Elizabeth Norwood �Lizzie� (Tarver)
Aug 27, 1874 - Nov 4, 1945
Mrs. B. I. Tarbutton, aged 71 years, died at the family home, 416
South Twentieth street Saturday night following an illness of
several years. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist church. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. H. Baldridge
and Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk.
A native of Mississippi, Mrs. Tarbutton resided in Corsicana 45
Surviving are her husband, B. T. Tarbuatton, Corsicana; four sons,
Aubry M. Tarbutton, Edinburg; Arthur Tarbutton, Houston; A. J.
Tarbutton, McAllen, and Ira Tarbutton, Long Beach, Calif.; a
daughter, Mrs. C. V. Crabb, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Sam Betts,
Harlington; two brothers, E. L. Tarver, Corsicana, and J. H. Tarver,
Dallas, and two grandchildren.
Pallbearers were S. J. Miles, Sr.; H. B. Traw, Sr.; L. K. Carraway,
Joe Bunch, J. L. Jackson, Boyce Martin, L. I. Griffin, W. T. Hipps,
and G. H. Ferrell.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Amanda (Smith) Reed
Jun 2, 1892 - Nov 27, 1949
Funeral Rites For Mrs. J. R. Reed Held On Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. J. R. (Red) Reed, aged 57 years, who died
at the P. and S. Hospital Saturday morning, were held from the
Corley Funeral Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Obie F. Barton,
pastor of the Fellowship Baptist church.
Mrs. Reed was a native of Navarro county and had resided in
Corsicana 20 years.
Surviving are her husband, Corsicana; a son, John Reed, Corsicana;
four daughters, Mrs. Sam Fought and Mrs. Merl Lennon, both of
Corsicana; Mrs. E. O. Neely, Temple, and Mrs. M. L. Wadle, Dallas;
two sisters, Mrs. Irene Mitchell, Greenville, Calif., and Mrs. R. V.
Forest, Sr., Woodson; two brothers, George W. Smith, Houston and
John C. Smith, Athens, and five grandchildren.
Nephews were pallbearers.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Nov. 28, 1949
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o John Roland �Red� Reed,
Sr; d/o Granderson Bratcher Smith & Rebecca Jane (Black) Smith
buried in Athens Cemetery, Athens, Tx.
Mrs. J. R. Reed Dies Early
Saturday; Services Sunday
Mrs. J. R. (Red) Reed, aged
57 years, died at the P. and
S. Hospital early Saturday
Funeral services will be
held from the Corley Funeral
Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites
will be conducted by Rev.
Obie F. Barton, pastor of
the Fellowship Baptist
A native of Navarro county,
the family had resided in
Corsicana for 20 years.
Surviving are her husband of
Corsicana; a son, John Reed,
Corsicana; four daughters,
Mrs. Sam Vaught and Mrs.
Merl Lennon, both of
Corsicana; Mrs. E. O. Neely,
Temple, and Mrs. M. L. Wadle,
Dallas; two sisters, Mrs.
Irene Mitchell, Greenville,
Calif.; and Mrs. R. V.
Forrest, Sr., Woodson; two
brothers, George W. Smith,
Houston, and John C. Smith,
Athens, and five
Nephews will be pallbearers.
John Roland �Red� Reed, Sr.
Jul 16, 1895 - Feb 20, 1956
J. R. (Red) Reed Expires Monday
J. R. (Red) Reed, 60, construction foreman, 623 South Fifteenth
street, died in Memorial Hospital Monday morning.
A native of Georgia, he had resided in Corsicana about 30 years.
Funeral services will be held from the Fellowship Baptist church
Tuesday at 2 p.m. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Hoyt Hefner,
pastor. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are a son, John Reed, Corsicana; four daughters, Mrs. E.
O. Neeley, Temple; Mrs. Elizabeth Vaught and Mrs. Marvin Wadle, both
of Corsicana, and Mrs. A. M. Lennon, Fort Worth; six grandchildren,
a brother, N. G. Reed, Roane; two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Middleton,
Dallas, and Mrs. Ruth Davis, Levelland, and other relatives.
Corley will direct.
Audis Clyde Hunter
May 28, 1919 - May 3, 1945
Audis Clyde Hunter, aged 26 years, died at his residence, 207 West
Twelfth avenue Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. A World War II
veteran, he had been ill for some time.
Funeral services are planned for Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Derward Geddie pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church here.
Hunter had served in the Texas National Guard and U. S. Army six
Surviving are his wife, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hunter, all of
Corsicana; a brother, Sgt. Clovis Hunter, U. S. Army; five sisters,
Mrs. Gladys Holloway, Roane; Mrs. Evelyn Jones, Mrs. Essie Richards,
Mrs. Dollie Richards, and Mrs. Odessa Hunter, all of Corsicana and
other relatives.
Funeral services for Audis Clyde Hunter, aged 28 years, who died at
his residence, 207 West Twelfth avenue, Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Derward Geddie, pastor of
the Calvary Baptist church.
A World War II veteran, Hunter had been in ill health for some time.
He had served six years in the Texas National Guard and the U. S.
Army before his discharge.
Surviving are his wife, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hunter, all of
Corsicana; a brother, Sgt. Clovis Hunter, U. S. Army; five sisters,
Mrs. Gladys Holloway, Roane; Mrs. Evelyn Jones, Mrs. Essie Richards,
Mrs. Dollie Richards, and Mrs. Odessa Hunter, all of Corsicana and
other relatives.
Dubart Miller Gafford
Jun 13, 1921 - Sep 1, 1976
D. M. Gafford
TYLER -- Services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Lloyd James
Funeral Chapel in Tyler for Dubart M. Gafford, 54, resident of
Tyler, who died Tuesday in Tyler.
He was a native of Corsicana, resident of Tyler since 1966, a
veteran of World War II and served in the South Pacific.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Friday at
Oakwood cemetery in
Corsicana under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.
Gafford was also a member of the VFW Post No. 7211 of Tyler.
Survivors include two daughters, the former Jackie Marie Gafford and
the former Carolyn Jo Gafford, both of Corsicana; a brother, Joseph
C. Gafford, Jr. of Tyler; a sister, Mrs. Lillie Marie Webster of
Tyler; and five grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Ferris Renfro, Billy Carr, C. H. (Webb) Webster,
James L. Webster, Harold Dahlgren and Rodney Dahlgren.
Thomas Cecil Gibson
Jan 20, 1904 - Feb 6, 1945
Thomas Cecil Gibson, 41, died Tuesday, at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Edna Gibson, here. Funeral services will be Wednesday afternoon
at 4 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. T. B. Thompson, Church of Christ minister, Tyler,
will conduct the rites.
He was born near Corsicana and had lived in and near here
practically all his life.
Surviving are his wife, Waxahachie; a son, Thomas Eugene Gibson,
Waxahachie; his mother, Mrs. Edna Gibson, Corsicana; two brothers,
Earl Gibson, Houston; Phillip Gibson, U. S. Army somewhere in
Germany; a sister, Mrs. Lynn Bell, Corpus Christi and other
Pallbearers will be Spencer Elliott, Dude Ransom, Hugh Stewart, Jack
Humphries, Fred Jeffers and Claude Sands.
Funeral Services For Thomas Gibson Held On Wednesday
Funeral services for Thomas Cecil Gibson, 41, who died here Tuesday,
were held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel. T. B. Thompson, Church of Christ
minister, conducted the rites. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, a son, his mother, two brothers, a sister,
and other relatives.
Walter Berry Humphries
Sep 27, 1909 - Nov 4, 1945
W. B. Humphries, 36, is dead and Sam Allen, Corsicana, is at liberty
on bond of $2,500 to await the action of the Navarro county grand
jury as a result of a shooting scrape at the garage at the
Humphries' residence 2106 West Sixth Avenue, Sunday night about 9
An investigation was inaugurated into circumstances surrounding the
trouble immediately by Sheriff Cap Curington and David Ralston,
assistant county attorney in charge of the county attorney's office.
The investigations were continuing Monday.
Body In Automobile.
The officers said that Humphries body was found in the front seat of
his automobile and that six empty shotgun shells were discovered
about the garage. Humphries had been shot once in the left breast,
once about the belt line and another wound was found below the belt
line on the left side.
Allen declined to make a statement to officers concerning the
trouble, they stated.
Murder Complaint Filed.
The formal complaint for murder was signed by Sheriff Cap Curington,
was accepted by Ralston and filed before Judge A. E. Foster who set
bond after the defendant waived examining trial.
Officers had not decided at noon Monday when the grand jury would be
re-summoned to investigate the matter. The grand jury is in recess,
subject to call.
Both are well-known Corsicana residents.
Funeral Services Tuesday.
Funeral services for Humphries will be held from the Corley Funeral
Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jared I. Cartlidge,
pastor of the First Baptist church and Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk,
pastor of the First Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Sybil; mother, Mrs. Josie
Humphries; five brothers, Cecil, Sam, Ray, Homer, U. S. Army, and
Joe Humphries; and three sisters, Mrs. R. D. Beauchamp; Mrs. V. W.
Sumerall and Miss Marie Humphries, all of Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be Fred Marberry, Joe B. Fortson, Leo Palmer, Bill
Brown, Allyn Gordon, R. M. Cooksey and John H. Brown.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Nov 5, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Sybil (Carter)
Humphries-Holman married Dec. 19, 1931; s/o William Crane �Will�
Humphries & Jessie Ophelia (Edgar) Humphries
Frances Mary (McKee) Hart
Jan 25, 1924 - Apr 5, 1945
Mrs. Frances McKee Hart of Midland died in the Methodist hospital in
Fort Worth early Thursday morning following a prolonged illness.
Funeral services will be held from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral
Home and Chapel Friday morning at 11 o'clock. The rites will be
conducted by Dr. Matthew Arnold, pastor of the Third Avenue
Presbyterian church. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, J. B. Hart, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
McKee, and a sister, Miss Majorie McKee, all of Midland. Mrs. Hart
was a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiley Johnson,
pioneer residents of Corsicana.
Funeral services for Mrs. Frances McKee, 21, of Midland, who died in
the Methodist Memorial Hospital in Fort Worth early Thursday, were
held Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon
Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were
conducted by Dr. Matthew Arnold, pastor of the Third Avenue
Presbyterian church. Mrs. Hart had been ill for some time.
A native of Dallas, Mrs. Hart attended Highland Park High school and
North Texas Agricultural College of Arlington.
Surviving are her husband, J. B. Hart, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
McKee, and a sister, Miss Majorie McKee, all of Midland and a number
of other relatives. She was the granddaughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. E. Wiley Johnson, pioneer Corsicanans.
Pallbearers were Col. Madison Garland and Foster Garland, both of
Fort Worth; E. N. Johnson, Dallas; R. D. Johnson, Houston, W. N.
Johnson, Dallas; C. J. Knox and J. W. McCammon, both of Corsicana;
Eugene Watington and Aubry Caswell, both of Midland and Beauford H.
Jester, Corsicana.
Bessie (Trotter) Brown
May 5, 1882 - Dec 30, 1945
Mrs. H. G. Brown, 1226 West Fourth avenue, died at the
Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Sunday evening with a heart
attack following a several days' illness with influenza.
Funeral services will be held from the First Methodist
church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Erwin
F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the church.
A native of McKinney, Mrs. Brown was reared in Dallas and
had resided in Corsicana many years. She was a life-long
member of the Methodist church and had been in the First
Methodist church choir here for many years. Mrs. Brown was
active in the Home Rebekah Lodge No. 128, IOOF.
For the past 12 years, Mrs. Brown had been active in the
crippled children's work of Navarro county and in addition
to being one of the most active workers in the campaigns for
funds for infantile paralysis victims, has spent much of her
time in conveying the unfortunate youngsters to Dallas,
Galveston and other hospitals where treatment was available.
Surviving are her husband, H. G. Brown, local merchant, and
a number of other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Albert Fullerton, C. A. Middleton, Dr.
A. R. Johnson, Sydney Marks, I. C. Bell and Boyce Martin.
McCammon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. |
Funeral services for Mrs. H. G. Brown, leader of the crippled
children work in this area for many years, who died in the Corsicana
Hospital and Clinic Sunday evening were held from the First
Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Erwin F. Bohmfalk,
pastor of the church.
A native of McKinney, Mrs. Brown was reared in Dallas and had been a
Corsicana resident for many years. She was prominent in the First
Methodist church activities including being a member of the church
choir; was an active member of Home Rebekah Lodge No. 187, and had
headed the crippled children's work in this area for the past 12
years. She made hundreds of trips to Dallas, Galveston, Marlin and
other centers, where medical care was available for those
Surviving are her husband, H. G. Brown, local merchant and other
Pallbearers were A. F. Mitchell, Albert Fullerton, Bill Cruse, J. T.
Frederick, Martin M. Richer and Boyce Martin.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.
Roger Bracken
B&D Dec 17, 1945
Roger Bracken Died In Local Hospital; Rites Held Tuesday
Roger Bracken, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bracken, 918 North
Beaton street, died at the P. and S. Hospital Monday afternoon.
Funeral services were held at
Oakwood cemetery Tuesday morning.
Surviving are the parents, a sister, Joan, and a brother, Clifton
Bracken, all of Corsicana.
McCammon Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Dec 18, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- s/o Emmett Rogers Bracken
and Marjorie Katherine �Margie� (Cannon) Bracken buried in
Hamilton Beeman cemetery
George Washington Miller
Jan 8, 1859 - Feb 14, 1945
George W. Miller, 86, died at his residence, 739 West Park Avenue,
Wednesday. funeral services were planned for 4:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon from the Corley Chapel with Rev. A. L. Meador conducting
the rites. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving is one grandson.
Pallbearers will be members of the Woodmen of the World.
John R. Jones
Feb 11, 1886 - Aug 14, 1945
John R. Jones, aged, 59 years, merchant, died at his home, 636 North
Commerce street, Tuesday morning. He had been in ill health for some
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the McCammon Funeral chapel. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Roy
Davis, pastor of North Corsicana Methodist church of which Jones was
a member. Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Lula Jones, Corsicana.
Pallbearers will be Remus L. Jones, Sr., Capt. Remus L. Jones, Pitt
Franklin, P. M. Gladney and J. W. Dunlap.
Rosa Lee �Rose� (Smith) Pryor-Grantham
Sep 21, 1888 - Jun 23, 1977
Mrs. Grantham
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral
Chapel for Mrs. Rosa Lee Grantham, 88, of Corsicana who died
Thursday in Memorial Hospital. Rev. Leroy Reaves will officiate.
Burial will be in
Oakwood cemetery.
She was a native of Arkansas and had lived in Corsicana for 10
years. She was a member of Wesley Methodist Church. Survivors are
two daughters, Mrs. Otto Smith and Miss Viola Pryor both of
Corsicana; two granddaughters, Mrs. Kay Trent of Corsicana and Mrs.
Robert Thigpin Jr. of Midland; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jun 24, 1977
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st husband Samuel W. Pryor
buried Hamilton Beeman cemetery 2nd husband Nathan Joseph
Grantham married May 23, 1931; d/o George Washington Smith &
Nancy (Coleman) Smith
Mrs. Grantham
Services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. Rosa Lee Grantham, 88, resident of Corsicana, who
died Thursday at Memorial Hospital.
Burial was at
Oakwood cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ray Goldsberry, R. M. Bowden, Jr., Killard
Ellington, James Doolen, Harold Tate and Doyle Moore.
Northan Latham Murphy
Jun 3, 1919 - Oct 7, 1945
Northam L. Murphy, aged 26 years, discharged soldier, formerly of
Corsicana, was killed in an accident on a train near Sanderson,
Texas, Monday, according to information received by relatives here.
Corley Funeral Home has gone for the body. Funeral arrangements are
incomplete, but rites will probably be held here Wednesday
Reared in Corsicana, Murphy had been in the army since 1938 and for
the past three years had served in the Pacific Theatre, including
the Aleutians and the Philippines. He was wounded in the
Philippines. Following his recent discharge, Murphy returned to
California where his wife and three-year-old daughter reside and
relatives stated that he was en route to Corsicana at the time of
the fatal accident.
Surviving are his wife and daughter of California; four brothers,
Curtis Murphy, Houston; Derwood and Eldon Murphy, both of Galveston
and Troy Murphy, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. T. A. Adgate, Galveston,
and other relatives. A brother, Finis Murphy, U. S. Army was killed
at Leyte last spring.
Funeral services for Northam L. Murphy, aged 26 years, were held
Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. D. R. McCauley, pastor of the
Central Methodist church here. Burial was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Murphy was instantly killed, it was reported here, when he fell from
a moving passenger train near Sanderson, Texas, late Monday.
Recently discharged from the U. S. Army after seven years service,
three of which were spent in the Aleutians and in the Philippines.
Murphy was enroute to Corsicana to visit relatives at the time of
his death.
The discharged soldier had visited his wife, and three-year-old
daughter in California after being discharged. He was reared in
Corsicana. Murphy was wounded during the Philippine campaign.
Survivors other than his wife and daughter, are four brothers,
Curtis Murphy, Houston; Derwood Murphy and Eldon Murphy both of
Galveston, and Troy Murphy, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. T. A. Adgate,
Galveston, and other relatives. A brother, Finis Murphy was killed
in action at Leyte last Spring.
Pallbearers were Dub O'Neal, C. T. Floyd, Rutherford Murphy, Lem
Smith, J. A. Rowell and A. B. Jones.
Thomas Alford �Gill� McWilliams
Jul 17, 1883 - Oct 10, 1960
T. A. McWilliams Expires Monday
T. A. (Gill) McWilliams, 77, native of Bazette and long-time
resident of Corsicana, died of heart attack at his barn in northeast
Corsicana Monday morning.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel with burial in
Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted
by C. B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ.
Pallbearers will be J. C. Roe, W. D. Ralston, James Parker, Leslie
White, Earl Presley, Hubert Wooley, Z. T. Banks, Jack Burrows and
Henry Slate.
McWilliams, a farmer, had made his home with relatives, the late Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Albritton, east of the Texas-Miller Products company
plant, for many years.
Surviving are three brothers, C. E., W. T. and W. D. McWilliams, and
a sister, Miss Annie McWilliams, all of Corsicana.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon. Oct 10, 1960
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- Never Married; s/o John
Mordecai McWilliams & Mary Ann Elizabeth (Albritton)
McWilliams buried in Prairie Point cemetery
Deborah Darlene
(Tarbert) Jenkins
Dec 1, 1949 - Jan 2, 2011
Deborah Jenkins
Deborah Darlene Jenkins, 61, of Frost passed away January 2, 2011.
She was born December 1, 1949 in Fairborn, Ohio to Louie and Osta
Tarbert. Graveside services will be 3:00, January 3, 2010 at
Dresden Cemetery.
To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Deborah Jenkins
please visit our Sympathy Store.
Glenn Travis Nelson

Jan 20, 1932 - Sep 18, 2019
T. Nelson, age 87, of Bartlett, Tennessee passed away on
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at Crestwood Hospital in
Huntsville, Alabama. He was born on January 20, 1932 in
Corsicana, Texas to George Thomas Nelson and Lorene Lincoln
Glenn grew up in Dallas, Texas and graduated from Sunset
High School where he was active in football, track and
field. He attended Kilgore Junior College in 1949 & 1950. He
then moved on to Navarro College where he graduated in 1953.
Glenn earned a BBS from Midwestern University in Wichita
Falls, Texas where he also played football.
He was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy in June of
1956. He served in four shore stations and he served on the
USS Lexington (CVA16), the USS Hoist (ARS40), the USS Little
Rock (CLG-4), and the USS Tripoli (LPH10). Glenn received
numerous medals during his career, including Navy
Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal w/ �V�, Navy Unit
Commendation, National Defense Service Medal w/1 Bronze
Star, Navy Expeditionary Medal (Taiwan) w/1 Bronze Star
(Cuba), Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Vietnam Service Medal w/
4 Bronze Stars, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Vietnam
Gallantry Cross Citation, and Vietnam Campaign Medal. Glenn
retired from active service as a Lieutenant Commander in
June of 1976.
He returned to college at the University of Memphis earning
a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1981 and a Master of Arts
degree in 1982.
Glenn was preceded in death by his wife of 56 years,
Mary Frances Poncik
He is survived by his children; Tom Nelson and wife Denise
of Brownsboro, Alabama and Amy Nelson and husband Bill Green
of Greensboro, North Carolina; his grandchildren: Will
Green, Elise Nelson and Celeste Nelson; and his brother,
Fred Nelson and wife Martha of Chatfield, Texas.
Graveside services with military honors will be held on
Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 1:00 PM at
Prairie Point
Cemetery in Bazette, Texas with Mr. Mike Steindorf
officiating. |
- Submitted by Ronald Nelson &
Karen Rost
- Glenn's great grat
grandfather came to Navarro County prior to 1840 with his Nelson
ancestors coming in the mid-1850s
- h/o Mary Frances (Poncik)
Nelson - s/o George Thomas Nelson & Lorene Alice (Lincoln)
Vietnam Veteran
Mary Frances "Fran: (Poncik)

Jan 6, 1931 - Feb 14, 2012
Obituary for Mary F. Nelson
MARY FRANCES Poncik NELSON, 81, of Bartlett 43 years, passed away on
February 14, 2012. Fran was born January 6, 1931 to Frank and Ella
Poncik in Holland, Texas. She graduated from the University of Texas
and worked as a Teacher in Naples, Italy. She joined the Navy,
became a communication officer and married
Glenn Nelson, also a Naval
Officer. They raised two children, a daughter, Amy and a son, Tom.
Fran was an avid gardener and an active member of the Memphis
Horticultural Society. She is survived by her husband, daughter,
son, 3 grandchildren, and a sister, Dorothy Guess. Funeral service
will be Tuesday, February 21 at 12:30 p.m. at Bartlett Funeral Home,
with burial in West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery. The family has
requested that instead of flowers, donations be made to the Memphis
Botanical Garden. Services entrusted to Bartlett Funeral Home
- The Commercial Appeal - Feb
19, 2012
- West Tennessee State
Veterans Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN; Section II Site
Martha Adelaide (Jones)
May 15, 1872 - Aug 24, 1951
Mrs. Tisdale Dies At Kirvin Home
WORTHAM, Aug. 25.�(Spl.)�Mrs. Martha A. Tisdale, 79, died at her
home in Kirvin, Friday following several months' illness.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday from the First
Methodist church in Kirvin with Rev. R. L. Ryburn officiating.
Burial was in the Birdston
cemetery near Streetman.
Surviving are her husband, Hogan Tistale, Kirvin; a daughter, Mrs.
Vera Kelly, Kirvin; a foster-son, Bobby Jones, Dallas; a brother, H.
B. Jones, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Kate Patterson, New Albany, Miss.,
and several nieces and nephews.
Burleson Funeral Home directed.
Charles King Hawthorn, Sr.
May 4, 1871 - Sep 19, 1945
STREETMAN, Sept. 20.�(Spl.)�C. K. Hawthorne, 74, pioneer resident of
Streetman, died at his home here late Wednesday.
Funeral services will be held from the Baptist church Friday morning
at 10 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. W. M. White, New London,
former pastor of the church, assisted by Revs. M. O. Sutherland and
E. L. Jones. Burial will be in
Birdston cemetery.
Hawthorne was president of the First National Bank here, having
succeeded his brother, J. A. Hawthorne, who died last February. He
was an extensive farmer and cattleman and civic leader. He was also
active in church circles, having served as superintendent of the
Baptist Sunday school for the past 45 years. He had been a resident
of Streetman since 1888.
Surviving are his wife, Streetman; a son, Charles King Hawthorne,
Jr., Austin; two daughters, Miss Dorothy Hawthorne, San Antonio;
Miss Doris Hawthorne, Kansas City, Mo.; a nephew, Oscar Reynolds,
Austin, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be R. C. Cole, R. M. Henderson, Wayne Milligan, J.
D. Milner, J. K. Webb and J. L. Bonner.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Sep 20, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Dannie (McDaniel)
Hawthorn married Apr 8, 1920; s/o Joshua King Hawthorn & Hannah
Jane (Williams) Hawthorn
Nora Geneva (Jones)
May 5, 1878 - Mar 12, 1945
Funeral Services Held Tuesday
KERENS, March 19.�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. Nora Geneva Boss,
who died last Monday were held Tuesday afternoon at
Long Prairie.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Combs, Kerens; Mrs.
Lonnie Harp, Corsicana, and Mrs. Gladis Rodney, Kerens; a son,
Jackie Boss, Kerens; 10 grandchildren, four sisters, two brothers
and other relatives.
Shep Searcy
died 1911
Former Resident of Frost Meets Death at Chihuahua
Special to the News
Frost, Tex., March 1 - The American killed at Chihuahua, Mexico, was
Shep Searcy, who had lived for years at Frost Tex., and has
relatives at this place. He was well and favorably known at this
place and has many friends here. News of his death has been received
by his brothers here.
- Dallas Morning News - Mar
2, 1911
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
Brenda Jane Hill
Dec 4, 1942 - Jun 29, 1945
Rites At Rice On Saturday For Little Brenda Jane Hill
Funeral services for Brenda Jane Hill, aged two years, were held at
Rice Saturday afternoon from the First Baptist church.
The little girl was accidently killed Friday afternoon in Ennis when
her mother attempted to kill a chicken with a .22 rifle, it was
Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hill; a brother,
Jackie, aged four years, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Atkins, all of Ennis.
George A. Walker
Feb 4, 1877 - Jan 2, 1959
G. A. Walker Rites Saturday
G. A. Walker, 81, retired farmer, died at his home in the Flag Lake
community, Henderson county, Friday morning. He was a native of
Dallas county and formerly resided at Rice.
Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Saturday at 2 p.m.
with burial in the Rice cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev.
Alex Cox, pastor of the First Christian church.
Surviving are two sons, Arthur N. Walker, Flag Lake, and T. A.
Walker, Los Angeles, Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Beasley Wasco,
Calif.; 14 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Claude D. Lewis
1902 - Oct 17, 1944
Lamesa Woman Died In Dallas and Will Be Buried in Kerens
Claude D. Lewis, age 42, Lamesa, Texas, died in Dallas Tuesday.
Funeral services will be held in Kerens.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Bernice Maddox, Dallas, and Mrs. C.
R. Auerbach, Kerens; two brothers, Jack Lewis, Kilgore and S-Sgt
Bill Lewis, U. S. Army; step-mother, Mrs. Sallie Hope, Fullbright,
and other relatives.
Margaret Ann Wyant
Aug 29, 1944 - Feb 18, 1945
Margaret Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wyant, died at
the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Sunday.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. H. Cockrell.
Interment will be in
Oak Grove Cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, two brothers. Charlie Amos and Elmer Lee
Wyant, Corsicana; five sisters, Ruby Catherine Wyant, Maudie Bell
Capps, Linnie Kate Wyant, Virginia Nell Wyant, Ida Wyant, all of
Corsicana; her grandfather, James S. Wyant, Mt. Pleasant; and other
Rites For Baby Held Here Tuesday
Funeral services for Margaret Ann Wyant, infant daughter, of Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Wyant, who died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic
Sunday, were held from the Corley Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Rev. H. Cockrell conducted the rites and interment was in
Oakwood cemetery.
Surviving are the parents, two brothers, five sisters, and other
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb 20, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
Oak Grove Cemetery
- (Obit says Oakwood but death
certificate says Oak Grove, her sister, Lucinda Alice Wyant is
buried in Oak Grove also); d/o Rev. Elmer Andrew Wyant & Ida
Lillian (Bower) Wyant buried in Springtown cemetery, Springtown,
Joseph Wilson Gill
Apr 9, 1967 - Aug 8, 1948
Joseph W. Gill, aged 81 years, 915 South Seventeenth street, died at
his home Sunday afternoon with a heart attack.
Funeral services are scheduled Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Oak Grove Baptist church. Burial will be in the
Oak Grove cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the
Fellowship Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; three sons, Harwell Gill, Dallas;
V. L. Gill, Hale Center and J. C. Gill, Houston; four daughters,
Mrs. Wilmer Whitley, Mrs. Ruby Horn and Mrs. Dollie Rogers all of
Houston and Mrs. Bessie Burns, Whitney; two brothers, P. F. Gill,
Bay City and Edgar Gill Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Bryant,
Corsicana and Mrs. Ella Scott, Slaton, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Funeral services for Joseph W. Gill, 81, who died of a heart attack
Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 915 South Seventeenth
street, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Primitive
Baptist church Corsicana. Burial was in the
Oak Grove cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Obie Barton, pastor of the
Fellowship Baptist church.
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; three sons, Harwell Gill, Dallas;
V. L. Gill, Hale Center and J. C. Gill, Houston; four daughters,
Mrs. Wilmer Whitley, Mrs. Ruby Horn and Mrs. Dollie Rogers all of
Houston and Mrs. Bessie Burns, Whitney; two brothers, P. F. Gill,
Bay City and Edgar Gill Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Bryant,
Corsicana and Mrs. Ella Scott, Slaton, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Chester Gill, Vernon Gill, Leroy Gill, Alvie Gill,
Wilbur Black and Felda Johnson, all nephews.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
William Andrew Ferguson
Feb 10, 1868 - Aug 7, 1945
Funeral services for William A. Ferguson, aged 77 years, who died at
his home in Alma, Ellis county Tuesday morning were held from the
Alma Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment was
in the Chatfield cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. C. Johnson.
Surviving are his wife, Alma; two daughters, Mrs. Annie Anderson and
Mrs. Callie Harrison, both of Ennis; three sons, Joe and Robert
Ferguson, both of Dallas and Jack Ferguson, Garrett; a sister, Mrs.
Mary Adams, Oklahoma; 14 grandchildren and eight
Pallbearers were Ignoc Slovak, Theodore Collard, Clinton Powell,
Pannill Anderson, Edgar Harrison and Andrew Adams.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Mary Frances �Fran�
(Ferguson) Pannell
Feb 11, 1933 - Nov 22, 2018
Pannell, 85, passed away in Bonham, Texas on Thursday,
November 22, 2018. Visitation will be Sunday afternoon prior
to the service from 1 - 2pm. Funeral services will be
Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 2pm in the Chapel at Griffin -
Roughton Funeral Home with Russell Reed officiating. Burial
will follow at New
Chatfield Cemetery.
Fran was born in Chatfield, Texas on February 11, 1933 to
Joseph William Ferguson and Ethel Mae Layton Ferguson. She
worked as a computer programmer and attended church at the
Roane Baptist Church before moving to Bonham.
She is preceded in death by her parents, husband Frank
Pannell and son David Ferguson. Fran is survived by her
children: Frank Pannell Jr. of Kemah, TX., Barbara Bailey of
Bonham, TX., Sandra Andrews of Leander, TX., Brenda
Boultinghouse of Lampasas, TX., Johnny Pannell of Preddy,
TX., and Joey Pannell of Conroe, TX. Twelve grandchildren
and a number of great grandchildren and great great
grandchildren. Sister Leta Bell of Bonham. |
- Griffin Roughton Funeral
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o Frank Jester Pannell, Sr;
d/o Joseph William Ferguson & Ethel Mae (Layton) Ferguson
Edward Lafayette �Fate�
Sep 9, 1901 - Aug 30, 1964
Fate Tidwell Dies Sunday
E. L. (Fate) Tidwell, 63, retired Navarro county precinct 3 employe,
died at his home in Richland, Sunday.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the First
Baptist church in Richland with burial in the
Richland cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Johnny Johnson, pastor of the
Richland Methodist church.
Native of Pickett, Tidwell had resided in Richland most of his life.
Surviving are his wife of Richland; three sons, Joe M. Tidwell,
Mesquite; Howard C. Tidwell, Ennis and Douglas C. Tidwell, Richland;
two daughters, Mrs. Jimmy Carroll, Howe, and Mrs. James Glass,
Richland; 11 grandchildren, two brothers, Noah Tidwell, San Antonio,
and Homer Billingsley, Luling; and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Charles Copeland, Loyd Davis, James McNeil,
Bailey Bosley, Joe Lawrence, Blackie Wigley, Bill Hargroves and
Hubert Crutchfield.
Corley will direct.
Hold Services Fate Tidwell
Funeral rites for E. L. (Fate) Tidwell, 63, who died in his home in
Richland Sunday, were held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from the First
Baptist church in Richland. The services were conducted by Rev.
Johnny Johnson, pastor of the Richland Methodist church.
Tidwell was a retired Navarro County Precinct 3 employe. He was a
native of Pickett but had resided in Richland most of his life.
Surviving are his wife of Richland; three sons, Joe M. Tidwell,
Mesquite; Howard C. Tidwell, Ennis and Douglas C. Tidwell, Richland;
two daughters, Mrs. Jimmy Carroll, Howe, and Mrs. James Glass,
Richland; 11 grandchildren, two brothers, Noah Tidwell, San Antonio,
and Homer Billingsley, Luling; and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Charles Copeland, Loyd Davis, James McNeil, Bailey
Bosley, Joe Lawrence, Blackie Wigley, Bill Hargroves and Hubert
Corley directed.
Howard Leslie Tidwell
Jan 25, 1931 - Aug 13, 2011
Howard Tidwell, 80, of Ennis died Saturday evening, August 13, 2011
at Legend Oaks Care Center.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept
the faith. II Timothy 4:7 On Saturday, August 13, 2011, Howard
Tidwell entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Howard was born to Edward
LaFate and Bessie Roney on January 25, 1931. He was a graduate of
Richland High School. Following graduation he entered the U.S. Air
Force where he was stationed in San Antonio. On September 11, 1951,
he married his high school sweetheart, Bobbie Lou Grantham. Howard
and Bobbie relocated to Ennis after he completed his service for his
country. At this point he began continuing his education at Navarro
Jr. College, where he received his Associates Degree in Business.
While working on his degree he began his 38 year career at Ennis
Business Forms retiring as a Planning Supervisor. He was a member of
Anthony Drive Baptist Church of Ennis. He was avid reader, enjoyed
the great outdoors through fishing and hunting and telling colorful
stories, but most of all, loved being surrounded by his family and
friends. He often dreamed of one day becoming a landowner. That
dream eventually became a reality as he and Bobbie purchased their
land where they built their homestead. That same reality was later
shared with his three children, as he enjoyed watching each of them
build their homesteads nearby on what is now so affectionately
referred to as "TidLaville."
Howard is survived by his wife of 60 years, and their three
children: Leslie and wife Shelia, Gary and wife Kelley, and Lisa
Laza and husband Dennis, all of Ennis. He is also survived by his
grandchildren: Andrea Thompson, Corey, Tiffany, and Christy Tidwell,
Kari Newman, and Kelsey Laza Baker, as well as his
great-grandchildren: Cody and Chance Thompson, Ryanne and Grayson
Tidwell, Ryder and Rylee Newman, and Ty Baker. He is also survived
by a brother-in-law, James Glass, and a sister-in-law, Margie Riley
and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins, and a special family
friend and caregiver, Corrine Everton.
He is proceeded in death by his parents and a son, Timothy, his
siblings, Helen Glass, Dean, Doug and Joe Tidwell, and Cynthia Ann
Carrol. He is also preceded in death by his grandson, Matthew
Visitation will be Tuesday, August 16th from 6 � 8 pm. Funeral
services will be on Wednesday, August 17th at 2 pm in Keever's
Chapel, with interment following at
Richland cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that memorials be made
to Anthony Drive Baptist Church, CurePSP: Foundation for PSP / CBD
and Related Brain Diseases at 30 E. Padonia Rd., Ste 201, Timonium,
MD 21093, or to the charity of your choice.
- Keever Funeral Home
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Bobbie Lou (Grantham)
Tidwell; s/o Edward Lafayette �Fate� Tidwell & Bessie Elizabeth
(Roney) Tidwell
Annie Lou (Wood) Sykes
Dec 29, 1908 - Dec 5, 1945
Mrs. Annie Lou Sykes, aged 36 years, of Dawson, died at the home of
her brother, Dewey Wood, 214 East First avenue, Wednesday at noon.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
the First Baptist church at Dawson. Burial will be in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are four children, Mrs. Bernice Gregg, James, J. B. and
Wanda Lee Sykes, all of Dawson; three brothers, J. H., Dewey and Ben
Wood, all of Corsicana, and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Ard, Lisden, and
Mrs. Emma Owsley, Mt. Pleasant.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
- The Corsicana Daily Sun -
Wed., Dec 5, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Jasper Jack Sykes; d/o
Logan Peter Wood & Nancy Edith (Crabtree) Wood
Jessie �JB� Sykes
Nov 25, 1929 - Jan 13, 2019
Sykes, 88, of Waco, passed away Sunday, January 13, 2019.
Visitation: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thursday, January 17, at
Lake Shore Funeral Home, 5201 Steinbeck Bend, in Waco.
Funeral Service: 10:00 a.m. Friday, January 18, at Lake
Shore Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at
Dawson cemetery
near Hubbard.
J.B. was well-liked and loved and was friendly and
talkative. He worked for 35 years as a meat cutter for H.E.B.
He was a former member of Chalk Bluff Baptist Church.
J.B. was preceded in death by his wife Jessie Flay Sykes;
daughter, Wanda Sykes; brother, James W. Sykes; and sisters,
Wanda Shipley and Bernice Hecker.
Survivors include sons, Ralph C. Lewis, of Waco and Roy C.
Lewis and wife, Romana of Bay City; granddaughters, Marcie
Mound and husband, Mike of Georgia, Mica Allgood and
husband, Jody of Brownwood and Robin Puryear and husband,
Jerry of Spring; great-grandchildren, Corbin, Jayton,
Marissa and McKenzie; one great-great-granddaughter,
Marylou; sister-in-law, Loraine Sykes; and niece, Karen
Fulcher. |
- Lake Shore Funeral Home
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Jessie Flay (Ballenger)
Sykes; s/o Joseph Jack Sykes & Annie Lou (Wood) Sykes
Jessie Flay
(Ballenger) Lewis-Sykes
Jan 5, 1920 - Aug 21, 2017
Flay Ballenger Sykes, 97, of Waco, passed away Monday,
August 21, 2017.
Visitation: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. August, 24, at Lake Shore
Funeral Home, 5201 Steinbeck Bend, in Waco.
Funeral Service: 10:00 a.m. Friday, August 25, at Lake Shore
Funeral Home. Burial will follow at
Dawson cemetery
in Hubbard.
Jessie loved gospel music and worked for many years at a
local textile plant.
Jessie was preceded in death by her daughter, Wanda Sykes;
mother, Zella Warren Ballenger; father, Chancie Ballenger;
and brother, Bob Ballenger.
She is survived by her husband, J.B. Sykes; sons, Ralph C.
Lewis, of Waco and Roy C. Lewis and wife, Romana of Bay
City; granddaughters, Marcie Mound and husband, Mike of
Georgia, Mica Allgood and husband, Jody of Brownwood and
Robin Puryear and husband, Jerry of Spring;
great-grandchildren, Corbin, Jayton, Marissa and McKenzie;
and one great-great-granddaughter, Marylou.
Place of Service: Lake Shore Funeral Home Chapel , 5201
Steinbeck Bend; Waco, TX 76708 |
- Lake Shore Funeral Home
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- 1st husband Walter C. Lewis
married Oct 3, 1936 2nd husband Jessie �JB� Sykes; d/o Chandler
Mills �Chancey� Ballenger & Zella (Warren) Ballenger buried in
Senterfitt cemetery, Lometa, Tx.
Victor Templeton Matthews
Apr 23, 1879 - Jan 31, 1945
Funeral services for Victor T. Matthews, aged 65 years, who died
suddenly with a heart attack Wednesday morning at his store, were
held from the First Methodist church in Dawson Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
Burial was in the Dawson
cemetery. The body lay in state at the church Thursday from 2:30
p.m. until the funeral hour. The rites were conducted by Rev. E. O.
Hearn, assisted by Rev. H. C. Bowman.
A native of Dawson, Matthews had been in the Grocery business for 45
years, the longest period in point of continuous business in Dawson
and believed to be the dean of merchants in the Navarro county. He
was born in Dawson April 23, 1879.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson; two sons, B. F. Matthews and
Ernest N. Matthews, both of Dawson; two daughters, Mrs. W. R.
Wimbish, Arlington and Mrs. Harry L. Laughlin, Lorena; three
grandchildren, Jean and Joy Matthews, both of Dawson and Nancy June
Laughlin, Lorena; two brothers, F. N. Matthews, Dawson and N. J.
Matthews, Fort Worth; four sisters, Mrs. Henry Garner and Mrs. Kate
Mount, both of Dawson; Mrs. Blanche Fox, Waxahachie, and Mrs. Ellen
Manning, Dallas and other relatives.
Pallbearers were W. Y. Cannon, Clyde Sims, J. L. Almond, Ray L.
Waller, J. Floyd Smith, Edgar Davis, Frank White and Guy Davis.
Wolfe and Dobson directed arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Feb 1, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- h/o Dora Lee (Burt) Matthews
married Nov 22, 1899; s/o Newton Jasper Matthews & Ruth (Stockard)
Matthews buried in Spring Hill cemetery
Rosie Ann (Toten) Prater

Feb 22, 1884 - Aug 9, 1945
DAWSON, Aug. 10�(Spl.)�Funeral services for Mrs. Sam T. Prater, Sr.,
aged 61 years, who died at her home here Thursday morning following
an extended illness, were held from the Methodist church Friday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. H. C. Bowmen, pastor of the church and
Rev. Jess P. Neville, Methodist minister of Waco.
A native of Navarro county, Mrs. Prater was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Toten, pioneer residents of the Brushy Prairie
community, several miles north of Dawson.
Surviving are her husband of Dawson, a son, S. T. Prater, Jr.,
Dawson, four daughters, Mrs. Bettie Rose Mitchell and Mrs. Zelma
McElroy both of Dawson, and two married daughters in California,
several grandchildren and brothers and sisters.
William H. Wright
Oct 22, 1869 - Aug 11, 1945
W. H. Wright, aged 76 years, native of Dawson, died at the Navarro
clinic early Saturday morning following an illness of two weeks.
While Wright was a young child the family moved to Alabama, but he
returned to Texas in early manhood and resided in East Texas and at
Mart before returning to the Dawson community in 1921.
Surviving are his wife, Dawson, Route 2; a daughter, Mrs. W. P
Plemons, Dawson, Route 2; a son, Gilliam Wright, U. S. Army Air
Forces, Alexandria, La.; two grandchildren, five great-grandchildren
and a brother, J. J. Wright, Marshallville, Ga., and other
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Dawson Baptist church with interment in the
Dawson cemetery.
Corley Funeral Home is in charge.
Funeral services for W. H. Wright, aged 75 years, of Dawson, who
died in the Navarro clinic early Saturday morning, were held Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Dawson Baptist church. Burial was in
Dawson cemetery.
A native of Dawson, Wright resided in Alabama, East Texas and Mart
before returning to Dawson Rout 2 in 1921.
Surviving are his wife, Dawson, Route 2; a daughter, Mrs. W. P
Plemons, Dawson, Route 2; a son, Gilliam Wright, U. S. Army Air
Forces, Alexandria, La.; two grandchildren, five great-grandchildren
and a brother, J. J. Wright, Marshallville, Ga., and other
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Ida Gertrude (Pearson)
Jan 13l 1876 - Feb 15, 1973
Mrs. Wright
Funeral services are set for 11 a.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. W. H. (Ida) Wright, 97, of Corsicana who died
Thursday in Paulyne Convalescent Home. Rev. Robert J. Potts will
officiate, and burial will be at
Dawson Cemetery.
She was a native of Bluff Springs, Ala., a resident of Corsicana
since 1922 and a member of the First Baptist church.
Survivors include a son, Gilliam Wright of Corsicana; a daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Plemons of Corsicana; two grandsons, 13
great-grandchildren, a brother, Grady Pearson of Waco; three
sisters, Mrs. Lula Holdridge of Vernon, Ala., Mrs. Myrtle Rogers and
Mrs. Claude Miller, both of Mart.
Pallbearers will be Rev. Bristow, Hoyte Moore, Paul Moore, Howe
French, Marshall Howard, Conrad Newton.
Mrs. Wright
Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral Home
Chapel for Mrs. W. H. (Ida) Wright, 97, of Corsicana who died
Thursday in Paulyne Convalescent Home.
Rev. Robert J. Potts officiated, and burial was at
Dawson Cemetery.
Survivors include a son, a daughter, two grandsons, 13
great-grandchildren, a brother and three sisters.
Lewis Wesley Edwards
Sep 20, 1870 - Jan 16, 1945
Funeral services for L. W. Edwards, aged 74 years, of Dawson, who
died in a Waco hospital Tuesday, were held Wednesday afternoon from
the Dawson Church of Christ. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery.
Edwards had been manager of a Dawson lumber concern for 30 years.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson; two daughters, Mrs. James Martin,
Dumas, and Mrs. J. M. Glass, Snyder; six grandchildren, five
sisters, and three brothers.
James Callahan Edwards
Mar 11, 1872 - Oct 22, 1955
Retired Merchant Dies At Dawson
DAWSON, Oct. 24�(Spl.) �J. C. Edwards, 83, retired merchant, died at
his home here Saturday night following an extended illness.
Funeral services were held from the First Baptist church here Monday
at 2 p.m. with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. T. Taylor, Baptist minister of
Houston, formerly of Dawson, and Rev. W. O. Estes, pastor.
A native of Mississippi, Edwards came to Dawson in 1895. He operated
a variety store for a number of years.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson; two daughters, Miss Essie Edwards,
Dallas; two brothers, Alva Edwards, Lott and A. L. Edwards, Dawson;
four sisters, Mrs. J. H. Hale, Mrs. M. M. Whitehurst, Mrs. F. M.
Davis and Miss Cathline Edwards, all of Dawson, and other relatives.
Wolfe Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Mon., Oct 24, 1955
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- 1st wife Mary Gertrude (McGehee)
Edwards 2nd wife Pauline Lillian (Ponder) Edwards married Mar
27, 1910; s/o John Wesley Edwards & Sally (Callahan) Edwards
Pauline Lillian (Ponder)
Oct 13, 1879 - Mar 18, 1962
Mrs. Edwards Of Dawson Expires
DAWSON, March 19, (Spl.)�Mrs. J. C. Edwards, 82, died at her home
here Sunday afternoon following an extended illness.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the First
Baptist church with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Dan Taylor, pastor of the
church, and Rev. Robert Lindsey, pastor of the First Methodist
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Essie Edwards, Dallas; and Mrs.
Ruth Smith, Hondo; a brother, Roy Ponder, Dawson; a nephew and two
Eubanks will direct.
Minnie Lee (Edwards)
Nov 18, 1875 - Apr 19, 1958
Monday Services Dawson Resident
DAWSON, April 21�(Spl.)�Funeral services were held Monday at 3 p.m.
here for Mrs. M. M. Whitehurst, who died at her home in Dawson
Saturday morning.
Rites were held from the Dawson Methodist Church with Rev. W. L.
Millner, the pastor; Rev. Maggart B. Howell, Superintendent of the
Waxahachie district; and Rev. Roy Davis officiating. Burial was in
Dawson cemetery.
Mrs. Whitehurst was born in Mississippi, and came to Texas in 1916.
Survivors include her husband of Dawson; a daughter, Mrs. Floyd
Langford, Mercedes; two sons, N. G. Whitehurst, Fort Worth; and H.
O. Whitehurst, Groesbeck; three sisters, Mrs. Felix Davis, Mrs. John
Hale and Mrs. Kathleen Edwards all of Dawson; two brothers, Alva
Edwards, Lott, and A. L. Edwards, Dawson; five grandchildren and
four great grandchildren.
Wolfe Funeral Home Directed.
Matteson Martin Whitehurst
Jun 7, 1879 - Oct 14, 1959
Former Dawson Merchant Dies
DAWSON, Oct. 16 (Spl.) --Funeral services for M. M. Whitehurst, 89,
who died in a Mercedes hospital Wednesday night, were held from the
First Methodist church here at 3 p.m. with burial in the
Dawson cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Sanders, pastor, and Rev. W.
O. Estes Baptist Minister.
Whitehurst formerly owned business firms here, at Hearne and at
Surviving are two sons, N. J. Whitehurst, Fort Worth, and H. O.
Whitehurst, Groesbeck school superintendent; a daughter, Mrs. Floyd
Langford, Mercedes; five grandchildren, sever great-grandchildren
and several brothers and sisters who reside in Mississippi.
Wolf Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Fri., Oct 16, 1959
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- h/o Minnie Lee (Edwards)
Whitehurst; s/o Robert L. Whitehurst & Sarah (Lambeth)
Whitehurst per death certificate
Will W. Stevens
Apr 5, 1887 - May 29, 1945
Funeral services for Will W. Stevens, aged 58 years, who died in
Dallas Tuesday, were held in Dallas Thursday morning at 10:30
o'clock with another service at
Hamilton cemetery
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Woodmen of the World had charge of
the rites at the grave. Stevens formerly resided at Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Stevens, Dallas; a son, Neill
H. Stevens, U. S. Army; a brother, Henry Stevens, Texarkana; a
half-brother, Ollie Smith, Detroit, Mich.; and two sisters, Mrs. Mae
Howlett, Shattuck, Okla., and Mrs. Myrtle Beckham, Corsicana, and
other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home in charge of local arrangements.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., May 31, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st wife Lucy B. (Hardin)
Stevens married Oct 1, 1909 2nd wife Mildred (Powers ?) Stevens;
s/o Henry Stevens & Emily (Cook) Stevens (sister Myrtle Beckham
says d/o Emily (Thiel) )
Addie Etta (Puckett)
Jun. 29, 1872 - Nov. 4, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. C. Barnes, 73, who died Sunday will be
held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial will be in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, C. Barnes, Corsicana; three daughters,
four sons, a brother, three sisters, and 11 grandchildren.
Funeral services for Mrs. C. Barnes, 73, who died Sunday, were held
from the Corley Funeral chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, C. Barnes, Corsicana; three daughters,
Mrs. A. M. Matthews, Corsicana; Mrs. Frances Mixon, Ennis, and Mrs.
H. L. Kenner, Calif., four sons, H. M. Barnes, Dallas; Virgil
Barnes, California; Ed Barnes, Fresno, Calif., and Shelby Barnes,
Waxahachie; a brother, J. D. Puckett, Jonesboro, La.; three sisters,
Mrs. Hettie Barrett, Exeter, Calif.; Mrs. Rosa Rudd, Waxahachie, and
Mrs. Gordie Stinson, Jonesboro, La., and 11 grandchildren.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Gus Anderson
Jun 11, 1886 - May 4, 1945
Funeral services for Gus Anderson, aged 56 years, who died early
Friday with a heart attack at his home, 1100 West Fourteenth avenue,
were held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Corley Funeral
Chapel. Burial was in
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. H. Baldridge, pastor of the
Eleventh Avenue Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. J. T. Wilson and Mrs.
Marvin Berson, all of Corsicana; a son, Joe D. Anderson, U. S. Navy;
two sisters, Mrs. C. H. Donoho and Mrs. Dora Caskey; a brother,
Neely Anderson, and two grandchildren, all of Corsicana.
Ollie Lee King
Mar 6, 1898 - Dec 23, 1973
O. L. King
Funeral services are pending at Corley Funeral Home for O. L. King,
75, of Corsicana, who died Sunday night at Twilight Home.
O. L. King
Funeral Services were held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in Corley's Funeral
Home Chapel for O. L. King, 75, who died Sunday night at Twilight
Home. The Rev. Charles Pringle, pastor of West Side Baptist Church,
officiated, and burial was at
Hamilton cemetery.
King was a native of Tennessee and a member of the Baptist Church.
He is survived by three sons, Hamilton King and Cecil King of
Houston, and Edwin Evens of Pasadena; one daughter, Mrs. Roy Stell
of Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Grissom and Mrs. Lois King
Toland, both of Oklahoma City; four grandchildren; and eight
Pallbearers were Edwin Klingbeil, Leo Toland, Otis Capehart, Leroy
Poteet, Lynn McCary, James Cummings, and Ray Poteet.
Bessie (Hayes) Evans-King
Jan 10, 1901 - Jan 19, 1973
Mrs. King
Funeral services for Mrs. O. L. King, 72, who died Friday at
Twilight Home, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, at the Corley Funeral
Chapel with the Rev. Charles Pringle officiating. Burial will be in
the Hamilton
The family had moved here from Conroe a few months ago. She was a
native of Houston, Mo., and a member of the Baptist church.
She is survived by her husband, O. L. King, of Corsicana; one
daughter, Mrs. Roy Stell, Dallas; three sons, Edwin L. Evans of
Pasadena; Hamilton King and Cecil King, both of Houston; one sister,
Mrs. W. M. Stephens of Tulsa, Okla.; one grandson and two
Pallbearers will be Leo Toldan, Edwin Klingbeil, Clyde Sullivan,
Orvil Capehart, Odis Capehart and Leroy Poteet.
Ambrose �Pete� Hillburn
Dec 30, 1855 - Oct 30, 1945
Ambrose (Pete) Hilburn, aged 89 years, pioneer resident of Richland
where he was a prominent rancher-banker-farmer, died at the P. and
S. Hospital shortly at the P. and S. Hospital shortly after 11
o'clock Tuesday night. He suffered a broken hip several days ago.
A native Texan, born Dec. 30, 1855, the colorful South Navarro
county citizen had resided most of his life in the Richland area,
where he owned extensive land and other properties.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral Home chapel
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in the Richland
cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, pastor
of the First Christian church in Corsicana.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Belle Elkins, Corsicana; three
grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and a brother, Pat Hilburn,
Pallbearers will be A. N. Brown, Henry Davis, Jim Richards, Jim
Patrick, Earl McDaniel, B. F. Herod and Joe White.
Funeral services for Ambrose (Pete) Hilburn, aged 89 years, who died
at the P. and S. Hospital Tuesday night following the fracturing of
a hip several days ago were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Corley Funeral Chapel. The rites were conducted by Rev. W.
O. Harmon, minister of the First Christian church. Burial was in the
Richland cemetery.
A native Texan, born, Dec. 30, 1855, Hilburn had resided in the
Richland community practically all of his life. He owned a ranch
southeast of Richland and other South Navarro county properties.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Belle Elkins, Corsicana; three
grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and a brother, Pat Hilburn,
Richland, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were A. N. Brown, Henry Davis, Jim Richards, Jim
Patrick, Earl McDaniel, S. Herod and Joe White.
Mary Catherine (Swink) Hillburn

Apr 10, 1860 - May 12, 1945
Mrs. Mary C. Hillburn, aged 85 years, of Richland, pioneer Navarro
county resident, formerly president of the First National Bank of
Richland, died at the P. and S. Hospital Saturday morning at 12:30
o'clock following a several days illness.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the Corley Funeral Home chapel with burial in the
Richland cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Harmon, minister of the
First Christian church.
A native of Cherokee county, Texas, Mrs. Hillburn came to Navarro
county and Richland with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Swink, in 1960, when less than one year old. She owned extensive
farm and ranch holdings in South Navarro county.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Belle Elkins, Corsicana; three
grandchildren, A. Z. Elkins, U. S. Army, Mrs. Frank. I. Batts, Port
Arthur, and Mrs. W. W. Dellaes, Garland, and four
Pallbearers will be H. C. Davis, J. W. Richards, Earl McDaniel, Jim
Patrick, S. F. Herod and Neal Brown, Sr.
Pat Hillburn
Jun 17, 1869 - Oct 13, 1955
Pat Hillburn Dies Thursday
Pat Hillburn, 86, retired, formerly of Richland died at the Twilight
Home late Thursday.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Saturday at 2
p.m. with Rev. Kenneth L. Bazar, assistant pastor of the Missionary
Baptist church, conducting. Burial will be in the
Richland cemetery.
Surviving are three sons, B. D. Hillburn, San Marcos; G. A. Hillburn,
New Orleans, and Ed Hillburn, Liberty; two daughters, Mrs. H. E.
Nixon, Longview, and Mrs. P. S. Craver, Houston, seven
grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Oct 14, 1955
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Sallie Maria
(Williamson) Hillburn-Elkins married Jan 15, 1896; s/o Lorenzo
Dow Hillburn & Eliza Jane (Riggs) Hillburn
David Lee Tidwell
Mar 13, 1878 - Sep 26, 1945
David L. Tidwell, aged 69 years, long-time resident of Navarro
county, died at the P. and S. Hospital early Wednesday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held from the Baptist church in Richland
Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Burial will be in the
Richland cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Fowler.
Prior to moving to Richland several months ago, the family had
resided at Pickett and Pursley for many years.
Surviving are his wife of Richland; two sons, E. L. Tidwell,
Richland, and N. L. Tidwell, San Antonio; and a stepson, H. E.
Billingsley, Luling.
Corley Funeral Home in charge.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Sep 26, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Minnie Ann (Nutt)
Billingsley-Nutt married Jun 18, 1900; s/o Rueben Tidwell &
Susan (UNKNOWN) Tidwell per death certificate
Minnie Ann (Nutt)
Oct 28, 1874 - Jan 28 1948
Funeral Slated In Richland For Mrs. M. A. Tidwell
Mrs. Minnie Ann Tidwell, aged 73 years, native of Navarro county,
died at her home in Richland early Wednesday morning.
Funeral services are slated Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
First Baptist church in Richland, with burial in the
Richland cemetery.
Surviving are three sons, E. L. Tidwell, Richland; N. L. Tidwell,
San Antonio and H. E. Billingsley, El Campo; nine grandchildren, two
sisters, Mrs. Vennie Graves, Richland, and Mrs. A. A. Wigley, San
Antonio; three brothers, Lee Nutt, Eureka; Mabin Nutt, Route 1,
Corsicana, and Noah Nutt, Dallas, and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jan 28, 1948
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st husband Basil Nelson
Billingsley married Oct 11, 1895 2nd husband David Lee Tidwell
married Jun. 18, 1900; d/o Marcus Lafayette Nutt & Cynthia Ann
(Smith) Nutt
Mrs. M. A. Tidwell Buried Thursday At Richland
Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Ann Tidwell, aged 73 years, native
of Navarro County, who died at her home in Richland Wednesday
morning, were held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First
Baptist Church in Richland. Burial was in the
Richland cemetery.
Surviving are three sons, E. L. Tidwell, Richland; N. L. Tidwell,
San Antonio, and H. E. Billingsley, El Campo; nine grandchildren,
two sisters, Mrs. Vennie Grace, Richland, and Mrs. A. A. Wigley, San
Antonio; three brothers, Lee Nutt, Eureka; Mabin Nut, Route 1,
Corsicana, and Noah Nutt, Dallas, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Fred McDaniel, W. T. Winstead, Jesse Burton, Joe
Oliver, W. L. Hendon and Eugene White.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
William Hallie Manville, Sr.
Aug 9, 1895 - Oct 6, 1945
W. H. Manville, age 49 years, employee of the O. K. Tire Shop here,
died in a Mexia hospital Saturday morning from injuries received
Friday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock two miles north of Mexia.
Floyd Lewis, 28, and his brother Grady Lewis, 18, both employees of
the Corsicana Cotton Mills, occupants of the car in the accident,
were not seriously hurt and were able to return to Corsicana
Saturday morning. Floyd Lewis, a son-in-law of Manville, received
severe ankle and rib injuries while Grady suffered a scalp wound.
Manville and Floyd Lewis reside at 625 North Commerce street here.
Floyd Lewis, driver of the automobile, said the car went out of
control and turned over in a ravine near a road intersection.
Surviving Manville are his wife Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs.
Mozelle Lewis, Corsicana, and Mrs. Florence Mayer, Houston; a son,
W. H. Manville, Jr., Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Wilcox,
Corsicana; and two brothers, Homer Manville and Ottie Manville, both
of Houston.
Manville's body was returned to Corsicana by the Corley Funeral Home
Saturday morning. Funeral arrangements had not been completed early
Saturday afternoon.
Funeral services for W. H. Manville, age 49 years, who died in a
Mexia hospital were held from the Corley Funeral Home chapel Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burial was at Pursley. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the Northside Baptist church.
Manville was critically injured Friday afternoon when a car in which
he was riding got out of control two miles north of Mexia and
crashed into a ravine. Floyd Lewis, 28, and Grady Lewis, 18, both
employees of the Corsicana Cotton Mills, also occupants of the car,
escaped with minor injuries.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. Mozelle
Lewis, Corsicana, and Mrs. Florence Mayer, Houston; a son, W. H.
Manville, Jr., Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Wilcox, Corsicana;
two brothers, Homer and Ottie Manville, both of Houston and other
Paralee (Bullard) Daniels
Feb 10, 1879 - Oct 10, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. Parlie Daniels, aged 77 years, who died at
Parishville at noon Wednesday were held Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock at the Pursley cemetery where interment was made. The rites
were conducted by Rev. J. E. Inlow, pastor of the Assembly of God
church in Corsicana.
Surviving are two sons, J. M. Daniels, Parishville, and H. M.
Daniels, McKinney; a daughter, Mrs. Sadie Ivy, Lawton, Okla., 23
grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Dovie Lou (Anderson)
Jan 18, 1909 - Sep 30, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. Dovie Anderson Southerland, aged 36 years,
who died in Waco Sunday, were held at Pursley Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial was in the Pursley cemetery. The rites were
conducted by James A. Johnson, Corsicana Church of Christ, minister.
A native of Coryell county, Mrs. Southerland resided in the Pursley
community prior to moving to Waco.
Surviving are her husband, Raymond Leslie Southerland, Waco; two
children, LaVern and Glenda Southerland, Waco; and two sisters, Mrs.
D. L. Lasley, Beaumont and Mrs. H. F. Southerland, Blair, Okla.
Roxie Anna
(Coleman) Turner-Erwin-Freeman-McKee
Jul 15, 1877 - Aug 8, 1945
Mrs. J. R. McKee, aged 68 years, 604 South Nineteenth street, died
Wednesday morning.
Funeral services are scheduled Friday from the Corley chapel with
burial in the Pursley cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. A. J.
Leggett, Dawson; Mrs. C. O. Polk, Fort Worth, and Mrs. Ella Erwin,
Dallas; three step-daughters, Mrs. Bonnie Mae Smith, Mrs. L. A. Long
and Marie Erwin, all of Dallas; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Batts, Mrs.
Minnie Dilby and Mrs. Cordie Young, all of Dallas; a brother, H. C.
Coleman, California, and nine grandchildren.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Aug 8, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
New Pursley Cemetery,
Navarro Co., TX
- 1st husband T. Turner
married Dec 30, 1900 2nd husband James D. Erwin married Jan 8,
1906 3rd husband UNKNOWN Freeman 4th husband J. R. McKee married
Jul. 25, 1918; d/o John Coleman per death certificate
Marsh James "Pat" Burleson

Jan 5, 1901 - Oct 2, 1945
Marsh James Burleson, age 44 years, died Wednesday in Napa, Calif.,
and the body will be returned here for burial.
Funeral arrangements are not complete but probably will be held from
the Corley Chapel some time Tuesday. Interment will be in
Hopewell cemetery.
Surviving are a son, Bobby James Burleson, Austin; his father, J. D.
Burleson, Streetman; his mother, Mrs. Stella Burleson, Dallas; three
brothers, Joe Burleson, Dallas; Sam Burleson, Dallas; Harvey Marsh
James "Pat" Burleson Marker Photo Jan 5, 1901 - Oct 2, 1945
Burleson, Streetman; five sisters, Mrs. I. L. McKamy, Dallas; Mrs.
J. A. Schrimpf, Dallas; Mrs. Hugh Dodd, Dallas; Mrs. Hal R. Adair,
Dallas; Mrs. H. L. Murray, Uvalde, and other relatives.
Funeral services for Marsh James Burleson, age 44 years, who died
Wednesday in Napa, Calif., were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the Corley Funeral Chapel with interment in the
Hopewell cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. J. I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First
Baptist church.
Surviving are a son, Bobby James Burleson, Austin; his father, J. D.
Burleson, Streetman; his mother, Mrs. Stella Burleson, Dallas; three
brothers, Joe Burleson, Dallas; Sam Burleson, Dallas; Harvey Marsh
James "Pat" Burleson Marker Photo Jan 5, 1901 - Oct 2, 1945
Burleson, Streetman; five sisters, Mrs. I. L. McKamy, Dallas; Mrs.
J. A. Schrimpf, Dallas; Mrs. Hugh Dodd, Dallas; Mrs. Hal R. Adair,
Dallas; Mrs. H. L. Murray, Uvalde, and other relatives.
Thomas Irwin Minze
Feb 5, 1892 - Feb 7, 1945
T. I. Minze, 63, resident of Navarro, died in the Veterans Hospital
at Dallas Wednesday. funeral services will be held Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 from the Baptist church at Navarro and will be
conducted by Rev. W. H. Day. Burial will be in
Hopewell cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Navarro: two step-sons, C. H. King,
Hebbronville; Lieut. C. L. King, U. S. Army Air Corps, Pyote; two
brothers, W. E. Minze, Barry; J. E. Minze, Houston; a sister, Mrs.
Hattie Stanley, Houston; two grandchildren and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home is directing the arrangements.
Rites On Thursday For T. I. Minze; Buried at Hopewell
Funeral services for T. I. Minze, 63, who died in the Veterans
Hospital at Dallas Wednesday, were held at 2:30 Thursday afternoon
from the Navarro Baptist church with Rev. W. H. Day in charge.
Surviving are his wife, two step-sons, two brothers, a sister and
other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements.
Cora Anna (Boyd) Marsh

Oct 30, 1873 - Jan 10, 1945
Mrs. Cora Ann Marsh, 71, died at her home on Columbia avenue
Wednesday night. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Baptist church at Navarro. Interment will be in
Hopewell cemetery.
Rev. W. H. Day will conduct the rites.
Mrs. Marsh was born at Navarro and lived there until she moved to
Corsicana about 18 years ago.
Surviving are four sons, Ira Marsh, Corsicana; Bob Marsh, Corsicana;
Boyd Marsh, Orange; Pete Marsh, Wink; two daughters, Mrs. Drane Roe,
Corsicana; Miss Mabel Marsh, Corsicana; a brother, T. E. Boyd,
Corsicana; six grandchildren, one great-grandchild and other
Pallbearers will be Bert Crews, Newt Middlebrook, Eldridge Bottom,
Tom Roe, Jim Pugh and Newt Horn.
Sutherland-McCammon will direct the arrangements.
Nancy Carroll Marsh

B&D Apr 12, 1945
Funeral Services For Infant Held Friday Afternoon
Funeral services for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cloise E.
Marsh, who died at the Waters Clinic Thursday afternoon, were held
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in the
Hopewell cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. A. L. Meador, pastor of the Missionary
Baptist church.
Surviving are the parents of Corsicana, and grandparents, Mrs. Lola
Marsh, Navarro and Mr. and Mrs. D. Compton, Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Thomas Jefferson Stalter
Mar 10, 1893 - Sep 3, 1965
T. J. Stalter Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Thomas J. Stalter, 72, Navarro farmer, who died
at his home Friday morning, will be held Saturday at 3:30 p. m. from
the Corley Chapel.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Bennie McBryde, pastor of the
Eureka Methodist church. Burial will be in the
Hopewell cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Navarro; two sons, C. H. and C. L. King,
both of Houston; five daughters, Mrs. Jettie May Owen, Oklahoma
City; Mrs. Mary Lou Roberts and Miss Geneva Stalter, both of Los
Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Thomas Cantrell, Corsicana, and Mrs. Jewell
Whittle, New Mexico; 17 grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Morris Farmer, Truman Farmer, Clint Fouty,
Charles Keele, Keith McCarter, Clyde Weaver, Curtis Chandler and
Wilmer Hodge.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Sep 4, 1965
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st wife Tennie Mae
(Harrison) Stalter buried in East Hill Cemetery, Roff, Pontotoc,
Okla. 2nd wife Julia Gertrude (McCArter) King-Dycus-Minze-Stalter;
s/o David Stalter & Jennie Harriett (Browning) Stalter
John Howell Powell
Apr 13, 1886 - Oct 8, 1945
John Howell Powell, age 79 years, resident of the Powell community
died at the P. and S. Hospital Monday morning.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Corley Chapel with Rev. Cato Sherrer conducting the rites.
Burial will be in Hopewell
Surviving are his wife, Powell; two step-sons, Charley Hartwell, U.
S. Army; Lawrence Hartwell, U. S. Army; a step-daughter, Mrs. Travis
Denton, Amarillo; two brothers, P. H. Powell, Corsicana; H. J.
Powell, Dallas; a niece, Mrs. Alton Burnett, Powell; two nephews,
Johnson Taylor, Drane; Talmadge Powell, Corsicana, and other
Funeral services for John H. Powell, aged 59 years, of Powell who
died at the P. and S. Hospital Monday morning, were held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Funeral Chapel. Burial was in
the Hopewell cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Cato Sherrer.
Prior to moving to Powell, he resided at Trinidad where he was an
employee of the Texas Power and Light Company for a number of years.
Surviving are two step-sons, Charley Hartwell, and Lawrence
Hartwell, both in the U. S. Army; a step-daughter, Mrs. Travis
Denton, Amarillo; two brothers, P. H. Powell, Corsicana, and H. J.
Powell, Dallas; a niece, Mrs. Alton Burnett, Powell; two nephews,
Johnson Taylor, Drane, and Talmadge Powell, Corsicana, and other
Pallbearers were Lonnie Powell, Frank Coley, Joe Smith, Frank Gay,
Fred Reed, and Beaton Ware.
Susan Magdeline (Love)
Mar 14, 1860 - Feb 19, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. N. R. Weaver, 84, who died at her
residence at the west end Boulevard Monday, were held Tuesday
afternoon at 3:30 from the Corley Chapel. Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk
conducted the rites and burial was in
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are a son, W. B. Weaver, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. J.
W. Powell, Sherman; Mrs. Ruby McMullan, Corsicana; five sisters,
Mrs. J. M. Grant, Blooming Grove; Miss Flora Love, Tyler; Mrs. H. C.
Pasley, Tyler; Mrs. W. H. Champion, Lockhard; Mrs. J. S. Daniel,
Corsicana; a brother, Sam B. Love, Corsicana, nine grandchildren and
other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Rex Powell, Guy Love, Roy Love, M. W. Powell,
Joseph Daniel and Winston Weaver.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Feb 20, 1945
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- w/o Nathan Ruben Weaver
married Oct. 23, 1890 buried in Cosgrove cemetery d/o James
Richardson Love and Harriett Elizabeth (Badgett) Love
William B. �Will� Weaver
Sep 10, 1881 - Feb 25, 1954
Wm. B. Weaver Rites Saturday
Funeral services for Wm. B. Weaver, 71, dairyman, who died at his
home Thursday night, were held Saturday at 10:30 a. m. from the
Corley Chapel.
The rites were conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the
First Baptist church. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, and a son, W. W. Weaver, both of Corsicana;
three grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Powell, Southmayd, and
Mrs. Ruby McMullan, Corsicana.
Pallbearers were Jim Taylor, Newton Roman, Tom Lake, Sam Tucker, Guy
Love and Arthur Weeks.
John Samuel Pugh

Apr 7, 1866 - Dec 30, 1945
John Samuel Pugh, aged 79 years, native of Angus, died at his home
in Angus Sunday afternoon following a short illness. Funeral
services were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Angus
Baptist Church. Burial was in the
Hamilton cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. D. D. Geddie, missionary of the
Corsicana Baptist association.
Surviving are his wife of Angus; a son, Allen Pugh, Mississippi;
three daughters, Mrs. T. E. Pritchard, Miss Alma Pugh and Miss Ilene
Pugh, all of Angus, and a sister, Mrs. Nannie McGage, Corsicana,
eight grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be J. M. Pugh, L. A. Pugh, T. E. Pritchard, Aubry
Hayes, Thomas Ware and John Ware.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Wallace William Pryor

May 1, 1869 - Nov 24, 1947
W. W. Pryor, aged 76 years, long time resident of Navarro county,
died suddenly Monday afternoon.
Funeral services will be held from the Corley Funeral chapel
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The rites will be conducted by Dr.
Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial will
be in the Hamilton
Surviving are five sons, Elmer Pryor, Corsicana; J. W. Pryor,
Electra, Raymond Pryor, Katy; Earl Pryor, Conroe, and Wesley Pryor,
U. S. Army; three daughters, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Conroe; Miss Mattie
Lou Pryor, Corsicana, and Mrs. Ruby Spears, Corsicana; three
brothers, Jim Pryor, Ada, Okla.; G. E. Pryor, Corsicana, and J. H.
Pryor, Blooming Grove; three sisters, Mrs. Lee Skelton, Osage,
Okla.; Mrs. Cynthia Dunston, Port Arthur, and Mrs. M. F. Wilson,
Corsicana; six grandchildren, and other relatives.
W. W. Pryor Rites Wednesday 2 P. M.
Funeral services for W. W. Pryor, aged 78 years, long-time Navarro
county resident, who died suddenly Monday afternoon, were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Corley Chapel. Burial was
in the Hamilton
cemetery. The rites were conducted by Dr. Jared I. Cartlidge,
pastor of the First Baptist church.
Surviving are five sons, Elmer Pryor, Corsicana; J. W. Pryor,
Electra, Raymond Pryor, Katy; Earl Pryor, Conroe, and Wesley Pryor,
U. S. Army; three daughters, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Conroe; Miss Mattie
Lou Pryor, Corsicana, and Mrs. Ruby Spears, Corsicana; three
brothers, Jim Pryor, Ada, Okla.; G. E. Pryor, Corsicana, and J. H.
Pryor, Blooming Grove; three sisters, Mrs. Lee Skelton, Osage,
Okla.; Mrs. Cynthia Dunston, Port Arthur, and Mrs. M. F. Wilson,
Corsicana; six grandchildren, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Virgil Williamson, Jack Stough, D. J. (Dock)
Martin, A. E. Highnote, Chas. W. Brown, Grover Chambers, Wm. Bolen
and W. W. Pryor, Jr.
Johnnie Wallace Pryor

May 20, 1915 - Jun 25, 1976
John Pryor
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in Reser Chapel in
Healdton, Okla., for John W. Pryor, 61. Graveside services will be
held at 11 a.m. Monday at the
Cemetery with the Rev. Gerry Neal officiating.
Pryor is survived by his wife, Mrs. Kathyleen Pryor of Healdton; two
sons, Herald Pryor, Humble and Wallace Pryor, Norman, Okla.; two
step-sons, Thomas Neal, Houston, and Rev. Gerry Neal, Corsicana;
seven grandchildren, four brothers, Elmer Pryor, Sulphur, La.,
Raymond Pryor, Trumbull, and Wesley Pryor, Palestine; two sisters,
Mrs. Maggie Lou Stough, Corsican and Mrs. Pauline Brown, Conroe.
Charlie Lee Nevill
Sep 26, 1880 - Nov 11, 1945
C. L. Nevill, aged 65 years, carpenter, died at his home in Mexia
Monday morning.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church in Mexia
Wednesday with interment in the
Cade cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. R. L. Dobson.
Nevill formerly resided in Corsicana.
Surviving are his wife of Mexia; five daughters, Mrs. J. A.
Hardcastle, Houston; Mrs. D. H. Rushing, Dallas; Mrs. E. M. Holt,
Streetman; Mrs. Fred King, Brownsville and Miss Esther Ruth Nevill,
Mexia; a son, W. D. Nevill, Grapeland; four sisters, Mrs. John
McDowell, Streetman; Mrs. W. M. McCraw, Purdon; Mrs. Jess Foster,
California, and Mrs. Birdie Kilgore, Kaufman; a brother, Ancil
Nevill, Corsicana and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home is directing.
Myrtle Rene (Baggett)
Apr 23, 1922 - May 5, 1945
Funeral services for Mrs. C. E. McKinney, 20, who died in Freeport
Sunday, were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel Monday afternoon at
3 o'clock with burial in the
Cade cemetery. The
services were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the North Side
Baptist church.
Surviving are her husband and two children, Myrdell and Billie
McKinney, Freeport, parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Long; three
brothers, Norma E., Travis G., and Nayman E. Long, a sister, Darlene
Long, all of Corsicana; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
McAdams, Emhouse.
Pallbearers were J. E. McAdams, Harvey McAdams, Burl Harris, Odie
Baggett, Ed Baggett and Jim Cowart.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., May 7, 1945
- Submitted
Diane Richards
- w/o Clifford Eugene
McKinney; d/o Andrew C. �Andy� Baggett buried in Cade cemetery & Bula
Beatrice (McAdams) Baggett-Long (step father Oscar Otho Long and
Bula are buried in Dew cemetery, Dew, Tx., Freestone county)
Lawrence Wesley Gunter
1935 - May 21, 2018
Wesley Gunter
1935 - 2018
Lawrence Wesley Gunter HURST--Lawrence Wesley Gunter, 82, of
Hurst, Texas, passed away peacefully on Monday, May 21,
2018, in North Richland Hills surrounded by his family.
FUNERAL: 11 a.m. Thursday, May 24, at Lucas Funeral Home,
Hurst, with Minister Royce Peaden officiating. Prayer by
Quincy Dequeemani. Burial: 1 p.m. in Emerald Hills Memorial
Park in Kennedale, Texas. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday,
May 23, at Lucas Funeral Home in Hurst, Texas. Lawrence
Wesley Gunter was born in Frost, Texas, to Lawrence Wheat
Gunter and Jessie Faye Brackeen on Aug. 8, 1935. He married
the love of his life, Lena Jo Scritchfield, in Fort Worth,
Texas, on June 28, 1954. He was drafted and served in the
Army. He retired from General Motors. Dad had passions for
gardening, fishing, woodworking, telling stories, watching
wrestling, listening to his family sing and taking care of
his family. He was preceded in death by his parents,
grandparents and a brother-in-law. SURVIVORS: Lawrence is
survived by his wife, Lena Gunter; sons, John Gunter and
wife, Kristi, and James Gunter and wife, Carol; daughter,
Karen Peaden and husband, Jeff; grandchildren, Jorden Gunter
and Scott Peaden; great-grandchildren, Connor Gunter and
Izabella Gunter; sisters, Wanda Hawkins and husband, Deryal
Lindsey, Shirley Dulaney, Faye Preston and husband, Weldon,
Janice Hall and husband, Larry, and Brenda King and husband,
Jerry; and many other extended family and friends. |
Fred Donald "Don" Howell

Nov 8, 1930 - Dec 24, 2018
Fred D. Howell, age 88, of Fort Worth, Texas passed away on
Monday, December 24, 2018. He was born on November 8, 1930
in Mexia, Texas to Vernon Ezra Howell and Lillian Rankin
He attended school in Mexia and earned his associates degree
from Navarro College, then continued his education at Texas
Weslyn College in Ft. Worth where he earned his bachelor
degree and finished with a master degree in Education from
East Texas State University in Commerce, Texas.
Fred served his county in the
United States Navy from
1947 until 1952.
His work experience included working in production for
General Motors, teaching history and business education in
Castleberry ISD as well as Marketing and Distributive
Education along with becoming the Administrator of the
Vocational Education department. Fred was always active with
young people in the community in which he lived. He served
as Swimming Instructor and Swim Coach for the Panther Boys
Club while working at Castleberry ISD. Fred was working for
the Azle ISD for two years after leaving Castleberry and
finished his career as a teacher and counselor at the
Masonic Home and School. Fred was always involved in
swimming, from managing pools to being a swim team coach. He
loved working with young people. It's been said the he was a
man of patience but when he reached he limit �look out�. He
didn't reach that limit very often. He demanded respect from
the youth with whom he worked and he received it.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, and his
daughter, Nancy Katherine Madley. Fred is survived by: his
daughter, Dani Howell;
2 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and one great-great
grandchild to be born in 2019.
A private graveside was held on Saturday, December 29, 2018
at Rose Hill
Cemetery in Blooming Grove, Texas with Mr. Donnie
Stewart officiating.
Burial followed. |
Corrine Allen
Nov 8, 1906 - Feb 6, 1991
Corrine Allen, 82, of Dallas, died Feb. 6, 1991, at Fair Park
Nursing Home in Dallas.
Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Johnson Memorial Church
of God in Christ. Burial will be in
Silent Grove Cemetery
in Cheneyboro. Ross and Johnson Mortuary is in charge of
She is survived by four nephews, Dick Jacobs, Wallace Wigfall,
Wallace Dudley and L.B. Billings, all of Corsicana; four nieces,
Elizabeth Jacobs of Teague, Johnnie Mae Kissam of Houston, Madell
Lee of Fort Worth, and Adell Moore of Corsicana; and other
Mary Edith (Whiteside) Hitt

May 25, 1907 - Mar 13, 1991
Edith Hitt, 83, of Corsicana, died March 13, 1991, at Navarro
Regional Hospital.
Services are 2 p.m. Friday at Corley Fufneral Home with the Rev.
George Proctor-Smith officiating. Burial will be in
Dresden Cemetery.
She was born May 25, 1907, in Dresden, and was a lifelong resident
of Navarro County. She was a homemaker and a member of Central
Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Herman Hitt, in 1982.
Survivors include one son, Don Hitt of Corsicana' one daughter,
Doris Crabb of Corsicana; six grandchildren; seven
great-grandchildren; one brother, Doug Whiteside of Corsicana; one
sister, Belle Fox of Amaha; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Jack Flynn, Alton Schlimmer, Benny Robinson,
Larry Anderton, Thomas Montfort and Bill Sikes.
Tommy Loyd Nevill

Jan 22, 1946 - Mar 13, 1991
Tommy Loyd Nevill, 45, of Stephenville, died March 13, 1991.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at the Westhill Church of Christ
with Solon Bailey officiating. Burial will be in
Dresden Cemetery.
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove is in charge of
He is survived by his parents, Dariel and Billie Nevill of Barry;
one daughter, Rebecca Nevill of Barry; and two sisters, Patricia
Prince of Trinidad and Darlene Owen of Barry.
Pallbearers will be Kenneth Beard, Glenn Beard, Randy Nevill, Steve
Nevill, Gerald McSpadden, Doug Vaughan, Bill Poke and Don Boyd.
Theresa Dawn Nevill

Jan 10, 1973 - Mar 13, 1991
Theresa Dawn Nevill, 18, of Barry, died March 13, 1991.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at the Westhill Church of Christ
with Solon Bailey officiating. Burial will be in
Dresden Cemetery.
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove is in charge of
She is survived by her mother, Yvonne Bowden of Mississippi; her
stepfather, E.J. Bowden of Mississippi, one sister, Rebecca Nevill
of Barry; and her grandparents, Dariel and Billie Nevill of Barry
and Balla Mae Mahoney of Blooming Grove.
Pallbearers will be Aubrey Taylor, Jason Owen, Aaron Putnam, Scott
Northern, Monty Hill, Lance Horner, Linus Ashlock, Rusty Owens,
Phillip Briggs, Kevin Schmidt, Chris McSpadden and Bryan Whitaker.
Jacqueline Diane Nevill

Sep 18, 1977 - Mar 13, 1991
Jacqueline Diane Nevill, 13, of Barry, died March 13, 1991.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at the Westhill Church of Christ,
with Solon Bailey officiating. Burial will be in
Dresden Cemetery.
Griffin-roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove is in charge of
She is survived by her mother, Yvonne Bowden of Mississippi;
stepfather, E. J. Bowden of Mississippi, one sister, Rebecca Nevill
of Barry; and her grandparents, Dariel and Billie Nevill of Barry
and Balla Mae Mahoney of Blooming Grove.
Pallbearers will be Aubrey Taylor, Jason Owen, Aaron Putnam, Scott
Northern, Monty Hill, Lance Horner, Linus Ashlock, Rusty Owens,
Phillip Briggs, Kevin Schmidt, Chris McSpadden and Bryan Whitaker.
Natalie Lynn Bowling

Nov 3, 1970 - Mar 13, 1991
Natalie Bowling, 20, of Blooming Grove, died March 13, 1991.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at the Westhill Church of Christ
with Solon Bailey officiating. Burial will be in
Dresden Cemetery.
Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Blooming Grove is in charge of
She is survived by her father, Loyd Bowling Jr., of Blooming Grove;
mother, Wanda Dean of Blooming Grove; two brothers, Nathan Bowling
and David Bowling, both of Blooming Grove; and her grandmother,
Balla Mae Mahoney of Blooming Grove.
Pallbearers will be Bobby Castillo, Michael Castillo, Billy Murray,
Ty Taylor, Rodney Jenkins and Bryan Northern.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Mar 15, 1991
- Submitted by
Karen Rost
- Killed in an auto accident
with Jacqaueline Diane Nevill, Theresa Dawn Nevill & Tommy Loyd
- From the collection of the
Liz Gillespie Genealogy Dept. - Corsicana Library
David Anderson Hampton
Nov 22, 1863 - Aug 30, 1946
Funeral services for David Anderson Hampton, aged 82 years, who died
in Waco Friday, were held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the
Dawson Methodist church. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery. Members of the Dawson Masonic Lodge were
Surviving are his widow of Waco; three daughters, Miss Orlena
Hampton, Waco; Mrs. Joe E. Cox, Houston, and Mrs. Mack Burgess,
Birmingham, Ala.; three sons, O. C. Hampton and Z. D. McCulloch,
both of Waco, and C. W. Odom, Washington, D. C.; two brothers, J. W.
and W. O. Nesmith, both of Dawson.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Sep. 2, 1946
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Amelia Melinda Hanorah Elizabeth
(Shay) McCulloch-Odom-Hampton; s/o John Green "Jack" Hampton per death certificate & Lamanda
Frances Hampton Nesmith (Frances is buried in Liberty Hill cemetery
Willie V. (Smith) Dean
Mar 5, 1884 - Sep 18, 1946
Mrs. O. B. Dean, aged 62 years, of Dawson, died at the P. and S.
Hospital Wednesday morning shortly after midnight. She had been ill
for some time.
Funeral services will be held from the Shiloh Baptist church
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in the
Dawson cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Tom Madden
and Rev. Oliver Nelson, both Baptist ministers.
Surviving are her husband, O. B. Dean, Dawson; two sons, Horace
Dean, San Marcos, and Milton Dean, Dawson; a granddaughter, Connie
Sue Dean, San Marcos; three brothers, J. Floyd Smith, Corsicana;
Earl Smith, Dawson and W. H. Smith, New Orleans; four sisters, Mrs.
W. Y. Cannon, Mrs. Robert M. Shull, Mrs. Guy Davis and Mrs. Clint
Pitts, all of Dawson and a number of other relatives.
Wolfe and Dobson Funeral Home will direct.
Funeral services for Mrs. O. B. Dean, aged 62 years of Dawson, who
died at the P. and S. Hospital Wednesday morning following an
extended illness, were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
Shiloah Baptist church near Dawson. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Tom Madden and
Rev. Oliver Nelson, both Baptist ministers.
A native of Mississippi, Mrs. Dean had resided in the Dawson
community for 50 years.
Surviving are her husband, O. B. Dean, Dawson; two sons, Horace
Dean, San Marcos, and Milton Dean, Dawson; a granddaughter, Connie
Sue Dean, San Marcos; three brothers, J. Floyd Smith, Corsicana;
Earl Smith, Dawson and W. H. Smith, New Orleans; four sisters, Mrs.
W. Y. Cannon, Mrs. Robert M. Shull, Mrs. Guy Davis and Mrs. Clint
Pitts, all of Dawson and a number of other relatives.
Wolfe and Dobson Funeral Home directed arrangements.
Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Poston) Featherston-Townley
Sep 14, 1884 - Mar 28, 1974
Mrs. Townley
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Corley Funeral
Home Chapel for Mrs. Lizzie Townley, 89, resident of Dallas, who
died Thursday in Dallas.
Rev. B. W. Johnson will officiate and burial will be at
Dawson cemetery.
She was a native of LaRue, Tex. and had lived in Dallas since 1959.
Survivors include four sons; J. D. Townley, William Featherston, and
Donald Featherston, all of Dallas, and Nathan Featherston of
Oroville, Calif.; three daughters, Mrs. Lura Davis of Corsicana, and
Mrs. Edna Miller and Mrs. Geneva Reynolds, both of Dallas; 40
grandchildren; 197 great-grandchildren; and 32
Pallbearers include James Reagan, Charlie Reagan, Bruce Wheat,
Willie West, Johnny Wheat, and William Poston.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mar 28, 1974
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st husband William Thomas
�Bill� Featherston Married May 24, 1908 Henderson county, Tx.
buried in Shelby Chapel Cemetery, Athens, Tx. 2nd husband Martin
Dee Townley married Oct. 24, 1934 d/o John Greenlee Poston and
Mary (unk) Poston per death certificate (could be Edward
Greenlee Poston and Mary (Rooks) Poston ???)
Daniel Gipson �Dan� Simms,

Nov 17, 1864 - Oct 5, 1946
Funeral services for Daniel Gipson Simms, aged 81 years, who died at
his home , 4310 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, early Saturday, were
held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock with burial in
A native of Angelina county, Texas, he resided at Dawson for 31
years after a brief career as a cattleman in Concho county. He moved
to Dallas 24 years ago. Simms was a Shriner, a 32nd degree Mason and
an elder in the Presbyterian church.
Surviving are his wife, Dallas; a granddaughter, Mary Berry, Austin;
and two step-daughters, Mrs. John B. Marney, San Angelo, and Mrs.
James K. Murry, Dallas.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Oct. 7, 1946
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st wife Mary Ann
(Slaughter) Wheelock-Simms 2nd wife Bettie (Priddy)
Matthews-Simms married May 9, 1912 3rd wife Ella Rachel (Smith)
Marvin Brice Berry

1878 - Jun 17, 1946
Marvin B. Berry, aged 67 years, native of the Brushy Prairie
community, long-time resident of Dawson, died at his home in Dawson
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the Dawson Methodist church. Burial will be in the
Dawson cemetery.
Surviving are his wife of Dawson; two sons, Altus Berry, Harrisburg,
Pa., and Douglas Berry, U. S. Navy; three grandchildren, four
brothers, Alex Berry, Dawson; Jack Berry, Purdon; Elmer Berry,
Cisco, and Nolan Berry, Lubbock; a sister, Mrs. E. Paschal, Cisco,
and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Virgil Matthews, J. A. Bills, J. E. Davis,
Wallace Davis, Tommy Lawler and Dick Lawler.
Catherine Porter
1919 - Sept. 11, 2019
Catherine Porter, 100, of Pelham received her wings Wednesday, Sept.
11, 2019, her husband's birthday, at Twilight Nursing and Rehab.
Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20,
2019 at Scott Funeral Home and family visitation will be held from 6
to 7 p.m.
Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019 at
Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Pelham.
Interment will follow in
Pelham Community Cemetery.
Service entrusted to Scott Funeral Home.
Ray Loren Dunaway
Sep 24, 1936 - Oct 5, 2019
Loren Dunaway, 83 of Blooming Grove passed away Saturday,
Oct. 5, 2019 at his residence. He was born Sept. 24, 1936 in
Montgomery, Alabama to Raymond and Violet Butcher Dunaway.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Ilene Dunaway;
daughter-in-law, Suzanne Dunaway; sister, Brenda Gullatt and
his parents. He is survived by his children, Mike Dunaway of
Waco and Bart Dunaway and wife Pamela of Blooming Grove;
grandchildren, Samantha Moore and husband Chad of
Midlothian, Michaela Dunaway of Waco, Michael Dillon and
Gena Dunaway of Palmer and Joshua Dunaway of Corsicana;
niece, RaeJeana Beckham of Blooming Grove; nephew, Loren
Gullatt and wife Marty of Grand Prairie and great niece
Paige Beckham of Frost.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11,
2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 12,
2019 at Central Baptist Church of Blooming Grove. Burial
will follow at
Rose Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers will be David Lewis,
Troy Cox, Jack Lewis, John Rivers, Roy Mershawn and Mike
Coker. Honorary Pallbearers will be Louis Lovett and T.G.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Kay Frances (Kidd) Gantt
Oct. 12, 1935 - Oct. 4, 2019
Frances Gantt, 83 passed away Friday, Oct. 4, 2019 in
Corsicana. She was born Oct. 12, 1935 in Milford to K. Kay
and Pauline Cross Kidd. Kay graduated from Frost Hight
School where she was very athletic, playing softball and
basketball. She was also Frost High School Majorette. Kay
enjoyed spending time with her family. Her husband and
children were her world. She attended all of her children
and grandchildren's activities from sporting events to
Kay was preceded in death by her husband James Gantt in 2007
and her parents.
She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, Robert and
Debbie Gantt, Jimmy and Donna Gantt; grandchildren, Steven,
Kendall, Cody, Ryan, Jeremy, Jody, Ashley, Haley and nine
great grandchildren.
Visitation will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8,
2019 at Central Baptist Church in Blooming Grove. Funeral
service will follow at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Central Baptist
Church with Bro. Darren Heil officiating.Interment to follow
at Rose Hill
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jeremy Gantt, Jody Gantt,
Cody Gantt, Ryan Gantt, Kendall Walker, Zac Kirkpatrick.
Honorary pallbearer Steven Deal.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Estefana Infante Ferrer
Dec 26, 1921 - Oct 6, 2019
Infante Ferrer was born in the small town of Dawson, Texas
in 1921 to the parents of Pascual and Elocadia Ferrer.
Estefana was raised on a ranch in Barry, Texas where her
father farmed close to 2,000 acres of cotton, grain sorghum,
corn, and wheat. Her parents taught her about hard work
through the challenges of farming, ranching, raising
livestock, and caring for her large family.
Estefana was the eldest sibling and helped raise six
rambunctious brothers. The matriarch of the Ferrer family,
she kept the family connected by her many visits, even into
her 90s. She grew up in an era where she plowed the fields
with mules and picked cotton by hand. She dedicated her life
to raising her son and taking care of the ranch her father
left her upon his death. As a true farmer, she never sat
still and could usually be found taking care of her peach
trees, garden, riding her tractor, or feeding her cows. She
loved animals, training several border collie mixes to help
her herd cattle and always inviting stray kittens into her
barn. She took in retired race horses, geese, and peacocks
so they could enjoy the ranch as much as she did. She was
knowledgeable and skilled at all types of farming equipment.
No mechanic could cheat Estefana thinking this tiny 4'11
lady knew nothing of mechanics. She loved when her
granddaughters visited so they could collect chicken eggs,
ride the tractor to feed the cows, and fish in the
waterholes. She lived her final years in Dallas due to her
dementia. She was well cared for by her dedicated caregivers
Lorena, Betty, and Alva.
She is survived by her loving son, Jesse Ferrer and wife,
Cynthia I. Ferrer; granddaughters, Yvette Ferrer and spouse,
Michael Cavalieri, and Loren Alexandra Ferrer; brothers:
Baldomaro Ferrer (Olivia), Ricardo Ferrer and Wife, Aurora.
And step-siblings, Ricardo Mercedes Ferrer and wife, Rhonda,
Maricela de Rojas and spouse Victor. Estefana is survived by
many wonderful nieces and nephews who loved her dearly.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Pascual L. Ferrer
and Elocadia Ferrer and brothers, Eduardo, Fidel (Lily),
Pedro (Cristela) and Henry (Betty).
Proverbs 16:31 "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained
in a righteous life."
In lieu of flowers consider a donation to the Alzheimer's
Foundation of America (AFA)
Alzfdn.org, and take time to enjoy the beauty of the
outdoors, as Estefana did.
There will be a visitation from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.
9, 2019 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
The family is planning a private funeral for family members.
Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home |
Ila Jane (Ferrell) Michaels
Apr 27, 1917 - Aug 31, 1948
Mrs. Ila Jane Michaels, aged 31 years, died at her home in the Rice
community Tuesday afternoon.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
Baptist church in Dawson. Burial was in the
Dawson cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Jim Langston of Wortham.
Surviving are her husband, Marvin Michaels, Rice; two daughters,
Frances Murdell and Bonnie Nell Michaels, both of Rice; a sister,
Mrs. Una Pearl Taylor, Buffalo; grandmother, Mrs. Tennie Farrell,
Buffalo, and other relatives.
A coroner's verdict of �death from gunshot wounds, self-inflicted�
was returned by Judge R. A. Edens, Rice justice of the peace,
following an investigation after Mrs. Michaels body was found on the
porch of the family residence with a a small-calibre rifle nearby.
Pallbearers were Alfred Floyd, Cois Floyd, Len Murfrie, Wilmer
Cottongame, Dewitt Wallace and Bill Johnson.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Corsicana Daily Sun -
Wed., Sep 1, 1948
- Submitted by
Diane Richards
- w/o Marvin Michaels; d/o
William Bryant Ferrell & Johnie Estelle (Callahan) Ferrell
buried in Boykin Chapel Cemetery, Flo, Texas
Mary Frances
�Fannie / Sook� (Michaels) Adams
Dec 19, 1890 - Apr 19, 1956
Mrs. Tom Adams Services Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Tom Adams, 65, who died at her residence,
412 North Twelfth street, Thursday night, will be held form the
First Baptist Church in Dawson Sunday at 3 p.m.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. O. Estes, pastor, assisted by
Rev. Burt Gillis, pastor of the First Methodist church in Dawson.
Burial will be in the Dawson
Mrs. Adams had resided in Dawson prior to moving to Corsicana five
years ago.
Surviving are three sons, Elmer Adams, Corsicana; J. M. Adams,
Dawson, and Sam Adams, Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Erma Wilson, Dallas;
20 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren; five brothers, L. A.
Michaels, Milford; Jack Michaels, Galveston; Gabe Michaels, Dawson;
Charlie Michaels, Eureka, and Bob Michaels, Mexia; three sisters,
Mrs. Annie Gardner, Dawson; Mrs. Bernice Harrison, Henderson, and
Mrs. Maybell Matysiak, Marshall.
Pallbearers will be Roy McCauley, Don Adams, Dan Adams, Thomas
Adams, Thoris Scott, Billy Joe Crocker, Jackie Farmer and Jerry
Corley will direct.
William Frank Robinson
1857 - Nov 22, 1945
W. F. Robinson, aged 88 years, long-time resident of the Eureka
community, died there Thursday at 3 a.m., and funeral services were
held at Eureka Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with burial in the
Eureka cemetery. Rev. J.
E. Inlow of Corsicana, conducted the funeral rites.
Surviving are his wife of Eureka; and eight children, Mrs. J. H.
Perry, Eureka; A. J. Robinson, Kerens; Mrs. Will Conger, Kerens;
Mrs. C. B. Love, Corsicana; I. H. Robinson, Barry; Mrs. Bill Howard,
Cross Roads, Mrs. W. C. Bates, Corsicana, and J. F. Robinson,
L. B. Bonner of Eureka directed arrangements.
Eugene Vernon Weaver
Jan 5, 1929 - Apr 27, 1946
Funeral services for Eugene Vernon Weaver, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Weaver, Leverett's Chapel, who was instantly killed early
Sunday in an automobile accident, were held Monday morning from the
Overton Methodist church. Interment was made at
Eureka, Navarro county,
Weaver graduated from Leverett's Chapel last year and had been
employed at Kilgore.
Surviving are his parents, a sister, Jere Weaver, Leverett's Chapel;
and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Weaver, Steward's Mill, and
Mrs. Hettie Porter, Leverett's Chapel.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Douglas Weaver
Aug 24, 1911 - Dec 14, 1965
Douglas Weaver Dies Tuesday
Douglas Weaver, 54, Northwest Apartments, watchman at the Corsicana
Cotton Mills, died in Memorial Hospital early Tuesday morning.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. from the Corley
Chapel with burial in the
Eureka cemetery.
The rites will be conducted by Rev. Benny McBryde, pastor of the
Eureka Methodist church and Rev. Gene Tone, pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church.
Weaver was a native of Overton.
Surviving are three sons, Charles Weaver, Fort Worth; Douglas A.
Weaver, Corsicana, and Robert Weaver, Eureka; a daughter, Mrs.
Barney Thomas, Eureka; six grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Franklin
Canthorn, Ben Wheeler, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be C. T. Clay, B. F. Heathcote, J. P. Shipman, O.
C. Cole, Jack Abbey and J. J. Teague.
Hold Services Douglas Weaver
Final rites for Douglas Weaver, 54, Northwest Apartments, who died
in Memorial hospital early Tuesday, were held Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
from the Corley Chapel.
The services were conducted by Rev. Benny McBryde, pastor of the
Eureka Methodist church. Burial was in the
Eureka cemetery.
A native of Overton, Weaver was a nightwatchman at the Corsicana
Cotton Mills.
Surviving are three sons, Charles Weaver, Fort Worth; Douglas A.
Weaver, Corsicana, and Robert Weaver, Eureka; a daughter, Mrs.
Barney Thomas, Eureka; six grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Franklin
Canthorn, Ben Wheeler, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were C. T. Clay, B. F. Heathcote, J. P. Shipman, O. C.
Cole, Jack Abbey and J. J. Teague.
Lillie (Stewart) Myers
Feb 28, 1889 - Sep 16, 1974
Mrs. Myers
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Lillie S. Myers, 85, resident of
Corsicana, who died Monday in Evergreen Nursing Home.
J. C. Bristow, Jehovah's Witnesses overseer, will officiate, with
burial to follow at Eureka
She was a native of Eastland County and resident of Corsicana since
Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Essie Monroe of Ashdown,
Ark., Mrs. Dorothy Cronk of Arvada, Colo., and Mrs. Billie Bennett
of Kimmer, Wyo.; two sons, Joe Myers, Big Spring and Norman Myers of
Somerville, 11 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, and three
great-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Vada Hayes of Lawton,
Okla., Mrs. Ethel Tyson of Hamilton; and two brothers, Luther
Stewart of California and Truett Stewart of Odessa.
Mrs. Lillie Myers
Funeral services were to be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Corley
Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Lillie S. Myers, 85, resident of
Corsicana, who died Monday in Evergreen Nursing Home.
J. C. Bristow, Jehovah's Witness overseer, was to officiate, with
burial to follow at Eureka
Survivors include three daughters, two sons, 11 grandchildren, 24
great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, two sisters
and two brothers.
Pallbearers include James Ramirez, David Compos, Walter Taylor,
Darwin Miller, Mike Rogers, and Jess Nelson.
William Joseph Johnson
Nov 15, 1865 - Dec 3, 1946
William J. Johnson, age 81 years, pioneer resident of Eureka, died
at his home, 1502 West Collin street, Tuesday morning, following a
short illness.
Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church here
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in the
Eureka cemetery. The
rites will be conducted by Rev. Jared I. Cartlidge, pastor of the
church, and Rev. Joe Wilbanks.
A native of Clayton, Ala., Johnson was born Nov. 15, 1865, and came
to Texas with his family at the age of 12 years. The following year
he came to Navarro county and was a resident of Eureka from 1880
until he moved to Corsicana last August. He was known as �Uncle
Bill� Johnson.
Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. W. A. Fullwood,
Dallas, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Nephews will be pallbearers.
Corley Funeral Home will direct.
Carol Suzanne King
Sep 15, 1945 - Feb 6, 1946
Funeral services for Caral Suzanne King, five-months-old daughter of
C. L. and Bertha Farmer King, 1701 West Seventh avenue, who died
Wednesday evening, were held Friday afternoon at w o'clock from St.
John's Episcopal church. Burial was in
Hopewell cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. Robert Q. Kennaugh, rector of the
Surviving are the parents and grandparents, Mrs. Julia Minze,
Navarro; O. L. King, Beaumont; Mrs. Bertha A. Farmer, Corsicana, and
D. N. Farmer, Athens.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Laura Melissa (White) Tatum
Feb 23, 1866 - Feb 7, 1946
FUNERAL SERVICES FOR Mrs. J. D. Tatum, aged 79 years, pioneer
resident of Navarro and Corsicana, who died in Dallas Thursday
morning while on a visit, were held from the Corley Funeral Chapel
Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Burial was in the
Hopewell cemetery. The
rites were conducted by Rev. E. F. Bohmfalk, pastor of the First
Methodist church. Mrs. Tatum is a native Texas. She resided at 1703
North Beaton street.
Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. George DeYoung and Mrs. Janie
Mayo, both of Dallas; Mrs. Hattie West, El Dorado, Okla.; Mrs.
Gertrude Thomas, Houston; Mrs. Lola Beckman and Mrs. George Leonard,
Sr., both of Corsicana; three sons, M. M. Tatum, Quanah; J. J.
Tatum, El Dorado, Okla., and H. H. Tatum, Tulsa, Okla.; 16
grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, three brothers, E. W. and M.
M. White, both of Navarro, and W. H. White, Corsicana; four sisters,
Mrs. Kate Davies, Mrs. Louella Quarles and Mrs. Sam Kelley, all of
Dallas, and Mrs. J. M. Doolen, Navarro, and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Hayes Luther, Dean Curry, Dallas and Charles
Beckman, grandsons, and Marvin White, Jr., Vinson Bottoms and
Clinton Fouty, nephews.
Columbus Lee Jones
Nov 4, 1870 - Apr 22, 1945
C. L. Jones, aged 74 years, pioneer Navarro county resident, died
here Sunday afternoon. Funeral services held Monday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock from the Sutherland-McCammon Funeral Home Chapel.
Burial was in the
Providence cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff,
pastor of the North Side Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones resided on their ranch in the Providence
community for many years until a few months ago when they came to
Surviving are his wife, five sons, W. L. and R. R. Jones, both of
Freer; J. H. Jones, Clarkwood; H. L. Jones, Kilgore, and Sgt.
Rayford Jones, 36th Division, U. S. Army, Germany; four daughters,
Mrs. H. J. Kent, Waxahachie; Mrs. A. F. Reed, Mrs. L. B. Daniel and
Mrs. Vernon Ray, all of Corsicana; 13 grandchildren and one
Mary Elizabeth (Martin)
Dec 28, 1873 - Jan 17, 1945
Mrs. R. B. Thompson, 71, was found burned to death in her home in
the Mildred community about 9:30 Wednesday night when her husband
returned home. It is not known just how the accident occurred, but
it is thought that a kerosene oil lamp ignited her clothing. She was
alone in the house at the time. The home did not burn.
A resident of the Mildred community for 55 years, she was well known
in that section.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Sutherland-McCammon Chapel and will be conducted by Rev. C. R.
McDuffy. Interment will be in the
Providence cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, five sons, Fred Thompson, Corsicana; Earl
Thompson, Waco; Raymond Thompson, El Paso; Elmer Thompson,
California; R. R. Thompson, Hawaiian Islands; four sisters, Mrs. Ida
Collins, Athens; Mrs. Roxie Freeman, Dallas; Mrs. Alice Martin,
Vivian, La.; Mrs. Minnie Petty, Wichita Falls; a grandson, six
granddaughters, and other relatives.
Pallbearers will be Will Owen, Sandy Kent, I. T. Kent, H. I.
Singleton, Brice Bonner and Louis Bonner. Friends of the family will
be honorary pallbearers.
Sandra Sue Miller
B&D Jun. 18, 1946
Funeral Rites Held For Infant Daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Miller
Sanda Sue Miller, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller,
Corsicana, died at the P. and S. Hospital Tuesday morning.
Funeral services were held at Pursley Tuesday morning.
Funeral services were held at Pursley Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
where interment was made.
Surviving are the parents, four sisters, and grandparents, Mrs. Eva
Miller, Pursley, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Townsend, Corsicana.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
Margaret Ann
�Maggie� (Perkins) Butler-Dew
Sep. 19, 1865 - Nov. 16, 1946
PURDON, Nov. 21.�(Spl.)�Mrs. Maggie Butler Dew passed away at the
Navarro Clinic at Corsicana Saturday afternoon about 3 o'clock.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. Fisher and Rev. Gardner, were
held at the Baptist church Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with
burial in the Pursley cemetery.
Among the out-of-town relatives and friends attending the funeral
were Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Morgan of Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris
Butler of Barber's Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Johnson of Dallas, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Jackson of Fort Worth, Mrs. Dee Owens of Athens,
Mrs. Otis Morgan and Mrs. Rutherford of Corsicana, Mrs. Robert
Bittner of Corbet, Mrs. Jim Skinner of Corsicana.
Charles Henry
Mar 30, 1880 - May 17, 1958
C. H. Eaton Dies Saturday Night
C. H. Eaton, 78, farmer, died at his home Saturday night on Route 5,
Funeral services were held from the Corley Chapel Monday at 2:30
p.m. with burial in
Resthaven Memorial Park.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. E. James, Baptist minister of
Daingerfield, assisted by Rev. W. C. Taylor, Jr., pastor of the
North Corsicana Methodist church.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sally Eaton, Route 5, Corsicana; a son,
William E. Eaton, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Worthy, Route
5, Corsicana and Mrs. Lee S. Vickers, Gladewater; a brother, Jake
Eaton, Mabank; two grandchildren and other relatives.
Eaton was born near Alvarado, but had resided at his home east of
Corsicana for the past 28 years.
Pallbearers were Johnny Reed, Jack Russell, Billy Jack Mott, Parks
Christian, Arlee Lockhart, Frank Cartlidge, Jewell McCarter and
Clayton Cartlidge.
John Patrick
Nov 1, 1908 - Aug 10, 1973
John P. Moore
Funeral services are scheduled for Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Farley
Street Baptist Church of Waxahachie John P. Moore, 64, of Waxahachie
who died Friday. The Reverends Jack McDaniel and Hoyt Hefner will
officiate, and graveside services will be held at 3:30 p.m. at
Resthaven Memorial Park.
in Corsicana. Griffin Funeral Home is in charge of local
Survivors include his widow of Waxahachie; three sons, Ricky Dan
Moore and Johnny D. Moore, both of Waxahachie, and Charles Eugene
Moore of Fort Mammoth, New Jersey; one daughter, Mrs. Joyce Deaton
of Corsicana; six grandchildren; and three brothers, Jack Moore of
Ennis, Sam Moore of Fort Worth and Lee Moore of Sherman.
The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sun., Aug. 12, 1973 - submitted by Diane
John P. Moore
Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Farley Street Baptist
Church of Waxahachie for John P. Moore, 64, of Waxahachie who died
Friday. The Rev. Jack McDaniel and Hoyt Hefner officiated. Burial
was at Resthaven Memorial Park in Corsicana.
Survivors include his widow, three sons, a daughter, six
grandchildren and three brothers.
John Thomas Cain
Dec 31, 1870 - Apr 11, 1946
Funeral services for John T. Cain, aged 76 years, found dead Friday
morning at 710 North Fourteenth street, were held Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock at the
Zion's Rest cemetery. The rites were conducted by Rev. J. C.
Bristow. A coroner's verdict of death from natural causes was
returned by Judge A. E. Foster following an inquest. Cain apparently
died with a heart attack Thursday afternoon while painting a kitchen
Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sons, Floyd and Forest Cain,
both of Taylor; three sisters, Mrs. Effie Wallace, Waco; Mrs. Mollie
Cox, Frost and Mrs. Callie Shults, Brownwood and other relatives.
Corley Funeral Home directed.
James Everett Farmer
Feb 10, 1887 - Aug 18, 1946
James Everett Farmer, aged 59 years, died at his home in the Black
Hills community Sunday night at 11 o'clock. Funeral rites are
planned from the Corley Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock with interment in the
Zion's Rest cemetery.
The services will be conducted by Rev. Lawrence Shivers, Methodist
minister from Midlothian, former Corsicanan.
Surviving are his wife of Black Hills; three sons, Raymond and
Buddie Farmer, both of Corsicana, and Earl Farmer, Houston; three
daughters, Mrs. H. O. Olsen, Mrs. Hugh Parish, Jr., and Miss Evelena
Farmer, all of Corsicana; mother, Mrs. P. A. Reed, Drane; a brother,
Cliffie Farmer, Barry; two sisters, Mrs. Claude Watson and Mrs.
Terry Watson, both of Barry; seven grandchildren and other
Theodocia Nancy �Docie� (Howard) Farmer-Reeves-Reed
Jun 17, 1868 - Dec 24, 1955
Mrs. P. A. Reed Services Monday
Mrs. Docie Reed, 87, wife of P. A. Reed of Barry, died in the
Navarro Clinic Saturday afternoon.
Funeral services were held from the McCammon Funeral Chapel Monday
at 2 p.m. with burial in the
Zion's Rest cemetery.
The rites were conducted by Rev. J. F. Adams, pastor of the Black
Hills Methodist circuit, and Rev. Robert Lindsey, pastor of the
Barry Methodist church.
Surviving are her husband of Barry; two daughters, Mrs. C. E.
Watson, Barry, and Mrs. Terry Sutton, Corsicana; a son, C. A.
Farmer, Barry; 19 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren, seven
great-great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were Claude Arnold Watson, James Edwin Watson, Kenward
Sutton, Gwynn Sutton, Hubert Farmer, Willard Farmer, Don Farmer,
Raymond Farmer, Earl Farmer, Buddy Farmer, all grandsons.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Tues., Dec 27, 1955
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- 1st husband James Alexander
Farmer married Jun. 22, 1882 2nd husband A. P. Reeves married
Dec. 8, 1901 3rd husband Perry Alexander Reed married Feb. 21,
1907; d/o John Birdsong Howard & Sarah Jane (Germany)
Perry Alexander Reed
Aug 26, 1872 - Jul 22, 1966
Hold Services For P. A. Reed
Funeral services for P. A. Reed, 93, who died in the Hilliard Home,
308 West Seventh avenue Friday, were held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. from
the Griffin chapel.
The rites were conducted by Rev. Leon Baze, assistant pastor of the
First Methodist church. Burial was in the
Zion's Rest cemetery.
A native of Hope, Ark., he resided in the Drane community for many
years. He was a retired farmer.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Terry Sutton, Corsicana, and Mrs.
C. E. Watson, Barry; two sons, C. A. and Lester Farmer, both of
Barry; two brothers, Henry Reed, Corsicana, and Alton Reed,
Longview; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Matthews and Mrs. Cora Baughmaster,
both of Corsicana; 17 grandchildren and a number of
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Pallbearers were grandsons,
Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Jul 23, 1966
- Submitted
by Diane Richards
- h/o Theodocia Nancy �Docie�
(Howard) Farmer-Reeves-Reed married Feb 21, 1907; s/o James
Alexander Reed & Martha Jane (Gensel) Reed
Georgia Erma (Price) Fuller
Aug 25, 1923 - Dec 8, 1946
Funeral services for Mrs. Georgia Erma Fuller, aged 23 year, fatally
burned early Sunday morning in a fire that destroyed a bed in a Fort
Worth Pike tourist cabin near Dallas, were held from the Corley
Funeral Home here Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The rites were
conducted by Rev. Joe B. Williams. Burial was in the
Zion's Rest Cemetery.
Justice of the Peace Bill Richburg of Dallas returned a coroner's
verdict of death caused by fire. Officers believed that Mrs. Fuller
went to sleep with a cigarette in her hand. She was alone in the
cabin, it was reported by Dallas officers who investigated the case.
Mrs. Fuller's body was found on the floor of the cabin, badly burned
and the bed was on fire several hours after she had gone to the
tourist cabin.
Surviving are her husband, Ira T. Fuller, Corsicana; mother Mrs.
Beulah Price, Corsicana; five brothers, Ed Price, Mt. Calm; Odell,
Charles and Floyd Price, all of Corsicana, and Weldon Price,
Pallbearers were R. B. Ferguson, Jim Stewart, Richard Stewart,
Carroll Bison, Dwaine Lynce and Wayne Lynch.