Christian Church - abt 1910
Picture Postcard from the collection of
Edward L. Williams

First Christian Church
Corsicana Texas
Picture Postcard from the collection of
Edward L. Williams

Christian Church Corsicana, Texas
From the collection of Shirley Nelson
Fire destroys church sanctuary in Corsicana
The Associated Press
CORSICANA (AP) - A fire that started early Saturday morning
destroyed part of a church built in 1908.
The blaze caused heavy damage to an old brick sanctuary at First
Christian Church. Smoke and water damaged a church annex built
in 1926.
Corsicana fire Chief Donald McMullan said investigators are on
the scene.
"At this point we haven't seen anything that indicates it's
suspicious or arson or anything, but we aren't very far in our
investigation," McMullan said.
Also investigating are state fire officials and the federal
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Corsicana Daily Sun
Web posted Sunday, April 11, 1999
9:00 a.m. CT