The Wortham
schools began the closing week with the baccalaureate services
Sunday morning at the Central Presbyterian church. The Rev. C. E.
Richter delivered the sermon at this time. The graduating exercises
will be held at the high school auditorium Friday evening, when Dr.
F. J. Kimbal of Waco will deliver the address. The graduating class,
one of the largest in the history of the school, have as the
valedictorian, Miss Anna Laura Bounds, whose average grade is 92.83,
and Miss Erin Newell is salutatorian, her average grade being 92.17.
Following is the class roll: Anna Laura Bounds, Hill Bounds, Erin
Newell, Clark Craig, T. A. Bounds, Aubrey Brummett, Edwin Brummett,
Sarah Helen Cole, Alvis Calame, Edward Frost, Sylvia Jones, Lois
Keeling, N. A. Lucas, Helen Fay Ryan, Estes Shivers, Alton Smith,
Johnnie Stubbs, Hal Wallis, Tom Wallis and Felix Wasson.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Thursday, May 29, 1930
Submitted by Diane Richards