Thomas Efrom Fuller
Nov 21, 1876 - Dec 2, 1945
Thomas E. Fuller, aged 69 years, died Sunday at his home in Scurry,
Texas. Funeral services were held here Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the Assembly of God church with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Revs. L. J. Hosch, A. W. Phillips and J.
E. Inlow.
Surviving are his wife of Scurry, four sons, D. T. Fuller, Irving;
Charles Fuller, Kilgore; J. H. Fuller, Gilmer, and M. C. Fuller,
Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. W. L. Wrinkle, Corsicana; Mrs. B.
M. Lee, New Albany, Miss., and Mrs. Laura Brent, Dallas; 24
grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Elbert Cox, Hayes Cox, J. B. Thompkins, Neva Levins,
Jock Moore and S. D. Stanfield.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Willie Etta (Prince) Fuller
Jan 30, 1877 - Apr 23, 1954
Sunday Services For Mrs. Fuller
Mrs. T. E. Fuller, 77, 407 West Tenth avenue, died in the Navarro Clinic Friday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the First Assembly of God church here with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jesse P. Kirkland and Rev. Paul
E. Hosch.
Surviving are four sons, D. P. Fuller, Irving; C. V. and M. C. Fuller, both of Corsicana and J. H. Fuller, Dallas; two daughters,
Mrs. W. L. Wrinkle, Corsicana, and Mrs. Lora Brent, Dallas; 20 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Viola Hopper,
Norfolk, Va., and other relatives.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Corley will direct.
Mrs. T. E. Fuller Services Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. T. E. Fuller, 77, who died in the Navarro Clinic Friday, were held Sunday at 3 p.m. from the First Assembly of
God church here. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jesse P. Kirkland and Rev. Paul E. Hosch.
Surviving are four sons, D. P. Fuller, Irving; C. V. and M. C. Fuller, both of Corsicana and J. H. Fuller, Dallas; two daughters,
Mrs. W. L. Wrinkle, Corsicana, and Mrs. Lora Brent, Dallas; 20 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Viola Hopper,
Norfolk, Va., and other relatives.
Grandsons were pallbearers.
Corley directed.
Willie Leon "Bill" Wrinkle
Oct 6, 1904 - Feb 26, 1972
W. L. Wrinkle
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for W. L. (Bill) Wrinkle, 67, who died at Memorial
Hospital Thursday. He has been a resident of Corsicana for 40 years. The Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate. Interment will be in
Oakwood Cemetery.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eunice Wrinkle, Corsicana; a son, Alvin Wrinkle, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. John Cathey, Frost; three
sisters, Mrs. Alvin Cook, Bryan; Mrs. Vesta McClain, Ennis; Mrs. Ollie Barr, Dallas; five grandchildren and several nieces.
W. L. B. Wrinkle
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for W. L. (Bill) Wrinkle, 67, who died at Memorial
Hospital Thursday. He has been a resident of Corsicana for 40 years. Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate. Interment is in
Oakwood Cemetery.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eunice Wrinkle, Corsicana; a son, Alvin Wrinkle, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. John Cathey, Frost; three
sisters, Mrs. Alvin Cook, Bryan; Mrs. Vesta McClain, Ennis; Mrs. Ollie Barr, Dallas; five grandchildren and several nieces.
Pallbearers will be Joe Schulte, James Longorio, Raymond Foster, Floyd Young, Buddy Butler and W. E. Percival.
Margaret (Cooper) Barnes
Jun 6, 1914 - Dec 31, 1944
Funeral services for Mrs. Raymond Barnes, who died Sunday at the Methodist hospital in Dallas, were held Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel with Rev. J. H. Baldridge conducting the rites. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are her husband.
Surviving: six children, Robert L. Barnes, Barbara Ann Barnes, Margaret Jane Barnes, Ernest Raymond Barnes, Marian Lee Barnes and
Donald Lee Barnes, all of Dallas; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooper, Corsicana; a brother, Ben Cooper, Corsicana; two sisters,
Mrs. Jack Hughes, Hawaiian Islands; Mrs. Jerry Sanderson, New York City and other relatives.
Pallbearers were T. A. Simpson, Joe Bunch, Lyman Barnes, Willard Sullivan, Beauford Barnes and T. H. Buschhaus.
Ruby Estelle Muskogee
Dec 22, 1944 - Jan 10, 1945
Rites On Thursday Afternoon For Baby That Died Wednesday
Ruby Estelle, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Muskogee, died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday. Funeral services were held from
the family residence 501 North Beaton street, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Rev. A. L. Meador conducting the rites. Burial was
in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ratliff, Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Drew William Fagan
Nov 7, 1888 - Dec 20, 1945
Drew William Fagan, aged 57 years, died with a heart attack at the family residence, 1417 West Fourth avenue, Saturday night at 11 o'clock.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Chapel with
burial in Oakwood cemetery, but the time had not been decided at
press hour Monday afternoon. The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Fagan was district superintendent of the Washington National Life Insurance Company.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. S. J. Borden, Jr., Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. Fred Willis and Mrs. H. R. Grisby,
both of Corsicana and other relatives.
Funeral services for D. W. Fagan, 57, who died of a heart attack Saturday night at his residence, 1417 West Fourth avenue were held
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel.
Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev.
Erwin F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church. Fagan was
an insurance man.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. S. J. Borden, Jr., Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. Fred Willis and Mrs. H. R. Grisby,
both of Corsicana and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. G. Martin, A. M. Counts, E. A. Campbell, Arthur Myers, Wayne Giles, O. W. Bailey, Jake Nation and Tom Shank.
Funeral services for Drew Williams Fagan, aged 57 years, who died with a heart attack Saturday night at the family residence, 1417
West Fourth avenue, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First Methodist church. He was district superintendent of the
National Life and Accident Insurance Company, of Nashville, Tenn.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, three daughters, Mrs. S. J. Borden, Jr., Phoenix, Ariz.; Mrs. Fred Willis and Mrs. H. R.
Grigsby, both of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be C. G. Martin, A. M. Counts, E. A. Campbell, Arthur Myers, Wayne Giles, O. W. Bailey, Jake Nation and Tom Shank.
Mattie Bell (Lee) Fagan
Apr 14, 1889 - Jan 10, 1972
Mrs. Fagan
Services for Mrs. Mattie L. Fagan were to be at 2 p.m. today in the Colonial Funeral Home in Irving.
Graveside services will follow at 4 p.m. in
Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Fagan died Jan. 9, in Irving.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Fred Willis and Mrs. Flo Grigsby, both of Irving and Mr. Jackie Borden of New Mexico.
Corley Funeral Chapel is in charge of local arrangements.
Willie Jeraldine (Devoll) Starnes-Blasingame
Apr 29, 1896 - Jul 7, 1955
Mrs. Blasengame Rites Saturday
Mrs. Leo Blasengame 59, long-time Corsicana resident, died at Memorial Hospital Thursday afternoon following an extended illness.
Surviving re her husband, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Paul Seib, Chicago, and Mrs. Elmer Purifoy, Corsicana; five brothers, J. L.
Devoll, Houston; Elbert Lewis, Tom Lewis, Fred Devoll, all of Quanah, and Elroy Devoll, Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Nattie Ince,
Oklahoma; Mrs. Irene Josephson, California; Mrs. Arnold Gresham of Quanah; four grandchildren and other relatives.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. from the McCammon Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will
be conducted by Rev. J. W. McKinney, pastor of the First Christian
Pallbearers will be Dick Anderson, R. W. Wiggins, John McKanna, Bert Donohoo, Clay Fluker and Cap Allen.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jul 8, 1955
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st husband William Hardeman Starnes married Jun. 11, 1911 2nd
husband Leo Blasingame married Jul. 6, 1925 d/o Daniel �Dan� Devoll
and Rachel (Oden) Devoll
Howard Soloman Powell
May 17, 1887 - Jul 15, 1945
Howard S. Powell, aged 58 years of Corsicana, died in Baylor Hospital, Dallas, early Sunday. He had been in ill health for some
Funeral services will be held from the chapel of the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by
Rev. Finis Crutchfield, district Methodist superintendent.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Hallie Steely, Corsicana; a brother, Hope Powell, Bremerton, Wash., and a niece, Mrs. A. B. Henry, Fort
Powell was employed by oil companies for a number of years.
Funeral services for Howard S. Powell, aged 58 years, of Corsicana who died in Baylor Hospital, Dallas, Sunday morning following an
extended illness, were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Chapel of the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Finis
Crutchfield, district Methodist superintendent.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Hallie Steely, Corsicana; a brother, Hope Powell, Bremerton, Wash.; a niece, Mrs. A. B. Henry, Fort Worth
and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Guy Sitton, Wade Smith, Dude Ransom, Hubert Redden, Jim Redden and Luther A. Rutherford.
Billy Ann Slate
Sep 9, 1944 - Jun 27, 1945
Funeral Services For Baby Slated Friday
Funeral services for Billy Ann Slate, nine-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Slate, who died at the family home in North
Corsicana Thursday morning, will be held from the Corley Funeral Home Chapel Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist Church. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, a sister, Stella Lee Slate, Corsicana, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wood, Cullah, La., and Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Slate, Corsicana.
Funeral Rites For Baby Held Friday
Funeral services for Billy Ann Slate, aged nine months, who died Thursday morning, were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Slate, a sister, Stella Lee Slate and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Slate, all of
Corsicana, and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wood, Cullah, La.
Aubert Cassie �Aubrey� Nutt
Jan 15, 1887 - Jan 21, 1945
A. C. Nutt, 58, died at his home 610 North Beaton street, Sunday afternoon. Funeral services will be held from the Fifth Avenue
Church of Christ Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. J. L. Hines former minister of the church will conduct the rites and interment will be
in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; a son, C. M. Nutt, Galveston; three brothers, Bruce Nutt, Jake Nutt and Hunter Nutt, all of
Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. H. J. Leighton, Corsicana; Mrs. Jim Coker, El Paso, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Ad Megarity, Earl Smith, Barney Brewster, J. P. Welch, W. C. Marr, W. D. Williams and W. E. Parker. Honorary
pallbearers will be Mayor John Calhoun, city commissioners and friends of the family.
Corley's Funeral Home is directing the arrangements.
Funeral Services For Aubrey Nutt Are Held On Tuesday
Funeral services for Aubrey C. Nutt, 58, who died at his home here Sunday afternoon, were held from Fifth Avenue Church of Christ
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. J. L. Hines, former minister of the church, conducted the rites. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, a son, three brothers, two sisters, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Ella Leona (Miller) Nutt
Jun 5, 1887 - Jun 2, 1958
Former Resident Dies Galveston, Rites Wednesday
Mrs. Ella Nutt, former Corsicana resident, died at her home 3215 Avenue R., Galveston, Monday night. A native of Navarro county, Mrs.
Nutt would have been 71 years of age Thursday, June 5.
The widow of the late Hunter Nutt of Corsicana, Mrs. Nutt had made her home in Galveston the past 12 years.
Funeral services will be held from the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ here Wednesday at 4 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Claude C. Holcomb, minister.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. S. S. Wadley and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Love Wood, Dallas, and other
relatives including a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Stoy Baucom, LaMarque.
Corley will direct.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Jun. 3, 1958
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Aubert Cassie �Aubrey� Nutt married Apr. 3, 1907; d/o William
Oliver Miller & Harriett Josephine (McPherson) Miller
Wednesday Rites For Mrs. Nutt
Funeral rites for Mrs. Ella Nutt, 71, former resident, who died at her home in Galveston Monday night, will be held from the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ Wednesday at 4 p.m.
The services will be held by Claude B. Holcomb, minister, with burial in Oakwood cemetery.
A native of Navarro county, Mrs. Nutt had resided in Galveston the past 12 years. She was the widow of the late Aubrey Nutt.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. S. L. Wadley and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, both of Corsicana and Mrs. Love Wood, Dallas; a
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Stoy Baucom, LaMarque, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Fred Nutt, Rufus Nutt, Paul Miller, Stoy Baucom, Bruce Nutt, Jr.; Elmer Lee Nutt, Allen Westbrook, Billie Redden.
Corley will direct.
Mrs. Ella Nutt Rites Wednesday
Funeral rites for Mrs. Ella Nutt, 71, were held from the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ Wednesday at 4 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. Claude H. Holcomb, minister, conducted the services.
A former resident of Corsicana, Mrs. Nutt, the widow of the late
Aubrey Nutt, had made her home in Galveston 12 years. She died
Monday night.
Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. S. L. Wadley and Mrs. Joe
Ferguson, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Love Wood, Dallas; a
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Stoy Baucom, LaMarque, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Fred Nutt, Rufus Nutt, Paul Miller, Stoy Baucom,
Bruce Nutt, Jr.; Elmer Lee Nutt, Allen Westbrook, Billie Redden.
Corley directed.
Sarah Delilah "Sallie" (Nutt) Leighton

Oct 17, 1874 - Jul 26, 1961
Mrs. Leighton Services Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Sallie Leighton, 86, who died in Temple
Wednesday Morning will be held Thursday at 5 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel with burial in Oakwood
The rites will be conducted by C. B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ, of which she was a member.
A native of Pursley, Mrs. Leighton spent most of her life in
Corsicana, moving to Temple two years ago. She was the widow of the
late Harry J. Leighton of Corsicana.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Reed, Dallas; a sister, Mrs.
Bertha Smith, El Paso, a niece, Mrs. H. O. Herod, Temple, two
grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and other nieces.
Pallbearers will be Raymond Gunter, Tommy Thompson, A. B. Dickey, R.
D. Crider, Marshall Weems and Paul Miller.
Clyde Miller Nutt
Feb 16, 1910 - Apr 16, 1947
Funeral services for Clyde Miller Nutt, 37, chemical engineer,
fatally injured in the explosions that shattered Texas City water
front Wednesday morning, will be held from the Fifth Avenue Church
of Christ Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Claude A. Guild, minister
of the church.
Nutt resided in Galveston and was employed in Texas City. Born in
Corsicana Feb. 10, 1910, Nutt was reared here and graduated from
Corsicana High School.
Surviving are his wife, Galveston; mother, Mrs. Aubrey Nutt,
Galveston; three uncles, Bruce, Hunter and J. R. Nutt, all of
Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers will be O. M. Harry, Walter Earl Parker, Claude Pickard,
H. R. Wall, Gilbert Grantham, C. C. Smith, Howard Shivers and Bill
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
At lest one former Corsicana resident is dead and several others are
unaccounted for in the explosions that have left Texas City in
Shambles with hundreds killed and thousands injured, a survey here
indicated Thursday morning. There are Corsicanans who maintain they
heard the noise and felt the shock of the explosions Wednesday
morning that inaugurated the greatest Texas tragedy.
Many messages arrived Wednesday afternoon and night after local
relatives left by automobile for the stricken area.
Numerous ambulances sped south Wednesday afternoon including two
from Corsicana to assist in any manner possible. Blood banks in
numerous hospitals were depicted of plasma and blood donors are
replenishing the supply.
Felt Shock Here.
Residents of Southwest Corsicana reported they heard an explosion
and felt their houses and the ground shake about 9:20 a.m. Wednesday
and believe it was from the explosions at Texas City�about 299 miles
airplane distance, Mrs. Bennie Parker, 1218 West Fourteenth avenue
said she heard and felt two shocks, one in the house and another
outside. Mrs. L. J. Foster, 1105 West Fourteenth, was in her yard
and said the noise was like distant thunder. J. E. Dempsey, 1205
West Fourteenth avenue, was in bed and said the house shook. Mrs.
Paul Moore, 1201 West Fourteenth avenue, said her house shook and
windows rattled like an explosion nearby.
No local explosions were noted and residents of other sections of
the city asked about the explosions felt before the report of the
disaster was received and became generally known.
No Word Received.
Naaman Hair, Jr., nephew of H. C. Robinson, county agent, is
employed at one of the plants, while M. Louis Brenner, nephew of
Mrs. Robinson, also resides in Texas City. No word had been received
here early Thursday morning.
Clyde Nutt Dead.
Clyde Nutt, about 25, is dead. A native of Corsicana and nephew of
Bruce Nutt, police chief. Nutt was employed by the chemical plant
where the huge explosion occurred Wednesday morning. He was the son
of the late Aubrey Nutt, Corsicana city employee and resided with
his wife and mother in Galveston. Corley Funeral Home sent for the
body early Thursday afternoon at Galveston, where it was taken.
Other details are lacking here. Funeral services will be held here.
Clyde Miller Nutt, aged 37 years, Galveston, was killed in the
explosion Wednesday morning at 9:12 o'clock that caused the death of
hundreds of Texas City residents.
Born in Corsicana, April 10, 1910, Nutt was reared here and attended
Corsicana High School. He was a chemical engineer at the time of his
Funeral services will be held from the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Claude A. Guild, minister of the
Surviving are his wife, Galveston; mother, Mrs. Aubrey Nutt,
formerly of Corsicana, now of Galveston; three uncles, Bruce, Hunter
and J. R. Nutt, all of Corsicana, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Funeral rites for Clyde Miller Nutt, 27, chemical engineer, killed
in the initial explosions in Texas City Wednesday morning, were held
here Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Fifth Avenue Church of
Christ. The services were conducted by Claude A. Guild, minister of
the church.
A native of Corsicana, born Feb. 19, 1910. Nutt was reared here and
graduated from Corsicana High School. He resided in Galveston and
was employed at Texas City.
Surviving are his wife, Galveston; mother, Mrs. Aubrey Nutt,
Galveston; three uncles, Bruce, Hunter and J. R. Nutt, all of
Corsicana, and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearer were O. M. Harry, Walter Earl Parker, Claude Pickard, H.
R. Wall, Gilbert Grantham, C. C. Smith, Howard Shivers and Bill
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Wendell W. Nutt
Feb 23, 1911 - Apr 24, 1948
Windell W. Nutt, 36, died after a heart attack Saturday afternoon
while at work at Waterproof, La.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel here
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Claude A. Guild, minister of the Fifth
Avenue Church of Christ.
Nutt was born and reared here.
Surviving are his wife, twin sons, Bruce and Wayne, and a daughter,
Karen Nutt, all of Waterproof, La., parents, Police Chief and Mrs.
Bruce Nutt, Corsicana; four brothers, Fred, John W. and Rufus E.
Nutt, all of Corsicana and Bruce Nutt, Jr., Dallas; two sisters,
Mrs. J. D. Dowd, Corsicana, and Mrs. G. E. Ellington, Chatfield and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were Arthur Waring, Paul Miller, Wayne Dean, Hershel
Dean, Jack Ellington, Elmer Lee Nutt and Virgil George.
Olbrey Bruce Nutt, Sr.
May 23, 1884 - Nov. 5, 1955
Veteran Officer, Bruce Nutt, 71, Buried Sunday
Bruce Nutt, 71, retired chief of the Corsicana police department,
died suddenly, Saturday afternoon at his home, 908 West Tenth
avenue. He had been in ill health for some time prior to being
stricken Saturday afternoon.
Sunday Rites.
Funeral services were held from the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ
Sunday at 3 p.m. with burial in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the
church, and Dr. W.M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist Church.
Born at Pursley, Nutt was reared in Corsicana, and spent most of his
adult life in law enforcement. He joined the police force in April,
1913, and served as a mounted officer, but later discarded the use
of horses and rode a bicycle for some time.
Chief 18 Years.
He was chief of detectives and assistant chief for years under the
late Chief Will S. Knight, serving as acting chief while Knight was
ill, and was chief for 18 years, retiring in 1954.
The veteran officer solved many crimes during his long tenure as an
officer, but said little about his own accomplishments, giving his
men credit. Their welfare was his constant concern. He was
well-known throughout Central Texas during his more than 41 years as
a peace officer.
Flag at Half-Staff
The flag flew at half-staff at the city hall throughout Sunday.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; four sons, Fred and Rufus Nutt,
both of Corsicana; Bruce Nutt, Jr., Dallas, and John W. Nutt,
Longview; two daughters, Mrs. J. D. Dowd and Mrs. Ed Ellington, both
of Corsicana; 21 grandchildren; one great-grandson; a brother, Jake
Nutt, Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Leighton, Corsicana, and
Mrs. Bertha Smith, Ysleta; and a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. A. Massey, F. V. Chapman, Sr., John Kelley, O.
O. Pickering; J. E. Davant and Paul Moore. Honorary pallbearers were
former police commissioners.
Corley directed.
Sibyl (Huskey) Nutt

Mar 19, 1889 - Jan 29, 1975
Mrs. Nutt
Services were to be held at 3:30 p. m. Thursday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Sibyl (Bruce) Nutt, 85, resident of
Corsicana who died Wednesday at Mel-Haven Convalescent Home. Claude
B. Holcomb, North Beaton Church of Christ, will officiate, and
burial will be at Oakwood cemetery.
She was a native of Corsicana and member of the North Beaton Church
of Christ.
Survivors include three sons, Fred Nutt of Corsicana, John W. Nutt
of Lufkin, and Rufus Nutt of McKinney; two daughters, Mrs. J. D.
Dowd of Corsicana and Mrs. Ed Ellington, Chatfield, 19 grandchildren
and 28 great-grandchildren.
Grandsons were to be pallbearers.
Hallie Halbert (Groce) Wood
Oct 9, 1890 - Oct 11, 1945
Mrs. Damon C. Wood died suddenly at her home in Waxahachie at 8:30
o'clock Friday night, according to information received here by
Advices from Waxahachie Saturday were that funeral arrangements were
being held up pending the arrival of out-of-town relatives.
Mrs. Wood, widow of the late Damon C. Wood, member of the U. S.
diplomatic corps stationed in Paris, France, for years, was Miss
Hallie Groce prior to her marriage. She was the niece of the late J.
L. Halbert, long-time mayor of Corsicana and was a graduate of
Corsicana High School.
Surviving are three sons, Damon Wood, Columbus, Ohio; George C. Wood
and Halbert Wood, both of Lubbock; two brothers, Josh Groce, San
Antonio and George C. Groce, Washington, D. C.; a sister, Mrs.
Ernest Powell, San Antonio, and other relatives.
Rudolph Brothers Funeral Home of Waxahachie is directing funeral
Funeral services for Mrs. Damon C. Wood, former Corsicanan, who died
at her home in Waxahachie Friday night, were held at Waxahachie
Sunday afternoon with interment in
Oakwood cemetery here at 4:30
Mrs. Wood was the widow of the late Damon C. Wood of Corsicana,
member of the diplomatic service. She was Miss Hallie Groce prior to
her marriage and was a graduate of Corsicana high school.
Surviving are three sons, Damon Wood, Columbus, Ohio; George C. Wood
and Halbert Wood, both of Lubbock; two brothers, Josh Groce, San
Antonio and George C. Groce, Washington, D. C.; a sister, Mrs.
Ernest Powell, San Antonio, and other relatives.
McCammon Funeral Home handled local arrangements.
James. R. Ritchie
Mar 15, 1861 - May 5, 1945
James R. Richey, aged 74 years, died at his home in the Powell
community Saturday morning.
Funeral services are scheduled from the Church of Christ church at
Powell Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery in Corsicana.
Surviving are a son, H. G. Richey, Taft; two daughters, Miss Euphema
Richey and Mrs. Pearl Richey Emerson, both of Powell and three
grandchildren. Harriett Emerson, Powell; Dorothy Lou Richey and H.
G. Richey, Jr., both of Taft.
Corley Funeral Home is in charge.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., May 5, 1945
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- (Obit says Richey but he is Ritchie) h/o Harriett Ann (Brown)
Ritchie; s/o Hiram Ritchie & Euphemia (Walker) Ritchie
Funeral services for James R. Richey, aged 74 years, long-time
Powell resident, who died at his home Saturday, were held from the
Powell Church of Christ Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery here.
A native of Arkansas, Richey had resided in Powell for 50 years.
Surviving are a son, H. G. Richey, Taft; two daughters, Miss Euphema
Richey and Mrs. Pearl Richey Emerson, both of Powell; three
grandchildren, H. G. Richey, Jr., Taft; Harriett Emerson, Posell and
Dorothy Lou Richey, Taft.
The rites were conducted by Frank Dunn of Corsicana.
Active pallbearers were J. O. Burke, J. Harrison Burke, John
Christian, Fritz Kenner, Bud Jones, Ed Wright, H. H. Hanks and Jim
Honorary pallbearers were Joe Parker, Lon Holt, W. A. McKinney,
Oscar Bancroft, Allen Bancroft, R. E. Bush and V. T. Haynie.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Henry Gorman Ritchie, Sr.
Jun 2, 1893 - Aug 13, 1959
H. G. Richie Dies In Auto Wreck
H. G. Richie, native Corsicanan and prominent rancher and oil man of
Taft and Cotulla, was fatally injured in an automobile accident at
Cotulla Thursday night about 9:30 p.m.
Two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Richie Emerson and Miss Euphema Richie of
Powell were notified of their brother's death early Friday, but
received no details. They were unable to contact the immediate
family who was believed en route from Taft to Cotulla.
The former Corsicanan had been a resident of Taft for the past 36
years, where he was active in banking, ginning and other enterprises
in addition to being a cattle raiser and farm operator, and oil man.
He was a member of the Baptist church and a Mason.
He is survived by his wife of Taft; one son, H. G. Richie, Jr., also
of Taft; a daughter, Mrs. A. D. Waldren of Fort Worth; two sisters,
Mrs. Emerson and Miss Ritchie; and three grandchildren.
Willie Pearl (Ritchie) Emerson
Mar 13, 1898 - Feb 23, 2000
On Wednesday, February 23, 2000, Pearl Ritchie Emerson gently passed
away at her home in Powell. Services will be 10:30 a. m. today at
Corley Funeral Chapel, with John Kenner and Jimmy Glen officiating.
Interment will follow at Oakwood
Pallbearers will be Royce Bancroft, Howard Jackson, John Kenner,
Leon Avens, Charles Kent, Tim Crawford and Albert Dunn.
Born on the family property at Powell on March 13, 1898, Mrs.
Emerson first went to school at Powell, later graduating from
Corsicana High in 1915. She graduated from North Texas StateTeachers
College in Denton and took her first job at the DeArman School at
age 21. She was ateacher, pianist, farmer, businesswoman and mother.
She married H. R. Emerson of Iowa in 1923. She left her teaching to
raise their daughter and help run the family farm. She and her
sister forged a partnership that enabled them to acquire large
tracts of land to Increase their farming and ranching endeavors.
She was preceded in death by her mother and father, Harriet Brown
Ritchie and J. R. Ritchie, brother, H. G. Ritchie, and sister,
Euphemia Ritchie.
Mrs. Emerson is survived by her daughter, Harriet Emerson; nephew,
H, G. Ritchie, Jr. and wife Marietta and their children, Amy,
Wesley, & Andrew and their spouses and children; niece, Dorothy
Ritchie Waldron and husband, A. B. and their children, Burch,
Barbara & Beth and their husbands and children; sister-in-law; Edna
Ritchie. She is also survived by the S. H. Brown Family and the
Family and the Dosser Family.
Arrangement by Corley Funeral Home.
- Corley Funeral Home
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Harold R. Max Emerson married Nov 1, 1923; d/o James R.
Ritchie & Harriett Ann (Brown) Ritchie
Alfred Dysart "Alf" Bills
Aug 31, 1870 - Oct 13, 1945
Alf Bills, aged 75 years, native of Navarro county, died at his home
in Hubbard Saturday with a heart attack.
Funeral services were held at the Christian church in Hubbard Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock with interment in the
Liberty Hill cemetery
northwest of Dawson.
Bills was born near Liberty Hill, August 31, 1870, and resided there
until he moved to Hubbard a short time ago.
Surviving are his wife, Mae Bills, Hubbard; s son, Hugh Dean Bills
and a daughter, Millie Bills, both of Hubbard; three brothers, Dean
and Doug Bills, both of Hubbard and Louis Bills, Dallas; three
married half-sisters and other relatives.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Oct. 15, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Mae Lee (Masters)
Bills-Pollard married May 16, 1925; s/o Robert Dysart Bills &
Mary Elizabeth �Mollie� (Ogilvie) Bills (Mollie is buried at
Antioch cemetery, Navarro county, Tx.)
Robert Dean Bills
Sep 24, 1876 - Feb 21, 1956
Dean Bills Of Hubbard Dies
Dean Bills, 79, native of Navarro county, died in Palestine Tuesday
following a several years' illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Cumberland Presbyterian
church of Hubbard, of which he was a member, Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
burial will be in
Liberty Hill cemetery northwest of Dawson. The rites will be
conducted by Rev. W. A. Bearden, pastor.
Bills resided near Dawson for a number of years prior to moving to
Hubbard. He was a retired farmer and formerly was a member of the
Hubbard board of school trustees.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Lola Head, Bryan; a son, Curtis
Bills, Ventors, Calif.; five grandchildren; a brother, Louis Bills,
Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. Hallie B. Tull, Los Angeles, California;
Mrs. A. N. Roper, Dallas, and Mrs. Roy G. Lovelace, Lubbock and a
number of other relatives.
Wolf Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Feb 22, 1956
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Minnie May (Howard)
Bills buried in Fairview Cemetery, Hubbard, Tx. s/o Robert
Dysart Bills and Mary Elizabeth �Mollie� (Ogilvie) Bills (Mollie
is buried in Antioch cemetery, Navarro county, Tx.)
James Alexander Michaels, Sr.
Jul 7, 1858 - Sep 29, 1945
James A. Michaels, age 87 years, died at his home in Dawson Saturday
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Baptist church
in Dawson. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jim Langston.
Surviving are five sons, Arthur Michaels, Milford; Bob Michaels,
Mexia; Gabe Michaels, Dawson; Jack Michaels, Galveston, and Charles
Michaels, Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. Annie Gardner, Dawson;
Mrs. Fannie Adams, Dawson; Mrs. Adell Matysalk, Price, and Mrs.
Bernice Harrison, Price; four brothers, V. A. Michaels, Littlefield;
Bob Michaels, Coolidge; E. Michaels, Currie, and Art Michaels,
Blackwell, and a number of other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Florence Alice (Nelson)
Feb 24, 1861 - Oct 3, 1945
DAWSON, Oct. 4.�(Spl.)�Mrs. W. S. Slaughter, aged 84 years resident
of this community practically all of her life, died at her home here
Wednesday morning.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
Methodist church, with interment in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mable McCulloch and Mrs. Fannie
Daley, both of Dawson; three sons, C. O. Slaughter, superintendent
of schools, Rice; Louis and Clayton Slaughter, both of Dawson, and a
number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Wolfe and Dobson directed arrangements.
Lawrence Brown Lawler
Jun 30, 1858 - Feb 9, 1945
L. B. Lawler, Aged Resident Of Dawson Buried There Sunday
Funeral services for L. B. Lawler, aged 87 years, long-time grocer
and caf� owner at Dawson, were held at Dawson Sunday afternoon. Mr.
Lawler died Friday night.
Surviving are several children, grandchildren and other relatives.
Daniel Dixon Lawler
May 21, 1901 - Sep 17, 1961
D. D. Lawler Of Dawson Dies
DAWSON, Sept. 18.�(Spl.)�D. D. Lawler, 60, was found dead at his
residence Saturday afternoon. Funeral services were held Sunday at 3
p.m. from the First Baptist church with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Dan Taylor, pastor, and Rev. Robert
W. Sanders, pastor of the First Methodist church.
Lawler is believed to have died Thursday as that was the last time
he was seen.
Surviving are two brothers, Tommy Lawler, Dawson, and Curtis Lawler,
Whitney; two sisters, Mrs. Lula Spurlock, Kerens and Mrs. Kate
Baker, Dawson, and a number of nieces nephews and other relatives.
Eubanks directed.
David Green
May 6, 1961 - April 21, 2019 (57 years old)
Blooming Grove, Texas
David Green Obituary
Here is David Green's obituary. Please accept Everhere's sincere
It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and
cherish. Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved David
Green (Blooming Grove, Texas), born in Dallas, Texas, who passed
away at the age of 57, on April 21, 2019. You can send your sympathy
in the guestbook provided and share it with the family.
You may also light a candle in honor of David Green or send a
beautiful flower arrangement to the funeral service. He was
predeceased by : his son Dennis Haney; his father Carl Green; his
step-father Charlie O'Quinn; his brother Brian Carter. He is
survived by : his mother Connie O'Quinn; his brothers, William Green
(Sherri), Bobby Carter, Doug Carter, Donny Carter and Keith Carter;
his children, Crystal Cochran (Nyk), Amanda Green, Stormi Upton
(Nathan) and David Hughes; his children-in-law, Megan Snyder and Nyk
Cochran; his nephews, Stevie Ray Hunter, Gary Nalley, Charlie Nalley
and Michael Green; his friend Jason Nealy; his brother-in-law Terry
He is also survived by numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and
Bertha Nevada (Grounds) Blake-Hollifield
Aug 31, 1935 - May 3, 2019
Hollifield, Nevada
May 3, 2019
Nevada Hollifield was born in the area of Blooming Grove,
Texas. She was one of six children blessed to have Robert
and Leta Fern Grounds as her parents. She went to be with
her Lord and Savior on May 3, 2019.
Nevada graduated from
Blooming Grove High School in 1953 and
married her first love Robert Knox (Bobby) Blake Jr. on June
27, 1953. Soon after they made their home in Dallas where
they welcomed a son, then a daughter.
Tragically she lost Bobby to an accident leaving her with a
broken heart, two small children and one on the way. She
moved back to Blooming Grove met and married Johnny F.
Hollifield who had two children and together they had a
She worked hard all her life, but one job that she loved the
most was when she was the school cafeteria manager at
Blooming Grove High School where she loved greeting the
children as they came through her lunch line. They made an
impact on her as well as she did on them. She loved her
church family and she loved the Lord. Welcoming her into
heaven is her first husband, Bobby Blake, her second
husband, Johnny Hollifield, her daughter Suzanne Dunaway,
her parents Robert and Fern Grounds, her brother James
She is survived by her son Lamar Blake, wife Linda, daughter
Yvonne Vinson, husband David, son Bob Blake, wife Robin,
son-in-law Mike Dunaway, step-daughter Elaine Strebe, and
step-son Johnny Hollifield Jr and wife Jodie; multiple
grandchildren, great grandchildren and two great great
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, May 5, 2019
at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral service will be
held at 11 a.m. Monday, May 6, 2019 at First Baptist Church
of Blooming Grove with Bro. Grady Cashion officiating.
Burial will follow at
Rose Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers will
be grandsons, Bobby Blake, Jason Blake, Blake Vinson,
Michael Grimes, Cody Cheek, Jonathan Day. Honorary
pallbearers will be Chad Moore and Justin Reynolds.
In lieu of flowers please make any donations to the First
Baptist Church of Blooming Grove in her memory.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana. |
Willie Jo
(Hollingsworth) Roberts
July 27, 1937 - May 29, 2019
Jo Roberts
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Willie Jo Roberts, 81, loving wife, mother, grandmother, and sister,
passed away May 29, 2019 at her home, surrounded by her family.
Jo was born July 27, 1937 in Hill County, Texas to Alton and Veda
Hollingsworth. She attended school in Blooming Grove, Texas and has
lived in Granbury since 1998.
Jo was preceded in death by her parents, her sister, Nellie Agnes,
her three brothers, Virgie, Alton, and B.J. Hollingsworth; and her
grandson, Bradley Richards.
Survivors: Jo is survived by her loving husband, Prentice Earl
Roberts; son, Jimmy E. Roberts and wife, Nancy of Weatherford;
daughter, Sheila A. Richards and husband, Gene of Mansfield;
daughter, Anita Brown of Tyler; sister, Linda Buchanan of Ennis;
sister, Odessa Smith of Poolville; brother, Jimmy D. Hollingsworth
of Bardwell; grandchildren, Joseph Roberts of Killeen, Michael
Roberts of Mansfield, and Cherie Brown of Tyler; and two
great-granddaughters, Lily Madison Roberts of Alabama, and Maddison
Kate Roberts of Killeen.
James Robert Vasquez
July 09, 1965 - May 18, 2019
James Robert Vasquez, 53, passed away in Dallas, Texas on Saturday,
May 18, 2019.
James was born in Ennis, Texas on July 9, 1965 to Robert J. and Mary
Ann (Aguilar) Vasquez. He grew up in Ennis and Rice and attended
school in Blooming Grove.
James worked for several glass companies including Ennis Glass as a
glazier. He also worked as a security guard in Oklahoma.
He was a member of the St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church of Ennis.
James enjoyed fishing, hunting and spending time with family.
He is survived by daughters; A'Leah Vasquez and Angela Vasquez;
father, Robert Vasquez and wife, Brenda; mother, Mary Ann Hernandez
and husband, Manuel; grandson, Skyler; brothers: Diego Vasquez,
Joseph Vasquez, John Henry Vasquez, Robert J. Vasquez, Jr.,
Demetrius Vasquez and Noah Vasquez along with a host of extended
family and friends.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2019 from 6 p.m. until 8
p.m. in the J.E. Keever Mortuary of Ennis with Rosary at 7 p.m.
Mass of the Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, May 29, 2019
at 10 a.m. in the St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church of Ennis.
Interment will follow in St. Joseph Cemetery of Ennis under the
direction of J.E. Keever Mortuary, Inc.
Nellie Rose (McKissack)
Dec 14, 1877 - Nov 10, 1945
WORTHAM, Nov. 12.�(Spl.)�Mrs. Ben Burleson was found dead in bed
Saturday morning about 10 o'clock. She was alone and, it is supposed
a heart attack caused her death. Deceased was born at Birdston,
Navarro county, formerly Miss Nellie McKissack. She has lived most
of her life in Wortham.
Immediate relatives are her children, H. A. Burleson, Wortham; G. A.
Burleson, Beaumont; Byron Burleson, Venezuela, S. A.; Mrs. Myra
Sanders, Tennessee, and Mrs. Katherine Hoskins, Oakwood, a number of
grandchildren, and the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Essie
Clark, Streetman; Mrs. Lynn Clark, Dallas; Mrs. Roy Dubose, Currie;
J. N. McKissack, Streetman; W. E. McKissack, Dallas; Rev. H. L.
McKissack, Teague.
Deceased was a member of Baptist church, joining when quite young.
Burial was at the Birdston
cemetery, near Streetman.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Nov 12, 1945
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Benjamin Franklin �Ben�
Burleson married Jul 10, 1898; d/o George Arturmus McKissack &
Sarah Ealon (Gregory) McKissack
Robert Andrew Jones, Jr.
Oct 17, 1876 - Nov 21, 1945
Robert A. Jones, 67 years, died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic
early Wednesday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the First Presbyterian church at
2 p.m. Thursday with interment in the
Birdston cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Andrew Byers, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church.
Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Kate Williams, Miss Mattie Belle
Jones and Mrs. Lucile Pelham, all of Corsicana, and Mrs. Cynthia
Davis, Dallas; two sons, Floyd and R. A. Jones, both of Arizona; a
brother, H. D. Jones, Fort Worth; three sisters, Mrs. Mattie
Tisdale, Kerens; Mrs. Lorena McCurry and Mrs. Kate Patterson, both
of New Auburn, Miss., and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home is directing arrangements.
Mary Alice (Jones) Jenkins
Sep 28, 1924 - May 15, 2018
Mary Alice Jones Jenkins, 93, died Tuesday, May 15, 2018 in Conroe.
Graveside services will be 4:00 p.m. Sunday, May 20, 2018 at
Birdston Cemetery near
Streetman with Bro. Lawrence Owens officiating. Pallbearers are Gary
Driskell, Damon Meredith, Wendell Matchett, Greg Matchett, Jerry
Price and Doug Sherber. Steve Sherber will serve as honorary
Mrs. Jenkins was born September 28, 1924 in Kennard, Texas to the
late Alice (Barclay) and Lorenza Dow Jones.
During her career, Mary Alice worked alongside her husband as the
bookkeeper for his auto upholstery business in Pasadena. She was
most recently a member of Mims Baptist Church in Conroe but was a
longtime member of Broadway Baptist Church in Houston and Spring
Baptist Church in Spring, prior to moving to the Conroe area in
2005. Mary Alice had a special ministry of sending cards and letters
to friends and family to commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, and
special occasions.
Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Carol and Carl
Driskell and Janice and Michael Price, all of Montgomery;
grandchildren Alicia Meredith and husband Damon of Kyle, Karen Price
of Tomball, Gary Driskell of Willis, and Kimberly Price of Tomball;
great-grandchildren Allison, Casey, and Mason Meredith of Kyle; and
sister Pat Owens of Kingwood.
Mary Alice was preceded in death by her husband Marion Michael
Jenkins in July 1981, five sisters and one brother. |
- Capps Memorial Chapel,
Conroe, Texas
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o Marion Michael Jenkins;
d/o Lorenzo Dow Jones & Alice (Barclay) Jones
Beatrice Overton
died June 21, 2019
Beatrice Overton of Kerens passed away Friday, June 21, 2019
at Legacy West Nursing Home in Corsicana.
Viewing will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. Friday, June 28, 2019
at Superior Care Funeral Services on 701 W. Seventh Ave. in
Funeral services will be held Saturday, June 29, 2019 at
Ebenezer Baptist Church Elm Flat in Powell. The church is
located at 660 FM 633 in Kerens. |
Donal Ross Butler
Jul 16, 1934 - Jul 3, 2019
Ross Butler, a retired excavator, farmer, and life-long
resident of Navarro County died unexpectedly on July 3, 2019
at the age of 84.
Donal was born in Navarro County on July 16, 1934 to Thomas
James Owen and Lillian Ross Owen. He graduated from
Corsicana High School in 1952 and was self-employed as a
farmer and later as owner of Butler Excavation. On May 3,
1952 he married his sweetheart Mary Davis Butler and they
had two children Michael Ross and Scott Randal.
Donal always had a love of the land and enjoyed gardening,
working on all kinds of equipment, and being outdoors. He
farmed in not only Navarro County but also in Belize,
Central America and India.
Survivors include his wife Mary Davis Butler; son and
daughter-in-law, Scott and Paula Butler and grandchildren,
Pam, Anthony, and Tessa of Corsicana; brother, Bobby Owen of
Arkansas; sister-in-law Julie Moody of Florida; and many
nieces, nephews, and close friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Michael
Ross; brothers Billy and Tommy Owen, and sister Glynna Owen.
A celebration of life will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, July
14, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, memorials to: Dallas Hearing Foundation
7777 Forest Lane Suite A-103 Dallas, Texas 75230
Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Judy Lynn (Bean) Shafer
Feb 16, 1947 - June 26, 2019
Mrs. Judy Lynn Shafer, 72, of Corsicana passed away Wednesday, June
26, 2019 at Legend Oaks Healthcare and Rehabilitation in Ennis.
Memorial services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, 2019
at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Kevin Diggs officiating.
Cremation under the direction of Corley Funeral Home. An online
guestbook is available at and selecting
the Judy Lynn Shafer obituary.
Judy Lynn Shafer, 72, of Corsicana passed away Wednesday, June 26,
2019 at Legend Oaks Healthcare and Rehabilitation in Ennis. She was
born in Longview, Texas on February 16, 1947 to Jack Bean and Teresa
Kappel Bean.
Judy attended Kilgore High School, and graduated from Leverett's
Chapel and continued on to receive a teaching degree in English
Literature from UT Tyler. Judy worked as an English Teacher for
Mildred Independent School District for 23 years. She enjoyed
reading and spending time with her family.
Judy was married to Richard Shafer on January 2, 1971, in Kilgore,
Texas. They were happily married for 48 years.
Judy is preceded in death by parents, Jack and Teresa Bean;
siblings, Chuck Bean and Karolyn Harrell.
Judy is survived by her husband, Richard Shafer; daughters,
Stephanie McGrew, Allison Shafer, Danielle Denbow and husband Jimi;
grandchildren, Kelsey Lee, Mallory Lee, Samantha McGrew and J.T.
McGrew; great grandchild, Ezra Howard; sister, Debora Habenicht;
brothers and sisters-in-law, Johnny and Gail Shafer, Cris and Trina
Shafer, Aladdin and Susan Shafer, as well as numerous nieces,
nephews and other family and friends.
The Family of Judy Shafer wishes to thank Bristol Hospice and Legend
Oaks of Ennis for their, compassion, comfort, support and care
throughout the last part of her Journey. A Special Thank you to
Crystal Underwood for all her guidance, support and steadfast
friendship during this time as well. Words are not enough.
A Memorial service will be held at 10 A.M. on Saturday, June 29,
2019 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Kevin Diggs
Sandra "Sandy" (Beckham) Wilson-Ignatoff
1942 - June 28, 2019
Ignatoff, age 77, passed away June 28, 2019.
Sandy was a woman that was loved, will be missed, and will
always be cherished. She was a loving wife, daughter,
mother, sister, grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt. She
was born in Corsicana, Texas and spent most of her life
living in Houston.
Although Sandy's illness made her appear frail, she
possessed strength, perseverance, and an ability to fight up
until her very last breath. We remind others that her life
is one to be celebrated and she will forever remain in out
Sandy is survived by her husband, Jay Ignatoff; daughters,
Renee Blacklaws, Lorie Longmire, and Cindy Schramm;
step-daughters and spouses, Jan and Nick Zieser, Joy and
Frank Coffman; siblings and spouses, DeeWayne Beckham and
wife Marilyn, Mary Ann and Bill Plumley; 12 grandchildren,
two great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Sandy is preceded in death by her parents, Charles Beckham,
Mildred Staley, and Mary Beckham; siblings Johnny Beckham,
David Beckham, and Becky Kidwell.
A come and go celebration of her life will be held from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 27, 2019 at The Village of
Gleannloch Farms, 9505 Northpointe Blvd. Spring, Texas
77379. |
June (Love)
Jul 19, 1925 - Aug 21, 2015
Whitefield Hunter was born in Corsicana, Texas in 1925 and
was a graduate of Corsicana High School. After receiving a
B.A. in Music from Baylor University, June enjoyed life as a
homemaker, music instructor and performing pianist.
June had a strong faith in Jesus Christ and was a vital
member of her church. As a worldwide traveler, she found
great delight in the outdoors. June particularly enjoyed the
beauty of colorful flowers both in nature and in her own
backyard. The beauty of nature kept June's heart close to
her Creator. She was acutely aware of even the smallest
details of God's gift of creation.
Family and friends called June "elegant" and "kind." She was
gracious and loving and possessed the heart of a
servant. She often prepared meals for those in need and was
renowned as a baker of cream pies; particularly
coconut cream. She won numerous contests with these amazing
Music exuded from June's heart and life. As a gifted and
talented pianist, she was well known for her skills
at the keyboard. For more than 20 years, she played to the
delight of audiences at the Christian Care Center in
Mesquite, Texas. She played local talent shows and at family
gatherings. Her talent for exceeded the size of
audiences and venues she played. Again, this was a testimony
to her giving heart. June didn't need large audiences
or public acclaim to be an accomplished performer. The "ears
of God" would have been audience enough, but she
loved bringing joy to others through her music.
June is beloved by her family, church community and friends.
She left this life with the same grace, beauty and
dignity with which she lived. She was a wonderful role model
as a mother, Christ-follower, giver and lover of all.
June will be greatly missed and will live forever in the
hearts of those who knew and loved her.
June Whitefield Hunter born July 19, 1925 passed away on
August 21, 2015.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 25 years,
William R. Whitefield; father, Lima Love; mother, Davis
Daniel Love Fauber; brothers, Jack Love, Larry Fauber.
June is survived by her husband of 37 years Jack M. Hunter;
children, Pat Whitefield of Austin, TX., Priscilla & Greg
Abbott of Plano, TX., Liz & Dave Zeigler of Plano, TX., Jay
& Randa Hunter of Cisco, TX., Bobby & Paula Hunter of Grand
Prairie, TX.; grandchildren, David & Carissa Whitefield,
Annalee & John Nguyen, Jill & Rob Hailey, Peyton Zeigler,
Jayson & Melissa Hunter, Levi & Emily Hunter, Colin Hunter;
great grandchildren, Luke & Kate Nguyen, Joseph Zrinyi,
Ryder & Caitlin Hailey, Jayden Hunter, Anthony Covarubic,
Benjamin Hunter; numerous nieces & nephews. |
Ben Owen Sharpley
Aug 12, 1932 - Jul 25, 2019
Ben Owen Sharpley went to be with the Lord Thursday, July 25, 2019.
He was born Aug. 12, 1932 in Emhouse, Texas to William (Sweet) and
Susan O'Neal Sharpley. Ben was the baby of seven brothers and
Ben graduated from
Corsicana High School in 1950. He enlisted in the US Navy where
he served in the Korean War
shortly thereafter. The stories of his antics in Japan and Korea
were filled with crazy adventures. When he returned from Korea, he
went to Texas Tech University where he met the love of his life, Sue
After marrying Sue they lived many places and finally settled back
in Corsicana where they have resided for the last 53 years.
Anyone who knows Ben has a story about him. He was one of the
funniest, kindest, and most generous people you could know. He loved
spending time on his tractor and on the porch at his farm.
Ben is survived by Sue, his wife of 63 years, Brent and Amy Sharpley
of Corsicana, Mavis and Malcom Myers of Oklahoma City, and Misty and
Bill Fletes of Corsicana. He has six grandchildren, Payne Sharpley,
Emily, Michael and Isaac Myers, and Dean and Chloe Fletes. He has
one living sister, Bettye Knighton, of Longview, Texas and numerous
nieces, nephews, and cousins.
The family will have a private memorial service.
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home
Billie (Hinds) Murphey
Jun 12, 1925 - Jul 23, 2019
Murphey went to paradise peacefully with her daughter and
many other family members and special friends by her side.
She lived a life of dignity, gracefulness and a little
proudfulness. She was born to William and Altha Hinds in
Coleman, Texas; second of five siblings and whose father
left when Billie was 10 years old.
Mother met my daddy in WWII early days when daddy was
training in boot camp for deployment. They married Jan. 8,
1946 soon after they had their first beautiful daughter,
Sharon and nine years later their second beautiful girl
Janet. We eventually relocated from Victoria to Corsicana
where daddy was from.
Daddy and mother successfully operated Warren Murphey
Concrete Construction following in his fathers footsteps.
They also operated Warren Murphey Antiques with a 32 year
collection of fine antiques. Mother also worked at Sears
from my first grade through seventh grade. Mother was loving
beautiful, nurturing, always worrying, mother. Billie was an
almost life-long member of the Church of Christ, attending
Westhill up until recently. She and my father were baptized
on the same day. My parents raised us in a Christian home.
Billie will be missed in this life by many, but most
especially by myself. She was a good lady.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Warren Murphey and
Sharon Seely. Siblings, Don Hinds, Matt Hinds, Doris Biehl,
nephews, Mitchell and Darryl Hinds. She is survived by
daughter, Janet and Richard Coleman; Sister, Lou Tidmore;
son in law Pat Seely; three grandsons; seven great
grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. The family
would like to express thanks to New Century Hospice and
thank you so much to Dr. Kent Rogers and his office staff.
Also to special friends Malvinee and Hank Jett, all the
sitters who helped out with a long fondness to Ella. And the
members of Westhill Church of Christ, Thank you all for your
Memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 30,
2019 at Westhill Church of Christ with Tim Cooke and Anthony
Warnes officiating.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Sandra Diane (Pardue) Hinson
Oct 18, 1946 - July 17, 2019
Sandra Diane (Pardue) Hinson, age 72, of Corsicana went to her
heavenly home on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at Country Meadows. She
was born on Oct. 18, 1946 in Lancaster, South Carolina to Jessie and
Wilma Pardue.
She was a member of Pleasant Plain Baptist Church of Kershaw, South
Carolina. She adored her family and many friends. Her favorite times
were spending time with her grandchildren.
Sandra was preceded in death by her husband Jimmy Hinson and her
siblings; Joyce Hudson, Shelby Starnes, Peggy Knight and Jessie Lee
Sandra is survived by her daughters; Kimberly Rawlings and husband
Cody of Corsicana and Amanda Berg and husband Steven of
Burnettsville, Indiana. She leaves behind to cherish her memory six
grandchildren; Kaylee, Kenzie and David Rawlings of Corsicana and
Henry, Owen and Cedric Berg of Burnettsville, Indiana. Sandra is
also survived by her siblings; Maxine Efird, Harold Pardue and Ted
Sandra's family held a memorial service Friday, July 19, 2019 at
Second Avenue Baptist Church in Corsicana with Bro. Paul Denny
officiating. There will be another memorial service held at Sandra's
home church, Pleasant Plain Baptist Church in Kershaw, South
Carolina at a later date.
Cremation is under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Lynn Earl Eggleston
July 26, 1943 - July 14, 2019
Earl Eggleston surprised us all and left us in a lurch on
July 11, 2019, 15 days shy of his 76th birthday.
An avid outdoorsman his entire life, his love for hunting
and fishing kept him active, brought him joy, and kept food
on the table.
Born in Athens, Texas to William and Alta Walters Eggleston,
he grew up hunting and fishing on the Trinity River. He
graduated from Cayuga High School, Trinity Valley Community
College, and Sam Houston State University where he met the
love of his life and wife of 53 years, Sharon Allen.
Together, they hunted, fished, traveled, changed addresses
numerous times and raised two children, Lyle and Lori
(Thorp). He made sure his tenacity, resourcefulness, and
intelligence were passed on to each of them.
In addition to his wife and kids, he is survived by four
siblings, brother, David; sisters, Donna (Winkelmann),
Vickey, and Valerie; close family friends Lyn Eggleston
White and Matt White; several cousins, nieces and nephews
and his four faithful canine companions: Roscoe, Boomer,
Andy, and Mr. Wiener.
A special thank you to Terry Winkelmann (brother-in-law) and
Jake Thorp (son-in-law) for lending a hand and always coming
Lynn was many things: traveler, gardener, avid reader,
historian, artist, poet, teacher, oil field worker, keen
observer of both nature,and people. He loved to make up
limericks and puns, recite lines from literature and was a
walking encyclopedia of the Civil War. He was efficient,
frugal, and a bit eccentric.. Although a loner by nature, he
never met a stranger and his family often joked that he
would talk to a fence post.
Never one to sit still, he squeezed all he could out of
every day, and his adventures took him boating down the
rivers of Texas, walking the battlefields of the Civil War,
cruising to the Caribbean, hiking and camping in the
mountains of West Texas, hunting pheasants in Kansas, flying
in a World War II aircraft (Fifi), driving the coast of
California, riding the train to the Grand Canyon, and
climbing the Tulum ruins.
He appreciated organization, cleanliness, old country music,
and good jokes. Those who knew him will tell you he was
quite the prankster and was a man of many shenanigans. He
loved old airplanes and going to airshows. He took all the
fun out of Trivial Pursuit because he rarely missed a
question. For example, he could name all 254 Texas Counties
in alphabetical order along with the county seat of each.
Lynn also had a great fondness for maps and was a geography
The man could turn a phrase, always reminding us to "Just
stop and think!" He was punctual, too, leaving at least half
an hour before scheduled and telling us, "If we were there
now, we'd be late" (especially when going fishing).
His legacy lies in all the times he assisted others with no
regard for his own schedule or payment or recognition. From
neighbors to hitchhikers to stranded motorists, Lynn always
made time to help; however, he did not suffer fools gladly.
Ever the planner, Lynn wrote two versions of his obituary;
this will be shared at his send-off party which will be held
at a later date.
In lieu of flowers (Lynn loved them but thought they should
be kept in their natural habitat), please consider a
donation to the charity of your choice. He loved dogs,
nature, and helping his fellow man (and woman). Above all,
please honor him by finding a way to lend a helping hand and
leaving the world a little bit better than you found it.
Funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Hannigan Smith
Funeral Home family. |
Cynthia Dianne (Woods) Massey
Jun 18, 1952 - Jul 22, 2019
Dianne Massey, 67 of Corsicana, passed away Monday, July 22,
2019. Visitation will be 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Thursday, July
25, 2019 at Calvary Worship Center. Funeral service will be
11 a.m. Thursday at Calvary Worship Center. Burial will
follow at Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Monty Casbeer, David Bray, Obid Massey, Jerry Massey, Bradley
Parmer, Anthony Fowler. Honorary pallbearers will be Dewayne
Robinson, Donnie Robinson.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Cynthia Dianne Massey, 67 of Corsicana, passed away Monday,
July 22, 2019 in Dallas. She was born June 18, 1952 in
Corsicana to Denver Clifton Woods and Wanda Jean Watts
Dianne was a member of Calvary Worship Center. She worked a
number of years ago at Pauline's Nursing Home and Home
Health. She was a homemaker raising her children and helping
others. She enjoyed going to church and being with people.
She seemed to know everyone in town.
She is preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Ollene
Armstrong and husband Joe, Allene Coker and husband Junior,
DeeDee Pike and husband James; Brother, Vidal Woods
She leaves behind her children, Shannon Michelle Massey and
Wanda Dianne Davis. Grandchildren, Courtney, Dillon, Lori
and Joseph. Sisters, Nanette Bray and husband David, Francis
Robinson and husband Benny. Sister in law, Peggy Woods. She
is also survived by a host of nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be 10am - 11am Thursday, July 25, 2019 at
Calvary Worship Center. Funeral service will be 11 am
Thursday at Calvary Worship Center with Dr. Gary Johnson
Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be
Monte Casbeer, David Bray, Obid Massey, Jerry Massey,
Bradley Parmer, Anthony Fowler. Honorary pallbearers Dewayne
Robinson, Donnie Robinson.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Calvary Worship
Center 1364 North Beaton Corsicana, Texas 75110.Notes:
- w/o Ernest Lee Massey; d/o Denver Clifton Woods &
Wanda Jean (Watts) Woods.
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Allen Franklin Johnson
Jun 20, 1921 - Jan 20, 1991
Allen Franklin Johnson, 69, of Corsicana, died Jan. 20, 1991, at his
Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Chapel, with
Rev. Gary Johnson officiating. Burial will be in the
Richland Cemetery.
He was born June 20, 1921 in Kemp. He was a retired mechanic and
in the U.S. Army during
World War II.
He is survived by five sons, Allen Wayne Johnson, Billy Gene Johnson
Larry Back, all of Corsicana; Bobby Back of Weatherford, and Charles
Back of Forney; two daughters, Joanne Swenson and Patsy Back, both
Corsicana; 17 grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren; one
brother, Argie Johnson of Angus; four sisters, Margie McCarter of
Corsicana, Faye Boyd of Odessa, Lucille Walsh and Dorothy Thompson,
of Tyler; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Jeff Kelly, Larry Back, John Swenson, Bobby
Kenneth Prewitt and Danny Newland.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Jan 21, 1991
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- From the collection of the
Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana
- h/o Audrie Joyce (Gunn)
Johnson - s/o Wesley Johnson and Nettie
(Nichlas) Johnson
Savannah Lee (Williams)
Feb 20, 1902 - Feb 21, 1991
Savannah Williams Burton, 90, of Corsicana, died Feb. 21, 1991, at
Twilight Nursing Home.
Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at the Griffin-Roughton Funeral
with the Rev. Johnny singleton officiating. Burial will be in the
Richland Cemetery.
She was a native and longtime resident of Richland. She was a member
the First Baptist Church in Richland, which her father built in the
1800;s. She was granddaughter o john Pickett, for whom the community
Pickett was named.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Jesse Burton, in 1968.
Survivors include one daughter, Betty Lou Hunter of Richland; two
grandchildren, Dan Hunter of Mexia, and Patricia Duncan of Dallas;
great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be D.R. Williams, E.Z. Williams, Floyd Huseman,
Cowan, Claude Duncan and Joel Duncan.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Feb 22, 1991
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- From the collection of the
Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana
- w/o Jesse L. Burton; d/o
Daniel Richard (Dick) Williams & Louvenia
Catherine Pickett
Louis "Bud" Rawlings
Sep 22, 1919 - Feb 27, 1991
Louis (Bud) Rawlings, 71, of Streetman, died Feb. 27, 1991, at his
Services will be 2 p.m. Friday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home,
Dr. David Hale and Danny Richardson officiating. Burial will be in
Richland Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, Mary Lou Rawlings of Streetman; three
Clyde Rawlings of Streetman, Robert (Doc) Rawlings of Corsicana, and
Jackie Rawlings of Richland; one daughter, Bertha Tidwell of
one brother, Tom Rawlings of Kennedale, Texas; one sister, Louise
of Gresham, Ore.; and six grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Homer Paul Bonner, Buddy Ballew, Joe Parum,
Massey, J.R. Green and James Pringle.
Honorary pallbearers will be J.O. Williams, Bill Cole, N.D. Pringle
Troy Cooley.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Feb 28, 1991
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- From the Collection of the
Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana
- h/o Mary Lou (Minefee)
Rawlings; s/o John Riley Rawlings & Bertha Ann (Gentry) Rawlings
Angie Fannie
(Sutterfield) Coston
Aug 24, 1929 - Jul 4, 2019
F. Coston, 89 of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July 4,
2019. Visitation will be Tuesday, July 9, 2019 from 6 - 8
p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral Service will
be 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery. |
Angie Coston was born at El Dorado, Arkansas August 24, 1929. She
was called home July 4, 2019 at the age of 89, after a brief
illness. Mrs. Coston was preceded in death by her parents Emma and
Benjamin Sutterfield, and her husband Larkin Coston, and many
siblings. Mrs. Coston was a faithful member of Memorial Baptist
Church for many years. She was a Rosie Riveter at a defense plant in
Arkansas. She also worked at the Hat factory and Twilight Nursing
Home. But her favorite job was raising half the children of Navarro
County. Mrs. Coston will be greatly missed by her children Linda and
Nathan Estell of Kerens, Tx., Donna Rose of Corsicana, Tx., and
Larkin and Kim Coston of Corsicana, Tx. Mrs. Coston has seven
grandchildren, twelve great-grand children and numerous nieces and
Visitation will be Tuesday evening at Griffin - Roughton Funeral
Home from 6 - 8pm. A celebration of her life will be Wednesday, July
10, 2019 at 10:00am. Burial will follow at
Arvel Lee "Jake" Jacobs, Jr.

Aug 17, 1943 - Jun 30, 2019
"Jake" Jacobs, 75, of Corsicana, went to be with his
Heavenly father on June 30, 2019, at his home with family
and friends surrounding him.
He was born the eighth child of Arvel Lee and Myrtle Jacobs
and knew "everybody in Navarro County and most in one county
over." He loved spending time with his large family,
brothers and sisters, and tons of nieces and nephews, and
Jake was well known in Corsicana for his hugs, his knowledge
of cows and livestock and his love of children. He collected
"treasures" that others thought of as junk, but if you ever
needed to find something, he probably had it. He graduated
Dawson High School in 1961. He attended Navarro College
and was a lifelong learner. He was a certified ag teacher
from his classes at Navarro College and many people called
him when they couldn't get in touch with their vet for
animal care advice. He also ran the press for the Corsicana
Daily Sun for many years, drove a bus for Corsicana ISD, and
drove a dump truck for Watkins Construction until the summer
of 2018. He was a member of Pleasant Grove United Methodist
Church since he was a child and was known for giving the
best hugs when you left church standing next to the preacher
each Sunday.
Jake was preceded in death by his wife, Diane Ainsworth
Jacobs; his parents, Arvel and Myrtle Jacobs; his brother
Jerry Jacobs, his sisters, Marie Chapman and Melba Helms;
and his nephews, Reagan Jacobs and Randy Helms, and his
niece, Pam Chapman.
Jake is survived by his daughters, Niece Hansen of
Corsicana, Robin Bussen and husband, Larry of Silver City,
and Brandile Young of Purdon; his grandchildren, Jordan
Young and Crystal Christian of Rice, Rowdy Hansen, Luke
Hansen, and Cutter Hansen, all of Corsicana, Jayme Shirley
of Silver City; brothers, Fred Jacobs of Corsicana, Bobby
Jacobs and wife Pat of Coolidge; Ray Jacobs and wife Bobbie
of Corsicana; and David Jacobs and wife Michelle of Kempner;
his sisters, Eleanor Greer of Corsicana and Sandra Hughes
and husband Johnny of Corsicana; great- grandchildren Zayden
Young and Blakelynn Shirley; sister-in-law Dixie Jacobs of
Melrose, NM, brother and sister-in law, Terry and Marilyn
Cox of Pennsylvania; and a host of cousins, nieces, nephews,
close friends, and co-workers.
Pallbearers will be his nephews, Wes Jacobs, Randall Jacobs,
Terry Dan Greer, Michael Jacobs, Lance Hughes, and Aaron
Jacobs. Honorary pallbearers will be his brothers, Fred,
Bobby, Ray and David Jacobs, his nephew, Mark Chapman, his
close cousins Raymond and Lonnie Elmore, and his dear
friends, Kenneth Lewis, Robert Hoskins, and George McAdams.
Visitation will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, July 6,
2019, at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana with
funeral services to follow at 11 a.m. Burial will follow at
Cemetery in Retreat.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial
contributions be made in the name of Jake Jacobs to Pleasant
Grove United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 404, Corsicana, TX,
75110 or
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Carol Ilene (Ivie) Wallace
Dec 10, 1951 - Jun 30, 2019
Wallace of Corsicana, Texas passed from this life on Sunday
afternoon June 30, 2019 at Legacy West in Corsicana.
Visitation with her family will be held from 6 to 8 p.m.
Saturday, July 6, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
A celebration of her life will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday,
July 7, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Burial will
follow at
Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Edith Talent
Jul 22, 1925 - Jun 29, 2019
Edith Talent of Corsicana passed from this life on Saturday, June
29, 2019 in Sugar Land, Texas at the age of 94.
She was a retired interior designer and her and J.T. owned Farmers
Fuel on business 45. She attended The Cowboy Church.
She was preceded in death by her husband, J.T. Talent; daughter,
Dorothy and grandson, James. She is survived by two children, Tommy
and David; grandchildren, JoAnn and Jason; three great grandchildren
and numerous siblings, nieces, nephews and extended family.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Graveside services will be held at
2:15 p.m. Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at the Dallas/Fort Worth National
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
- The Corsicana Daily Sun -
Mon., Jul 1, 2019
- Submitted by Karen Rost
Priscilla June (Cobb) Holder
Jun 21, 1950 - Jul 7, 2019
June Holder, 69, of Waco, Texas went peacefully to be with
her Lord on Sunday, July 7, 2019 at Providence Hospice in
Waco surrounded by her precious family.
Funeral services will be held 11:30 a.m. Friday, July 12 at
Waco Memorial Park in the mausoleum chapel with Rev. Roy
Marshall officiating.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 10,
2019 at OakCrest Funeral Home.
Born June 21, 1950 in Armada, Michigan, June as she was
lovingly known, was the oldest daughter of the late Herbert
and Alifonsa Cobb. She married the love of her life, John L.
Holder, whom preceded her in death. Also preceding her in
death are her brothers, Raymond Lafell Cobb, Clyde Carlos
Cobb, and sister, Clara Claudia Cobb.
June was a longtime resident of Waco since leaving her
childhood home in Corsicana. She traveled extensively in
earlier years and as an avid art lover, she spoke frequently
of her wish to visit Italy to see all the beautiful
paintings. We think she did that on the way to heaven. June
was also noted for her master culinary skills and certainly
enjoyed cooking and entertaining her extended families. Her
love and devotion to her families will surely be missed and
forever cherished.
June is survived by her sons, Ray (Azizah) Garner and Ronnie
Garner as well as daughters, Rhonda Garner and Aspen Holder,
all of Waco; granddaughters, Breanna, Brittney (Chris),
Willow and London Gose; great grandchildren, Michael and
Laura; brothers, Logan Fitzhugh and Herbert (Arelette) Cobb,
all of Corsicana; sisters, Jane (Dwight) Cobb Farmer of
Corsicana, Judy (Butch) Spills of Winters, Texas and Colleen
(Malcolm) Wommack of Corsicana; as well as numerous nephews,
nieces, and cousins. All whom love June dearly and will
never forget her dedication and commitment to her family,
her loving bond with her sisters and brothers, and above
all, her tenacity to see that her strong will prevailed,
simply because she only wanted the best for her loved ones.
Bessie Gwendolyn
(Wallace) Williams
Feb 1, 1942 - May 21, 2019
Gwendolyn Williams, 77, of Corsicana, passed away May 21,
2019. Burial will be at
She was born on February 1, 1942, in Payne Springs, Texas,
to the late Harvey Glen Wallace and Nevena "Nugie" Cooper
Wallace. She attended Teague High School. She worked for
Tom's Food for over 25 years and also was an owner and
operator of an 18 wheeler for two years. She loved to
travel, quilt, collect t-pots, woodworking and reading
books. She loved and adored her grandchildren and
She was preceded in death by her daughter, Sharon Allen;
brother, Clyde Wallace; boyfriend, Luther Herrington; and
first husband, Charles Allen.
She is survived by her daughter, Synthia Rippenkroeger and
her husband, Brian; son, Charlie Allen and his wife, Aaron;
grandchildren: Kacy Perry and his wife, Richelle, Nichole
Hurford, Hollie Allen, Matt Porter and his wife, Ashley , AJ
and Tara Rippenkroeger and Matt Rippenkroeger and his wife,
Hilary; great-grandchildren: Jade, Konnor, Areiya and Sammy
Hurford and Kolton Perry, Sadie Porter, Maddison Porter,
Colby Carrizalez, Skylar Freeman, Rylee Freeman, Rico
Freeman Jr., and Caleb, Lily, and Harrison Rippenkroeger. U5 |
William Denton Everett
Nov 24, 1886 - Nov 20, 1945
W. D. Everett, aged 60 years, of Midland, formerly of Corsicana,
died in the Veterans' Hospital at Dallas Tuesday night.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, with interment in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Midland; three daughters, Mrs. A. G. Haden
and Mrs. B. L. Richardson, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. R. W. Boyd,
El Paso; a son, W. R. Everett, Milford; three brothers, Claude
Everett, Milford; Leslie Everett, San Antonio, and Walter Everett,
Midland; four sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth McGlohen, Mrs. Conway Younger
and Mrs. David Ronohoo, all of Corsicana, and Mrs. Ruth Roberts,
Fort Worth; seven grandchildren and other relatives.
Additional obit
William Denton Everett
Nov 24, 1886 - Nov 20, 1945
Funeral services for Wm. D. Everett, aged 59 years, of Mildred, who
died in the veterans' hospital at Lisbon, near Dallas, Tuesday, were
held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial
was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside
Baptists church.
Surviving are his wife of Mildred; three daughters, Mrs. A. B.
Hardin and Mrs. V. L. Richardson, both of Corsicana and Mrs. R. W.
Boyd, El Paso; a son, W. R. Everett, Mildred; three brothers, Claude
Everett, Fort Worth; Leslie Everett, San Antonio, and Walter
Everett, Mildred; four sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth McGlothen, Mrs.
Conway Younger and Mrs. Dave Donoho, all of Corsicana and Mrs. Ruth
Roberts, Ft. Worth; seven grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Ben King, Kenneth May, Bert Jones, Dave Donoho,
Jess L. Franklin and Enos Hutson.
Ada Gertrude (Lewis)
Apr 26, 1895 - Apr 28, 1961
Mrs. Everett Expires Friday
Mrs. W. D. (Ada) Everett, 66, resident of Corsicana, died here early
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel with C. B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of
Christ, officiating. Interment will be in
Hamilton cemetery.
Mrs. Everett a member of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ, had
resided the past several months in the Northwest Housing Apartments.
Prior to moving there she lived on North Beaton street.
Surviving are one son, W. R. (Bill) Everett, Italy; three daughters,
Mrs. Clydie Mae Richardson, and Mrs. Jack Hardin, both of Corsicana,
and Mrs. R. W. Boyd, Tucson, Ariz.; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel
Bristow, Monahans; Mrs. John Baker, Odessa, and Mrs. Johnnie Rogers,
Crane; one sister-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Lewis, San Angelo, and
step-mother, Mrs. Jack Lewis, Odessa; 14 grandchildren and other
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Apr 28, 1961
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st husband George F. Sumrow
married Feb. 6, 1913 2nd husband William Denton Everett married
Feb 19, 1921; d/o J. J. �Jack� Lewis buried in Monahans
cemetery, Monahans, Texas & Adalaide �Addie� (Holloway) Lewis
(Addie is the daughter of Robert Lafayette Holloway and Irene
Tennessee �Tennie� (Skinner) Holloway buried in Hamilton Beeman
Mrs. Everitt Rites Sunday
Funeral rites for Mrs. W. D. (Ada) Everitt, 66, will be held Sunday
at 2:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with C. B. Holcomb, minister of
the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ, officiating. Interment will be in
Hamilton cemetery.
Mrs. Everitt, a resident of Corsicana for the past several years,
died here early Friday. She was a member of the Fifth Avenue Church
of Christ.
Surviving are one son, W. R. (Bill) Everett, Italy; three daughters,
Mrs. Clydie Mae Richardson, and Mrs. Jack Hardin, both of Corsicana,
and Mrs. R. W. Boyd, Tucson, Ariz.; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel
Bristow, Monahans; Mrs. John Baker, Odessa, and Mrs. Johnnie Rogers,
Crane; one sister-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Lewis, San Angelo, and
step-mother, Mrs. Jack Lewis, Odessa; 14 grandchildren and other
Pallbearers will be James B. French, John Howell, Gilbert Sutherlin,
A. Ruth, Herman Boyd and O. S. Bryson.
Johnie (Robinson) Owen
Nov 2, 1906 - Mar 28, 1945
Mrs. M. W. Owen, aged 37 years, died at the family residence, 610
West Fifth avenue Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Funeral
arrangements had not been made at press hour.
Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Miss Christine Owen, both of
Corsicana; three brothers, Buck Roberson, Cayuga; Fred Roberson,
Atlantic City, N. J.; and Earl Roberson, Houston, and a sister, Mrs.
Pearl Armstrong, Ennis.
Corley Funeral Home is in charge.
Rites Held Friday For Mrs. M. W. Owen
Funeral services for Mrs. M. W. Owen, 38, who died Tuesday afternoon
were held Friday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Funeral Chapel with
interment in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, a daughter, three brothers, and a sister.
Funeral services for Mrs. M. W. Owen, 38, who died Wednesday
afternoon at the family residence, 610 West Fifth avenue, will be
held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev.
A. L. Meador, pastor of the Missionary Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband, M. W. Owen, a daughter, Miss Christine
Owen, both of Corsicana; three brothers, Buck Roberson, Cayuga; Fred
Roberson, Atlantic City, N. J.; and Earl Roberson, Houston, and a
sister, Mrs. Pearl Armstrong, Ennis.
Pallbearers will be W. G. Owen, H. B. Butler, E. C. Butler, John
Butler, J. H. Crider and H. B. Baggett.
Ernest Thomas Reed
May 20, 1900 - Dec 20, 1945
Ernest Reed, aged 46 years, welder at the U. S. Naval Air Station
west of Dallas, died in Dallas, Thursday morning.
Funeral services are scheduled Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the Corley Chapel. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Reed, Angus; two
sisters, Mrs. Edna Pugh, Corsicana and Miss Lola Reed, Angus, and
five brothers, C. H. Reed and M. L. Reed, both of Dallas; C. D.
Reed, Houston; L. A. Reed, Corpus Christi, and Ed Reed, Kingsville.
Funeral rites for Ernest Reed, aged 46 years, who died in Dallas
Thursday, were held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Corley
Chapel. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery. The services were
conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Reed, Angus; two
sisters, Mrs. Edna Pugh, Corsicana, and Miss Lola Reed, Angus; five
brothers, C. H. and M. L. Reed, both of Dallas; C. D. Reed, Houston;
L. A. Reed, Corpus Christi, and Ed Reed, Kingsville.
Pallbearers were J. S. Doolen, R. L. Pate, C. C. McClung, W. L.
Stewart, L. P. Tilton and J. L. Jackson.
Ernest Walker, 46, years, welder at the U. S. Naval Air Station west
of Dallas, died in Dallas Thursday morning.
Funeral services are scheduled Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the Corley Chapel. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Reed, Angus; two
sisters, Mrs. Edna Pugh, Corsicana, and Miss Lola Reed, Angus; five
brothers, C. H. and M. L. Reed, both of Dallas; C. D. Reed, Houston;
L. A. Reed, Corpus Christi, and Ed Reed, Kingsville.
Minnie Evelyn (Mooneyhan)
Sep 18, 1881 - Jan 31, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. W. R. Sherrod, 63, who died at her home on
West Eighteenth avenue, Wednesday afternoon, following an extended
illness, were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley
Chapel. Rev. J. E. Inlow conducted the rites and interment was in
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, W. R. Sherrod, Corsicana; her mother,
Mrs. Allie Davis, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. E. S. McDowell,
Corsicana; two brothers, Arthur Mooneyhan, Corsicana; George W.
Mooneyhan, Corsicana; several nephews and nieces and other
Pallbearers were nephews, Ernest Mooneyhan, Albert Mooneyhan, Fred
Mooneyhan, Olen Mooneyhan, Winfred Mooneyhan and Walter Brenton.
Mattie (Howard) Langridge
Nov 7, 1870 - Jul 13, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. B. F. Langridge, aged 73 years, who died
at the family residence, 806 East Tenth avenue, Thursday night, were
held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment was in
Hamilton cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. E. Inlow,
pastor of the Assembly of God church.
Surviving are her husband, F. B. Langridge, Corsicana; a son Frank
Langridge, Corpus Christi; a sister, Mrs. G. L. Morris; a brother,
Joe Howard, both of Corsicana, and a number of nieces and nephews.
A native of Kentucky, Mrs. Langridge had resided in Corsicana for 55
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jul. 14, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Frederick Burt �Fred� Langridge married Aug. 6, 1912; d/o
Francis Marion Howard & Mary (Birdsong) Howard per death certificate (her marriage
record says Harwell)
Earl Hartwell Langridge
Jun 11, 1892 - Feb 8, 1971
E. H. Langridge Rites Set
Services for Earl H. Langridge, 78, of 1606 West 10th Ave.,
Corsicana, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday from Corley Funeral Home
Chapel, the Rev. Bruce Hibbitt officiating. Burial will be in
Hamilton Cemetery.
Langridge died Monday in Navarro County Hospital. He was a member of
the Baptist church.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. E. H. Langridge of the home; one
son, Clarence Dave Langridge, Oak Valley Rd., Corsicana; two
daughters, Mrs. Clara Wilson, Grand Prairie; and Mrs. Leon Melton,
Edmondson, Texas; one sister, Mrs. Evelyn McCaslin, Kerens; 3
grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Joe Baker, Leon Jones, Bobby Martin, Spencer
Dubois, A. L. Jacobs and Allen Skinner.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb. 9,1971
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Jessie Lee (Martin) Langridge; s/o George William
Langridge & Amanda Sarah Elizabeth �Mandy� (Bonner) Langridge-Singleton-Garrison
Amanda (Howard) Morris
Jul 30, 1877 - Feb 9, 1972
Mrs. Morris
Mrs. Amanda Morris died Wednesday at her residence in Corsicana.
Services will be Friday at 10 a.m. at Corley Funeral Chapel, with
burial to follow in
Hamilton cemetery.
Survivors include a half-sister, Mrs. W. L. Lynch of Corsicana; and
two nieces, Mrs. T. M. Walbrick of Wichita Falls and Mrs. Billy
Benson of Port Huron, Mich.
Other arrangements are pending at presstime.
Mrs. Morris
Funeral services were at 10 a.m. Friday at a local funeral chapel
for Mrs. Amanda Morris, who died Wednesday at her residence. The
Rev. J. P. Davis officiated. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Pallbearers were Carl Newland, Claude Bell, H. M. Libhart and W. G.
She is survived by a half-sister, Mrs. W. L. Lynch of Corsicana; and
two nieces, Mrs. T. M. Walbrick of Wichita Falls and Mrs. Billy
Benson of Port Huron, Mich.
Lillie Emma
(Seale) Stallworth-Thompkins
Mar 24, 1895 - Feb 10, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. J. B. Thompkins, 46, who died at the P.
and S. Hospital Saturday, were held from the Assemble of God church
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. J. E. Inlow conducted the rites
and interment was in
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, Corsicana; two daughters, Alma Jean
Thompkins, Corsicana; Ida Pauline Thompkins, Corsicana; four sons,
J. H. Thompkins, Jr., Corsicana; Harvey Edgar Thompkins, Corsicana;
William B. Stallworth, Houston; S-Sgt. John L. Stallworth, U. S.
Army, Bryan Field, her father, J. T. Seale, Richland; three sisters,
Mrs. O. F. Reeves, Orange; Mrs. Alline Harris, Dallas; Mrs. Pauline
Renfro, Hamilton; one grandchild and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Mack Fuller, Elbert L. Cox, Jack Moore, Kelly
Myers, W. D. Schomerus and Clarence Bichell.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Billie Jean Watts
Feb 7, 1945 - Feb 12, 1945
Rites On Tuesday Afternoon For Baby Billy Jean Watts
Funeral services for Billy Jean, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
L. Watts, who died Monday at the P. and S. Hospital were held
Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, two sisters, grandparents and other
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb 13, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- d/o Harvey Lee Watts, Sr.
buried in Hamilton Beeman & Neona (Daniels) Watts buried in
Forest Park Lawndale cemetery, Houston, Tx.
John Rufus Knotts
Mar 15, 1855 - Sep 22, 1945
J. R. Knotts, aged 90 years died at his home in the Angus community
Saturday morning. Funeral services are scheduled from the Corley
Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North
Side Baptist church and Frank Dunn, Church of Christ minister.
Knotts had resided in the Angus community 54 years.
Surviving are his wife of Angus; three sons, Linnie Knotts,
Corsicana; Lloyd Knotts, Corsicana and Floyd Knotts, Overton; three
daughters, Mrs. J. W. Davidson, Zion's Rest; Mrs. Sam Parker,
Corsicana; and Mrs. S. L. Thomas, Angus; 12 grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren. Three grandsons are in the armed services.
Funeral services for J. R. Knotts, aged 90 years who died at his
home in the Angus community Saturday morning, were held from the
Corley Funeral Home chapel Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The rites
were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side Baptist
Church and Frank Dunn, Church of Christ minister. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery
with the masonic lodge in charge.
A native of Tennessee, he had resided in the Angus community 54
Surviving are his wife of Angus; three sons, Linnie Knotts,
Corsicana; Lloyd Knotts, Corsicana and Floyd Knotts, Overton; three
daughters, Mrs. J. W. Davidson, Zion's Rest; Mrs. Sam Parker,
Corsicana; and Mrs. S. L. Thomas, Angus; 12 grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren. Three grandsons are in the armed forces.
Fox Esley Pryor 
Jul 19, 1882 - Mar 14, 1945
Funeral services for F. E. Pryor, who died suddenly in Paducah
Wednesday were held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley
Chapel. Rev. J. I. Cartlidge conducted the rites and interment was
in Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, F. H. Pryor, Knoxville, Tenn.; Lieut. Roy
Temple Pryor, Shreveport, La.; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Lasker,
Wichita Falls; Mrs. Laura McLeod, Knoxville, Tenn.; four brothers,
W. W. Pryor, Elmer Pryor, Joe Pryor, Corsicana; James Pryor,
Stonewall, Okla.; three sisters, Mrs. M. Wilson, Corsicana; Mrs.
Cynthia Dunston, Port Arthur; Mrs. Lee Skelton, Oklahoma; two
grandchildren and other relatives.
Former Navarro County Resident
Died At Paducah
Funeral services for F. H. (Fox) Pryor, who died suddenly from a
heart attack at Paducah, Texas, Wednesday afternoon will be held
Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock form the Corley Chapel. Burial will be
in the Hamilton cemetery.
He was a former resident of the Angus and Pursley communities.
Surviving are two sons, F. H. Pryor, Knoxville, Tenn.; Lieut. Roy
Temple Pryor, Shreveport, La.; two daughters, Mrs. Jack Lasker,
Wichita Falls; Mrs. Laura McLeod, Knoxville, Tenn.; four brothers,
W. W. Pryor, Elmer Pryor, Joe Pryor, Corsicana; James Pryor,
Stonewall, Okla.; three sisters, Mrs. M. Wilson, Corsicana; Mrs.
Cerenthia Dunston, Port Arthur; Mrs. Lee Skelton, Oklahoma, and
other relatives.
John Edgar Gill
Sep 25, 1891 - Jul 3, 1963
J. E. Gill Dies At Lancaster
J. E. Gill of Lancaster died Wednesday in that city. Funeral
services will be held Friday afternoon in Lancaster and funeral
services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from Corley Chapel with
burial in Hamilton
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jul 3, 1963
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Nora Rose �Rosie� (McKey)
Gill s/o Phillip G. Gill and Susan Catherine (Martin) Gill
buried in Grange Hall cemetery
J. E. Gill Dies At Lancaster
John Edgar Gill, 71, died at his home in Lancaster Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the Bynum
Funeral Chapel in Lancaster, and a second service will be held
Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel here with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Ulner Tenery.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nora Rosie Gill, Lancaster; five sons,
Chester Gill, Dallas; Vernon Gill, Farmers Branch; Leroy Gill,
Irving; Loyd and Alvie Gill both of Lancaster; three daughters, Mrs.
Bessie Darr, Dallas; Mrs. Louise Robinson and Mrs. Marie Aldridge,
both of Lancaster; sister, Mrs. Lizzie Bryant, Waxahachie; 26
grandchildren and one great-grandchild and other relatives.
Hold Services For J. E. Gill
Final rites for J. E. Gill, 71, who died at Lancaster Wednesday were
held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Ulner Tennery.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nora Rosie Gill, Lancaster; five sons,
Chester Gill, Dallas; Vernon Gill, Farmers Branch; Leroy Gill,
Irving; Loyd and Alvie Gill both of Lancaster; three daughters, Mrs.
Bessie Darr, Dallas; Mrs. Louise Robinson and Mrs. Marie Aldridge,
both of Lancaster; sister, Mrs. Lizzie Bryant, Waxahachie; 26
grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were T. G. Haynes, R. L. Reed, B. G. Jones, Walter
Stewart, R. G. Crumbley and George Robertson.
Samuel Porter �Sam� Love
Dec 6, 1854 - Jun 2, 1945
Sam P. Love, 90, pioneer resident of Navarro county, died at his
home here Friday night.
Funeral services will be held from the residence at 5:30 Saturday
afternoon with interment in
Hamilton cemetery.
Rev. Finis Crutchfield will conduct the rites.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sons, F. M. Love, Corsicana;
Walter R. Love, Crandall; four daughters, Mrs. F. M. Hamilton,
Sheridan; Mrs. Roy Peebles, Corsicana; Mrs. Edwin Von Lienen,
Yoakum; Mrs. Bemis Nord, Corsicana; five sisters, Mrs. Ida Grant,
Blooming Grove; Mrs. W. H. Champion, Lockhart; Mrs. W. C. Palsey,
Honey Grove; Miss Flora Love, Honey Grove; Mrs. J. S. Daniel,
Corsicana, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Jim Taylor, Walter Beeman, Donald Smith, Beden
Owen, T. E. Young and Will Murphy Love.
Sutherland-McCammon will direct the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jun 2, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Mary (Waters) Love
married Dec. 17, 1884 (died 1904 in Navarro county) 2nd wife
Sarah Virginia �Jennie� (Pinchback) Love married Nov. 23, 1904;
s/o James Richardson Love & Harriett Elizabeth (Badgett) Love
Walter Richardson Love
Oct 1, 1892 - Mar 10, 1964
Hold Services for W. R. Love
Graveside services for Walter R. Love, 71, who died in the Lisbon VA
Hospital Tuesday morning, will be held Wednesday at 4 p.m. at
Hamilton cemetery
following services from the Allen W. Dees Funeral Chapel at Kaufman
at 2 p.m. McCammon directed local arrangements.
A retired Internal Revenue service employe, Love, who was reared in
Corsicana, formerly was employed with the Texas Power and Light
Company. He had resided at Crandall for a number of years. He was a
World War I veteran.
His wife, the former Miss Modena Miller, of Corsicana died in
January, 1962.
Surviving are three sons, Thomas and John Love, both of Arlington
and Will Love, Seattle, Wash.; a daughter, Mrs. Dick Whittington,
Tyler; 10 grandchildren, a brother, F. M. Love, Corsicana; four
half-sisters, Mrs. B. B. Lord, Mrs. Roy Peeples and Mrs. P. S.
Garner, all of Corsicana and Mrs. E. H. Von Lienen, San Angelo, and
other relatives.
Modena (Miller) Love
Jun 2, 1895 - Nov 29, 1961
Thursday Rites For Mrs. Love
Graveside rites for Mrs. Modena Miller Love, were held Thursday at 3
p.m. in
Hamilton cemetery
with Danny Anders, minister of the
Stephenville Church of Christ, officiating.
Earlier services were held Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Crandall
Church of Christ.
Mrs. Love is a native of Corsicana. She died early Wednesday in
Survivors include her husband, Walter Love, Crandall; three sons,
John, Thomas and Will Love, all of Arlington; one daughter, Mrs.
Dick Whittington, Houston; five brothers, Dr. Dubart Miller,
Corsicana; Dr. Tate Miller, Dallas; Dr. Will Miller, Corsicana; Hugh
Miller, Huntington Park, Calif., and Paul Miller, Corsicana; one
sister, Mrs. Hawkins Scarborough, Corsicana, nine grandchildren and
other relatives.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Nov. 30, 1961 - submitted by Diane
Joshua Torres Ortiz
Apr 9, 1985 - July 11, 2019
Joshua T. Ortiz, 34, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July
11, 2019 at his residence surrounded by his loved ones. He
was born on April 9, 1985 to Manuel and Rebecca Castillo in
Galveston, Texas.
He graduated from Corsicana High School and worked as a
welder at Atlas Construction. Joshua loved to dance, to play
cards, to go fishing and he especially enjoyed watching the
Dallas Cowboys play football and just hanging out with his
friends. Joshua was baptized and he accepted Christ as his
personal Savior at an early age. He was strong in his
Christian faith.
He is survived by his parents; his brothers; Jason Torres
Ortiz and wife Cynthia, Anthony Torres Ortiz and wife Sara
and Jeremy E. Castillo, Jr. Joshua is also survived by his
six nieces; Olivia, Delilah, Victoria, Starla, Jessika and
Alyssa and one nephew, Joshua. Torres, Ortiz, and Castillo
aunts, uncles and other close relatives that will forever
cherish him in their memories.
Visitation with the family will be held from 5 to 8 p.m
Monday, July 15, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral
services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at
Lifeline Fellowship Family Church (5301 State Hwy 31 W.
Corsicana) with Pastor Ricky Walter and Rudy Soto
officiating. Interment will follow in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers will be Rudy Soto, Jr., Norris W. Seaux, Dustin Trull, Osirio Hernandez, Antonio Gutierrez and
Erick Rodriguez. Honorary pallbearers are Jeremy E.
Castillo, Jr., Juan Martinez, Adrian Zamilpa and Alfredo
Garcia. |
James Douglas "Doug" Jordan
Aug 15, 1956 - July 9, 2019
Douglas "Doug" Jordan passed away on July 9, 2019 after a
brief and difficult battle with illness. The family will
receive visitors from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 12, 2019 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
The funeral service will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday,
July 13, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home Chapel.
Interment will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana.
Arrangements By Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. |
Viluila Emaline
�Emma� (Miles) Litteral
Sep 17, 1871 - Dec 15, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Litteral will be conducted at 2
o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Corley Chapel by Rev. J. F. Adams of
Bartlett, and Eastern Star services will be conducted at the grave
by Corsicana and Waco chapters. Interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Litteral died Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the Eastern Star
Home in Arlington.
Survivors include three brothers, S. J. Miles and M. C. Miles of
Corsicana and O. H. Miles of Waco; and three sisters, Mrs. E. K.
Harris of Goose Creek, Mrs. Lilly Adams of Mart and Mrs. W. A.
Thrower of Waco.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Dec 15, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Joseph Layfette Litteral
buried Blevins cemetery, Lorena, Tx;d/o Benjamin Covington Miles
& Sarah Jane �Sally� (Crouch) Miles
Memorial services for Emma Litteral, who died Saturday morning at
the Eastern Star Home in Arlington, were held Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery with
the Corsicana and Waco Eastern Star chapters in charge. The rites at
the chapel were conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams of Bartlett and Rev.
W. R. Beaird, pastor of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are three brothers, S. J. Miles and M. C. Miles, both of
Corsicana and O. H. Miles, Waco; three sisters, Mrs. B. K. Harris,
Goose Creek; Mrs. Lily Adams, Mart and Mrs. W. A. Thrower, Waco and
other relatives.
Pallbearers were Virgil Williamson, Carl Harris, Jim Woodard, Mickie
Matthews, J. L. Keeling and Jim Adams.
December 16, 1945 Litteral Funeral Rites Held at Corsicana CORSICANA, Texas, Dec. 16. - Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Litteral, who died in the Eastern Star Home in Arlington Saturday, were held here Sunday afternoon with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. Surviving are three brothers, S. J. Miles and M. C. Miles, both of Corsicana, and O. H. Miles, Waco; three sisters, Mrs. B. K. Harris, Goose Creek; Mrs. Lilly Adams, Mart, and Mrs. W. A. Thrower, Waco. Notes:
William Lewis Wilkinson
Nov 8, 1881 - Aug 3, 1945
w. Louis Wilkinson died at his home, 210 North Twentieth street,
late Friday, following a brief illness.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mollie Bush Wilkinson, Corsicana; a
daughter, Mrs. Robert Cason, Corsicana; two sons, S-Sgt. Taylor
Wilkinson, Oklahoma, and S-Sgt. James E. Wilkinson, Indiana; three
brothers, Mack Wilkinson, Kaufman; Frank Wilkinson, Liberty, and
Walter Wilkinson, Kaufman; two sisters, Mrs. John Boyd, Eureka, and
Mrs. Ethel Hagler, Kaufman and two granddaughters,
Funeral services will be held from the chapel of the
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Burial will be in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites are to be conducted by Rev. Finis
Crutchfield, district Methodist superintendent.
Pallbearers will be Jimmie Bush, George Bush, Jeff Harwell, John
Boyd, Dick Bush, Tom Hill, Ed Harris and Jimmie Andrews.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Aug 4, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- Obit says Wilkerson but it
is Wilkinson
- h/o Mary Lee �Molly� (Bush)
Wilkinson s/o F. T. G. Wilkinson & Bee (Hudgins) Wilkinson per
death certificate
Funeral services for W. L. Wilkerson, who died at his home here
Friday night, were held Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the
Sutherland - McCammon Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Finis Crutchfield, District Methodist
Pallbearers were Jimmie Bush, George Bush, Jeff Harwell, John Boyd,
Dick Bush, Tom Hill Ed Harris and Jimmie Andrews.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Robert Cason, Corsicana;
two sons, S-Sgt. Taylor Wilkinson, Oklahoma, and S-Sgt. James E.
Mary Lee �Mollie�
(Bush) Wilkinson
Jan 24, 1886 - Mar 31, 1974
Mrs. Wilkinson
Funeral services will be 2:00 p.m. Tuesday at the First Methodist
Church for Mrs. W. L. Wilkinson, who died Sunday in Corsicana.
Reverend Jack Riley will officiate and burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Wilkinson was a native of Navarro County and had lived most of
her life in Corsicana. She was a life-long member of the First
Methodist Church.
Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Robert Cason of Corsicana; two
sons, James Wilkinson and Taylor Wilkinson, both of Corsicana; one
brother, R. E. Bush of Powell; three sisters, Miss Linnie Bush and
Mrs. W. T. Hill, both of Corsicana and Mrs. Lloyd Knotts, of Roane;
five grandchildren, Mrs. Ray Laird, Mrs. Gary Grover, Miss Ann
Wilkinson, Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. Robert Luther; five
great-grandchildren, Mrs. Rebecca Susan Laird, Michael Garrett
Grover, Paul Smith, Cason Grover, John Smith.
Pallbearers will be J. R. Bush, Herbert L. Hill, J. T. Hill, Bill
Olsen, Mitchell Boyd, Clifford Brown, Wesley Edens, and James H.
Arrangements are with Corley Funeral Home.
Albert H. Devoll
Sep 23, 1899 - Feb 3, 1945
Funeral services for A. H. Duvall, 46, who died at his home, 719
West Tenth Avenue, Saturday night, were held from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. O.
Harmon conducted the rites and interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.
He has been a resident of Corsicana many years.
Surviving are a brother, J. L. Duvall, Houston; three sisters, Mrs.
Leo Blasingame, Corsicana; Mrs. Charles Ince, Oklahoma; Mrs. H.
Harris, Sterling City, Cal., and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. R. Pressley, W. A. Morriss, L. W. Easley, Elmer
Purifoy, E. M. Becton and Clay Fluker.
William Joseph McDermia, Sr.
Mar 20, 1886 - Feb 3, 1945
William Joseph McDermia, 58, died at his home in Houston Saturday
night and the body will be brought here for burial. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete and are under the direction of
Sutherland-McCammon. Masons will have charge of the service at the
He was a former resident of Corsicana. For the past 15 years he was
employed by the city of Houston as a stationary engineer.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florence McDermia, Houston; a son,
William Joseph McDermia, Jr., U. S. Navy; a stepson, Joseph LeCour,
U. S. Army; four daughters, Mrs. Florence Bagley, Houston; Mrs.
Doris Butler, Dallas; Mrs. Hazel Byers, Los Angeles, Cal.; Miss Fay
McDermia, Los Angeles, Cal., and other relatives.
Funeral services for W. J. McDermia, 58, who died at his home in
Houston Saturday night, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. Rev. A. L. Meador will
conduct the rites and interment will be in
Oakwood cemetery. Masons
will have charge of the services at the grave.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florence McDermia, Houston; four
daughters, Mrs. Doris Butler, Dallas; Mrs. Ernest Byers, Los
Angeles, Cal.; Miss Fay McDermia, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Fred
Bagley, Houston; two sons, W. J. McDermia, U. S. Navy; Joe L. Lecour,
U. S. Army; two nephews, Mike Edwards, Corsicana; Posey Edwards,
Houston, three grandchildren and other relatives.
Before moving to Houston he was an employee of the city of Corsicana
for a number of years. He was a stationary engineer for the city of
Houston about 14 years.
W. J. McDermia Rites Held Thursday; Died In Houston
Funeral rites for W. J. McDermia, 58, who died Saturday night at
Houston, were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel with Rev. A. L. Meador, officiating.
Burial was in Oakwood
Surviving are his wife, two sons, four daughters and other
John Doogle Johnson
Feb 29, 1892 - May 19, 1945
John D. Johnson, aged 53 years, died Saturday morning at his
residence in Barry. He had been in ill health for several years.
Johnson formerly was employed by W. C. Stroube at Melody Meadows,
headquarters for the Stroube string of race horses.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Corley Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Van P. Morrison.
Surviving are his wife of Barry; a daughter, Mrs. W. K. Barnes,
Barry; a grandson, seven brothers, J.T. Johnson, Eureka; Will
Johnson, Emhouse; Walter Johnson, Corsicana; Charles Johnson,
Emhouse, Robert Johnson, Waco; George Johnson Corsicana, and Hugh
Johnson, Houston; a sister, Mrs. C. B. Turner, Emhouse, and other
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., May 19, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Ollie Sue (Burns)
Johnson married Dec. 29, 1912; s/o Robert Alexander Johnson &
Minnie (Meredith) Johnson buried at Grange Hall cemetery
Funeral services for John D. Johnson, 53, who died suddenly at his
residence at Barry Saturday morning, were held Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Van P. Morrison.
Johnson was employed at Melody Meadows, headquarters for W. C.
Stroube string of race horses, for several years.
Surviving are his wife of Barry; a daughter, Mrs. W. K. Barnes,
Barry; a grandson, seven brothers, J.T. Johnson, Eureka; Will
Johnson, Emhouse; Walter Johnson, Corsicana; Charles Johnson,
Emhouse, Robert Johnson, Waco; George Johnson Corsicana, and Hugh
Johnson, Houston; a sister, Mrs. C. B. Turner, Emhouse, and other
Ora Margaret (Tacker)
Jul 9, 1904 - Jan 7, 1945
Mrs. Earl Henderson, 40, died at Christoval, Sunday. Funeral
services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Corley
Chapel with Rev. W. O. Harmon conducting the rites. Burial will be
in Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Henderson resided in Corsicana for many years, moving to
Christoval only a short time ago.
Surviving are her husband, Earl Henderson, Christoval; a daughter,
Mary Henderson, Christoval; a son, Harold Henderson, U. S. Navy, and
other relatives.
Funeral Services Mrs. Earl Henderson Tuesday Afternoon
Funeral services for Mrs. Earl Henderson, 40, who died Sunday at
Christoval, were held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the Corley
Chapel. Rev. W. O. Harmon conducted the rites and interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, a daughter, a son, and other relatives.
Pallbearers are A. E. Foster, Allen Edens, C. O. Curington, Otis
Atwinson, George Owen and Preston Burge.
Henry Earl �Slim� Henderson
May 2, 1884 - Jan 5, 1950
H. E. Henderson Died Thursday Of Heart Attack
Henry Earl Henderson, aged 65 years, died at the Navarro Auto Parks,
South Fifteenth street, where he was employed, Thursday morning.
Death was attributed to a heart attack.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Rev. Jack Goff, North Side Baptist pastor, will conduct the rites.
Surviving are a son, Harold E. Henderson; a daughter, Mrs. O. F.
Patterson; two grandchildren and a brother, Bill Henderson, all of
Pallbearers will be Otis Atkeisson, Claude Hervey, John Follis, John
Reed, Horace Crenshaw and Clyde Blackman.
H. E. Henderson Funeral Services Held On Friday
Funeral services for Henry Earl (Slim) Henderson, aged 65 years, who
died Thursday morning with a heart attack, were held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church.
Surviving are a son, Harold E. Henderson; a daughter, Mrs. O. F.
Patterson, a brother, Bill Henderson, all of Corsicana, and two
Pallbearers were Otis Atkeisson, Claude Hervey, John Follis, John
Reed, Horace Crenshaw and Clyde Blackman.
Delmond D. DuBose
Oct 5, 1877 - Jan 30, 1945
Funeral services for D. D. DuBose, 67, who died at the home of his
sister, Mrs. J. H. Gibson, here Tuesday afternoon, were held at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
Oakwood cemetery where
interment was made. Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk conducted the rites.
Surviving are his wife; Corsicana, two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Gibson,
Corsicana; Mrs. E. C. Lee, Beaumont and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Barry Frost, Arthur Beavers, Wylie Robinson, Jerry
Roe, Ebb Williams, Moss Wells, Hugh Stewart and Robert Irwin.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jan 31, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Lela Lee (Bradley)
DuBose married May 6, 1906 s/o Capt. John Preston DuBose & Sarah
Ann Elizabeth (Palmer) DuBose buried in Birdston cemetery
George Perry Yates
Jan 16, 1875 - Feb 27, 1945
Funeral services for George P. Yates, 69 years, who was found dead
in bed at his home here Tuesday morning will be held Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church
with Revs. J. H. Baldridge and A. A. Peacock conducting the rites.
Burial will be in Oakwood
He had been a resident of Corsicana for many years and was a
Surviving are his wife Corsicana; two sons, J. L. Yates, Waco; Sgt.
David L. Yates, Waco; Sgt. David L. Yates, U. S. Army, Hawaii; two
daughters, Miss Etta Yates, Dallas; Mrs. R. S. Mills Corsicana; two
brothers, W. O. Yates and Henry L. Yates both of Houston; four
sisters, Mrs. A. D. Gardner, Miss Emma Yates, Mrs. E. R. Baldry, and
Mrs. Ruby Fox, all of Houston; two grandchildren, one great
grandchild and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Henry McElroy, F. W. Smith, H. M. Montgomery, J.
I. Ellett, Earl Smalling, N. G. Hardin, John Haslam and O. A.
Corley Funeral Home is directing the arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Mar 1, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Jessie Etta (Jordan)
Yates; s/o John Perry Yates & Emma Sarah (Balfour) Yates buried
in Hollywood cemetery, Houston, Tx.
Rites For Geo. Yates On Friday Afternoon
Funeral rites for George P. Yates, 69, who was found dead in bed
Tuesday morning, were held at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon from the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Revs. J. H. Baldridge and A. A.
Peacock conducted the services. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, two sons, two daughters, two brothers, four
sisters, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Jessie Etta (Jordan) Yates
Nov 11, 1882 - Sep 8, 1954
Mrs. G. P. Yates Dies Wednesday
Mrs. George P. Yates, 72, long-time Corsicana resident, died at the
family home, 616 South Sixteenth street Wednesday morning following
a heart attack. She had been ill two weeks.
Mrs. Yates had resided in Corsicana most of her life and for a
number of years operated the �Midget� store near the senior high
Surviving are two sons, Johnny Yates, Waco, and David Yates, manager
of the Palace Theater, Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Etta Yates and
Mrs. Mary Mills, both of Corsicana; three grandchildren, and one
Her husband died in 1945.
Mrs. Yates was a long-time member of the Eleventh Avenue Methodist
Funeral arrangements were incomplete early Wednesday afternoon
pending advices from relatives.
Corley will direct.
Friday Services For Mrs. Yates
Funeral services for Mrs. George P. Yates, long-time Corsicana
resident, who died early Wednesday of a heart attack at her home,
616 South Sixteenth street, will be held from the Corley Chapel
Friday at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. J. L. Davenport, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church of which she was a long-time
member; Rev. W. Cecil Taylor, Winters, and Rev. Allen A. Peacock,
Waco, both former pastors of this church.
Surviving are two sons, Johnny Yates, Waco, and David Yates,
Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Etta Yates and Mrs. Mary Mills, both
of Corsicana; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers will be J. I. Ellett, L. K. Carraway, H. F. Smalling,
Dr. L. E. Kelton, J. E. Blair, F. C. Paul, Paul Miller, J. R. Corley
and Frank Warfield.
Mrs. G. P. Yates Services Friday
Funeral rites for Mrs. George P. Yates, 72, long-time Corsicana
resident, were held Friday at 10 a.m. from the Corley Chapel. Burial
was in Oakwood cemetery.
Mrs. Yates died Wednesday.
The services were conducted by Rev. J. L. Davenport, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church, of which Mrs. Yates was a member,
and Rev. W. Cecil Taylor, Winters, and Rev. Allen A. Peacock, Waco,
both former pastors of the church.
Surviving are two sons, Johnny Yates, Waco, and David Yates,
Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Etta Yates and Mrs. Mary Mills, both
of Corsicana; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were J. I. Ellett, L. K. Carraway, H. F. Smalling, Dr.
L. E. Kelton, J. E. Blair, F. C. Paul, Paul Miller, J. R. Corley and
Frank Warfield.
Benjamin Lynn Davis, Judge
Nov 26, 1868 - Aug 12, 1945
Benjamin Lynn Davis, aged 81 years, 1416 West Fourth avenue, pioneer
lawyer and civic leader, died Sunday morning at 12:30 o'clock at the
Navarro Clinic following a short illness.
An outstanding attorney and land title specialist of the Southwest,
Judge Davis was the oldest active practicing attorney of the Navarro
County Bar Association at the time he became ill two weeks ago.
A native of Springfield, Limestone County, Texas, the son of Rev.
and Mrs. Andrew A. Davis and direct descendant of one of Texas'
oldest families, Judge Davis was a passenger on the first passenger
train that entered Corsicana. His father was a Methodist minister,
and was intimately acquainted with many of the leading figures of
the early Texas history. His grandfather was one of the original
grantees from the Mexican government before Texas gained her
Southwestern Graduate.
He was educated in Limestone county and private schools, and
Southwestern University, Georgetown, where he received an A. B.
degree in 1883. Admitted to the practice of law two years later, he
had been active in the legal profession in Corsicana for 60 years.
Judge Davis is one of the original managing trustees of the Navarro
Community Foundation established a number of years ago by the late
Frank Neal Drane, Corsicana, capitalist and philanthropist.
Associated originally in law practice with the late Judge Rice, the
firm of Davis and Jester (the late C. L. Jester was established many
years ago, followed by the firm of Davis, Jester and Taylor. The
firm later became Davis, Jester and Tarver. (The late W. A. Tarver
who had been insurance commissioner of Texas and held a government
post when he died.) Tarver was succeeded in the firm by the late
Justice B. W. George, a son-in-law of Judge Davis, who was Associate
Justice of the Tenth Supreme Judicial District of Texas, Waco, at
the time of his death a few years ago. Tom L. Tyson joined the firm
after Justice George went to the bench, and later Leighton B. Dawson
of Dallas became associated with the firm of Davis, Jester, Tyson
and Dawson.
Methodist and Mason.
A life-long member of the Methodist church, Judge Davis also was a
member of the Masonic Lodge. He belonged to the First Methodist
church 47 years and was one of its trustees.
He was married to Miss Willie Rakestraw of Corsicana who preceded
him in death several years ago.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. B. W. George, Corsicana; three sons,
Lt.-Col. Charles J. Davis, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.; David W.
Davis, New York City, and Guy Allen Davis, San Antonio; several
grandchildren and other relatives.
Funeral service will be held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Monday
afternoon at 5 o'clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by John W. Bergin, Waco Methodist church
here and former president of Southwestern University, Georgetown.
Pallbearers will be Robert P. Rates, Arthur G. Elliott, Wm. Lee
Holman, Harry D. Johnson, Finis L. Seale, J. Odie Burke, Derward
George, Beauford Jester, C. E. McWilliams and C. W. Taylor.
Honorary pallbearers will be members of the Navarro County Bar,
board of trustees of the Navarro Community Foundation.
Tribute to B. L. Davis.
Beauford Jester, member of the Texas Railroad Commission, paid the
following tribute to the late B. L. Davis, prior to his departure
for Austin.
�In the death of B. L. Davis the bar of Navarro County and Texas
loses an illustrious member, who was outstanding in the field of
real estate title and probate law. He was not only a good lawyer, he
was a fine citizen of sterling character. He was a loyal friend. His
honor and integrity were impeccable.
�I regret that important oil matters before the Railroad Commission
compel me to return to Austin and prevent my having the sorrowful
honor of being one of his friends to carry his mortal remains to its
final resting place this afternoon in the good earth of Navarro
County he so loved.�
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Aug 13, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- s/o Andrew A. Davis, Rev. &
Mariah Samantha �Maria� (Lynn) Davis
- Rode the first passenger
train that came into Corsicana
Funeral services for Judge B. L. Davis, 81, native Texan, who died
early Sunday morning following a two weeks' illness, were held
Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the McCammon Funeral Chapel.
Burial was in Oakwood
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. John W. Bergin,
retired Methodist minister of Waco, formerly of Corsicana. Judge
Davis had practiced law in Corsicana 60 years. He was a graduate of
Southwestern University.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. B. W. George, Corsicana; three sons,
Lt.-Col. Charles J. Davis, Washington; David W. Davis, New York, and
Guy A. Davis, San Antonio; several grandchildren and other
Judge Davis rode the first passenger train that came into Corsicana.
He was a native of Limestone county.
Mary Whitfield (Sloan)
Sep 18, 1852 - Nov 2, 1945
Mrs. Mary Whitfield Sparks, 93, passed away at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Henry Allen, in Los Angeles, Calif., at 3:20 o'clock
on Friday morning, according to a message received here by
Mrs. Sparks was the wife of the late Titus Clark Sparks of this
city. She was born on an old Southern plantation on Sep. 18th 1852.
Mrs. Sparks is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Henry Allen, Los
Angeles, Calif., two sons, H. T. Sparks, Corsicana and Percy Sparks,
Gainesville; one sister, Mrs. Kate Molder, Corsicana; two brothers,
Dr. Hugh Sloan, Rice and John Sloan, San Antonio; eight
grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Mrs. Sparks is a member of the Methodist Church. Funeral services
will be held in Corsicana, but arrangements had not been completed
early Saturday afternoon.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Whitfield Sparks, aged 93 years,
widow of the late Titus Clark Sparks, Corsicana pioneer, were held
from the McCammon Funeral chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Sparks died in Los Angeles, Calif., Friday afternoon. Burial
was in Oakwood cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Dr. Matthew Arnold, pastor of the Third
Avenue Presbyterian church.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Henry Allen, Los Angeles; two sons,
H. T. Sparks, Corsicana, and Percy Sparkes, Gainesville; two
brothers, Dr. Hugh Sloan, Rice and John Sloan, San Antonio; eight
grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Percy Sparks, Jr., Hugh Sparks, Jr., Frank
Caldwell, Ed, Suber, Hugh Lewis, Edgar Blackburn and Ben L. Sloan.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Whitfield Sparks, aged 93 years, who
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Allen, in Los Angeles,
Calif., Friday, will be held here Wednesday with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The body is scheduled to arrive in Corsicana late Monday
Mrs. Sparks was the widow of Titus Clark Sparks of Corsicana.
Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Allen, Los Angeles, Calif.; two
sons, H. T. Sparks, Corsicana and Perry Sparks, Gainesville; a
sister, Mrs. Kate Molder, Corsicana; two brothers, Dr. Hugh Sloan,
Rice, and John Sloan, San Antonio; eight grandchildren and eight
great grandchildren.
Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Judy Ann (Chandler)
Jan 7, 1946 - Jul 16, 2019
Ann Whiteside, age 73, of Garland, Texas, passed away on
July 16, 2019. Judy was born on January 7, 1946 in Jenkins,
Judy is preceded in death by her parents; Tom Chandler and
Geneva Sparks, her sisters; Patricia Sparks and Linda
Chandler, and her brother; Randall Chandler.
Judy is survived by her husband; Jackie Whiteside,
daughters; Jacquelyn Kay Whiteside Henry and her husband Joe
Henry Jr., and Elizabeth Claire (Betsy) Whiteside. She is
also survived by her son; Daniel Clark Whiteside and wife
Dana Whiteside, grandchildren; Kyrsti Malone and husband
Jedadiah Amaral, Kenneth Lewis, Lexie Lewis, Shelby McNemar,
and Adam McNemar, her great-grandson; Ben Malone, niece;
Suzanne Sparks and wife Penny Turner, nephew; Robert Sparks
and wife Tammie Sparks, Great Nephew; Jarred Sparks and wife
Brock Sparks, great niece; Jessica Sparks, and
brother-in-law; Robert Sparks Jr.
Visitation will be held on Thursday, July 25 at Sparkman
Funeral Home from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Funeral Service will be
held on Saturday, July 27 at Sparkman Funeral Home at
10:00am, with burial to follow at
Dresden Cemetery.
Mary Lois (Atkins) Conner
May 11, 1920 - Jul 11, 2019
Lois Conner, age 99, of Kerens, Texas went be with her Lord
and Savior on Thursday, July, 11, 2019.
Visitation was from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday, July 14,
2019 at Paschal Funeral Home in Kerens and her funeral
service was held at First Baptist Church of Kerens on
Monday, July 15, 2019 at 10 a.m. with Rev. Danny Sandifer,
pastor of First Baptist Church of Kerens, officiating.
Internment followed at
Kerens City Cemetery.
Mrs. Conner was born on May 11, 1920 in Kerens. She
graduated from Kerens High School. She was a homemaker, was
dedicated to her family, and was a faithful member of First
Baptist Church of Kerens where she taught Sunday school and
later worked in the church nursery for many years with her
sister-in-law Lois Conner Jennings.
As the daughter and wife of farmers, her duties were
endless. She picked cotton, hauled cotton, and loved working
in her garden. She loved canning, cooking, and baking for
her family. Most importantly Lois loved her Lord and lived
each day to please Him.
She was preceded in death by her husband, O.C. Conner; her
parents, Thomas Floyd and Martha Ellen Norton Atkins; two
sisters, Ruth Walker and Esther Bond; and three brothers,
Lester Atkins, Eulan Atkins, and Aubrey Atkins.
Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Norton and
Judy Conner of Kerens; one sister and brother-in-law, Janie
and J.H. Justice of Corsicana; one sister-in-law, Nancy
Conner of Kerens; two granddaughters, Lana Conner Engel and
her husband Jayson Engel, and Lindsay Conner all of Kerens;
two great-grandchildren, Tate Conner Engel and Ella
Elizabeth Engel of Kerens; one niece and her husband,
Melinda and Ron Smith of Temple, Texas; four nephews and
their wives Ray and Kay Atkins of Georgetown, David and
Yvonne Bond of Ashdown, Arkansas, Mike and Paula Jennings of
Kerens, and Gary and Teresa Jennings of Kerens, and numerous
great nieces, nephews, and friends.
Pallbearers were Buster Atkeisson, Benny Cherry, Larry
Christie, Dean Engel, Robbie Griffin, and Billy McManus.
The Conner family would like to sincerely express their
appreciation to the staff of Heritage Oaks Retirement
Village in Corsicana for their care, concern, and friendship
during the last two years. Lois knew that you sincerely
cared for her and she considered you her special friends.
Ethel "Yvonne" (Pannell)
UNKNOWN - Jun 27, 2019
On Thursday, June 27, 2019 Ethel "Yvonne" Combs, better known as
"Mimi" went to be with her Lord and Savior as well as welcomed with
open arms of her husband of 53 years Bobby "Pap" Combs and her
grandson Bobby "Scooter" Dunn, II.
Mimi enjoyed going to the VFW to do karaoke and dancing the night
away. She loved whomever she came encountered with and she became a
Mimi to them also. Her family was everything to her and more.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Johnny Alonzo Pannell and
Ethel Pearl Alexander Pannell, her husband, Bobby Combs; grandson,
Bobby "Scooter" Dunn II; sisters, Lorene Collingsworth, Gladys
Stephens, Pearleva Evans and Evelyn Dubberley; brothers, Buddy
Pannell, Clifton Pannell, Ocie Pannell and Otis Pannell.
Survivors include her daughter, Darla Cline and husband Sam;
brother, Billy Marvin Pannell; grandchildren, Derinda Scott and
husband Hewitt, Ginger Downey, T.J. Stamey, Justin Cline and Lauren
Cline; great grandchildren, Elli, Kayenne, Sage, Evan, Luke and many
more great grandchildren.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. June 29, 2019 at Paschal
Funeral Home. Funeral services are scheduled for 2 P.M. Sunday, June
30, 2019 at Paschal Funeral Home with Bro. Gary Combs officiating.
Burial will follow in the
Kerens Cemetery.
Pallbearers are Daniel Stringer, Jerry Caves, Jason Morlatt, Robert
Wade, Billy Scott and J. R. Downey. Honorary pallbearers are Dinky
Morgan, Kent Combs, Sidney Combs and Gary Combs.
Arrangements by Paschal Funeral Home 903-396-2371.
Rita Faye (Kent) Johnston
Dec 14, 1927 - Jul 4, 2019
Faye Johnston, 91, of Corsicana passed away Thursday, July
4, 2019 at Epic Care Center. Visitation with the family will
be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, July 8, 2019 at Corley
Funeral Home. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July
9, 2019 at Corley Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Tony Neal
Interment will follow in
Resthaven Memorial
Park. |
Rita Faye Johnston, age 91, of
Corsicana passed away peacefully on Thursday, July 4, 2019 at Epic
Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center surrounded by her loving
family. She was born on December 14, 1927 in Corsicana to Jack D.
Kent and Lela Carroll Kent.
Rita Faye retired from Falcon Industries after working there for
over 30 years as a supervisor. She was an avid sports fan and
classic movie lover. She was known to have three televisions going
in one room all at the same time, just so she could watch the Texas
Rangers, the Dallas Cowboys, and Turner Movie Classics and keeping
up with all three at once. Let's not forget her love for the Texas
Longhorns. She watched them too. She loved fishing for catfish and
most of all spending time with her family at the lake. Her family
not only included her biological family, but her church family at
Mildred Baptist Church and her nursing home family at Epic.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her daughter, Beverly
Gullatt; her daughter-in-law Sandra Johnston; her grandson-in-law
Bobby Pryor and her great-grandson Eric Pryor. Rita Faye is survived
by her children; Jack Johnston; Bobby Johnston and wife Patti; and
David Johnston and wife Kim; eight grandchildren and numerous
great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren as well as many
nieces and nephews.
Visitation with the family will be held on Monday, July 8, 2019 from
6:00 to 8:00 PM at Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services are
scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Tony Neal officiating. Burial will
follow at Resthaven
Memorial Park in Corsicana. Serving as pallbearers will be
Barney Jones, Adam Pryor, Mike Ford, Jim Bell, Carl Stough and
Stephen Bell.
Benjamin Aldama, Sr.
Apr 20, 1933 -July 1, 2019
Aldama, Sr., 86, of Bentonville, AR passed away Monday, July
1, 2019 at Northwest Medical Center in Bentonville. He was
born April 20, 1933 in Corsicana, TX to Gabino and Abrana
Aguilar Aldama.
Benjamin was a veteran of the United States Army & served
during the Korean War.
He was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in
Corsicana Texas.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Maria, in 2009 and by
his parents and seven siblings. Benjamin is survived by two
sons, Benjamin Aldama, Jr. & family of Rogers, AR and Steve
Aldama & family of Rogers, AR; seven grandchildren, two
great grandchildren and one brother, Richard Aldama of
Corsicana Texas.
Visitation will be from 1 - 2 p.m. Saturday, July 6, 2019 at
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held
at 2 p.m., Saturday, July 6, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton
Funeral Home in Corsicana, TX.
Benjamin will be laid to rest next to his loving wife, Maria
in Resthaven
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Walter Felda "Babe" Johnson
Apr 18, 1918 - Feb 17, 1991
W.F. "Babe" Johnson, 72, of Kerens, died Feb. 17, 1991
Funeral services will be for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Paschal Funeral
Home Chapel in Kerens, with the Rev. Chuck Biscoe officiating.
Burial will be in
Prairie Point Cemetery.
He was a resident of Athens for 32 years, where he owned an auto
supply company, and also was an equipment supervisor for Brown and
Root. He was a Whrshipful Master of the Kerens Masonic Lodge, 32nd
Degree Scottish Rite, and a member of the First Baptist Church of
He is survived by his wife, Lena Mae Johnson of Kerens; one son,
Donald Wayne Johnson of Malakoff; one daughter-in-law, Frances
Johnson of Malakoff; two grandchildren, Lisa Sims and Daymon Sims,
both of Malakoff; one great-grandson, Zachary Sims of Malakoff; two
brothers, Leroy Johnson of Tool, and Oris Johnson of Dallas of Tool,
and Oris Johnson of Dallas; and two sisters, Irene Hillger of ennis,
and Ola Strange of Dallas.
Pallbearers will be Wayne Arnett, Allen Paul, Bob McNeeley, Allen
Dale Johnson, Jack Hillger, Aubrey Earley, Weston Wallace and Joe
Honorary pallbearers will be E.K.. Howell, Al Inmon, Clake Bailey,
J.D. Williamson, V.L. Smith, Edd Scoggens, Roy Godnes and Cotton
Samuel Melvin Glasgow
Sep 2, 1919 - Feb 23, 1991
Samuel Melvin Glasgow, 71, of
Kerens, died Feb. 23, 1991, at a nursing home in Kerens.
Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Monday in the
Prairie Point Cemetery,
with Don Crum officiating. Callaway Funeral home in Malakoff is in
charge of arrangements.
He was born Sept. 2, 1919, in Kerens. He was a farmer and a lifelong
resident of Krens. He was a member of the Baptist religion.
He was preceded in death by his son, Samuel Dwane Glasgow, on June
10, 1983.
Survivors include one son, Larry Glasgow of Kerens; one daughter,
Linda Glasgow Gilmore of Malakoff; two brothers, Clint Glasgow of
Dallas, and Clifton Glasgow of Corsicana; four sisters, Mary
Williams of Corsicana, Mable Lundy and Linnie Radney, both of
Kerens, and Hazel Buck of Purdon; 10 grandchildren; and eight
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sun., Feb 24, 1991
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- From the Collection of the
Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
- h/o Burna Dean (McGlaugh)
Glasgow; s/o Samuel Cleveland "Sam" Glasgow & Caledonia "Callie
(Turley) Glasgow
Garland Prince Jones
Jan 12, 1927 - Jul 4, 1945
Marine Drowned Near Emhouse
Garland Jones U. S. Marine Corps, was drowned in Chambers creek
north of Emhouse early this afternoon, according to information
received here. The accident occurred at a picnic, it was stated, and
additional information about Jones was not immediately available.
Reports from Emhouse also stated that Merel Brown, U. S. Naby, about
20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brown, Emhouse, home on leave, also
sank in the stream, but that a pulmotor had been rushed to the scene
by a Corley ambulance and there were hopes at 2 p.m. that he could
be revived.
Officers from the sheriff's office left for Emhouse as soon as the
report of the accident was received here.
Family Picnic, Holiday Outing, Ends In Tragedy
One was drowned and two others were revived by artificial
respiration Wednesday afternoon following an accident at a picnic at
the confluence of Waxahachie and Chambers creeks four miles north of
Garland Jones, 18, Merchant Marine, Corsicana, was drowned. Anna
Frances Durbin, 15, of Ennis, and Merrell Brown, 22, U. S. Navy were
Deputy Sheriff W. E. Lee, one of the officers answering the call,
reported that the young girl was wading and slipped, apparently,
into deep water and was pulled down by an undertow. The merchant
marine and sailor went to the rescue of the girl. Others assisted
the girl and Brown to the bank where artificial respiration was
successfully administered for about 30 minutes before their
recovery. Jones sank in the channel of Chambers creek and his body
was not recovered for about 45 minutes. Artificial respiration was
unsuccessful for Jones.
Constable Obie Freeman of Ennis, Deputy Sheriffs Lee and Billie
Burton and State Highway Patrolmen Byron Currin answered the call.
Jones is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jones, 1038
North Beaton street, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. John T. Floyd,
Houston, and grandmothers, Mrs. B. B. Jones, Kerens, and Mrs. R. A.
Kennedy, Corsicana.
Funeral services are planned Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Kerens Presbyterian church with interment in
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Joe Everheart, former pastor of
the church, and Rev. Roy H. Davis, pastor of North Corsicana
Methodist church, Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home will direct arrangements.
Funeral services for Garland Jones, 18, U. S. Merchant Marine, who
was drowned in Chambers Creek, north of Emhouse, Wednesday
afternoon, were held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Kerens
Presbyterian church. Burial was in the
Prairie Point cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Joe Everheart, former pastor of the
church, and Rev. Roy H. Davis, pastor of the North Corsicana
Methodist church.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Jones, Corsicana; a
sister, Mrs. John H. Floyd, Houston, and grandmother, Mrs. R. B.
Jones, Kerens, and Mrs. R. A. Kennedy, Corsicana.
Jones was drowned as he attempted to rescue Anna Frances Durbin, 15,
of Ennis, who was in the creek. Merrell Brown, 22 U. S. navy of
Emhouse, also went to help the girl. Artificial respiration was
successful on Brown and Miss Durbin after they had been brought from
the stream, but the body of Jones was not recovered for about 45
minutes after he sank.
Pallbearers were Dan McBroom, James L. Marriott, Harvey Ray, John H.
Montfort, Z. B. Moore and L. G. Gill.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
John Albert Fields
Jun 11, 1881 - Apr 24, 1945
J. Albert Fields, 63, life-time resident of Navarro County, died at
his home in the Bazette community at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
following a short illness.
Funeral services were held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the
Methodist church in Bazette, with interment in the
Prairie Point Cemetery. The Rev. Maggard Howell, pastor, was to conduct the rites.
Survivors are his wife; mother, Mrs. D. Fields; children, Mrs. C. C.
Hollaway, Powell; Mrs. H. H. Wasson, Powell; Mrs. F. G. Higgins,
Corsicana; E. A. Fields, Houston and D. F. Fields of Bazette.
Stockton Funeral Home is directing.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Apr. 25, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Susie Ethel
(Hollingsworth) Fields; s/o David Fletcher Fields & Martha Ann
(Agnew) Fields buried in Dresden cemetery
Viola (Wilson) McKinney-Washam
Sep 28, 1862 - Oct 22, 1945
Mrs. Viola Washam aged 83 years died at Powell Monday evening.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Corley Funeral Chapel with interment in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Frank Dunn, minister of the Fifth Avenue
Church of Christ in Corsicana.
A native of Tennessee Mrs. Washam had resided in Navarro county for
61 years.
Surviving are two sons, W. A. McKinney, Powell; and Samuel C. Washam,
California; a sister, Mrs. Sallie Terry, Oklahoma; seven
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Joe Wilson, Fred Wilson, Jim Stevenson, W. M. Gowan,
R. L. Jones, Charles Kent, H. H. Hanks and Wm. Richardson.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Oct. 23, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st husband John Henry
McKinney 2nd husband Samuel Cobb Washam, Sr; d/o William Doctor
Johnson Wilson & Mary Ellenor �Mollie� (Walker) Wilson
Samuel Cobb Washam, Jr.
May 28, 1896 - Aug 20, 1954
Samuel C. Washam Expires Friday
Samuel C. Washam, Sr., 58, Arcata, Calif., died Friday in a Eureka,
Calif., hospital. The body is scheduled to arrive here Thursday.
Surviving are two sons, Sam C. Washam, Jr., Roane, and Henry B.
Washam, Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Mary Lou Washam, San
Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Nita Lou Taylor, Dallas; and a brother,
Alex McKinney, Powell.
Corley will direct.
Friday Services For S. C. Washam
Funeral services for Samuel C. Washam, Sr., 58, Arcata, Calif., who
died in a Eureka, Calif., hospital Friday, Aug. 20, will be held
Friday at 2 p.m. from the Church of Christ at Bazette.
The rites will be conducted by Lavelle Layfield, Kerens Church of
Christ minister. Burial will be in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
Surviving are two sons, Sam C. Washam, Jr., Roane, and Henry B.
Washam, Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Mary Lou Washam, San
Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Nita Taylor, Dallas; and a brother Alex
McKinney, Powell.
Pallbearers will be Alex Kent, R. L. Jones, John Avens, G. Kirk,
Clyde Jenkins and Tom Layfield.
Corley will direct.
Samuel Washam Services Friday
Funeral rites for Samuel C. Washam, Sr., 58, were held Friday at 2
p.m. from the Bazette Church of Christ with burial in the
Prairie Point cemetery. The services were conducted by Lavelle Layfield,
Kerens Church of Christ minister.
Washam died in a Eureka, Calif., hospital a week ago.
Surviving are two sons, Sam C. Washam, Jr., Roane, and Henry B.
Washam, Corsicana; two daughters, Miss Mary Lou Washam, San
Francisco, Calif., and Mrs. Nita Taylor, Dallas; and a brother Alex
McKinney, Powell.
Pallbearers were Alex Kent, R. L. Jones, John Avens, G. Kirk, Clyde
Jenkins and Tom Layfield.
Corley will directed.
William Alexander �Alex�
McKinney, Sr.
Feb 10, 1886 - Mar 8, 1959
W. A. McKinney Dies Sunday
W. A. (Alex) McKinney, 73, Powell banker and ginner, died in
Memorial Hospital Sunday afternoon following a short illness. He was
a native of Navarro county.
McKinney was assistant cashier of the Powell State Bank and operated
the Powell gin for many years.
Funeral services are incomplete pending the arrival of a son
sometime Monday afternoon from Honolulu. Burial will be in the
Prairie Point cemetery following services at the Griffin Funeral
Chapel. The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. D. Evenson, pastor of
the Powell Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife of Powell; a son, Capt. William McKinney,
Honolulu, Hawaii; two daughters, Mrs. Joe Frazier, Fort Worth, and
Miss Lillian McKinney, Terrell; five grandchildren and other
Powell Banker Rites Planned
Funeral services for W. A. (Alex) McKinney, 73, Powell banker and
ginner, who died Sunday afternoon in Memorial Hospital following a
short illness, will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the Griffin
The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. D. Evenson, pastor of the
Powell Baptist church. Burial will be in
Prairie Point cemetery with
the Kerens IOOF Lodge in charge of graveside rites.
McKinney was assistant cashier of the Powell State Bank and operated
the Powell gin for many years.
Surviving are his wife of Powell; a son, Capt. William McKinney,
Honolulu, Hawaii; two daughters, Mrs. Joe Frazier, Fort Worth, and
Miss Lillian McKinney, Terrell; five grandchildren and other
Pallbearers will be Red Rutherford, Pete Ross, Bud Jones, Lloyd
Newman, Fitz Kenner, Oscar Bancroft, Alton Burnett, George Austin
and Fred Elliett.
Lulu Ann (Winters) McKinney
Mar 31, 1888 - Oct 11, 1963
Mrs. McKinney Dies Friday
Mrs. Lula Ann McKinney, 75, long-time Bazette and Powell resident,
died at Fort Worth Friday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Joe H.
Mrs. McKinney resided in Navarro county until two years ago, when
she moved to the IOOF Home for the Aged at Ennis, and went to Fort
Worth last week.
Surviving are a son, Maj. WM. A. McKinney, Mt. Holly, N. J., serving
in Cambodia; two daughters, Mrs. Joe H. Frazier, Fort Worth, and
Miss Lillian McKinney, Terrell; five grandchildren, a niece and two
Mrs. McKinney was the widow of the late W. A. McKinney of Powell who
died in 1959. She was a member of the Powell Church of Christ
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Hugh Baker, Fort Worth Christian
minister. Burial will be in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
Final arrangements were incomplete early Saturday afternoon at
Griffin Funeral Home.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Oct 12, 1963
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o William Alexander �Alex�
McKinney, Sr. married Jun. 28, 1914; d/o James Jasper Winters &
Victoria (Kirk) Winters
Mrs. McKinney Rites Tuesday
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. for Mrs. Lula Ann
McKinney, 75, in the Griffin Chapel.
Mrs. McKinney, a resident of the Bazette and Powell communities most
of her life, had gone to the IOOF Home for the aged in Ennis two
years ago.
Recently she had been taken to Fort Worth, where she died Friday.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Hugh Baker, Fort Worth Christian
minister with burial in the
Prairie Point cemetery.
Mrs. McKinney, a member of the Powell Church of Christ is survived
by a son, Maj. Wm. A. McKinney, Mt. Holly, N. J., serving in
Cambodia; two daughters, Mrs. Joe H. Frazier, Fort Worth, and Miss
Lillian McKinney, Terrell; five grandchildren, a niece and two
Pallbearers were Jim Stevenson, Will Gowan, Joe Wilson, V. J.
Grounds, Samuel C. Washam, Cleo Ross, Mike Deaton and Joe Frazier,
Ruby Marie (Davis) Carty
Jun 7, 1955 - Aug 12, 2019
most people, the only time their name graces the pages of a
newspaper is when they pass away. An attempt is made to
summarize their life and the impact they made on humanity in
multiple paragraphs. I guess it is easy to list their
relatives, the organizations in which they were a member,
the places in which they were employed, but how do you
convey the attributes of a spark? Because when you are
describing the life of Ruby Davis Carty, that is what you
are dealing with. A fiery spark that lit up the lives of all
who knew her.
It is a wonder the spark inside Ruby was not snuffed out.
She did not have an easy life by any means. Her mother was
not present, she was moved around constantly as a child, and
she dealt with health issues. Yet that spark continued to
If Ruby was nearby, you knew it. That laugh could travel
through lead. The woman was excited about everything. It was
infectious. Whether it was seeing the grandkids, seeing the
dogs, seeing biscuits and gravy on the menu, getting a
fountain drink from the general Ruby, it was the
greatest thing in the world. And that is how she made you
feel. "You" were the greatest thing in the world. She
noticed the little things about you. The things you thought
no one noticed and often times, it was good things you
didn't even notice about yourself.
She loved everyone and she loved so many things. She loved
her Nascar. If it was Sunday during race season, don't even
waste your time calling her to talk. She wasn't answering.
She loved the casinos, probably more for the road trip than
the actual gambling. She loved chicken figurines and she
loved anything with a Coca Cola emblem. Antiques, making
candy at Christmas, bowling, playing cards, doing crossword
puzzles, country music, Chinese food...the list goes on and
She loved her family. She raised two exceptional sons who in
turn gave her three exceptional grand daughters whom she
loved deeply. She loved her daughters-in-law as though they
were her own. Whomever devised the evil mother-in-law
stereotype obviously knew not of Ruby Carty. She was a
She loved her friends and she had hundreds upon hundreds. By
friends, I do not mean acquaintances. I mean "true" friends.
Friends who would do anything for you, friends. We are so
thankful for each-and-every-thing these wonderful people
meant to her and did for her. They are truly angels on
Simply put, Ruby loved life. And she made life so much
better for all those who were blessed to know her.
The most impressive thing about Ruby was the fact that she
wasn't perfect. Not by any means. None of us are. But with
Ruby, the fabulous exceeded the flaws, by a million miles.
Gemologists say that all-natural rubies contain
imperfections and it is these imperfections that increase
the value of the gemstone. Ruby Carty is the proof.
Ruby's life began in Bakersfield, California on June 7,
1955. She left her earthly body on Aug. 12, 2019 in Dallas,
Texas after a short illness. She was preceded in death by
her father Ernie Davis and her brother Ernie Davis Jr. She
is survived by two sisters Cherri Kilman and Maryann Davis;
Two sons and daughters: Joshua and Tammy Carty and Jacob and
Tasha Carty; Four grandchildren: Ryan Elliott, Jade Carty,
Jasmine Carty Velarde and Lily Carty. And one furry baby,
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana, Texas.
Chapel Service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 17,
2019 with graveside service to follow. |
Lane Howard Shifflett
Feb 15, 2005 - Aug 11, 2019
Howard Shifflett passed away at the age of 14 on Aug. 11,
2019 in Corsicana. He was born to Dustin and Kaycie
Shifflett on Feb. 15, 2005 in Waxahachie.
Lane lived in Frost and attended Frost ISD. He loved playing
basketball and football for Frost. Lane loved everything
outdoors. He loved fishing, hunting, and riding his gator.
If it had wheels and a motor, Lane would be on it. He loved
helping his Poppie. He would stack hay with the tractor,
move things with the fork lift, or crawl under a truck to
help his daddy fix it.
Lane loved hanging with his friends and cousins. He was all
boy and there wasn't anything he wouldn't try to do. There
was never a dull moment around Lane. He was loved by
Lane was preceded in death by his great grandfather, Howard
Shifflett; great grandparents, JL and Mary Langley; great
grandparents, Dood and Frances Yarbough; uncle Donald Jay
Langley and two cousins, Katy and Kailey Matthews.
He is survived by his parents, Dustin and Kasycie Shifflett
of Frost; his little sister Kascie of Frost; grandparents,
Dennis and Donna Shifflett of Frost; grandmother, Debbie
Langley; grandfather, James Wells of Wills Point;
grandparents, Darrel and Kay Widner of Hillsboro; great
grandmother Connie Shifflett of Hillsboro and many aunts,
uncles, cousins and friends.
Lane was a wonderful son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin
and friend. He will forever be remembered and miss by all.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17,
2019 at Frost ISD Auditorium in Frost, Texas. Burial will
follow on the family property. |
Frost: Family of teen
killed in freak football accident keeps his spirit alive
An area family who suffered an
unimaginable tragedy this week is turning their devastation into
something positive.
Lane Shifflett, 14, was killed in a freak accident Sunday evening.
Shifflett and a friend were playing around on the Frost ISD football
field when a piece of equipment they were moving fell and crushed
him in the back of the head.
Family said doctors told them he was killed instantly.
"He didn't hurt, and he didn't know what even hit him," said Donna
Shifflett, Lane's grandmother.
Sources say the metal piece of equipment is used to train linemen to
stay low.
"No words can explain how it was, you would have never thought that
it would have happened the way it happened, ever," she said.
A popular football and basketball player, Shifflett's death has left
the small town of about 700 people shocked and heartbroken, most of
all his family, who says Lane was the center of their world.
"He was everyone's favorite," said his aunt. "He's going to be
missed more than anything in the world."
His grandmother, who he called "nanni," says she can't fathom life
without him.
"I don't even think about the future, right now I'm putting one foot
in front of the other," said Donna Shifflett. "I can't even think
about tomorrow...just day by day."
The Navarro County Sheriff's Office was called to the football
stadium to investigate the death and has closed the case.
"The accidental death of this young man was a terrible and tragic
event," said Sheriff Elmer Tanner in a statement sent to KWTX.
"Incidents like this not only affect the victim and his family but
our community as a whole. Hearing about the loss of this young man
has saddened us all. I ask that you please keep his family, friends,
school and community in your thoughts and prayers."
"I would also ask that you please keep our first-responders and law
enforcement personnel who responded to the scene and handled the
incident in your prayers as well," he said.
With Frost being such a tight-knit community, several of the
responding firemen were close family friends of the Shiffletts.
Frost ISD Superintendent Mickie Jackson released this statement in
honor of the student's memory:
"Lane was loved by everyone in our school. He had so many friends in
all different grades because he was so likable, funny, and
unpredictable. He was a talented athlete for the Polar Bears, and
when he wasn't playing, he'd be at the games anyway to watch his
friends play. Lane could probably be best describe as just a good,
old-fashioned country boy who would be hunting, fishing, and driving
his ATV whenever he had a chance. It was how he liked to spend his
time with his friends and with his family. Our school and our whole
community have just been overwhelmed by this loss."
"We are doing what we can to prepare for the students to return and
help them cope with this tragedy. We plan to have counselors
available and the staff will be vigilant in assessing when students
may need support. This is just going to be a really difficult start
to the year," she said.
Classes begin for Frost ISD Monday.
Shifflett's funeral service is scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday at the
Frost ISD Auditorium.
The family is encouraging people to drive "Gators" and "ATVs" to the
funeral in Lane's honor.
Following the service, they will drive to the family's ranch where
Shifflett will be buried under a grove of trees next to his favorite
dog "Big Mama".
The visitation was 6-8 p.m. Friday at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
in Corsicana.
The family asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to a
scholarship fund in Shifflett's honor.
The family is going to hold an annual skeet shoot tournament to
raise money for scholarships for Frost students who exemplify Lane's
spirit to continue his legacy of love.
Donations can be made to Community National Bank & Trust of Texas in
Frost where an account is set up in Shifflett's name.
Billy Eldon Hicks
Apr 24, 1932 - Jul 28, 2019
Eldon Hicks, 87 years old, of Corsicana Texas left to be
with his sweet Kay, the evening of July 28, 2019. It's what
he always talked about: missing "his Sweet Kay."
He was born April 24, 1932 in Boliver, Texas to Albert
Eugene Hicks and Charley Cletus (Smith) Hicks.
Bill grew up in Ponder, Texas where he graduated from Ponder
High School. He was an exemplary basketball A team starter
who often led Ponder's victories. His basketball day
memories are those moments one could watch his eyes light up
and his wide smile uncover his true passion for sports.
He was drafted into the Army where he served in the
Korean War. He was a heavy artillery man, part of a
three-man bazooka team and eventually a military police.
Bill graduated from Tyler Junior College on the GI bill, and
then went on to North Texas State where he received his
Bachelor's in history. He was always set on becoming a
lawyer, but family and life led him to become a teacher, and
what a lover of education he became! He taught in Mesquite
and eventually moved to Corsicana, Texas where he taught
history, became a counselor, and principal. After receiving
his Master's degree from East Texas Commerce, Bill Hicks
entered CISD administration. Bill retired from Corsicana ISD
after 30+ years of service...but continued to drive a school
bus even after his retirement because in his words, "Hell,
they needed drivers!"
Bill was an integral part of
Corsicana High School's history. He was a peace maker
who held students and teachers to the highest standards
through tough love and genuine unending compassion.
Billy Eldon Hicks is preceded in death by his wife Janice
Kay Hicks, his mother, Charley Cletis (Smith) Hicks, and his
father, Albert Eugene Hicks; siblings, John Hicks, Wilson
Hicks, Charley Hicks and Imogene Hicks and nephew, John
Frank Hicks.
Bill is survived by his sister Ann Ennis and husband Bill
Ennis; sisters-in-law, Martha Hicks, Sue Hicks, Joan Hicks;
his children, Charlie and Trish Hicks, Marji and Mark
Joyner, Anna and Steve Maples, Todd and Jaimie Hicks. His
grandchildren: Britt Betts, Tanya Betts, Will Johnson, Tori
Plemons Johnson, Lee Trammell, Waylon Trammell, Kaelin
Hicks, Macy Hicks; and numerous great grandchildren, nieces
and nephews.
Visitation will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. Monday, Aug. 5,
2019 at First United Methodist Church, Corsicana with
funeral services to follow from 11 a.m. to noon.
Interment will follow at
Pallbearers will be Lee Trammell, Waylon Trammell, William
Johnson, Randall Trammell, Cary Hicks, Bain Ennis. Honorary
pallbearers are Britt Betts, Bryce Betts, Kirby Hicks, Sam
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana
Lorrie Anne (Clark) Hudson
Nov 27, 1960 - Aug 8, 2019
Lorrie Clark Hudson, age 58 passed away on August 8, 2019 at Medical
City in Dallas. She was born on November 27, 1960 in Corsicana to
Kennith and Betty Clark.
Lorrie married James Hudson on June 8, 1991, and stayed happily
married for 28 years.
She loved her family, teaching, Corsicana Tigers football games, her
special puppies, Smokey and Gizzmo. Lorrie also loved to travel,
enjoyed watching football, and was the biggest Dallas Cowboys fan.
She was at Palmer ISD elementary as a teacher/coach and Corsicana
ISD (Sam Houston Elementary) for many years, and loved each of her
students as her own.
Lorrie was preceded in death by her parents, Kennith and Betty;
sister, Debbie and brother Monty. She is survived by her husband,
James; her brothers Mark and wife Cynthia, Mike and wife Renee, and
many nieces and nephews. She is also survived by three daughters,
LaDonna and Brad Lewis, Jamie and Jeff Pettigrew and Megan and
Dustin Murphy; six grandchildren and aunts, Pat Owen and Sherry
Bowlin. She is also survived by her brother-in-law Don Hudson and
his wife Linda which who were a great help and source of
selflessness love and help.
Visitation with the family will be held Sunday, August 11, 2019 from
6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral Service
will be 11 a.m. Monday, August 12, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral
Home. Burial will follow at
Oakwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Chris Clark, Corey Clark,
Brad Clark, Matthew Clark, John Grimes and Eric Jordan.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home
Homer Gene Wasson
Jul 1, 1929 - Aug 5, 2019
community lost a pillar on Monday, Aug. 5, 2019 at the age
of 90, surrounded by his family. Homer Gene Wasson was born
on July 1, 1929 in Bazette, Texas to Homer and Alta (Fields)
Wasson. He attended school in Powell, Texas. After
graduating high school, he attended Navarro College, where
he earned a scholarship to play basketball, and earned his
degree in 1951. He then served in the United States Marine
Corps. He married Jann Fain Wasson in 1955 and they were
blessed with three children.
Homer Gene worked as a cotton farmer and retired after 24
years from the U.S. Postal Service.
He proudly served on several boards throughout his life,
including President of Kerens ISD School Board, Navarro
College Board of Trustees, serving 30 years, 17 of those as
Chairman, President of Prarie Point Cemetery Association,
and Kerens Chamber of Commerce.
He was an elder at Kerens Church of Christ. Homer Gene
received many awards and accolades as well. Having a dorm
named the Homer G. Wasson dorm at his alma mater, Navarro JC
was a highlight.
His favorite pastime was following his children and
grandkids throughout their sporting events, dance recitals,
choir events, or any extra-curricular activity they were
involved in. Homer also served many kids in the community
through Little League and Little Dribblers.
He was preceded in death by his parents Homer and Alta
Wasson, sister Marilyn and husband Clayton, and
granddaughter Chasidie Ann Wasson.
He leaves behind his loving family, wife of 64 years Jann
Wasson; son Hal Wasson and his wife Sallie; daughter Sonda
Baker and her husband Henry; son Tim Wasson; grandkids Blake
Baker and wife Brandy, Hailey Brooks and husband C.T., Chase
Wasson and wife Shay, Chelsie Rich, Hunter Wasson and Hogan
Wasson, as well as great grandkids Tripp and Emery Baker,
Tristin and Brison Brooks, Weston Rich, Cal and Cash Wasson;
brother Jerry Wasson and wife Donna; sister-in-law Annette
Homer loved life and lived it to the fullest. He loved God,
all people, and engaging in a good conversation, especially
with his friends at the Feed Store. His smile and genuine
personality left people feeling positive and encouraged. He
will be missed.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8,
2019 at Kerens Church of Christ. A Celebration of Life will
be held at 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 9, 2019 at the First Baptist
Church in Kerens with Jimmy Glenn officiating. Interment to
follow in the
Prairie Point Cemetery. Pallbearers are Blake Baker,
Chase Wasson, Hunter Wasson, Hogan Wasson, Tripp Baker,
Kevin Lockhart and C. T. Brooks. Honorary pallbearers are
John Kenner, Dr. Dick Sanchez, Gerry Harris, Danny Combs,
Jeffery Saunders, Russ
Crawford, Jairl Radney and Sonny Bancroft. |