Boy Scout troop 258 has a long
illustrious history in the Corsicana area. Pictured rear, left to
right, are Patrick Adams, former scoutmaster, Robert McMullan, Michael
Smeltzer, middle left to right, scoutmaster Melvin Hall III, Christine
Hall, front left to right, Andrew Dillman, Melvin Hall IV and Joseph
Norwood. Daily Sun photo/KIRK SIDES |
3/9/2003 Scouting tradition: Troop No. 258
was first charter in Texas
Did you know the first chartered Boy Scouts of
America troop in Texas is located in Corsicana, Texas? Troop No. 258 was
founded in 1915 in Corsicana and still exists today.
They meet on Monday nights at the First United
Methodist Church, in the old Scout Hut, which still contains scouting
materials from 30 years ago.
Boy Scout Troop 258 will hold a banquet on March
15, at 7:00 PM at the First United Methodist Church. Reservations should
be made by March 11. All former Eagle Scout members of Troop 258 are
invited to attend.
The troop had dwindled down to five to eight boys
in January of 2001, when Melvin Hall III was asked to take over as
scoutmaster. Hall's son was a member of the troop, and the scoutmaster at
the time was having medical problems. Hall, a former Marine and Eagle
Scout himself, gladly accepted the challenge.
Mel Hall earned his Eagle Scout from Troop 646 in
Coweta, Oklahoma in June 1986. He also was awarded the Honor Medal of
Crossed Palms in Fall 2001, for saving a woman from a burning car in
October 2001. Only eight were given nationwide that year.
Nita Norwood, mother of one of the scouts, said,
"Mel works wonders with these boys -- and involves the dads, too."
The scouts camp out monthly, and are currently
involved in Derek Brozowski's Eagle Project, which is the remodeling of
the bathroom in the scout hut, located in the basement of First United
Methodist Church. Brozowski had to plan, coordinate schedules of workers
(scouts), procure supplies and implement the remodel himself.
The scouts are beginning to get more into service
projects, and volunteer with the cub scouts in order to help them with
their projects. They can also get credit for work through camps.
October 2002 saw Fall Camparee, a camp-out
sponsored by this troop at Lake Bardwell with over 150 scouts attending.
This was followed up by a Winter Camp in December 2002.
In Jan. 2003, the troop attended Camp Cherokee
near Athens, where they took down existing teepees.
The History Trail in Nacogdoches is the site of
the 10 mile hike in April. Scouts will hike from one historical site to
the next, collecting information in order to compile reports on what they
Funds raised from the banquet will be used for
their summer campout in Oklahoma which will take place July 4.
Scouts are Patrick Adams, Derek Brozowski, Andrew
Dillman, Will Farmer, Eric Fisher, Joe Norwood, Sandy Walker, Josh
Dunning, Stacey Shaw, and Michael Smeltzer, who is a current Eagle Scout.
Leaders include David Walker, Mike Tulton, George
Brozowski, Christine Hall, Bobby Raxter, Ronal Norwood, Veronica Brozowski,
Robin Shaw, Nita Norwood, Mark Dillman, Billy Lockridge, and Melvin Hall,
III, Scoutmaster.
Christine Hall said, "Mel considers the boys in
the troop as extended family. He feels he has been called to do this kind
of work -- it is his way of giving back to the community, and to the
Again, former members of Troop 258 are encouraged
to attend the banquet. "We really hope to have several Eagle Scouts here,
" said Nita Norwood. Reservations may be made by contacting Norwood at
Reprinted with permission of the Corsicana Daily Sun
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