Obituaries from
Navarro County, Texas


Charles Dean Cooper
Feb 21, 1934 - Nov 17, 1956

Elevator Employe Fatally Injured; Rites On Sunday

Charles Dean Cooper, 22, of Corsicana, died in the El Paso General Hospital early Saturday from head injuries suffered in a 20-foot fall in an elevator shaft Friday. He was an employe of the Otis Elevator Company and slipped, falling on his head while examining an elevator in El Paso, it was reported here.

Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist Church here Monday at 2 p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist Church at Tyler, formerly of Corsicana.

Cooper was a native of Dallas.

Surviving are his wife, Helen Griffin Cooper; two daughters, Deborah Jane and Vickie Lynn Cooper; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cooper, all of Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Robert Malcolm, Beaumont; and a brother, Lynn Ray Cooper, Corsicana, and other relatives.

Corley will direct.


Annie Lee Mayo
Sep 13, 1883 - Aug 13, 1956

Miss Mayo Rites Are Held Tuesday

Funeral services for Miss Annie Lee Mayo, long-time Corsicana resident, who died at the Twilight Home Monday noon, were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Kenneth Dickson, associate pastor of the First Methodist church, of which Miss Mayo had been a member 40 years. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.

Miss Mayo also was a long time member of the Eastern Star.

Surviving are an aunt, Mrs. R. H. Seale, Benchley, Texas; two nieces and two nephews.

Pallbearers were Lloyd Chambliss, George Hudson, Joe Tate, Tom Eady, J. S. Tekell and Boyce Martin.


Brink Grady Mayo
Jan 27, 1890 - Oct 25, 1957

Sunday Services For B. G. Mayo

Funeral services for Brink Grady Mayo, 67, who died at his home in Roane Friday night of a heart attack, were held from the McCammon Chapel Sunday at 3 p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Fred Chapman, pastor of the Roane Baptist church.

Mayo was a native of Kerens and had resided in East Navarro county all of his life. His first wife, Mrs. Beulah Stone Mayo, died in 1951, and he was married to Mrs. Lela Copley Richardson, January 23, 1953.

Surviving are his wife of Roane; a daughter, Mrs. Bufford Herring, Dallas; a son, W. B. Mayo, Corsicana; three grandchildren, Jackie Herring, Dallas; David and Sue Mayo, both of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Roy Bunch, Powell, and Mrs. Bessie Grant, Dallas; five brothers, John, Roy, Willard and Hardy Mayo, all of Kerens and Joe Mayo, Powell, and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Jim Parker, L. C. Graves, W. L. Statham, Henry Blissett, Egbert Sheets, Roy Johnston, John Estes, Jim Frazier, Glen Curry, Dave Wylie, A. B. Walker, Murphy Williams and Hugh Barlow.


Currie Newton Mayo
Dec 15, 1908 - Jan 15, 1962

Hold Services For C. N. Mayo

Graveside rites for C. N. Mayo were to have been held Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Oakwood Cemetery following earlier services in Colorado City Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Kiker Chapel.

A long-time resident of Kerens, Mr. Mayo, 53, was killed Monday in an oil field accident near Colorado City.

He was an employe of Sun Oil company. Mayo resided at Kerens about eight years ago.

Surviving are his widow of Colorado City; two sons, Jerry and Ray Mayo, both of Colorado City; two brothers, J. E. Mayo, Bells, and George Mayo, Eunice, N. M.; two sisters, Mrs. Irene Dixon, Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Dovie Crawford, Pasadena and other relatives.

Corley directs local arrangements.


George Cecil Burgess
Aug 24, 1911 - Jan 28, 1965

Hold Services George Burgess

Funeral services for George Burgess, 53, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday from Corley chapel with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

Burgess, retired from the grocery business, of Route 4, died in Memorial hospital Thursday afternoon. He was a native of Texas.

E. L. Craig, Church of Christ minister of Gladewater, formerly of Corsicana, conducted the rites.

Survivors include a brother, Robert P. Burgess, San Bernadino, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Houston Frederick, Fort Worth; Mrs. Mickey Kuhns and Mrs. Ernest Stokes both of Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were C. L. Norris, Weldon Morris, Winnifred Fowler, Odie Powers, R. A. Armistead and Aubry Smith.


Ozella Icalene "Icy" (Hollis) Burgess
Jan 31, 1881 - Aug 17, 1956

Mrs. Icy Burgess Rites Saturday

Funeral services for Mrs. Icy Burgess, 75, who died at the family home, 604 South Thirty-first street, early Friday were held from the West Side Church of Christ Saturday at 2 p.m.

The rites were conducted by Earl Craig, minister of the church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

A native of Georgia, Mrs. Burgess, who had been ill for several months, had resided in Corsicana many years.

Surviving are three sons, L. D. Burgess, Whittier, Calif.; G. C. Burgess, Corsicana, and Robert P. Burgess, San Bernadino, Calif.; three daughters, Mrs. Houston Frederick, Fort Worth; Mrs. Floyd Kuhns and Mrs. Ernest Stokes, both of Corsicana; a brother, Curtis Hollis, Woodville; nine grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers were John Montfort, W. H. Wooley, A. F. Reed, C. F. Dominy, Rollin Harris and O. L. Slaughter.

Griffin directed.


Jennifer Leigh Burgess
B&D May 8, 1976

Jennifer Burgess

Graveside services were at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Oakwood Cemetery for Jennifer Leigh Burgess, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess, Jr. of Corsicana. The Rev. David Hale officiated. Services were under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.

Survivors include her parents, of Corsicana; one brother, Blake Burgess of Corsicana; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burgess, Sr. of Carrollton and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Polanka of Duncanville; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wallace of Rusk, Mrs. Allen Burgess of Dallas, Mr. T. D. Campbell of Ada, Okla., and Mrs. Josephene Polanka of Lincoln, Neb.


Katherine "Kate" (Molder) Burgess
Sep 15, 1882 - Nov 22, 1956

Mrs. Kate Burgess Dies At. Garland; Rites Saturday

Mrs. Kate Burgess, 72, life-long resident of Corsicana until moving to Garland a year ago, died in Garland Thursday night.

Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Saturday at 10:30 a.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church.

Mrs. Burgess was a member of the Presbyterian church.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ed Surber, Garland; three grandsons, two great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. R. A. Caldwell, Corsicana; two nephews, an uncle, John Sloan, San Antonio and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Dr. E. H. Newton, Frank Caldwell, Arthur Caldwell, John Sloan, Harry D. Redden. Wm. McLaughlin, Ralph Tatum, C. A. Gordon and Ben Loyd Sloan.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Nov. 23, 1956
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Walter Burgess; d/o James Franklin Molder & buried Dresden cemetery & Eliza Catherine �Kate� (Sloan) Molder buried in Oakwood

Walter Burgess
Sep 14, 1876 - Aug 25, 1923

Change Made in Insurance Agency

Beginning Oct. 1st, the insurance agency now conducted under the firm of W. Burgess and Company, which for over twenty years and until the time of his death which occurred a few weeks ago, was under the personal management of Walter Burgess, will be conducted under the firm name of Burgess and Caldwell. R. A. Caldwell, who for several years, has been cashier of the First State Bank, and has been connected with the banking business in Corsicana for more than twenty years, will become interested in this well known insurance agency and will be in active management of its affairs. Mr. Caldwell will devote his entire time in the managements of this business as soon as he is relieved of his present duties of the bank by his successor.


Benjamin Franklin Anderson
Mar 7, 1886 - Aug 4, 1956

B. F. Anderson Dies At Amarillo

B. F. Anderson, 70, retired mattress manufacturer, died in an Amarillo hospital late Saturday after an illness of several months.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley chapel here Tuesday at 10 a.m., with Dr. W. M. Shamburger conducting the service. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.

Anderson formerly operated mattress concerns in Mexia and Amarillo.

Survivors include his wife, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Fae Crotwel, Fort Worth; three sisters, Mrs. Grace Preston and Mrs. J. L. Hill, both of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. Ila Robinson, Miami, Fla.; a brother, Arthur Anderson, Atlanta, Ga.; two grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; a number of nieces and nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Ernest, Marvin, James and Douglas Farmer; John Slate and C. W. Cox.


Mattie Francis (Wooten) Anderson
Feb 8, 1886 - Feb 1, 1963

Mrs. Anderson Rites Sunday

Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie F. Anderson, 76, native of Navarro county, who died late Friday in Memorial hospital were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Earl Bailey, pastor of the Central Baptist church.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Alice Faye Crotwell, Corsicana; a grandson, Eugene Pederson, Fort Worth; a granddaughter, Mrs. Wm. C. Sheets, Wheeling, W. Va.; several great grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. I. F. Farmer, Corsicana.


Alice Faye (Anderson) Pederson-Crotwell
May 13, 1908 - May 1, 1964

Mrs. Crotwell Rites Sunday

Funeral services for Mrs. Frank M. Crotwell, 55, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital in Fort Worth Friday, were held Sunday at 3:30 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Earl Batey, pastor of the Central Baptist church.

Surviving are her husband of Fort Worth; a daughter, Mrs. William G. Sheets, Wheeling, W. Va.; a son Eugene Tetterson, Fort Worth and other relatives.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., May 4, 1964
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband Arthur Lee Pederson 2nd husband Frank M. Crotwell buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Abilene, TX; d/o Benjamin Franklin Anderson & Mattie Frances (Wooten) Anderson

Cynthia Jean "Cindy" Anderson
Dec 17, 1857 - Mar 22, 1975

Two die, two injured in Saturday wreck

Two young Corsicana women were killed and their two male companions injured, one critically, early Saturday their pickup truck failed to make a curve three miles west of Emhouse overturning three times. All four were thrown from the truck.

Investigating Highway Patrolman Bill Bradley identified the victims as half sister, Cynthia Jean Anderson, 17, and Mrs. Loretta White Shores, 19, both of 208 East Allyn Ave.

In critical condition with internal injuries is the owner and driver of the 1974 pickup, Jerry Lynn Bonner, 20, formerly of Rt. 1, Corsicana, a TP&L lineman now living in Waco.

Less seriously injured, patrolmen reported, is James Randal Arp, 18, 127 Emhouse road, also a TP&L employe. He sustained a broken leg and multiple lacerations and abrasions.

Patrolman Bradley said they were going east on Farm Road 1126 at a high rate of speed and failed to negotiate a sharp right curve three miles west of Emhouse at about 12:15 a.m. Saturday. The truck travelled straight off the roadway at the curve, overturning three and a half times coming to rest in a plowed field.

The accident victims were pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital by Justice of the Peace W. H. Tipton in an inquest at the hospital.

Bradley, who was aided in the investigation by Patrolman Bob Turner, said the assistance of the sheriff's department was required in almost making a door-to-door campaign trying to learn where the half-sisters lived as Bonner had picked up the dates before Arp who didn't know their Corsicana address.

Funeral arrangements at Corley Funeral Home for both victims are pending arrival of relatives from out of town. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.

Miss Anderson is survived by her mother, Mrs. G. L. Taylor of Corsicana; her father, Victor R. Anderson of Seattle, Wash.; a half-brother, Vernon D. White, U. S. Navy; grandmothers, Mrs. Ilo Broughton of Dawson and Mrs. Lonnie Truell of Livingston.

Mrs. Loretta Fay Shores is survived by her mother, Mrs. G. L. Taylor, Corsicana; her father, Vernon White of Houston; a son, Joey Keith Shores of Corsicana; one brother, Vernon D. White, U. S. Navy; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Lonnie Truell of Livingston and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Coy White of Temple.



Miss Anderson
Mrs. Shores

Double services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Miss Cynthia Jean Anderson, 17, and Mrs. Loretta White Shores, 19, both of 208 E. Allyn Ave., who were killed in a truck accident early Saturday.

Revs. James Davis and B. W. Johnson will officiate, with burial following at Oakwood Cemetery.

Miss Anderson is survived by her mother, her father, a half brother, and two grandmothers.

Mrs. Shores is survived by her mother, her father, a son, a brother, a maternal grandmother, and paternal grandparents.

Pallbearers for the service include Buddy Jock, Bobby Mix, Danny Petty, Gary Broughton, Neal Broughton, James Ivie, Randy Ivie, Stephen Raper, and Jeff Ivie.


Loretta Faye �Sissy� (White) Shores
Sep. 8, 1955 - Mar. 22, 1975

Two die, two injured in Saturday wreck

Two young Corsicana women were killed and their two male companions injured, one critically, early Saturday their pickup truck failed to make a curve three miles west of Emhouse overturning three times. All four were thrown from the truck.

Investigating Highway Patrolman Bill Bradley identified the victims as half sister, Cynthia Jean Anderson, 17, and Mrs. Loretta White Shores, 19, both of 208 East Allyn Ave.

In critical condition with internal injuries is the owner and driver of the 1974 pickup, Jerry Lynn Bonner, 20, formerly of Rt. 1, Corsicana, a TP&L lineman now living in Waco.

Less seriously injured, patrolmen reported, is James Randal Arp, 18, 127 Emhouse road, also a TP&L employe. He sustained a broken leg and multiple lacerations and abrasions.

Patrolman Bradley said they were going east on Farm Road 1126 at a high rate of speed and failed to negotiate a sharp right curve three miles west of Emhouse at about 12:15 a.m. Saturday. The truck travelled straight off the roadway at the curve, overturning three and a half times coming to rest in a plowed field.

The accident victims were pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital by Justice of the Peace W. H. Tipton in an inquest at the hospital.

Bradley, who was aided in the investigation by Patrolman Bob Turner, said the assistance of the sheriff's department was required in almost making a door-to-door campaign trying to learn where the half-sisters lived as Bonner had picked up the dates before Arp who didn't know their Corsicana address.

Funeral arrangements at Corley Funeral Home for both victims are pending arrival of relatives from out of town. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.

Miss Anderson is survived by her mother, Mrs. G. L. Taylor of Corsicana; her father, Victor R. Anderson of Seattle, Wash.; a half-brother, Vernon D. White, U. S. Navy; grandmothers, Mrs. Ilo Broughton of Dawson and Mrs. Lonnie Truell of Livingston.

Mrs. Loretta Fay Shores is survived by her mother, Mrs. G. L. Taylor, Corsicana; her father, Vernon White of Houston; a son, Joey Keith Shores of Corsicana; one brother, Vernon D. White, U. S. Navy; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Lonnie Truell of Livingston and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Coy White of Temple.



Miss Anderson
Mrs. Shores

Double services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Miss Cynthia Jean Anderson, 17, and Mrs. Loretta White Shores, 19, both of 208 E. Allyn Ave., who were killed in a truck accident early Saturday.

Revs. James Davis and B. W. Johnson will officiate, with burial following at Oakwood Cemetery.

Miss Anderson is survived by her mother, her father, a half brother, and two grandmothers.

Mrs. Shores is survived by her mother, her father, a son, a brother, a maternal grandmother, and paternal grandparents.

Pallbearers for the service include Buddy Jock, Bobby Mix, Danny Petty, Gary Broughton, Neal Broughton, James Ivie, Randy Ivie, Stephen Raper, and Jeff Ivie.


Edwin Albert Anderson
Nov 19, 1896 - Nov 2, 1970

E. A. Anderson Rites Wednesday

Edwin Albert Anderson, Wilmer, who would have been 74 on Nov. 19, died Monday in a Dallas hospital. A native of Kane, Penn., he was retired from the First National Petroleum Trust Co. of Mt. Carmel, Ill., and was a veteran of World War I. he had been a resident of Wilmer six years.

Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Bynum Funeral Chapel in Lancaster with the Rev. Raymond Brooks officiating, assisted by the Rev. R. C. May. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery here.

He is survived by his wife, Ethel Anderson who has relatives in Corsicana; two sons, Eddie D. Anderson of Coahoma, Texas, and Ronald E. Anderson of Mt. Carmel, Ill.; four grandchildren and three brothers, Walter and Rudy Anderson of Kane, Penn., and Clarence Anderson of New York state.


Rowena Eliza Anderson, Miss
May 17, 1885 - Jun 15, 1977

Rowena Anderson

Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Oakwood Cemetery for Miss Rowena Anderson, 92, a native and former resident of Corsicana who died Wednesday in Gainesville.

She was a retired school teacher and a member of the Baptist Church.

Rev. David Hale will officiate. Corley Funeral Home will direct the services.

Survivors are four nephews; P. C. Sparks of Gainesville, Pat Sparks of San Marcos, Hugh T. Sparks of Arlington and Jack Wayne Anderson of Dallas.


Shade Ellis "Dick" Anderson
Jun 4, 1888 - Sep 8, 1965

Dick Anderson Dies Wednesday, Rites Thursday

S. E. (Dick) Anderson, 77, cattleman, native of Winkler, 626 South Fifteenth street, died in Memorial hospital Wednesday morning following a several months' illness.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Eugene E. Wood, minister of Westminister Presbyterian church.

He was a member of the Hughes ranch in South Texas for a number of years and also operated a ranch at Winkler. He formerly was a Corsicana merchant.

Surviving are a son, Joe E. Anderson, Corsicana attorney; two daughters, Mrs. R. C. Walker, Waco and Mrs. Cecil Mumberson, Alvin; two grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Mona Edens, Corsicana and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Buddy Wiggins, Wayne Pillans, Leo Blasingame, Lawrence Tilton, Paul Mitchell, Otis Rector and E. C. Sears.


Myrtle Susan (Hamilton) Lane
May 16, 1894 - Jun 10, 1956

Mrs. E. J. Lane Services Tuesday

Funeral services for Mrs. E. J. Lane, 62, who died at the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic Sunday morning, were held from the First Baptist Church Tuesday at 10 a.m. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor. Mrs. Lane was a long-time member of the First Baptist church

Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; a daughter, Miss Christine Lane, Dallas, teacher; two brothers, R. B. and C. H. Hamilton, both of Harlingen; a sister, Mrs. H. A. Boyd, Lott, and several nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers were Lewis Foster, Hubert Bowden, Raymond Cooper, Steele Alexander, George Williams and Dr. Wm. Mayfield.

Griffin directed.


Robert Dudley Norvell, Jr.
Sep 6, 1951 - Oct 17, 1969

Graveside Rites For Norvell

Graveside services will be held here at 5:30 p.m. Monday at Oakwood Cemetery for Robert Norvell, Jr., 18, who died in Forest Hills, La., Friday. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Monday at the First Presbyterian Church in Waco. The Rev. Roy T. Sherrod will officiate.

Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Hunt of Waco; two brothers, Ralph T. and Bruce D. Norvell of Waco; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Eleanor Worley of Waco; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Norvell of Pursley.


Ralph Newton Norvell
Apr 10, 1892 - Feb 7, 1977

R. N. Norvell

Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the First Baptist Church Chapel for Ralph N. Norvell, 84, resident of Corsicana, who died Monday morning at Memorial Hospital.

The Rev. Harold Lansford will officiate, with burial following at Oakwood Cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Margaret Norvell of Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. Chet Reames of Dallas; a son, Ralph Norvell of Washington, D. C.; two grandsons, Ralph T. Norvell of Waco and Bruce N. Norvell of Waco; and a sister, Mrs. Margie Hoge of Dawson.

Pallbearers are Norval Payne, Jim Payne, J. C. Payne, Robert Morgan, C. S. McClanahan and Billy Coker.

Arrangements are with Griffin Funeral Home.


Faye (Pruitt) Griffin
May 10, 1891 - Apr 7, 1956

Mrs. L. I. Griffin Dies Saturday, Services Monday

Funeral services for Mrs. L. I. Griffin, life-long resident of Navarro county, who died in Baylor Hospital, Dallas, late Saturday night, were held from the First Methodist church Monday at 2 p.m. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the church of which she was a long-time member, and Dr. E. F. Bohmfalk, Fort Worth district superintendent, formerly of Corsicana.

Mrs. Griffin was born in northwest Navarro county, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Pruitt, owners of extensive farming, ranch and other interests in the Blooming Grove area.

The family moved to Corsicana a number of years ago from Blooming Grove, and had resided on Highway 22 a short distance west of Memorial Hospital and near the White's Chapel Community Center building. She was active in the WSCS.

Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; three sons, Fred Griffin, Lufkin; Charles Griffin, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Lindsey Griffin, Baton Rouge, La.; and several grandchildren.

Pallbearers were W. Art Martin, J. Floyd Smith, Festus A. Pierce, Derward George, T. L. Carlisle, Guy Sitton, R. L. Sims and Tom Farmer. Honorary pallbearers were the board of stewards of the First Methodist church.

McCammon directed.



Mrs. L. I. Griffin Dies Saturday, Services Monday

Funeral services for Mrs. L. I. Griffin, life-long resident of Navarro county, who died in Baylor Hospital, Dallas, late Saturday night, were held from the First Methodist church Monday at 2 p.m. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the church of which she was a long-time member, and Dr. E. F. Bohmfalk, Fort Worth district superintendent, formerly of Corsicana.

Mrs. Griffin was born in Northwest Navarro county, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pruitt, owners of extensive farming, ranch and other interests in the Blooming Grove area.

The family moved to Corsicana a number of years ago from Blooming Grove, and had resided on Highway 22 a short distance west of Memorial Hospital and near the White's Chapel Community Center building. She was active in the WSCS.

Surviving are her husband of Corsicana; three sons, Fred Griffin, Lufkin; Charles Griffin, Cincinnati, Oho, and Lindsey Griffin, Baton Rouge, La.; and several grandchildren.

Pallbearers were W. Art Martin, J. Floyd Smith, Festus A. Pierce, Derward George, T. L. Carlisle, Guy Sitton, R. L. Sims and Tom Farmer. Honorary pallbearers were the board of stewards of the First Methodist church.

McCammon directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun � Mon., Apr 9, 1956
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Lindsey Ira Griffin; d/o George Washington Pruitt, Sr. & Sarah Elizabeth (Maggard) Pruitt buried in Cryer Creek cemetery

Albert David �Dave� McMullan
Dec 10, 1878 - Mar 1, 1956

A. D. McMullan Services Friday

Funeral services for A. D. McMullan, 77, building and contractor, were held from the Eleventh Avenue Methodist Church Friday at 10 a.m. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. J. Lester Davenport, pastor of the church and Rev. J. F. Adams, Black Hills Methodist Church pastor.

McMullan died Thursday morning following an extended illness.

A native of Tupelo, he had been in the building business for 40 years.

Surviving are his wife, Corsicana; two sons, A. D. McMullan, Jr., Irving, and Tom McMullan, Greenville; five daughters, Mrs. Wayne Wood, Tyler; Mrs. J. E. Smith, High Island; Mrs. S. F. Gorman, Mrs. J. T. Norwood and Miss Sybil McMullan, all of Corsicana; two brothers, T. C. McMullan, Tupelo, and Boyd McMullan, Baton Rouge, La.; two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Wheeler, Corsicana, and Mrs. M. C. Burdine, Tupelo, and 18 grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Frank Roberson, T. V. McMullan, Ralph Wheeler, Tom D. Wheeler, Allyn Douglas, Jr., R. B. McMullan and Bill Bowden.

Corley directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Mar 2, 1956
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Addie (Lindsay) McMullan married Jun. 26, 1906 2nd wife Carrie Randle (McCord) McMullan; s/o David Thomas McMullan and Mary Elizabeth (Hervey) McMullan

Ruth Alma (Smith) McMullan
Oct 2, 1881 - Jun 12, 1960

Tuesday Rites Are Held For Mrs. McMullan

Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth McMullan were to be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the McCammon Chapel with Rev. E. E. Wood, Westminister Presbyterian pastor, conducting the final rites. Interment was to be in Oakwood cemetery.

A life-long resident of Corsicana, Mrs. McMullan died in the Navarro Clinic early Sunday. She was 78. She was the widow of M. J. McMullan.

Survivors include a son, Robert McMullan, Victoria; two daughters, Mrs. Harris Hall and Mrs. Albert Galloway, both of Corsicana; a grandson, two granddaughters; two sisters, Mrs. Herbert Ferguson and Mrs. Ben F. Guynes, both of Corsicana; and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers were to be Guy Bunch, John Travis, Eugene Stewart, George Hodge, Porter Holloway, John Sullivan, Tom Spikes and W. P. McCammon.


Scott Henry Willis, Sr.
Aug 2, 1897 - Oct 11, 1956

Retired Painter Dies Thursday

S. H. Willis, 83, retired painter and paperhanger, 102 South Thirty-First street, died Thursday morning in Memorial hospital.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the Emmanuel Baptist church with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. G. W. Turner, pastor, and Rev. J. W. McKinney, pastor of the First Christian church.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; five sons, Scott H. Willis, Jr., Houston; Howard E. Willis, Dallas; Joe Willis, Freeport; Lester Alexander, Corsicana, and D. F. Alexander, Pueblo, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. O. W. Ivie, Corsicana; eight grandchildren, two brothers, Fred F. Willis, Port Arthur, and Claude Willis, Placentia, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. Katherine Watwood and Mrs. Lige Martin, both of Corsicana; Mrs. S. C. McRoberts, Baytown, and Mrs. A. A. Howard, Ennis, and other relatives.

Corley will direct.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Thurs., Oct 11, 1956
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Naomi (Stroud) Willis married Feb. 28, 1904 2nd wife Effie Sisley (Minor) Alexander -Willis; s/o Joseph Guliver �Joe� Willis & Mary Ann �Annie� (Scott) Willis

Effie Sisley (Minor) Alexander-Willis
Oct 12, 1890 - Jan 16, 1958

Mrs. Effie Willis Dies Thursday

Mrs. Effie M. Willis, 66, native Texas, resident of Corsican 40 years, died in Houston Thursday where she had been the past several weeks.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Emmanuel Baptist church with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Reginal King, pastor.

Surviving are four sons, S. H. Willis, Jr., Houston; Howard E. Willis, Dallas; Lester Alexander, Corsicana, and D. F. Alexander, Fort Worth; two brothers, Earl and D. P. Minor, both of Corsicana; two sisters, Mrs. Fran Holub and Mrs. L. G. Davis, both of Dallas, and three grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Arvis Windsor, Norman Windsor, Earl Bonner, Donald Bonner, Wayne Long and Cecil Long.

Corley will direct.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Fri., Jan 17, 1958
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband William James Alexander 2nd husband Scott Henry Willis, Sr; d/o Morgan Byers Minor & Ida Mae (Hallmark) Minor

Herbert Ferguson
Nov 23, 1877 - Jul 30, 1956

Herbert Ferguson Rites Wednesday

Funeral services for Herbert Ferguson, 77, long-time Navarro County resident, who died Monday afternoon at 1532 West Fifth Avenue, were held Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the McCammon Chapel. Dr. Matthew H. Arnold, Presbyterian minister officiated. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

A native of South Carolina, he came to Navarro County at an early age. He resided in Wichita Falls for a number of years where he was a drilling contractor, moving back to Corsicana several years ago.

He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Wichita Falls and the Mascot Shrine. He also was a member of the Westminister Presbyterian Church here.

Surviving are his wife, Annie Laura Smith Ferguson, Corsicana; a daughter, Mrs. J. E. Pearson, Baltimore, Md.; two brothers, E. C. Ferguson, Shreveport, La., and Arthur Ferguson Cheneyboro, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers were N. Suttle Roberts, Ben F. Blackmon, Earl Presley, Jack Megarity, Johnny Noble, James Roxburgh, Ed Harris, Sr. and John Sullivan.


Ann Laura "Annie" (Smith) Ferguson
Feb 17, 1888 - May 12, 1976

Mrs. Smith

Services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Ann Laura Smith Ferguson, 88, resident of Wallingford, Penn., who died Wednesday in Upland, Penn.

The Rev. Eugene Wood will officiate, and burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery here.

She was a native of Corsicana, lived in Wallingford for 10 years and was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Pearson of Wallingford; two grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers include Jimmy Pearson, Byford Cook, Norman Fleming, Grady Fox, Eugene Stewart, Mark Galloway, James F. Craig and H. C. Allen, Jr.


Cherylyn Jo Read
Aug 29, 1955 - Jan 17, 1956

Houston Child Rites Thursday

Cherylyn Jo Reed, five-months-olf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reed of Houston, died Tuesday in Houston.

Funeral services will be held on Thursday at 4 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jimmy Ponder, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church.

Surviving are the parents of Houston and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Reed and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Pollock, all of Corsicana.


Betty Ruth (Morris) Jones
Jul 25, 1956 - Sep 30, 2021

Betty Ruth "Rufus" (Morris) Jones, age 65, of Navarro Mills went to be with our heavenly Father, Sept. 30, 2021.

Betty spent some of her childhood in Ennis, Texas, then moved to Rice, Texas where she attended Rice school. Rice school transferred to Blooming Grove school where she graduated 1974.

After graduation Betty joined the Navy where she spent 4 1/2 years. She then worked in restaurants, health care and baby sat for her friends. She loved to bake, gather with her family for family reunions, fishing, but most of all loved to laugh.

Betty is survived by her boyfriend Randy Prowell, sisters, Barbara Boatright and husband Ricky, Billie Barak and husband Joey, Brenda Reece, and Bobby Barak and husband Jim Barak, several nieces, nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews. She loved and enjoyed all her nieces and nephews.

She is preceded in death by her parents, Bill and Betty Morris and sister Bonnie (Morris) Bacak.

Flowers may be sent to Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home, Corsicana, Texas.



Betty Ruth (Rufus) Morris Jones age 65 of Navarro Mills, went to be with our heavenly father September 30, 2021, surrounded by her loving family.
Betty spent some of her childhood in Ennis, TX. The family moved to Rice, TX where she attended Rice School and then to Blooming Grove where she graduated.
She joined the Navy where she spent four and a half years. She also worked in restaurants, health care, baby sat and took care of her friends and family. She loved to bake and gather at family reunions and fishing. And she loved to laugh.
Betty leaves behind her boyfriend Randy Prowell; sisters, Barbara and Ricky Boatright, Billie and Joey Barak, Brenda Reece and Bobbie and Jim Barak. Also many nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews whom she loved very much.
She is preceded in death by her Mama and Daddy, Bill and Betty Morris and her sister, Bonnie Morris Barak. Flowers many be sent to Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana, TX or Bobbie Barak at 304 S. Dallas St. Rice, TX. All flowers will be taken to the cemetery and church.


Betty Mae (Worley) Arnold
Sep 29, 1939 - Oct 4, 2021

Obituary for Betty Mae Arnold
Betty Mae Arnold, 82, passed away Monday, October 4, 2021 in Greenville. She was born September 29, 1939 in DeSoto to Arvel and Marie Moore Worley.
She enjoyed fishing, crafting and Geneology. She enjoyed running in her younger years. She loved playing 42 and putting together puzzles. She also like collecting rocks and enjoyed walking and looking for unusual rocks. She worked all of her adult life as a secretary until her retirement.
She is preceded in death by her parents, brother Arvel Worley Jr, sister Ima Jean Wochner.
She leaves behind to cherish the memories, daughters, Deborah Warmke and Janet Shill. Grandchildren, Adam Shotwell, Aaron Shotwell, Christopher Shill and Sutton Jones. Five great grandchildren. Sisters, Mary Martin and Gerlene Johnson. Numerous nieces, nephews and extended family.
Graveside service will be 2:00 pm Saturday, October 9, 2021 at Dresden Cemetery.


Charles Lucas Mathers
Feb 26, 1978 - Sep 27, 2021
FORT WORTH - Charles Lucas Mathers, 43, died unexpectedly on September, 27, 2021, at a Marietta, Georgia hospital. He was born February 26, 1978, at Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, Texas, the son of Charles T. and Jeannette (Kathy) Mathers.

Charles Lucas graduated from Azle High School, Class of 1997. Following graduation, he served with the U.S. Army and held various jobs before working for the City of Fort Worth Water Department.

He was predeceased by his grandfathers, Kenneth James Mathers and Donald Ray Mason. He is survived by daughters Emalee Mathers, Embher Mathers and son Ezekiel Mathers. Grandmothers, Clovis Mason and Karen Embree. Parents Charles T. and Kathy Mathers. One sister, Samantha Richardson and husband Kevin, nephew Kenneth Richardson. Countless family and friends. Charles Lucas is loved and will be greatly missed.

There will be a celebration of life at his parent's home on October 16, 2021 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm for information please contact Samantha at 682-716-4130.


  • Written by Samantha Richardson
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • Graduate Azle High School 1997
  • US Army
  •  h/o Lydie Ione (Krenzke) Mathers; s/o Charles Thomas Mathers and Jeannette Kathryn �Kathy� (Mason) Mathers
  • Rose Hill Cemetery, Blooming Grove, Navarro Co., TX

Robert Barclay "Bob" McElroy
Apr 10, 1932 - Aug 15, 2021
Robert Barclay (Bob) McElroy, beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, uncle, coach and friend died peacefully on August 15, 2021 at the age of 89.
Bob was born on April 10, 1932 in Norman, Oklahoma to Barclay and Ruby (Jacobs) McElroy.
Bob discovered a love of sports at an early age. Though small in stature, he was big in heart and his determination, coupled with his natural abilities, proved successful. He played running back and quarterback at Alex High and running back at East Central State University in Ada, Oklahoma.
Bob married his high school sweetheart, Virginia (Beanie) Ingenthron, in 1952. Together they had four children: Robbi Stewart (Austin), Pete McElroy (Terry), Radona Thompson (Keith) and Sam McElroy (Val); 11 grandchildren: Kristi (Jim), Wesley (Christine), Jesse (Dianna), Byron, Kodi (Josh), Nathan (Laura), Daniel (Adriana), Sarah (Gareth), Tyler (Christina), Ryan, and Madie; 11 great grandchildren: Brooke, Harper, Hudson, Keela, Wyatt, Ainsley, Milo, Eric, Asher, Tony, and Jones with another on the way in November.
Bob and Beanie moved with their family to Corsicana in 1968. Bob coached first at Corsicana High and later moved on to Navarro College as Defensive Coordinator. He became Head Coach at Navarro in 1986 and served in that capacity until retiring in 1993 with a record of 62-16-3. Under his leadership, the Navarro Bulldogs won the NJCAA Football National Championship in 1989. Bob's impact on students and players throughout his career is evident in the number of those who continued to stay in contact through visits, phone calls, cards and letters.
Bob was inducted into the NJCAA Football Hall of Fame in 2002 and was an inaugural inductee into the Navarro College Hall of Fame in 2019. He received many awards and accolades throughout his career but if you were to ask him, he would say his greatest achievements were his children.
Bob is preceded in death by his loving wife of 59 years, his brothers Jack and Mike, and his son-in-law Austin. He is survived by a host of family and friends.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Angelman Syndrome Foundation, St. Jude's Hospital and Navarro College Foundation/Nursing, 3200 W. 7th Ave., Corsicana, TX 75ll0.
Robbi, Pete, Radona and Sam have been beyond blessed to have Bob and Beanie as their parents and are happy the football captain and homecoming queen are together again.
A celebration of life will be held on Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at Northside Baptist Church with Daniel Harper officiating. Bob was adamant about mask wearing during these uncertain times. We ask that his wishes be honored during the service.


Amber Chey (Epp) Davis
Aug 10, 1982 - Aug 16, 2021
Amber Chey (Epp) Davis, age 39 of Corsicana, gained her wings and went to be with her Heavenly Father on August 16, 2021. Amber was born to Johnny Epp and Edna Bailey on August 10, 1982, in Beaver Oklahoma.
Amber graduated from Fairfield High School in 2000. She graduated with her Associates Degree in Child Development from Navarro College in 2003, as a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Psy Beta Honor Society. She has worked in Loan Review and Funding at Community National Bank in Corsicana, Texas for 14 years.
Amber was passionate about everything Rayven and Rylan. If there was a sport they wanted to participate in, she was in 100%. Amber made sure her daughters had every opportunity academically and athletically. From Rayven and Rylan participating in CTA cheer competition, softball, soccer, swim team, volleyball, high school and middle school cheer, and the Corsicana Calico dance team. When her girls weren'#39;t busy with sports, the three of them were always together out eating, shopping, or hanging with the family. She so loved watching her girls excel in whatever their hearts desired.
She was proceeded in death by her husband, Brennan Davis, grandparents Martina and Julio Juarez, uncle Joe Juarez, and cousins Sakoda Juarez, Estabon Ponce.
She leaves to cherish her memory; daughters Rayven and Rylan Davis; parents Edna and Jason Bailey and Johnny and Lisa Epp; mother and father-in-law, Anne and Harry Davis. Sisters and brother-in-law Elizabeth Bailey and Taylor Bailey and Roel Perez; brother and sister-in-law Justin and Allyson Romine; sisters and brothers-in-law, Brandy and Kevin Ermis, Piper and JB Worley, Courtney and Justin Kirk and Brook Davis; grandparents, Wayman Epp, Linda and Tommy Osborne, Lynda and Larry Martinets, Rusty and Vicki Bean, and Jimmy Fisher; her nieces and nephews, Annalieze Bailey, Jackson and Jade Romine, Madison, Sydney, and Hohlt Ermis, Miranda and Ashton Worley, Lauren and Carleigh Smith along with numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Visitation will be Friday, August 20th from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Funeral Service will follow at 12 p.m. in the chapel at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Burial will be at Calvary Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Dustin Trull, Lance Farmer, Javier Luna, JR Compeon, Julien Dickinson, Eddie Medeiros, Charlie Shala. Honorary Pallbearers will be Sheadon Juarez, Savoy Juarez, Adrian Juarez and Justin Romine.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.


Raychaun Montray Ballard
Jan 2, 1975 - Aug 14, 2021
Constable Raychaun Ballard 46, of Corsicana, Tx passed away on August 14, 2021 in Tyler, Tx. Raychaun is survived by his wife Samara and children Jeremy and Sasha. To celebrate Raychaun's life, the family has planned a Visitation on Friday, August 20, 2021 from 5 to 9 in the evening at Corley Funeral Home. A service celebrating his life will be held on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 11 o'clock in the morning at Northside Baptist Church with burial to follow at Woodland Cemetery. In Lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Boys and Girls Club of Corsicana in Raychaun's memory. Masks are encouraged for those attending the visitation and the service. You are invited to visit to share a memory with the family.



Constable Raychaun Ballard passed away August 14, 2021, at the age of 46.
Raychaun was born January 2, 1975 in Corsicana to Sharon Ballard Brice and Leonard Anderson. Growing up with his brother Rodney, Raychaun was a homegrown Corsicana Tiger, graduating from Corsicana High School in the class of 1993.
After graduation, Raychaun enrolled in the Navarro College Police Academy. An incredibly driven man, he worked twelve hour shifts at night while attending the daytime police academy. Due to his hard work, he made class sergeant in his class and received the Brent Thompson Leadership Award in 2021. He served in the Navarro County Sherriff's office for twenty-four years, where he was the Officer of the Year twice, Officer of the Month three times, and Officer of the Year for the State of Texas. He recently became the Navarro County Precinct 2 Constable. A fair and impartial man, he was known for his compassionate heart. Despite dealing with the sometimes negative aspects of his job, Raychaun had a positive outlook on life and humanity, and always gave second chances. A mover and a shaker, he was always one to say �I got you and consider it done�, and you could always count on his word.
Raychaun met his wife Samara through mutual friends and they were married on December 22, 2000 at the Magnolia House. He was a proud father to their children Jeremy and Sasha and enjoyed spending time with them. One of his favorite things to do was drink coffee with his wife in the mornings.
A staple in the community, Raychaun was a very caring man. He was proud to be part of his community. It did not matter to him who or where you came from. He was involved in the Boys and Girls club and spoke at his church and at Crime Watch meetings. He and his wife were champions of the 2021 Dancing for Our Stars, a competition that raises money to send students to college.
A mischievous man with a great sense of humor, everyone loved Raychaun. He enjoyed going to the beach and spending time in nature. He loved BBQ, sweet potato pie and Hawaiian Punch and he always smelled good. His favorite holidays were Christmas and Thanksgiving, because of the eating contest.
Raychaun leaves behind his wife Samara Ballard, his son Jeremy Ballard, his daughter Sasha Ballard, his mother Sharon Ballard Brice, his brother and sister-in-law Rodney and Sherri Ballard, his mother-in-law Sue Stemmer, his brother in law's Nathan Flack and his wife Elissa, Wesley Flack and his wife Alison, Richard Stemmer and his wife Courtney, and hosts of nieces, a nephew, cousins, uncles, aunts, and friends.
To celebrate Raychaun's life, the family has planned a visitation on Friday, August 20, 2021 from 5 to 9 in the evening at Corley Funeral Home. A service celebrating his life will be held on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 11 o'clock in the morning at Northside Baptist Church, with burial to follow at Woodland Cemetery. The family want's Raychaun's friends to know that they can send flowers for the service or donations can be made to the Boys and Girls Club of Corsicana in Raychaun's memory. Masks are encouraged for those attending the visitation and the service.
Corley Funeral Home


Margaret Drusilla (Miles) Easley
Aug 4, 1933 - Aug 16, 2021

Margaret D. Easley, 88 of Corsicana passed away Monday, August 16, 2021 at her residence. She was born August 4, 1933 in Dawson to Minerva Ann Sawyer and Charlie Elmer Miles. She attended Memorial Baptist Church. In her younger years she worked at Hager Slacks as a seamstress, and then at Humbert's Hickory House as a waitress. Margaret was an excellent seamstress whose specialty was painstakingly making dolls with beautiful locks of hair, which were painstakingly hand made from twisted and glued jute. Many people and family members are proud to have one or more of her dolls. She was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend, and she cooked the most phenomenal dishes that no one seemed to be able to duplicate, even when given her recipe. Her banana nut bread seemed to be a "one of a kind" dish that none could master. She spent many years at Humbert Hickory House, and was well known as an excellent waitress, who went above and beyond.
Margaret was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Kenneth Easley, as well as four sisters and two brothers and a great grandchild Mary Hill. She is survived by her only daughter, Debbie Rogers and husband Dr. Ricky Rogers and well as their children, David Rogers, Gayle Rogers, Michael Rogers and Rashdan Ahmed, who all knew and loved her as their "Granny." She leaves behind a beloved great granddaughter, Madeleine Rogers, whom she saw frequently, and Jacob Garcia her great grandson. Margaret was blessed to have a wonderful son-in-law, whom she considered to be her own son, James Easley and his wonderful wife Brenda. James and Brenda have numerous children and great grandchildren who loved Margaret. Nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews were so many in number, and she was truly blessed with love of family.
Visitation will be Saturday, August 21st from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home.
Graveside Funeral Service will be held at 1:30pm Saturday, August 21, 2021 at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery with Bro Floyd Petersen officiating.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home


Debbie Rose (Libal) McElhenney
Dec 27, 1954 - Aug 7, 2021
We're joyful knowing Heaven is much brighter today, but we've only just begun to grieve the passing of Debbie Rose McElhenney on August 7, 2021 at the age of 66.
In this obituary we're going to make a small attempt to share her big story with you. But there is no way our family and her friends could perfectly summarize such a life in this space - so we'll continue to share the memories and blessings she gave us long after the paper fades.
We have to begin by honoring Debbie as the loving woman she was with an enormously giving spirit. She was always smiling. To know her really was to love her deeply.
A Christian and a member of the Cowboy Church of Corsicana, her love for Jesus shone brightly through her attitude. Beautiful just as much outside as inside, she was also well known for her piercing blue eyes and supernatural smile.
She answered to Mom, Grandy, Aunt Debbie and "Rosebud". She had many names of affection that we used to call out for her to answer � but the thing we want to remember most is simply that she always did.
She was there for all of us and we are better for having time with her here on earth and comforted by the memories that she left behind for us.
Whether she was country dancing with her husband "Mack" (who preceded her in death), bravely fighting metastatic breast cancer, giving to the homeless, spilling over in pride of her daughter Amy, (who often doubled as sidekick in many adventures), loving on her grandchildren, telling surprisingly believable stories, soaking up the peace in Cabo, savoring time with her best friends Cindy, Stacey, Denise, Dianne, Virginia and more, or spending time at home with Lil Man -- Debbie was present, thoughtful and she was there for others.
Born on December 27th, 1954 and raised in Corsicana as one of five siblings to her Czechoslovakian father and German mother, Debbie was deeply woven into her life in Texas and into all of our hearts. Her mother, Audrey, was a stay-at-home mom and father Joe owned a paint store on Beaton Street in Corsicana. Growing up in the Libal household, a loving and large family, Debbie spent time with her siblings Jodie Libal, Ellander Libal Butler, Rick Libal and Jerry Libal. Debbie loved Corsicana, all the way from elementary school to Drane Middle School, and was a Lieutenant for the Corsicana Calicoes Dance team for the Class of 1973 at Corsicana High School. Debbie attended Sam Houston State University from 1973-1977, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology. She loved working for the Texas State Home for Children as a Case Worker for many years.
Not long after college graduation, Debbie married the love of her life Harold "Mack" McElhenney on January 19, 1980 in a small family ceremony in Dallas. She thrived in her role as a mom to her daughter Amy and step-daughter Vicki. She also cared deeply for her step-son Steve. Mack and Debbie built a beautiful home in Rice, TX where they spent many years together. In 1992, Debbie became a single mother when Mack passed away from cancer. She rose to the occasion beautifully and became a successful Realtor in Navarro County.
Debbie loved her work with Keller Williams and serving on the Navarro County Board of Realtors. Not one to sit still, Debbie also served on the Rice Independent School Board of Trustees for over 20 years. When she was not hard at work, she enjoyed exercising at Camp Gladiator, cooking, gardening, and spending time with her children, grandchildren and friends.
Music was a source of joy for her - she loved concerts (especially Pink, Josh Groban, Mercy Me and Andrea Bocceli) and dancing! And of course, she also loved to travel, especially on her mother/daughter trips each year with Amy. Of special note was the trip they took together to Czechoslovakia in 2013.
The final weeks of Debbie's life were spent in her daughter's home in Dallas, TX with her two granddaughters, Annalee Rose (her namesake) and Bonnie Bell. The "lights of her life" got to kiss her each morning and each night. Friends, family, co-workers, classmates and neighbors all came to share in her final weeks with her.
Debbie never knew a stranger and it shows when people talk about her and this deep loss on earth. We hope her memory continues to serve others and her contributions live on in those she positively impacted, whether that was through her Tuesday evening breast cancer support group in Navarro, Warrior Sisters, or through the love and humor she instilled with her granddaughters or shared during workouts.
She will be so missed, but we are so grateful to have been blessed with these 66 full years with her, even if she was humming and convincing all of us of her tall tales the entire time. She will forever be part of each one of us in the unique ways we knew and loved her.
If you haven't shared a story with us about Debbie but would like to, we welcome the memories and hope they're as fond for you as they have been for us.
Debbie leaves behind her daughter Amy McElhenney and granddaughters Annalee Rose and Bonnie Bell; her step-daughter and son-in-law, Vicki and Mark Barber and grandchildren Tyler and Jordyn Price and great-grandson Anderson, grandchild Dylan Barber; step-son and daughter-in law Steven and Lynn McElhenney and grandchildren Mandy and David Alsup and great-grandchildren Caitlyn, Brennan, and Oliva; brother and sister-in-law Rick and Donna Libal, sister-in-law Betsy Libal, brother Jerry Libal, sister Ellander Libal and dozens of nieces and nephews whom she loved dearly.
Please join the family in celebrating Debbie Libal McElhenney's life for a visitation on Thursday, August 12, 2021 from 6 to 8 in the evening at Corley Funeral Home. A service celebrating Debbie's life will be held on Friday, August 13, 2021 at 11 o'clock in the morning at the Cowboy Church of Corsicana, 5864 W. Hwy 31. The family asks that you wear colorful clothing, keeping black to a minimum as Debbie Loved Colors.
In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make a donation to the Debbie McElhenney scholarship fund
This scholarship will be given to an outstanding graduation senior of Rice ISD - where Debbie served for over 20 years on the Board of Trustees. Debbie had started this fund with a $10,000 donation of her own. To make an immediate donation for the fund, please send Venmo @Amy-Pylant (description Debbie scholarship) or mail checks to 7106 Winedale Drive, Dallas, Tx 75231 memo: Debbie Scholarship.
Corley Funeral Home



Debbie Rose McElhenney, 66, of Corsicana passed away Saturday, August 7, 2021 at her daughter's residence. To honor Debbie's life, her family has planned a visitation on Thursday, August 12, 2021 from 6-8 p.m. in the Magnolia Chapel of Corley Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held on Friday, August 13, 2021 at 11 a.m. at the Cowboy Church of Corsicana. Interment will follow at Resthaven Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make a donation to the Debbie McElhenny Scholarship fund, 7106 Windedale Drive, Dallas Tx 75231 re Debbie Scholarship. This scholarship will be given to an outstanding graduating senior of Rice ISD- where Debbie served for over 20 years on the Board of Trustees.


Billie Ruth (Rogers) Tate
Apr 21, 1920 - Aug 10, 2021
Billie Ruth Rogers Tate "GG", 101, died peacefully on August 10, 2021, at her home at Calder Woods in Beaumont, Texas. She was born on April 21, 1920, to Cora Tickel Rogers and Thomas Rogers in Purdon, Texas. Having lived in Beaumont 21 years prior she returned in 2013 to be closer to her family. She was married to Guin A. Tate until his death in 2010. They moved to Tyler, Texas where Mr. Tate worked for Sun Oil Company.
Upon retirement they moved to Corsicana, Texas her home. Having been raised on a farm Billie loved being outdoors, but definitely preferred city life.
She is survived by her daughter, Paula Tate O'Neal of Beaumont; granddaughter, Kelli O'Neal Savage and her husband, Philip, of Beaumont; niece, Bettie Duff and her husband, Dennis, of Austin; nephew, Paul Wayne Rogers and wife, Pat, of Pearland; great-grandchildren, Christian Tate Savage and Daniel Vincent Savage of Beaumont; sister-in-law, Pauline Tate of Austin; and many friends made while living at Calder Woods.
Billie is preceded in death by her parents; husband; sister, Doshie Rogers Kyser; brother, Paul Wilson Rogers; son-in-law, James Clarence O'Neal; nephew, Tommy Kyser; and nephew, Kenny Tate.
In her retirement, she enjoyed traveling, playing bridge, shopping with her sister and granddaughter. She was a member of Corsicana's Kinsloe House and enjoyed the many activities with her friends. Billie had a long and wonderful life. She will be missed by all who loved her.
A gathering of Mrs. Tate's family and friends will be from 4 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., Friday, August 13, 2021, at Broussard's, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont. Her graveside service will be held at 1 p.m., Saturday, August 14, 2021, at Resthaven Memorial Park, 5400 West Highway 31, Corsicana.
Those wishing to honor her memory may donate to Some Other Place, P.O. Box 0843, Beaumont, Texas 77704; Calder Baptist Church, 1005 North 11th Street, Beaumont, Texas 77702; or the charity of their choice.
Special thanks to her caregivers Patty, Carole, April, Cori and Shannon of Kindred Home Health, and the nurses of Kindred Hospice.
Complete and updated information may be found at:


James Preston "Jim" Eeds, Jr.
Jan 6, 1925 - Aug 11, 2021

James Preston Eeds, Jr. (Jim) was born January 6, 1925 in West Point, MS to James Preston Eeds, Sr. and Nettie Hill Eeds. He passed away on August 11, 2021 at the age of 96 years.
As a youngster, his father's career with the railroad took the family to Tuscaloosa, AL where they lived near the University of Alabama. He shared with us this fond memory of he and his older sister, Evelyn, hanging out at the Crimson Tide football team practices and retrieving errant footballs for them.

Jim's family later moved to Dallas, TX where he graduated from Adamson High School. During this time, he developed a love for "hot rod" cars which stayed with him his entire life. His favorite hobbies were centered around car races and car shows. Upon graduation in 1943, with WWII in full swing, he joined the Army Air Corps. He served as an aircraft mechanic and Aerial Gunner with the rank of Airman First Class until 1946, when the war had ended. While attending an USO performance in Dallas, TX, a beautiful girl who was one of the singers caught his eye. When he started to approach her, she slipped into the ladies room and hid because she was very shy. Jim patiently waited for her to come out, and his persistence paid off. Wanda Anderson soon became his wife. Married 58 years, they had 2 sons, Dr. James Stephen Eeds and Dr. Michael Edward Eeds. Jim loved to spend time with his sons, encouraging their academic, sports and musical endeavors along with sharing his love of car races with them.

Jim was industrious and a hard worker. His early career was as a representative for an office equipment company. Later he joined other partners in developing residential lake properties in the Baywood, Cedar Crest Shores and Loon Bay divisions at Cedar Creek Lake, TX.

Jim was involved in the Shriners as well as Veterans organizations. He and his family attended Tyler Street Methodist Church, Dallas and later First Baptist Church, Dallas.

In his later years, Jim resided in Corsicana, TX, where his son Mike and his family live. Here he made many friends and loved nothing better than to go to Country Western shows where his son's band Triple Nickle played. Jim was outgoing and never met a stranger. He loved the Lord, his family and friends and attended First Baptist Church of Corsicana.

Preceded in death by his wife, Wanda Eeds, son, James Stephen Eeds, parents, James Preston Eeds, Sr. and Nettie Hill Eeds, and sister, Evelyn Eeds Chapman.

Jim is survived by son, Dr. Mike Eeds, (Evie Eeds), Daughter-in-law, Susan Eeds, grandchildren, Chad Eeds, (Kacey), Erika Eeds, Amie Eeds Smith(Paul), Alex Eeds (Casie), Blaire Eeds. Great grandchildren Van Smith, Elle Smith, La'Cai Eeds, Ozzy Eeds.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, August 28,2021 at First Baptist Church of Corsicana at 11 a.m.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to:
Homes For Troops
Gary Sinise Foundation


Laura Kathleen (McKemie) McCloud
Jun 12, 1976 - Sep 19, 2021

Obituary for Laurie McCloud
Laura Kathleen McKemie McCloud, loving and beloved mother, daughter, sister, and friend passed away on Sunday September 19, 2021.

Visitation: 6 to 9 pm, Thursday, September 23, 2021 at Lucas Funeral Home in Keller. Rosary: 10:10 am, Friday, September 24, 2021 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Keller. Funeral Mass: 10:30 am, Friday, September 24, 2021 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Keller. Graveside Service: 1:30 pm, Friday September 24, 2021 at Frost Cemetery in Frost, Texas.

Laurie was born in Dallas, Texas and raised in Farmers Branch by her parents, Roger and Charlene McKemie. She attended Mary Immaculate Catholic School in Farmers Branch, W. T. White High School and graduated from Lewisville High School in 1994. Laurie loved and lived life to the fullest. She loved roller skating, country and western dancing, boating, tubing, archery and shooting. Most of all, she loved her two daughters, Carly and Reagan. Her kids called her mom, her friends called her Mookie, family called her Aunt Lolo. Her dad called her Scooby. She loved being his Scooby Doo, she even had personalized license plates that read Scooby.

Laurie had a beautiful smile, infectious laugh, and an army of friends. To quote one of her friends, if you knew Laurie, you knew you had a best friend. She never forgot the friends she grew up with and her circle of friends grew exponentially over the years. She had mom's groups, scrapbooking groups, roller skating groups, country western dancing groups, live music groups, archery, shooting, hunting and fishing groups, neighborhood, work and play groups. Laurie was never at a loss for friends.

Laurie battled Covid pneumonia at home and in the hospital. The treacherous disease proved to be too tough, even for this spirited fighter. She leaves behind her daughters, Carly and Reagan, her parents, Roger and Beverly McKemie and Charlene and Wendell Linton, her brother Randy and his wife Janice, and sister Michelle and husband Eric. She also leaves three nephews, three nieces, step daughter, and former sister and mother in laws.

A Go Fund Me page has been created to help with Laurie's expenses and to help with a trust fund for her daughters.


  • Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams
  • w/o Chad A. McCloud, married Sept 23, 2005; d/o Roger Howard McKemie & Loretta Charlene (Smith) McKemie

Frances (Matous) Novotny
Oct 12, 1927 - Mar 6, 2020
Obituary for Frances Novotny
Frances Matous Novotny went to be with the Lord on March 6, 2020 at her home in Corsicana surrounded by loved ones. She was born October 12, 1927 at her home in Ennis. She was the first of 10 children.
Frances devoted her life to raising her children and enjoying her family. She loved family get togethers and visiting with her extended family. She was very involved in her church, including leading the rosary before Sunday Mass, running fish fry's during Lent, meals-on-wheels, the funeral ministry and altar society. She was well known by family and friends for her baking and strudels. Frances was also fluent in Czech and enjoyed dancing, gardening, and watching the birds in the yard.
Frances is preceded in death by her devoted husband of 63 years, Jerry Novotny; oldest son, David Novotny; parents, Jerry and Frances Matous and brother, John Matous. She is survived by David's wife, Margaret; Mary Frances and Charlie Jones; Mel and Vicki Novotny; Steve and Lesa Novotny and Linda and Charlie Ellis; 11 grandchildren, Rebecca, David, Robert, Shawn, Ryan, Jennifer, Laura, Chelsea C., Jared, Chelsea F., Elizabeth; 15 great grandchildren, Courtney, Leah, Morgan, Peyton, Merritt, Jake, Owen, Abby, Eron, Logan, Levi, Luke, Lawrence, Isabelle, Jerry and one great-great grandchild Alaina.

Visitation will be 6:00pm Wednesday, March 11th with Rosary in her honor at 7:00pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home in Corsicana. A Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:00am Thursday, March 12th at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Corsicana. Graveside Service will follow at St. Joseph Cemetery in Ennis, Texas. Pallbearers will be Shawn Dawson, Ryan Dawson, Robert Novotny, Jared Novotny, Austin Gunter and Logan Hoyt.

Frances' favorite charities were Hand-In-Hand Hospice of Corsicana, Kidney Foundation of America and Red Cross.


James Harry Joles
Apr 10, 1937 - Jan 24, 2021
James Harry Joles was born on April 10, 1947, to Harry & Margaret Joles in Winnfield La. He was the 9th of 12 children. He lived in Corsicana most of his life. James worked hard from the tender age of 10. He worked several places, but took pride in working for Mobil Pipeline and then retiring from Atmos gas in 2009.
He was preceded in death by his parents and 4 brothers, Telzy (Bud) Joles, Spencer Joles, Dawson Joles and Harry (Steve) Joles Jr/, and 4 sisters Hazel Shirley, Bankel Roberts, Juanita Brewster and Barbara Tincher. His first love, and the mother of his children Sylvia Jock Joles.
James is survived by two sons Jason Joles and wife Osha, Jeremy Ewing, and one daughter Belinda Taylor and husband John. The loves of his life, his 5 grandchildren; granddaughter Faith Joles, Grandsons Jackson Taylor, Wesley Ewing, Garrett Joles and Bradley Ewing. Lastly, he is survived by his last love, his wife Delores Williams Joles. 3 sisters Thelma Flores, Roxie Brewer and Brenda Blakeslee as well as a host of family, friends, nieces and nephews and loyal customers.
James had several hobbies, one being working. James was the hardest worker you've ever known. He loved his music and fishing, which he loved to do with his best buddy of 59 years, his brother Charles Walpole.
Family and friends are invited for a time of visitation, Thursday, January 28, 2021 from 5 to 7 in the evening at Corley Funeral Home. Graveside services will be held on Friday, January 29, 2021 at 11 a.m. at Oakwood Cemetery.
Arrangements especially for the Joles Family by Corley Funeral Home.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jan 27, 2021
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • h/o Sylvia Jewell (Jock) Joles & Delores Williams Joles; s/o Harry Joles & Margaret "Minnie" (Kuykendall) Joles

Pansy Marie (Ware) Montgomery
Jan 2, 1930 - Jan 25, 2021
Pansy Marie Ware Montgomery died peacefully January 25, 2021 following a brief illness.

Pansy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ware in Corsicana, and lived most her life here.

She attended Corsicana public schools and then entered North Texas State College where she earned a degree in education.

Following graduation she taught in Arlington public schools and then returned to teach in Corsicana public schools.

She married Roark Montgomery, Jr. in 1952. Their first child Roark Montgomery III was born in 1953. Their daughter Leslie was born in 1956. Mrs. Montgomery continued her teaching career and also taught a Sunday school class at First Baptist Church.

After retiring, she and her husband enjoyed travel and fine dining. She was an excellent bridge player and became a life master. In her quiet time she worked crossword puzzles and read books of fiction, biography, and current events.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, and her son. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Leslie and Hal Prater; her beloved grandson, Wilson Montgomery Prater who brought joy to her heart and a smile to her face; her sister and brother-in-law, Fredda and Ted Klock.

The family extends special thanks to Dr. Kent Rogers and staff for their years of care and friendship.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggest donations to the Corsicana Animal Shelter, 617 South 12th Street Corsicana, Texas 75110

Visitation will be Saturday, January 30th from 1:00 - 2:00pm at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Private Family Graveside will follow.

Arrangements by Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun -Thurs., Jan 28, 2021
  • Submitted by Karen Rost
  • Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Navarro Co., TX
  • w/o Roark Montgonery, Jr, married Mar 20, 1952. - d/o Fred Ware & Thelma Annett (McAfee) Ware; d/dau of Ira Decherd McAfee & Nancy Caroline "Nannie" Ballew and Thomas John Ware & Nannie Bessie (McCage) Ware

Margaret Louise (Fuller) Capehart
Jan 20, 1929 - Mar 1, 2021
Margaret Louise Capehart was born in Corsicana, Texas on January 20, 1929 to Hazel Pauline (Thompson) Fuller and Mack Chalmus Fuller. Then 2 years later her brother Vernon joined them several years before their twin sisters Maxine and Pauline completed the family. Louise took an early high school graduation in order to help with her infant sisters and she became a loving and devoted "big sister" and mother figure to them.
Louise was an excellent student and avid reader all her life. Although she did not get to attend college personally, she assisted many young people with their college studies. Later, as she studied for the ministry she completed correspondence courses, earning several certificates and awards through the years as well as a diploma from Berean School of the Bible which later became part of Global University. She became ordained and served alongside her husband in evangelistic travels and then in pastoring 3 churches, continuing to pastor even after his death in 2007.

On September 11, 1948 she married Jimmie Capehart and later became the mother of Cheryl and David. For many years they were active in their home church, First Assembly of God in Corsicana, but in the late 1950s they relocated to Garland and joined the First Assembly of God there. In 1969 they moved to Sachse to pastor that Assembly of God for the next 18 years. A highlight for them was a tour of the Holy Land in 1975, and the impact of that experience enriched them and their ministries for the rest of their lives. During their pastorates Louise served in many capacities in music, teaching and preaching. She was also very involved in community service organizations and projects, plus she regularly performed volunteer service at local nursing homes. She continued to volunteer in nursing homes until in her 90s.

After retiring from the Sachse church she and her husband moved back to Corsicana and resumed serving in First Assembly of God before being asked to pastor the church in Kerens where they served for the next 10 years. After another brief "retirement" they were invited to pastor the church in Dawson. When Jimmie died in 2007 the church asked Louise to continue to pastor, even though she was undergoing multiple surgical repairs following a catastrophic vehicle accident in which she lost part of her right hand and had the right side of her head crushed. She was not given hope for recovery and certainly not a return to "normal" living. However, God brought her through that ordeal miraculously and she not only survived but eventually was able to resume most of the activities she had previously enjoyed, including playing the church organ. Several friends, especially Keith and Edna Berry and Anthony Sheets, assisted with hospital trips and doctor visits. Their help was greatly appreciated.

She moved to Palestine to enjoy beautiful East Texas and have more family time and became involved in Westside Assembly of God in teaching, playing the organ, and actively doing nursing home outreaches. Even when health crises took her to nursing homes and rehab facilities as a resident she considered them her "missionfield" assignments and she sought ways to be a blessing to the other residents and to the caregivers. Between rehab tenures she lived independently in her own apartment until in her 90s and a favorite pastime was making and distributing seasonal treats to her neighbors. These treats always included gospel messages and Bible booklets. She would don a festive hat and her helper Robbin Gardner would take her in her transport chair to visit the neighbors to hand out the treats. She wanted to make sure everyone in her life had an opportunity to receive the gospel message. Each fall she put together packets of games, toys, and special treats for the Trick or Treaters who visited Cheryl's neighborhood and she and Cheryl enjoyed interacting with the children and their families.

At the time of her death Sister Capehart was a member of the Felders Chapel Assembly of God near Grapeland. She greatly loved her church family and was blessed by the wonderful services as well as the loving fellowship of the congregation and the caring pastor, Randy Shipman and wife Karen. She loved and served the Lord faithfully, never asking Him to take her to her Heavenly Home until her work was finished. Even in life-threatening traumas she always told God and her caregivers she was ready to stay or go according to God's will. She inspired those around her to live each day to the fullest and she is greatly missed.

She was preceded in death by her parents Mack and Hazel and siblings Vernon and Maxine. She was also preceded in death by her husband Jimmie and son David, as well as son-in-law James Niles.

Survivors include her daughter Cheryl Niles and daughter-in-law Karen, grandchildren Amber Rynerson, Heather Goodall, Patricia Lyons, and Lauren and Heath Hays. Great-grandchildren include Alex and Johanne Goodall, Hannah and Elijah Rynerson, Gabrielle and Summer Lyons, and Halle, Jase and Jettson Hays. She is also survived by her sister Pauline Butler and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins as well as many ministry colleagues and friends and neighbors.

To honor her life, Margaret's family had a graveside service on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at Oakwood Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers the family asks that donations be made to Pleasant Hills Children's Home PO Box 1177, Fairfield TX 75840 and Adult & Teen Challenge of Dallas PO Box 181794, Dallas, TX 75218.


Betty Mae (Frad) Read
Aug 27, 1926 - Sep 6, 2017

Betty M. Read

Betty Read, passed away at Carlisle Care Center, September 6, at the age 91. Betty was born on August 27, 1926 to Robert and Ellen Frad of Greenville, IA. Betty is preceded in death by her parents, husband Thurman Read, son Raymond Read, six brothers, and three sisters. Betty is survived by three sisters and many nieces and nephews.


  • Des Moines Register - Sep 10, 2017
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Thurman Lester Read married Oct. 5, 1979; d/o Robert James Frad & Ellen Nellie (Reardon) Frad (Betty has a double monument in Oakwood Cemetery with Thurman but she is buried Chapel Hill Cemetery, Des Moines, Iowa)

Charles Gordon �Charlie� Summers
Apr 7, 1880 - Aug 1, 1956

Charley Summers Dies Wednesday

Charley G. Summers, 76, long-time Navarro county resident, died of a heart attack about 7 a.m. Wednesday at his home, 508 North Main Street.

A native of Rhome, Ga., he had resided in Navarro county 55 years with the exception of a few years spent at Hillsboro. The family formerly resided in the west end of Navarro county in the Frost area.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. George Spencer, Teague; Mrs. E. B. Kelley, Austin, and Miss Mildred Summers, Corsicana; three sons, John Summers, Odessa; Cecil Summers, Fort Worth, and Harold Summers, Ruidoso, N. M.; seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two brothers, Grady Summers, Cedar Hill, and Louis Summers, Tulsa, Okla.; three sisters, Mrs. George Tucker, Beaumont; Mrs. J. W. Harris, Breckenridge, and Mrs. Minnie Johnson, McKinney, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Summers was a member of the First Methodist church. Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor, will conduct the rites Thursday at 3 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery.



Charley Summers Rites Thursday

Funeral services for Charley G. Summers, 76, who died of a heart attack at the family residence, 508 North Main street Wednesday morning, were held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 3 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church of which Summers was a member.

A native of Rhome, Ga., Summers had resided at Frost, Hillsboro and Corsicana for the past 55 years.

Pallbearers were Dwayne Magee, Ernest Davis, Curtis Patterson, Chester Sprinkle, Fletcher Bonnett and F. S. Keathley.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; three daughters, Mrs. George Spencer, Teague; Mrs. E. B. Kelley, Austin, and Miss Mildred Summers, Corsicana; three sons, John Summers, Odessa; Cecil Summers, Fort Worth, and Harold Summers, Ruidoso, N. M.; seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, two brothers, Grady Summers, Cedar Hill, and Louis Summers, Tulsa, Okla.; three sisters, Mrs. George Tucker, Beaumont; Mrs. J. W. Harris, Breckenridge, and Mrs. Minnie Johnson, McKinney, and a number of nieces and nephews.


Pearl Jane (Couch) Summers
Jan 11, 1881 - Mar 4, 1958

Mrs. Summers Expires Tuesday, Rites Thursday

Mrs. Charley G. Summers, 77, long-time Navarro county resident, 508 North Main Street, died in Memorial Hospital Tuesday night.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor, and Rev. Ted Spencer, associate pastor, First Methodist church.

A native of Italy, Ellis county, Mrs. Summers resided in the Frost community most of her life before moving to Hillsboro a few years ago prior to moving to Corsicana.

Surviving are three sons, John P. Summers, Odessa; Cecil Summers, Fort Worth, and Harold Summers, Ruidoso, N. M.; three daughters, Mrs. E. B. Kelley, Oklahoma City; Mrs. George L. Spencer, Teague, and Miss Mildred Summers, Corsicana; six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, four brothers, four sisters and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be E. W. Davis, Jr.; C. D. Mathews, Fletcher Bonnett, Chester Sprinkle, Albert Fulton, George Gillespie, Roy Spencer and Curtis Patterson.



Mrs. Summers Rites Thursday

Funeral rites for Mrs. Charley G. Summers, 77, who died in Memorial Hospital Tuesday night, were held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 10:30 a.m., with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The services were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor and Rev. Ted Spencer, associate pastor, First Methodist Church.

A native of Italy, Mrs. Summers spent most of her life in Frost prior to moving to Hillsboro a number of years ago. She had resided here several years.

Surviving are three sons, John P. Summers, Odessa; Cecil Summers, Fort Worth, and Harold Summers, Ruidoso, N. M.; three daughters, Mrs. E. B. Kelley, Oklahoma City; Mrs. George L. Spencer, Teague, and Miss Mildred Summers, Corsicana; six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, four brothers, four sisters and other relatives.

Pallbearers were E. W. Davis, Jr.; C. D. Mathews, Fletcher Bonnett, Chester Sprinkle, Albert Fulton, George Gillespie, Roy Spencer and Curtis Patterson.


Mattie Virginia (Martin) Jordan-White
Apr 4, 1877 - Mar 23, 1956

Sunday Services For Mrs. White

Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie (Jordan) White, 78, who died in the Corsicana Hospital and Clinic early Friday evening, were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the West Side Baptist Church.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

A native of South Carolina, Mrs. White had resided in Corsicana for 40 years.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Emma Campbell, Austin; a son, Eddie Jordan, Rusk; a grandson, Mike Campbell, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Travis Seay, both of Corsicana; seven great-grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Harvey Kelly, Jack Gibbs, W. D. Burnett, Joe Gibbs, Ernest Williams, and James Capps.

Corley directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Mon., Mar 26, 1956
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband William E. Jordan married Dec. 5, 1890 2nd husband unknown White; d/o James Nathaniel Martin & Sarah Elizabeth �Sallie� (Westbrook) Martin

Oscar Rufus Griffin
Oct 17, 1894 - Dec 13, 1956

Oscar Griffin Rites Saturday

Funeral services for Oscar Griffin, 62, of Grand Prairie, who died of a heart attack at Powell Thursday morning, will be held from the Inmon Funeral Chapel in Kerens Saturday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery here.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Kenneth Evenson, pastor of the Powell Baptist church.

Griffin was reared in the Kerens community.

Surviving are his wife and a son, Herman Griffin, both of Grand Prairie; five sister, Mrs. Al Thomas, Overton; Mrs. Harve Travis, Corsicana; Mrs. Bessie Bruner, Houston; Mrs. Ruth Cotton, Denver City, and Mrs. Tommy Phillips, Phoenix, Ariz.; two brothers, Joe Griffin, Dallas, and Walter Griffin, Stanford, and other relatives.


Earl Ruben Griffin
Mar 1, 1900 - Sep 4, 1964

Saturday Rites Earl R. Griffin

Final rites for Earl R. Griffin, 64, owner of the Griffin Tractor company, who died in Memorial Hospital Friday, will be held Saturday at 4:30 p.m. from the Griffin chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The services will be conducted by Dr. John Wesley Ford, district Methodist Superintendent, assisted by Rev. Sidney Roberts, pastor of the First Methodist church, of which Griffin was a member.

Griffin was a native of Blooming Grove.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana, two brothers, E. C. Griffin, Waco and Fred Griffin, Tyler; a sister, Mrs. Hanks Jordan, Fort Worth, and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Billy Tatum, Walter Lewis, James C. Sewell, T. D. Watkins, Johnny Dillard, W. E. Church, Marvin Wallace and W. W. Pryor.


Velvin Allen Griffin
Aug 11, 1911 - Mar 19, 1974

V. A. Griffin

Graveside services were to be at 4 p.m. today at Oakwood Cemetery for Velvin A. Griffin, 62, who died Tuesday in Dallas. He was a resident of Dallas.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Cozette (Sikes) Griffin of Dallas, and a sister, Mrs. Alton Bushon of Dallas.

Arrangements are with Griffin Funeral Home.


Fannie Mae (Honea) Davis-Griffin-Hardin
May 17, 1908 - Jun 4, 1974

Mrs. Hardin

Funeral services will be held a 4 p.m. Thursday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Fannie Mae Hardin, 66, resident of Corsicana, who died Tuesday at Mel-Haven Convalescent Home.

Rev. David Hale will officiate, and burial will be at Oakwood cemetery.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. L. D. Brown of Corsicana; a son, Henry B. Griffin of Westchester, Ohio; six grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, a sister, Mary Tidwell of Athens; and a brother, Jim Honea of Petersburg, Ill.

Pallbearers include Lewis Brown, Hulan D. Reeves, Kenneth Brown, Mickey Butler, Clyde Pendergraph, and Jim Payne.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jun 5, 1974
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st husband H. P. Davis married Jan 31, 1924 2nd husband William Thomas Griffin 3rd husband John W. Hardin married Oct 20, 1969; d/o James Henry Honea & Sally (Holcomb) Honea buried in Hamilton Beeman cemetery

Walter Thomas Griffin
Sep 30, 1901 - Jul 25, 1966

Hold Services W. T. Griffin

Funeral services for Walter Thomas Griffin, 64, Humble Oil and Refining Company pumper, 11932 Lake June Road, Mesquite, who died in Dallas Monday were held from the Corley Chapel Wednesday at 10 a.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Louis Hodges, Dallas, pastor of the Liberty Baptist church and Rev. Don McFarland, Dallas, pastor of the New Haven Baptist church.

Reared in the Kerens area, Griffin formerly resided here.

Griffin was a veteran of World War I.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Rosa E. Griffin, Mesquite; two sons, Archie T. Griffin, Mesquite, and William T. Griffin, Abilene; two brothers, Joe W. Griffin, Dallas, and H. B. Griffin, Cincinnati, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Bruner and Mrs. Ruth Cotton, both of Denver City; two stepsons, L. E. Williams, Carrolton, and Loyd Bellgard, Mesquite; a step-daughter, Mrs. Wanda Harp, Carrollton; nine grandchildren and a number of nieces, nephews, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Billy Griffin, Tommy Phillips, Hubert Travis, Clarence Travis, Dick Bruner and Herman Griffin, all nephews.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Jul 27, 1966
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Maggie Ann (Coplen) Griffin 2nd wife Wilma Louise (Grooms) Griffin 3rd wife Rosa Eula (Coplen) Greer-Williams- Bellgard -Griffin married May 19, 1966 s/o William Thomas Griffin and Emma Jane (Griffin) Griffin (Rosa is sister to Maggie- 1st husband Holmand Raymond Williams married Sep 17, 1921, 2nd husband Willie Greer married Nov 5, 1931, 3rd R. B. Bellgard married Oct 2, 1933 4th husband Walter Thomas Griffin)

Wilma Louise (Grooms) Griffin
Aug 9, 1913 - Dec 2, 1964

Hold Services For Mrs. Griffin

Final rites for Mrs. Wilma Louise Griffin, 51, who died in Midland early Wednesday, will be held from the Corley Chapel Friday at 4 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. Gene Mills, pastor of the Northside Baptist church. She formerly resided here.

Surviving are her husband, Walter T. Griffin, Midland; a son, W. T. Griffin, Abilene; five grandchildren, father, Ernest W. Grooms, Groesbeck; two brothers, Jack Grooms and Lloyd Grooms, Washington; three sisters, Mrs. Bobby Jones, Corsicana; Mrs. Leona Rogers, and Mrs. Zell McCarter, Alamagordo, N. M., and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be nephews.


Pleasant �Pleas� Henderson
Dec 14, 1902 - Feb 27, 1956

Pleas Henderson Rites Wednesday

Funeral services for Pleas Henderson, 53, machinist, who died in an Odessa hospital Monday afternoon, were held from the Corley Chapel Wednesday at 3 p.m. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Tommy Tribble, pastor of the Central Methodist church.

Earlier services were held at Odessa Tuesday afternoon before the overland trip was started to Corsicana.

A native of Louisiana, Henderson was reared in this vicinity.

Surviving are his wife, a son, Allen Dale Henderson; a daughter, Mrs. Patricia Hill, all of Odessa; mother, Mrs. W. L. Henderson, Corsicana; three brothers, Ford and J. B. Henderson, both of Kilgore, and Bill Henderson, Greggton; two sisters, Mrs. Virgie Ray, Ennis, and Mrs. Vera Grantham, Corsicana, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Allen Bryant, Norman Fleming, M. M. Pike, Herbert Grantham, Tim Grantham and Guy Poarch.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wed., Feb 29, 1956
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • h/o Avis (Nichols) Henderson married Dec 24, 1928; s/o William Lafayette Henderson & Susan Alief �Susie� (O'Neal) Henderson

Susan Alief �Susie� (O'Neal) Henderson
Apr 24, 1879 - May 3, 1960

Mrs. Henderson Dies Tuesday

Mrs. Susan Henderson, 81, na�ve of Atlanta, Ga., longtime Corsicana resident, died Tuesday afternoon at Memorial hospital.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Thursday at 10:30 a.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. Reginal King, pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist church, and Rev. John Harper, pastor of the Central Methodist church.

Mrs. Henderson had resided at 1549 West Fifth avenue for 30 years.

Surviving are three sons, Ford and J. B. Henderson, both of Kilgore, and W. C. Henderson, Gladewater; two daughters, Mrs. Earl Ray, Athens, and Mrs. Gilbert Grantham, Corsicana; five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Monroe Cook, Princeton, La., and Mrs. Joe Gamel, Houston, J. W. O'Neal, Gibsland, La., and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Seth Montgomery, Jack Kenney, C. C. Hutson, Roy Butler, Guy Poarch, John Grantham, Tim Grantham, M. M. Pike and Olin Rich.



Mrs. Henderson Rites Thursday

Funeral services for Mrs. Susan Henderson were conducted from Corley Funeral Chapel Thursday at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Reginal King, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist church, and Rev. John Harper, pastor of Central Methodist church, conducting the rites. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery.

A resident of Corsicana for 30 years, Mrs. Henderson died Tuesday afternoon at Memorial hospital at the age of 81. She was a native of Atlanta, Ga.

Survivors include three sons, Ford and J. B. Henderson, both of Kilgore, and W. C. Henderson, Gladewater; two daughters, Mrs. Earl Ray, Athens, and Mrs. Gilbert Grantham, Corsicana; five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, nine great-great-grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Monroe Cook, Princeton, La., and Mrs. Joe Gamel, Houston; a brother, J. W. O'Neal, Gibsland, La., and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Seth Montgomery, Jack Kenney, C. C. Hutson, Roy Butler, Guy Poarch, John Grantham, Tim Grantham, M. M. Pike and Olin Rich.


Tom Robert Campbell
Nov 15, 1888 - Oct 31, 1956

Rites Friday For Tom Campbell

Funeral services for Tom Campbell life-long Corsicana resident who died at the family home, 312 South Fourteenth street, Wednesday night, were held Friday at 2 p.m. from the home.

The rites were conducted by Rev. John Wesley Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial was in the Oakwood cemetery.

Campbell was a World War I veteran, a member of the famous 90th Division and saw service in France and later in the Army of Occupation in Germany.

Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Nat C. Pinkston, and a brother, George B. Campbell, both of Corsicana; a niece, Mrs. Horace Groves, Corpus Christi, and a nephew, Dick Young, Cameron.

Pallbearers were Bill King, Claude Absher, Carl Mirus, Paul Miller, Joel Trimble, Cap Allen, L. A. Wortham, Walter Hayes and Rufus Pevehouse.

Corley directed.


Cynthia Louisa (Beasley) Black
Mar 9, 1864 - Dec 6, 1956

Mrs. C. L. Black Services Friday

Funeral services for Mrs. Cynthia L. Black, 93, native of Roane, who died Thursday afternoon at the Twilight Home, were held Friday at 11 a.m. from the Griffin Chapel. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. Jack N. Bell, pastor of the Baptist Missionary Baptist Church.

Surviving are two sons, Jesse Black, Snyder, and Frank Black, Corsicana; and a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers were W. E. Langston, J. W. Wilbanks, Frank Richards, Norman Smith, Vernon Waller and Willie Fowler.


Edgar James "Ed" Black
Feb 12, 1902 - Feb 17, 1960

Hold Services For Ed Black

Funeral services were to be held Saturday at 3 p.m. from Northside Baptist church for Ed Black, 58, who died at West of heart attack Wednesday afternoon.

Rev. Bailey, West, was to conduct, along with Rev. J. E. Roth, West, manager of the Latham Springs Encampment. Burial was to be in Oakwood cemetery with Masons in charge.

Black was a native of Sherman but joined the Corsicana Cotton Mills as an employe in the early 1920's. when he left the mills seven years ago following a heart attack, he was superintendent.

He was night superintendent of the West cotton mills a the time of his death. He had held the post for several months but he and his wife had moved to West only six weeks ago.

Surviving are his wife of West; a son, Lt. Doyle Black, USAF, England; a brother, H. W. Black, East Point, Ga.; a sister, Mrs. Howard Murray, Fayetteville, Ark.; and other relatives.

Pallbearers were to be Hulan Lee, Denman Lee, Bobby Joe Humphreys, Alton Long, Billy Gene Steele and David Hand, all nephews.

Corley directed.


  • The Corsicana Daily Sun - Sat., Feb 20, 1960
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • 1st wife Annie Dee (West) Black-Williams 2nd wife Deola (Hand) Black; s/o Louis E. Black & Lena (Valentine) Black

Fannie (Simpson) Black
Dec 14, 1888 - Feb 14, 1971

Mrs. Black Dies Sunday

Mrs. Fannie Black, lifelong Corsicana resident, died Sunday in Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the First Baptist Church.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at Corley Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Robert J. Potts officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.

She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Ollie Tidwell of Dallas and several nieces and nephews.


James Doyle Black
Jun 15, 1932 - Jun 18, 1972

Airplane Crash Kills Corsicanan

A native Corsicanan, Lt. Col. James Doyle Black, was one of two pilots killed early Sunday when their F-111 jet plane crashed on take off from Eglin Air Force Base near Crestview, Fla., relatives here have been advised.

Lt. Col. Black was an 18-year veteran of the U. S. Air Force and the son of Mrs. Deola Black of Mesquite and the late E. J. Black. His mother had been visiting him and his wife, Margie, for the past week.

The Air Force pilot was the nephew of Mrs. B. A. George and Mrs. R. H. Lee of Corsicana.

His mother called her sisters here Sunday evening to inform them of the tragedy.

Lt. Col. Black had attended grade school in Corsicana and was graduated from West High School. He was a graduate of SMU. His widow is the former Margie Grim of West. They had no children.

Funeral arrangements were unknown here Monday.



J. D. Black

Funeral services are pending for Lt. Col. James Doyle Black, Corsicana native who died early Sunday in a jet crash near Crestview, Fla. An 18-year veteran of the U. S. Air Force, Black had attended Corsicana Public Schools and was graduated from West High School and SMU.

He was the son of Mrs. Deola Black of Mesquite and the late E. J. Black, and the nephew of Mrs. B. A. George and Mrs. R. H. Lee of Corsicana.

Funeral arrangements will be under the direction of Corley Funeral Home.



J. Black

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Corley Funeral Home Chapel for Lt. Col. James Doyle Black, 40, a native of Corsicana who died Sunday in a jet crash near Crestview, Fla.

Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. He will lie in state at the chapel Thursday.

He was an 18-year veteran of the U. S. Air Force and had attended Corsicana Public Schools. He was a graduate of West High School and Southern Methodist University.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Deola Black of Mesquite; and two aunts, Mrs. B. A. George and Mrs. R. H. Lee of Corsicana.


Emmett O'Neal Prickett
Mar 29, 1910 - Nov 27, 1956

Thursday Rites For E. O. Prickett

Funeral rites for E. O. Prickett, 46, who died in Memorial Hospital Tuesday after an extended illness, were held from the Griffin Chapel Thursday at 2 p.m.

The rites were conducted by Rev. J. C. Coffey, Jr., pastor of Central Baptist. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are his wife of Corsicana; six sons, Cecil and Walter Prickett, both of Hobbs, N.M.: Calvin, Emmett, E. C. and J. L. Prickett, and five daughters, Mrs. Helen Bell, Mrs. Joyce Bell, Billie, Barbara and Allie Prickett, all of Corsicana; four grandchildren; five brothers, Calvin Prickett, Corpus Christi; Jimmy Prickett, Waco; Herschel and J. C. Prickett, both of Lubbock, and Carlos Prickett, Fort Worth; two sisters, Mrs. George R. York, Corsicana, and Mrs. John Will Hughes, Waco; and a number of nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Alvin O. Hughes, William E. Hughes, Joseph York, A. J. York, Willie York, George York, Jr.; Calvin Wally Prickett and James Franklin Prickett.


Austin C. Bagley
May 19, 1917 - Oct 23, 2004
Austin C. Bagley was born to Barney and Lucy Bagley on May 10, 1917, in Italy, TX. He passed away in Round Rock, TX on October 23, 2004, at the age of 87.

He is survived by his wife, Russie Bagley of Cedar Park, TX; three daughters, Carlene Stanley of Cleveland, Helen Coffman, of Cedar Park, and Dina Bagley of California; grandchildren, Leslie and Barry May of Splendora, Kevin and Julie Rhoden of Porter, Elizabeth Coffman of Leander, and Travis Coffman of Austin; and five great-grandchildren, Hunter May, Trevor May, Brent Rhoden, Cody Rhoden, and Landon Rhoden.

A.C. was preceded in death by his first wife, Mary Bagley, three sisters, Hazel Bogan, Iris Bruner, and Helen Jennings, and two brothers, Herman and Herbert.

A.C. was born and raised on a farm in East Texas, one of thirteen children. He joined the Army and served for 6 years during WWII in the Infantry, and later in the Reserves. During that time he took part in the New Guinea Campaign and the liberation of Luzon. A.C. earned two bronze stars during his military service and retired in 1946 as a Second Lieutenant. After WWII, he returned to Texas where he worked for over 40 years in the automobile industry, starting as an automobile mechanic and later serving as manager of the Parts Department of dealerships in Cleveland, Baytown, and Houston.

A.C. and Russie were longtime residents of Baytown, and A.C. leaves many friends all over the Houston area.

The family will receive friends from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday evening, October 26, 2004 at Earthman Funeral Home. Services will be at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 27, at Earthman Funeral Home Chapel in Baytown with Mr. David Ellis officiating.


William Bryant Austin, Sr.
Dec 17, 1919 - Sep 29, 2011

Bryant Austin was born in Powell, Texas, on December 17, 1919, and passed away September 29, 2011, at age 91. Mr. Austin had worked for Mott's 5-10-25 Cent Stores as a Vice-President. He is predeceased by his wife of 64 years, Doris, and a son, Bill Austin. Bryant is survived by four sons, Clint Austin, Wayne Austin, Dudley Austin, & Gerald Austin; and numerous grandchildren. Services are 11:00 am, Monday, October 3, 2011, at Jaynes Memorial Chapel in Duncanville, Texas, with Rev. Billy Johnson officiating. Burial will follow in the Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana, Texas. Visitation is 6-8 pm, Sunday, at the funeral home. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.



Claude Radford "CR" Atkinson
Jun 21, 1926 - Apr 24, 2020
Claude Radford (CR) Atkinson, 93, of Sweeny, passed from this life on Friday, April 24, 2020. He was born on June 21, 1926 in Blooming Grove, Texas to Claude Atkinson Sr. and Lou Tisha Chambers Atkinson.

CR was an avid fisherman. Although he couldn't swim, he was fast to take off to set the hook even if it meant he might end up in the water. He loved camping, spending time with his family, and picking on his kids and grandkids.

CR was a friend, a dad, and a grandfather. He was most affectionately known as Papaw. He will be greatly missed.

CR is survived by his sons, Larry Atkinson and wife, Rose, and Mark Atkinson and wife, Linda; grandchildren, Amy Atkinson Pope and husband, Russell, Kirsten Atkinson Callahan and husband, Andy, Kevin Atkinson, Lori Atkinson Borkowski, Keith Atkinson and wife, Linda; and Travis Atkinson; along with 8 great-grandchildren.

He is preceded in death by his wife, Jimmie Nell Atkinson; father, CR Atkinson, Sr.; mother, Lou Tisha Atkinson; and granddaughter, Shelley Marie Atkinson.

Due to COVID-19, a private family service will be held at Sweeny Cemetery.

Baker Funeral Home


Clifford Eugene Williams, Jr.
May 4, 1971 - Oct 2, 2021
Clifford Eugene Williams, Jr. went to be with his Lord and Savior on October 2, 2021 in Waxahachie, Texas. Cliff was born on May 4, 1971 in Corsicana, Texas to Clifford and Karen Williams.
Cliff was a 1990 graduate of Frost High School and married his high school sweetheart, Sherri Reynolds, on June 15, 1991. Cliff was an avid outdoorsman and especially loved spending time hunting and fishing with his two sons, Joseph and Bailey. Cliff welcomed a daughter to his family when Joseph married his own high school sweetheart, Carly Hooser, in 2017. Joseph and Carly gave Cliff the joy of his first grandchild, Brayden O'Bryan, in 2020.
After graduating high school, Cliff began a career in farming along side his father, Clifford Sr., as a third-generation farmer. Cliff served his community by being a member of the Frost ISD Board of Trustees for 17 years and serving on the board for the Frost Volunteer Fire Department. Cliff was a member of The Cowboy Church of Corsicana.
Cliff is preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, J.O., Ezlee, and Estelle Williams as well as by his maternal grandparents, Ernest and Kathleen Long.
Cliff leaves behind his loving family including his wife of 30 years, Sherri; son Joseph and wife Carly, and Bailey; grandson Brayden; parents, Clifford and Karen Williams; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Butch and Sandy Reynolds; sisters, Keri Cook and Kelly Lockhart; brother and sister-in-law, Shannon and Michelle Reynolds, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Visitation will be Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. A celebration of his life will be held 2:00pm Friday, October 8, 2021 at The Cowboy Church of Corsicana with Pastor Derek Rogers officiating. Pallbearers will be Roy Downey, John Paul Ross, Caleb Martin, Josh Martin, Scotty Scott, J.J. Bratcher and Don Ballew. Honorary Pallbearers will be Dewayne Watson, Buddy Ballew, Chuck Dortch and Jimmy Green.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The Cowboy Church of Corsicana.


Lena Lavenda (Wilbanks) May
Jul 8, 1945 - Sep 16, 2021
Services for Lena Lavenda May age 76, of Elkhart will be held at 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at Bailey & Foster Chapel with Rev. Jesse Moore officiating. Burial will follow in Strong Memorial Park Cemetery. Arrangements have been entrusted to Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.

Mrs. May passed away Thursday, September 16, 2021 at Palestine Regional Medical Center. She was born July 8, 1945 in Frost, Texas to Bundy Wilbanks and Mildred Tisdale Wilbanks. Lena May was raised on a farm in Frost, Texas with her siblings. She then made her way to Waxahachie, Texas where she worked for Haggard Slacks and then moved on to Owens-Corning Fiberglass where she retired after 20 years of service. After retiring she moved to Elkhart, Texas. She was a member of the Muse Missionary Baptist Church where she spent a lot of time with the church and the Sewing Sisters of Muse Missionary Baptist Church. She liked to hunt, fish and spend time with family.

Lena was a devoted wife of 43 years, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She is survived by her husband Darrel May of Elkhart, daughter Lori Fincher of Elkhart, sons, Glen Archer of Bardwell, Texas, Randy May and wife Luwanna of Italy, Texas, Rodney May and wife Julie of Elkhart, sister Mary Terry, brothers Wallace Wilbanks and Phil Wilbanks and wife Jane of Frost, nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Those honored to serve as pallbearers will be Colton May, Justin Brogdon, David Perry, Derek Perry, Mark Fincher, and Kelly Sparkman. Honorary pallbearer will be Brad May. Visitation will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.


Grace Helen (Swearingen) Brooks
Aug 22, 1922 - Jul 20, 1956

Mrs. Brooks, 33, Is Killed Friday In Traffic Mishap

Mrs. Grace Swearingen Brooks, 33, of Sweetwater, was instantly killed Friday at 3:15 p.m. in an automobile mishap on Highway 22 six miles northwest of Corsicana. Mrs. Brooks' death is the seventh traffic fatality in Navarro county this year.

Ralph Reaves highway patrolman investigated. He said the 1955 Chevrolet station wagon apparently went out of control, proceeded down a bar ditch and plunged into a deep ravine or gully beside the highway.

Mrs. Brooks was traveling alone and was en route to Corsicana for her mother, Mrs. Bertie Swearingen, 911 North Commerce Street, to return home with her for a visit. Mrs. Brooks was native Corsicana, born August 28, 1922.

Surviving are her husband, Dan Brooks, owner of Radio Station KXOX, Sweetwater; a son, Rockie Brooks, Sweetwater; mother Mrs. Swearingen, Corsicana; three brothers, Thomas Swearingen, San Francisco, Calif.; Cleo Swearingen, Eunice, La.; and Shelly Swearingen, Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Daniels, Houston, and Mrs. Evelyn Odom, Odessa, and other relatives.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at 2:30 p.m. with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.

The rites will be conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist church.


Alfred Lister Brooks
Mar 8, 1880 - May 14, 1974

A. L. Brooks

Funeral services will be at 4 p.m. Friday at the First United Methodist Church in Port Neches for A. L. Brooks resident of Port Neches who died Wednesday.

Rev. Earl S. Yokley will officiate. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Oakwood Cemetery in Corsicana. Arrangements are with Corley Funeral Home.

Rev. Frank Williams will officiate.

Brooks was a native of Powell, a retired bank executive, and had lived in Port Neches since 1926.

Survivors include two sons, A. L. Brooks, Jr. of Bellville and W. T. Brooks of Beaumont; and two grandchildren.


Aubrey Gene Blue
Mar 28, 1931 - Mar 23, 2011

Aubrey Gene Blue, 79, of Corsicana, passed away March 23, 2011. He was born March 28, 1931 in Corsicana to M.H. Blue Sr. and Nina Mae Standard Blue.

Visitation will be 6-8pm Friday, March 25, 2011 at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home. Graveside service will be 10am Saturday, March 26, 2011 at Oakwood Cemetery with Deacon Lewis Palos officiating.

He is survived by wife of 59 years, Catherine Croft Blue; daughters and sons in law, Vickie and James Kirk, Beverly Barlow, Teresa and Jeff Marusak; grandchildren, Dillon, Chase and Austin Kirk, Alyssa and Kayla Marusak, Les Barlow; great grandchildren, Jacey Kirk and Rex Marusak. He is preceded in death by parents and grandson Bobby Barlow.


Ida D'Metries (Carnell) Blue
Nov 27, 1933 - Jul 21, 2019

Ida Dmetries Blue was called home Sunday, July 21, 2019 at the age of 85. She passed away peacefully at her home in Corsicana, with her family by her side. She was loved by many and her last days were spent surrounded by family and friends.

Ida was born on November 27, 1933 to Fred and Theries Carnell. She grew up in Corsicana and married the love of her life, M.H. Blue Jr, on November 13, 1948. The two remained in Corsicana where they raised their three children, Wesley, Randy, and Pam. Ida found joy in children; she loved spending each day with her own and watched other children in her home as well.

She also enjoyed her seasonal job at Collin Street Bakery. She worked at the bakery for over 30 years and often shared fond memories of her time spent there. In her free time, she was a talented quilter and made many beautiful quilts for her loved ones.

After their children were grown, Ida and M.H. moved to a house with land. They enjoyed the country life and spent much of their time together outside. The two could often be found sitting together on the front porch watching the birds and squirrels. If not relaxing in the swing together, Ida was helping her best friend with any job that needed to be completed whether it was painting fence or mowing the yard. Ida and M.H. were married 70 years and the love they shared was undeniable.

Ida was a devoted and loving mother and grandmother. She was very proud of her family and any chance to spend time with them was important to her. She was known as "Maw-Maw" to the many grandchildren that cherished her. Having her grandchildren visit always brought her such happiness, and the memories they have of her will never be forgotten.

She was known for her sassy, yet sweet and funny personality. She was always giving compliments and knew just how to make everyone around her feel special. She will be greatly missed by all that knew and loved her.

Ida was preceded in death by her parents, Fred and Theries Carnell; two sisters, Irma Lou Armstrong and Marquita Lawless; baby brother Leslie Carnell; and great granddaughter Tory Cantu.

She is survived by her husband M.H. Blue Jr; children, Wesley Blue and fianc� Sherry, Randy Blue and wife Janette, Pam Travis and husband Leo; 8 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren, 4 great-great grandchildren, and many other family and friends that adored her.

Graveside service will be at Oakwood Cemetery on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 10:00am.


  • Griffin � Roughton Funeral Home
  • Submitted by Diane Richards
  • w/o Millard Houston Blue, Jr; d/o Fred Wesley Carnell buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Blooming Grove & Theories D'Metries (Rogers) Spoonamore-Carnell-Bell

Jorene Fondren
Jul 27, 1942 - Apr 29, 1956

Jorene Fondren Expires Sunday

Jorene Fondren, 13, daughter of Master Sergeant and Mrs. W. J. Fondren, Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, died Sunday.

Funeral services will be held from the Griffin Chapel Tuesday at 3 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. E. P. Goodman, pastor of the North Corsicana Methodist Church.

Surviving are the parents, a sister, Sandra Louise, and a brother, David, all of Fort Worth; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, Corsicana, and Mrs. Jess Faour, Muskogee, Okla.; three aunts, Mrs. Anna Bennett, Athens; Mrs. C. G. Dickson, Corsicana, and Miss Josephine Brown, Corsicana; an uncle, Marion F. Brown, El Paso.

Pallbearers will be Jimmie Bennett, James Bennett, Pat Bennett, Jack Bennett, Boone Fields and Judson Ramsey.


Nelle Byrd (Nelson) Jones
Jul 13, 1897 - Jun 2, 1956

Mrs. Nelle Jones Dies Saturday; Services Sunday

Mrs. Nellie Byrd Jones, 58, deputy city tax assessor and collector, 618 West Second avenue, died in the Navarro Clinic Saturday morning following a short illness.

Funeral services will be held from the McCammon Chapel Sunday at 5 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Dr. W. M. Shamburger, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of which she was a long-time member.

A native of Benton, La., Mrs. Jones had been employed by the City of Corsicana since April 21, 1941. She had served as assistant Navarro county auditor for a number of years with J. M. Tullos and E. Y. Cunningham, county auditors, resigning that post in 1938.

Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Fannie Nelson, Corsicana; a sister, Mrs. Cread Rogers, Cleburne, and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Rufus Pevehouse, W. M. Hurley, L. B. Dawson, Dave Kelton, C. E. McWilliams, John B. Davis and Jean Carlisle, Dallas.


Mary Eunice (Taylor) Smith
Sep 4, 1876 - Mar 26, 1956

Mrs. R. M. Smith Expires Monday

Mrs. R. M. Smith, 79, life-long resident of Navarro County, died at her home, 1321 North Beaton Street Monday night.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 4 p.m. from the Corley Chapel. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.

A native of Dresden, Mrs. Smith had made her home in Corsicana for 60 years.

Surviving are three sons, Taylor Smith, Fort Stockton; January Smith, Harlingen and Robert Smith, Corsicana; two daughters, Mrs. B. L. Cook, and Mrs. N. H. Fleming, both of Corsicana; nine grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, two brothers, Jan and Jim Taylor, both of Corsicana; three sisters, Mrs. Cecil Foster and Mrs. Lois Thornell, both of Corsicana, and Mrs. Josephine Brown, Ardmore, Okla. and other relatives.


Minnie Etta (Morrow) Berry
Mar 23, 1885 - Jul 28, 1956

Mrs. Jim Berry Dies Saturday

Mrs. J. T. Berry, 71, widow of the late Jim Berry, former well-known caf� operator, died at the Twilight Home early Saturday morning.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel Sunday at 2 p.m. with burial in Oakwood cemetery. The rites will be conducted by Rev. Jack Goff, pastor of the West Side Baptist Church. She was a member of the First Baptist Church.

A native of McGregor, Mrs. Berry had resided in Corsicana 60 years.

Surviving are four sons, Jack L. Berry, Waco; James T. Berry, Jr., and Ford M. Berry both of Corsicana, and Gene N. Berry, U. S. Marines Oceanside, Calif; eight grandchildren, one great-grandson, three sisters, Mrs. Ira L. Medford, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Eddie Kessinger, Corsicana, and Mrs. Fred Peck, Waco; a brother, Ford Morrow, Corsicana and other relatives.

Pallbearers will be Ed Wilson, Desmond Green, Tom Shields, John McNutt, Uercy Nowell and Fred Kessinger.


Nathan McNair Hawkins
Oct 12, 1902 - Jun 12, 1956

N. M. Hawkins Dies Wednesday

Nathan M. Hawkins, 53, former Corsicana merchant, died suddenly in Fort Worth Wednesday.

A graveside service will be held at Oakwood cemetery here Friday at 11 a.m.

He was a member of the firm Hawkins and Allen Grocery here for a number of years.

Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Leslie Bruner, Fort Worth, and Mrs. Betty Duke, Los Angeles; two brothers, R. M. Hawkins, Idaho, and H. S. Hawkins, Morton, Texas and other relatives.

McCammon will direct local arrangements.


Minnie Bell (Woollard) Hill
Jun 19, 1884 - Aug 16, 1956

Former Resident Services Tuesday

Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Bell Hill, 72, of Beaumont, formerly of Corsicana, were held from the Corley Chapel Tuesday at 10 a.m. She died in Beaumont Thursday.

The rites were conducted by Claude B. Holcomb, minister of the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ, and Earl L. Craig, minister of the West Side Church of Christ. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.

Surviving are two sons, Clifford Hill, Lubbock, and Weldon Hill, Beaumont; two brothers, Russ Woollard, Shamrock, and Lillard Woollard, Leland, Wash.; three grandchildren and other relatives.

Pallbearers were Jack Gardenhire, Odell Woollard, Roy Lewis, Burton Woollard, Thomas Reid and Willie Seale.


Louella "Ella" (White) Hill
Feb 5, 1880 - Feb 25, 1965

Saturday Rites For Mrs. Hill

Services for Mrs. Ella Hill, 85, who died in Memorial hospital Thursday, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Corley Chapel with burial in Oakwood cemetery.

The rites were conducted by Rev. B. J. Ferguson, pastor of the Pentecostal Church of God.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. E. L. Cates, Corsicana; a son, B. F. Hill, Seattle, Wash.; eight grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Aline McCullough, Angleton, and other relatives.

Pallbearers were S. A. Harlan, R. H. Poulter, C. E. Marr, R. L. Greer, J. C. Howell and R. O. Hammock.



Mrs. Ella Hill Dies Thursday Morning Here

Mrs. Ella Hill, 85, resident of Corsicana 23 years, died Thursday morning in Memorial hospital.

Funeral services will be held from the Corley Chapel at 2 p.m. Friday, with burial in Hamilton cemetery. Other arrangements are incomplete.

The rites will be conducted by Rev. B. J. Ferguson, pastor of Memorial Baptist church.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. E. L. Cates, Corsicana; a son, B. F. Hill, Seattle, Wash.; eight grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Aline McCullough, Angleton, and other relatives.


Nora Jane (Bush) Hill
Jan 8, 1891 - Feb 15, 1972

Mrs. Hill

Mrs. Nora Jane Hill, 81, died Tuesday at Memorial Hospital. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church.

Services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Griffin Funeral Home Chapel, with burial to follow in Oakwood Cemetery.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Bill Olsen of Corsicana; two granddaughters, Mrs. Rob Dunn and Mrs. Rebecca Lynne OIsen; one great-granddaughter, Carrie Dunn; two brothers, R. E. Bush, Powell and Herbert Bush of Corsicana; four sisters, Mrs. W. L. Wilkinson of Corsicana, Miss Linnie Bush of Corsicana, Mrs. W. T. Hill of Corsicana and Mrs. L. E. Knotts of Roane; and a number of nieces and nephews.


Elbert Ray Hickson
Jun 24, 1922 - Jun 9, 1996

RIVER OAKS - Ray Hickson, 73, passed away Sunday at a Fort Worth hospital.

Funeral: 2 p.m. today at Greenwood Funeral Home. Burial: Greenwood Memorial Park.

Memorials: American Diabetes Association or American Heart Association.

Ray Hickson was born June 24, 1922, in Athens, Texas. He was employed at General Dynamics in the shipping department for 35 years. He was a member of Trinity Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon, and was also a deacon at Azle Avenue Baptist Church. Mr. Hickson was a member of River Oaks Masonic Lodge 1311.

He served in the Navy on the USS Benson during World War II.

Survivors: Wife, Faye Hickson; adopted daughter, Teresa Miller; son-in-law, Lenny Miller; brothers, Dewey Hickson of Corsicana and Larry Hickson of Austin; sister, Millie Trammel; grandchildren, Brian Miller and Lauren Miller; and several nieces and nephews.


  • s/o Delbert F. Hickson and Hattie Smith, married January 25, 1915 in McLennan County, TX
  • From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Tuesday, June 11, 1996
  • WWII Biography


Navarro County TXGenWeb
� Copyright February, 2020
Edward L. Williams