Ran across the attached clipping in my mother's things. The article says:
"Directed by Mrs. Ruth Ramsey, English teacher, the Blooming Grove high school
one-act play team, above, won first place in the Navarro County Interscholastic
League contests at the I. O. O. F. Home recently, and went to the finals in the
district league competition at Baylor University, Waco.
Pictured, first row, left to right are Alvin Baggett, Jack Griffin, Alva Meador,
and Damon Holditch. Second row, left to right are Joe Frances Fitzgerald, Julia
Mae Boyd, Mary Campbell, Mildred Sims and Lois Crocker.
The 1937 victory for the Blooming Grove team was the fifth consecutive win for
teams of that school coached by Mrs. Ramsey, although the personnel varies each
year. Their one-act play for 1937 was "The Contest Play," by Imogene Cook.
The first victory was in 1933 with "Elmer," which was followed by first place in
1934 with "Dearest Thing in Boots," 1935, second place with "Amateur Hamlet,"
and first place in 1936 with "The Blue Gate." "Elmer" and "The Blue Gate" won
third place in the district meets in 1933 and 1936.
The cast of "The Contest Play" included Miss Barr, Mary Campbell; Roger, Jack
Griffin; Billie, Alvin Baggett; Johnny, Damon Holditch; Mr. Jackson, Alva
Meador; Louise, Mildred Sims; Alice, Lois Crocker; Jeanne, Julia Mae Boyd and
Dorine, Joe Frances Fitzgerald.
C. C. Isbell is superintendent of the Blooming Grove schools.
Pamela Ingram Ashcraft
Ingram, Thompson, Watkins