1940 Blooming Grove High School
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas


Schools Index || Blooming Grove High School




Commencement exercises for the Blooming Grove high school will be held Thursday night at 8 o'clock.

Following is the program which will be presented and the list of graduates:

Theme: "Our Class,"

Processional: Cossacks March.

Invocation: Rev. Van P. Morrison, First Methodist church.

Class Proclamation: Kenneth Bryant.

Welcome Address: Johnie Mildred Farish.

Scripture Reading: Ola Beth Page - Proverbs 3:1-6; 13-17.

Class Motto: "Be Sure You are Right, Then Go Ahead" - Edith McGraw.

Class Colors: Blue and white

 - Daphne Farmer.

Class Interests: Bruce Gillen.

Scholastic Interests - Clara Jane Phillips.

Athletic Interests: Charlie Boyd and Myradelle Warren.

Musical Interests: Fannie Lee Pullin.

Solo: "The Great Speckled Bird"

 -  Lewis Hollingsworth.

Vocal Solo: "To You, Sweetheart,

Aloha" - Emma McClure.

Violin Solo: "The Old Rugged Cross." - Kenneth Bryant.

F. F. A Band: "El Rancho Grande” "Ma,", "Rubber Dolly." James Henry Howard, Elwood Ferrell, Hubert Hiler, Kenneth  Bryant, Derwood Pullin, James Crocker and Lewis Hollingsworth.

Band Trio: "Scatterbrain," "National Anthem"- - Johnny Russell, Van Morrison, Janie Sheppard.

Literary Interests: Charlene Childress.

Class Poem; "Farewell” composed by Johnny Russell, read by Ruth Ellis.

Class Gift; H. C. Smithen.

"Our Class and It's Future" -  Marie Lynch.

Class Song: "Awake, Arise."

Presentation of Diplomas: A. J. Crocker, president of school board.

Presentation of Awards: C. C. Isbell, superintendent.

Benediction: Rev. Van P. Morrison.

Recessional: "Military Polonaise", Chopin - Pianist, Miss Martha Jone Williams.

Seniors - John Wallace Armstrong, Albert J. Bailey, Annie Ererlene Barnes, Charlie Boyd, Kenneth J. Bryant, Charles F. Campbell, Charlene Childress, James Arthur Crocker, R. T. Curry, Billlie Dolores Darden, Edna Ruth Ellis, Johnie Mildred Farish, Daphene Farmer, Ferrell, Dorothy Lorene Fletcher, Bruce Gillen, Hubert Hiler, Lewis Hollingsworth, James Henry Howard, Billie Ingram.

Marie Lynch, Emma McClure

Edith McGraw, Edward Erwin McGraw, Alvin Howard Moore, Van Morrison, Ola Beth Page, Clara Jane Phillips, Maiola Pierce, Dorwood Pullin, Fannie Lee Pullin, Billie Joe Reeves, Hurshel Reeves, Jimmie Glen Reeves, Johnny S. Russell, Janie Sheppard, Jessie Wanita Smith, H. C. Smithin, Jr., Aubrey Thompson, J. Myradelle Warren.

Class Officers - Kenneth Bryant president; H. C. Smithen, Vice president; Ola Beth Page, secretary; Fannie Lee Pullin, treasurer; Edith McGraw, reporter; Charlie Boyd, council representative.

Class Motto - "Be sure you are right; then go ahead."

Class Flower - Bluebonnet.

Class Colors - Blue and white.

Valedictorian, Marie Lynch (90.43).

Salutatorian, Johnie Mildred Farish (89.70).


The Corsicana Daily Sun - Wednesday, May 22, 1940
Submitted by Diane Richards


  • On the list of graduates I did not add the first name of Ferrell it is Elwood Ferrell. - Diane Richards


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Edward L. Williams