Grove Methodist|
Navarro County, Texas |

Religion Index

- Center of plate has a picture of the Pleasant Grove
Methodist Church Corsicana, Texas.
- Plate is dated 1868-1963
- The information on the back of the plate states: As a
result of a camp meeting conducted by Bros. Horace Bishop and
H. H. Burnett, the Pleasant Grove Methodist church was
formally organized in 1868. The first services were held in a
brush arbor situated on an oak-clustered ten acre site which
was donated by Joel P. Garner. The present sanctuary was built
in 1906, and the educational wing was added in 1961. The
founders of this church lighted a fire for us that has
sometimes burned dimly, but has never gone out. Today we,
their descendants, can say, “Faith of our Fathers, Holy
Faith, we will be true to Thee till Death.”
- Plate is made by Homer Laughlin.
Navarro County TXGenWeb © Copyright
March, 2009
Edward L. Williams & Barbara