral had not been decided
early Wednesday afternoon pending word from a brother who resides in
San Antonio.
The funeral will be directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Funeral services for Mrs. Zema May Kennemore, aged 31 years, wife of
D. E. Kennemore, 1306 Hackberry, were held from the family residence
at 5:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon with burial in
Oakwood Cemetery.
The services were conducted by Rev. H. R. Allen, pastor of the
Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Kennemore was a native of Navarro county.
Surviving are her husband, two sons, Tom and Jerry Kennemore; four
daughters, Claudia, Pauline, Doris and Annie Kennemore; two
step-sons, Ab and Robert Kennemore, and two step-daughters, Mrs. W.
C. Pillans and Mrs. Robert Laverty, all of Corsicana; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. May, Athens, and several brothers and sisters.
Pallbearers were Judge Clay Nash, Walter Hayes, D. C. Kelley, Judge
Hawkins Scarborough, Doyle Pevehouse and L. C. Morgan.
The funeral was directed by the Corley Funeral Home.
Avery Tatum Jackson
Nov 1, 1874 - Oct 19, 1918
Died in Groesbeck Last Night.
A. T. Jackson, aged 32 years, died in Groesbeck last night and the
remains were interred there this afternoon. A wife and two children
survive. The deceased was a barber here for two or three years, but
for the past year had been running a garage at Groesbeck in
connection with W. H. Warren of Corsicana. Before going to Groesbeck
he had worked at the Warren garage here for a year.
Remains of Avery T. Jackson Buried in Corsicana.
The Sun regrets that in announcing the death of Mr. Avery T. Jackson
at Groesbeck Saturday it made the mistake of saying that his body
was buried in the city in which he died. His body was brought here
Saturday afternoon for interment and the funeral services took place
from the home at A. F. Monroe on Tenth Avenue yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Jackson was a business man of Groesbeck and died following a few
days illness.
He leaves a wife and two small children. He was born in Murpheesboro,
Tenn., thirty-four years ago. He was married January 1, 1914 to Miss
Ola Monroe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Monroe of Corsicana. He
was a member of the Church of Christ. His mother and several
brothers and sisters are living in Tennessee, Illinois and Michigan.
William Curtis Hand
Apr 11, 1918 - May 6, 1918
Baby Was Buried Today.
William Curtis, the 25 day old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hand, died
at the family home, 913 South Seventeenth street, at 8 o'clock last
night and the remains were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, May 7, 1918
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- (I am really confused by this. Obit and death certificate say
William Curtis Hand s/o Benjamin Franklin Hand, Sr and Martha M.
(Cotter) Hand�monument �I found a birth record for Hand born Apr.
11, 1918 Navarro county for Hand s/o Benjamin Franklin Hand, Sr. and
Myrtle (McAlister) Hand�B. F. Jr. birth record says Myrtia
Benjamin Franklin Hand, Sr.
Aug 15, 1890 - Mar 24, 1943
Ben F. Hand, age 52 years, died at his home, 513 South Fourteenth
street Wednesday afternoon. Funeral arrangements are not complete,
awaiting word from the son in the army. The services will be held at
the Corley Funeral Home chapel and conducted by Rev. O. Stewart.
Burial will be in Oakwood
Mr. Hand had been an employee of the American Well & Prospecting Co.
about 30 years. He was a prominent Odd Fellow and was active in
civic enterprises.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; five sons, B. F. Hand, Jr., W. S.
Army; Elmer Hand, U. S. Navy; David Hand, Thomas Hand, and Paul D.
Hand, all of Corsicana, all of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs.
Willie Quinn, Misses Ruby and Norma Hand, all of Corsicana; seven
sisters, Mrs. W. E. Tapley, Kerens; Mrs. R. H. Lee, Corsicana; Mrs.
W. F. Long, Fort Worth; Mrs. R. E. Steele, Corsicana; Mrs. T. G.
Woodcock, Dallas; Mrs. E. J. Black, Gonzales; Mrs. B. A. George,
Corpus Christi, and other relatives.
Odd Fellows will have charge of the services at the grave and Odd
Fellows will be pallbearers.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, Mar 25, 1943
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Myrtia (McCallister) Hand s/o Henry David Wells Hand
& Nancy
(Buckner) Hand per death certificate other sources say Matilda
Morton (Buckner) Hand
Funeral services for Ben F. Hand, age 52 years, who died at his home
here Wednesday afternoon, will be held Sunday afternoon at 4:30
o'clock from the chapel of the Corley Funeral Home. Rev. E. O.
Stewart, pastor of the Missionary Baptist Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Oakwood
A resident of Corsicana for many years, Mr. was an employee of the
American Well and Prospecting Co. for 20 years.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, three daughters, seven sisters,
and other relatives.
Odd Fellows will have charge of the services at the grave and will
also furnish pallbearers.
Notice to Odd Fellows.
All Odd Fellows are requested to meet at the I. O. O. F. Hall Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 for the purpose of attending the funeral of Ben F.
L. F. Flynn, secretary.
Funeral services for Ben H. Hand, age 52 years, who died last
Wednesday were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon.
Rev. E. O. Stewart conducted the rites. Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery. Odd Fellows had
charge of the services at the grave.
Mr. Hand had been an employee of the American Well and Prospecting
Company for 30 years.
Surviving are his wife, five sons, three daughters, seven sisters
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Paul Moore, L. J. Foster, W. L. Stewart, Joe
Rehders, R. R. Rouse and R. L. Hayes.
Paul D. Hand
Oct. 11. 1936 - May 9, 1975
P. D. Hand
Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the First Baptist
Church Chapel in Brownfield, Tex. For Paul D. Hand, 38, resident of
Brownfield and former resident of Corsicana, who died Friday in a
truck accident.
Graveside services will be at 3 p.m. Monday at
Oakwood Cemetery in
Corsicana. Rev. Pat Cummins will officiate.
He was an employe of the Haliburton Oil Company and resident of
Brownfield seven years.
Survivors include his widow of Brownfield, Mrs. Jean Hand; a son,
Steve Hand of Brownfield; two daughters, Paula Hand and Donna Hand
of Brownfield; his mother, Mrs. Myrtie Hand of Terrell; two
brothers, Thomas Hand of Corsicana and Elmer Hand of Tyler; three
sisters, Mrs. Ruby Hand, Mrs. Pearl Quinn, and Mrs. Norma Beasley
all of Terrell, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Henry David Wells Hand
Sep 30, 1854 - Jun 2, 1932
H. D. Hand to Be Buried Friday; Died in Austin
H. D. Hand, aged 78 years, resident of Corsicana for 17 years, died
in Austin Thursday noon and the body will be brought to Corsicana
for interment. Funeral services will probably be held here some time
Friday, but arrangements had not been made at press hour Thursday
afternoon. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are a son, B. F. Hand, Corsicana; seven daughters, Mrs. R.
H. Lee, Corsicana; Mrs. R. J. Humphreys, Angus; Mrs. W. E. Tapley,
Kerens; Mrs. R. E. Steele, Corsicana; Mrs. W. F. Long, Corsicana;
Mrs. E. J. Black, Corsicana; and Mrs. Melba Russell, Corsicana; and
a sister, Mrs. E. E. Murray, Fort Worth.
Funeral services for H. D. Hand, aged 78 years, who died suddenly in
Austin Thursday at noon, were held from the residence of Eddie
Steele, 1110 West Eleventh avenue, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted by
Rev. J. E. Glenn, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Baptist church.
Mr. Hand was a native of Birmingham, Ala., but came to Texas when a
young man and resided in Corsicana and Navarro county for 17 years.
He also lived in Kaufman county and at Gainesville for some time.
He had been ill since suffering the breaking of his hip several
months ago but his death was unexpected.
The body was brought to Corsicana by the Corley Funeral Home,
director of the funeral arrangements.
Surviving are a son, B. F. Hand, Corsicana; seven daughters, Mrs.
Annice Tapley, Kerens; Mrs. R. H. Lee, Mrs. W. F. Long, Mrs. Melba
Russell, Mrs. Ed Black and Mrs. Eddie Steele, all of Corsicana; and
Robert Humphries, Angus; and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Eddie Steele, Ed Black, Frank Long, Robert Lee,
Robert Humphreys and Travis Steele.
Beulah Elnora
(Tarkington) Purifoy
Oct 26, 1868 - Jan 11, 1916
Mrs. B. E. Purifoy, who died at Eustace of pneumonia, was a sister
of Mr. Pope Tarkington of Kerens. She leaves a husband and five
children. She was buried at
Prairie Point.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Saturday, Jan 15, 1916
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o John William Purifoy married Dec. 25, 1888; d/o James
Knox Polk Tarkington, Sr. & Nettie Cornelia (Grubbs) Tarkington
Amanda Catherine
(Cuthbertson) Warren
Apr 3, 1854 - Feb 13, 1916
Highly Esteemed Lady Dead.
Mrs. W. M. Warren, a highly esteemed lady of the Powell
community, died at the family home yesterday morning at 5
o'clock, and the remains were interred in the
Prairie Point
cemetery this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The deceased was a
member of the Church of Christ, and Rev. E. A. Walker, now of
Cleburne, but until recently pastor of that church here,
officiated. The deceased is survived by her husband and the
following children, all grown; W. H. Warren, of Corsicana, and
E. M. Warren; Mrs. J. E. Christian, Mrs. J. H. Burke and Miss
Elsie Warren, all of Powell. A large procession followed the
remains to the grave.
William Henry Crocker
Nov 15, 1866 - Dec 31, 1940
Wm. H. Crocker, aged 74 years, resident of the Bazette
community for the past half century, died at his home
Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the Methodist church at Prairie Point.
Interment was in the
Prairie Point
Surviving are his wife of Bazette; six sons, Amos Crocker,
Lampasas; Ben Crocker, Bazette; Alvin Crocker, Dallas; Lige
Crocker, Bazette; Curtis Crocker, Bazette, and Robert
Crocker, Arizona; five daughters, Mrs. Nora Abbe and Mrs. Ed
Sims, both of Corsicana; Mrs. Ellie Hammett, St. Louis, Mo.;
Mrs. Eula Mae Jackson, Brownsboro, and Miss Louise Crocker,
Bazette; two step-sons, Roy Massey and Clarence Massey, both
of Greand Saline; a number of grandchildren and great
grandchildren; three brothers, Jesse, Sam and Walter
Crocker, all of Bazette, and a sister, Miss Lizzie Crocker,
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, Jan 1, 1941
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Ella Carolyn (Speed) Crocker 2nd wife
Ida (Findley) Crocker 3rd wife Ollie (Tapley)
Massey-Crocker-Jackson married Aug. 20, 1917 buried in
Post Oak cemetery s/o Thomas Jefferson Crocker and Janet
Caroline (Worrell) Crocker
Dec 28, 1915 - May 28, 1917
Death of Little Girl.
Lola Faughn, daughter of H. C. Faughn, aged one year and
five months died at the family home, 814 South Fifteenth
street, last night and the remains were buried in the
Point cemetery east of here today.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Tuesday, May 29, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- d/o Homer Thomas Faughn buried in City
Cemetery, Marble Falls, Tx. and Wanita E. (Martin)
Faughn buried in Clyde Cemetery, Clyde, Texas
James Neal Langford
Aug 6, 1899 - Sep 30, 1917
Youth Is Instantly Killed by Shot Gun Saturday.
Last Saturday night, near Bazette, Neal Langford,
the 18-year-old son of C. M. Langford, shot himself
accidentally with a shot gun, the load entering the
side of the face, causing instant death.
The young man and four companions had been hunting
in a creek bottom near Bazette and returned to the
home of Mrs. Graves, whose sons were among the
hunters, bringing several o�possums with them. So
after entering the house it is said young Langford
picked up the shot gun and in some unknown way it
went off. The remains of the unfortunate youth were
interred in the
Prairie Point cemetery Sunday afternoon and was
largely attended.
Helen Eudena North
1917 - Jul 4, 1917
Helen Eudena, 6 months old daughter of John
North and wife, who live in the cotton factory
row, died yesterday morning at 3:45 and the
remains were interred at
Chatfield yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Narris Perry
Oct 13, 1914 - Feb 4, 1917
In loving remembrance of Wayne Norris Perry:
Again the white robed messenger of Death has
spread its icy wings and intruded into the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry and claimed
for its own the precious little form of
their little son and only child, Wayne
On Sunday night, February 4th, 1917, just as
the day had come to a close and night had
settled over the earth, his pure
white-winged spirit took its flight to Him
who gave it.
Wayne was ill nearly a week with that
dreaded disease, Blood poison.
All was done that his physicians, loved ones
and friends could do, but to no avail; for
God needed one more angel and he saw fit to
take over Darling Wayne from this sinful
world to a brighter one above, where all is
peace and love.
We cannot understand why one so young and so
much loved should be taken from us for his
mission in the world was very short.
He was spared to his dear ones two years,
three months and twenty-three days; but
God�s will, not ours, be done.
Don�t grieve, dear parents and loved ones,
for little Wayne is not dead, only sleeping.
Only strive more that you can meet him just
over there where sad partings come no more.
His little remains were laid to rest Monday
afternoon at 5 o'clock in the
Chatfield cemetery, Rev. W. P. Rainy
conducting the funeral services.
Another little Lamb has gone
To dwell with him who gave
Another little darling babe
Is sheltered in the grave;
God needed one more angel child
Amidst His shining band.
And so He bent with loving smile
And clasped our darling�s hand.
The little crib is empty now
The little clothes laid by;
A mother�s hope, a fathers joy,
In Death�s cold arm doth lie
Go little Pilgrim, to thy home
On yonder blissful shore
We miss thee here but soon will come
Where thou has gone before.
Those little lips so sweet to kiss
Are closed forever now
Those sparkling eyes that shone so bright
Beneath that pearly brow
That little heart that beat so high;
Free from all care and gloom
Are hidden now from those he loved,
Beneath the silent tomb.
They gentle voice is hushed;
Thy warm true heart is still;
And on thy young and innocent brow
Is resting Death�s cold chill,
Thy hands are clasped upon thy breast;
We have kissed thy lovely thy lovely brow;
And in our aching hearts we know
We have no darling.
Sleep on, sweet Wayne, enjoy thy rest;
God called you home�He thought it best.
Written by one who loved him,
Frances Brodnax �Fannie� (Meredith)
Feb 4, 1855 - May 1, 1917
Mrs. S. A. Marshall died in Chatfield
this morning after a long illness, with
cancer. The deceased is survived by her
husband and one brother, George Meridith
at Chatfield and another brother in West
The remains will be laid to rest at
Chatfield tomorrow.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Friday, Apr 27, 1917
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Old Chatfield
- 1st husband J. W. Smith
married Nov. 28, 1893 2nd husband
Samuel Adkin Marshall married Jan.
2, 1911 d/o Francis Dandridge
Meredith and Frances (Brodnax)
Mary Frances (Mace) Rutherford
Aug 19, 1863 - May 21, 1917
Items of Interest Culled From
Columns of Exchanges.
Mrs. Rutherford, wife of John A.
Rutherford, died at the P. and S.
hospital in Corsicana last Monday
afternoon, following an operation.
The news of the death of this good
woman was a severe shock to the
entire community in which she
resided. Mrs. Rutherford was a good
consistent Christian, a devoted wife
and a kind mother and a thoughtful
neighbor. She will be sorely missed
by all who knew her. Her remains
were interred in the Chatfield
cemetery Tuesday afternoon, and a
large crowd of relatives, friends
and neighbors attended the last sad
rites. Mrs. Rutherford was 54 years
of age, and is survived by a husband
and several children, who have the
profound sympathy of a host of
friends in their sad
bereavement.�Rice Rustler.
In Memory of
Mrs. Rutherford.
On May 14th, the
people of our
community were
made sad when
they heard that
Mrs. J. A.
life had ceased
Mrs. Rutherford
had been a
patient sufferer
for some time
and all that
loving hands and
attention could
do was done. She
had submitted to
an operation,
but she failed
to have vitality
enough to stand
the shock.
Our community
has lost a good
woman, one who
did not want to
be conspicuous,
but who was
willing to do
anything to help
a neighbor or to
help in any way
she could for
the good of her
community. She
was a loving
wife, a devoted
mother, a sweet
and wholesome
example of
domestic living.
She was
fifty-four years
old, had been
years and was a
member of the
Christian church
She was laid to
rest in the
Chatfield cemetery after
services held in
the church at
Tupelo by Rev.
B. E. Kimbrow.
She leaves a
loving husband,
eight devoted
children besides
numerous friends
to mourn her sad
departure. May
the God of
comfort be the
stay of the
bereaved family
and may they
like she, ever
trust in Jesus.
James Madison �Jim� White
Jan 26, 1839 - Jul 30, 1917
Remains Interred Today.
The remains of the late J. M.
White, who died at Navarro
Sunday night, were interred in
the Hamilton cemetery today
about noon. An immense crowd
attended the last sad rites,
which were conducted by Rev. W.
H. Matthews and Rev. Pat Leach.
Minnie Ruth Reid
Nov 17, 1915 - Oct 18, 1917
Ruth, the two-year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Reid of the Retreat
community, died last night
and the remains were
interred in the
Hamilton Cemetery this
Love Ellen (Lewis)
abt 1863 - Apr 27, 1917
Died Near Here.
Mrs. S. C. Howell, aged
21 years, died at the
family home three miles
south of here Saturday
night, and the remains
were interred in
Hamilton Cemetery
yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock. The deceased is
survived by her husband
and six children.
Raymond E. Knight

Oct 12, 1893 - Oct
20, 1917
Raymond E. Knight
Passes Away After
Long Illness.
Raymond E. Knight
Passes Away After
Long Illness.
Raymond E. Knight,
aged twenty-four
years, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Rufus
Knight of Angus,
died at the family
home Saturday
afternoon at 6:45
o'clock after a long
sickness with
typhoid fever, and
the remains were
interred in the
Hamilton cemetery
yesterday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, with
Rev. I. T. Jones,
pastor of the Third
Avenue Presbyterian
Church, officiating.
There was a large
attendance at the
funeral and many
beautiful flowers.
The deceased is
survived by his
parents and a young
wife, and by many
other relatives,
among these being
Mrs. Mary Pugh, his
grandmother, and W.
E. Pugh, J. M. Pugh
and L. A. Pugh,
uncles, all of
Maudine (Pugh)

Jun 10, 1867 -
Feb 12, 1921
Remains of Mrs.
Maud Knight Laid
at Rest
The funeral of
the late Mrs.
Maud Knight was
held at the
family home in
the Angus
afternoon at 3
o'clock, with
interment in the
about two miles
southwest of
Corsicana. Rev.
Bion T. Jones,
pastor of the
Third Avenue
Church, of which
deceased was a
conducted the
assisted by Rev.
J. W. Hornbeak,
and the five
brothers of Mrs.
Knight, W. E.
Pugh, Jas. M.
Pugh and L. A.
Pugh of
Corsicana, Tom
Pugh of Beaumont
and H. H. Pugh
of Dallas, and
the family
physician, Dr.
T. S. Slater of
Navarro, acted
as pallbearers.
A quartette,
composed of Mrs.
E. E. Babers,
Miss Sudie
Messrs, Jack
Haslam and Edgar
Metcalf sang.
The funeral
cortege was one
of the longest
ever seen in
that community,
many friends of
the deceased and
her family being
present from
In the death of
this good woman
the Angus
community, as
well as the
entire county
has lost one who
has always been
a worker in all
causes that had
for their aim
the progress and
betterment of
mankind. She was
loved by all who
knew her and
will indeed be
missed in her
community. Her
husband, the
late Rufus
Knight, preceded
her to the grave
only a few
years. Besides
the brothers
mentioned above,
she is survived
by one daughter,
Mrs. Lawrence
Tilton, and her
aged mother,
Mrs. Mary Pugh,
of Corsicana.
Numerous and
beautiful floral
attested in a
slight measure
of esteem in
which the good
woman was held
by those who
knew her best.
James Edward
Woolley, Sr.

Jul 30, 1923 - Aug 27, 2010
Born in Frost, Texas to P.L. and Cora
Ponder Woolley on July 30, 1923, James Edward Woolley, age 87,
passed away on Friday, August 27, 2010 in Georgetown, Texas.
Educated in the Texas School System and after serving in the Air
Force in World War II,
he graduated from Southern Methodist University. He retired after
working 40 years in the oil business for ARCO and Diamond Shamrock.
Jim loved hunting and fishing and later took up golf with a passion.
He enjoyed playing washers and started a washer group in Sun City.
Jim was a good husband, a good father, a good brother and a good
friend. We will all miss him. Jim is survived by his wife Nancy, son
Jim and wife Jolene and two grandchildren, Matthew and Avery. Also
surviving him are his sisters, Jackie Davis of Dallas, Jan and
husband Larry Reed of Tunnel Hill, Georgia and Rita and husband,
Kris Moore of Frost, Texas. He is also survived by his brother in
law, John F. Clowe and wife Margie of Lilburn, Georgia. In lieu of
flowers, Memorials in his name may be made to the Wesleyan Nursing
Home, 2001 Scenic Dr., Georgetown, Texas 78626. Arrangments under
the care and guidance of Ramsey Funeral Home, 5600 Williams Dr.,
Georgetown, Texas 78633. (512) 869-7775. The family invites you to
leave a message or memory in our Memorial
- Published in Dallas Morning News on Aug. 28, 2010
- also in
Austin American-Statesman (TX) - August 28, 2010
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
Grace "Nita" (Johnson) Miller-McAfee

Oct 24, 1915 - Oct 8, 2014
Grace �Nita� Miller McAfee, 98, long time resident of
Graham, passed into the arms of her Lord Wednesday, Oct. 8,
Her funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12, at
Morrison Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at Pioneer
Cemetery under the direction of Morrison Funeral Home.
Nita was born in Frost, Texas, on Oct. 24, 1915, to the late
John Stephen and Georgie Anna (McAfee) Johnson.
Nita was a graduate of Graham High School and Texas Tech.
She was a reporter for the Wichita Falls, Fort Worth and
Graham newspapers for more than 30 years, documenting life
in the Lake Country area.
A member of First United Methodist Church for more than 60
years, she also served the Graham Hospital Auxiliary, Graham
Women's Club, Chautauqua Literary Club, Young County
Historical Commission, Rotary Club and was a member of Texas
Press Women.
Nita loved traveling on tours, alone and with family. She
was awarded Graham Citizen of the Year in 1997 by the
Chamber of Commerce.
She married R.G. Miller in 1940, and he preceded her in
death in 1954. She married Glenn McAfee in 1973, and he
preceded her in death in 1986.
She was also preceded in the death of her granddaughter,
She is survived by daughter, Stephanie Frances Miller Ford
and son-in-law Gervise Ford of Dallas; granddaughter,
Courtney Frampton and husband Jay of Graham; grandson, Clark
Ford of Dallas as well as great - granddaughters, Kristyn
and husband Jeremy, Lauryn, Breanne, Kylie, Reagan, Madison
and great - great - grandson, Jakob.
Memorial gifts should be made to your favorite charity.
Visitation will be Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. at Morrison
Funeral Home. |
- GrahamLeader - Oct 10, 2014
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- w/o Glen Golden McAfee; d/o John Stephen Johnson &
Georgia Anna (McAfee) Johnson; grand-dau of Hugh Embury
McAfee & Elizabeth Rice "Bettie" (Groves) McAfee
- May have also been married to Vick McPherson, this
was in notes give to me but is unconfirmed at this time.
Jaunita Grace "Nita" Miller McAfee
Juanita Grace �Nita� Miller McAfee, 98, long time
resident of Graham passed away Wednesday, October 8, 2014.
Funeral will be Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 2 p.m. in
Morrison Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in Pioneer
Cemetery under the direction of Morrison Funeral Home.
Nita was born in Frost Texas on October 24, 1915. Nita was a
graduate of Graham High and Texas Tech. She was a reporter
for the Wichita Falls, Fort Worth and Graham newspapers for
over 30 years documenting life in the Lake Country area. A
member of First United Methodist Church for over 60 years
she also served the Graham Hospital Auxiliary, Graham
Women�s Club, Chautauqua Literary Club, Young County
Historical Commission, Rotary Club and was a member of Texas
Press Women. She was awarded Graham citizen of the year in
1997 by the Chamber of Commerce. Survivors; daughter,
Stephanie Frances Miller Ford and son-in-law Gervise Ford of
Dallas, granddaughter, Courtney Frampton and husband Jay of
Graham and grandson, Clark Ford of Dallas; six great
granddaughters and a great-great grandson. Memorial gifts
should be made to favorite charity. Visitation will be
Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. at the funeral home.
Ona Francis (Webster) Tigue-Williams
Sep 21, 1938 - Mar 25, 2015
CLARKSVILLE, Texas�Ona Francis Williams, 76, of Frost,
Texas, died Wednesday, March 25, 2015, at her home.
Mrs. Williams was born Sept. 21, 1938, in Ladonia, Texas.
She was a member of Avery Assembly of God Church. She was
preceded in death by two husbands; one son; and one
Survivors include three sons, Gordon Tigue and David Tigue
of Frost and Ricke Tigue of Morrilton, Ark.; two daughters,
Shirley Tigue of Denison, Texas, and Francis Chlastak of
DeBerry, Texas; seven sisters, Rita, Wanda, Martha, Shirley,
Mary, Rose and Virginia; two brothers, Richard Webster and
Benie Webster; 43 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; six
great-great-grandchildren; and a number of other relatives.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Boxelder
Cemetery. Burial will be under direction of Clarksville
Funeral Home.
Visitation will be 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the funeral
home. |
Martin E. "Gene" Rowin, SFC
May 23, 1924 - Jan 17, 2015
for SFC (Retired) Martin E. (Gene) Rowin, 90, Lawton will be
at 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at the Becker-Rabon
Funeral Home Chapel.
Sgt Rowin died Saturday, January 17, 2015 in Lawton.
Burial with full military honors will be in Post Cemetery,
Fort Sill.
He was born May 23, 1924 in Frost, Texas to Luther and Elsie
(Young) Rowin. He married Eula M. Maddux on October 25, 1947
in Dallas, Texas. She died December 16, 2005. Sgt. Rowin
served his country honorably in the U.S. Navy from 1942
until 1948 and in the U.S. Army from 1948 until 1969. He was
a veteran of World War II and the Korean and Vietnam Wars
where he received numerous awards and decorations. He was a
member of the Optimist Club for many years.
Survivors include two daughters, Lane Jones, Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma and Wanna Gatliff and her husband Carl, Lawton,
three grandchildren, Bobby Jones and his wife Ramona, Valley
Head, Alabama, Steve Gatliff, Lawton and Susan Lee and her
husband Kevin, Lawton, three great grandchildren, Cody
Chasteen, Shane Karbowski and his wife Shelby and Megan Lee,
all of Lawton and a great great granddaughter, Kylie
Receveur, Lawton.
He was preceded in death by his wife and three sisters. |
Clayton Hassell
May 7, 1931 - January 7, 2015
Carl C. Hassell, age 83 of Georgetown, Texas passed away on
January 7, 2015. He was born May 7, 1931 in Frost, Texas to Ira and
Jessie (Fulton) Hassell. Survivors in clude daughter, Carla Elmore (
Larry of Georgetown. Services will be planned at a future date.
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- s/o Ira Hassell & Jessie L. Hassell [bur at Rose Hill
Cemetery, Blooming Grove, TX]
Louis Stanley
Nov 26, 1933 - Oct 16, 2015
Louis Stanley was born November 26, 1933, in Frost, Texas to
Carl Levi Stanley and Gertrude Priscilla (Watts) Stanley. He
died on October 16, 2015 in Sallisaw, Oklahoma.
He married Velma Rogers on February 15, 1957 in Woodland,
California. She preceded him in death on June 23, 2005.
Survivors: 2 daughters, Diana Stanley and Linda Mumma, of
Sallisaw; 2 grandsons, Joe Mumma and wife, Angela and Jayme
Anderson and wife, Heather, all of Sallisaw; 2
great-grandchildren, Seth and Sayde Anderson, of Sallisaw; 2
sisters, Mary Capps and Evelyn Coker, both of Richland,
Texas; special nephew, Carl Scott and wife, Patsy of Koppel,
Texas; special nieces, Connie Roach and husband, Mike and
Shari Holden, all of Woodland and Nancy Hockman and husband,
Steve of Washington; special friend, Ruby Poor; his church
family; and numerous other family members and friends.
He was also preceded in death by his parents; 1 brother, Roy
Stanley; 3 sisters, Minner Meeker, Maime Scott and Lena
He was retired from the oilfield where he was a drilling
supervisor (tool pusher). He was a U.S. Army Veteran of the
Korean Conflict and was a member of New Beginnings Church in
He was a man of great integrity, compassion, wisdom and
possessed a keen sense of humor. He never met a stranger. He
was a much loved son, brother, father, grandfather,
great-grandfather, uncle and friend. He will be greatly
grieved and missed by many. But we know in our hearts, he is
in a much better place.
Graveside service will be Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 2
pm at Sallisaw City Cemetery under the direction of Agent
Mallory Martin Funeral Home in Sallisaw. |
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- s/o Carl Levi Stanley & Gertrude Priscilla "Gertie"
(Watts) Stanley [buried at Burshie Prairie Cemetery] Brushie
Prairie, Navarro Co., TX
David Ballew

May 30, 1934 - Sep 5, 2015
Memory of
George David Ballew
May 30, 1934 - September 5, 2015
George David Ballew, age 81, of Dallas, passed away on
September 5, 2015. He will always be remembered as a devoted
husband, father, grandfather, uncle and friend to all that
knew and loved him. He was born on May 30, 1934, in Frost,
Texas, to the late Charles Anderson Ballew and Mabel Nash
Ballew. After graduating from Frost H.S., he served as a
paratrooper in the U.S. Army from 1953 - 1956. After
marrying and moving to Dallas, George worked for the Lone
Star Gas Company before returning to college to complete his
undergraduate and graduate degrees. He later taught history
at Florence Middle School for more than 23 years. Those
close to him know that George loved deeply, laughed often
and shared Christ's love and grace with everyone. His was a
life well lived. Survivors include his wife of 58 years,
Anne Jones Ballew; son, Joel Ballew; daughter and
son-in-law, Susan and Todd Stoner; grandchildren, Michael,
Mary, and Rachel Stoner, and Sarah and Brandon Doyle. He was
preceded in death by his parents and 11 siblings. A Funeral
Service will be held at 10:00am on Saturday, September 12,
2015, at Sparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home in Dallas with a
reception to follow in the Sparkman Family Lounge. Burial
will follow in Frost, Texas at 2:00pm. In lieu of flowers,
memorials may be made to the Institute for Creation Research
at www.icr.org or to The Gideons International at
www.gideons.org. Online condolences can be made at
www.Sparkman-Hillcrest.com. |
Sallie Vernell (Harris) Bolt
August 6, 1936 - August 17, 2015
In Memory of
Sallie Vernell Bolt
August 6, 1936 - August 17, 2015
Sallie Vernell Bolt, of Kaufman, Texas passed away on August 17,
2015 at the age of 79. Vernell was born on August 6, 1936 in Frost,
Texas to Henry Floyd Harris and Margie Whitfield, both of whom
preceded her in death along with two of Vernell�s brothers, her
husband, Joseph Bolt Sr. and her son, Joseph Bolt Jr. Memaw, as her
grandchildren called her, enjoyed watching westerns, especially
those where Gene Autry had the starring role. Vernell was an avid
reader and when it came to books, she had no preference of the genre
because she enjoyed any and all books. Vernell leaves to cherish her
memories: three sons and one daughter, five grandchildren, one
granddaughter in law, three great grandchildren, one brother, and
one sister and numerous nieces and nephews, extended family and
Joyce Marie (Bason)

Jul 9, 1923 - Jun 5, 2015
Marie Smith died Friday, June 5, 2015, in Tulsa, at the age
of 91. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June
9, 2015, at Dighton-Moore Funeral Chapel in Owasso. Burial
followed at Green Acres Cemetery in Tulsa.
She was born July 9, 1923, in Frost, Texas, to Isaac and
Beulah (Brewer) Bason.
Joyce was one of seven children born to this union.
She accepted Christ as her personal savior in her very early
adult life and was a lifelong, faithful and loving servant
of her Lord.
Joyce and her first husband, Richard Northern, moved to
Oklahoma where she would remain during her lifetime.
She was a dedicated Baptist.
Joyce met Earl Smith at Tulsa Baptist Temple, and the two of
them enjoyed 21 years of marriage before his death in 1988.
She was a dedicated worker in the church, attending Central
Baptist Church after she and Earl moved to Owasso.
Joyce had a card ministry in her later years that escalated
after she was no longer physically able to attend church
It was not just a card that she sent, but she always
included a note.
She did this more so after she was no longer physically able
to attend church services.
Joyce had many friends in the Tulsa and Owasso areas and
kept in touch with them through the years, until Alzheimer�s
began to take its toll.
Her last five years were spent in a nursing care facility
where she was loved and well cared for.
Survivors include: her son, Don Northern; grandson, Jared
Northern and wife Sheila; great grandsons, Austin and Tyler;
stepchildren, Peggy Farmer, Starla Purinton and Joe Smith;
nieces, Lou Ann Cacy, Missy Felean and Rita Longton; great
niece, Cathy Ann Sohn; and great nephew, Jeff Gilbert.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; daughter,
Linda Murray; grandson, Shawn Murray; and stepson, George
Services were entrusted to Dighton-Moore Funeral Home in
Owasso. |
Nellie Fae (Dortch) Barber-Comer

Oct 5, 1931 - Apr 26, 2015
for Nellie Fae Comer
Nellie Fae Comer was born October 5, 1931 in Frost, Texas
and passed away April 26, 2015 in Mesquite, Texas.
Preceded in death by her parents, Buel and Jewel Dortch;
husband, Paul Comer; son, Gayle Barber; brothers, George,
Joe, Robbie, John and Buster Dortch; sister, Pat Clifton.
Survived by her four sisters, Lena Reeves, Frankie Pickett,
Millie Heb, Glenda Aday; three daughters, Brenda Goodin, Ann
Taylor, Elwanda Brown; one son, Benny Barber; 12
grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and seven great-great
Family will receive friends on Thursday, April 30, 2015 PM
from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in Restland Wildwood Chapel.
Funeral service will be held at 12:30 PM Friday, May 1, 2015
in Restland Wildwood Chapel.
She was a beautiful soul whom now will watch over us from
HIS high mountain. Gone but Never Forgotten!
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Restland Funeral
Home and Memorial Park, 13005 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX
75238 at Restland Road. |
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- d/o Buel Dortch and Jewel (Baker) Dortch [buried in the
Frost Cemetery]
- Find-A-Grave Memorial #145739450
Killian Anthony
May 17, 1921 - Jul 29, 2015
for Sol Killian Anthony
Sol Anthony was born on May 17, 1921 in Frost, Texas to A.
J. and Ollie Anthony. He passed away on July 29, 2015 at
home in Midlothian. Graveside services will be held at 11:00
a.m. at Mt. Peak Cemetery.
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- Mountain Peak Cemetery, also known as Hopewell Cemetery
in Ellis County, Texas
- Find-A-Grave Memorial #155551592
Loretta (McManus)
July 15, 1935 - August 15, 2012
(July 15, 1935 - August 15, 2012)Graveside
services for Loretta Taylor 77 of Palestine, will be held
10:00 AM Friday at Garden of Memories with Barney Walker
Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster.
Mrs. Taylor passed away Wednesday at her residence.
She was born July 15, 1935 in Corsicana, to Henry Albert
McManus and Juanita Frost McManus.
She was a nurses aid and a Missionary Baptist. She was a
most loving, compassionate person and those that knew her
were blessed, she was a mother to all, and was also a big
Elvis fan.
Mrs. Taylor was preceded in death by her parents, husband
Harold Taylor, daughters Loretta Faye Shores and Cynthia
Jean Anderson, son Vernon Dempsey White and brother Henry
She is survived by daughters Sharon White, Clara Langford
and Barbara Batzer, son Johnny Joe Shores and wife Sharon,
brothers Carlton McManus, Kenneth McManus and James Hanna,
grandchildren Joey K. Shores, David L. White, Donavan N.
White, Nathan D. White, Shannon C. White, Barbara Kay Yaw,
Tania Baize, Amy Davis and Aleshia Coburn, great
grandchildren Kalob and Kyle Shores, Ciarra M. Scott, Katlyn
Hawkins, Lynnsea White and Emily and Gabriel White, also,
six more grandchildren and fourteen more great
grandchildren. |
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- Buried at Garden of Memories Cemetery, Elkhart, Anderson
Co., TX
- w/o Velton Ray Anderson [bur at Oakwood Cemetery,
Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX]
Arthur Clowe, Sr.
Apr 17, 1877 - Ap. 15, 1948
Harry Clowe, Sr., prominent in business, fraternal and
church circles
here, died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Thursday
night at 7:30
o'clock following a several hours' illness.
Funeral services will be held from the First Methodist
church Saturday
morning at 10:30 o'clock with the Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk,
officiating, and the Rev. Herbert G. Dudley, pastor of the
First Christian
church, assisting. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
services will be conducted by Corsicana Lodge No. 63, IOOF.
Native of England
Born in Manchester, England, Apr. 17, 1877, he will be
buried on his
birthday. He would have been 71 years old Saturday.
Coming to Texas with his late parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Clowe, in
March, 1882, the family resided in Grosebeck until 1884 when
it moved to
Corsicana where the Clowe Floral Company was established
east of Corsicana
in 1885 and came to its present location in North Fifteenth
street between
First and Park Avenue in 1887.
Clowe assumed the management of the Clowe Floral Company in
1923 and
remained as the head of the concern until his retirement in
1944 when his
son-in-law, George Hudson took over the active management.
Methodist Steward
A steward in the First Methodist church for many years,
Clowe was a past
grand of the IOOF and held membership in the Grand Lodge of
Texas, IOOF.
He also was a prominent member of the Corsicana Rotary Club
for many
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, three sons, William
Alfred Clowe,
Dallas; John Raymond Clowe, Dallas, and Harry Clowe, Jr.,
three daughters, Mrs. George Hudson, Corsicana; Mrs. Leo
Corsicana, and Mrs. Robert Hambleton, Enterprise, Oregon;
grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. W. A. Mowlam, Corsicana; a
number of nieces
and nephews, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Dr. H. B. Love, Sam Butler, J. C.
Hughes, Hubert
Bowden, Guy Sitton, E. C. Sears, Neal Bryant, A. L.
Thompson, George
Roxborough and W. A. Chaffee.
Griffin Funeral Home will direct. |
Notice Odd Fellows.
All Odd Fellows are asked to meet at the IOOF Hall Saturday 10 a.m.
attend the funeral rites for Bro. Harry Clowe, Sr.
Conley Lovelace, noble grand.
J. I. Ellett, secretary.
Harry Clowe, Sr., Funeral Services Held Saturday
Funeral services for Harry Clowe, Sr. 71, who died in the Corsicana
Hospital and Clinic Thursday night following a few hours' illness
held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the First Methodist
church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by the Rev.
Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the church, and the Rev. Herbert G.
minister of the First Christian church.
Corsicana Lodge No. 63, IOOF had charge of the graveside rites.
Born in Manchester, England, Clowe came to Texas in 1882 and to
in 1885. He headed the Clowe Floral Company here from 1923 until his
retirement in 1944.
Clowe was a steward in the Methodist church for many years was
active in
the Rotary Club and was prominent in Odd Fellow circles, being a
member of
the Grand Lodge of Texas, IOOF.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; three sons, William Alfred
Clowe and
John Raymond Clowe, both of Dallas, and Harry Clowe, Jr., Corsicana;
three daughters, Mrs. George Hudson, Mrs. Leo Gourley, both of
and Mrs. Robert Hambleton, Enterprise, Ore.; nine grandchildren, a
sister, Mrs. W. A. Mowlam, Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Dr. H. B. Love, Sam Butler, J. C. Hodges, Hubert
Guy Sitton, E. C. Sears, Neal Bryant, A. L. Thompson, George
and W. A. Chaffee.
Griffin Funeral Home Directed.
Attend Clowe Funeral
Out-of-town relatives and friends who attended the rites Saturday
Harry Clowe, Sr., included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amason, Orange; Mr.
Mrs. Arlie Edwards, Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jeffers, Dallas; Mr.
Mrs. Fred Davis, Selman City; Mrs. J. Joiner, Cleburne; Mr. and Mrs.
George Patrick, Cleburne; Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stone, all of Dallas, and Mr. and
Mrs. E.
B. Dawson, Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Garrett, Kerens; Mr. and Mrs.
Sheets, Chatfield.
Theora Agnes (Coates) Baker
Sep 17, 1920 - Sep 8, 2015
Theora Coates Baker, age 94, of Ft. Worth, Texas passed away
on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at Alvarado Meadows
Rehabilitation Center in Alvarado, Texas. She was born on
September 17, 1920 in Kerens, Texas to Anderson Bruce and
Maggie Belle Coates.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Lynn Henderson
Baker; brother, Bruce Coates and her parents.
She is survived by her daughters, Sharon Kinsey and husband
Rodney of Ft. Worth, Texas, Selah Hicks and husband Rod of
Arlington; son, Tim Baker and wife Silvia of Beaumont;
grandchildren, Jarrod Kinsey of Ft. Worth, Toyya Goodrich
and husband Frank of Ft. Worth, Derric Hicks and wife Kelsey
of Arlington, Ryan Hicks and wife Brooke of Arlington,
Timothy Baker of Tyler and Alyssa Baker of Beaumont; nine
great grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews and
Visitation with the family will be held from 11:30AM
to12:00PM on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at Corley Funeral
Home. Funeral services will immediately follow at 12:00 noon
in the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Charles Klock
officiating. Interment will follow in
Oakwood cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Jarrod Kinsey, Derric Hicks, Timothy
Baker, Frank Goodrich and J.R. Denton. |
- w/o Lynn Henderson Baker; d/o Anderson Bruce Coates &
Maggie Belle (Howell) Coates
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
--- Mrs. Theora Coates Baker, 94, of Ft. Worth,
Texas passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 at Alvarado Meadows
Rehab Center in Alvarado, Texas.
Visitation with the family will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12
p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral
Services will follow at 12 noon in the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel with Pastor Charles Klock officiating. Interment will
follow in Oakwood Cemetery.
Helen Bell (Dewey) Mills
Jan 31, 1930 - Sept 14, 2015
B. Mills of Corsicana passed away on Monday, Sept. 14, 2015,
at the age of 85 with her family at her side.
She was born in Coffeeville, Kansas on Jan. 31, 1930, to
Lewis L. Dewey and Margaret Tyler Dewey. She married Kenneth
O. Mills on July 13, 1947, in Yuma, Arizona and they were
married 50 years when he passed away. She was a homemaker,
taking care of her children, grandchildren and great
Helen is preceded in death by her parents, Lewis and Maggie
Dewey; son-in-law, Thomas Harris; and her husband, Kenneth
Mills in August 2007.
She is survived by her children, Donna Harris of Corsicana,
Rhonda Whiteis and husband Lonnie of Corsicana, Kenneth
Mills and wife Karla of Aquilla, and Pam Perritt and husband
Robert of Corsicana; grandchildren, Becky Smith, Thomas
Harris, Brenda Self, Melinda Harris, Mechelle Price, Gena
Whiteis, Kayla Elyeisar, Crystal Vail, Ricky Lynn Elliott,
Zachary Perritt, and Zeth Perritt; 18 great-grandchildren;
and 10 great-great-grandchildren. She is also survived by a
brother, Joe Dewey and wife Dorothy of Chelsea, Oklahoma;
and several nieces, nephews and extended family members.
Visitation with her family will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday,
Sept. 18, 2015, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015, in the
chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home with Aaron Dominic
Interment will follow at
Oakwood cemetery with Tommy Harris,
Chance Harris, Clayton Smith, Zachary Perritt, Daniel
Elyeisar, and Lee Price serving as pallbearers.
Honorary pallbearers will be Lonnie Whiteis and Cameron
Whiteis. |
Judy Marie
May 17, 1945 - Aug 11, 2015
Judy was born on May 17, 1945 and passed away on Tuesday,
August 11, 2015.
Judy was a resident of Blooming Grove, Texas at the time of her
passing. She was formerly from Piggott, Arkansas.
She started school in St. Louis but was further educated in the
Greenway School District.
She was married to Kenneth.
Funeral services will be held Friday, August 14, 2015, at 2:00 p.m.
in the Hoggard & Sons Chapel with Bro. Shawn Parker, Bro. Tim
McCluskey and Bro. Jeremy Pierce officiating. Burial is in Piggott
Cemetery. Visitation begins Thursday at 6:00 p.m.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to the Children's Home
5515 Walcott Rd, Paragould, AR 72450 or St. Judes Children's
Research Hospital, P.O. Box 1893, Memphis, Tennessee, 38101-9950. |