Ethe Coren
May 5, 1919 - Apr 17, 1920
Death of Infant Girl.
Ethel Corinne, the one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Carter, died at their home 212 East Third Avenue Saturday afternoon
after one week�s illness, and the remains were interred in
Oakwood yesterday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Jeremiah Akins
Apr 29, 1871 - Jun 20, 1920
Died in Terrell This Morning.
T. J. Akins, aged forty-eight years, died in Terrell this morning
and the remains will be interred here tomorrow. The deceased was a
brother of Mrs. M. Bryant of the Phillips Chapel community. He is
also survived by three children, Mrs. John Hicks and Ed Akins of
Fort Worth and Mrs. Jesse Copeland of Denison.
Remains Were Interred Today.
The remains of the late T. J. Akins, who died at Terrell Tuesday,
reached here last night and the funeral took place from the
Southerland Undertaking parlors at 4 o'clock this afternoon the Odd
Fellows lodge officiating.
Reginald Jones
Jan 15, 1901 - Mar 4, 1920
Died at the P. and S. Hospital
Reginald Jones, aged nineteen years, died at the P. and S. hospital
last night of pneumonia, and the remains were interred this
afternoon at 5 o'clock in
Oakwood, Rev. B. W. Vining officiating. The deceased is survived
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones of Kirven and several
brothers and sisters.
Laura Mae
Jun 22, 1900 - Sep 26, 1920
Young Lady Died Yesterday.
Miss Laura May Jones, aged twenty years, daughter of J. W. Jones
died at the family home on North Nineteenth street, just west of
Oakwood cemetery at an
early hour yesterday morning after a long illness with tuberculosis
and the remains were interred in Oakwood at 6 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, Rev. E. C. Ruth officiating.
Bunert, Jr.
May 18, 1865 - Oct 27, 1920
Remains Will Be Interred Here Tomorrow Afternoon.
Albert Bunert, for many years a citizen of Corsicana, died at 9
o'clock last night in Austin, where he had been under treatment for
two or three years. The remains will reach here tonight and the
funeral will take place from the home of the deceased, 2116 East
Seventh Avenue, at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, with interment in
Oakwood, and services
conducted by the Masons. The deceased is survived by his wife and
three sisters, Mrs. Emil Frey, Mrs. Mary Casey and Miss Bertha
Bunert. The deceased was from boyhood a resident of Corsicana and
had many friends who are pained at his passing away.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Thursday, October 28, 1920
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Frances �Fannie� (Cofield) Bunert married Feb. 14,
1909; s/o Albert Bunert, Sr. & Bertha (Deadlisbauh) Bunert
Bertha Bunert
Jan 15, 1869 - Jul 29, 1971
One of Corsicana�s oldest residents, Miss Berth Bunert, 102, died
Thursday morning at Paulyne�s Convalescent Home. A native of Toledo,
Ohio, she had lived in Corsicana for most of her life and was a
member of St. John�s Episcopal Church.
Funeral arrangements are pending at Corley Funeral Home.
Miss Bunert is survived by four nephews, Albert W. Frey and Edward
E. Kuesel of Corsicana, Emil Frey of Chicago and Charles Frey of
Dallas; two nieces, Mrs. Marjorie Whistler of Chicago and Mrs.
Imogene Mae Gieling of San Francisco; and several cousins.
Frances �Fannie�
(Cofield) Bunert
Sep 7, 1886 - Aug 25, 1966
Mrs. Bunert Dies Thursday
Mrs. Frances Bunert, long-time Corsicana resident, 308 South
Thirtieth street, died in Memorial hospital early Thursday morning
following several years illness.
Arrangements were incomplete at Corley Funeral Home early Thursday
afternoon pending the arrival of relatives.
Survivors include two cousins, Mrs. Dan P. Doyle, Galveston, and Dr.
Wm. H. Teague, Fort Worth.
Mary Elizabeth (Sawyer) Hill
Jun 19, 1860 - Apr 12, 1959 Mrs. E. L. Hill, 90, Buried
Funeral services for Mrs. E. L. Hill, 98, who died in a Temple
hospital Sunday morning, were held Monday at 2:30 p.m. from the
First Methodist Church in Dawson. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Stanley Williams, Methodist pastor
at Temple, and Rev. W. L. Milner, pastor.
Mrs. Hill lived in Dawson most of her life, moving to Temple 10
years ago.
Surviving are two sons, B. W. Hill, Dawson, and J. D. Hill, Houston;
a daughter, Mrs. G. O. Allesandro, Temple, and 13 grandchildren and
a number of great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren and other
James Franklin �Frank� Estes
Sep 24, 1849 - Dec 25, 1919
Funeral From the First Methodist Church this Morning.
J. F. Estes died at the P. and S. hospital at 11:30 yesterday
morning after a long illness of Bright�s Disease, and the funeral
took place from the First Methodist Church at 10:30 this morning,
Rev. C. H. Booth officiating.
The deceased, who came to Texas from Alabama in 1869, was 73 years
of age, and lived for a number of years in the Eureka community.
Near twenty years ago he moved to Roane, and had been postmaster
there from near that time, to the day of his death. He was of a
jovial nature and was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and
leaves behind him the record of a life well spent. He is survived by
his widow and these children: John Estes, James Estes and E. P.
Estes of Roane, Will Estes and Mrs. Curry Kyser of San Benito, Mrs.
Chap Albritton of Powell and Mrs. John Bryant of Roane; and one
brother, William Estes of Fort Worth.
The following were pall bearers; T. P. Little, W. M. Huggins, O. E.
Hyndman, Sam Mitchell, Ben Fortson and J. A. Thompson.
A large procession followed the body to the grave and there were
numerous floral offerings.
In Memoriam.
Mr. J. F. Estes was born September 24, 1849 in Alabama and died
Dec. 25, 1919 at the P. and S. hospital in Corsicana, Texas of
pneumonia and other complications. He came to Navarro County in
1867, so he was one of our old pioneer settlers that faced all
kinds of hardships and helped to make our county what it is
today. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Roots almost forty-nine
years ago. To this union was born nine children, six boys and
three girls. He is survived by his wife and seven children, two
boys having died several years ago. Mr. Estes was a well read,
deep thinking man. His place in our town will be hard to fill
and it can never be filled in his home. I visited his home since
his departure and how I did miss him. His wife is so lonely
without him. He was a member of the M. E. Church at Roane, and
it has lost a true and faithful member. He was engaged in
farming and mercantile business, was also postmaster at Roane
where he had lived for more than twenty years. He was of a
jovial disposition and was loved and respected by everyone. He
was successful in business and left some earthly goods to his
wife and children, but best of all he has left something for you
to treasure more than gold; that of a good name and that people
can say your father was a Christian gentleman is something you
should ever cherish.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Booth at the First
Methodist church in Corsicana. His body was then laid to rest in
Oakwood cemetery to
await the resurrection when we shall see him again. I extend my
tenderest sympathies to his wife and children and while he can
not come back to you, if you put your trust in God you can go to
him and can be a united family around the throne of God.
The pains of death are past,
Labor and sorrow cease;
And life�s long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace,
Soldier of Christ, well done;
Praise be thy employ
And while eternal ages run
Rest in thy Savior�s joy.
Why should our tears in sorrow flow
When God recalls His own
And bids them leave this world of woe
For an immortal crown?
Is not e�en death a gain to those
Whose life to God was given?
Gladly to earth their eyes they close
To open them in Heaven.
His toils are past, his work is done,
And he is fully blest;
He fought the fight, the victory won
And entered into rest.
Then let our sorrows cease to flow
God had recalled his own,
But let our hearts in every woe
Still say �Thy will be done.�
Randall Cooksey
abt 1901 - Jan. 17, 1920
Stricken With Meningitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Cooksey received a message Wednesday
advising that their son Randal who is attending
Leland-Stanford University in California, had been stricken
with meningitis. Dr. Cooksey left for that point last night
and today Mrs. Cooksey received another message advising
that Randal was showing some improvement.
Condition Improved
Word received by Mrs. J. B. Cooksey from Dr. J. B.
Cooksey says that their son Randall, who has been in a
very dangerous condition with meningitis at
Leland-Stanford, is greatly improved and was able to
converse with his father, asking after the various
members of the family.
Mrs. J. B. Cooksey received a letter today from her
husband, Dr. J. B. Cooksey, who is at the bedside of
their son, Randall Cooksey, in California, in which
it was stated that Randall was doing as well as
could be expected.
Corsicana Boy Passed Away While in School There.
Randall Cooksey, who was nineteen years old on
the third day of this month, son of Dr. and Mrs.
J. B. Cooksey of Corsicana, and one of the most
popular boys of the city, died at the Leland
Stanford University in California Saturday
night, at 11:20 o'clock after several days
illness. Dr. Cooksey was with his son when the
end came, and on yesterday Mrs. Cooksey received
a message from him saying that he had left with
the body and would wire her again when he
reached Houston.
Randall was practically reared in Corsicana, and
was loved by a large circle of friends who
sympathize with his parents in the great
bereavement that has come to them.
Robert Cooksey, a brother of Randall, who is in
school in New York has started home.
Expected Funeral Arrangement�s To Be
Announced in Thursday�s Sun
Mrs. Cooksey has not heard from Dr. Cooksey
since he left California with the body of
his son, Randall, who died while attending
Leland-Stanford College. She however expects
Dr. Cooksey�s arrival with the body tomorrow
if railroad connections are made. After the
arrival of the body the funeral arrangements
will be made and announced.
Robert Cooksey, a brother of Randall,
reached home this morning from Poughkeepsie,
N. Y., where he had been attending business
Remains of Randall Cooksey Reach Here
From California.
Dr. J. B. Cooksey, who was called to
California last week by the illness and
subsequent death of his 19-year-old son
Randall Cooksey, reached here this
morning at 6 o'clock over the Houston
and Texas Central railroad with the
remains and the funeral will take place
from the family home, 501 West Third
Avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 3:30. The
funeral services will be conducted by
Rev. Ilion T. Jones, pastor of the Third
Avenue Presbyterian Church, and the
active pall bearers will be Hubert
Brasselton, John Brasselton, Douglas
Dechard, Loyd Thomas, Ben Dave Allen and
Robt. Cooksey. Mrs. Cooksey, mother of
the deceased, requests that as many of
Randall�s friends and class mates who
can, be there to act as honorary pall
Randall was a bright and promising young
man and was exceedingly popular with his
associates, and his untimely death has
caused a gloom over many a young, as
well as older life, that will not soon
be dispelled and hundreds sympathize
with his parents and two brothers in the
deep sorrow that has come to them.
Funeral Took Place This Afternoon.
The remains of the late Randall
Cooksey were interred in
Oakwood this afternoon after
funeral services at the home at
3:30, conducted by Revs. Ilion T.
Jones, C. H. Booth, Charles
Oberschmidt and H. J. Ellis. The
services were largely attended and
there were many beautiful floral
offerings sent in loving memory of
this bright and lovable young man by
the friends who knew and loved him
in life.
The schools are in deepest
sympathy with the family of Dr.
and Mrs. J. B. Cooksey in this
their second great bereavement
within a few months. Randle
Cooksey was one of the most
popular boys we have had had in
the high school in many years.
He possessed those fine
characteristics of young
manhood, integrity, energy,
enthusiasm, optimism, courage,
independence, ambition, a quick
mind, an ardent and sympathetic
nature, which drew him very
close to all who knew him. His
parents rightly had splendid
dreams of his possibilities for
the future, and their dreams
were in s fair way to become
true when the stern Reaper who
spares not the brightest and the
best cut him down on the very
threshold of life.
There is an adequate human word
of comfort in such a bitter
hour; but if the consciousness
of wide friendship and cordial
esteem can give any sure ease of
sorrow, there should be come
comfort in the knowledge of how
highly he was regarded by his
teachers, classmates and school
Fletcher Ballew in Letter to
His Mother Praises Friend
The following tribute by a
schoolmate to Randall
Cooksey is an excerpt about
a letter from Fletcher
Ballew to his mother:
Dear Mother:
Your letter received. I was
surprised and grieved to
hear of the death of Randall
Knowing him as I did, I had
counted on his splendid
constitution to pull him
through. It is a shame that
he had to go. He was clean
and manly, upright and
generous, intelligent and
industrious, capable, moral,
honest, square and loyal. A
boy of ideal habits and
morals, a thing hard to find
these days. He certainly had
the true makings of a noble
manhood, fine citizen and
leader of his fellowmen. The
whole community has lost a
valuable asset, with the
death of this dear boy. He
was one of the most lovable
boys I have known. Poor Dr.
and Mrs. Cooksey, I wonder
how they can stand up under
the double blow Fate has
dealt them. It does not seem
that God has been fair with
them. To raise two fine boys
as J. B. and Randall were,
and then to have them cut
down, just as they were
entering manhood, is one of
the most tragic things that
Fate has ever dealt anyone.
I certainly sympathize with
Dr. and Mrs. Cooksey with
all my heart, and deplore
the loss of those dear boys
who were my true friends. It
does not seem possible that
these two boys, whom I
played with as a child and
run with as a youth and
schoolmate are no more. And
yet it is true that my two
friends and chums are dead.
Some one has said:
�Console if you will, I can
bear it,
�Tis a well meant alma of
the breath
Yet all the preaching since
Has never made death other
than death.�
And nothing certainly can be
truer than the sentiment
quoted. Express to Dr. and
Mrs. Cooksey my sympathy for
them, and my own sorrow over
the death of my dear
schoolmate and friend,
Laura A. (Davis) Walton
Dec 18, 1839 - Jun 3,
Had Been a Resident Here
Fifty-Four Years
Mrs. Laura Walton, aged
80 years, died at 7
o'clock this morning at
the home of her son, C.
C. Walton, and the
funeral will take place
from the home on West
Fifth Avenue tomorrow
afternoon at 3:30.
Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery,
and the services will be
conducted by Rev. B. W.
The deceased was born in
Buits County, Georgia in
1839, and came to Texas
with her husband, the
Late R. W. Walton in
1866, and had lived here
continuously since then.
She was the mother of
two children, both boys,
one of whom died in
boyhood, and the other
C. C. Walton, survives
her. Her husband, who
died a number of years
ago, was justice of the
peace here for
twenty-two years.
The following are the
pall bearers: Active,
Red Bonner, Arthur
Sutherland, John Sloan,
Dude Ransom, J. W. Edens,
T. W. Lovett. Honorary,
A. L. Lotspiech, W. D.
Nolen, Hugh Stone, Ron
Sweatmon, Alf Milligan,
Jack Johnston, Walter
Hays, J. A. Thompson, R.
B. Johnston, Dr. L. E.
Kelton, W. A. Babb, A.
Ferguson, Cleve
Wilkerson, W. M. Wilson,
Dr. J. A. Jones, R. F.
Halbert, Rice; Odle
Burke, N. J. Edens, D.
R. Glover, N. F.
Garrett, Richard Mays,
F. B. Kenner, W. G.
Baker, Byron Cheney, Tom
Braselton, R. L.
Funeral Was Largely
The remains of Mrs.
Laura Walton were
laid to rest in
Oakwood cemetery
this afternoon at
3:30 o'clock, the
funeral taking place
from the home of her
son, C. C. Walton,
on West Fifth
avenue. The last sad
rites were largely
attended and there
were many beautiful
floral offerings.
Lee Roy Williams
Aug. 22, 1904 -
May 13, 1920
In Memory of Our
On May the 13th
the death angel
made a sad call
at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. M.
P. Williams and
carried away
their darling
boy. Little Lee
Roy leaves a
dear father,
mother and two
sisters, and a
host of
relatives and
friends to mourn
his loss. The
funeral was held
at the home on
East Third
Avenue at 3
o'clock. The
services were
conducted by
Rev. Howell, and
the remains were
laid to rest in
Oakwood to
await the
Yes, we are
hoping for that
Where his life
of toil is o�er;
Where we share
each other�s
Where we meet to
part no more.
Do not weep dear
father, mother
and sisters for
God in His
wisdom has
The boon his
love hath given;
Although his
earthly form is
with us,
His soul is safe
in Heaven.
We know it is
hard to give our
loved ones up,
But God had a
place in Heaven,
That he wanted
to complete,
So He took your
darling Lee Roy
To fill the
vacant seat.
We are proud to
say that
everything was
done that could
be done, but God
saw best to take
him from this
world to a
better home.
Truly he was the
idol of the
home. He was so
loving, kind and
true to all and
always had a
kind word and
cheerful smile
for all who knew
Lee Roy was born
Aug. 22, 1904,
was raised to
the age of 15
years, 8 months
and 21 days.
Although his
stay on earth
was short but
long enough to
entwine the
tenderness of
his sweet life
about all who
knew him.
How they will
miss him, sadly
miss him,
Since his sweet
spirit soared
But this thought
will gladden�
We shall meet
him again some
Oh! Lee Roy how
we miss you,
How our hearts
throb and ache!
To know our dear
one sleepeth,
No more in this
world to wake.
But you saw the
hand we could
not see,
Which clasped
your hand that
You heard the
voice we could
not hear,
Which would not
let you stay.
Tis hard to
break the tender
Where love has
bound the heart.
Tis hard, so
hard, to speak
the words
We must forever
Yet, again, we
hope to meet
Where no
farewell tears
are shed;
There were many
beautiful floral
offerings. Dear
ones, look to
the Master in
your hours of
trouble. He is
the only
comforter. God
giveth and God
taketh away and
the Lord sayeth
�Grieve at thy
birth and
rejoice at thy
In Loving
On Thursday
Morning at 2
o'clock May
13, 1920,
the death
visited the
home of Mr.
and Mrs. M.
P. Williams
and took
away their
darling boy,
Lee Roy. He
awful pain
and we all
know that he
death many a
time. Weep
not dear
parents and
sisters, for
God doeth
all things
well. But it
was so sad
to part with
darling boy.
But we all
must trust
God and He
will help us
to bear our
burdens, for
His will
must be done
not ours.
Dear Lee Roy
has gone to
His voice no
more we�ll
Till we
reach that
land of
Then we�ll
see brother
Oh ! how we
miss his
And loving
tender care;
His home is
now a lonely
No one to
fill his
Lee Roy has
gone from
earth to
To the
To dwell
with Christ
Where all is
peace and
He was
patient in
meek and
Living day
by day for
He was truly
God�s own
His parents
hearts are
sad and
Since dear
Lee Roy went
But oh ! he
is so happy,
Where it�s
one eternal
His mission
here is
enough, my
child, well
Come up
higher� said
the Master,
�Your home
in heaven is
Now friends
let�s live
for Jesus,
And meet Lee
Roy over
Where all is
peace and
In that home
so bright
and fair.
We all hope
some day to
meet him.
In that
happy home
beyond the
For there is
a glad day
In the
future time
bye and bye.
Jan 13,
1843 -
Nov 10,
aged 77
here for
a long
died at
501 East
after a
will be
at 10
Died in Dallas Yesterday.
The remains of the late Mrs. Ellie Littlefield
wife of W. H. Littlefield who died in Dallas
yesterday after a long illness, reached here
last night and were taken to the home of Mrs. C.
E. Bryant, mother of the deceased 403 South
Sixteenth Street, and the funeral took place
from there this morning at 10:30, Rev. C. H.
Booth officiating. Many friends attended the
last sad rites and there were many beautiful
A. M. Wilson
Dec 4, 1835 - Feb 15, 1920
Venerable Man Passes Away.
A. M. Wilson, aged eighty-four years, died at 503 East Eighth Avenue yesterday at 11:30 o'clock ant the remains were interred in Oakwood cemetery at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. B. W. Vining officiating. The deceased is survived by a number of grown children.
Ephraim James Seagraves
Nov 19, 1849 - Feb 14, 1920
Was Many Years Ago A Resident of Corsicana
E. J. Seagraves, seventy-six years old, died in Teague yesterday and the remains were interred here today, the funeral taking place from the Union Station at 4:15 this afternoon, Elder M. C. Cuthberson of the Church of Christ officiating. The deceased was many years ago a resident of Corsicana, and for a long time was engineer at the ice plant. He was a brother of Andy K. Seagraves of Corsicana, and is survived by his wife and four children, Chas. Seagraves of Waxahachie; Odie Seagraves of Galveston, Mrs. J. C. Norris of Fort Worth and Miss Mabel Seagraves of Teague. A good number of friends met the remains at the Union Station and witnessed the last sad rites in Oakwood.
Hugh A. McPhaill
Jan 3, 1883 - Feb 15, 1920
Hugh A. McPhail Died in Tulsa, Okla., Last Night.
Hugh A. McPhail, a former resident here and a letter carrier of the Corsicana postoffice, died in Tulsa, Okla., last night of pneumonia. The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Julia P. McPhail; a sister, Mrs. Luther Larrison and a brother, W. V. McPhail of Corsicana, and by a sister, Mrs. Cy Corder, of Dallas. The deceased had a host of friends here who will be pained to learn of his death.
Mrs. McPhail left last night to be with her son and she is expected to return with the body possibly by the Houston and Texas Central at 11:15 tomorrow. Before leaving Corsicana the deceased was for a long time the Secretary of the Sunday School at the First Methodist Church.
Remains of the Late Hugh McPhail Arrived From Tulsa Today.
The remains of Hugh A. McPhail, aged 32 years, who died in Tulsa, Okla., Sunday night arrived here this morning over the H. & T. C. at 11:15 o'clock and the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Julia P. McPhail, 1565 West Fourth avenue. The services will be conducted by the I. O. O. F. Lodge, and Rev. Cullom H. Booth, pastor of the First Methodist Church. The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Julia P. McPhail; a brother, M. V. McPhail; a sister, Mrs. L. O. Larrison, all of Corsicana, and another sister, Mrs. Cy Corder, who resides in Dallas.
Following are the active pall bearers: Alva Little, Claude Barbazan, Percy Williams, Boyce Martin, A. L. Brooks, C. B. Haley, Jess Megarity, E. H. Powell.
Attention Odd Fellows.
You are commanded to meet at the Hall at 2 o'clock p.m. Wednesday, February 18th, for the purpose of attending the funeral of Bro Hugh McPhail.
J. C. MASON, N. G.
W. W. CLOPTON, Sec�y.
Remains of Highly Esteemed Young Man Laid to Rest in Oakwood
The funeral of the late Hugh A. McPhail took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, 1565 West Fourth Avenue, and many friends attended and there were many beautiful flora offerings. The deceased grew to young manhood in Corsicana, was highly esteemed for his high moral character and manly life, and his death is sadly deplored by the whole community.
Lera Jean (Spencer) Wynne
Apr 8, 1926 - July 19, 2007
LERA JEAN SPENCER WYNNE, born April 8, 1926 in Rice, Texas,
passed away on July 19, 2007 in Houston, Texas. She is survived by
son, Rick Wynne, Jr. and wife, Kathy; daughters, Patty Wynne Leitzel
and husband, Greg, and Judy Wynne Chappell and husband, Larry;
granddaughters, Kristina, Rebecca, and Kimberly Wynne, and Tracy
Chappell, and other family. Preceding her in death is her husband of
58 years, Richard L. Wynne, Sr. Jean was retired from Pate Engineers
in 1991. She was a member of First United Methodist Church. A
graveside service was held Saturday, July 21, 2007 in Memorial Oaks
Cemetery, Houston, Texas. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
to Alzheimer's Association, Houston and Southeast Texas Chapter,
2242 West Holcombe Blvd., Houston, Texas 77030-2008.
Martha Anna (Ray) Riley
Feb 24, 1875 - Apr 3, 1919
Died Near Here Yesterday
Mrs. E. Riley, who lived North of Zion�s Rest, died yesterday
after a long illness, and the remains were interred in Oakwood
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The deceased is survived by her
husband and six grown children.
Pauline (Roberts) McConnell
May 17, 1897 - Feb 5, 1919
Remains of Mrs. Pauline Roberts McConnell Laid to Rest.
In Oakwood cemetery rest
the remains of Mrs. Pauline Roberts McConnell, who died in Houston
Wednesday night. In Corsicana she spent her childhood and happy
school days. It was here that those who knew her best followed her
remains to their final resting place. Her body reached Corsicana
yesterday afternoon from Houston at 5 o'clock accompanied by Houston
at 5 o'clock, accompanied by relatives and friends. A large number
of Corsicana friends were at the station and followed the body to
the cemetery where the last sad rites were held. Many flowers came
with the body from Houston, attesting her popularity in the city of
her adoption, and these were added to by numerous Corsicana friends,
making a great profusion of flowers, showing that Corsicana�s heart
beat in sympathy for the young woman whom they had known in
childhood, and through the years in which she developed into
beautiful womanhood with all its enthusiasm, happiness, hopes and
At the cemetery there was a large gathering and Rev. Ilion T. Jones,
pastor of the Third Avenue Presbyterian Church, conducted the
funeral services. In perfect silence sympathetic men and women heard
the earnest pastor as he read the scriptures�the comforting words of
the Master, whose great heart is always tender and sympathetic. That
scripture which likens the love of the heavenly father to that of
the earthly father and which teaches us that God is a righteous,
just and merciful God, was read as was also that which comforts us
in these words: �Let not your hearts be troubled, ye believe in God,
believe in me. In my Father�s house are many mansions; if it were
not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.�
Eloquently the minister spoke of the mercifulness of God and
comforting were his words to the hearts that beat in sympathy for
the one whose body was about to be consigned to its final resting
place. The words of the minister, the great profusion of flowers and
the large attendance all spoke the tenderness of the hearts of
Corsicana friends and the respect and sympathy they had for those
whose grief is immeasurable.
Mrs. McConnell, or Pauline Roberts, as Corsicana knows and will
always remember her, was married several months ago in Houston to
Private Harold St. Clair McConnell, who went overseas, was wounded
in action and invalided to Chicago where he was in a hospital when
the news of his wife�s death reached him. He left the hospital for
Houston at once, but became so weak while en route that he was
forced to turn back. Private McConnell is of a splendid Illinois
family and is a son of Senator McConnell of that State. Her father
and mother attended the funeral as did other relatives. And with
those relatives many hearts in Corsicana beat in tenderest sympathy
for here Mrs. McConnell will always be remembered as a pretty,
vivacious, attractive and gentle girl.
Rev. Mr. Jones was calm and showed deep earnestness and tenderness
in all he said. �In this tragic hour,� he began, �our hearts are so
sad and burdened that they almost refuse to permit words.� Pausing
for a moment he continued;
�Did we know all the circumstances surrounding her death, did we
know all the thoughts of her mind preceding her death, we might be
able to speak words that would calm our minds and relieve our
burdens.� A little later he said: �God knows what we have not the
ability to know. If at any time in her life she had thoughts that
turned her soul heavenward, God knows that and will take that into
consideration. We may trust this life in God�s hands with the
assurance that he will be the just merciful, loving father whom
Jesus revealed to men.� He closed with this prayer:
�O, God give the comfort, the strength, the assurance, the hope, the
peace which all our hearts need today to life from our lives the
burden, to take away the shadow and to dispel the darkness.� Amen.�
Not among those present could there have been one but whose heart
beat in sympathy with the minister�s prayer and it is equally safe
to say that from the entire gathering went up a prayer for the one
who so recently and when so young, had been called to enter that
gloomy portal which some day must close upon all of us.
Mrs. Pauline Roberts McConnell Will Be Buried
The funeral of Mrs. Pauline Roberts McConnell,
aged 21, wife of Harold St. Clair McConnell,
will be held from the H. & T. C. 5 o'clock train
Sunday afternoon. Interment at Oakwood cemetery.
Friends of the family are invited to attend.
Mrs. McConnell was Miss Pauline Roberts before
her marriage and met a tragic death in Houston.
She was married in Houston, Jan. 4, 1918, to
McConnell, who was a member of the Thirty-Third
Division, which trained at Camp Logan. McConnell
went overseas, was wounded and invalided to the
Chicago hospital.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Friday, Feb 7, 1919
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Harold St. Clair McConnell married Jan. 14,
1918 d/o Thomas Hawkins Roberts (Death certificate
says d/o T. H. Roberts and Trixie (McCurdy) Roberts,
brother James Hawkins Roberts death certificate says
s/o Nannie (Watson) Roberts�1910 Navarro county
census says Nannie E. )
Emily (Johnson) Fitzgerald
Dec 15, 1882 - Jan 11, 1919
Died Here This Morning
Mrs. Emily Fitzgerald, wife of J. C. Fitzgerald, aged thirty-six
years, died at 500 East Tenth Avenue at 7:45 this morning of
influenza and pneumonia. Interment will take place in Oakwood
at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. C. H. Booth officiating.
William Augustus Champion
Apr 9, 1841 - Jul 24, 1919
Champion - Corsicana, Texas, July 25. - W. A. Champion,
for more than twenty years a resident of Corsicana, died at his home
here last night. He is survived by his wife and one son. He was born
in Georgia in 1841 and came to Texas in 1872, settling in Houston
County, where he taught school, first at Dalys and then at
Grapeland, after which he moved to Crockett, where he resided for a
number of years, holding the offices of Justice of the Peace and
District Clerk for a total of twenty-three years. After coming to
Corsicana, he engaged in the family grocery business for a short
time, but at the time of his death was manager of the circulation
department of the Daily Sun. He will be buried from his residence
this evening at 4 o'clock.
Splendid and Popular Citizen of Corsicana Called to His Reward.
Mr. W. A. Champion died yesterday afternoon at 6:45 o'clock at his
home, 1330 West Collin street, after a brief illness. He had been in
declining health for quite a while but continued in the performance
of his duties until the 16th instant, when he was taken sick after
coming to town at the usual morning hour.
He is survived by his wife and one son.
The funeral services will be conducted from the residence this
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Cullom H. Booth, pastor of the First
Methodist Church, will conduct the services. Interment will be at Oakwood
The pall bearers are as follows: Active�Lloyd Young, Roy Thompson,
Tom Ransom, A. G. Elliott, Sid Story, Orville Hyndman. Honorary�T.
P. Little, A. A. Wortham, E. L. Belt, W. M. Peck, E. A. Elliott, J.
Y. Roberts, Jack Blackmon.
Mr. Champion was born near Macon, Ga., April 9, 1841, and was
seventy-eight years old. He taught school in Georgia and was married
there when nineteen years of age to Miss Eliza Browning. To this
union one child, a daughter, was born. This daughter was married to
Dr. Merriwether in Texas and at her death left a daughter, and is
now living at El Paso.
Coming to Texas in 1872 the deceased located in Houston county where
he taught school at Dalys and Grapeland. His first wife dying at the
latter place he moved to Crockett, where, as wherever he was known,
he became very popular and whre for twenty-three successive years,
he was in public office, a part of his official career being that of
justice of the peace and the other district clerk. A further
evidence of his great popularity will be obtained when the statement
is made that at each election at which he was a candidate he
invariably swept the field, and was given a majority over all of his
opponents. At Crockett he was married to Miss Ollie Tallaferro, who,
with him a son, Norborn D., survives him.
Voluntarily resigning the office of district clerk of Houston county
he came to Corsicana in 1897, owing to the ill health of his wife,
and was in the family grocery business for some time and later was
solicitor for N. L. Benson, dry goods, and still later accepted the
position of manager of the circulation department of the Daily Sun,
a position he filled with faithfulness and honesty and industry, for
about twenty years, and a position that he held at the time of his
W. A. Champion was a man in all that the word means. He was mild and
gentle�a gentleman by nature. He treated his fellow man with due
regard and unfailing courtesy. He demanded the same treatment from
his fellow man.
Although he was in failing health for some time and suffered
torturing pains not infrequently, yet he gave no word of complaint.
On the other hand he stood steadfastly to duty and regardless of the
ravages of disease, which he apparently ignored, he never lost his
youthful erectness and to the last was straight as an Indian and
moved about the streets or in the pursuance of his duties with a
carriage and firm step that stamped him the man that he was.
W. A. Champion was indeed a splendid man and popular citizen.
Tribute Paid to the Late W. A. Champion
The remains of the late W. A. Champion were laid to rest yesterday
afternoon and Corsicana has lost another good man.
The funeral services were held at the family home at 4 o'clock and
concluded at Oakwood and
the body was placed beneath a profusion of the most beautiful
flowers that could be conceived of.
Handsome floral offerings from the proprietors and employees of the
Sun-Light Publishing Company gave striking testimonial of the high
regard and esteem in which the deceased was held by his employers
and fellow-workers.
Mrs. P. C. Townsend, Mrs. Henry Robbins, Edgar Metcalf and Fred
White sang.
Rev. Cullom H. Booth conducted the services and paid a high tribute
to the deceased, speaking of him as a man of wonderful courage and
devotion, devotion to loved ones and devotion to duty.
Rev. Mr. Booth said: �The days of man�s life are numbered, man�s
years are three score and ten. Yet if by reason of strength he lives
four score yet there is still strength, wisdom and song. Mr.
Champion lacked two years living four score years. That seems like a
long time to some who have not lived that long but to one who has
traversed those years it is but a little while. God says that life
is but a span. In the light of eternity it is only a few days.
�And when, those few days are over, that is not all, there is a
house ahead, a house not built with hands, and eternal Home in
Heaven. The life to come means a life free from the body and at home
with the Lord.
�Mr. Champion was for a number of years a sick man. But he never
said much about it. When you met him on the street and asked him how
he was he always drew himself up, straight as an Indian, and said,
�Oh, I�m all right.�
�He was a man of wonderful courage, a man of wonderful devotion and
love devotion to his work, devotion to his loved ones. Although
harassed by sickness and pain he showed himself to be a man, a good,
true man.
�And thank God as we battle through life, over the rough places,
over the obstacles, ever and anon we hear the angel voice saying,
�It is better farther on.�
�it is by hope we live, by hope and faith in God, our Father. Many a
life has been shipwrecked because it wasn�t anchored to God. Today I
bring to you not only the promise of immortality but of God�s
�The same Christ who stood with his disciples in the time of trouble
and said, �Let not your heart be troubled, Ye believe in God,
believe ye also in me. For in my father�s house are many mansions.
And I go to prepare a place for you that where I am you may be
also,� the same Christ who said this at that time is here today and
whispers the same word of hope. May God help us to feel His
�We cannot comprehend the works of the Lord. We feel a sense of
utter helplessness at this hour. But let us be comforted and
remember that God is our refuge and does all things well. And
underneath us, as we feel faint and falling, are His uplifting and
supporting arms.�
Guadalupe �Lupe� (Chapa)
Dec 12, 1884 - Jan 12, 1919
Died Here Yesterday Afternoon
Mrs. Luppa Miles, aged 34 years, wife of S. J. Miles, died at the
family home, 1108 West Seventh Avenue at 2:15 yesterday afternoon of
pneumonia and the remains were interred in Oakwood
at 4:30 this afternoon, Rev. Father Graffeo officiating. The
deceased is survived by her husband and two children, and a brother,
Joe Chapa, of San Antonio, who was here to attend the funeral.
Mattie A.
(Litchfield) Peters-Johnson
Sep 29, 1848 -Apr 15, 1919
Remains Were Interred in Corsicana Today.
Mrs. Mattie A. Johnson, who at one time lived in Corsicana, but for
the past ten years lived in Dallas, died there yesterday at the
advanced age of 80 years, and the remains were interred today, the
funeral taking place from the interurban depot at 12:15. The
deceased is survived by two sons, Robt. Johnson of Dallas and O. M.
Peters of Cuero and two daughters, Mrs. R. D. White and Mrs. Zetella
Morris both of Dallas.
Dec 1918 - Jan 5, 1919
Baby Died Sunday.
The three weeks old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, living
on Twenty-Seventh street, died Sunday and the remains were interred
in Oakwood.
(Drane) Elliott
Mar 6, 1874 - Jun 27, 1919
Funeral Largely Attended
The remains of the late Mrs. Lena Drane Elliott were laid to rest in Oakwood
Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock. The last sad rites were largely
attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings. Rev. Ilion
T. Jones officiated and C. E. Kerr, S. M. Kerr, W. E. Matchett, A.
G. Caldwell, W. F. McCammon, Luther A. Johnson and W. C. Proctor
acted as pall bearers.
Edgar C.
Aug 29, 1905 - May 9, 1923
Funeral services for the last six victims of the Hughes-McKie oil
well fire were held at the First Methodist Church Sunday afternoon.
Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery in a specially provided lot. Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr.,
pastor of the Methodist church, and Rev. C. G. Vincent, pastor of
the Church of Christ, conducted the services.
One of the largest crowds assembled on any similar occasion in
Corsicana was in attendance to pay last tribute to those who
tragically laid down their lives.
The church auditorium was filled to capacity long before the hour
for the services. The hearse paused near the church and the
pallbearers tenderly lifted the casket containing the remains of the
six men, and bore it heavily laden with flowers to the church altar.
Members of the bereaved families with faces drawn in sadness and
hearts breaking from grief seated near the church altar presented a
pathetic moment. The altar literally inlaid with many beautiful
floral offerings told in their sweetness of the numerous expressions
of sympathy.
Music was rendered by the church choir. Rev. Vincent read from the
New Testament. He spoke briefly of the uncertainty of life and the
certainty of death. He offered prayers for the living paying a
beautiful tribute to the dead.
Rev. Monk spoke a few words of condolence to the bereaved and lifted
his voice in prayer.
Men, women and children throughout the congregation sobbed tears in
the tenseness of the moment. Rev. Monk declared he hope to see
Corsicana take charge of the mound where the men were buried, and
set aside the day for an appropriate memorial service to be held in
memory of the men who died in the disaster each year.
Another song was sung and another prayer was said, and the casket
was borne to the cemetery, where the services were concluded.
Pallbearers were Hon. Luther Johnson, Mayor J. S. Eubank, J. L.
Halbert, John C. Calhoun, W. H. Hastings, R. J. Jackson, Sam Jackson
and R. J. Graves.
Like an active volcano in eruption, belching forth terrific flames
of burning fire constantly fed by the constant flow of oil and gas,
the Hughes-McKie well in holocaust which has cost at least 14 men
their lives, continues to gush forth its awful blaze at 3 o'clock
For twenty-four solid hours flames ranging from 30 feet to 150 feet
have leaped high in the air in its spectacular capers. Red streaks
of flame ascend as from a mighty nozzle, and disappear in the form
of huge black clouds of smoke, which drift with the wind in a
surging blast.
The wind switched from the southward during the night and the mighty
smokestack releases its flow in the direction of Powell, leaving
darkened elements in its wake.
Thousands hurried frantically to the fields during last night to
witness the spectacular fire-works.
The well being situated on the east bank of the creek is surrounded
by tall timber. A rough one-way traffic road forming a winding snake
trail for two miles is the only means of vehicle access to the
scene. The roads were choked with vehicle traffic within a short
time after the fire started. This kept up all night.
The well has been fenced off and traffic barred on the narrow road
to give the men full right of way in getting boilers to the
Every company owning equipment in the Powell fields has tendered the
use of all available boilers and other equipment to extinguish the
Men are working like Trojans to get the equipment in place. It will
be necessary to use fire foam and steam from a dozen boilers.
The burned bodies of at least six men remain in the fire zone
according to DeWitt Watkins, who is working at the well today. He
stated to a reporter of the Sun this morning that five bodies could
be seen near the well, and there was another one missing. He also
stated he believed that one or two spectators perished.
Jim Ball foreman in charge of the work believes the final death toll
will reach 18.
Mr. Hughes accompanied by J. S. Banks, his attorney, are at the well
this afternoon checking up on the number of dead and missing.
Hundreds of spectators thronged in and out and lingered about the
Sutherland Undertaking establishment all day Thursday eager to catch
a glimpse of the charred bodies of a number of the working crew
which perished in the big blaze Wednesday afternoon when the Hughes-McKie
No. 1 well ignited.
Five of the bodies, charred and disfigured by the flames almost
beyond recognition, were brought to the morgue early last night.
They have been identified as follows:
W.A. PHILLIPS, Kerens.
W. A. HICKS, Wortham.
JACK COOPER, Corsicana.
L. P. SHEEK, Dallas.
The bodies of Travis Owen and Emmett Bird, both of Kerens, were
brought from the Physicians and Surgeons hospital later in the
night, Owen died at 7 o'clock and Bird died at 11:05 o'clock. These
two men were dragged from the fire zone and hurried to Corsicana.
Each lived only a few hours.
C. B. Keever, J. E. Keever, J. R. Ferris and Jesse Blair from the
Keever Undertaking company at Ennis arrived early last night to
assist in preparing the bodies for burial.
The bodies of S. P. Allen, field foreman; E. C. Cooper, driller;
James Phillips, L. C. Coop, M. O. Turner, have not been recovered.
Max Meisner and Charlie Walker are believed to have perished. The
charred remains of four can be seen near the well. They cannot be
recovered on account of the intensity of the heat.
Funerals This Afternoon.
Funerals for four of the victims of yesterday�s terrible oil field
holocaust took place this afternoon. The bodies of W. A. (Ban)
Phillips and Travis Owen were taken to Rural Shade were both were
raised; Emmett Byrd was interred in Eureka, his former home, and
Fred Craig was laid to rest at Chatfield, which was his childhood
The ladies of Corsicana and the Chamber of Commerce covered each of
the caskets with magnificent flowers.
The remains of L. C. Sheek were sent to Dallas this afternoon and
the body of W. A. Hicks will be sent to Wortham tomorrow.
The roustabout crew of 20 men working in the vicinity of the well
escaped. Several teamsters and tank men were passing in and about
the premises and rushed to the aid of the burning men, but the blaze
had swept the bottom before they could be reached.
A negro teamster succeeded in loosening his team from the material
wagon and escaped with them. The wagon and its contents were
Tragic Spectacle.
The scene about the well presented a sad and tragic spectacle when
the monstrous explosion came. Both the day and the night crew
consisting of twelve men had just started work a short while before.
Several bystanders near the well escaped with their lives by
running. It is believed that more dead bodies are in the burned area
in addition to the known dead.
Men ran in every direction in a frenzy and fell when overcome.
Jimmy Meeks, oil field scout for the Humble Oil & Refining Company;
E. W. Quinlin, scout for the Simms Oil Company; Ellis Hammel,
drilling contractor; and DeWitt Watkins, members of the roustabout
crew, did heroic work in attempting to save the men from their awful
Heroic Rescue Work.
Bravely defying all danger at the risk of their own lives rushed
headlong to the burning prostrate forms of the groaning men in death
agonies in answer to their piteous cries for help and succeeded in
bringing them out. The men breathed their last as they were being
carried out of the gas, smoke and fire.
Jim Ball escaped with B. B. Simmonds, N. M. Dunman and Dick Pyle. As
they made their exit from the timber, Ball turned back to assist
Owen. He succeeded in getting him into the open but too late to save
his life. Charlie Lewis of Corsicana ran to the assistance of Bird.
Piteous cries for water went up from the two dying men as the
ambulance brought them to the hospital.
Meeks, Quinlan, Hammel and Watkins returned towards the well for the
other perishing men, but were unable to reach them. Their bodies had
been practically reduced to ashes in the blaze which had gained
headway. Waste oil in the bottom covering almost an acre upon which
large trees saturated with oil had become enveloped in the frenzied
Quinlan is a world war hero. A native of New York State, he served
in the French Army during the early days of the war. Later he served
with the Canadian forces.
Quinlan is the possessor of several war medals. He was awarded the
Medalto Militaire; the Croix Guerre, and while in the British he
service he was the first American to be awarded the Victoria Cross.
He received several hard jolts in the war, in the rescue work
Wednesday the fumes and smoke temporarily almost overcame him.
Phone Girls Busy.
Shortly after three o'clock a man called the Johnson Drug Store from
the Commercial Hotel and communicated the first news that reached
Corsicana of the terrible disaster. The caller at the same time told
Miss Valsey Hubbard, the operator, that he wanted every doctor
available to go to the scene of the McKie well. The call was
immediately referred to the chief operator. She rang the Corsicana
Surgical and Medical clinic and asked that the doctors be sent. The
hospital and every drug store in town were called to assist in every
possible way. The undertaking parlors soon dispatched ambulances
toward the fire. Emergency telephone calls from Powell, Kerens and
Corsicana came pouring into the central office running as high as
2,400 calls per hour.
Frantic calls from various individuals were made in effort to locate
the families of the dead and injured men.
Public memorial services will be held at the gospel tent at 7:45
o'clock Friday evening under the auspices of the Chamber of
Commerce. Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr., will withhold his regular revival
services until after the memorial ceremonies.
The Chamber of Commerce today sent floral offerings to the families
of the deceased. A suitable medal will be provided for the family of
each man by the commercial organization in commemoration of their
brave efforts towards the development of the oil resources of the
Among the members of the roustabout crew escaping are L. W. Wilkitz,
E. W. Arnett, Whyne Short, J. W. Crosby, Jas. A. McDaniels, J. A.
Story, Jim Ball, Ned Dumas, and Johnnie Kennon. The names of the
other men have not been learned.
These men had been gathered up from various leases in the Mexia
district and brought to assist in taking care of the well. The
working record and the names of the men were in Mr. Allen�s pocket,
and none of the surviving members are able to give the names of all
the men.
Superintendent Walker of the city schools of Henrietta, and wife,
father and mother of Mrs. S. P. Allen, and father of Charlie Walker,
arrived in Corsicana early today.
Station Agent Wyatt and daughters of Plano, friends of the Walker
family are also here.
Mr. Allen�s mother, and Miss Walker of Denton are also here. Miss
Walker is a teacher in the Denton College of Industrial Arts. She is
a sister of Mrs. Allen.
Memorial services in honor of the oil field workers who lost their
lived in the big blaze at the Hughes-McKie well Wednesday will be
held at the gospel tent, Eleventh street and Seventh avenue at 7:45
o'clock Friday evening.
The ceremonies will be conducted under the auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce. Mayor J. S. Eubank and members of the city
administration, presidents of the Rotary, Lions, Civic, Advertising
clubs, the Retail Merchants� Association will occupy a place on the
Every minister in town will take part in the program.
The ministers will conduct a prayer service. Hugh L. Hiett will
Hon. Luther A. Johnson will make the address of condolence. Other
speakers will take part.
Funeral services for S. P. Allen, Charles Walker, Jim Phillips, C.
M. Cooper, E. C. Cooper and L. C. Cook, fire victims of the burning
Hughes-McKie oil well, will be held at the First Methodist Church at
2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, according to announcement made today
by W. S. Banks, attorney for the J. K. Hughes Development Company.
Rev. Alonzo Monk, Jr., pastor of the church assisted by Rev. C. G.
Vineer, pastor of the Church of Christ, will conduct the services.
The remains of the six bodies will be interred in one casket in a
specially provided lot in Oakwood cemetery.
Active pallbearers will be Hon. Luther A. Johnson, Mayor J. S.
Eubank, R. J. Jackson, Sam J. Jackson, John C. Calhoun, R. J.
Graves, J. L. Halbert and W. H. Hastings.
The smouldering remains of the six men were recovered from the fire
area of the ill-fated Hughes-McKie well several days after it caught
fire May 9. They have been held at the Sutherland Undertaking
Parlors pending the possible recovery of another body believed to
have been undiscovered in the debris.
Seven of the perish crew were recovered from the fire shortly after
the blaze started. Each were positively identified, and have been
Mr. Banks stated today that the six remaining bodies had been
sufficiently identified as to justify giving out the name of each.
He stated the official casualty list of the J. K. Hughes Development
company places the number of known dead and accounted for at 13. The
list is as follows:
S. P. Allen, L. C. Cook, M. O. Turner, Charles Walker, Travis Owens,
W. M. (Ban) Phillips, Jim Phillips, L. P. Sheek, W. A. Hicks, C. M.
(Jack) Cooper, E. C. Cooper, Emmett G. Byrd, and Fred E. Craig.
One report carried the name of Max Meisner as among the dead and
missing. Mr. Banks stated today that communication had been
established with Mr. Meisner, and the Hughes company is certain he
escaped injury. The company had the fire area thoroughly scorched by
men clad in asbestos clothing, and no other body was found. Mr.
Banks stated the company feels certain that the bodies of all men
who perished in the fire has been found.
The J. K. Hughes Development Company has planned to erect a suitable
monument over the grave of the six men to be buried in Oakwood
cemetery in remembrance of the total number of its employees losing
their lives in the big fire.
A change of plans for extinguishing the fire at the burning well
late yesterday appears to have been extended the time before the
blaze is stopped. W. H. McClintock has assembled a rig of his own
making and patent, which he is confident will put out the fire when
brought into play, but so far the apparatus has not been applied.
Work was suspended at the well at 5 o'clock Friday, and nothing was
done during the night. A different apparatus containing a T-joint
and valve gear model has been completed, and efforts are being
directed towards apply it before the McClintock machine is used.
Rain last night rendered the creek bottoms and the roads leading to
the field in a very muddy condition. Transportation out from town
was slow early today, which operated to cause some delay in getting
work under way Saturday morning.
Although the roads were very slippery, teams and heavy trucks were
on the road with tons of materials for the various new locations for
A meeting of the stockholders of the Cor-Tex Deep Well Company was
held at the well just south of town at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Plans for resuming operations at the test were thoroughly gone over.
Several interested individuals attended the meeting and reports are
that much enthusiasm is evidenced over the proposed new operations
The test south of Blooming Grove to be put down by Dr. Stubbs and
Dunbar spudded in at 4 o'clock. Several went out from Corsicana to
see the bit take its first plunge into the surface. A local
photographer was present to take a view of the rig and the crowds
assembled to see the new test stared.
Noah Elmus Cochrum
Sep 21, 1877 - Nov 23, 1920
Had Been in Bad Health for Some Time�Well Known Here
Near three weeks ago a man apparently between thirty-five and forty
years of age registered at the Main Hotel as N. E. Cochrum, Humble,
Texas. He was in bad health and ate only one meal a day, and the
clerk at the hotel says he frequently sat up till very late at
night. Some days ago a local physician was at the hotel to see him
and the clerk says the physician said Cochrum was suffering from
chronic malaria. Yesterday afternoon 5 o'clock Cochrum went to his
room and nothing was seen or heard of him till about 8:30 this
morning when a colored porter went to his room and found him dead on
his bed, with an empty bottle that was labeled carbolic acid was
found on the floor by his bed. The body which lay back across the
bed with his feet hanging off the bed and touching the floor, and
still warm. He still had on his underclothing and top short, but his
feet were bare. The lips nor the face or hands were burned by the
dreadful drug, but his mouth on the inside, as well as his tongue
were dreadfully burned. Mr. Sutherland was phoned for and the body
was taken to his undertaking parlors and embalmed and is now there
awaiting advices from relatives. Parties here who knew the family
well says the deceased lived in Corsicana when a child and that his
father was at one time in the dairy business here. He married here
some years ago Miss Varnell Stover, and his wife has a brother,
Malcom Stover, who is now employed at the Mills-Garitty pump station
east of town. The wife and four children live in Humble, and his
mother and two sisters, Mrs. W. N. Fondren, and Miss Ida Cochrum
live in Houston, and three brothers, Allen, Luther and E. P. Cochrum
live in California.
During his stay in the Hotel Main here, the deceased although in bad
health, did not seem to be especially cast down, and was usually
very quiet and retiring in his manners.
At. 2 o'clock this afternoon Mr. Southerland received a telegram
from W. W. Fondren, of Houston, brother-in-law of the deceased,
telling him to hold body for further instructions.
Remains Were Interred Here.
The remains of the late Noah Elmus Cochrum, aged forty-seven years,
who was found dead in his room at the Hotel Main yesterday morning,
were interred in Oakwood this afternoon, the funeral taking place
from the Sutherland undertaking parlors. Rev. C. H. Booth
officiated, and a large number of friends of the family, who used to
live here, attended the last sad rites. The relatives here to attend
the funeral were his wife and four children, of Humble, his mother,
Mrs. Mary Cochrum and his sister, Miss Ida Cochrum of Houston, and
his brother, Allen C. Cochrum of Hull, near Houston. The remains
were interred by the side of the father of the deceased who died
here twenty-seven years ago.
The family have many friends here who knew them when they made
Corsicana their home and all sympathize with them in their great
There were many beautiful flowers and J. C. Hughes, J. C. Morgan, R.
M. Lockhart, L. W. Ashmore, J. H. Wooley and Wiley Smith acted as
pall bearers. Mrs. P. C. Townsend, Mrs. Henry Robbins and Edgar
Metcalf and J. B. Wheeler sang.
Vermelle Ursula (Stover) Cochrum
Jun 20, 1880 - Nov 8, 1958
Mrs. Cockrum Dies Saturday
Ms. Vernelle Cockrum, 76, died in a Baytown hospital Saturday
Graveside rites will be conducted at Oakwood
cemetery here Monday at
2 p.m.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Thelma Cocrum, Austin and Miss
Florence Cockrum, Washington, D. C.; two sons, Roy and George Cocrum,
both of Baytown; five grandchildren and other relatives.
McCammon will direct.
Mrs. Cockrum Burial Monday
Funeral rites for Mrs. Vernelle Cockrum, 78, who died in a Baytown
hospital Saturday morning, were held at Oakwood cemetery Monday at 2
p.m. She was a former Corsicana resident. The rites were conducted
by Rev. Archie Fleming.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Thelma Cockrum, Austin, and Miss
Florence Cockrum, Washington, D. C.; two sons, Ray Cockrum and
George Cockrum, both of Baytown; five grandchildren and other
McCammon directed.
Robert Bruce Grissett, Sr.
1854 - Jan. 29, 1920
Remains Interred Here.
The remains of the late R. B. Grisset, a former resident here, who
died in Waxahachie Thursday night were interred here at noon today,
the funeral party reaching here at 12:15 and the funeral taking
place from the union station. There were services at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Morse in Waxahachie, conducted by Rev. C. L.
Cartwright, the Methodist pastor there and the services at the grave
here were conducted by Rev. M. W. Clark, pastor of the Eleventh
Avenue Methodist Church, of which the deceased was still a member. A
large number of friends attended the funeral and there were many
beautiful flowers.
Remains Will Be Brought Here For Interment.
R. B. Grissett, age 68, a former citizen of Corsicana and for four years city assessor and collector of Texas for Corsicana, died in Waxahachie last night after a long illness, and the remains will be brought here tomorrow and the funeral will take place from the union station at 12:15, with interment in Oakwood. The deceased, who was a brother-in-law of Dr. W. D. Fountain of Corsicana, is survived by five grown children, Bruce and Will Grissett of the North Texas oil fields, Mrs. Cline Howard, of Vian, Okla.; Mrs. Charley Morse of Waxahachie, and Ms. Nellie Willis and Miss Mary Grissett.
The deceased was a good man and hundreds of friends here will learn of his death with genuine sorrow.
Thomas J. Glass
May 8, 1853 - Apr 25, 1920
Died in Rusk Yesterday.
T. J. Glass, aged 67 years, a brother of Mrs. Chas. Byrd and Mrs.
Nancy Grady, died in Rusk yesterday and the remains will be buried
here tomorrow morning after services at the home of Charles Byrd, at
9 and a good many years ago made his home in Corsicana.
Remains Were Interred Today.
The remains of the late T. J. Glass, who died at Rusk Sunday,
reached here last night and were taken to the home of Chas. Byrd and
the funeral took place from there at 11 o'clock this morning. Revs.
L. W. Shivers and M. W. Clark and T. J. York, A. S. Vandiver, Mr.
Lillie, J. C. Hughes and Morgan Holloway acted as pall bearers.
Charles B. Harris

Sep 23, 1886 - Feb 7, 1920
Funeral Here This Afternoon.
The remains of the late Chas. B. Harris, who died at Eureka
Saturday, were interred here this afternoon from the Sutherland
undertaking parlors, Rev. B. W. Vining officiating. There was a good
attendance at the funeral and many pretty flowers. The deceased was
the son of John Harris of Hamilton, formerly of Corsicana, and a
brother of Eddie B. Harris, of the Corsicana Vulcanizing Works.
Besides these he had many other relatives with whom the community
will sympathize in their bereavement.
The last sad rites were conducted by Rev. B. W. Vining, and three
brothers of the deceased, E. B., J. C. and C. P. Harris, and three
brothers-in-law, Grady Bowden, and William and Tom Shields acted as
pall bearers.
Preston Major Lea
Jan 5, 1849 - Dec 13, 1934
P. M. Lea, aged 85 years, well-known resident of Corsicana for many
years, died at the family home Thursday morning at 4:35 o'clock. He
had been prominent in business circles for many years prior to his
retirement several years ago.
He was born in Knoxville, Tenn. Jan. 5, 1849, and came to Corsicana
64 years ago�in 1870. He operated a gin for a number of years and
owned a private waterworks system in Corsicana for some time, later
being engaged in the oil business.
Mr. Lea was married in 1879 to Miss Lida M. Garner.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Preston J. Lea, Wichita Falls; two
daughters, Mrs. Walter B. Guthrie, Wichita Falls; and Mrs. H. E.
Tuttle, Corsicana; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the
family home with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist
church, assisted by Rev. H. J. Ellis, rector of St. John�s Episcopal
Operated Gin.
Mr. Lea in earlier days operated one of the few up-to-date gins in
this community and was a land owner of a large scale and also raised
fine hogs at one time. While operating his gin which stood near
where his home is located at the corner of West Seventh avenue and
South Twentieth street Mr. Lea discovered excellent water at a minor
depth near the gin and later had dug several large wells in that
sector where he owned considerable property and operated a private
water system for several years.
Later on when oil was discovered in and near Corsicana he engaged in
the oil business to some extent and drilled several wildcat wells
over the county, the last operation being the well drilled only a
few years ago north of the Corsicana Country club, on the Emhouse
road. This operation failed to find oil in paying quantities.
Mr. Lea was a kindly, friendly man, one of the old school of
Southerners whose word was as good as his bond�who dealt fairly with
his fellowmen and expected all others to do the same. Always
courteous and never in too big a hurry to give a friendly and
helping hand to the younger generations he had gained and held warm
friendships in all walks of life in Corsicana and Navarro county and
although he had retired from active business life several years ago,
his passing will be deeply regretted by his hosts of friends.
The funeral will be directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral
Funeral services for P. M. Lea, 85, retired ginner, oil man and
financial leader of Corsicana, who died at the family home Friday
morning at 10 o'clock with burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites
were conducted by Rev. T. Edgar Neal, pastor of the First Methodist
church of which Mr. Lea was a member, assisted by Rev. H. J. Ellis,
rector of the St. John�s Episcopal church.
He was a native of Tennessee but had resided in Corsicana for the
past 64 years. Mr. Lea conducted an up-to-date cotton gin here in
the early days and later operated a water works system. He was
engaged in the oil business here for a number of years and drilled a
number of wildcat tests.
Surviving are his wife, a son, Preston J. Lea, Wichita Falls; two
daughters, Mrs. Walter B. Guthrie, Wichita Falls, and Mrs. H. E.
Tuttle, Corsicana; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Joe Key Garner, Frank Garner, John J. Garner,
Preston Garner, W. P. Wood and T. E. Lindsey.
The funeral was directed by the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home.
Relatives Here For Burial of P.
M. Lea On Friday Morning
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Lea and daughter,
Katie of Wichita Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie�s daughter, Mrs. John
A. McCurdy of Austin; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Peck of Amarillo were here
for the funeral services and burial of their loved father,
grandfather and kinsman, the late P. M. Lea, who passed away
Thursday morning at the family home on West Seventh avenue at an
early hour.
A large concourse of sorrowing friends paid their last tribute of
love and esteem to this good man�s memory and the wealth of lovely
flowers attested his popularity.
Heartfelt sympathy is extended the bereaved loved ones by their host
of friends here and elsewhere.
Lida May (Garner) Lea
May 1, 1857 - Nov 21, 1943
Mrs. P. M. Lea, lifelong resident of Corsicana, died at the home of
her son, Preston Lea, in Wichita Falls Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lea
had gone to Wichita Falls to visit her son when stricken.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel with interment in Oakwood
Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church will
conduct the rites.
Mrs. Lea was active in church and civic circles here for many years.
She was a charter member of the DAR and had a leading part in its
Surviving are her son, Preston Lea, Wichita Falls; two daughters,
Mrs. Willie Tuttle, Corsicana; Mrs. W. C. Guthrie, Corsicana; two
brothers, John T. Garner, Corsicana; T. J. Garner, Oak Valley; a
number of nephews, pieces and other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Monday, Nov 22, 1943
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Preston Major Lea;
d/o Joel Penson Garner and Adaline Tennessee (Cranford) Garner
buried in Hamilton Beeman Cemetery
Funeral services for Mrs. P. M. Lea, prominent and lifelong resident
of Corsicana, who died at the home of her son, Preston Lea, Wichita
Falls, Sunday, were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk conducted the rites
and burial was in Oakwood
Surviving are a son, two daughters, two brothers and other
Isabelle (Langridge) Henderson
Sep 10, 1867 - Jul 13, 1920
Died Last Night.
Mrs. Isabell Henderson, wife of R. H. (Dick) Henderson, died last
night after a long illness and the remains were interred in Oakwood at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The funeral taking place from the
family home 114 East Tenth Avenue, Rev. H. J. Ellis officiating.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, Jul 14, 1920
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- Born in England w/o Richard H. �Dick� Henderson; d/o George
E. Langridge & Louisa/Eliza (Maynard) Langridge
Thomas H. Jack
Aug 2, 1858 - May 28, 1920
Thos. H. Jack Was Formerly Resident of Blooming Grove.
Thos. H. Jack for many years a resident of Blooming Grove, but for
the past seven months residing in Oak Cliff, (Dallas), died in a
short time yesterday afternoon, after receiving a stroke of
apoplexy. His body will arrive here this afternoon, at 6 o'clock and
will be taken to the home of J. S. Callicutt, where funeral services
will be conducted at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Mr. Jack is survived by
his wife and one daughter, Miss Julia. He was also a brother of Mrs.
J. S. Callicutt, Mrs. S. M. Ransom and Mrs. Julia Christian of
Corsicana. Messrs. W. H. and S. H. Jack of Corsicana are cousins.
Interment will be in Oakwood
The deceased had been at home yesterday at the usual hour for dinner
and had returned to his law office in Oak Cliff (Dallas) when
stricken with apoplexy and never regained consciousness. His sisters
and Mrs. W. H. Jack were notified of his illness and went at once to
his bedside. He was a member of the Methodist Church and had been
since childhood. He was a lawyer and practiced his profession up to
the time of his death. He had many friends in Blooming Grove where
he resided for many years, and in Corsicana, where he was a frequent
visitor, who will learn of his death with genuine sorrow.
Rev. Mr. Morton, pastor of the Blooming Grove Methodist church, who
was Mr. Jack�s pastor, will conduct the funeral services.
Remains Were Interred Here
The remains of the late Thos. H. Jack, who died in Dallas Thursday
night reached here yesterday afternoon and the funeral service took
place this morning at 10 o'clock at the home of J. B. Callicutt on
West Fourth Avenue. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Morton,
pastor of the Methodist church at Blooming Grove, assisted by Rev.
D. A. Porter and W. M. Clark. There were many beautiful floral
offerings and a large attendance of sorrowing friends. The pall
bearers were: Active, E. E. Babers, J. L. Cox, Joel Haden, B. F.
Hartzell, D. M. Holland and Loyd Young; Honorary, W. M. Taylor, L.
B. Cobb, L. Treaswell, W. M. Huggins, F. H. Simpson, John B. Jones,
A. W. Stokes, J. B. Banks and W. M. Thompson.
William Robert Burns
Aug 14, 1859 - Feb 24, 1920
Funeral This Afternoon Was Largely Attended.
W. R. Burns, aged sixty-one years died at his home, 1419 West Fourth
Avenue, at 9 o'clock last night, after a lingering illness. The
deceased had been a guager for the Magnolia Petroleum Co., here for
many years, and was highly esteemed as a citizen, and had many
personal friends who are pained at his death, and the community
sympathizes with his wife in her sorrow.
The funeral took place in Oakwood this afternoon at 4 o'clock and
was largely attended, and many beautiful floral offerings were sent
by friends who esteemed him in life and are pained at his death. The
services were impressively conducted by Rev. B. W. Vining, and the
pallbearers were: Active, W. H. Hastings, W. W. Gage, Henry
Clemmons, C. H. Delafosse, Byron Cheney and Will Hilliard. Honorary:
W. C. Proctor, E. R. Brown and E. A. Lattimore of Dallas; W. H.
James of Greenville; A. B. Douglas, Luther A. Johnson, G. F. Miller,
J. C. West, Hood Cheney, Dr. J. A. Jones and E. H. Church.
Everett Dowis

Aug 23, 1903 - May 16, 1923
Young Man Takes Own Life in Athens
At Athens, Henderson county, yesterday morning about 8 o'clock,
Everitt Dowis, aged near twenty years, shot himself through the head
with a pistol and died instantly. The act was committed in the
presence of his own mother, his wife and little sister. The deceased
had been married two years, and left his wife and an infant. He was
the son of R. J. Dowis, of Athens, a section foreman on the Cotton
Belt, and had worked with his father on the Cotton Belt tracks all
day Saturday. The wife of the deceased is the daughter of T. W.
Barham and wife of Blooming Grove, and the remains passed through
here today en route to Blooming Grove for interment.
The family, who were here with the remains know no cause for his
Clara Anna (Williams)

Jan 28, 1891 - Jun 1, 1967 Mrs. Clara Anna Boulware,
wife of Rev. W. T. Boulware died Thurs. (today) at 5:44 am in a
Hillsboro hospital. She was born in Navarro County & had lived in
Hillsboro since 1952. She was a member of the First Meth. Church
where funeral services will be held Friday at 3 pm. Burial will be
in Hillcrest Garden of Memory. She is survived by her husband; 3ch:
C. E. Boulware - Houston, Mrs. Frank White-Morgan & Mrs. John R.
Wooten-Waco; 5 gch; 3bros: Lee Williams - Corsicana, Earn
Williams-Blooming Grove & Guy Williams-Pasadena; sis: Mrs. C. F.
Smith - Waco.
(Hillsboro Daily Mirror, Thurs., June 1, 1967)
Daughter of C. O. Williams and Ella Poole. She was a housewife, 76
years old, married, and a resident of Hillsboro, Texas when she
died. Informant was Rev. W. T. Boulware; burial was June 2, 1967.
Marshall & Marshall was in charge of arrangements.
(Texas death certificate# 39386)
Willoughby Thomas Boulware, Jr. Rev.

Mar 6, 1890 - Jan 24, 1973 Rev. W. T. Boulware of Hillsboro
died in a Hillsboro hosp. Weds. morning. Funeral services were held
at 2 pm Thurs. at the First Meth. Church in Hillsboro. Burial was in
Hillcrest Garden of Memories. He was born in Cleburne on Mar. 5,
1890. He was licensed to preach by Corsicana Dist. Conference of the
Central Texas Annual Conference of Blooming Grove in 1911. He was
ordained in 1914 as a deacon in Hillsboro & ordained an elder in
1917 in Georgetown. Rev. Boulware's first appointment was with the
Rommey Circuit in the Cisco Dist. He served the following churches
before his death: Williams Circuit, Emmett Circuit, Wortham, Dawson
Hico, Clifton, Glen Rose, Grapevine, Strawn, Burleson, Waxahachie,
Mount Calm, Palmer, Oglesby, North Corsicana & the Line Street Meth.
Church in Hillisboro. He retired in 1950 after 36-1/2 years in the
ministry. He was at the Milford Meth. Church when he retired. Rev.
Boulware lived in Hillsboro since 1952. He was living with his
daughter, Mrs. John Wooten of Waco, at the time of his death. He was
married to Clara Ann Williams Jan. 31, 1914 & she preceded him in
death in 1967. A daughter, Mrs. Jean Nelson, died in 1962 & a son,
Charles Boulware died in 1968. Survivors: 2daus: Mrs. John
Wooten-Waco & Mrs. Frank White-Morgan; bro: Mart Boulware-Cleburne;
sis: Mrs. Ruby Stine-Petrolla; 5 gch, 1g-gch & 1 d/l Mrs. C. E.
(The Reporter, Hillsboro, Texas, Monday, January 29, 1973)
Son of Willoughby Thomas Boulware, Sr. and Harriet Jane Howard. He
was a retired minister, 82 years old, widowed, and a resident of
Hillsboro, Texas when he died. Informant was his daughter, Mrs. John
Wooten; burial was January 25, 1973. Marshall & Marshall, Hillsboro,
Texas, was in charge of arrangements.
(Texas death certificate# 12833)
L. Stark Wright
abt 1855 - Mar 9, 1923
Died at Pursley.
L. S. Wright, aged 68 years, and a well known and highly esteemed
citizen of the Pursley community, died there last night after two
weeks illness with pneumonia, and the remains were interred in the
Ward cemetery this
afternoon. His wife and three grown sons survive.
Sarah A. "Sallie"
(Pevehouse) Melton

Jul 21, 1856 - Jan 17, 1920
In Memoriam.
In memory of Sallie Melton, who died January 17, at 1 o'clock.
She was taken sick January 14th with that dreadful disease,
pneumonia. All was done that loving hands could do; the nurse
and doctor were so kind and patient to her during her suffering.
She was the wife of Lill Melton, to whom she had been married
about 45 years. She was 64 years of age. It was so hard to give
her up, but God saw fit to take her to that home of rest. So
weep not, loved ones, she is in that happy home of rest. She
belonged to the Baptist Church and she lived a faithful life
until death came to her. She leaves a husband, two children, one
boy and one girl, they being Ed Melton and Mrs. Myrtle Robinson.
She also leaves seven grandchildren, three sisters, four
brothers and many friends to mourn her death. She was laid to
rest in the Dresden cemetery January 17th, beside her precious
daughter, who passed away when just a small child. Bro. Parks
officiated at the funeral. There were many beautiful flowers
placed upon her grave.
We all know that you miss her, and it broke your hearts when she
died; sad and lonely is your home for wife and mother is not
there. Yes, you will miss her more than words can express, but
now she is an angel in that happy home of rest. You could not
keep her, God needed her up there to make that home complete,
where there is never pain or care. Yes, she has left your home,
left you broken, broken hearted, but hope again to meet here and
never more be parted. Your cries can not bring her back; no, she
has gone to stay, where Jesus ever reigns and there is
ever-lasting day. You may never have a home again, there may
never be another that can fill her place, fill the place of wife
and mother. Your happy home is broken, it does not seem like
home; wife and mother has gone to heaven and you are left alone.
I know it isn�t home at all, just father and brother and sister,
for home is not complete without a wife and mother. You can not
forget her, forget her tender care; I know you are lonely, for
wife and mother is not there. But perhaps you will meet her, the
time may not be long till you may be together in that happy,
beautiful home.
Jeanette Ellis

1919 - Dec. 11, 1919
In Memoriam.
On December 11, 1919 the death Angel visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cay Ellis and took from them their darling
baby�little Jeannette. Little Jeannette just spent a short
time in this sinful old world. She was just three months and
sixteen days old when God called her to come home. Oh how we
will miss her. We cannot understand why God took her away
but he does all things for the best. It is so hard to give
her up. She was laid to rest in the
Dresden cemetery
beside her little sister. Oh, how hard it was to look upon
the little white casket and know we never would see our
darling baby in this world any more. But, weep not, dear
mother and father, look to God for help for He alone can
comfort and strengthen you. Just put your trust in Him.
A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled;
A place is vacant in our home
Which can never be filled.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Monday, Dec 29, 1919
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- d/o Kay Vance Ellis & Ila Belle (Swanson) Ellis
[both buried at Elkhart Cemetery, Elkhart, Morton Co.,
Harrison W. Treadwell
1889 - Dec. 31, 1915
Honorable words of a noble companion:
Dear Friends: On December 31, 1915 at the sad hour of 8
o'clock p.m. as the old year was passing away, so did
the life of a dear friend whom was Harrison W. Treadwell
of Barry, Texas. He was an intelligent man of 26 years,
four months and one day, when Christ called him to dwell
with the angels. He married Miss Lillie Starks on
September 15, 1912 and on May 26, 1915 God blessed them
with a precious baby girl. There were no mansion any
happier than their home. Harrison was an honest and
loving companion, was loved by all who knew him, and on
Sunday January 2nd at 3 o'clock was laid to rest in the
Dresden cemetery. A beautiful floral offering was made
and a large procession followed him to his last resting
place. It was so hard to give him up but God saw fit for
him in heaven, so as He teaches us that our loss is
heaven�s gain. He was confined for several weeks with
typhoid fever, but just before the end came it turned to
something resembling meningitis. He leaves a heartbroken
wife and baby girl, two sisters, four brothers, a father
and a host of friends and other relatives to mourn his
great loss. He read his Bible nightly and his belief was
of the Missionary Baptist, and the last he read was the
book of Ruth. We extend our heart-felt sympathy to the
bereaved wife and baby because we know she will miss her
life companion and little Ruby Mae will miss dear papa
for we all loved him, but God loved him best and took
him to dwell with the angels and walk through the pearly
gates on golden hinges which will be standing open wide,
and when his dear companions reach the sweet home on the
great beyond he shall be standing with two arms out
spread to greet and welcome them. All was done with
loving hands and a good physician that could be called
for, but God plucked the precious rose to pin with joy
on His bosom. He had for the past two years worked for
the Magnolia Petroleum Co., of Corsicana, and has many
chums and friends there, who with surprising sorrow,
hated to hear of their friend departing from this world
of sorrow to the Great Beyond.
On the 11th of last August he bid his friends a kind
farewell on the 12th moved to Barry where he remained
until death overtook him. He lived on the farm one mile
west of Barry. Now dear kindred, do not grieve after our
dear comrade, for we all know he is at sweet rest, no
other father or husband was loved and praised so much.
He was true and honest in every respect to his dear
wife, who is left to care for his sweet babe, who is so
much his image.
But we are hoping for that meeting,
When this life of toil is o�er;
Where we share each other�s greeting
Where we meet to part no more.
And he never more shall enter,
Or his footprints shall be seen;
in this wicked world of sorrow,
Where the life is ever green.
God did win his fortune smile,
Angels entered at their door;
But thee that loved them all the while
Has left them lovlier than before.
But Lord they lifted their sorrow to thee,
But though it holds their hearts in thrail;
One precious gift you gave to them,
You gave them strength to bear it all.
Go this far but go no further,
�Tis the mandate from above;
Spare their lives, spare their joys,
He is there and God is love.
Yes, God has taken from them,
The one they loved so well;
But he is safe with the angels,
There to forever dwell.
No more will they hear his laughter,
Or those smiles so bright to see;
But without dear Harrison,
They will forever be.
Yet again we hope to meet him,
On that bright eternal shore;
Where the cup of death and sorrow,
Will be drunk no never more.
They will miss him in his daily duties
Miss him in the silent night;
And his voice so glad and merry,
Smiles so sweet and eyes so bright.
By the stream flowing ever,
By the fireside sustless tread;
At the table be without him,
For his precious soul is dead.
And the love which God hath given,
Born to live and not to die;
But to bloom for thee in heaven,
In the springtime bye and bye.
Their darling from them has gone,
The voice they loved is still;
A place is vacant in that home,
Which never can be filled.
Written by a well-known companion, South Corsicana.
The Corsicana Daily Sun
- Wednesday, Feb 9, 1916
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Lillie Jane (Starks) Treadwell-Parks
married Sep. 15, 1912 buried in Mt. Olivet cemetery,
Fort Worth, Texas. s/o Stephen William �Steve�
Treadwell and Margie/Marcie M. (Wilson) Treadwell
(he is a brother to Roxie Ann (Treadwell) Neighbors
also buried in Dresden
Dresden cemetery
William Arthur
Lee Daniel

Dec 26, 1862 - May 30, 1916
Rush Creek News.
On the morning of May 30th the death angel spread
its wings over the home of Mrs. Lula Daniels and
took from her, her husband W. A. L. Daniels. Mr.
Daniels had been in bad health for a number of
years. He had been totally blind for 7 or 8 years,
and at times would lose his mind and then get
alright again. About three months ago his mind
became deranged again and he gradually grew worse
until death relieved his suffering. He was a member
of the Methodist church. I truly hope he is in the
City of Sight for there�s no blind ones there.
Funeral services were conducted by Bro. Herron of
Blooming Grove, after which the body was taken in
charge by the Woodmen and laid to rest in the
cemetery. The grave was almost covered with
beautiful flowers. Mr. Daniels was fifty-three years
old, a native of South Carolina. He leaves a wife
and ten children, five boys and five girls to mourn
his loss.
We shall come with joy and gladness,
We shall gather �round the throne;
Face to face with those who love us,
We shall be known as we are known,
And the song of our redemption,
Shall resound through endless day;
When the shadows have departed,
And the mists have cleared away.
June 10.---HYACINTH.
Fannie Dell
(Farmer) Wood

Jul 7, 1892 - Apr 26, 1982
Dell Wood was born July 7, 1892 to James Monroe & Ollie Eva
(Hoiser) Farmer in Navarro County Texas. She passed away on
April 26, 1982 at Waco, McLennan County Texas. Burial
services were at Corley Funeral Home in Corsicana, Navarro
County Texas. Interment was at
Younger Cemetery,
Silver City, Navarro County Texas on April 27, 1982. Rev. B.
W. Johnson officiated.
Fannie married Willie A. Wood on August 9, 1911 at Silver
City, Texas. WIllie farmed and worked at the Cotton Gin in
Purdon Texas. Fannie was a housewife and mother of their
three girls, Ollie Edna. married to Marshall Ford Dempsey,
Eva Faye, married to Emmitt Cecil Wallace, Maggie Eloise,
married to John Morris Tickle. They had five grandchildren
and host of great-grandchildren.
Fannie was a wonderful mother and grandmother. She was a
wonderful cook and a great seamstress. She crocheted all
kind dollies and other wonderful things. She even served as
a midwife at times. She always had a grin when the kids came
to see her. It was a real treat to go to their house at
In the 1940's Tin Foil (Aluminum Foil) was very scare, so
when she found some, no matter how small of a piece she
would save it and roll it into a ball. Those balls would get
to 3 to 4 inches in diameter by Christmas time each year.
She would cut out pictures from the Sears & Roebuck Catalog
and trace around them on Shoebox cardboard. She would then
take the foil and cover the cardboard pieces and make
Christmas ornaments that could be hung up.
Fannie was a good Christain woman, she read her bible and
prayed for her family every single day. She never went to
sleep without praying. She will have her rewards in heaven. |
- Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams
- w/o Willie Ada Wood; d/o James Monroe
Farmer & Ollie Eva (Hosier) Farmer