Wortham Teachers Elected; Diplomas
Given Graduates
28.—Spl.—At the regular meeting of trustees of the Wortham
Independent School District the following teachers were elected, of
which number most were re-election and have accepted:
L. A. Roberts,
superintendent; O. E. Pierson, principal; C. C. Smith, athletic
coach; Edna Bounds, principal of grammar school; Lola Day, Mary
Grace Lott, Mattle Lowe Rosson, Dorothy Plunkett, E. N. Bodine, Mrs.
H. A. Burleson, Mrs. J. D. Blankenship, Mrs. R, W. Williford, Mrs.
J. F. Crowson, Mrs. George Red.
Wortham schools
closed Friday night with the following graduates receiving their
diplomas: Katherine Magness. Fay Denman, Oscar E. Bounds, Fred
Wallis, Josefa Haston, Jennie Belle Cashion, Wanda Shivers, Tommye
Jean Boulware, Isabel Meador, Evelyn Plunkett, Lucille Williams,
Doris Keeling, Cleo Summers, Jess Bell Jr., Elizabeth Kelt, Olga
Red, Corrine Teer, Max Chadwell.
Class honors
are; Valedictorian, Fred Wallis; salutatorian, Oscar Edward Bounds.
The Balfour medal goes to Oscar Edward Bounds.
Points considered
for this medal are scholarship, loyalty and, achievement, the
faculty deciding the winner.
Corsicana Daily Sun - Saturday, May 28, 1932
Submitted by Diane Richards