(Blooming Grove Times)
School Closing
Finals are taking place at the public school this week. It is a
great epoch in the history of any school. It means driving right up
to the destination, insofar as the school is concerned, and it means
brushing the curtains aside and looking over the hills and across
the valley and out onto a mighty scope of prairie, broken at
intervals with the things which make life real. It means saying
good-bye to the boys and girls who, with you, are taking a diploma,
and it means going to college or to work, it means going up the
ladder, step by step to fame, or it means a negative life tossed
about by the shifting winds. Young folks whether going to college or
to school, go with a purpose.
Friday night of this week the graduation exercises proper take place
at the school auditorium with thirteen graduates, their names
appearing under another item. W. H. Moore, of the Fort Worth public
schools, will be the principal speakers in delivering the diplomas.
The piano pupils of Miss Smith will give two recitals—one Monday
evening, the other Tuesday evening, at the Auditorium, beginning at
8 o’clock.
Thursday night, June 4, the senior play takes place at the school
auditorium. The title of the play is, “When Jane Takes a Hand.”
Friday, June 5, the books are invoiced and stacked, the pupils with
their dinner buckets (?) and hats bid the old school house farewell
for a brief season.
The commencement sermon was preached at the Methodist church last
Sunday morning by Mr. McDermit. It was a fine address and all the
other churches gave way so their congregations could witness the
program. Following is a list of the graduates:
G. E. Ramsey, Jr., J. E. Walker, Jr.,
Rex Smith,
Frank Cole, Misses Nell Martin,
Cornelia Campbell,
Cora Lee George, Mabel Treadaway, Mary
Ellen Henderson, Messrs. Seth Ward Henderson,
Elmer Robinson,
Houston Frederick.